The name for the boy is Mikhailovich. Male names suitable for the patronymic Vasilievich

Since ancient times, the choice of a boy's name has been treated with special attention, because he is the successor of the family, a protector and, of course, a future father. We will help you choose the best and most suitable name for your child.

Even in ancient times, people knew and believed that the name influences fate, so they tried to name children after heroes, gods or simply strong creatures (Wolf, Oak, etc.). Over time, many proper names have appeared, but each name means something different, special. Therefore, before you name your newborn son, you should find out the origin, meaning and etymology of the name you want to call him.

Today there is a tendency to call sons by some original or foreign names.

First of all, you need to remember that every boy will sooner or later become a father, so you need to choose a name that will make a good middle name.

Therefore, you should not name the child Bill, George, Murray, etc. Have pity on your grandchildren, who will bear the patronymic names Djordevna, Djordjevich, Billovna, Billovich, etc. After all, their father’s origins will be judged by their patronymic.

It would be much more favorable to name the child with an Old Russian name, since they are rapidly returning to use.

Such names, on the one hand, are familiar to everyone, and, on the other hand, are quite original, so you can’t go wrong if you name your son: Matvey, Miron, Luke, Mark, Gleb, Ignatius, Svyatoslav, etc.

Also, if you want to name your son after his father, then you should think about it several times before, because:

  • A boy can grow up to be very irritable, nervous and moody.
  • He's losing his personality
  • This combination is not easy enough to pronounce: Nikolai Nikolaevich, Alexander Alexandrovich, Pavel Pavlovich, etc.

You should not name your son after one of the deceased relatives, especially if they did not die a natural death. This is highly discouraged.

Remember that children can be cruel, so give your son funny name It’s not worth it, because he might be offended. Think about him first.

It is very important to know the etymology, origin and meaning of the name, since you must know what you call the boy and whether he will be the “protector” Alexey, “like God” Mikhail or “vigilant” Gregory.

Also, when thinking about what you can name a boy, choose those names for which a complete and short form(Vladislav - Vlad, Vasily - Vasya) and which can be used in a soft children's form (Glebushka, Leshka, Leshenka, Lenechka, etc.). If a boy grows up rude and cruel, then it is better to call him something affectionate, in a diminutive form, as often as possible.

Thanks to a name, certain qualities can be developed in a child. For example, if you want your son to become strong and purposeful, then choose names with paired voiced consonants, especially in combination with “r”: Igor, Georgy, Dmitry, Bogdan...

In order for a boy to grow up calm and sensitive, the most suitable names for boys will be those with many vowels or sonorant sounds: Alexey, Vitaly, Mikhail, Alexander, etc.

There are also names of boys that cannot be classified as either hard or soft, then the child will grow up balanced, and everything in him will be in moderation. These are names such as: Pavel, Roman, Arkady, Andrey and others.

First name combined with patronymic

It is important that the name chosen for your child is combined with his patronymic, because in adult life he will be addressed officially, so the question “how to name a boy by his patronymic” is quite relevant.

First of all, the name must correspond to the “nationality” of the patronymic. Therefore, if the father Slavic name, then you should not call your son too “foreign”, for example: John Vasilyevich.

Also, if the middle name is quite long, then a short name for the child will be most suitable: Lev Vasilyevich, Gleb Konstantinovich, etc. Names equal in size to the middle name will sound good: Vladislav Nikolaevich.

It is equally important that the middle name be sonorous, therefore, if the child’s middle name begins with a consonant, then choose a name that ends with a vowel and vice versa. Avoid junctions of consonants at the end of the name and at the beginning of the patronymic: Nazar Romanovich.

Combination with surname

How to name a child so that his first name goes with his last name? Do not forget that in addition to the patronymic, the child also has a surname, so the chosen name should be in harmony with it. If the surname is undecidable, then you should not call your son a “unisex” name, since it will be difficult for a person to determine by ear who he is talking about. we're talking about, about a man or a woman (Sasha Velk, Zhenya Kozak), if you call the child affectionately. If the surname is inclined and by it you can understand who we are talking about, then call the child whatever you want, within reason, it will sound clear and beautiful: Zhenya Ryzhiy and Zhenya Ryzhaya - it’s absolutely clear where the boy is and where the girl is.

Depending on the time of year

I think you have noticed that people born at one time or another have some common qualities. And this is true, because somehow the time of year affects the character of the child. We will tell you how to name a boy born at one time or another of the year.

Boys born in winter are quite cold, purposeful, have iron willpower, perseverance, and strong character.

To balance the hard qualities of a winter baby, you should give him a beautiful soft name with sonorant and vowel sounds.

Spring boys can be too soft and fickle, but at the same time they are smart and sensual. Therefore, it would be preferable to call them by a solid name with consonants.

If your son was born in the summer, then give him a melodious, soft name, as such boys can be overly persistent and proud.

