Changes have been made to the instructions for filling out work books. Instructions for filling out work books

Let's consider the basic rules for preparing and maintaining work books: general rules and procedures for filling out records of work, dismissal, and awards.

All documents on the length of service of employees must be completed according to certain rules. The work book has special meaning for the employee, because it reflects his professional path, in fact, it is an official biography, because there are notes about all stages of the citizen’s activity. The rules for maintaining labor books in the Russian Federation in 2019 (that is, currently in force) are contained in the approved Government Resolution in 2003.

Why does it exist?

The main function is quite obvious, in Russian Federation The work book serves as the main evidence of the length of service (both labor and insurance) of a citizen, without which it is impossible to register a pension and accrual of benefits for social insurance. This document is also required:

  • to reflect data on all changes in the employee’s activities, transfers and positions held;
  • to record information about the reasons for dismissal from work;
  • to record awards.

This is very important information, which can subsequently be reflected only in a single copy (during the liquidation of an enterprise, for example). Therefore, the employer must ensure that the document form is filled out correctly and responsibly by qualified employees. More on this later.

Rules for maintaining and registration, who prepares

The basic rules for filling out and registration are contained in instructions for maintaining work books; So far, 2019 is not expected to lead to major changes in the legal procedure. Various printing organizations are engaged in production, the form is called a “work book”. All entries are made only by the employer.

General rules


Number in order

Must have for every post


Arabic numerals in the form xx.xx.xxxx (day, month, year)

Ink color

Black, purple or blue, ballpoint, gel and fountain pens can be used


Not used, all entries must be neat and readable


Russian or other official language (in the republics of the Russian Federation)

Strict compliance of the recording with the order

Entries on hiring, dismissal, transfer or change of position, place of work, changes in qualifications, rewarding of an employee are made in strict accordance with the order; the number and date of the order must be indicated

Deadlines for depositing

For an employee who works for more than 5 days, it is mandatory to have a work book. If it is the employee’s first, the employer must ensure that the document is completed no later than 7 days after the employee starts working at the enterprise

Employee familiarization and assurance

All records must be familiarized to the employee against signature on a personal card, where the records are duplicated

Error correction

Crossing out or other correction is not allowed (depending on the section); instead, an additional entry is made indicating which information is considered invalid, after which the correct information is entered

Title page: filling rules

The maintenance of work books and entries in them are thus made according to strictly established rules, which also apply to the design of the title page. It is filled out by the first employer, and the correctness of the information entered is certified by the employee’s signature.

Information specified in title page:

  • last name, first name and patronymic in full accordance with the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If the surname changes during work, a correction is made, and the old surname is crossed out;
  • Date of Birth;
  • education data is entered on the basis of the education document provided by the employee. If a citizen receives additional education, information about it is entered without any corrections to old data;
  • specialty is indicated in the nominative case;
  • Date of completion;
  • signature of the person responsible for filling out with a transcript, signature of the owner.

Maintaining a work section

Algorithm of actions, general rules:

  • first of all, in the third column the name of the organization is indicated - both full and abbreviated, or the stamp of the enterprise is affixed;
  • then below in the first column the serial number of the record is entered, in the second - the date of reception of the employee;
  • in the third column it is recorded that the citizen has been accepted into the department or division for the corresponding position;
  • The fourth column must indicate the date of recording the information and the order data.

When transferring to another organization, information about dismissal is first entered, then about admission to another company. When transferring within an enterprise, information about the transfer is simply recorded with the data listed according to the above algorithm; only the third column will contain information about the transfer to a new position (permanent transfer).

When registering a dismissal Special attention You should pay attention to filling out the third column. It must be filled out in accordance with Labor Code of the Russian Federation and have a link to the corresponding article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When registering a dismissal, all previously made records are certified by the person responsible at the enterprise, the organization’s seal is affixed, and the dismissed employee also gets acquainted with the records, which must also be certified by his signature with a transcript.

Maintaining the awards section

Information is entered according to an established algorithm in the designated place. The section is maintained according to general rules. First, the full and abbreviated name of the company is written, below in the first column is the entry number, in the third column it is deciphered for what the citizen is awarded and what the reward is. An indication of the award order is also required.

How and where should they be stored?

The rules for maintaining and storing work books are established by the legislator; the employer’s task is not limited to filling it out correctly; ensuring the safety of this important document is also extremely important.

