What you need to get 2 higher education. Parallel second higher education

The need for education is undeniable. It is the key to success and career growth. High competition in the labor market forces young professionals (and not only) to acquire additional knowledge in related professional fields. Yesterday's graduates of educational institutions and experienced specialists want to get a second higher education. "How much to study?" - a question that worries each of them.

Who gets a second higher education and why?

There are many reasons why people are getting a second degree. This is either a banal habit of learning, or a vital necessity, or simply from having nothing to do ("let it be"). If we turn to statistics, then 61% of students receiving a second higher education are working specialists. The desire to climb the career ladder prompted them to do this. Indeed, often in order to build a successful career, you need to have knowledge in related areas of work. The remaining 39% include those who did not like their first profession, who do not work in their specialty, who hope for a salary increase, etc. For example, an accountant can get a second higher pedagogical education, realizing that numbers are not his calling, or wanting to make a childhood dream come true. Thanks to the second diploma, people strive to radically change their lives.

What form of study is better to choose?

You can choose any: full-time, part-time, evening or part-time. It all depends on the intended goals and capabilities of the person. Most often, full-time students are trained by those who do not yet have any work experience. The evening form implies three to four days of study per week. Classes are usually from six to nine. During combined training, classes are held both in the daytime and in the evening. The most attractive form of obtaining a higher education diploma is by correspondence.

Many people wishing to get a diploma cannot attend classes for various reasons: for health reasons, because of the territorial location of the university, etc. This problem can be solved by receiving a second higher education remotely.

Requirements of higher education institutions

There is no age limit for applicants. You can get a second higher education at any age. How much to study will depend on many criteria, including how much the first specialty and the second desired one differ from each other.

The basis for admission is a diploma of first higher education. It is worth noting that some universities set restrictions. They only accept students who have graduated from public or accredited commercial universities.

As for the period of study, with a complete re-profiling due to the large number of special subjects, it can be increased.

Upon admission, an agreement is concluded with an educational institution, which spells out the terms, conditions of study, a list of subjects studied and terms of payment.

The main difficulty is the training schedule, because most often people who receive a second higher education are already working somewhere. For such students, sometimes it is possible to study according to individual plans. But more often than not, educational institutions adhere to standard programs.

Second higher education: how much to study?

Citizens who already have one diploma in their hands can be enrolled in both the first and subsequent courses. At the same time, the university independently decides how many tests and in what form an applicant who wants to get a second higher education will take it.

How much to study depends mainly on the specialty received during the first training. If the content of academic disciplines is fundamentally different, then the period of study can be up to five years.

Also, training at the university can be carried out according to reduced educational programs. This decision is made by the educational part and depends on what subjects and in what volume a person has previously passed. At the same time, the term for mastering the program cannot be less than 1.5 years.

In what cases does the term of obtaining an education increase?

The term of study can be extended by one year in two cases. First, when developing an individual curriculum for combined and extramural forms.

Secondly, by providing It can be provided in the presence of medical indications or in other exceptional cases.

How can you shorten the training period

When calculating the terms of study, the disciplines already studied and passed in the course of the first education are taken into account. This process is called recalculation. It includes recognition and inclusion in the new academic listing of previously obtained grades.

In addition, the possibility of shortening the study period depends on the student's ability. There is a possibility of early passing of exams. According to the rules, such consent can be given by a specific educational institution. To do this, you need to write an application addressed to the rector, after which the individual curriculum will be changed.

Distance higher education

Distance second higher education implies a traditional form of education, but at a distance. That is, as in the case of admission to a regular institute, you can choose both full-time, part-time, and a combined form of study.

It runs throughout the semester. Most often, enrollment is carried out twice a year: before the start of the next six months. But there are also such universities in which there is no reference to the semester.

The most popular directions for obtaining a second higher education

Currently, among the many areas, the most in demand are jurisprudence, pedagogy and economics. In accordance with the demand, there is a fairly large number of proposals.

For example, the majority of applicants are striving to get a second higher education. This is due to the fact that everyday life confronts us with problems in which knowledge of rights and laws would simplify their solution. Therefore, the number of institutions producing certified lawyers is increasing every year.

The second higher education has never lost its popularity, and even against the background of the emerging prospects, it has become even more in demand. Everyone can choose a different profile at their own discretion.

