Life without arms and without legs (Photo). Nick Vujicic is a man of very strong will (16 photos)

Nick's parents emigrated to Australia from Serbia. His father served as a local pastor catholic church, and his mother worked as a nurse. The child was the first-born, whose arrival both parents were looking forward to with great impatience. Everything went great during pregnancy. Even expectant mother- the health worker - nothing alarmed. The stronger the shock of what happened after the birth.

When the baby emerged from his mother’s womb, a general silence hung over him, which greatly alarmed the young mother. She saw that the doctors were looking at each other in fear and could not understand what was happening. The baby screamed and was immediately taken away. The woman asked the doctors to show her the child, but no one dared to tell her about the problem.

When the baby was finally brought in, and she saw that he had absolutely no arms and one leg, and instead of the other there was only a tiny foot with two deformed and completely fused toes, the woman almost suffocated in sobs... For the young parents, what happened was terrible tragedy, for which they were completely unprepared.

In childhood

Naturally, the clinic staff suggested that they abandon the child and place him in a special institution for disabled children. But the couple's religious beliefs did not allow them to do this. As soon as the doctors gave permission, they took the newborn boy home, having absolutely no idea what they would do with him next and how to help him.


Time passed. They sought information and consulted doctors. It turned out that their son was born this way due to a severe genetic disease, which manifests itself very rarely and is expressed in the underdevelopment or complete absence of all limbs. In Nick’s case, there was no talk of installing prosthetics, since they simply had nothing to hold on to – he didn’t even have stumps.

Realizing that it was almost impossible to help their son and coming to terms with their grief, the parents accepted the only correct solution- live on and do everything to help the child get comfortable in such a cruel world for him. And step by step they began to solve the problem of its adaptation.

It all started with complex operation, which separated his toes on his foot. Now it has become his only opportunity to hold or otherwise use the objects of the surrounding world. But this understanding did not come immediately. In the first years, everyone just prayed. Morning and evening - in church, and during the day Nick turned to God countless times with a request to give him at least one hand.

Although the parents sincerely loved their only child, Nick felt very unhappy. He absolutely couldn't do without outside help. Even changing body position was a problem. But nevertheless, he grew up as a very smart boy and was interested in everything he saw around him.

Things got worse when Nick started attending school. He saw that other children were able to move around and suffered greatly from this. His depression deepened every day. Moreover, he hid it from his parents. Nick saw the effort they were making so that he could live a normal life and didn't want to upset them.

He considers that day at the age of ten one of the turning points in his destiny. He became disillusioned with life and God and decided that he could no longer fight for his survival. Nick wanted only one thing - for it all to end. But he couldn’t even kill himself on his own without asking someone for help...

But he found a way out. Having asked his mother to give him a bath, he decided to drown himself in it. He used to like to lie down and relax in warm water and mom, having lowered him into the bath, calmly went out for a few minutes. Nick began to make desperate attempts to get his face in the water, but he failed.

At that moment, when this almost happened, the tear-stained faces of his parents suddenly appeared before his eyes. He realized that this would be a blow and pain for them for the rest of their lives and decided to continue to fight. Since then, he has never had thoughts of suicide.

Moreover, he began to actively work with his body and especially with his feet. And then he asked his parents to transfer him to a school for ordinary children, firmly deciding to live full life. At first, the guys were very wary of Nick and even tried to make fun of him. But he, having an excellent sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself, quickly made friends and later even became a class leader.

Nick understood his life's purpose when he heard a story about one person from his mother. While seriously ill, he was actively involved in charity work and continued to help and inspire others. He realized that this was something he could actually do. In the school council, he took up issues of adaptation and assistance to disabled children.


IN school years took place one of the first public speaking Nick Vujicic in front of other guys. He was terribly worried and almost forgot the speech that he had so carefully prepared and rehearsed for several days. But he understood that simply remaining silent and leaving would be a defeat. And he promised himself to never give up again. And then he just started talking about himself... Since then, he was regularly invited to performances that attracted packed houses.

Active social activities Nick continued to lead in student years. He decided to get a business education and entered the University of Melbourne. By the way, there he quickly became one of the best students. Then he began to travel, discovering a huge world together with his classmates.

The geography of his performances was constantly expanding. Rumors about an unusual person and his positive attitude towards life quickly spread throughout Australia. At his performances, people overestimated their own lives. As he received feedback, he became increasingly convinced that he was bringing benefit to the world by making it a better place. People wrote that they gained faith in themselves and opened new pages in their lives, thanks to him.

At first his lectures were for charity. Nick earned money by working in his main specialty - business and accounting. By the time he graduated from university, he had learned to type quickly on a computer with his feet and was fluent in modern accounting programs. But Nick understood that what he did for people was much more important than statistics and reports. And I was looking for an opportunity to make lectures my main occupation.

