For lack of stamp paper. In the absence of a stamp, we write in simple

(For the sake of discussion. Opinions and amendments are welcome. Statements in the spirit of “why do we need him” are not welcome.)

First of all, I would like to restore justice. The author of the word "liberpunk" is a user kraidiky . He used it in one very interesting discussion, the link to which I sent slavamakarov "y. In that thread it was just a clause to which I did not attach any significance. But Slava grabbed onto it and turned the word into a term. I say all this in order to kraidiky I wasn’t very surprised to see, for example, Krylov’s mention of liberpunk - kraidiky because he reads krylov "ah. I would feel uncomfortable in such a situation, so I decided to clarify.

And the term “liberpunk”, I repeat, was coined by Slava Makarov ( and ). Without false modesty, I will note that from the very beginning I helped him clarify certain formulations. Thus, we managed to abandon libertarianism (which is more related to cyberpunk) and finally settle on liberalism. Which, in general, was the goal from the very beginning. It also turned out that for the world of liberpunk, form is more important than content - the means by which the world of liberpunk is created is more important for us than the goal pursued by the forces behind the creation of the world. Neocons or liberals, white supremacy or the power of sexual minorities - liberpunk does not cease to be liberpunk. However, I will say more about this below.
Huge credit for creating the final concept of liberpunk also belongs to the users khathi And artiom_zheltov "y. The first said that power in the world of cyberpunk belongs to legal golems, the second developed this definition.

Liberpunk is a dystopia built on a description of the hypertrophied West and the Western way of life, “as we imagine them.” The world of victorious globalism. Slava has already named the main names and works. Also, from LiveJournal: Visa (credit and banking) - permission to connect to a visa terminal and access to financial resources. Visas are divided into American, Schengen, Hong Kong, etc., based on the names of the banks that provide them. The first modern "visa" was generated by the Schengen Bank in 2079. The global community of Schengen visa holders is called the “Schengen zone” and numbers more than 1.5 billion people. In accordance with a special agreement between the Schengen Bank and the Bank of Israel, holders of an Israeli visa also have the right to free transactions in the Schengen zone - a successful liberpunk stylization.

Liberpunk is close to the cyberpunk that gave birth to it. We discussed the similarities and differences between these two movements with Slava. And now I will try to give something like an excerpt from my statements that day (I was asked, yes).

In cyberpunk, the state is just “one of the corporations,” and not the most important one. Thus, cyberpunk is much closer to libertarianism as I understand it. In liberpunk the picture is the opposite. The corporation seeks to rise to the level of the state... probably. But what exactly is the difference, I couldn’t formulate until khathi And artiom_zheltov did not identify the legal dimension in liberpunk. But it’s easy to show the difference specific examples. The story of how the security services of the Mishima corporation organizes an attack on the central office of the Neurotech corporation belongs to cyberpunk. A story about how the Coca-Cola corporation organizes the bombing of another “enemy of democracy” - liberpunk.

In cyberpunk, I distinguish two components - economic and informational. Economics determines the external structure of the world. There is something that is profitable in cyberpunk. If it is beneficial for a corporation to have a security service with tanks, it will have one. And, on the opposite pole, if it is beneficial for a person to have a machine (a chip in the head, anonymous access to the network) - he will have it. If it is prohibited, it will still happen. The severity of the law is compensated by the non-binding nature of its implementation. Sitting at computers full of unlicensed software and downloading new films, games, music from the Internet, we can easily feel like we are in the world of cyberpunk.

Information determines the internal structure of the world, technology and “virtuality”. The embodiment of the economic component is the corporation. Information - hackers. The content is a dialectical struggle between these two forces. The archetypal cyberpunk plot is the hacking of a bad corporation by a good hacker.

Thus, in cyberpunk, at least, one can hope that sooner or later the information component will win and information will become free. At the same time, it is important to note that the hacker is the same part of the system: he does his business because it is profitable for him. Corporations resort to the services of hackers, just as they hire hitmen or other specialists. All this is within the framework of the existing rules of the game.

In liberpunk, the main components are legal and economic. There is what is permitted and the way it is permitted. Thus, if internal conflict in such a world exists, then this is a conflict between “Money and Evil” (economics and law). No matter who wins, humanity will lose. There is no hope. In such a situation, one can only sympathize with the Lowteks, those who remain outside this world.

