In what year was Khabensky born? Actor Konstantin Habenskiy personal life: photo wife children family biography

Konstantin Khabensky is a famous Russian actor. His personal life was always under the radar of journalists. During his life he married as many as 2 times.

Kostya’s first wife in 2000 was journalist Anastasia Khabenskaya. They loved each other very much. Khabensky's wife also acted in films. She has roles in such films as “ destructive force-5”, “9 months” and others.

In the 7th year of their marriage, Nastya gave her beloved husband a child - a son, who was named Ivan. Some time after this joyful event Konstantin's wife became seriously ill - she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. That same year, the girl underwent surgery to remove the tumor.

Konstantin and Anastasia Khabenskaya

Then Khabensky decided to send Nastya to Los Angeles, where he found the best clinic for her. In the USA, his wife felt better: doctors achieved remission. But not for long, the disease soon progressed. At best, Khabenskaya could live another 10 years. But unfortunately in 2008 she died.

Konstantin was grieving the loss of his wife. For him it was a tragedy. He had to raise his son alone. For a long time, Khabensky could not recover from the loss and did not start a relationship with anyone.

Konstantin and Anastasia Khabenskaya

Only in 2013 did the actor marry again. His wife was actress Olga Litvinova. Their relationship developed very rapidly. For a long time, the couple went together to various social events. Then they went on vacation together. After which they parted and got back together again.

Olga Litvinova

Now, finally, Khabensky has found his soul mate again. Olga is the daughter of a respected person - producer Alexander Litvinov. By the way, at first he was against his daughter’s wedding to Kostya. But then he resigned himself and was even happy with Olga’s choice.

In turn, the actor’s mother was also not delighted with her son’s choice. She didn't really like the news upcoming wedding, but Kostya made his choice and got married in spite of everything.

Olga Litvinova and Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky Born into the family of an engineer and mathematics teacher. After graduating from eight classes of school, the young man entered the technical school of aviation instrument making and automation, but after the third year he realized - technical specialty not for him. Having collected my documents from the technical school, I worked as a floor polisher, a janitor, a street musician, and a fitter in a theater studio. Saturday" Konstantin has elder sister Natalya Khabenskaya- singer, soloist of the St. Petersburg Jewish Musical Ensemble. In 2000, she sang in the duet “ Daisies" together with Nadezhda Chermanteeva.

In 1990 Konstantin Khabensky entered Leningradsky state institute theater, music and cinematography (LGITMiK) to the workshop V.M.Filshtinsky, who was considered the best among the masters of the acting school in the country. Other talented guys also studied in his group: Mikhail Trukhin, Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrey Zibrov. He made his film debut in 1994, starring in the comedy Vladimir Zaikin « To whom will God send" However, his performance was not noticed and appreciated by the audience. After graduating from college, Khabensky got a job in the troupe of the Experimental Theater " Crossroads", at the same time worked as a presenter entertainment programs on Leningrad television.

In 1996, Khabensky moved to the Moscow theater " Satyricon" them. A.I. Raikina. Here the young actor was busy mainly in supporting roles. Among his works are the performances “ The Threepenny Opera" And " Cyrano de Bergerac" Currently he is a member of the Moscow Art Theater troupe. Chekhov.

Film career of Konstantin Khabensky

In 1998 Konstantin Khabensky starred in three films at once: in the Russian-Hungarian detective-phantasmagoric melodrama Tomas Tota « Natasha", social drama by A.Yu. German " Khrustalev, car!" and the melodrama of Dmitry Meskhiev " Women's property" For work in the last actor awarded the prize in the category " Best Actor"at the Gatchina Film Festival "Literature and Cinema". Soon Konstantin played a small role in Nikolai Lebedev's thriller " Fan" The next notable film work was the main role in the drama Vladimir Fokin "House for the Rich"».

In 1999 Konstantin Khabensky invited to one of the main roles in the top-rated series “Deadly Force”. His operative Igor Plakhov became a popular favorite and brought Khabensky wildly popular. In 2000 Konstantin continues to act in TV series, appearing before the viewer in the role of a terrorist Gershuni in the series "Empire under attack". Other notable works were the roles Sasha Guryeva in the film "On the Move" and Greena in “State Councilor” (both films directed by Philip Yankovsky). The actor gained even greater fame after the film “Night Watch”, and the character Anton Gorodetsky is still one of his most famous film roles. After the role of a patrol officer, the number of fans of his talent began to number in the millions, and the film itself already in the first week became a box office record holder in Russia. Behind " Night watch"Dnevnoy" followed in 2006. In 2008 Konstantin Khabensky was invited to film in Hollywood - together with such stars as Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman and James McAvoy, he starred in Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Wanted”.