He received his first recognition for his hard work in 2005, when he was voted “Person of the Year” in Australia. In 2008, a small film “The Butterfly Circus” was released, in which Vujicic essentially played himself. This film brought him not only international fame, but also his first serious income, which was a prize of 100 thousand dollars. Now Nick can afford to leave his job and fully devote himself to his life's purpose.

And just a year later, Nick publishes his first book, “Life without Borders,” in which he honestly describes the entire path that he had to go from a completely helpless child scared of life to a motivator whose advice and opinion are listened to by thousands of people. The book quickly spread around the world, and Nick was invited to speak in the United States for the first time.

Since then, he has constantly traveled around the world, inspiring and motivating people. He is the founder charitable foundation helping people with disabilities. Nick also constantly appears on television and continues to write new books. To date, five of them have already been published. Most of them have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Nick has long since earned his first million and is living a healthy and active image life: travels a lot, surfs, climbs mountains and dives.

Personal life of Nick Vujicic

When Nick first started his career, he was already happy that he had found his own path in life. Then this was his personal happiness. Could a man without arms and legs hope that the world would be so kind to him that he would still meet his true love?!

At one of his performances, Nick met a charming girl, Kanae Miyahara, who was also a Christian and completely shared his views. After the meeting, the young people exchanged contacts and continued communication. Gradually they became close friends. But for a very long time Nick could not believe that Kanae had completely unfriendly feelings towards him.

With my wife

Only four years after they met, he decided to propose to her. And he was simply at the height of bliss when the girl answered him with consent. Since then, Nick has a beloved wife, with whom he practically never separates. A year after the wedding, in 2013, she gave him their first child, and in 2015 theirs was born younger son. Contrary to the fears of doctors, the children are completely healthy.

There are a lot of publications about Nick Vujicic on the Internet (and a lot of videos too), he is generally a public figure. But I myself have wanted to write about him for a long time, because he’s a really great guy, but I never got around to it. And then the news arrived that he got married on February 12, and that was the reason.

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Disabled Preacher Nick Vujicic got married
Taken from

They have talked more than once about Nick Vujicic, a guy without legs and arms who once wanted to commit suicide, and then began to preach the Gospel all over the world. (Let's be clear right away: Nick is a Christian, Protestant, Jesus is the center of his life. Wikipedia says: Nick Vujicic (December 4, 1982, Brisbane, Australia) is a Christian preacher, born into a family of Serbian emigrants, his father is a pastor, his mother is a nurse).

In 1999, Nick began performing for his church group and soon opened non-profit organization"Life without Limbs" He usually speaks in churches, but also in schools, universities, army units. He motivates people, inspires by his example and, of course, talks about Jesus. Before the performance begins, an assistant usually carries Nick onto the stage and helps him sit on some raised platform so that he can be seen. Then Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. About how people still stare at him on the streets. About the fact that when children run up and ask: “What happened to you?!”, and he tells them in a hoarse voice answers: “It’s all because of cigarettes!”))

After that he says: “And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this.” Nick falls face first into the table he was standing on. And he continues: “It happens in life that you fall, and it seems you have no strength to get up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to get up even a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. The main thing is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.” He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up...

Nick talks about gratitude to God. "I couldn't find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God I learned the truth about the purpose of my life - about who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.. Sometimes they tell me: “No, no! I can’t imagine myself without arms and legs!” But it is impossible to compare suffering, and there is no need. What can I say to someone whose loved one is dying of cancer or whose parents are divorced? I will not understand their pain. There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, the absolute Hope that is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary."

In between work trips, Nick fishes, plays golf and surfs: "Usually parents of disabled children get divorced. My parents didn't get divorced. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they see now the fruits of my labors? Exactly... How many people would believe me if they showed me on TV and said, “This guy prayed to the Lord and he got arms and legs?” But when people see me for who I am, they they are perplexed: “How can you smile?” For them it is a visible miracle. I need my trials so that I understand how dependent I am on God. Other people need my testimony that “the power of God is made perfect in weakness.” They look into the eyes of a man without arms and without legs and see in them peace, joy - what everyone strives for.”

And Nick recently got married. The engagement was announced in August, and the wedding took place the other day.
On February 12, 2012, Nick Vujicic married Kanae Miahara.

He once said: “I thought: what kind of husband can I become if I can’t even hold my wife’s hand? But it’s a lie to think that you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think that you’re worthless. How many people believe that they are nonentities!.. Yes, I don’t have hands to hold my wife’s hand, but when the time comes and God gives me a wife, I will be able to hold her with my heart.” And so it turned out.

“There are people who give up because they don’t have the strength to look around the corner. And if you don’t look around the corner, you will never know what God has in store for you,” Nick says. “Have you trusted God with all your heart?” He knows how much it hurts... But God has a plan for your life! He says in the Bible: “Even if you walk through fire, do not be afraid: I am with you!” If only you had received the gift of Jesus! He is the greatest gift we can receive! He is love, He is infinite, He is love that is manifested in everything. You can have all the money in the world, everything you want, but you will take nothing with you to your grave except yours. souls."

