What does it mean that the left cheek is burning? Why do my cheeks, ears and nose burn at the same time?

For many people, burning cheeks are not a signal of health problems, but a sign that foreshadows a certain event. The interpretation of superstition helps you either better prepare for it or avoid it. There are other signs associated with the cheeks, not only about their flaming.

For example, if acne appears on the cheek, then this foreshadows quarrels in the family. The sign of burning cheeks is not so unambiguously interpreted. To interpret superstition, it is recommended to take into account several factors - which cheek is burning, what day of the week and time of day this condition occurred.

The sign of why cheeks are burning is interpreted differently. Sometimes it is impossible to understand what a superstition means because different sources offer different interpretations. For this reason, you need to focus more on your own intuition.

When both cheeks burn strongly, the person is discussed. You can understand in what manner the discussion is taking place - positive or negative - with the help of a gold ring. You need to run it over the flaming part of the check and pay attention to the tone of the strip. If it is light, then the person is praised, and if it is dark, then they are scolded. When the tone of the stripe from the ring is red, then they speak in a neutral manner.

A person can guess who is gossiping about him. If you list all your acquaintances and at some name your cheeks stop glowing, this means that he is discussing.

Signs about why cheeks burn are not only positive interpretation. One version says that this condition occurs in a person before tears. Cheeks also begin to glow before trouble.

Holy water will help neutralize a bad omen. If you rinse your face with it, then nothing bad will happen to the person. Another leveling condition bad omen– get her out of your head. When you don't expect anything bad, trouble passes by.

For lovely ladies there is a separate interpretation of the sign. If a girl’s cheeks glow, then her loved one is thinking about them at that moment. Another interpretation of the sign for lovely ladies is sadness. If women have both cheeks on fire, they will cool them down with tears. For men, the sign also does not bode well. Their flaming cheeks foretell problems with management.

Such negative interpretations signs can be neutralized. To do this, a woman should rub the hem of her skirt or dress across her cheeks, a man should wash his face cold water. Thoughts during these rituals must be bright, and then the danger will pass the person.

If not both cheeks are burning at the same time, but just one, then the interpretation of the sign must be carried out depending on which side the blazing occurred.

A sign about what it is burning for left cheek, warns a person that some enemy is preparing a conspiracy against him. The enemy may be secret. It could even be your closest friend or relative. You don’t have to worry about this situation or get hung up on it. The ill-wisher will reveal himself and all the intrigues will turn against him.

When the right cheek burns, such a sign does not bode well. If a person has love relationship, then the flaming cheeks indicate that the other half is remembering him. For free people, the sign speaks of secret admirers tormented by their feelings.

If the cheek on the right side lights up, then this also portends numerous compliments or praise. All this will bring a person a lot of pleasure, from which he will involuntarily blush.

Burning cheeks by day of the week

The sign about flaming cheeks is also interpreted according to the days of the week on which this condition arose:

Sign by time of day

The interpretation of the sign of flaming cheeks can also be carried out according to the time of day:

  • If your cheeks glow on Monday morning, it means that some guy is holding a grudge against a person; on Tuesday, someone you know remembers; on Wednesday, it foretells a date with a good friend; on Thursday, surprises at work; on Friday, who - he is jealous, on Saturday - gossip from female friends or work colleagues, on Sunday - one of his acquaintances praises him.
  • On Monday afternoon, cheeks burn due to the girl’s offense; on Tuesday, burning cheeks are associated with the sympathy of a stranger; on Wednesday, this state foreshadows a new acquaintance; on Thursday afternoon, cheeks burn because of a surprise; on Friday, a quarrel with a loved one; on Saturday, gossip on the women's side, on Sunday afternoons the cheeks burn when a person is praised.
  • On Monday evening, flaming cheeks talk about the offense of some relative; on Tuesday evening, this state does not speak of sympathy very much nice person, on Wednesday foreshadows a meeting with an old friend, on Thursday - a surprise from a loved one, on Friday - a quarrel with a loved one, on Saturday - gossip from males, on Sunday evening glowing cheeks mean that the person is being praised by the leader.
  • If the cheeks are flaming at night on Monday, then resentment will turn against the person; on Tuesday night, this condition indicates that the person on whom the person somehow depends feels sympathy; on Wednesday night, the cheeks are flaming before a date; on Thursday, the sign foreshadows the resolution of a long-standing conflict , on Friday - jealousy of a loved one, on Saturday - gossip of unfamiliar people, on Sunday - someone praises.