It has been established that work books must be stored in a specially designated, safe place. Usually a tray or box in an iron cabinet or safe is selected for this. A book is required to record the movement of work books and their inserts, and a personnel department employee is appointed responsible for its maintenance.

Copy: issuance rules

A copy of the work record is required for submission to the authorized bodies in order to confirm the length of service. A properly certified copy is a document indicating the citizen’s employment.

How to obtain and certify a copy:

  • first, copies are made of all pages of the document containing records;
  • copies are certified by an authorized employee of the organization;
  • the copy is signed by the head of the personnel department, for internal documents it is written “correctly”, the date of completion is indicated, the sheets are endorsed by the person in charge, and an indication of his position and a seal or stamp is required;
  • On copies for other organizations, it is necessary to indicate the storage location of the original.

Duplicate: filling rules

A duplicate is a document that has the same validity as the lost original. In fact, this is a re-issued work book. It is issued in accordance with the rules for maintaining and registering work books. A citizen writes a statement about the loss of a document from his last place of work and asks for a duplicate. Filled out according to general rules.

If a citizen has already worked in another organization, then in the duplicate, in column three, data on the length of service until the moment of admission to the this organization. They are given in general view, length of service is calculated without indicating the position and company, if it is confirmed by relevant documents. Then the length of service is deciphered on the basis of written evidence of the activities carried out, indicating the name of the employing organization, dates of hiring, dismissal, transfer, names of position and department, qualifications and profession, specialty, while the documents provided are indicated in the fourth column.

If there is data on a transfer within the organization, this is also recorded. Then the date of dismissal is indicated in the second column, and the reason in the third. If the forms submitted by the employee do not contain all the required data, only those that are available are entered. HR department specialists must make copies of certificates and return the originals to the citizen. The employer, whenever possible, assists in obtaining proof of length of service.


The insert is also prepared according to the specified instructions on maintaining and compiling work books. It is filled out when there is no space left in the main form (it must be taken into account that maintaining information about work in the section intended for maintaining information about awards is not allowed). It has similar to the main document legal force, but without the main form is invalid. A note on the design of the insert must be contained in the main document. The insert is sewn into work book.

When issued upon dismissal

Records of dismissal are made on the last working day, and on the same day a document on the length of service must be handed over to the person, filled out in accordance with all established rules for its execution and maintenance. If the citizen does not appear for it, it is necessary to send him a notification about where and when it can be subsequently received. A citizen can agree to have it sent by mail to a specific address. The work book is kept for 75 years.

What is a work book?

A work book is a document that records information about a person’s work experience. This is the main document for employment, and therefore during the period of employment it must be stored in the personnel department of the organization. After dismissal, regardless of the reasons, it is returned to the owner.

In Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that this document is the main confirmation of length of service and work activity.

Resolution “On Work Books” No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 approved a standard form, which came into force on January 1, 2004. Old samples of this document cannot be exchanged and are recognized as valid. They are manufactured at the Gosznak enterprise and have the appropriate degree of protection.

The work book is included in the list of mandatory documents presented at the conclusion of the contract. employment contract(Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only exception is the case when such an agreement with a person is signed for the first time, i.e. the employee has not worked anywhere before. In this case, the work book is provided to him by the administration free of charge. In this case, the personnel officer must fill out the information indicated on the first page and indicate information about the person responsible for its initial completion. The owner’s signature is also placed on the first sheet.

The rules for filling out a work book are approved by law and are mandatory for all enterprises.

Rules for maintaining and storing work records in the Russian Federation

The execution of this document is carried out on the basis of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (approved by Resolution No. 225 of April 16, 2003, including the procedure for filling out work books, storage, accounting, issuance and production of forms).

The rules for maintaining labor books regulate the period during which the employer is obliged to record information. This period is 1 week from the date of issuance of the appropriate order, and in case of dismissal, information is entered on the last working day (clause 10 of the Rules).

The information in the work book is recorded without abbreviations and in official language RF - Russian.

At the request of the employee, data on part-time work can be entered (clause 20).

In addition, information about the awards received: honorary titles, certificates is entered. In this case, information about bonuses established by the remuneration system is not subject to entry.

A record of the reasons for the dismissal of employees must be recorded in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Upon written request from the employee, the employer’s administration must provide a copy of the employment record or an extract from it within 3 days.