"Peace with God gives strength to live - day after day"

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Nick Vujicic. No arms, no legs - no fuss

It was theirs long-awaited firstborn. The father was in labor. He saw the baby's shoulder - what is it? No hand. Boris Vuychich realized that he had to leave the room immediately so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face had changed. He couldn't believe what he saw.

When the doctor came out to him, he began to say:

"My son! Doesn't he have a hand?

The doctor replied:

“No... Your son has neither arms nor legs.”

Doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying.


Nicholas Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia, into a family of Serbian emigrants. Mother is a nurse. Father is a pastor. The whole parish lamented: “Why did the Lord allow this to happen?” The pregnancy proceeded normally, everything was fine with heredity.

At first, the mother could not bring herself to take her son in her arms and could not breastfeed him. “I had no idea how I would take the child home, what to do with him, how to take care of him,” recalls Duska Vuivich. - I didn’t know who to contact with my questions. Even the doctors were at a loss. Only after four months did I begin to come to my senses. My husband and I began to solve problems without looking too far ahead. One after another."

Nick has a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. The parents managed to get their son into a regular school. Nick became the first disabled child in a regular Australian school.

“This meant that teachers were paying too much attention to me,” Nick recalls. - On the other hand, although I had two friends, most often I heard from my peers: “Nick, go away!”, “Nick, you don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody.” !

Drown yourself

Every evening Nick prayed to God and asked him: “God, give me arms and legs!” He cried and hoped that when he woke up in the morning, arms and legs would already appear. Mom and dad bought him electronic hands. But they were too heavy, and the boy was never able to use them.

On Sundays he went to church school. They taught there that the Lord loves everyone. Nick didn’t understand how this could be - why then God didn’t give him what everyone else had. Sometimes adults came up and said: “Nick, everything will be fine!” But he didn’t believe them - no one could explain to him why he was like this, and no one could help him, not even God. At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to drown himself in the bathtub. He asked his mother to take him there.

“I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to hold on. Nothing worked. During this time, I imagined a picture of my funeral - my dad and mom were standing there... And then I realized that I couldn’t kill myself. All I saw from my parents was love for me.”

Change your heart

Nick never tried to commit suicide again, but he kept thinking why he should live.

He won't be able to work, he won't be able to hold his fiancée's hand, he won't be able to hold his child when he cries. One day, Nick’s mother read an article about a seriously ill man who inspired others to live.

Mom said: “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him.”

At the age of fifteen, Nick opened the Gospel and read the parable of the blind man. The disciples asked Christ why this man was blind. Christ answered: “So that the works of God may be revealed in him.” Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry at God.

“Then I realized I am not just a man without arms and legs. I am God's creation. God knows what He is doing and why. “It doesn’t matter what people think,” Nick says now. “God didn’t answer my prayers.” This means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not calm me down so much. Arms and legs on their own.”

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning in the University. One day he was asked to speak to students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Within three minutes the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I come up on stage and hug you?” The girl approached Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said: “No one ever told me they loved me, no one ever told me I was beautiful just the way I am. My life changed today."

Nick came home and announced to his parents that he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. The first thing my father asked was: “Are you thinking of finishing university?” Then other questions arose:

Will you be traveling alone?

Don't know.

What will you talk about?

Don't know.

Who will listen to you?

Don't know.

A hundred attempts to get up

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, more than three million people heard him - in schools, nursing homes, and prisons. It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of seats. He performs about 250 times a year. Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

Before the start of the performance, an assistant carries Nick onto the stage and helps him sit on some raised platform so that he can be seen. Then Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. About how people still stare at him on the streets. About the fact that when children run up and ask: “What happened to you?!” He answers in a hoarse voice: “It’s all because of cigarettes!”

And to those who are younger, he says: “I didn’t clean my room.” He calls what is in place of his legs a “ham.” Nick says his dog likes to bite him. And then he begins to beat out a fashionable rhythm with his ham.

After that he says: “And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this.” Nick falls face first into the table he was standing on.

And he continues:

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems you have no strength to get up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that even if I try to get up a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.”

He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

The women in the audience begin to cry.

And Nick begins to talk about gratitude to God.

I'm not saving anyone

-Are people touched and consoled because they see that someone is having a harder time than they are?

Sometimes they tell me: “No, no! I can’t imagine myself without arms and legs!” But it is impossible to compare suffering, and it is not necessary. What can I say to someone whose loved one is dying of cancer or whose parents are divorced? I don't understand their pain.

One day a twenty-year-old woman approached me. She was kidnapped when she was ten years old, enslaved and abused. During this time, she had two children, one of them died. Now she has AIDS. Her parents don't want to communicate with her. What can she hope for? She said that if she had not believed in God, she would have committed suicide. Now she talks about her faith with other AIDS patients so they can hear her.

Last year I met people who had a son without arms and legs. The doctors said: “He will be a plant for the rest of his life. He won’t be able to walk, he won’t be able to study, he won’t be able to do anything.” And suddenly they found out about me and met me in person - another person like him. And they had hope. It is important for everyone to know that they are not alone and that they are loved.