Every year the actor acts more and more. He played Alexander Kolchak in the historical drama "Admiral" about the life of the leader White movement Kolchak, Kostya Lukashina in “The Irony of Fate. Continuation", starred in the film "Freaks" directed by Levana Gabriadze, in the role Alexey Turbin in the television series “The White Guard”, in the detective story “Brownie”.

On this moment Konstantin Khabensky- one of the best actors in the Russian film industry.

Konstantin Khabensky was parodied twice in the TV show “The Big Difference”: in the role of Anton Gorodetsky in the film “Night Watch” and in the role of Alexander Kolchak in the film “Admiral”. The parody was performed by the troupe's artist Sergei Burunov.

Personal life of Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky was married twice. With his first wife, a journalist from one of the radio stations in St. Petersburg Anastasia Smirnova, the actor was married until December 1, 2008, when she died of a brain tumor. The actor’s 34-year-old wife was diagnosed with a tumor after the birth of her son. Anastasia Khabenskaya had their first surgery to remove a brain tumor in 2007. A few weeks later, in the same clinic, Khabensky’s wife was operated on again. After this, Konstantin transported Nastya to one of the US clinics in Los Angeles.

American doctors have achieved a state of remission, in which tumor cells have stopped dividing. However, everything turned out to be in vain. Anastasia I was discharged from the clinic, but there was no improvement. Doctors believed that Nastya will be able to live another 10 years, but on December 1, 2008, after a year of treatment, Anastasia passed away. She is buried on Troekurovskoye Cemetery Moscow.

In his first marriage Khabensky son was born Ivan. The loss of his wife was a real blow for the actor.

“I have friends who support me. There is a son, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, dog... Work. I feel like I’m a happy person.”

The actor entered into his second marriage in the summer of 2013 with Moscow Art Theater actress Olga Litvinova. Olga and Konstantin started dating in 2010 (their accidentally filmed during a romantic walk around Rome) . Before Khabensky, Olga had a relationship with Maxim Vitorgan.

The spouses do not advertise their personal lives, do not like social gatherings and very rarely appear at parties and premieres.

On June 3, 2016, Khabensky’s wife gave birth to a daughter in one of the capital’s maternity hospitals. 34-year-old Olga became a mother for the first time. And on February 1, 2019, their second daughter was born.

Charitable activities of Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky- founder of a charitable foundation for children with cancer. At the ceremony of awarding him the title “ People's Artist of Russia"In 2012, he came to the Kremlin with a homemade badge" Children are out of politics».

Since 2010, under the patronage of Khabensky, studios have been opening throughout Russia. creative development. They appeared in Voronezh, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm. Since 2012, a general gathering of all “ Theater studios at the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation" entitled " Plumage».

“I do not participate in politics and do not attend any meetings. When on receipt people's artist I put on the “Children are out of politics” badge, I didn’t feel like a hero. I put on this badge because I knew it was the right thing to do.”

Awards of Konstantin Khabensky

“Golden Eagle” and “Nika” awards in the category “Best Actor” for the role of Viktor Sergeevich Sluzhkin in the film “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away.” Special Jury Prize “For best role of the Year" (“The Geographer Drank His Globe Away”) at the XXII film festival “Vivat Cinema of Russia!” in St. Petersburg (all three – 2014).

Prize of the Kinotavr festival in the category “Best Actor” for the role of Viktor Sergeevich Sluzhkin in the film “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away” (2013).

People's Artist of Russia - for great services in the field of art (2012).

Golden Eagle Award in the category “Best Actor” for the role of Kolchak in the film “Admiral”. MTV Russia prize in the category “Best Actor” for the role of Kolchak in the film “Admiral” (both 2009).

MTV Russia prize in the category “Best Comedy Role” for the role of Kostya Lukashin in the film “The Irony of Fate. Continuation". Prize "Golden Sword" of the 6th International festival war cinema named after People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Ozerov in the category "Best Actor" for the role of Kolchak in the film "Admiral" (both 2008).

International Stanislavsky Prize in the category " Best Actor"for roles recent years (2007).

Golden Eagle Award in the category “Best Supporting Actor” for his role as Green in “State Counselor”. Award of the Russian film press "Golden Aries" in the category "Best Actor according to the results of the popular vote" for the role of Edik in "Poor Relatives" (both 2006).

Theater Award "Chaika" in the category "Villain" ( best performer negative role) for the role of Claudius in the Moscow Art Theater production of Hamlet. Prize of the Kinotavr festival in the category “Best Actor” for the role of Edik in “Poor Relatives” (both 2005).