As a version, we can suggest that cyberpunk is obtained from liberpunk if Bubble wins - large corporations. The unified legal field is disappearing, but technology remains. Conditional Roman Empire - conditional feudalism? All this is very controversial, of course.

So. Since liberpunk deals with our exaggerated ideas about the West, the author is an external observer in relation to the world. Even when Kharitonov tries to write “from within,” he inevitably, as a Russian author, does so from the point of view of the Russians, who in Divny New world didn't hit. Therefore, as I already said, form in liberpunk is more important than content, as is the case for an outside observer.

Liberpunk describes a decentralized, but not multipolar world, in which Benediktov's "Great Israel" and "Japanese Corporate Empire" can coexist with Krylov's "Disneyland State." At the same time, the world is characterized by a single and very powerful legal field, international law binding on all, combined with a developed market/post-industrial economy.

In a word, the term should be considered successful. Congratulations to Slava Makarov :).

From a literary point of view, liberpunk is the Russian response to cyberpunk, and, at the same time, a return to the origins of dystopias.

From classic dystopias - the level of control over personality and information, which, in general, is the same thing. There is no “it’s impossible, but it’s possible,” as in cyberpunk. The severity of the laws is compensated by the means to enforce them.

From cyberpunk - the level of development of technologies, including information technologies, which allow this control to be exercised. In the game "MGS2", which I, in principle, did not like because of Pelevin's twists, one of storylines revolved around the creation in America, within the framework of the concept national security, a supercomputer capable of censoring the Internet in real(!) time.

What’s new here will be the *apparent* economic and informational openness of society, the presence of a formally free market and the media. Actually, it is precisely the task of controlling chaos that requires high development of technology. We remember that the world is decentralized, and control is carried out to ensure legal norms(in the interests of a legal super-golem, yeah; the system is closed on itself - if you take the position artiom_zheltov "A). Management systems the world of liberpunk resembles not Big Brother, but rather the council of the Elders of Zion.

Pereslegin, when he came up with a new, non-linear communist economy for the Strugatsky world, wrote: “The market was a relatively simple self-oscillating system, described by trivial Volterra-Locca equations that determined the population dynamics in the predator-prey system.” Like any self-oscillating system, it came from time to time into a singular state called the economic crisis... It was a miracle that the Leningrad theorist Ilya Prigogine discovered at the end of the 20th century a whole class of complex homeostatic economic mechanisms... It turned out that the notorious "market" was the first and simplest object of the infinite (theorem of Lelik Jr., 2014 ) sequences of automatic regulators."

Then the world of liberpunk serves as an illustration of the fact that the total control and planned economy of the classical dystopia (or the classical totalitarian state) is just the first and simplest of a sequence of artificial regulators.
Which, in fact, is what we see in the example modern America and the West as a collective concept - but Orwell was also a contemporary of the Stalinist USSR.


In the absence of a stamp, they also write in plain (order).

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  • - Baptized in ink, wreathed in stamped paper, nourished with the end of a pen...

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  • - Immersed in ink, covered with stamped paper, nourished with the end of a pen...

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  • - In the absence of a stamp, they also write in plain...

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"In the absence of a stamp, they also write on a simple one." in books

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In the absence of a stamp, they write in simple

About the need to make do with a simplified version.

Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions. - M.: PAIMS. V.P. Belyanin, I.A. Butenko. 1994 .

See what “In the absence of a stamp, they write in simple” in other dictionaries:

    In the absence of a stamp, they also write on a simple one.- (command.). See WILL NABLIA In the absence of a stamp, they also write a simple one (order). See MODERATION GREED...