- Why did you believe in God?

I couldn't find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life - who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, absolute Hope, which is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell you many times when teenagers came up to me and said: “Today I looked in the mirror with a knife in my hand. This was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter’s second birthday. Two years ago she listened to you and you saved her life.” But I can’t save myself either! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's achievements. If it were not for God, I would not be here with you and would no longer exist in the world. I couldn't handle my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people.

- What can inspire you, besides faith and family?

A friend's smile.

Once I was told that a terminally ill guy wanted to see me. He was eighteen years old. He was already very weak and could not move at all. I entered his room for the first time. And he smiled. It was a precious smile. I told him that I don’t know how I would feel in his place, that he is my hero.

We saw each other several more times. I asked him one day: “What would you like to say to all people?” He said, "What do you mean?" I replied: “If only there was a camera here.” And every person in the world could see you. What would you say?

He asked for time to think. Last time we talked on the phone, he was already so weak that I could not hear his voice on the phone. We spoke through his father. This guy said, “I know what I would say to all the people. Try to be a milestone in someone's life story. At least do something. Something to be remembered."

Hug without hands

Nick used to fight for independence in every detail. Now, due to a busy schedule, more cases have begun to be entrusted to the patronage worker, who helps with dressing, moving and other routine matters. Nick's childhood fears did not come true. He recently got engaged, is about to get married, and now believes that he doesn’t need hands to hold his bride’s heart. He no longer worries about how he will communicate with his children. Chance helped. An unfamiliar two-year-old girl approached him. She saw that Nick had no hands. Then the girl put her hands behind her back and laid her head on his shoulder.

Nick can't shake anyone's hand - he hugs people. And even set a world record. A guy without arms hugged 1,749 people in an hour. He wrote a book about his life while typing 43 words per minute on a computer. In between work trips, he fishes, plays golf and surfs.

“I don’t always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because my principles include great power, I continue to take small steps forward, baby steps. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one’s own strength, but on the help of God.

Parents of disabled children usually divorce. My parents didn't divorce. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Absolutely right.

How many people would believe it if they showed me on TV and said, “This guy prayed to the Lord and he got arms and legs”? But when people see me as I am, they wonder: “How can you smile?” For them this is a visible miracle. I need my trials to make me realize how dependent I am on God. Other people need my testimony that “the power of God is made perfect in weakness.” They look into the eyes of a man without arms and without legs and see in them peace, joy - what everyone strives for.”

Nick Vujicic is a great motivator and speaker and performs a lot. Watch his performances. They amaze, inspire and inspire action.
Imagine that you were born without arms. There are no hands, it is impossible to hug anyone, there are no hands to feel touch, or to hold someone's hand. What about being born without legs? Not being able to dance, walk, run, or even just stand on two legs. Now combine these two scenarios together... No arms and no legs. What would you do then? How would this affect your life?
Meet Nick. He was born in 1982 in Melbourne. Without any medical explanations, or warnings, Nick Vujicic came into this world without arms and legs. His mother's pregnancy was going well and there was no genetic history to expect such a condition. Imagine how shocked his parents were when they saw their firstborn, this boy, and discovered that he was someone whom the world considers imperfect and abnormal. A son without limbs was not what nurse Duska Vujicic and pastor Boris Vujicic expected. How will their son live a normal life, happy life? What can he do, or become, living with what the world considers such a severe disability? Few thought that this beautiful limbless child would one day become someone who would inspire and motivate people of all walks of life, touching the lives of people in every corner of the world.

As a child, Nick faced not only the usual difficulties of school and adolescence, such as bullying (translator's note: bullying is physical and/or psychological terror against a child by a group of classmates) or self-esteem. He also suffered from depression and loneliness, questioning why he was different from all the children around him; why he turned out to be the one who was born without arms and legs. He often wondered what the purpose of his life was, or if there was any purpose at all.
After large quantity disappointments and the feeling that he is the only one a strange man At school, when Nick was seven years old, he tried out specially designed electronic hands in the hope that he would be at least a little like other children. After a short trial period, Nick realized that even with his arms, he was still not like his classmates, and in practice, they were too heavy for Nick to control, greatly affecting his mobility.

As Nick grew, he learned to deal with his shortcomings and began to do more and more things on his own. He adapted to his situation and found ways to perform many of the activities that humans can do using only their limbs, such as brushing teeth, combing hair, typing on a computer, swimming, playing sports, and much more. Over time, Nick began to take advantage of his situation and achieve great things. In the seventh grade, Nick was elected head of the school, and he worked with the student council on projects to raise money for local charities and in companies helping the disabled.
According to Nick, the victory in his struggles throughout his journey, as well as the strength and passion he had for life, can be attributed to his faith, his family, his friends and the many people he met in his life, and who supported him all the time.
After school, Nick continued his studies and received two higher education. One, as an accountant, the second - in the field of financial planning. By the age of 19, Nick began to realize his dream of being able to inspire others and give them hope through his motivational speaking and sharing his story. "I have found the purpose of my existence, as well as the reason for my circumstances... There is a reason why you are on fire." Nick truly believes that there is a reason why we face struggles in our lives, and that our attitude towards those struggles is the single most effective factor in overcoming them.