Prize of the 11th festival “Vivat, Russian Cinema!” in the nomination “Best Actor” for the role of Sasha Guryev in the film “On the Move” (2003).

Award of the Gatchina Film Festival "Literature and Cinema" in the category "Best Actor" for the role of Andrei in "Women's Property" (2000).

Winner of the independent acting award. IN AND. Strzhelchik for the acting ensemble in the play “Waiting for Godot” (1999).

Filmography of Konstantin Khabensky

E-Sider (2017)

Good boy (2016)

Lake (2016)

Collector (2016)

Time of the First (2016)

Moscow Speaks (Levitan) (TV series 2015 – ...)

Hardcore (2015)

Method (TV series, 2015 – ...)

New world (2015)

Savva. Heart of a Warrior (2015)

War and Myths (mini-series, 2014)

Christmas trees 1914 (2014)

Black Sea (2014)

Heavenly Judgement. Sequel (mini-series, 2014)

Adventurers (2014)

Fir trees 3 (2013)

Rasputin (2013)

Peter Leshchenko. All that was... (TV series, 2013)

The geographer drank his globe away (2013)

World War Z (2013)

Fairy tale. There are... (2012)

Rasputin (TV) (2012)

Heavenly Court (2012)

White Guard (TV series) (2012)

Goddess: How I fell in love (2004)

Lines of Fate (TV series) (2003)

Features of national policy (2003)

On the Move (2002)

Sky. Airplane. Young woman. (2002)

Cuckoo (2002)

Mechanical Suite (2001)

Lethal force (TV series) (2000-2007)

House for the Rich (2000)

– 2 (TV series) (2000)

Empire under attack (TV series) (2000)

Women's Property (1999)

Fan (1999)

National Security Agent (TV series) (1999)

Natasha (1998)

Khrustalev, car! (1998)

Whom God Will Send (1994)

Konstantin Khabensky is a famous actor. Once upon a time he lost his beloved wife, who was taken from him by a terrible incurable disease. They lived a short but happy life with Anastasia life together. Anastasia Smirnova, whose photo is in this article, will become our heroine today.

Journalist from St. Petersburg

Anastasia was born in Leningrad on March 31, 1975. Co school years the girl knew that she wanted to become a journalist.

After graduating from college with a diploma in journalism, she begins her work. She had to work at a radio station. But this was not important for the young girl; she devoted herself to work without reserve, and this brought her pleasure. Anastasia Smirnova never regretted her chosen profession; she could not even imagine herself in another role.

Interview with future husband

Konstantin and Nastya met in one of the St. Petersburg cafes. Both were young, both were unknown. It was 1998, and Anastasia Smirnova interviewed the aspiring actor and future husband Konstantin Khabensky.

The process of work itself ceased to matter to her when she realized that she was missing! At first sight, she simply fell in love with the future star of “Deadly Force,” it turns out, just like he did with her.

After the conversation about work ended, Konstantin invited Nastya on a date, and she happily agreed.

It's easy to give up your career for your loved one

This is how the story of Kostya and Nastya began. They were young, loved each other with all their souls, without thinking about the opinions of others.

Konstantin became more and more in demand every day, he was invited to filming in different cities, and he had to be absent from work for a long time for the sake of his career. hometown, where Anastasia Smirnova was waiting for him.

And here the girl understands that she simply cannot be away from her beloved, and it is easier for her to give up her career than for him. She invites Konstantin to accompany him on his trips, he likes this idea.

All subsequent trips to cities became one great adventure for a young couple. Nastya helped her fiance in everything, and he facilitated her participation in the filming. Of course, the roles were episodic, but thanks to them, the lovers were constantly nearby. So two years passed.


In 2000, Anastasia Smirnova became the official wife of Kostya Khabensky. No guests were invited to the celebration, as the newlyweds decided not to make a grand celebration out of the official ceremony.

They came to registration in casual clothes - jeans and sweaters. Signed in necessary documents, exchanged rings and began married life.

But for them it was a special day, on which Anastasia and Konstantin were happy, although there was no holiday, congratulations or gifts. It was just their day - their family's birthday.

Another thing happened in 2007 an important event in their lives. Nastya informed her husband that they would soon become parents - she was expecting a child. Both were simply in seventh heaven. They for a long time wanted to have children, but it never worked out. And now this long-awaited day has come. They didn’t care whether it was a daughter or a son, the main thing was that this was their long-awaited and beloved baby!

Difficult pregnancy

Throughout her pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova, Khabensky’s wife, did not feel well. She was constantly admitted to the hospital for conservation, doctors attributed her condition to pregnancy, and said that it could be even worse.

Nastya was constantly sick and dizzy, but she reassured herself that after giving birth everything would pass, she would again become a healthy and cheerful woman.