Other signs about cheeks

The cheeks may not only burn, but also itch. This is also considered a sign. If the cheek itches on the right side, then this foreshadows the offense that will be caused by close person, and if on the left side, then this predicts unpleasant news. Itching of both cheeks portends tears.

Another sign about cheeks is biting them. Biting your cheek while drinking or eating food against your will. When such a nuisance happens during a conversation, it means that the person’s counterpart is planning some kind of meanness. If cheek biting occurs in a dream or while resting, then this is higher power telling the person to give up his plans.

There is not only an esoteric, but also a medical version, which makes your cheeks glow. By burning cheeks, the body sends a signal to a person about an emerging disease. If this condition lasts for several days in a row, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor. An examination by a specialist is also required for severe redness that causes pain.

It’s hard to find a lucky person who has never in his life felt his cheeks suddenly “burning with fire.” Long-term or short-term, it is unexpected unusual phenomenon often prevents you from concentrating on work and makes you experience some kind of inner trepidation.

As a result, putting everything aside, the owner of “rosy cheeks” tries with all his might to find some kind of salvation from the obsessive state.
Signs, traditions, beliefs
The mystery of “burning” cheeks is shrouded in a haze of mystery and ambiguity. There are many different opinions of people on this matter, but they all agree on the old saying: “Cheeks are burning - people are talking.”
Young girls, feeling their faces “blazing,” rejoice because they know that their loved one is sad. But what should those whose cheeks turn red certainly not from the memories of their dear one think?
There is a surprisingly accurate folk technique that will help any person who trusts signs to determine who remembers him and how. So, take a gold wedding ring and, with light pressure, run it along your burning cheek. Based on the color of the trace left on the skin, we determine the cause of “red cheeks”:

  • if the ring leaves a bright trail behind it, it means that someone remembers you very kindly;
  • a red stripe on the cheek - a person is thinking about you, but his opinion has not been fully formed;
  • a black stripe indicates a person’s unkind attitude towards you.
Another sign says that “burning” cheeks can only indicate negative thoughts your friend. The same belief advises you to start listing in your memory the names of all your enemies and ill-wishers. When the “right” name is called, the “fire” on the face will subside by itself.
To “completely destroy” the spiteful critic, the Russian people even concocted a conspiracy (get ready to talk with your cheeks):
“My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn.”
On top of that, some signs associate red cheeks with the days of the week:
  • if that day happens to be Monday, we are preparing for a new acquaintance;
  • Tuesday promises a quarrel with a loved one;
  • Wednesday promises a quick romantic date;
  • Thursday foreshadows your favorite activity;
  • Friday speaks of receiving news soon;
  • Saturday will give you an unforgettable meeting;
  • Well, Sunday combined with glowing cheeks will certainly attract some fun into your life.
Many older people, wise with life experience, sigh: “Cheeks are burning - trouble is just around the corner.” And in order to resist this very misfortune, the sign advises washing with holy water. All of the listed beliefs and signs relate to the “burning” of both cheeks at once. What if only one cheek is burning?
Why is my right cheek burning? Signs and sayings
If only your right cheek is burning, someone is telling the truth about you; if the heat also covers your ear, get ready to hear the true news. Another superstition says: “The right cheek burns for a quarrel.”
Another sign: “The right cheek is burning - someone is praising.”
And, finally: “The right cheek is burning - you will blush from pleasant words and pleasure.” Naturally, the choice of the appropriate option is up to you.
Why is my left cheek burning?
There is only one sign this time. With the left cheek, everything is much simpler - according to superstition, it can only burn when someone scolds a person behind his back and strongly slanderes him at the same time.
So if your left cheek is “on fire,” it would be nice to remember who you didn’t please in the recent past.