    AS SIMPLE AS THREE // KOPEYKS / RUBLES- adj. 1. An easy, simple matter. 2. Stupid, narrow-minded person. Simple: In the absence of a stamp, they write a simple stamp. When it is impossible to do anything upper class, we have to simplify... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    LACK OF HAVE- Wed the condition or position of being indigent; one who lacks, lacks something; absence, lack; it is more convenient to replace it with the word: no. In the absence of a stamp, they write on a simple one; if there is no stamp. Poor, not having. The poor man takes his children... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    WILL - BONDAGE- I sulked, but didn’t puff. I'm exhausted. You can’t, you won’t be able to handle it; but if you strain yourself, you won’t be able to help. What will happen to him: you won’t be able to take off his hat (from the old custom of disgracing someone by taking off their hat). You can't take his hat off. Bribes from him are smooth. The camel lay down, so... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    COAT OF ARMS- husband. a type of shield, with the image on it of signs assigned to the state, city, noble family, etc. Armorial, related to the coat of arms; wearing a coat of arms, in a brand, seal. Stamp paper, deed, with the state emblem, serving as... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    MODERATION - GREED- If you pout on beer, you won’t drink it. You won't grow by looking at the forest. You won't be rich by looking at people. You can't catch everything that floats on the water. You can’t adopt everything that floats on water. At least not fishy, ​​but ear-shaped. Remove the roach and pike. The bar doesn’t have all the money... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    First World War and Civil War- In the absence of a stamp, as you know, they write in plain language. In the absence of tanks, tractors are armored. In this monograph, the author tells the history of the creation of armored tractors in Russia. First part … Encyclopedia of technology

    WEALTH IS SORRY- The poor man even smokes censer. It is better to serve through the threshold than to stand at the threshold. It's better to serve out the window than to stand under the window. God forbid you give, God forbid you take (i.e. alms). God forbid to give, God forbid to accept! The rich get old, and the poor... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

How the competition for the head of the city district will be held - says Vitaly Wolf, manager of the Western Administrative District

Very soon Pervouralsk will return to autocracy. The head of the city district and the head of the administration will no longer compare powers, and all responsibility will fall on the shoulders of one person. The head of the city district will be required to combine the work of a business executive and an effective manager, not forgetting about ribbons, protocol events, etc. Today, three people are ready to try themselves in this role - the current acting head of the administration Valery Khorev, the manager of the administration Alexander Antsiferov, an expert from the Public Chamber Sverdlovsk region Gennady Zverev.

Pervouralsk returned to autocracy, but not to popular elections: the Duma will still choose the most worthy. And to begin with, the applicants will go through the filter of the commission for choosing the head - 10 people will decide whether to weed out any of the already few people who want to “steer” Pervouralsk. We talked about the search for an ideal model of local self-government with the chairman of the commission, the manager of the Western Administrative District Vitaly Wolf.

Three cups and a teapot. Vitaly Volf has known journalists for a long time and knows that “chroniclers” do not go alone. With a broad gesture he invites him to the table and intends to sit in an informal setting, but our stern photographer Ekaterina Demysheva returns Vitaly Alexandrovich to his desk.

So, the composition of the commission for choosing the head is known - five representatives of Pervouralsk, approved by the Duma, and five people from the governor. Usually, if the municipality is smaller, eight people are enough at parity - four by four, but Special attention for the elections in Pervouralsk is indirectly confirmed by the Governor’s decree on a “landing party” of five people.

— From the locals there are three deputies: Nikolai Shaidurov, Nikolai Kozlov and Natalya Vorobyova, and two representatives large enterprises: Executive Director of Dinura Dmitry Kobelev and Managing Director of PNTZ Alexey Dronov. From the governor - Vadim Dubichev (deputy head of the governor’s administration), Elena Khazova (head of Department civil service, personnel and awards of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region), Anton Tretyakov (Head of the Department domestic policy Governor's Administration), Natalya Sokolova (head of the department for interaction with local government bodies) and yours truly as chairman of the commission.

— The first stage of the competition has passed - you have reviewed the documents submitted by the candidates. What did you pay attention to?

— Reliability of submitted documents. Absence and presence of a criminal record. Convicts are not a trend these days. Income declarations. All applicants automatically fall under the law: they are required to provide information about the amount and source of income. In addition, candidates had to get rid of co-founder in commercial organizations and accounts in foreign banks. All three were admitted to the second stage.

The first competition for the head of the administration of Pervouralsk took place in 2013. Then a commission of 8 people listened to the presentations of seven people and, as a result, two applicants for the position of city manager remained - top manager of PNTZ Alexey Dronov and entrepreneur Konstantin Bolyshev. Konstantin Viktorovich presented the program “Comfortable for industrial life developed city with a post-industrial structure in close proximity to Yekaterinburg.” Alexey Ivanovich then first hinted about the Pervouralsk-300 program, a certain strategy that is partially being implemented, partially changing now.

