Apple Spas: why can’t you eat apples before it? How many apples can you eat a day? Fresh apples: health benefits and harm.

In 2019, the Honey Savior is celebrated on August 14, Apple Spas August 19, 2019, Nut August 29. The three Saviors fall in the month of August and are celebrated in 2019, as every year, on the same dates in August - the Savior is one of the permanent church holidays.

The dates for the celebration of Spas in 2019 can be viewed at so as not to miss important events August and remember when to bless honey, when to bless apples and when to bless bread in church.

The meaning of the holiday of the Savior

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The name Spas is given in honor of Jesus Christ, popularly called Jesus Christ the Savior. In biblical sources, Savior is considered one of the names of Jesus Christ.

Spas, or they are also called Spasovki, celebrated in the month of August, mark the transition of the season - from summer to autumn. Each of the three Saviors is celebrated in honor of our Savior Jesus Christ.

All three holidays are timed to coincide with the collection of honey in the hives, the ripening of apples and bread of the new harvest.

  • The first Honey Savior in 2019 is on August 14, when honey is blessed in the church.
  • The second Apple Savior in 2019 August 19 – blessing of apples.
  • Nut Spas In 2019, August 29 is popularly considered to be bread day.

When the Savior in August, parishioners bless honey, apples and bread, ears of grain from the new harvest, and nuts in the church.

Razgadamus considers it educational. The meaning of the word saved comes from the word saved. In order for a person to survive, it is necessary to eat honey, apples, bread, and thereby save himself.

Honey Spas in 2019. What date is the First Savior: when will it be and how many days is it celebrated?

First Spas Honey or Poppy Spas, celebrated summer holiday always August 14th. The First Savior is significant for several events, thanks to which the number of August 14 is considered by the people to be a special day.

On August 14, the Assumption Lent begins, and the Honey Savior falls on the first day of the Assumption Lent. The holiday associated with the beginning of the collection of honey from the hives heralds the overflowing honeycombs, ready to collect the honey nectar given by nature to man. The holiday has many names and its own traditions; the Honey Savior is celebrated on August 14, one August summer day.

History of the holiday and traditions

The Honey Savior, popularly called Makovei, is celebrated in honor of the seven Maccabean martyrs; otherwise called Maccovey, Honey Festival, Bee Festival. Poppy Spas is the second name of Honey Spas. Poppy is also called so because of the poppy that ripens during this period of time in the month of August.

The third name of the Honey Savior - Savior on the Water - the holiday was awarded for the annual tradition during this period of cleaning wells, purifying water, consecrating it, swimming in reservoirs, moving from summer to autumn and preparing for winter.

Traditionally, honey is prepared for the winter every year in the summer. By August 14, the hives are completely filled with healing nectar, beekeepers are pumping and storing honey from the new harvest for the winter.

According to tradition, on August 14, on Honey Spas, they go to church and consecrate honey; only after consecration, the natural product of the new harvest is allowed to be eaten with, bake pies, and pour fresh honey over it.

Mid-August, when the Bee Festival falls, means farewell to summer and the arrival of autumn.

Honey Spas: signs of August 14

  • Make a wish for the honey consecrated in the church on the Bee Savior - good omen, cherished wish certainly .
  • According to popular belief, if swallows and cranes gather in flocks and fly south, this means that the nights from that day on will become long and cold.
  • On the night of August 14, all the roses in the gardens fall off, the water in the reservoirs is cold, and after the First Savior you cannot swim.
  • It is considered a good omen to pick raspberries on a holiday; the found berry, which has healing properties, promises recovery for the sick.

Apple Spas in 2019. What date is the Second Savior: when will it happen and how many days is it celebrated?

The Second Savior Apple on August 19, or church holiday, celebrated on the 19th day in August, comes second after Medov. When the Apple Savior is celebrated on August 19 or the Great Savior, a transformation of nature occurs and autumn begins.

Starting from August 19, the nights become cooler, the sun gives off its heat, but it does not heat as intensely as in.

It is believed that before the Savior you cannot eat apples or eat dishes with apples. On August 19, after the blessing of apples in the church and any fruits of the new harvest, you can eat the fruits, treat your relatives with apple pies, and bring apples to graves.

How to celebrate Spas 2019

The Second Spas, in addition to the Apple Spas, has many different popular names. It is called Spas, Middle Spas, Great Spas, Gorokhov Day, Transfiguration. The holiday marks the beginning of the new harvest period.