Anastasia Smirnova strictly followed the doctors’ instructions, took all the prescribed medications, but nothing helped. At the end of her pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova felt even worse, and in a faint state she was taken to the operating table to have a caesarean section. The doctors feared for the life of the young mother, and therefore took such a step.

Ivan Khabensky was born, and his mother was taken away for examination.

Diagnosis as a sentence

The examination showed that there was a tumor in the woman’s brain. The test results became a death sentence for the whole family - the tumor was malignant. It was removed, and Nastya felt better for a couple of months. There were chemotherapy courses ahead, and suddenly there was a relapse. The tumor reappeared. Having removed this tumor too, doctors could not make any predictions about the effectiveness of further treatment.

But Khabensky did not want to give up, he began to work for slaughter, just to earn money for his wife’s expensive treatment in Los Angeles. Acquaintances and family friends helped with money and moral support. Anastasia and Kostya’s son was already a year old; he was constantly brought to his weakening mother. Galina Georgievna - Nastya's mother - practically did not leave the hospital room, trying to spend as much time as possible with her daughter.

After Nastya Smirnova’s condition continued to deteriorate, Khabensky brought a priest to the hospital to marry the woman he loved.

On the first day of winter 2008, Anastasia Smirnova died. Next to her were her husband and mother, for whom her death was the most terrible loss in their lives.

Anastasia Smirnova, whose friends’ reviews are the most positive, lived a colorful life. They speak of her as the kindest person, a loving and beloved woman.

They talk about her as a ray of light, with whom any friendly gatherings became brighter and warmer.

Konstantin Khabensky is a theater and film actor who needs no introduction. “Night Watch”, “Poor Relatives”, “Admiral”, “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away”, “Method” - the list of outstanding films and TV series with his participation can be easily continued. He is well known abroad: in 2008 he took part in the filming of the Hollywood action film Wanted, and in 2011 he starred in the drama Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy! a joint production of Britain, France and Germany. And in 2016, Khabensky’s film benefit, the film “Collector,” was released.


Konstantin grew up in an intelligent family: his father worked as an engineer, his mother taught mathematics. He has an older sister, Natalya Yuryevna Khabenskaya, singer, soloist of the St. Petersburg Jewish Musical Ensemble. In 2000, she sang in the duet “Daisies” together with Nadezhda Chermanteeva.

In Leningrad, Konstantin went to a nursery, and then to kindergarten. He went to first grade in Nizhnevartovsk, where the family moved in 1981. Four years later, the Khabensky family returned to their native Leningrad.

As a child, Konstantin Khabensky did not even think about an acting career. He dreamed only of completing his studies as quickly as possible. After graduating from 8 classes, the young man entered the College of Aviation Instrumentation and Automation. However, he completed only three courses, defended coursework and realized that he understood absolutely nothing about the technical side of this matter. Theory was easy for him, but when it came to practice, Khabensky was lost. After a series of failures, he decided to try something else.

Konstantin Khabensky answers fans' questions

In search of himself, he swept the streets, washed floors, played for random passers-by, then got a job as a lighting installer at the Saturday theater studio. He first appeared on this stage as an extra actor. The hobby grew into something more, and Konstantin decided to connect his life with the theater.

In 1990, Khabensky entered the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (LGITMiK) in the workshop of Veniamin Filshtinsky. His classmates were Mikhail Trukhin, Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrey Zibrov. Student friendships continued into adulthood.

Theater career

After graduating from the institute, the young actor joined the troupe of the experimental theater "Crossroads", and in 1996 he moved to the Moscow theater "Satyricon" named after. Arkady Raikin. Among theatrical works Khabensky of this period - the performances “The Threepenny Opera” and “Cyrano de Bergerac”.

In the same 1996, the actor first appeared on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater. Lensovet. The audience remembered his work in the plays “Woyzeck”, “Waiting for Godot” (together with Mikhail Porechenkov), “King, Queen, Jack” and, of course, main role in the play "Caligula", after which Oleg Tabakov noticed him and invited him to his theater.

In 2002, Konstantin Khabensky made his debut on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, where he played the role of Zilov in the play “Duck Hunt”. In 2003, Konstantin Khabensky was accepted into the troupe of this famous theater.

Khabensky in cinema: the beginning

It can be said that Khabensky received his first film role while still a first-year student - in 1991 he starred in the short film “Pastime,” an amateur film sketch about the everyday life of the “Saturday” theater. In 1994, he got the role of a bespectacled pedestrian in the comedy “Whom God Will Will,” where Larisa Udovichenko and Stanislav Sadalsky starred with him as equals.