This year there is no rush - only three applications.

— The second stage is the interview. After talking with the candidates, the commission must decide on the degree of their readiness to exercise local self-government. Moreover, not only the powers of local self-government, but also the transferred powers of bodies state power. There are those all the time. There have been cases where a local person is ready to effectively manage local authorities, but he is stuck with state authorities.

— In what format will the interview take place?

“We give the applicant the right to choose how he will convey his vision of the city’s development to the competition commission. This could be a presentation. He may limit himself to telling future prospects. Then we talk and ask questions. There is a questionnaire, by the way. The Duma has developed a regulation on the competition, which clearly defines the selection criteria. In particular, there are questions about knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and knowledge of the Charter of Pervouralsk. Few applicants have ever seen the Charter, and even fewer have read them. Unless it's the current head, of course. In addition, demeanor and communication are assessed.

— How will you evaluate?

— Each member of the commission will put points against each criterion. No, we will not add up the points, but will look at the coincidence of the jury members’ assessments. Our task is to propose no more than two candidates to the Duma. The Duma must choose a worthy one. The role of the competition commission is greatly exaggerated, by the way. Some are going to court, thinking that the harmful Wolf has killed the future luminary of local government. No - the choice is ultimately made by the Duma. But I don’t remember a time when we were very wrong. In general, the purpose of creating the commission: local self-government is separated from state power and is not part of the vertical power system. But, on the other hand, it is dangerous to give the transferred powers (regional and federal) into some random hands. Because in most cases, along with powers, we transfer the most valuable thing - the budget. Most territories - and Pervouralsk is a pleasant exception - have their own income of 18-20 percent. And we have almost half, a little more than 40. The governor has the right to see who we are transferring these resources to and whether this someone will be able to manage them. Why is a commission created on parity?

Vitaly Volf notes that for the last 17 years the legislator has been searching for how to organize local self-government.

— I came to the post of head of Pervouralsk in 2000. Then I was the chairman of the city duma, the head of the city district and the head of the administration. All on one person - and executive branch, and legislative. In 2013, the city introduced a two-headed system. Head of the city district and head of administration. After 4 years, they abandoned popular elections, causing heated controversy and discontent among the people, and invented a competitive system.

But in any case, these are elections - not by the people, but by its brightest representatives. 7,500 people behind each deputy, however.

— What if these 7,500 people standing behind each deputy are dissatisfied with the choice of their chosen one? Will they start writing letters, for example, or influence the decision in some other way?

“The national elections also left behind both satisfied and dissatisfied, you won’t even understand who is more.” With a low turnout, it was not exactly who the majority wanted that got elected. But the majority vote with their feet - they don’t come. And among the deputy corps, I think, there will be dissatisfied people, although the Duma was formed by a well-known composition.

“I don’t think there will be surprises, even with a secret vote.”

- Any system is imperfect. The commission, by the way, may skip all three applicants. All three are ready.

— If we abstract from the personalities of the current candidates, what should the ideal head of the urban district be like?

— CROWBAR — Leader Public Opinion. Very often, these leaders do not hold administrative positions, although the whole city is waiting for him to take the helm. In Pervouralsk, Efim Grishpun can be called such, but for a number of reasons he did not show up for this competition. In every city there is an educated, literate person, sufficiently wealthy and respected by people, with an excellent reputation. These are the people who never go to local government. They don't need to prove anything to anyone. I know in each of my 20 municipalities those who could become the head. These are usually top managers, not owners of enterprises. And everyone asks the question: why do I need this? In the absence of a stamp, we write in plain language, as they say. But Pervouralsk is again a pleasant exception!

- Seriously?

- Yes. Three excellent candidates. With experience in self-government.

— If there are three candidates left, will there be competition between them? Valery Khorev managed to steer the city. Gennady Zverev has experience as a manager in the North, the ministry and private business. Alexander Antsiferov is from the security forces, but has been “cooking” in the administration for a long time...

- Yes, ready people showed up. Zverev has extensive experience as a manager, is well versed in theory, and is an expert at the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. Khorev is a factory worker, delves into city problems, has experience in managing one of the key city departments - Vodokanal. Antsiferov knows how to manage people, has good set human qualities. There is someone to fight.