In August, fruits and apples ripen en masse. Apple Spas is celebrated on August 19. Spas is a favorite holiday of the Slavs, with which many traditions and folk signs are associated.

The Second Savior is celebrated with the consecration of apples in the church, folk festivals, on August 19, 2019, people are waiting to celebrate the harvest of the new harvest, stock up on the gifts of nature for the winter, meet autumn and be spiritually transformed.

According to the tradition of the holiday, consecrated apples and baked goods with apples should first be treated to relatives, friends, and the disadvantaged.

Only after this can and should you eat fruit dishes, fresh, baked apples yourself. The Second Savior falls during the Assumption Lent, but on this day - in Great holiday Transfiguration - Christian believers are allowed to include wine and fish in the Lenten menu.

Apple Spas: signs of August 19

  • A wedding in Yablochny Spas is a good omen. According to folk beliefs and signs on Apple Spas, the wedding season begins on August 19, a marriage concluded on this day predicts a successful wedding, happiness in family life, financial wealth and a long marriage.
  • After the celebration and until the Transfiguration of the Lord, women are not allowed to eat apples.
  • What will the weather be like on the Second Spas - this will be the future, if it rains on this day - expect a snowy winter.
  • The sign says - if on the Second Spas you treat the poor with apples, then next year will bring and .

Nut Spas in 2019. What date is the Third Savior: when will it be and how many days is it celebrated?

The third Nut Spas falls in August on the 29th, Spas falls at the end of the last summer month– August 29. Saved on this August day, according to Orthodox calendar, coincides with the church Orthodox holiday, established by the church in honor Image miraculously Christ the Savior.

The popular name was given to the holiday on August 29 - Nut Savior - the Third, following the Second Apple, it is also the last Savior, which will mean the offensive autumn period in nature.

Rituals and essence of the holiday

Referred to as Nut, Spas is called Bread, Canvas, Spas on canvas, Spas on canvas. Traditionally, on Khlebny Spas they bake pies, bread from the new harvest, and cook. From the Third Spas the mass collection and preparation of hazelnuts begins.

Nut Savior in 2019 on August 29, the essence of the holiday lies in gratitude to the Lord for the donated harvest of bread, nuts, and all the gifts of nature. Christians express Thanksgiving Day to the Lord by consecrating bread, ears of grain, and nuts in church.

At the end of August, peasants try to complete field work on time, sow winter crops, and prepare fields for winter. IN major cities Every year on August 29, folk fairs open, where, according to established traditions, it is customary to trade fabrics and canvases; on this day, folk festivals are held.

Since ancient times, people have stocked up on hazelnuts, which are considered a natural and satisfying food that replaces animal products.

Nuts were eaten in fast days During Lent, when meat, eggs and milk were not allowed, various pastries were baked with nuts and added to traditional kutia.

Mid-August - when the Savior will be in 2019 - is the time when believers with baskets filled with fruit, painted baskets with jars of honey, lush bread, according to the customs of our ancestors, go to church to bless apples, honey, bread. Spas is every day of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ the Savior for the grace sent by our Lord to all people living on earth.

In addition to the Savior, August is significant for another solemn event in life Orthodox Church- this is one who works miracles during life and after death.

Nut Spas: signs of August 29

  • A wedding in a church and a Wedding on Orekhoviy Spas on August 29 is a good omen. On this August holiday, newlyweds try to set a wedding date in order to live in peace, harmony and prosperity.
  • The autumn holiday is associated with many folk signs by which people determined the weather for the coming winter and autumn. If there is heavy thunderstorm rain on Spas on August 29, autumn promises to be warm.
  • On the day of the holiday, it was considered a mandatory ritual to sweep the floors in the house in order to ward off troubles and illnesses from your home and yourself.
  • If swallows leave their nests, then it is time for autumn frosts.

Nut, unlike the Great Apple and Honey, is considered an ordinary small holiday, which not all people celebrate. But those who believe in healing properties nuts give this holiday special significance.

Thanks to the miraculous properties of nuts, honey and apples, various sauces are prepared on their basis, charlottes are baked, and added to pies. Natural gifts are used to make homemade medicines for ailments, ointments for treating joints and much more.

Spas 2019 is celebrated in August. Apple Savior is celebrated every year on August 19 and the date of the celebration of Apple Savior in 2019 will coincide, as usual, with the date of the Orthodox church holiday The Transfiguration of the Lord, it has always been so, and so it will be in 2019.