Autumn boys are the most balanced, logical, reasonable, and calm, so any name will suit them, but romantic playful names will sound especially beautiful.

Depending on date of birth

If you don’t know what to name your son and want to rely on fate, then you can name your boy in honor of the saint on whose day he was born.

Just enough to open church calendar and see on which saint’s day your child was born.

This will not only make choosing a name easier, but will also provide your baby with the protection of a saint for life.

We hope that we were able to make it easier for you to choose a name for your boy and suggest suitable ones. We wish you to choose the right name and give birth to a healthy baby!

Every person understands perfectly well that being called by his own name evokes in him a certain sense of self, which greatly influences his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either along best case scenario, or worse. And this is clear to anyone.

If you choose a name for a boy based on his patronymic, a logical question arises - how is the child himself taken into account?

The fulcrum in choosing a name is the person whose fate you want to alleviate. The name must be selected for a specific child, his personality, life task, and not for the father.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to concentrate on the child and the effectiveness of the impact of various names on the condition, character and fate of the baby. The right name will improve your character, condition and life, but the wrong name can greatly worsen it. A name is not just a word. A name is a certain meaning, information, association, wave, vibration that affects both the consciousness and the unconscious of a person.

If you take a name just like that, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Sometimes parents take the names of successful acquaintances, relatives, outstanding people. Assuming a child like that one successful man, will not disappear with such a name. But individuals, characters, weak and strengths people are different, which means you need a different name to adjust your fate and character. This is how blindly borrowing a name can harm your child.

How to name a boy with the middle name Alexandrovich - you can take popular options:

1. Alexander Alexandrovich
2. Maxim Alexandrovich
3. Artyom Alexandrovich
4. Mikhail Alexandrovich
5. Ivan Alexandrovich
6. Daniil Alexandrovich
7. Dmitry Alexandrovich
8. Kirill Alexandrovich
9. Andrey Alexandrovich
10. Egor Alexandrovich
11. Nikita Alexandrovich
12. Ilya Alexandrovich
13. Alexey Alexandrovich
14. Matvey Alexandrovich
15. Timofey Alexandrovich
16. Roman Alexandrovich
17. Vladimir Alexandrovich
18. Yaroslav Alexandrovich
19. Fedor Alexandrovich
20. Gleb Alexandrovich
21. Georgy Alexandrovich
22. Konstantin Alexandrovich
23. Lev Alexandrovich
24. Nikolai Alexandrovich
25. Stepan Alexandrovich
26. Vladislav Alexandrovich
27. Pavel Alexandrovich
28. Arseny Alexandrovich
29. Denis Alexandrovich
30. Timur Alexandrovich
31. Anton Alexandrovich
32. Mark Alexandrovich
33. Leonid Alexandrovich
34. Arseny Alexandrovich
35. Sergey Alexandrovich
36. Nikolai Alexandrovich
37. Dobrynya Alexandrovich
38. Bogdan Alexandrovich
39. Semyon Alexandrovich
40. Viktor Alexandrovich

And yet, what name is suitable for the patronymic Alexandrovich? To choose a name that effectively influences the child’s fate, it is necessary to analyze the unique essence of the boy, and not the name of the father.

Choosing a name without analyzing the impact on the individuality of a particular child is the same as choosing software on the device according to packaging, without taking into account the essence of a particular device. Or how to make a roof for a house without taking into account the dimensions and weather conditions places where there will be a home, simply according to the principle “this is how I want it.”

But what underlies this “I want”, what knowledge, understanding of the mechanics of the influence of a name on the conscious, unconscious, character, aura, destiny. And the score real consequences of the name in life... that same responsibility. Or irresponsibility, due to ignorance, ignorance and personal ambitions. Unfortunately, it is not the person himself who burdens the life, but his child with the wrong name.

But at the same time, parents turn to doctors, auto mechanics, lawyers for help... and their own ignorance (lack of experience, skills, understanding of the consequences/cost of a mistake) in this matter does not cause anything other than the usual desire to find an appropriate specialist. Without sacrificing ambitions.

To choose the right name, you need to set a task - what do you want to develop in the boy through the name. For example, improve health, protect against birth problems, strengthen certain qualities. Next, you need to look at the weaknesses and strengths of the aura of the child and parents and select a name that “closes” as much as possible weak sides and protecting from external negative impacts and potential problems. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of the person and his place of residence.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from expected problems and help him maximize his potential. And don’t choose a “melodic” name for your patronymic.

Approach the assessment of the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate consciously. And give your son a name that has a positive impact on his character, condition and life.

    1. Find out how the future will change depending on the possible names of your child.

    2. Find out how the name affects the health, energy (aura), character and destiny of the baby.

    3. Eliminate the risks of possible harm (in 70% of cases, names cause harm in life).

    4. Manage your child’s future not only through external forms(upbringing, education, profession).

A combination of names for boys and their middle names.

Even during pregnancy, parents begin to think about what to name the baby so that the name sounds beautiful, goes well with the surname, and reflects only in a positive way on the character.