In 2005, Nick received the Young Australian of the Year nomination. This award, which is highly prestigious in Australia, recognizes young people for their excellence and service to their local community and their nation, as well as their personal achievements. This award is given only to truly inspiring people.
Today, at the age of 25, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age. Nick recently moved from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he is president of a charity. He also has his own motivational speaking company called Attitude Is Altitude. Since his first motivational talk at age 19, Nick has traveled the world sharing his story with millions of people, speaking to groups as diverse as students, teachers, youth, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and church congregations of all sizes. He also told his story and gave interviews to various television networks around the world. Nick's performances go far beyond pure motivation. He had and still has the opportunity to communicate with several leaders, including, for example, the Vice President of Kenya. This year Nick plans to perform in more than 20 countries.
"People say to me, 'How can you smile?'" Nick says. Then they realize that "there must be something more than what meets the eye for a guy with no arms or legs to live longer." life to the fullest, than me".

Nick talks to his audience about the importance of having a vision and dreaming big. Using your own experience around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his perspective on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others, etc. He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and how it is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a big effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.
Through his life, Nick shows that the main key to achieving our biggest dreams is consistency and the ability to use failure as a learning experience, and the ability to not let the guilt and fear of failure paralyze us.

How does Vujicic feel about his disability now? He accepted it, took advantage of it, and very often he laughs at his circumstances as he shows off many of his “tricks.” He meets challenges with a special sense of humor; his perseverance and faith always inspires everyone around him to learn their perspective in order to create and define their vision. Using these new definitions, he challenges every person he meets to change their lives so that they can begin to achieve their biggest dreams. With his extraordinary ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults, Nick is truly an inspiring and motivational speaker.

Nick and Kanae Vujicic talk about the story of their acquaintance and their new book “Love Without Borders” in a radio interview. We are publishing a summary of the conversation. Full version in English .

- Kanae, you have one unusual appearance, Tell me about yourself.

— My father is Japanese, my mother is Mexican. My father was in love with Mexico and wanted to be surrounded by its nature, so he opened a business related to agriculture. That's how he met my mother. She worked in his office, and they met quite interestingly: they had a common hobby - collecting postage stamps, coins. The longer they talked, the more they fell in love and realized that they were suitable for each other. And my father loved Mexico so much that we all stayed there. Even though we lived in Mexico, he cooked the dishes Japanese cuisine, sometimes spoke to us in Japanese. We still observe some Japanese traditions, but overall Mexico wins. I love Mexican food, people, I love this culture. Unfortunately, my dad died when I was eighteen, and I stayed with my mom. My sister was living in America at that time and said: “Hey, come to me!” And me and mine younger brother came here.

- And at that moment you met Nick?

- Yes. We moved and... I had to go through a lot... I was still very young. I knew about God, but I didn't have a personal relationship with Him. I didn't know Him as a friend, as a father. Therefore, when my earthly father died, I was completely devastated, I felt almost like an orphan. And I lost everything. I left behind my friends, we sold our house, we lost our father’s business. I desperately needed love, hope...

— Nick, you’ve written more than one book. But it was in this one that I told about you. This is not just a book, it tells the story of your love - a real guide for people who have gone through the same thing as you. Let's talk about the hopes and dreams you had as a child, Nick. Did you feel like an ordinary teenager, wanted to have a girlfriend or even get married?

— At the age of 8-9-10, I was jealous of everyone who walked hand in hand with girls. It was annoying sometimes. Especially when I thought about my future or whether girls would love me for who I am. I fell in love with girls, my first love was called Megan, we were in first grade. Every guy, I'm sure of this, thinks about how he will one day get married and become a father. When I was a teenager, I wondered whether I would have to spend the rest of my life as a bachelor. I was in a relationship when I was 19... We were very young and we both felt like we shouldn't date until we were ready to serious relationship. We decided to wait. We waited four years and... separated. It was very painful. I was overcome by the fear that I would never find my “soul mate” in my life. I began to return to the idea that I would have to remain single for the rest of my life. But miracles happen - she is nearby! We just had to wait until God completed his plan.

— What were you looking for in men before meeting Nick, Kanae?

“Everything was completely different for me.”

- I had a relationship... And it seemed that everything was going well. But I couldn't find what I needed in my partner. The rest is told in the book.

— What advice can you give to listeners suffering from loneliness?

- Trust God because He never doubts you. Love yourself and, above all, love God. God will help you reach maturity—even when you think you're ready. Be more open. Be happy with what you have, even if you really want to finally meet “the one.” God gives everything - in due time. If you have God, you have everything.