In 1998, the actor starred in three films at once: the Russian-Hungarian detective-phantasmagoric melodrama “Natasha” by Tomas Toth, the melodrama “Women’s Property” by Dmitry Meskhiev and the social drama “Khrustalev, car!”.

The actor got his first roles largely by accident, but soon Khabensky was noticed and invited to play in Vladimir Fokin’s drama “House for the Rich,” which also featured Valentin Gaft and Nina Persianinova. For this work at the Gatchina Film Festival “Literature and Cinema”, Konstantin Khabensky was awarded the prize in the “Best Actor” category.

Star roles of Khabensky

The actor received the role of operative Igor Plakhov in the series “Deadly Force” quite unexpectedly, but it was “Deadly Force” that made Khabensky recognizable. The series was about to begin filming, but there was still no actor for the main role. Konstantin rushed to the audition after a performance in the theater, not particularly hoping for anything. And he was immediately approved.

In 2000, Khabensky starred in the role of Gershuni in the TV series “Empire Under Attack”, and in 2001 he again collaborated with Dmitry Meskhiev, who worked on the black tragicomedy “Mechanical Suite” together with his fellow students and Sergei Garmash. The actor’s work in Philip Yankovsky’s film “On the Move” did not go unnoticed, where Khabensky played the main role - journalist Sasha Guryev, a successful sensation hunter.

Khabensky woke up famous throughout the country after the premiere of the first domestic blockbuster “Night Watch”. Which was not surprising, since Timur Bekmambetov, who was not used to being modest with the scale of filming, took on the film adaptation of the popular novel of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko. Together with Khabensky, the incredibly charismatic Vladimir Menshov and Valery Zolotukhin, Alexey Chadov, Maria Poroshina, as well as guest celebrities Ilya Lagutenko and Zhanna Friske, who played the roles of a vampire and a witch, took part in the filming.

Interview with Konstantin Khabensky about the film “Night Watch”

The fantasy film opened the curtain on the mystery of seemingly ordinary people with paranormal abilities, the so-called Others, Dark and Light. Sorcerers, wizards, witches and vampires - they exist and outwardly do not differ from ordinary people. Many of them live a simple life, and so that their abilities do not upset the overall balance of power, there are departments that control their use - the Night Watch, where the Light Ones work, and the Day Watch, where the Dark Ones work. Konstantin Khabensky played Anton Gorodetsky, an ordinary employee of the Night Watch, for whom fate did not have great achievements in store. But it was he who became the only person who could save Moscow from disaster.

After this, Khabensky became one of the most prominent domestic actors. Soon he appeared in the leading role in “Poor Relatives” by Pavel Lungin, “State Councilor” by Philip Yankovsky, the continuation of the “Other” saga (“Day Watch”), the drama about the midlife crisis “Rush Hour”, as well as in the film adaptation of the play Alexandra Vampilova “Duck Hunt”.

2008 brought Khabensky even more new fans of his work thanks to the roles of Alexander Kolchak in the film “Admiral” and Kostya Lukashin in the remake of the legendary “The Irony of Fate.” Both films received fairly mixed reviews.

“The Irony of Fate” could not avoid comparison with the original source by Eldar Ryazanov, and “Admiral” seemed to some viewers to be historically unreliable and overly melodramatic. But everyone admired Konstantin’s performance. By the way, in both films he played together with Liza Boyarskaya and Sergei Bezrukov.

Also in 2008, the American action movie Wanted, directed by Timur Bekmambetov, was released. Khabensky gained invaluable experience working with foreign colleagues: James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie. Although his character, an explosives specialist, appeared in the frame for a short time, he was still remembered by the audience: both English-speaking and, especially, Russian. By the way, Konstantin spoke all his lines in English.

Konstantin Khabensky in “Wanted”

In 2010, the actor starred in the leading role in the film “Freaks” directed by Levaan Gabriadze and produced by Timur Bekmambetov. Khabensky's partner in this film was Milla Jovovich.

In 2013, the film adaptation of the novel “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away” with the participation of Konstantin and Elena Lyadova was awarded the Nika Prize as best movie of the year. The actor was personally approved by the author of the book, Alexey Ivanov, who noticed that Konstantin looked like the man on the cover of the first edition of the novel.

The voice of Konstantin Khabensky sounds behind the scenes in the popular New Year's franchise "Yolki" with Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov. And in “Yolki 1914” he himself appeared on the screens.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the detective series “Method”, in which the brilliant investigator Konstantin Khabensky, together with his young partner played by Paulina Andreeva, investigates complicated serial murders. However, his hero, Rodion Meglin, hides a secret from others that sheds light on his methods of solving crimes.