- Local or non-local - is it more of a plus or a minus?

— There is a certain postulate in the science of management: if there is a confrontation between elites in a territory, then it is better to let a person in from the outside. But Pervouralsk has always been a special territory. There is no need to do this in Pervouralsk. Antsiferov has already assimilated. And Zverev too. Khorev is originally a local. The choice is up to the deputies.

The contract with the head of the city district is signed for five years - until the end of the powers of the Duma.

— What happens if you get tired, can’t cope, etc.?

— There will be a new competition.

The second stage of the competition - the interview - will take place on October 12. It is likely that the new composition of the Duma will make a choice already next meeting Duma at the end of October.

Photo by Ekaterina Demysheva

Why is stamp paper needed, how did it appear in Russia, how did they manage without it in the 20th century, and who now has the right to issue it.

“Baptized in ink, wreathed in stamped paper, nourished with the end of a pen.”
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Stamp paper stamp (1700)

IN beginning of XXI century presidential administration Russian Federation turned to FSUE Goznak with an order for the production of stamp paper for presidential document forms. After Goznak released the first edition of prototypes, a draft Presidential Decree was prepared, according to which the St. Petersburg Paper Mill was to produce stamp paper with a watermark (an image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation), and the Moscow Printing Factory was to print forms of documentation of the President of the Russian Federation (enterprises were branches of FSUE Goznak).

What is stamp paper used for? Using the legal language from federal law“On the stamp paper of the Russian Federation”, it is “a paper medium on which individuals can give obligations that have legal significance.” In appearance, this is a numbered sheet of A4 paper of special manufacture and with the image of the state emblem, produced in packs of one hundred sheets, in which each sheet has a pack number and a sheet number in the pack.

The right to produce stamp paper belongs only to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; the Ministry sells it either itself or through its agents to notarial institutions, and registration is carried out of the notarial institutions to which specific packs were sold, the numbers of the packs and the date of sale. Revenues from the Ministry of Finance from the sale of stamped papers go to the federal budget. Needless to say, due to its special value, stamp paper is stored according to special rules.

It would seem that stamp paper is a common thing in government office work, but before the above-mentioned presidential decree it for a long time They didn’t make them here at all; production was discontinued in 1874. And when did it first appear in Russia?

The idea was given to the king...

On January 19, 1699, a secret (secretly planted) letter was discovered in the Yamsky Prikaz in Moscow. The envelope, sealed with two red seals, bore two inscriptions. The first inscription read: “To hand over this letter to Fyodor Alekseevich Golovin,” and the second: “To present to our pious Sovereign Peter Alekseevich without opening it.” The letter was urgently delivered to Peter in Preobrazhenskoye.

“After reading briefly,” we read in Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “Peter the Great,” Peter took his chin with his nails: “Hm,” he read, suddenly in a row, threw back his head: “Ha!” - and, forgetting about Suslov, quickly walked into the dining room the ward where neighbors languished waiting for dinner. - Gentlemen ministers! - Peter’s eyes cleared up. - You feed you, give you enough to drink, but how much profit do you make from you? ... Here! (Shakes the letter) A thin little man, a slave, he came up with an idea! Enriching the treasury... Order a search and bring Kurbatov in now. And we won’t sit down to dinner without him... That’s it, gentlemen ministers, eagled paper must be sold: for all fortresses, for petitioners - paper with a coat of arms, from a kopeck to ten rubles. It's clear? No money to fight? Here they are - money! Which Kurbatov did the tsar ask to bring to him? Is this a fictional character, or did he have a real prototype?

Kurbatov Alexey Alexandrovich - butler, serf of the famous associate of Peter the Great, boyar Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev, who served as Sheremetyev’s butler; It was he who sent the letter with the project for introducing stamp paper in Russia. Could some serf butler know about the stamp paper? It should be noted here that only in the 17th - early 20th centuries the senior footman in rich houses began to be called a butler. In Peter's times, a butler was the one who managed the entire household on landowners' estates, city estates and mansions. Obviously, such a service could best be performed by a person with a good education. But still, where could Kurbatov come up with the idea of ​​a special, “state” paper?