- Let's talk about your first meeting, Nick.

— It was love at first sight. We met during a speech day at college. It was at Kanae's former boss's house that I met her and her sister Yoshiya. I had never heard such names before, I saw them at the same time and could not understand who they were, but we figured it out very quickly. The speech, by the way, was unique - only seventeen people in the hall, more like a cabinet meeting. The most beautiful, divine woman came upstairs. When I saw her, I even felt my arms and legs! Real fireworks! Chemistry! I said to myself: “Stop, stop, stop! Is this just with me or with her too?!” And I felt that “fireworks” were flashing inside her too! I talked to her longer than to other people. And the more I talked to her, the more I wanted to continue... When she left, I felt that my soul was leaving with her... It was like: “Hey-hey-hey, come back, stay with me!” Many people ask how long are we going to be together? Forever.

- How was it for you, Kanae?

“When I saw Nick, it was such a wonderful moment. Magic! The problem is that I already had someone. Getting a new guy, dating someone else, breaking your heart... But with Nick there was a strong connection, real chemistry. I felt something very special. Although I had just met him, it seemed to me that I had known him all my life. I asked myself: “How is this possible?” I've never felt this way before.

— How many days, weeks, months later did you make your decision?

- In three months. After that meeting we did not see each other, but our feelings did not change.

— A question that interests many listeners: How do Nick’s physical limitations affect your relationship?

- Of course, they influence in a certain way. But my feelings cover everything. And these restrictions are no longer a problem. I would not even talk about restrictions, but about everyday needs... In general, all this is unimportant.

“It so happened that even before the wedding she saw how I “functioned” in everyday life. And she was not afraid, on the contrary, she wanted to help.

My wife feeds me and tries to help me in every way she can. She is very smart and treats people with soul. But the decision about marriage is not made so quickly; you need to imagine what difficulties you might encounter in life together. I felt like she really knew what it was like to have a guy like me as a husband! My parents asked what would happen if she and I had a child without arms and legs. It is quite possible. Kanae’s answer was: “Even if our children are disabled, we will love them and treat them as normal. At least they will have before their eyes an example of how to live happily in such a state.” Each person’s capabilities are limited in their own way, each has their own past, each has mental wounds and fears. Some of them stay with us even though we have moved forward.

In the winter of 2011, when our relationship was just beginning, I lost all my savings due to the financial crisis. I had to borrow money from my parents. I started to feel depressed. Imagine: I, a motivational speaker, cried like a baby, sobbed and could not calm down. I panicked and couldn’t eat or sleep. I wasn't sure if she would stay with me. After all, I had neither legs nor arms, and now... It wasn’t even about the money, I was emotionally devastated. I couldn't even accept simple solution what should I eat for lunch? And when I told Kanae, “Baby, I lost my money...”, she said, “It’s okay, I’ll find a second job.” And she didn't leave me!

- Okay, then tell me how you decided to propose to her.

“I made the decision when she supported me during the crisis. I realized that this is the wife who was sent to me by the Lord. It happened completely spontaneously. I wanted to make sure that she would be shocked, it would be a surprise for her.

- He had a ring, he thought of everything in advance! He asked where I would like to have my wedding. I replied that it should be a simple place. I was so shocked that I couldn't think straight!

— Our mothers met the day before I asked her main question. I just trusted God. I bought a diamond ring, put it in a bowl of chocolate ice cream that she ordered... The whole story is in the book.

- What about the wedding dance?

“We didn’t rehearse it in advance.” I was worried about the dress, about how I would look...

-You were great! Even though we didn't rehearse, everything worked out just right.

— Your book is called “Love without limits. A remarkable story of true love." It has a very revealing chapter called “The Joy of Temperance.” Tell us, what is this joy expressed in?

— Many people postpone marriage until they have children, as my friends did. They live for today, without thinking that tomorrow is about to come. We knew sex was good. But sex was created by God and should only happen after marriage. You cannot enjoy sex before it. It is created to express love and is only for people who are married. Many of my friends suffer because of this, running from one sexual partner to another, a third, etc. I look into Kanae’s eyes and think that this is it. real love. It's old-fashioned, but the greatest way to show your children how much you love them is to love their mother. There is no shame in marrying a virgin; God will not give you a second chance and will not return your innocence. I think it is very important to wait for your spouse... Some of my friends stopped respecting me after I said that my future wife- virgin. You have nothing to lose. You don't sacrifice anything by remaining virgins - on the contrary, you gain.

- Kanae, what do you think?

— Advice to girls: trust your heart. There's no need to rush. There is no need to blame yourself for daydreaming or expecting much from guys. God sends love when He deems it necessary for you.

— The book is a real textbook! One of the chapters contains ten tips on how to keep yourself in check before marriage. We at the editorial office found them very necessary and useful! And yet, since things are family front? There are conflicts or Vujicic family peaceful sky above your head?