People often use other names for the celebration: the First Autumn, the Second Spas or the Middle Spas, the Great Spas. The holiday also received the name – Savior on the Mountain, because of the ancient biblical events described in the Gospel. Jesus Christ, having chosen his three most faithful and devoted disciples - James, John and Peter, climbed with them to Mount Tabor, which was located in Galilee. There they sincerely prayed to the Almighty. Suddenly, the disciples of Christ fell into a deep sleep, devoid of any dreams. They were awakened by an incredibly bright glow. Opening their eyes, the amazed disciples discovered that Jesus Christ had been completely transformed. His clothes became snow-white and glowed with divine light. The prophets Elijah and Moses stood next to Christ. Having heard the story of the elders, the faithful disciples learned the whole truth that the Son of God must suffer a painful death in 40 days and then be resurrected. The apostles were forbidden to tell anyone about what happened until what was ordained by the Almighty happened. Having completed the transformation, Jesus clearly demonstrated his divine and earthly beginnings. In the 4th century, in memory of the sacred event, a temple was built on the famous mountain. Later, two more churches were built - Catholic and Orthodox.

Starting from that long-standing, memorable event to this day, Christians celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord every year. Knowing when the Apple Day will be saved in 2017, believers prepare in advance for the holiday, strictly observe fasting, and cleanse their body and soul. The evening before the holiday, the priests hold a large church service. And already in the morning, a solemn liturgy and religious procession take place. The temples are decorated with many lamps, the priests are dressed in festive white clothes. The colorful atmosphere in the church reminds parishioners of the Great Event - the Transfiguration of the Son of God.

Apple Spas 2017: Folk customs and traditions

According to established tradition, parishioners bring baskets of grapes, apples and other tree fruits, decorated with ears of wheat, to church. Only after the liturgy and the solemn ceremony of illumination can the fruits be eaten. Often a priest is invited to the fields to bless the crops.

The main symbol of the holiday is apples, as the personification of wealth and prosperity. They are forbidden to eat until the holiday and consecration. The ban applies to grapes and other fruits, with the exception of cucumbers, which can be eaten at any time. According to a long-standing belief, on Yablochny the angels in heaven treat the souls of children with apples. A woman who eats the fruit before the holiday, deprives the child’s soul of the treat. Therefore, after the blessing of the fruits in the church, parents who had lost their children went to the cemetery and left some of the apples on the graves. If a child is buried far away and there is no opportunity to visit the burial site, then “treats” were left in the temple. Nowadays, the tradition has changed a little; now after a church service, it is customary to go to the cemetery and pay tribute not only to children, but also to all deceased relatives.

During the holiday, any housework, sewing, washing and construction work are prohibited. The church only encourages cooking and harvesting. Since the Assumption Fast continues during the Apple Savior, any fatty foods are prohibited. The only relaxation during the celebration is that wine and fish are allowed.

On August 19, housewives, according to an ancient custom, perform a ritual of cleansing the house. To do this, use apples and a wax church candle. Cut the fruit into two halves and remove the core. They put a candle in one half and walk around the house with it. Moving strictly clockwise, they read prayers and ask the Lord to protect the home from adversity and grant peace and harmony to the family. Then the wax from the candle is transferred to the other half of the apple. The two halves of the fruit are tightly tied with a rope, taken away from the house and buried in the ground. At the end of the ceremony, in the cleaned room, the hostesses begin to prepare treats.

On Spas, they bake pies, most often using apple filling, adding honey and walnuts. On the tables there are also pancakes with various fillings, sweet cereals, pies, baked apples, fresh fruit compote. According to tradition, they treat all friends and neighbors, and in the evening they go to the field and say goodbye to the summer with songs.

Housewives begin to prepare apples for the winter, make jam, dry them, and preserve them. And those who have especially bad apples take them for sale, not forgetting to treat the poor and beggars along the way.

Apple saved in 2017: signs and beliefs

There are many signs and beliefs that have survived to this day:

  • The rain on the Second saved us - the winter will be wet and cold.
  • Sun and warmth on the holiday - they promise a snowy winter, without severe frosts.
  • You cannot drive away flies if they land on your hand, otherwise you can scare away happiness. You need to wait until the insect flies away on its own.
  • If the north wind blows when sowing wheat, the ears will be large.
  • The bees are gathering in a swarm and the light rain– autumn will come quickly, cold and rainy.
  • Bees flock to honey - to prosperity in the house.
  • If the leaves on the trees turn yellow on Yablochny, the weather will soon change and become very cold.
  • Before August 19, it is necessary to collect the entire grain harvest, otherwise the first rain will destroy everything.
  • Whoever sews for a holiday will shed tears all his life.
  • There are a lot of starlings in the trees - for harsh January.