In 1697 - 1698 V Western Europe The Grand Embassy was sent through Livonia, the main purpose of which was to find allies against the Ottoman Empire. Peter himself traveled with the embassy under the name of Peter Mikhailov. At the same time, Sheremetyev, one of the commanders-in-chief of the army during the Azov campaigns, also undertook a trip abroad. He left Moscow on June 22, 1697, and his retinue and his butler set off on the journey with him.

The travelers followed the route Krakow - Vienna - Venice - Padua - Ferrara - Rome - Naples - Sicily - Malta - Naples - Rome - Florence - Venice - Vienna - Kiev - Moscow. Sheremetyev sent Kurbatov to Moscow at the end of the summer of 1697 from Venice, even before the end of the trip. It can be assumed that it was during his European trip that Kurbatov came up with the idea to consider as legal only those contracts and petitions that were written on special - stamped - paper purchased from the state.

In Europe itself, stamp paper is believed to have appeared during the time of Emperor Justinian, to whom its invention is attributed. Then they forgot about it for a long time, until in Holland in the first half of the 17th century the need arose for a new tax that was not burdensome for the payer and beneficial for the state. A prize was announced for the invention of such a tax, and a certain citizen (history has not preserved his name) proposed in 1624 to use a special stamp. The Dutch idea soon spread throughout Europe: in Spain, stamp paper began to be used in 1636, in France - in 1654, in Prussia - in 1686, in England - in 1694.

When Alexey Kurbatov returned to Moscow, a few months later he sent an anonymous letter. It happened in the right place and in right time: Peter, after traveling to Western Europe, was preparing for war with the Swedes, but the state treasury was empty. Everyone around him was looking for ways to collect additional funds for the army from merchants. But the answer to such a difficult task was found not by those close to the tsar, but by a simple (or not very simple, given the nature of his service) serf Alexei Kurbatov.

Inaccuracy in the novel

The king immediately seized on the idea. Already four days after the discovery of the letter, namely on January 23, 1699, the royal decree followed: “So that henceforth in all serf affairs between people of all ranks there will be no disputes between people of all ranks, from sneakers and compilers of thieves, there will be no compositions and sales and red tape to anyone, keep in Moscow and in all orders, both in cities and in suburban towns and volosts, where there are administrative huts, a paper under the coat of arms of his great Sovereign of the Moscow State...”

The decree also spoke about why stamp paper was being introduced - “to replenish the treasury of the great sovereign.” Price for a new one Russian paper was different and depended on the amount for which a particular transaction was concluded. “And for that paper you have to send money to the Armory, which under the large stamp is 3 altyns, 2 money per sheet, under the middle one - 2 money per sheet, under the smaller one - one money.”

Let us explain for modern readers: the paper was to be produced in three editions. A sheet of stamped paper stamped with the image of a large eagle was supposed to cost 10 kopecks, with the image of a medium eagle - 1 kopeck, and with the image of a small eagle - 0.5 kopecks. From this we can conclude that in Tolstoy’s novel, where it is said that “eagle paper must be sold: for all fortresses, for petitioners - paper with a coat of arms, from a penny to ten rubles,” an inaccuracy was made. Over time, stamp paper will become more expensive, but the first stamp paper cost from 0.5 to 10 kopecks.

The fact that almost a month after the first decree was issued, a second one followed, on February 22, and then a third, on April 24, 1699, shows how many hopes were associated with the stamp paper. Additional decrees differentiated the paper of the first analysis, introduced stamps in denominations of 25 kopecks (for transactions from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles) and 50 kopecks (for transactions over 10,000 rubles).

In 1720 in state treasury 19,898 rubles were received from the sale of stamp paper. 41 kopecks Until 1780, stamp duty was no more than 50 thousand rubles annually; from 1780 to 1797, the treasury already had a net income from stamp paper of up to 150 thousand rubles annually. Every year the penny fees on stamp paper increased more and more. So, if in 1810 this amount was about 1 million 575 thousand rubles, then in 1859 it increased to 14 million rubles.

Boards with stamps for paper were cut by engravers of the Armory Chamber. (Previously it was called the Great Treasury; the treasury itself was kept by the boyars-treasurers and the clerks assigned to them.) They sold stamped paper special people- “bearded men” from the clergy. Forgery of stamps and the sale of counterfeit stamp paper were, of course, punishable by law.