Let us note that the series “Method” was highly appreciated by viewers who were tired of the monotonous “soap” and a series of “cop” series. Some note the similarity of the plot with the script of the American TV series “Dexter”. The creators of the “Method” themselves deny it, but do not hide the presence common features with the series "True Detective" with Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. By the way, many maniacs from the Method have real prototypes, which also adds spice to the viewing experience.

In 2016, the film “Collector” was released. For 75 minutes, only one actor appears on the screen - Khabensky. Thus, “Collector” became a real acting benefit for him. The film was about a brilliant money swindler who acts not by force, but by intellect and a telephone receiver. Despite the fact that the action took place in the limited space of the office, and all the dialogues were conducted over the phone, the audience listened to the plot without taking their eyes off the screen.

Released at the end of the same year Family Film“Good Boy” once again proved Khabensky’s professionalism. From the confident leader and subtle psychologist that he appeared in “Collector,” he turned into a downtrodden father of the family.

Personal life of Konstantin Khabensky: family, children

Konstantin Khabensky met his first wife, Anastasia, in May 1999. A dark-haired visitor to a cafe not far from the Lensovet Theater instantly attracted his attention. Unlike most girls, who even then would have given a lot for a conversation with an attractive actor, she reacted coolly to his desire to get to know each other. Konstantin persuaded her to go to his performance. This is where their love story began.

Anastasia worked as a journalist at a Moscow radio station. They lived in two cities for almost a year, and on January 12, 2000 they got married. The wedding was quite modest: the newlyweds celebrated the event in a cafe with friends.

Of course, like any couple, they had their ups and downs, but all of Konstantin’s friends and acquaintances assured that their feelings were sincere. When appearing in public, they always held hands, and there was tenderness in their eyes. The actor’s army of fans did not give Anastasia any reason to be jealous; with all women, Konstantin was polite and courteous, but nothing more. She was hated by hundreds of hunters for Khabensky’s heart, the entrance to the couple’s house was painted with nasty things about Anastasia, and one of the crazy fans once threatened to pour acid on Khabensky’s wife. But all reasonable people spoke of Anastasia Khabenskaya with exceptional kindness.

Anastasia was a non-public person, but sometimes appeared on the screen. In 2003, she starred in the film “Lines of Fate” as a journalist, appeared in “Deadly Force-5” in the cameo role of a translator, in 2004 – in the film “Sapiens”, in 2006 – in the film “9 Months”.

On September 25, 2007, Anastasia gave birth to Konstantin’s son, Ivan. Shortly after the birth of their son, the actor’s 34-year-old wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The first operation was performed immediately, and a few weeks later the woman was operated on again. But in vain - the treatment did not help. Saving his wife, Khabensky sold off most of his property, agreed to any role, and got into debt and loans. He transported Nastya to one of the clinics in Los Angeles. American doctors achieved remission; tumor cells stopped dividing. Anastasia Khabenskaya died of brain cancer in December 2008

It was rumored that the actor began to seek solace in a bottle, but, be that as it may, he managed to leave this difficult stage behind. “I believe and know for sure that somewhere up there you are looking at all of us and protecting someone, becoming the most gentle guardian angel... We remember you, Nastenka! We remember,” he wrote on the 7th anniversary of his wife’s death.

After losing myself loved one Konstantin Khabensky founded a charitable foundation that raises funds for children with cancer. Also, on behalf of the foundation, creative development studios were created in different cities of Russia. Many of the teachers at these studios are older actors who are happy to share their experiences with the younger generation.

Konstantin Khabensky Now 2018 will be remembered by Konstantin for his debut in a new role - the film “Sobibor” was released. Khabensky directed it and played the main role. The prototype of his hero - a real man, prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp Sobibor Alexander Pechersky. Under the leadership of Pechersky, the first successful prisoner uprising was carried out.

Initially, the director of the project was Andrei Malyukov, who was remembered by the audience for the film “We are from the Future.” After his departure, for reasons unknown to us, the creators of Sobibor, among whom was the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, supported Khabensky’s candidacy. Khabensky spoke in detail about his new experience in his interviews with Yuri Dudu and Vladimir Pozner.

Posner. Konstantin Khabensky

The film was included in the Oscar longlist, but was received coolly by many of the director’s compatriots. “Sobibor” was criticized for its poorly developed script, historical mistakes and excessive pathos. Although many viewers thanked the director for the fact that “Sobibor”, according to Khabensky himself, the film “is, first of all, about people; he pushed the cloth and cloth aside.”

Konstantin Khabensky - famous Russian actor, who gained wide popularity after participating in such films as “Night Watch”, “State Councillor”,...