In accordance with the rules for storing work books, this is a document of strict accountability that must be stored in the organization during the entire period of the citizen’s work.

In this regard, the company must fill out:

  1. Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms.
  2. Book of accounting and movement of work books and their inserts.

Work books left by employees upon dismissal or after death are subject to storage at the enterprise until they are claimed in accordance with the legislation on archival affairs of the Russian Federation.

How to fill out a work book correctly (2018 - 2019)

The rules for maintaining a work book for 2018 - 2019 indicate that the administration can appoint a person responsible for storing, filling out and issuing these documents at the enterprise.

According to the rules for filling out work books for 2018 - 2019, all entries on employment, dismissal, and qualifications are made on the basis of an order from the administration.

Moreover, all information from the work book is duplicated in a personal card, which the employee subsequently familiarizes himself with with a signature.

The specified document is assigned a registration number; in addition, it contains information regarding the employee, such as personal data, education, work experience, awards, etc.

You can enter information using a ballpoint or gel pen with blue, black or purple.

The use of abbreviations, including the abbreviation “RF”, is expressly prohibited; “Russian Federation” should be written instead.

The first page of the work book bears the signature of the person responsible for maintaining it (filling it out for the first time), the seal of the organization (if available and indicated in the charter), as well as the signature of the owner.

For any changes that occur during the employee’s activity, be it a change in the name of the organization, position, rank, etc., the specified information must be reflected in the work book.

You cannot correct entries in which an error was made by crossing out or making amendments, much less delete them using a proofreader. In this case, you need to indicate that the record contains errors, and then provide the correct data.

Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books and a document on its approval

Instructions for maintaining work records were approved on October 10, 2003 by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 and adopted on November 11, 2003, reg. number in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 5219.

Instructions for filling out a work book for 2018-2019 cover information on the correct maintenance of this document and contain the following:

  1. General provisions. For example, in accordance with her requirements, all dates are written Arabic numerals (15.11.2016).
  2. Information about the employee (indicated on the basis of passport data). If you change your last name or other information, you should enter the data, crossing out the previous data based on the submitted documents. Information about such documents is reflected on the cover of the work book ( inside).
  3. Information about the employee's work. In column 3, you must enter the full name of the organization and its abbreviated name, if available. Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry being made, column 2 indicates the date the employee was hired. The 3rd column includes the name of the organization’s division, as well as the position of the hired employee. The 4th column specifies the attributes of the order on the basis of which the citizen is employed. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work can be entered.
  4. Awards. Fill in information about awards, certificates, etc. received in the course of work. The name of the enterprise, the serial number of the record, when, by whom and for what the employee was awarded are required.
  5. The procedure for filling out when dismissing an employee.
  6. Rules for entering information about dismissal in connection with a transfer, as well as when moving to another position.
  7. Sequence when registering a duplicate.

Responsibility for violation of the rules for maintaining and storing work books

Art. 45 of the Rules states that responsibility for preparing work records lies with the employer. In addition, it is possible to hold accountable the person appointed by order to maintain these documents. As a rule, this person is an employee of the human resources department or a human resources manager. But in enterprises with a small number of employees, the responsible person may also be an accountant. Nevertheless, regardless of the position, this person must be familiar with the Rules for filling out work books.

Art. 2.4. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that an official is held accountable if an offense is committed due to improper performance of his duties. For non-compliance with standards labor law responsibility is spelled out in Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for officials - a warning or a fine from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - a fine from 30,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles.

Accordingly, for violation of the procedure for filling out a work book, an official may be held liable under this article. 5.27.

For violating the rules for storing a work book, you can impose a fine under Art. 13.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 100 rubles to 300 rubles;
  • for officials - from 300 rubles to 500 rubles.

A work book is an official document on the basis of which a citizen can confirm his seniority. The procedure for filling out this important document, as well as its maintenance, storage and recording, are established at the legislative level. The instructions for work books 2018 - 2019 are the basis regulating the basic rules for filling out this important document. For incorrect maintenance, completion and storage of work books, the employer may be held liable.