Why do my cheeks burn? Doctors' opinion
Here, as always, everything is medically prosaic: the phenomenon of burning cheeks has a specific name “blanching syndrome”, and there can be quite a few reasons for its occurrence. Here are the most common ones:
  1. Problems with the circulatory system.
  2. With vegetative-vascular diseases, the cheeks and ears begin to burn.
  3. Therefore, flushes of blood to the face indicate, first of all, serious problems and abnormalities in the human body.
  4. A constant blush on the cheeks also indicates a metabolic disorder.
  5. Certificate diabetes mellitus there may be a muted “dry” blush.
  6. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be seen in a bright complexion. A blush appears on the cheek on the side of which the lung is affected.
  7. An unhealthy blush also occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  8. Increased adrenaline and pressure can also give the face a reddish tint.
  9. The most common cause of facial redness is allergies.
As we see, medicine also cannot give a definite answer to this unusual question. Therefore, if your cheeks burn regularly, but you are not inclined to believe folk signs, get ready to visit doctors (first of all, you should visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist).
How to get rid of red cheeks?
If you have no doubts about the state of your health, consider signs to be a relic of the past, and are already quite tired of regular “outbreaks” on your face, we can recommend several options for solving this problem:
  1. First of all, it is necessary to limit (and ideally completely eliminate, at least for some time) the consumption of alcohol, spicy, hot and peppery foods, in other words, everything that promotes blood flow to the cheeks.
  2. Besides, it’s time to say goodbye to smoking. Just like alcohol, it can turn your face a sickly red color.
  3. It is also worth trying to drink instead of coffee and black tea green tea or rosehip decoction, as these drinks can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In this article, we examined both the most common signs and scientific interpretations of the phenomenon of “burning” cheeks. Of course, we cannot say with certainty that the cause of your little “fire” was described above. However, now you know why other people’s cheeks burn, and how our ancestors fought this phenomenon.
At the same time, do not forget that the reason for “outbreaks” on the face may be the most common natural shyness, or the body’s natural reaction to temperature changes. If this is really the case, then you should not look for secret signs of fate and serious illnesses of the body. Just relax and mind your own business.
In any case, good health to you, and your cheeks may “light up” only from pleasant moments in life and unexpected compliments.

Cheeks that glow for no reason make you think and be wary. If the cause of the “fire” is not a cold, not hot weather, or not a slap in the face, then it is worth turning to folk wisdom.

The sign says that your cheeks burn when you become the subject of someone’s thoughts. The interpretation depends on such nuances as the day of the week, time of day.

Differences in signs are also observed depending on which cheek we are talking about. The meanings are ambiguous and require more careful investigation. Let's try to recognize the message, which will help us be fully armed.

Your cheeks lit up, which means someone remembered you. Do they say and think bad or good things about you? Finding out the nature of thoughts is quite simple. To do this, you need to run a gold ring across your burning cheek. We walk and run to the mirror: a dark mark remains on the skin - unkind thoughts about you, your person and actions are subject to malicious discussion, swearing; a light stripe on the cheek speaks of good thoughts and judgments addressed to you, you are admired, your actions are encouraged; red trace - there is no reason to worry, they talk and think about you in a neutral way.

Morning, lunch, evening

The appearance of signs is due to confidence in a person’s ability to perceive and feel energy flows. Positive and negative energy is felt by a person through a distance. The reaction to such flows is causeless anxiety and restlessness, heat on the cheeks and much more. Folk legends speak of high human sensitivity in the early morning or late evening. The signal sent precisely during these periods of the day has the greatest truthfulness.

By day of the week

The prediction will differ depending on the day of the week. Your cheeks are on fire - run to the calendar.

  • Monday - will appear in your life very soon new person. The result of the acquaintance will depend only on you. There is an opportunity to make a new friend or a worthy business partner. The possibility of meeting a very old acquaintance cannot be ruled out. Communication will bring a lot of pleasure, but you won’t have to expect any special benefits;
  • Tuesday - get ready for major conflict and scandal. You may even have to apply physical strength. You can avoid a quarrel. Be careful in your actions and statements. If you cannot avoid trouble, then fight desperately for your dignity.
  • Wednesday - everything planned will come true. Take your boldest steps. Any business will end in absolute success and monetary profit. They will try to instill uncertainty in you. Don’t give in to provocations and go towards your dreams;
  • Thursday - a surprise is in store for you. An unexpected incident will confuse you at first, but after that the situation will be resolved positively. Prepare to rejoice and have fun;
  • Friday - the event awaiting you will be related to relatives and loved ones. We are talking about news or their sudden arrival. Provide your loved ones with comfort and hospitality, and their gratitude will know no bounds. The news will most likely be pleasant;
  • Saturday - get it best outfits and get ready to have fun. The result of such unbridled fun can be a thin wallet. Be careful about spending, but don’t be excessively greedy. Good vacation will help restore strength, which will be of great benefit in business.
  • Sunday - one of your loved ones will soon leave your life. If you currently have a disagreement with someone, try to resolve it. You can keep someone dear to you if you put in some effort. If you cannot avoid separation, then take it for granted and do not torment yourself unnecessarily.

Left cheek burning

The difference in interpretation also depends on the flaming side. Is your left cheek bothering you or your right? The signs will be strictly opposite.