Until 1723, exclusively foreign Dutch and French papers were used for stamp stamping. On October 17, 1723, a special Senate decree was issued, which established a special filigree for stamp paper: “and in order to prevent theft in the stamping of stamp paper, henceforth, for stamping, make paper in factories that is all good and thick with the image of His Imperial Majesty’s coat of arms and on the sheets at the top with the inscription of subsequent letters “stamp paper”, and that paper should only be used for that stamp stamp, and white paper from those factories should not be sold to anyone in the ranks under oath with deprivation of the belly.” This was the first example of Russian armorial filigree. At the same time, the stamp also changed. In fact, the decree came into force on January 1, 1724.

Filigree with the image of the coat of arms and the writing "stamp paper" with minor changes survived until 1766. Later, the date was included in its composition (the year the paper was cast). One of the rare changes in filigree was the depiction of the Order of Malta, which occurred in 1800, when Paul I assumed the title of its grand master, but immediately after the assassination of Paul the order's coat of arms was withdrawn.

"In the absence of a stamp..."

Peter I clearly defined what stamp paper was to be used for. Thus, the paper of the first analysis was intended for documents for the sale of lands, goods, buildings, serfs, as well as for processing large cash loans in the amount of more than 50 rubles. The paper of the second analysis was intended for the same documents and cash loans, but for amounts up to 50 rubles. The paper of the third analysis could be used to submit various petitions, for example, “petitions” and extracts from court cases.

Considering the volume of office work, stamp sheets had to be saved. In pre-Petrine Rus', a sheet of paper was torn lengthwise, and not folded across, as we do now. The sheet, torn lengthwise, formed two “glued together” columns, and the document itself had the shape of a scroll. The first stamp papers were stamped twice and sold to be cut into columns. In 1700, Peter I decided that such scrolls were very inconvenient to use and uneconomical, so he introduced the transfer of office work from columns to notebooks. A personal decree was issued specifically for stamped paper on March 10, 1702: “... the order is to write all sorts of matters on stamped sheet paper in notebooks, and, as is the previous custom, not to write on columns, so that in orders all petitioner’s matters are bound in books, and not in columns...".

However, even with economical use of stamped paper, there was sometimes not enough stamp paper, and in 1719 it was allowed to write on ordinary paper sheets in the absence of it. In these cases, the government agencies certifying the transaction were required to put a stamp on the paper indicating that the appropriate stamp duty had been collected. This is where the saying “in the absence of a stamp, they write on a simple one” originates, which means that for lack of anything better, they are content with what they have.

A huge amount of paper went into what we would now call a population census. In the fall of 1718, by royal decree, it was ordered to collect information about the number of souls in each locality, that is, to conduct an audit of taxable estates for the convenience of per capita tax collection. The documents in which the result of the audit were recorded were called audit tales, and they were made on stamped paper.

We encounter its shortage for audit cases in Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, in Chichikov’s conversation with Korobochka: “Wow, how much stamp paper you have here! - she continued, looking into his box. And in fact, there was a lot of stamp paper there. - At least give me a piece of paper! And I have such a disadvantage; happened to submit a request to the court, but there was nothing to do with it... I explained to her that this paper was not of that kind, that it was intended for making fortresses, and not for requests. However, to calm her down, he gave her some sheet worth a ruble.”

The administration of stamp duty passed from one institution to another until 1811, when it became the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance. Russian Empire. The stamp paper itself was managed by the Main Directorate of Non-State Duties and State Sales of Drinks, which included a special stamp treasury, which was responsible for its accounting and storage.

The production of stamp paper also moved from one factory to another over time, but since 1818 it has ceased to be produced in private factories - now only the State Paper Procurement Expedition (now the St. Petersburg Paper Mill - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Goznak) is engaged in the production, stamping and printing of stamp paper ). It was precisely established for the task national importance- production of banknotes and, in general, all papers with the state emblem.

The costs of producing stamp paper in the State Paper Procurement Expedition increased from year to year. So, if in the period from 1818 to 1828 they amounted to 227,746 rubles. 13 1/2 kopecks, then from 1851 to 1860 they increased to 588,101 rubles. 48 kopecks, i.e. 2.6 times.

Stamp paper existed in Russia for exactly 175 years until 1874, when it was replaced by official stamps, which cost the state much less.