Appendix 2. Form of the receipt and expenditure book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in them Appendix 3. Form of the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69
"On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books"

With changes and additions from:

the form of the receipt and expenditure book for recording the work book forms and the insert into it in accordance with Appendix No. 2;

form of a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

2. To recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of June 20, 1974 N 162 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations”;

Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR dated August 2, 1985 N 252 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor dated June 20, 1974 N 162”;

Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of March 31, 1987 N 201 “On introducing amendments to the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions, organizations”;

paragraph 2 of the resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR dated August 15, 1990 N 332 “On invalidating and amending the resolutions of the State Committee for Labor on issues of part-time work”;

Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated October 19, 1990 N 412 “On amendments to the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining labor books at enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of June 20, 1974 N 162 (as amended by the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated August 2 1985 N 252)".

Registration No. 5219

Today, the registration of work books is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 “On work books” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books”. But these regulations contain quite a lot of contradictions, so if controversial situations you need to apply the document that has the greatest legal force - the Labor Code. So, to help HR officers, there are a few instructions on how to fill out work books.

General rules for filling out a work book

Let's start with the fact that a document is kept for each employee of the organization who has worked for more than five days and for whom this work is the main one. Such employees also include seasonal and temporary workers, as well as freelancers, if they are subject to social insurance. Work books of part-time workers are kept at their main place of work, and if they are lost due to the fault of the employer, a duplicate is issued.

All entries must be made in full (without abbreviations), have their own serial number in the section, and all dates must be written only in Arabic numerals. In this case, the number is written with two digits (for example, 03, 24 or 15), the month with two digits (for example, 01, 10 or 11), and the year with four digits (for example, 2014).

When hiring an employee, the authenticity of his work record is checked according to comparative characteristics and compliance of the data on the first page with the passport data (they must completely match). In addition, the title page must bear the seal of the first organization in which the employee worked. Without a seal, the book is considered invalid. If violations or absence of a work book are detected, the employer creates a new one. And if the last record of the new employee’s work is not closed (that is, there is no record of dismissal from the previous place of work), then an appointment record cannot be made, since there is no legal confirmation of the dismissal from the previous place of work.

Records of penalties imposed on an employee, with the exception of dismissal, are not made in the labor record. But records about the establishment of continuous service or non-inclusion of certain time periods in the continuous service are made in the prescribed manner.

Sections of the work book

There are only three sections:

  • information about the employee;
  • information about work;
  • information about awards.

The first section is located on the title page and contains information about the employee: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, information about education and profession (specialty). All this data is indicated in full, without abbreviations, initials, based on the passport and educational documents. After filling out the title page, the employee checks the accuracy and signs. The title page is also signed by the HR employee who is responsible for maintaining work records. The official seal of the organization is placed at the bottom of the sheet. The second section is filled with information about the work, where records of admission, transfer and dismissal are made, indicating the terms, positions and names of organizations. Each entry is confirmed by the order number and the stamp or seal of the organization. In the awards section, all awards and incentives of the employee are recorded, indicating the date, achievements and awards, as well as the document on the basis of which the entry was made.

If any of the sections ends, the HR department employee draws up a special insert in the work book.

Step-by-step filling instructions

When hiring an employee, a representative of the HR department must check that he has a work book and that it is filled out correctly. If such a document does not exist, then it must be created. The Instructions approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 will tell you how to fill out a work book correctly, but in short, you need to proceed as follows:

Step 1: Check or complete the cover page

The title page should contain the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic in accordance with passport data;
  • date of birth written entirely in Arabic numerals;
  • education, for example, “secondary vocational” or “higher vocational”;
  • specialty (indicated in the nominative case, for example, “accountant”);
  • date of completion (it must be no later than five days from the date of registration for the first place of work);
  • owner's signature;
  • signature and transcript of the signature of the HR department employee;
  • seal of the organization.

Step 2. Making an entry

After checking or filling out the cover page, you can begin entering information about hiring. This is done within the employee's first five working days. First (before the text itself), you must either put a stamp of the organization, which indicates all its data, or write them by hand. Then you can proceed to filling out the fields:

  • column No. 1 - serial number - is placed under the stamp of the enterprise or its name and opposite the entry on admission (dismissal, transfer);
  • column No. 2 – date – it is filled in in Arabic numerals and fully corresponds to the date of hiring (transfer, dismissal), regardless of what day the work book is filled out; in this case, the day of acceptance is considered to be the date specified in the employment contract, and the date of dismissal is the last working day;
  • Column No. 3 – information about hiring (transfer, dismissal), renaming the enterprise, department without abbreviations, for example, “dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 77 Labor Code Russian Federation" and the signature of the owner of the book;
  • Column No. 4 - the basis according to which the entry was made - order, protocol, decision of the general meeting, its number and date, for example, “Order dated June 12, 2010 No. 148-ok.”