Have not lost their relevance at all, folk signs and by 2017. They have passed through centuries and have been tested by more than one generation. Apple saved, reminds of great power nature and its invaluable gifts. This great holiday truly transforms people, making them kinder and instilling in their hearts love for all living things.

When is Apple Spas in 2017, what date?

Apple Spas in 2017 begins on August 19 (old style - the 6th). The holiday has been celebrated since the 9th century, after the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The temple was built on Mount Tabor at the direction of Saint Helena. The Transfiguration of the Lord happened 40 days before the start of Easter, according to the gospel, but the church decided to celebrate this holiday in August, so that it would not fall during the period of the believers’ observance of Lent. Thus, as in any other year, it falls on the Assumption Fast. With his arrival, it is allowed to eat all the fruits consecrated during the festive liturgy, during which the canon is sung, which talks about the Transfiguration. The color of the holiday is considered to be white, so priests wear white robes for the celebration.

Before the start of the Apple Savior, which is also called the “Transfiguration of the Lord” or “First Autumn”, it is forbidden to eat apples. If someone ate apples before the onset of the Savior, this was considered a great sin. Particularly religious people also tried not to eat any fruits or vegetables other than cucumbers. With the advent of the Apple Savior, the ban was lifted and people began to make various preparations from apples and bless them in church.

This holiday existed in Rus' during the period of paganism and was the date when apple picking began. The rituals of all three Saviors, of which the Apple Savior is the most important, were dedicated to the pagan Gods. Since ancient times, there have been many similar holidays dedicated to the first harvest. In addition to Honey, Apple and Nut (Bread) Spas, there were also: Mushroom, Berry and others.

It is believed that the Apple Savior also exists to remind everyone of how important spiritual transformation is. During the Apple Savior, it was customary to treat not only relatives, poor and beggars, but also their deceased ancestors.

Traditionally, believers will prepare apples for Apple Savior. The fruits are harvested using various methods and recipes: soaked, dried, canned. Our ancestors produced not only various fruit and vegetable preparations, but also made a wide variety of baked goods. They baked apple pies and pies, baked apples with honey, made jam and all kinds of treats from them, which people then treated each other to.

Many people believe that on the day of the Apple Savior, apples have special powers and are able to fulfill a wish that can be made by tasting them. There were even fortune telling on apples, which helped determine the name of the betrothed. It was noticed among the people that on the night after the Apple Savior the first cold weather sets in, accompanied by the imminent arrival of autumn. In the old days there was a tradition - people held celebrations in the field, where they saw off the Sun with songs until sunset, and with it the passing summer.

Is this such a difficult question, you might ask? Apples are the safest and useful product, so you can start complementary feeding with it, right from 5-6 months: give the baby fresh, boiled puree or juice.

But here you are fundamentally wrong. There are many pitfalls even in the “Apple” issue. Let's figure it out: when a child is given apples and Apple juice and why.

The benefits of apples for children's bodies

I really won't argue here. Apples contain a huge amount of beneficial substances.

This is, for example,

  1. fiber and pectins, which improve digestion and help remove harmful substances from the body;
  2. vitamins A, B, C, E, P;
  3. iron;
  4. manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, chromium, involved in many processes of the body;
  5. apples normalize hemoglobin, activity nervous system, hearts, etc.

But I’ll argue about “enter as much and whenever you want.”

  • Firstly, it is better to give an apple to a child no earlier than 6 months (this is the age that is considered optimal for starting complementary feeding);
  • Secondly, a large number of eating fruit can cause not only flatulence in the baby, but even gastritis;

I would like to draw your attention to one more thing.

  • Until recently, pediatricians recommended starting complementary feeding with fruits. But today the situation has changed: now it is advised to introduce the baby to new foods, starting with vegetables or cereals.

It is believed that fresh fruits very heavy for children digestive system. In addition, sweet fruits are often blamed for the fact that children do not want to eat anything else after eating them.