— People ask us: What is it like? We both know that God has blessed us. There are, of course, quarrels like in any normal family, over various issues. From large to small, like choosing furniture or creating a menu. But we both know we've moved up a level. We communicate with each other a lot, especially on the road. I like to chat about this and that, she is sometimes not in the mood and says that she would like to continue the conversation tomorrow, and I agree. We respect each other. But this is a process...

— I had the opportunity to visit you. There were a lot of people there celebrating the publication of the book...

- Yes Yes! I became pregnant during a three-month tour and we grabbed our heads: “We will have to make a transfer for 2-3 years. We had other plans for them!” We shared our joy with five hundred people and spent the first year at home. No parties or anything like that. It was like closing for major renovations. We gathered the people and said: “Guys, this has been a wonderful year! The book came out and... we’re having a baby!”

“Many were afraid for the unborn child, knowing my characteristics. How did you feel about it, Kanae?

“I think God protected me.” Because throughout my pregnancy I did not share the fears of my loved ones at all. Even if something went wrong, the baby would still be as beautiful as his dad.

- Nick, you are a busy man now. Constantly on the road, do you find a minute in your schedule to sit down and relax?

- With difficulties! When you, as a motivational speaker, look at the calendar and see that a new performance, or even a tour, is coming up... Thank God, now there are technologies that allow you to communicate at a distance, like the Facetime application (analogous to Skype for iPhone)! And, of course, my travels are much harder for Kanae than for me.

Can you imagine a life without arms and legs, but happy and joyful? This person is next to you! His name is Nick Vujicic, he is 33 years old, he is the most successful motivational speaker, one of the most... happy people on the planet.

Today, at the age of 33, this limbless guy has achieved more than most people twice his age.

“When you are not ready to accept yourself, you are even less ready to accept other people.”

Nick recently moved from Brisbon, Australia to California, USA, where he is president of a charity. He also has his own motivational speaking company called Attitude Is Altitude.

At his shows, he often says, “Sometimes you can fall like this,” and falls face first into the table he was standing on. Nick continues: “There are times in life when you fall and you don’t seem to have the strength to get back up. Then you wonder if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to get up even a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don't give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.”

“We shouldn’t live in the expectation that happiness will come when we achieve a goal or acquire some thing,” Nick is sure. “Happiness should be with us all the time, and to achieve this, we need to live in harmony - spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical”

He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up. The women in the audience begin to cry.

Nick's performances go far beyond pure motivation. He had and still has the opportunity to communicate with several leaders, including, for example, the Vice President of Kenya. IN next year Nick plans to perform in more than 20 countries around the world.

Nick tells his audience about how important it is to have your own vision and dream big. Using his own experiences around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances. He shares his perspective on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others, etc.

“There are many problems in the world that have not affected me. I am sure that my life is a thousand times easier than the life of many people."

He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and how it is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a big effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

Through his life, Nick shows that the main key to achieving our biggest dreams is consistency and the ability to use failure as a learning experience, and the ability to not let the guilt and fear of failure paralyze us.

How does Vujicic feel about his disability now?

He accepted it, took advantage of it, and very often he laughs at his circumstances as he shows off many of his “tricks.” He meets challenges with a special sense of humor.

“I learned very early that asking for help is possible and necessary. Whether your body is normal or not, there are some things you can’t handle alone.”

His perseverance and faith always inspires everyone around him to learn their perspective in order to create and define their vision.

Using these new definitions, he challenges every person he meets to change their lives so that they can begin to achieve their biggest dreams. With his extraordinary ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults, Nick is truly an inspiring and motivating example.

"Try to look at the end own life, and then start living in such a way that, once you get to this point, you don’t regret anything.”

This year, Nick Vujicic married his girlfriend Kanae Miahara. The wedding took place on February 12, 2012 in California, after which they went to Honeymoon to Hawaii.

In life, always remember that any “difficulties” are relative. Having the will, you can overcome them and then mock them from new heights. Good the world replete with examples such as Nick Vujicic.

On April 7, 2016, Nick Vujicic’s master class “Life without borders” will take place, where he will share his experience and attitude towards the value of life.

It looks like a myth, a beautiful, instructive, but unreal story. Think about it, a boy born without legs and arms is a world famous motivational speaker by the age of 31, happy husband and father. Nick Vujicic has traveled halfway around the world. He performed at the stadium, and 110 thousand people listened to him. Is it possible?

Happens. If you perform a small feat every day. We will tell you about 12 exploits of Nick Vujicic, thanks to which one can read in his sincere smile: “I am happy.”


One of the best ways To get rid of the pain of the past is to replace it with gratitude.

December 4, 1982. Duska Vujicic is giving birth. The first child is about to be born. The husband, Boris Vujicic, is present at the birth.

A shoulder appeared. Boris turned pale and left the family room. After some time, a doctor approached him.

“Doctor, my son doesn’t have an arm?” – asked Boris. "No. Your son has neither arms nor legs,” the doctor answered.