A second higher education in Moscow was rare even less than ten years ago. Today, according to statistics, 20% of specialists have already received a second diploma, and 6% are on the way to defending it. This once again speaks of the desire of our citizens to develop and move forward.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today's article is aimed at those people who want to gain new knowledge and at the same time they need confirmation of this knowledge. The desire to get a second higher education for free is quite normal, several higher educations are not surprising now, and the desire to get such an education for free does not need any explanations at all, yet not everyone can afford to spend money wherever they get. And if we talk about the need for such education, then, of course, it is impossible to say for everyone, but for many people it is necessary at least for career development or a transition to another field of activity.

After all this sophistry about why a second higher education might be needed and is it not stupid at all, it's time to move on to the question of whether it is possible to get a second higher education for free and deal with it.

Is it possible to get a second higher education for free

Second higher education free of charge

I do not want to stretch the article at all, so we will immediately turn to the legislation, and specifically to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) "On Education in the Russian Federation." We are interested in paragraph 3 of Article 5, I will quote it:

3. In the Russian Federation, the availability and free of charge are guaranteed in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as free of charge higher education on a competitive basis, if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

The most unpleasant thing is highlighted in bold. I repeat in my own words, you can get a higher education for free only once. Thus, it will not work to come to the admissions office of some university and apply for a free second higher education. I don’t want to consider the option of not showing a diploma of first higher education, but to say that you only have a secondary education, because such actions bring to mind the article of the Criminal Code “Fraud”.

In the highlighted part of the article of the Federal Law there is one interesting point, specifically the words "education of a given level", what does this mean and how to generally understand this clause of the law? In order to deal with this, we study the law "On Education" further and find the following information in the fifth paragraph of Article 10:

5. The following levels of professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Here we are interested in subparagraphs 2 and 3. Based on them, we can conclude that the bachelor's degree is the first level of education, but the master's degree and specialty are already the second. If we go back to the previous quote, it becomes clear that we are talking about the fact that you can get a master's degree education for free after receiving a bachelor's degree. But this will not be considered a second higher education under any circumstances. However, you can get an education in a master's degree in a completely different profile than you received while studying at a bachelor's degree. And although this will not be a second higher education, you will have the knowledge that you will receive in the magistracy.

What should specialists do? What, they will no longer be able to receive free education? Not certainly in that way. It really won't be possible to get a second higher education free of charge either in a master's program or when entering the first year of a bachelor's program, but there remains an opportunity to gain knowledge in a master's program. According to paragraph 15, Art. 108 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, the following may happen:

15. Persons who have higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of the qualification "certified specialist", have the right to be admitted on a competitive basis to study for master's programs, which is not considered as the receipt by these persons of a second or further higher education.

By the way, at one time, when writing an article, I wondered "who needs such training, which will not be the second highest?" here, apparently, found for whom it may be needed.

If we sum up the intermediate result, it turns out that nothing interferes with getting an education, but getting a second higher education for free will not work. So in the next subsection, we'll talk about who can pay for a second higher education.

Who can pay for a second higher education

In general, you cannot write many options here, therefore, perhaps, it was not worth creating a separate sub-item. Well, okay, let's go to enumerate:

  1. Of course, you yourself. But here we are not talking about any gratuitousness. But if you decide to do this, then carefully think about the form of study, part-time or study, as a rule, is much cheaper than full-time. Also consider whether it might be better to study in another city. Studying in the capital is much more expensive than studying in other cities, and the quality of knowledge can be even better.
  2. Employer. An option from the realm of fantasy, very few people will be paid by the employer to get a second higher education.
  3. Get a grant. Here I am not an advisor at all, you better look for information about training grants somewhere else. Just be attentive to the information you receive, because on the first pages of search engine results there may be large and beautiful articles, but outdated and not making much sense at the present time.

What I would like to say in conclusion. Learning and knowledge have not bothered anyone yet, so try not to be limited to one education, but learn something new, perhaps not within the framework of obtaining another higher education. See you on the pages of the blog site

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Is it possible to get a second higher education for free? No. In accordance with Art. 5 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", a citizen has the right to a free higher education institution on a competitive basis only if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

The federal law makes exceptions only for military personnel, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 19 FZ of 27.05.1998 N 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel." Higher education received at a military university retains your right to enroll in a budgetary place in a civilian higher education institution.

It is also worth clarifying what “second higher education” means. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this refers to undergraduate programs in a shortened (3 years) or full (4 years) form. Some universities have retained the right to recruit applicants for traditional specialist programs with a 5-year term of study until 2009 (for example, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University or TPU).