Step 3. Awards

In the section “Information about awards” only entries are made about honorary titles, state awards, awards with certificates of honor, badges or diplomas, which are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the organization or collective agreement. In this case, the entry is made in the same way as when filling out the “Job Information” section. That is:

  • in column No. 1 – the serial number of the entry
  • in column No. 2 – date
  • in column No. 3 - type of award, by whom and for what merits the employee was awarded
  • in column No. 4 - the basis (decree, order, resolution).

It is worth noting that cash bonuses and valuable gifts are not included in the awards section.

Filling the insert

If all the pages of one of the sections are completed, then an insert is sewn into the book, which is maintained and filled out according to the same rules. The insert, like the work book, is a strict accounting form and when it is issued to an employee, a stamp “Insert issued” is placed in the book indicating its number (an entry cannot be made by hand, and the stamp is usually placed on the title page, but this can also be done on the double page covers).

The insert itself without a work book is considered invalid, and it is customary to sew it in between last page and the cover (although regarding the place where precise instructions are sewn into regulations No). The page numbering in the insert continues the page numbering. And the organization’s seal must be placed on the title page of the insert.

Part-time records

By law, the work book is filled out in the organization where the person works as the main employee. It is not necessary to make records of part-time work. But at the request of the employee they can be added. How to fill out a work book in this case? This should be done by an employee of the personnel department of the enterprise where the employee is the main one, and records are made on the basis of documents that the employee provides from the place of part-time work. If an employee works part-time at the same enterprise, then the entry is made on the basis of internal documents. The procedure for making an entry is as follows:

  • Column No. 1 – indicates the serial number of the entry;
  • Column No. 2 – indicates the date of admission to part-time work;
  • Column No. 3 – an entry is made about hiring part-time work, indicating the name of the structural unit of the organization, the name of the position, profession, indicating qualifications;
  • Column No. 4 – indicates the document with the number and date on the basis of which the entry was made.

If an employee resigns from a part-time job, the dismissal is recorded in the same manner, on the basis of a document from the place of part-time work.

Corrections to entries on the title page

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make corrections to the information on the title page. For example, if after marriage a woman changed her last name or vice versa, after a divorce she returned her maiden name. What does the Instruction for maintaining work records say about this? The answer is simple: the previous data is carefully crossed out with one line and new ones are written down, while all changes must be made on the basis of documents (passport, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate, change of surname, name, patronymic, date of birth). A link to the relevant document, which the employee provides to the HR department, is made on the inside cover of the work book and certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager or responsible person.

But there are cases when the employee’s personal data on the title page is indicated with an error (instead of “Natalia” it is written “Natalia” or a mistake was made in the date of birth or surname) and this is only found out when the employee gets a job new job and the HR employee, checking the documents, finds a discrepancy. In this case, according to the Instructions, you need to contact your previous employer, who must ensure that errors or identified inaccuracies are corrected.

Common mistakes when filling out a work book

The audit often reveals errors made by HR employees when filling them out. Among the most popular:

  • incorrectly specified last name, first name or patronymic;
  • incorrectly recorded date of birth (when filling out the title page before November 11, 2003, the month of birth was indicated in words, and after November 11, 2003 - in Arabic numerals);
  • lack of information about education (the column remains empty, and information about education is underlined at the bottom with one line); if a person first had one education and then received another, information about him is recorded next to the first one (in this case, a link to the document on the double page may not be made);
  • information about education is incomplete;
  • profession or specialty is not indicated;
  • the date of completion is not indicated;
  • the owner's signature is missing;
  • there is no organization seal on the title page;
  • information about employment was entered after six or more working days;
  • violation of the order of indicating the basis for making an entry (in column No. 4 you must first write the full name of the document, then its date, and then the document number);
  • affixing the seal of the enterprise’s HR department after recording the dismissal (according to current rules, after the entry there must be the official seal of the organization);
  • absence after last entry the employee’s signature confirming that he has read and agrees with all records;
  • entering information about work into the awards section.

Post corrections

According to the Instructions, crossing out inaccurate entries in the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards” is not allowed. How to correct an entry in a work book? An incorrect entry should be invalidated and the correct entry should be made.