If we're talking about about the left cheek, then you won’t have to expect anything good. A bad sign, indicating an impending conspiracy, gossip and intrigue. A very unpleasant moment is the participation of close people or even relatives in conspiracies. Pay attention to those you blindly trust. People you would never think of want to take advantage of your trust and naivety. People pursue selfish goals. A red cheek is by no means a reason for immediate investigations and showdowns. You won't be able to guess the offender for sure. Now better position there will be increased vigilance for you. Try to be less open about your plans. Avoid provocations, avoid conflicts, remain calm. A wait-and-see attitude will bear fruit. Later you will definitely learn about the participants in the conspiracy and its character, but correct behavior will prevent you from being harmed.

Right cheek burns

The situation with the right cheek is much better. This is very good sign. The kindest and most positive thoughts are sent to you. You have become a source of pride and adoration. Your actions are praised and approved. Your loved one is overcome by the desire to present a surprise, do something pleasant, and show concern. Your right cheek is burning, but your soulmate has not yet been found - your secret admirer admires you from afar. Soon he will find the strength to open his feelings.

Both cheeks

Red cheeks warn of impending troubles. Very bad sign associated with tears and difficulties. The sign speaks of misfortunes, illnesses, failures and grievances. Try to avoid troubles, do not provoke fate.

What to do

You can pacify the heat of your cheeks in a simple way: take turns calling the names of the alleged offenders or well-wishers. As soon as the correct name is heard, the heat from the face will go away.

If a sign bodes ill for you, then holy water will help you avoid and turn away troubles from you. It is necessary to wash your face with holy water, then evil predictions will not come true.

Burning cheeks can warn of difficulties and unkind thoughts, or, on the contrary, speak of positive energy addressed to you. The interpretation will depend on many factors. Having deciphered the message from the bad side, you should not be upset, there is always the opportunity to change your fate for the better.


Society has accumulated many signs associated with certain physical phenomena. For example, the question often arises as to why cheeks burn. If this is not associated with painful symptoms, then it is worth listening to folk wisdom to try to interpret the phenomenon and, perhaps, take some action depending on the result of the interpretation.

General interpretation of signs

If a girl’s right cheek is burning, but she doesn’t have a boyfriend, then she should think about a secret admirer

The phenomenon has several interpretations. It may indicate that the person is being actively discussed, or portend some kind of bright event. Finally, cheeks may burn before the tears fall and cool them.

Sometimes only one cheek burns. It is considered that if it is left, then it is Bad sign, the right one is good.

To understand why your cheeks burn so much and what this portends, you need to clarify some details, after which you can give the maximum exact interpretation you will accept.

Experts in the field of bioenergy are confident that there is a subtle emotional connection between loved ones. Therefore, when a person from your environment thinks about you, your cheeks may turn red.

Why do a girl’s or a man’s cheeks burn?

If your cheeks are burning on Wednesday morning, expect an invitation to a date.

For a girl, burning cheeks can mean that the one she is in love with is dreaming about her. Adult woman they foretell sadness. Another interpretation is that girls and women’s cheeks are burning as a sign of imminent tears.

For a man, the sign promises problems with his superiors or even with anyone higher up: for example, an older family member.

Sign by day of the week and time of day - both cheeks burn


Day of the week/Time of day Morning Day Evening night
MondayYour loved one misses youUnkind rumorsCash profit
TuesdayA little disappointmentA pleasant surpriseQuarrel with loved ones
WednesdayChanges in lifeSeparation from a loved oneUnforeseen expenses
ThursdaySecret admirerRevealing the DeceptionLonging and boredom
FridayPraises, honorsSurprises, giftsCollapse of illusions
SaturdayUnexpected meetingUseful acquaintanceIntimate conversation
SundayHave a nice timeEmpty troublesProblem Resolution


Day of the week/Time of day Morning Day Evening night
MondayUnforeseen expensesDisappointmentUnkind rumors
TuesdayUseful acquaintanceSecret admirerYour loved one misses you
WednesdayQuarrel with loved onesA pleasant surpriseA little disappointment
ThursdayProblem ResolutionChanges in lifeHave a nice time
FridayRevealing the DeceptionLong-awaited newsCollapse of illusions
SaturdayLonging and boredomEmpty troublesDisappointment
SundaySeparation from a loved oneSurprises, giftsPraises, honors

Why do my cheeks, ears and nose burn at the same time?

If both your cheeks and ears are burning, most likely you had to become the subject of discussion the whole company acquaintances, perhaps neighbors or colleagues

If your ears light up at the same time as your cheeks, this means that someone is heatedly discussing you. Moreover, if the heat is concentrated on the right side, then they say something good and praise. But if it’s on the left, then they’ll probably scold you. Moreover, they accuse you of things that you may not have done, and spread false rumors about you. If your nose also burns along with your cheeks, you should expect some unpleasant news.