International education

A reasonable question arises: if it is impossible to study for free in Russia, is it possible to study abroad? The answer is yes, but it's not that simple.

By the way, everyone who entered the university before 2008 inclusively has the qualification of a certified specialist. Unfortunately, those who become specialty students later cannot get a master's degree for free.

However, if you have a master's degree, then you are not entitled to apply for training at the expense of the state. It doesn't matter if you studied for free for these two years or not. The fact is that in this case, in fact, you already have an education of this level and getting it a second time will only be paid.

Study in two universities

There is also such a variant of a second education as combining studies at two universities. In one, you will be listed as a student (where your original documents are located), and in the other, as a listener (if you provide a certified photocopy of your certificate and a certificate from the main alma mater to the university). As in the case of the master's degree, it follows that you receive education at the same level twice, and tuition at the second university will be paid.

Training in different countries:

  • Germany. Tuition is free, but you need to pay semester fees and medical insurance;
  • Holland. Scholarships for Russians: Orange Tulip Scholarship - scholarship program of Dutch universities;
  • France. Foreign students at public universities pay a symbolic several hundred euros per year;
  • Czech. Education is free, provided that you receive education in the Czech language.

A second higher education for a modern person has already ceased to be an attribute of prestige or an indicator of a special craving for knowledge, having turned into a vital necessity. Many employers want to see in the resume of applicants for their vacancies information about the presence of two university or college degrees. However, the price of such "pleasure" is often too high for the average layman, so the question of how to get a second higher education for free is still of interest to many future applicants.


Russian laws governing the activities of higher education classify a second education at a university as an exclusively paid service, the price of which depends on the following factors:

  1. Individual student curriculum. Obtaining a second specialty usually involves re-enrolling some of the disciplines already studied before. If there are quite a few of them, then it matters how the fee is charged:
    • a fixed amount, regardless of the number of items;
    • for the passed academic hours.
  2. Form of study. The price of the course largely depends on the format of the program, which can be full-time, evening, distance, part-time, etc.

Tuition fees can be accepted in a lump sum, by semester or every month, both from the students themselves and from the organizations that sent them to study.

The right to a free second higher education is established by the law on the status of military personnel (Article 19 of the Federal Law No. 76) for those who:

  • received his first diploma at a higher military educational institution;
  • served in the army under a contract for at least 3 years (you can enroll free of charge, regardless of the direction of previous vocational training).

Free education options without benefits

If you do not belong to any of the statutory groups of beneficiaries, you should not postpone the desire to study until better times. There are many loopholes in the rules on the compulsory payment for a second degree, which will allow a wider range of applicants to get a second degree for free.

Out of someone else's pocket

The "most legal" way of free education for a student is to pay for it by other persons or organizations:

  1. Payment employer. If you are a particularly valuable and promising employee, and the company needs to expand your skills, then for advanced training you can be sent to study a second specialty at the expense of the enterprise. In state institutions, this is possible after 5 years of experience, and for private traders - in agreement with the management. Such payment imposes the following obligations on the student:
    • upon graduation from the university, work in the sending organization for the number of years specified in the signed contract;
    • reimburse the costs to the employer in case of interruption of the course of study at the initiative of the student or expulsion for academic failure.
  2. Receiving a grant. There are many different foundations in which you can get a grant to study in any domestic or foreign university, regardless of the number of existing diplomas. You just need to prove that you are worthy of it: make a presentation of the project of your future activities, etc.

The grant, in addition to paying for the training itself, may also provide for: a scholarship, reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs, insurance, etc.

Second education within the first

A master's program gives you the opportunity to receive a second higher education free of charge in cases where it is counted as an increase in educational level as part of primary education, but its profile differs from the qualifications you already have. Certified bachelors and sometimes specialists have the right to study in a master's program absolutely free of charge (this point must be clarified in a specific university). Moreover, in some areas it is much easier to enroll in a magistrate than in the first year of a bachelor's degree.

The method of "unfinished diploma" to save on paying for a second university education from September 1, 2013 is suitable for those who want to try themselves in completely different fields out of purely sports interest for free. But for collecting the collection of "under-diplomas" he no longer works. Unfinished higher education still gives the right to study in another specialty from scratch, that is, within the framework of the first free education. But a diploma of incomplete higher education, which previously could be obtained on a budgetary basis an unlimited number of times, after studying at least 2 full courses, is no longer issued.