If the numbering of records is incorrect, then it can only be corrected by declaring the entire record under the corresponding number invalid, and then putting the number under which the record should have originally been, and in column No. 3 write: “The record by number (specify number) is invalid.” After this, you need to repeat the recording again under a different number.

Destruction of damaged forms

Outdated or damaged forms of work books or inserts must be destroyed. This must be done according to the rules for working with strict accounting forms, creating a special commission that will confirm the destruction procedure by drawing up an appropriate act. The act indicates the reason for the destruction of the forms, as well as their serial numbers. All members of the commission sign the act, and the act is approved by the head of the organization.

Special cases

Often, HR department employees are faced with the question: how to reflect information that a certain period is not included in the continuous work experience. This happens if a citizen is assigned, for example, correctional labor. In this case, the following entry is made in the work book:

  • column No. 1 – serial number of the record;
  • Column No. 2 – date of entry;
  • column No. 3 – entry in the form: “Work time from (day, month, year) to (day, month, year) is not counted towards continuous work experience”;
  • Column No. 4 - indicates the basis for the entry (order, order of the employer, which is issued in accordance with the ruling or court verdict), its date and number.

Special cases include the need to make a record of assigning a new rank, category, class to an employee, as well as the establishment of a second profession. Relevant entries are made in the “Work Information” section in the prescribed manner. A sample of filling out a work book with similar wording can be found below.

If during the employee’s work in the organization its name is changed, an entry about this is also made in the work book. This is very important point, since after changing the name of the enterprise, the seal will change and if an employee is fired, a new seal with a new name will be placed under the record. And if there is no record of renaming, the pension fund will not count the time spent working for this enterprise. The same applies to renaming the position in which the employee works. If there have been changes in the staffing table, these must also be reflected.

Appendix No. 1
to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and
dated October 10, 2003 N 69

Instructions for filling out work books

This Instruction, in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining work books), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books”, establishes the procedure for filling out work books, inserts in them, duplicates of work books (hereinafter referred to as work books).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Entries of dates in all sections of work books are made in Arabic numerals (day and month - two digits, year - four digits). For example, if an employee was hired on September 5, 2003, an entry is made in the work book: “09/05/2003”.

Entries are made carefully, using a fountain or gel pen, a rollerball pen (including a ballpoint pen), light-resistant ink (paste, gel) in black, blue or purple, and without any abbreviations. For example, it is not allowed to write "pr." instead of "order", "dispatch." instead of "order", "trans." instead of "translated" etc.

1.2. In the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards” of the work book, crossing out previously made inaccurate, incorrect or other invalid entries is not allowed.

For example, if it is necessary to change a specific entry about employment in the “Job Information” section, after the corresponding last entry in this section, the subsequent serial number and the date the entry was made are indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: “The entry with such and such a number is invalid.” After this, the correct entry is made: “Accepted in such and such a profession (position)” and in column 4 the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, the entry from which was incorrectly entered into the work book, is repeated, or the date and number of the order is indicated ( order) or other decision of the employer, on the basis of which the correct entry is made.

In the same manner, a record of dismissal or transfer to another position is invalidated. permanent job if the dismissal or transfer is recognized as illegal by the employer, the control and supervisory body, the labor dispute resolution body or the court and reinstatement to the previous job or a change in the wording of the reason for dismissal. For example: “The entry for number so-and-so is invalid, reinstated to previous job.” If the wording of the reason for dismissal is changed, an entry is made: “The entry for number so-and-so is invalid, dismissed (new wording is indicated).” Column 4 makes reference to the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer on reinstatement or changing the wording of the reason for dismissal.

If there is an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another permanent job, which is subsequently declared invalid, upon the written application of the employee, a duplicate work book is issued without making an entry declared invalid. In this case, in the upper right corner of the first page of the duplicate work book, the inscription: “Duplicate” is made. On the first page (title page) of the previous work book it is written: “Instead, a duplicate was issued,” indicating its series and number.

2. Filling out information about the employee

2.1. The information about the employee provided for by the Rules for maintaining work books, indicated on the first page (title page) of the work books, is filled out as follows:

The surname, first name and patronymic are indicated in full, without abbreviation or replacement of the first and patronymic with initials, the date of birth is recorded in full (day, month, year) on the basis of a passport or other identification document (for example, a military ID, foreign passport, driver’s license, etc. .);

Registration of education (basic general, secondary general, primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational) is carried out only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.);

A record of incomplete education at the appropriate level can be made on the basis of submitted duly certified documents (student card, grade book, certificate educational institution and so on.);

Profession and/or specialty are indicated on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or the presence of special knowledge (when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training) or other properly executed documents.