Know! If the main rules for introducing complementary foods are violated or force feeding occurs, the child will refuse any complementary foods. He won't care if the apple is sweet or buckwheat. He will close his mouth and not eat a spoonful.

To correctly, and most importantly, safely introduce complementary foods and enjoy your baby’s good appetite, watch the online course for children from 6 months to 1 year ABC of complementary feeding: safe introduction of complementary foods to infants >>>

How and when are apples given to a child?

Here everything greatly depends on the complementary feeding scheme and the principles that you adhere to. Below I will describe the classic scheme, and we discuss the intricacies of introducing foods in detail on the ABC of complementary feeding.

  1. It is better to give the first spoons of complementary foods monocomponent;

It is easier for the body to assimilate and it is easier for mom to identify the source of allergies or bloating. After 7 months, two components can be combined.

Around 7 months, you can already give your baby raw grated apple.

  1. In order not to cause a child’s protest when introducing a new product, you should follow the rule: complementary foods are introduced with the aim of introducing the baby to new food, and not replacing milk with it;
  2. Portions of complementary foods should be small (starting with a quarter of a teaspoon, gradually increasing. The rest of the food will be breast milk(or mixture);
  3. For the same purpose, complementary foods are made quite varied: we add new foods once every 3-7 days.

With this approach, the baby will be happy to try vegetables, cereals, and meat.

Important! Apples cannot be the main source of nutrition for a child under 1 year of age. This is a wonderful dessert and snack, but you won’t get far on apples alone.

Apples can be given in grated or pureed form, and at the age of 9-10 months we begin to teach the baby to bite off pieces and chew them. Everything is strictly under mom's control.

Again, we discuss how to give pieces of apples and safety precautions in the ABC of complementary feeding course. The issue is important and cannot be ignored.

We’ll talk about how to introduce apple juice into complementary foods below: this topic also has its own nuances.

How to cook baked apples for a baby?

For children prone to constipation or frequent bowel movements, you can try temporarily replacing fresh apples with baked ones.

  • Processing reduces the acidity of the fruit. It not only becomes sweeter: fermentation processes are reduced, which prevents gas formation;
  • A soft product, consumed warm, is easier to digest and assimilate without overloading the small stomach;
  • The amount of fiber in such an apple is preserved, but there is more pectin, which is useful, for example, for constipation (especially if the child is bottle-fed).

It’s easy to bake an apple in the oven for a child:

  1. It needs to be washed;
  2. To cut in half;
  3. Remove the seeds (obligatory, because they contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid!);
  4. Place in a preheated oven for 10 – 15 minutes;
  5. The baby is given cooled, mashed pulp, without peel.

In addition, you can cook the apple in other ways: in a double boiler, slow cooker, microwave.

How to bake an apple for a child in the microwave? Also quite simple:

  • the fruit is washed;
  • peel;
  • remove seeds;
  • cut into slices;
  • lightly water;
  • put in the microwave for 5 – 7 minutes;
  • cool, knead and feed the baby.

By 7 months, you can add other components to the fruit, for example, carrots, if the baby has already tried it separately.

Carrots and apples are also given to children in the form of heat-treated puree.

  1. To do this, small carrots are washed, peeled, and finely chopped;
  2. Boil for about 10 minutes in a small amount of water (about 30 ml);
  3. Add the peeled and chopped half of an apple, cook for about 5 minutes;
  4. Blend with a blender to a puree, cool, and offer to the child.

Note! It is better for young children to cook green apples, as they never cause allergic reactions. Red ones, although rare, can cause allergies.

Add apple juice

Well, now we’ve got to the juice. It turns out that this is not such a simple food.

It contains most of the beneficial substances of a fresh apple; it also has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

But due to the lack of fiber, the juice is less nutritious for children, but it contains much more sugar: one glass of juice contains as much as 4 full-fledged fruits. Whereas daily norm for children under one year old – 2-3 apples.

So, from how many months can you give your baby apple juice?

  • Only after 12 months (1 year), since the composition of freshly squeezed apple juice is quite aggressive for a small stomach and fragile kidneys;
  • In addition, by drinking it, the child, within a short time, receives a large portion of fructose (fruit sugar), which without fiber is quickly absorbed, raising blood sugar levels and loading the toddler’s liver.

How to give complementary foods in the form of apple juice correctly?