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06.09.2018 02:00

Konstantin Khabensky is a famous Russian actor who gained wide popularity after participating in such films as “Night Watch”, “State Councillor”, “Admiral”. In addition, in 2018, Khabensky made his directorial debut: he presented the film “Sobibor” to the public, in which he himself played the main role. You can learn about the biography, personal life, and children of Konstantin Khabensky from this article.

The actor's childhood and youth

Konstantin Khabensky was born in 1972 in the city of Leningrad, in 1981 he and his family moved to Nizhnevartovsk, and four years later he returned to his homeland.

Graduated secondary school No. 486 in Leningrad, he entered the aviation technical school, but soon realized that the technical specialty was not suitable for him, and preferred to withdraw the documents. I spent a long time searching for myself, working in various professions: as a cleaner, a janitor, an assembler, and even performed music on the streets of Leningrad. In 1990, changes came in the biography of Konstantin Khabensky: he took his first steps towards the world of theater and cinema. The actor entered the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, which became the first step in his career. Already during his studies, Khabensky played quite large roles: Lomov in Chekhov’s “Jokes”, a tightrope walker in the production of “The Road” by the Italian film director Fellini.

In 1995, the actor worked at the Perekrestok Theater and at the same time hosted several musical programs on one of the St. Petersburg television channels. The year 1996 in the personal biography of Konstantin Khabensky is significant in that the actor moved to Moscow, where he went to work at the Satyricon Theater named after A. Raikin. Unfortunately, to the young actor no major roles were given here; Konstantin was a permanent supporting actor.

Work in the world of cinema

Konstantin Khabensky received his first small film role back in 1994, but his real film career began much later, in 1998, when the actor played in three films at once: the melodrama “Natasha” by Tomas Toth, the drama “Khrustalev, the car!” and the melodrama “Women’s Property.” For his role in the latest project, Konstantin received an award in the category “Best Actor” at the Gatchina Film Festival. Later creative biography Konstantin Khabensky has been replenished with works in such projects as “Fan”, “House for the Rich”. However, the actor’s real popularity came from his role as Plakhov in the television series “Deadly Force.” Despite his employment in the field of cinema, Khabensky did not give up the theater: since 1996, the actor worked at the Lensovet Theater, and in 2003 he joined the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov, where he works to the present day.

Biography and personal life of Konstantin Khabensky: wives and children

Since 2000, Konstantin has been married to journalist Anastasia Khabenskaya. Anastasia and her husband starred in supporting roles in the films “Lines of Fate”, “Deadly Force” and others. 2007 was a very difficult year in the biography and personal life of Konstantin Khabensky. That year, the actor’s wife became seriously ill, and in 2008 she died in Los Angeles after exhausting treatment. She was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. Konstantin and Nastya have a son together, Ivan, who currently lives with Anastasia’s mother in Spain.

In 2013, in the biography and personal life of Konstantin Khabensky appeared new woman. The actor married an actress of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov Olga Litvinova, daughter of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and First Deputy General. Mosfilm director Alexander Litvinov. In the summer of 2016, the Khabenskys gave birth to a daughter named Alexandra in Moscow. Children in the personal biography of Konstantin Khabensky, like his wife, always take first place.


The actor often refuses fees in various projects, donating them to charity. In 2008, after the death of his first wife Anastasia, Konstantin Khabensky opened Charitable Foundation, which provides assistance to children with oncological diseases brain. It was from this disease that the wife of Konstantin Khabensky died. This tragedy forever left an indelible mark in the actor’s biography. The foundation’s employees not only help organize examination, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of patients, but also finance Russian medical institutions and advanced training of Russian oncologists.

Trips to rehabilitation camps and meetings with Russian celebrities, as well as palliative care for terminally ill patients. In the first four years, the foundation managed to collect a record amount - more than sixteen million rubles, which made it possible to pay for the treatment of almost eighty small patients. Every year the number of donations increases, which means that larger number children will be able to receive the support they need. Thus, in 2014 alone, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation collected more than eighty million rubles, which were able to help 161 children become healthy. In addition, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation provides targeted assistance; the benefactor can immediately transfer money to the account of a specific child.

Public activity of the actor

In 2012, Khabensky came to the Kremlin with the “Children are out of politics” badge. The actor explained that with this gesture he was trying to attract public attention to orphans in connection with the so-called Dima Yakovlev Law, which prohibits the adoption of children from Russian orphanages by citizens of the United States of America.

In 2016, during a direct line with the president, he spoke about the difficulties faced by people whose relatives are in intensive care wards or in wards intensive care, and also pointed out the state’s obligation to provide free ventilators to sick children.