2.2. After indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee, with his signature on the first page (title page) of the work book, certifies the correctness of the information entered.

The first page (title page) of the work book is also signed by the person responsible for issuing work books, after which the seal of the organization (stamp of the personnel service) where the work book was first filled out is affixed.

2.3. Changes to entries in work books about surname, name, patronymic and date of birth are made on the basis of a passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce, change of surname, name, patronymic and other documents and with reference to their number and date.

These changes are made on the first page (title page) of the work book. The previous surname or first name, patronymic, date of birth are crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. Links to the relevant documents are made on the inside cover of the work book and certified by the signature of the employer or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the organization (or the seal of the personnel service).

2.4. Changes (additions) on the first page (title page) of the work book of entries about new education, profession, specialty obtained are carried out by adding existing entries (if they already exist) or filling out the corresponding lines without crossing out previously made entries.

3. Filling out job information

3.1. In column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, the full name of the organization is indicated as a heading, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any).

Under this heading in column 1 the serial number of the entry being made is indicated, in column 2 the date of employment is indicated.

In column 3, an entry is made about acceptance or appointment to a structural unit of the organization, indicating its specific name (if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position (job), specialty, profession indicating qualifications, and Column 4 contains the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired. Records of the name of a position (job), specialty, profession indicating qualifications are made, as a rule, in accordance with the organization’s staffing table. If, in accordance with federal laws, the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the name of these positions, specialties or professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements provided for in the relevant qualification directories.

Changes and additions made in accordance with the established procedure in qualification reference books, staffing table organizations are brought to the attention of employees, after which appropriate changes and additions are made to their work books on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer.
If an employee is assigned a new rank (class, category, etc.) during the period of work, then a corresponding entry is made about this in the prescribed manner.

The establishment of a second and subsequent profession, specialty or other qualification for an employee is noted in the work book indicating the ranks, classes or other categories of these professions, specialties or skill levels. For example, a repairman was assigned the second profession “Electric and gas welder” with the assignment of the 3rd category. In this case, in the work book: in column 1 of the section "Information about work" the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of establishment of the second profession is indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: "The second profession "Electric and gas welder" has been established with the assignment of the 3rd category" , column 4 indicates the relevant certificate, its number and date.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is recorded in the work book at the place of main work on the basis of a document confirming part-time work. In column 1 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of employment as a part-time worker is indicated, in column 3 an entry is made about acceptance or appointment as a part-time worker in a structural unit of the organization, indicating its specific name ( if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position, specialty, profession indicating qualifications, column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made with reference to its date and number. A record of dismissal from this job is made in the same manner.

3.2. If during the employee’s work the name of the organization changes, then an entry about this is made in a separate line in column 3 of the “Information about work” section of the work book: “Organization such and such has been renamed to such and such date,” and in column 4 it is entered the basis for renaming is an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.

3.3. In the work books of persons who have served a sentence of correctional labor, an entry about the non-inclusion of work time during the period of serving the sentence in the continuous work experience is made as follows. In the “Information about work” section of the work book, in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 - the date of entry; in column 3 an entry is made: “Work time from such and such a date (day, month, year) to such and such a date (day, month, year) is not counted towards continuous work experience.” Column 4 indicates the basis for making an entry in the work book - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer (issued in accordance with the court verdict), its date and number.

3.4. When continuous work experience is restored in accordance with the established procedure, the following entry is made in the employee’s work book at the last place of work in column 3 of the section “Information about work”: “Continuous work experience was restored from such and such a date, month, year”, in column 4 a reference is made to the corresponding name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

4. Filling out information about the award

The procedure for entering information about awards is as follows: in column 3 of the “Information about awards” section of the work book, the full name of the organization is indicated as a heading, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any); below in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity); Column 2 indicates the date of award; Column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and with what award; Column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

5. Filling out information about dismissal
(termination of employment contract)

5.1. An entry about dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in the employee’s work book is made in the following order: in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered; Column 2 indicates the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract); in column 3 an entry is made about the reason for dismissal (termination of the employment contract); Column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.