  1. In the same way, we start with green apples;
  2. It is better to offer juice to your child during lunch;
  3. Due to its concentration, the juice cannot be given pure: it must be diluted with water. The optimal ratio for a yearling is 1:5;
  4. The first portion of juice should be no more than half a teaspoon;
  5. Children after one year are given juice without pulp, no more than 50 ml at a time;
  6. Juice with pulp can be given after 2 years;
  7. In undiluted form, the juice is allowed for children over 4-6 years old.

As you can see, there are a lot of subtleties.

There is one more thing: the juice must be drunk within about 20 minutes after preparation, otherwise it will lose beneficial features, and may even cause gastrointestinal upset in a child.

How to give apple juice to a child after three years of age? Can it be mixed with other juices?

  • It is possible, but the rule is the same: dilute the mixture in half with water and give it to the child within the first 20 minutes after preparation, with a total volume of no more than 100 ml.

You can mix apple juice, for example, with apricot, peach, pear, cherry, and carrot.

In conclusion, I just want to warn you against the influence intrusive advertising baby juices and purees. Yes, they save mommy time - she doesn’t need to cook anything.

But such products undergo much more aggressive heat treatment (for long-term storage), which kills most of the beneficial substances. And vitamins added artificially to such food will not be able to compensate for these losses.

How are you doing with juices? Do you give them to children?

Lyudmila Sharova, consultant on the introduction of complementary feeding and nutrition of children, child psychologist.

Apple Savior is the popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord, established in honor of the appearance of the Savior to his disciples after prayer. What date is Apple Spas 2017 and what is remarkable about this holiday - in our article.

Apple Spas 2017

The Apple or Second Savior, sometimes called the Great Savior or the Savior on the Mountain, is celebrated on August 19. This day does not depend on the date of Easter and other great holidays, and its date is fixed in church calendar. That’s why we celebrate Apple Savior on the same day every year.

Holiday customs

Despite the fact that the Feast of the Transfiguration is one of the twelfths, that is, not the most significant on the list of solemn days, Apple Savior was and remains one of the most beloved among the people today. In addition, many signs and beliefs are associated with this day.

Apple Spas meant the onset of autumn, when nature began to prepare for winter and began to free itself from ripened fruits. No wonder: Spas was one of the most remarkable harvest festivals.

The focus is on apples; it’s not for nothing that the holiday is called Apple Day. According to legend, until this day it was impossible to eat apples from the new harvest. Gradually, some other fruits, for example, grapes, also fell under this ban (this applied to the southern and western Slavic lands).

At the morning service in the church they blessed ripe apples, bunches of grapes, bread in the ear, honey - everything that the earth gave for this day. Spikelets and consecrated grain were left until the next harvest, and treats were prepared from apples and honey. Of course, apple pies, pies, pancakes and porridge came first. Not only family members enjoyed apples in all forms - both fresh and baked. A good housewife was obliged to prepare a treat for neighbors, friends and relatives.

The favorite children's treat of the beginning of autumn is an apple. It was apples, according to legend, that angels treated the souls of dead children to the Savior. But if parents whose children died ate at least one fruit before the cherished holiday, then the children did not receive their treats. That is why eating apples until the morning service was considered the greatest sin. The fruits consecrated in the church were carried to the graves of the dead, primarily children. It was also allowed to leave an offering in the temple - but only if the child was buried far from the place where the parents were on the Savior. Gradually, the tradition of putting apples on graves spread not only to children, but also to all the dead, and they began to “treat” all deceased relatives with apples on Spas.

Fortune telling with apples was also one of the superstitions. The first fruit had to be bitten, thinking about the betrothed - and whichever apple came across, so would it be. married life. The sour, unripe fruit said that the girl would not get married this year. An apple that was too sweet also boded little good - the husband would probably be a liar and a rake. A fruit with a wormhole promised a corresponding flaw in the character of the betrothed, and a rotten barrel promised a husband who was a drunkard and a fool. And only a strong, moderately sweet apple with a slightly noticeable sourness guaranteed a good, loving spouse and a strong family.

Folk signs on Yablochny Spas

According to signs, the weather on Second Spas determined the coming autumn and even the next winter. Thus, the lack of rain and calm weather meant a dry and long autumn. And vice versa - they promised rain on Spas; it was a chilly season with prolonged rains.

A clear and sunny day could turn into a harsh frosty winter, and the clearer the sky was on Spas, the colder winter. The clouds that day promised a snowy winter, and the wind promised snowstorms and blizzards.