A.A. Kurbatov: rise and fall

Destiny A.A. Kurbatov, who proposed the project of introducing stamp paper in Russia, is in many ways reminiscent of the fate of the famous A.D. Menshikov: both from the lower class, both became associates of Peter I, first achieved resounding success, and then were accused of embezzlement, only Menshikov was exiled, and Kurbatov was sent to prison. In the film “Young Russia”, the prototype of Sylvester was him, Alexey Aleksandrovich Kurbatov. But if in the movies everything ended well, and the hero was released, then in life everything was different: Kurbatov died in prison in 1721, without waiting for trial. What did he do after he sent his famous “sweeping” letter?

For the stamp paper project, Kurbatov was generously rewarded with money, released (remember that he was Sheremetyev’s serf) and made clerk of the Armory Chamber. At his request, Peter I appointed him head of the Navigation School, from which secular education in Russia actually began. “Nowadays,” Kurbatov wrote to the Tsar, “many people of all ranks have recognized the sweetness of that science, send their children to those schools, while others themselves are underage, and Reitar people and young order clerks come with no small desire.” New leader The Navigation School gathered under its leadership such teachers who long years ensured the successful development of national education in the Russian Empire.

In 1705, Peter I decided to create the position of a special observer and inspector at the Town Hall and zemstvo huts, who would be independent of any local authorities and would directly report to him about all the disorders. The tsar again appointed A. A. Kurbatov to this position. At the same time, a decree was issued calling for reports of abuses, and those who reported theft were promised a reward - 1/4 of the property of the person who stole and a reward in the form of patrimony. Serf serfs were given freedom for correct denunciation.

Having taken up a new position, Kurbatov got down to business very energetically, uncovered many cases of concealment of the treasury, and actively fought against kormatstvo (illegal secret sale of wine and other items of monopoly trade). For activities useful to the state, the tsar awarded Kurbatov 5,000 rubles, a very large sum for those times and even more significant if we remember that Peter I was never particularly generous with monetary gifts.

On February 22, 1711, he was appointed head of the Arkhangelsk province, and from March 6, 1712, he was already vice-governor. Despite the fact that Arkhangelsk at that time was the first city in Russia in terms of trade, Kurbatov did not want to go there, wanting to stay in Moscow next to the sovereign, and therefore saw disgrace in his new appointment. Peter, in response to his sorrowful letter, answered this way: “Mr. Kurbatov! Yesterday I received a letter from you, in which you were greatly saddened by the journey to the city (as Arkhangelsk was usually called then) by the image of cowardice, without reminding you that in what troubles and sorrows your leader is found; Why do you think that for the sake of my heart I did this on you, then please truly believe that it was lower in my thoughts, for if I wanted, I clearly could have done it without forgery, which you will hear about in more detail when I visit you tomorrow . Peter."

Kurbatov began to ask the tsar for the position of governor, but the tsar replied: “Build three ships and you will be a governor.” Kurbatov built seven ships, but did not receive an appointment. Kurbatov's collision Arkhangelsk region with Menshikov’s agents caused the latter’s enmity. In 1714, Kurbatov was removed from office, accused, ironically, of embezzlement and bribery.

Prince Mikhail Volkonsky went to Arkhangelsk to investigate Kurbatov’s abuses. However, the investigation proceeded with great delays. Kurbatov, relying on high patrons in Moscow, behaved defiantly towards the investigator: he did not appear for interrogations, and left Volkonsky’s written requests unanswered. Meanwhile, the investigation revealed more and more facts of abuse by the vice-governor. Things were getting serious. Kurbatov turned to the sovereign himself for protection.

In a letter to Peter I, he recalled his previous merits: that his proposal to introduce stamp paper gave the treasury income; that he, as the head of the Town Hall, increased the drinking fee by 112 thousand rubles; that in the Arkhangelsk province he collected taxes in excess of his salary of 300 thousand rubles. However, neither the tsar nor the investigative commission took into account past merits.

It was proven that from 1705 to 1714 Kurbatov embezzled 16,422 rubles of government money. The threat of being executed by hanging hung over Kurbatov, and only sudden death in prison saved him from shame. After the incident with Kurbatov, Peter I issued a decree prohibiting the involvement of representatives of the “vile people” as officials, that is, those who belonged to the lower tax-paying class - peasants, townspeople, etc.