What to do to prevent a bad prediction from coming true

If your cheeks are burning, then you should be careful and not talk about your plans out loud

Since burning cheeks are not always a good omen, the question naturally arises: is it possible to somehow avoid the predicted negative consequences? Folk wisdom and it will help here. So, if a sign says that a person is being discussed, you need to find out in what manner this is happening. To do this you can take Golden ring and run it across your burning cheek. If there is a light streak left, there is nothing to worry about, the person is praised. If the bar turns red, conversations are in a neutral tone. But the dark trace speaks of unkind words.

To get rid of negativity, you can wash your face with holy water. It also helps to start naming out loud the names of those who may slander. When the name of the gossiper is heard, your cheeks will stop burning.

Unfortunately, this belief usually points to people from the closest environment.

If there is no holy water, then a woman can fan her face with her hem, and a man can simply wash his face with cold water. After this, you need to carry something made of crystal with you for at least 3 days as a talisman.

Flaming cheeks can tell and warn about a lot. But there is no need to be afraid. Popular wisdom says that it is very difficult to harm a person who tries to think about good things and does not tell others too much about himself.

Our body is so interestingly structured that, in addition to many vital functions, it can notify us about events that are happening now or will happen in the future. We just need to learn to understand it correctly. For example, burning cheeks can tell a lot. You can find out exactly what it is by paying attention to a number of signs: a man or a woman, right or left cheek, what day of the week.

The girl's cheeks are burning

If you are young unmarried girl suddenly her cheeks began to burn, this is most likely her admirer remembering about her. Maybe he even tells someone about his chosen one.

Another reason could be conversations from someone you just know. You can find out whether his speeches are pleasant or not in one simple way. To do this, take a gold ring and pass it across the cheek. If after such an action a light strip remains, it means that the conversations are exclusively positive. Conversely, a dark line signals that you should think about it, because they are not discussing you in a good way.

Right or left?

The meaning can differ radically depending on which side the cheek is burning.

If your right cheek is burning, this is a good sign. It means someone is proud and admires you, wants to do something nice, give you a surprise. Most likely, this will be your boyfriend.

When the right cheek of a girl who is not in a relationship glows, then this is a foreshadowing that she has a secret admirer who will soon tell her about his feelings.

Signs about a burning left cheek, unfortunately, cannot please you so much. On the contrary, this is not a good sign. It can notify you that intrigues are being made against you, conspiracies are underway, etc. It is likely that the people who are most trusted are doing this. To prevent their plans from working, you need to try to be as calm as possible and not be fooled by any provocations.

Value by day of week

Much depends on what day your cheeks started to glow:

  • Monday. On the first day of the week this sign portends a new acquaintance. There may also be a meeting with an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time. You shouldn’t expect any benefit from such a meeting, but it will bring a lot of pleasure.
  • Tuesday. You should prepare yourself for a major scandal. If possible, make an effort to avoid it; if not, get out of it with dignity.
  • Wednesday. Dreams and desires will begin to come true. You don’t need to listen to those who will try to throw you off your chosen path, go forward and everything will definitely work out.
  • Thursday. Burning cheeks foretell imminent joy and pleasure. Someone is preparing a pleasant surprise for you.
  • Friday. Relatives may come for an unexpected visit in the near future. Or some good news will come from them.
  • Saturday. Get ready for unbridled fun and celebration.
  • Sunday. Burning cheeks on the last day of the week promise an imminent separation from a loved one. Think, maybe you can make an effort and avoid this. If not, take everything for granted, because after the gray stripe a white stripe will definitely follow.

What does medicine say?

From a medical point of view, burning cheeks can signal serious disorders in the body. If redness of the cheeks has been observed for quite some time, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes. Due to the expansion of capillaries, a blush appears on the face.
  • Diseases thyroid gland. The skin becomes thin and capillaries become visible through them, giving the cheeks an unhealthy blush.
  • Impaired blood circulation. IN in this case Not only your cheeks will burn, but also your ears.
  • Lung diseases. With pneumonia or tuberculosis, the cheek on the side where the source of the disease is located will burn.
  • Arterial hypertension. At high blood pressure When a hypertensive crisis is possible, the patient’s cheeks, ears and neck will burn.
  • Allergic reaction. You should definitely consult a doctor to find out what is causing the allergy and what medicine you need to take.

There are many reasons why there is a rush of blood to the cheeks. The main thing is to figure out in time what caused it and what to do next.