Since 2010, Konstantin actively began opening theater studios under his own charitable foundation in different cities of Russia for children. In the biography of Konstantin Khabensky, this type of activity is an integral part of life. The festival bringing together all Khabensky’s theater studios is called “Plumage” and takes place once a year.

Organization of performances by an actor

In 2014, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation and MTS launched a series of performances based on the fairy tale of Mowgli, in which the most talented students from studios throughout Russia took part. Along with children, they took part in the performances famous actors, including Khabensky himself. Thanks to these performances, the foundation collected more than fourteen million rubles, which were used to treat children with cancer. In 2014, the project received a special Stanislavsky Prize in Moscow, and in 2016, Konstantin Khabensky received the “Impulse of Good” award in the category “For contribution to social entrepreneurship in Russia.”

Directing activity

2018 is a very successful year in the biography of Konstantin Khabensky, since this year he made his directorial debut. In the spring of 2018, the film “Sobibor” was released, where Khabensky himself played the main role. The film script was written based on the book by I. Vasiliev “Alexander Pechersky: Breakthrough into Immortality.” This is a story about a fascist camp, whose prisoners decide to start an uprising. This uprising will be the only successful one in the entire history of the fascist camps. The family of Alexander Pechersky himself was present at the shooting, so the film turned out to be almost a documentary, and its main decoration was the Sobibor camp reconstructed in accordance with the surviving drawings.

Vocal performances

Besides acting career, Konstantin is engaged in performing musical tracks. So, in 2007, on the set of “The Irony of Fate. Continuation” directed by Timur Bekmabmetov, he performed the song “If you don’t have an aunt.” In 2013, Konstantin Khabensky played the famous singer Pyotr Leshchenko in the series of the same name, where the actor independently sang “Black Eyes” and other songs from Leshchenko’s repertoire. In addition to vocals, the actor records his performances of poems by Russian poets, including “Onegin’s Letter to Tatyana” by Pushkin, “Guardian Angel” by Gumilyov, and so on.

Parodies of the actor

In the biography of Konstantin Khabensky, there are two cases when he was parodied in the program “ A big difference"on Channel One: in the role of Alexander Kolchak in the film "Admiral" and in the role of Anton Gorodetsky in the film "Night Watch". Both times Khabensky was played by the artist of the show “Big Difference” Sergei Burunov. In 2005, the film “Night Bazaar” appeared, a kind of parody of “Night Watch” with a humorous re-voice. Released in 2006 computer game"Dumb Watch", which is a caricature of the film "Night Watch". The name of the main character has undergone minor changes, but the appearance and voice with which the hero commented on the game levels remained the same. The game's poster was a slightly modified image of the original film's poster. The actor himself does not comment on the parodies of his work.

Role in the film "Night Watch"

After playing the role of Anton Gorodetsky, big changes took place in the biography of Konstantin Khabensky: he literally woke up famous. The film was directed by Timur Bekmambetov based on the story of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko. "Night Watch" is considered the first successful project in the history of modern Russian films, and is also called the first Russian blockbuster. According to the plot, the forces of evil and good constantly waged bloody wars, but their leaders noticed that the forces were equal and made peace. According to the agreement, the Night and Day Watch were created, monitoring the dark and light forces, respectively.

But after a certain time it will be born great person, which will shift the balance to the dark side, and evil will reign in the world. Then the plot moves to our time, where a guy named Anton comes to the witch and asks to return his wife, who has left for another. The witch warns that his wife is pregnant and the love spell will kill the child, but Anton agrees to this. Suddenly, workers of the Night's Watch appear and prevent the witch from killing the unborn child. Anton becomes a mage of the Night's Watch. Many years later, Anton meets Yegor, the same boy who should not have been born. Egor turns out to be the Other, whose appearance was predicted a thousand years ago, and goes over to the dark side. Since then, the world has been plunged into complete pitch darkness, but there are still people who believe that this will not always be the case and that good forces will certainly triumph over the evil ones.

Role in the film "Admiral"

One of Khabensky’s most difficult and memorable roles was the role of Alexander Kolchak in the feature historical film “Admiral”. The plot of the film captures the events of the First World War, as well as civil war and two revolutions. The film was based on real biography Admiral Kolchak, proclaimed Supreme Leader of Russia and commander of a vast territory, and his wife Anna Timireva (her role was played by Elizaveta Boyarskaya). Against the backdrop of a dying Russia, Admiral Kolchak remained faithful to the Fatherland, his love and his principles until his death. For the role of Alexander Kolchak, Khabensky received many prestigious awards, including winning the nomination for Best Actor at the MTV Awards, winning the Golden Sword nomination at the Yuri Ozerov Festival and others.

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