With the entry into force of Federal Law No. 273, the concepts of "incomplete" and "incomplete" higher education have been abolished, respectively, there are no documents confirming their presence either. Instead of them, universities now issue not even academic certificates, but simple "scribbles" about the period of study (12th point of 60th article).

It is unlikely that an employer will be impressed by even a dozen such testimonials to learn "something and somehow".

Cunning is the second happiness

If all of the above options are excluded for you, you can try to go for a trick - hide the first diploma and enter the second university with a lower-level education document:
  • by submitting only a school certificate to the selection committee and studying in any form on a budgetary basis;
  • simultaneously with full-time studies, receiving a second higher education free of charge by correspondence, providing the first university with a certificate, and in the second - a diploma of secondary vocational education and a copy of the certificate, citing the loss of the original.

Going to such a trick, it should be borne in mind that the disclosure of deception is likely to end with expulsion from the "occupied" university.

Incomplete payment

If all the ways to get a second higher education are not completely free, you can try to reduce the payment at least partially:

  1. If the expansion of your professional competencies is included in the plans of the employer, he can take a share in the tuition fees.
  2. Choose the least expensive form of study - for example, a correspondence course is always much cheaper than full-time.
  3. Consider training in a profession of interest in another city or region as an alternative - you have to pay much less for education outside the capital's universities.

So it is quite possible to choose an acceptable option for obtaining a second higher education for free or for minimal money - there would be a desire.

Obtaining a second higher education in recent years has become very popular in Russia. The main reason for this lies not only in the natural desire of a person to expand the boundaries of his knowledge, but also in significant changes in the structure of the economy of our country, the growing need for specialists with a diverse set of professional competencies, as well as the mobility of the labor market.

According to statistics, large companies give preference to those applicants who have not only work experience, but also two higher educations. And the salaries of such specialists are higher than those of their colleagues with one higher education.

Today, the procedure for admission to state higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of obtaining parallel second higher education... Parallel education is training in two specialties at the same or different universities, as a result of which the graduate receives two diplomas of higher education. When simultaneously obtaining two specialties, the main resource is saved - time, and this is the main advantage of parallel learning.

Parallel education provides a large number of opportunities, because upon graduation you receive two diplomas at once. The parallel education program offers students a variety of forms, terms and learning technologies. Such education can be obtained in person or by correspondence. In some higher education institutions there is an installment plan for tuition fees.

With parallel training, students with experience in various fields, having received a second higher education, can expand the range of their capabilities and powers, climb the career ladder and even when changing the field of activity, have a good competitiveness in the labor market.

Students wishing to receive two specialties at the same time are enrolled in the department of second higher education on a contract basis. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", persons simultaneously receiving a second higher professional education have the status of "listeners", which in terms of receiving educational services is equivalent to the status of a student of a higher educational institution of the corresponding form of study. Thus, a student who successfully graduated from the university as a listener will receive a diploma identical to the student's diploma.

Senior students entering a direction related to the first direction of study can immediately enter the second or third year. Due to this, the actual training period is reduced. Parallel education can also be received by first-year students, however, it is recommended to wait for admission to at least the third year before starting to master the program of the second higher education. So the student does not have to pass exams twice in disciplines common to both programs.

Students are admitted to the faculty of second higher education for parallel education on the basis of attestation tests (written testing of a profile orientation).

Before deciding to receive parallel education, it is necessary to understand that simultaneous training in two areas of training is a great physical and mental stress. Still, many students choose parallel education for the following reasons:

1. Saving time when obtaining two specialties.

2. Saving money (when you get a second higher education after the first, you will have to pay much more).

3. The acquisition of a useful skill to properly allocate your time.

4. Acquisition of a double baggage of knowledge, moreover, the knowledge gained in one faculty is likely to be useful in another.

5. Obtaining two diplomas at the same time.

Thus, a student receiving a parallel second higher education is in a more advantageous position in comparison with students of single-profile higher educational institutions.

Having weighed all the pros and cons and deciding to receive parallel education, you must contact the admissions office and instead of the original educational document provide a certified photocopy of a state-recognized document and an academic certificate from the department or faculty of which you are a student. Also, the student needs an application, photographs 3 * 4 cm and a copy of the receipt or payment order.

Obtaining a parallel second higher education is the key to successful employment, mobility in the labor market, and career advancement. Also, simultaneous, rather than sequential, acquisition of two specialties will save you time and money.