The date of dismissal (termination of an employment contract) is considered the last day of work, unless otherwise provided by federal law, an employment contract or an agreement between the employer and employee.

For example, when an employment contract with an employee is terminated due to a reduction in staff, October 10, 2003 is determined to be the last day of his work. The following entry must be made in the employee’s work book: in column 1 of the “Work Information” section, the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of dismissal is indicated (10.10.2003), in column 3 the entry is made: “Dismissed due to a reduction in the number of employees of the organization, paragraph 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation", column 4 indicates the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer on dismissal.

5.2. Upon termination of an employment contract on the grounds provided for in Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (except for cases of termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer and due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties (clauses 4 and 10 of this article), an entry about dismissal is made in the work book ( termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of this article.
For example: “Dismissed by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” or “Dismissed by at will, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

5.3. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, an entry about dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer, provided for by law.

For example: “Dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization, paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” or “Dismissed due to termination of access to state secrets, paragraph 12 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

5.4. When an employment contract is terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, an entry is made in the work book about the grounds for termination of the employment contract with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example: “Dismissed due to non-election to a position, paragraph 3 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” or “The employment contract was terminated due to the death of an employee, paragraph 6 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

5.5. When an employment contract is terminated on additional grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, records of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) are made in the work book with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law.

For example: “Dismissed due to repeated gross violation of the charter of an educational institution, paragraph 1 of Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation within a year” or “Dismissed due to reaching the age limit established for holding a public position civil service, paragraph 2 (1) of article 25 Federal Law dated July 31, 1995 N 119-FZ "On the fundamentals of the civil service of the Russian Federation."

5.6. When an employment contract is terminated at the initiative of an employee for reasons that are associated by law with the provision of certain benefits and benefits, a record of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work record book indicating these reasons. For example: “Dismissed at her own request due to the transfer of her husband to work in another area, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” or “Dismissed at her own request due to the need to care for a child under 14 years of age, paragraph 3 of the article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

6. Features of filling out information about dismissal (termination of an employment contract) and hiring (appointment) in connection with the transfer of an employee to another permanent job with another employer (to another organization) or his transfer to an elective job (position)

6.1. Upon dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in connection with the transfer of an employee to another permanent job with another employer (another organization), in column 3 of the “Information about work” section of the work book, it is indicated in what order the transfer is carried out: at the request of the employee or with his consent .

When hired to a new place of work, an entry is made in the employee’s work book in column 3 of the “Information about work” section provided for in paragraph 3.1 of these Instructions, indicating that the employee was accepted (appointed) by way of transfer.

6.2. Upon dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in connection with the transfer of an employee to an elective job (position) to another employer (to another organization), an entry is made in the work book: “Dismissed in connection with the transfer to an elective job (position) in (indicate the name of the organization) , paragraph 5 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

At a new place of work, after indicating the full name of the elected body, as well as the abbreviated name of the elected body (if any), in column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, an entry is made about what job (position) the employee was elected to, and in the column 4 indicates the decision of the elected body, the date and number of its adoption.

7. Features of filling out a duplicate work book

7.1. A duplicate of the work book is filled out in accordance with sections 1 - 6 of these Instructions.

7.2. If the employee had already worked before joining this organization (with this employer), then when filling out a duplicate work book in the section “Information about work” in column 3, first of all, a record is made about the total and/or continuous work experience as an employee before joining this organization (to this employer), confirmed by relevant documents.

The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying which employer, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the work book worked in the past.

After this, the total and/or continuous work experience, confirmed by properly executed documents, is recorded for individual periods of work in the following order: column 2 indicates the date of employment; Column 3 records the name of the organization (employer) where the employee worked, as well as the structural unit and job (position), specialty, profession indicating the qualifications for which the employee was hired.

If the submitted documents confirm that the employee was transferred to another permanent job in the same organization (with the same employer), then a corresponding entry is also made about this.

Then, in column 2 the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is indicated, and in column 3 - the reason (ground) for dismissal, if the document submitted by the employee contains such data.

In the event that the documents do not fully contain the above information about work in the past, only the information available in the documents is entered into the duplicate work book.

Column 4 indicates the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the corresponding entries in the duplicate were made. Original documents confirming work experience, after making copies of them and duly certified by the employer or HR department are returned to their owner. The employer is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming his work experience prior to joining the employer.