Nicholas's parents (as the newborn was named) knew nothing about Tetra-Amelia syndrome. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not put her son to her breast for 4 months.

Gradually, Nick’s parents got used to accepting and loving their son for who he is.


Failure is the path to mastery.

Ham. That's what Nick nicknamed the only limb on his body. A resemblance to a foot with two fused toes, subsequently separated surgically.

But Nick thinks that his “ham” is not so bad. He learned to use it to write, type (43 words per minute), drive an electric wheelchair, and push off on a skateboard.

Not everything worked out right away. But when the time came, Nick went to a regular school, along with his healthy peers.


When you feel like giving up on your dream, force yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, and one more year. You will be amazed at what will happen if you don't give up.

“You don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody!” – Nick heard these words every day at school.

The focus shifted: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he's fixated on something he can never do. Hug your wife, hold your child...

One day Nick asked his mother to take him to the bathroom. Driven by the thought “Why me?” the boy tried to drown himself.

“They didn’t deserve this” - 10-year-old Nick realized that he could not do this to his parents, who loved him very much. Suicide is dishonest. Unfair towards loved ones.


Other people's words and actions cannot define your personality.

"What happened to you?!" – until Nick became world famous, this was the most frequently asked question to him.

Seeing a man without arms and legs, people cannot hide their shock. Sidelong glances, whispers behind his back, grins - Nick responds to everything with a smile. “It’s all because of cigarettes,” he says to those who are especially impressionable. And he makes fun of the children: “I just didn’t clean my room...”.


Laugh as much as possible. There are days in the life of any person when troubles and hardships pour in as if from a cornucopia. Don't curse trials. Be grateful to life for giving you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help with this.

Nick is a big joker. There are no arms or legs - life has played a trick on him, so why not laugh at it?

One day, Nick dressed up as a pilot and, with the permission of the airline, greeted passengers at the gate with the words: “Today we are experiencing new technology control the plane... and I am your pilot."

People who personally know Nick Vucic say that he has an excellent sense of humor. And this quality, as we know, excludes self-pity.


If you are deeply unhappy, then you are not living your life. Your talents are being misused.

Nick Vujicic has two higher educations: accounting and financial planning. He is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. But his main talent is the ability to persuade. Including through art.

Nick’s first book is called “Life Without Limits: Inspiration for an Absurdly Good Life” (translated into 30 languages, published in Russian in 2012). In 2009 he played main role in the short film “Butterfly Circus” (IMDb rating – 8.10). A story about finding the meaning of life.


It is impossible to argue with the fact that madness is genius: anyone who is willing to take risks appears in the eyes of others as either a madman or a genius.

“Crazy” - many people think when they watch Nick looking for a wave while surfing or jumping with a parachute.

“I realized that physical dissimilarity limits me only to the extent that I limit myself,” Vujicic once admitted and did not limit himself in anything.

Nick plays football, tennis, and swims well.


Think of your attitude towards the world as a remote control remote control. If you don't like the program you're watching, you simply grab the remote control and switch the TV to another program. It's the same with your attitude to life: when you're unhappy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you're facing.

At the age of 19, Nick was asked to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). Nicholas agreed: he came out and briefly told about himself. Many people in the audience cried, and one girl got up on stage and hugged him.

The young man understood that oratory was his calling.

Nick Vujicic traveled to 45 countries, met with 7 presidents, and spoke in front of thousands of spectators. Every day he receives dozens of requests for interviews and invitations to give a speech. Why do people want to listen to him?

Because his speeches do not boil down to the banal: “Are you having problems? Look at me – no arms, no legs, that’s who has problems!”

Nick understands that suffering cannot be compared, everyone has their own pain, and does not try to cheer people up, saying, “compared to me, everything is not so bad for you.” He just talks to them.


I don’t have hands, and when you hug, you press right into their hearts. It's amazing!

Nick admits that since he was born without arms, he never missed them. The only thing he lacks is a handshake. He cannot shake hands with anyone.

But he found a way out. Nick hugs people... with his heart. Once Vujicic even organized a marathon of hugs - 1,749 people hugged with their hearts per day.


If you are open to love, love will come. If you surround your heart with a wall, there will be no love.

They met on April 11, 2010. The beautiful Kanae Miyahara has a boyfriend, Nick has no arms or legs. It's not love at first sight. It's just love. Real, deep.

On February 12, 2012, Nick and Kanae got married. Everything is as it should be: White dress, tuxedo and honeymoon in Hawaii.


It is impossible to live life to the fullest if every decision you make is driven by fear. Fear will keep you from moving forward and prevent you from becoming what you want. But this is just a mood, a feeling. Fear is not real!

Tetra-Amelia syndrome is hereditary. Nick wasn't afraid.


Everything good in life begins with hope.

Nick Vujicic is a man without arms and legs. Nick Vujicic is a man who believes in miracles. There is a pair of boots in his linen closet. So... just in case. After all, in life there is always room for something more.