Grandparents and relatives are often involved in choosing a name. There are many opinions and options, but the baby has one parent, just as he has one destiny.

Therefore, the right of primacy when choosing a name remains with the parents, because only they are responsible for future character child, his habits, inclinations, aspirations. Naming your child to please relatives, following fashion, is, at a minimum, irresponsible.

What should future parents pay attention to when choosing a name for their baby and how to choose it so as not to regret their decision later? We will look at name options for boys in this article.

Combination of first and middle names for boys: table

The baby should be named carefully, excluding haste and laziness. There are many factors to consider:

What does the chosen name mean?
zodiac sign under which the child was born
Will it be easy for parents, and even the child himself, to pronounce it?
Do you want to name your son after his grandfather or father and will the child with someone else’s karma be happy?

You should name your son based on the name of the child’s father. If the name you like is consonant with the patronymic, then further family discussions regarding the name are pointless

Agree, the consonance of the name and patronymic is a powerful argument. We suggest you figure out which boy's name will go with his dad's name. For especially responsible parents, the information is collected in a special table. Just find your father's name and find out which name it sounds harmonious with

Table of combinations of first and middle names for a baby

Under what conditions is the name considered chosen correctly?

For a boy with a middle name middle length choose a name of medium length. But in the case of a long middle name, a short son’s name will sound good. When naming a boy with a short middle name, do the opposite: give him a long name. Let's look at an example: with the patronymic Ruslanovich, the name Philip or Timur is most consonant
A boy's name should be chosen based on his patronymic, based on the nationality of the father and son. For example, the name for a boy Ramil with the patronymic Antonovich does not sound at all. That’s why we give Russian names to boys with Russian patronymics.
You should not name your baby after some movie character or historical figure or celebrity. The child must retain the opportunity to live his own unique destiny. Be smart and don’t be lazy to think things through. Your son will have the same name all his life. It should please not only you, but also him
The worst thing parents can come up with is to name the boy the same name as his father's name. Psychologists say this is the worst option.
The name influences the character of its owner. In case of double repetition of the name, they become stronger negative traits inherent in the name. The second argument of psychologists is that the double combination of first name and patronymic will cause difficulties in communication
Imagine a situation where both father and son are together in a circle of relatives. Go figure, kid, who are they talking to now and who is the message addressed to?
A boy's first name and middle name should not begin and end with the same sound. For example, the combination of the name Mikhail and the patronymic Maksimovich is not very successful
It is inconvenient to pronounce a boy’s name and patronymic if several consonants or vowels are concentrated between them (Petr Vlasovich)
A boy's name sounds harmonious with a middle name containing combinations of sounds fundamentally similar to the father's name. As perfect example you can give the name Andrey with the patronymic Alexandrovich

We invite you to use the information below in order to simplify your task when choosing a name for a boy.

Ilya: patronymic name

What does "hard" mean? patronymic Ilyich? Boys with the patronymic Ilyich have a calm disposition. They are balanced. They have a stable nervous system. Such children grow up to be modest men who will always patiently and carefully listen to other people’s opinions. However, after listening, Ilyich will act in his own way.

A boy with a patronymic Ilyich will not force his own opinion on anyone. His credo sounds like this: try in any way to convince your opponent with compelling arguments. Ilya's son is easy-going and devoid of careerism.

What names are suitable for the patronymic Ilyich:

  • Alexei
  • Andrey
  • Boris
  • Vadim
  • Vladimir
  • Vsevolod
  • Timofey

The boy with the middle name Ilya is calm and balanced

What to name a child with the middle name Evgenievich?

Evgenievich choose a name that suits a brave and determined person. After all, this is exactly how your boy will grow up. Evgenievichs are endowed with leadership qualities by nature. The boy Evgenievich is unsociable and stern. But at the same time, Evgenievich is growing into an excellent family man.

Best combinations with names:


Brave and decisive Evgenievich

What boy's name goes with the middle name Ivanovich?

Boys Ivanovichi patient and balanced. Ivanovich will think ten times before doing something.

The following names are suitable for the patronymic Ivanovich:


Boy's name to patronymic Danilovich

The boy who got his middle name Danilovich, flexible and calculating. There is such a trait in Danilovich’s character: he gets down to business only after carefully considering possible mistakes. Even as a little boy, Danilovich is hardworking and takes on any work that can be done in his hands. Danilovichs are usually good performers

Names for boys with patronymic Danilovich:


Calculate and think through everything - the Danilovich rule

Names suitable for the patronymic Egorovich

son Egorovich It is inherent not to rush to conclusions and conclusions. Little Yegorovich will not make superficial decisions. Egorovichs grow up to be true intellectuals who get used to acting rationally and balancedly in everything

The following names are suitable:


First names and patronymics Viktorovich

When characterizing the Viktorovich sons, one should note their kindness and sensitivity. Such traits are the main merit of boys who bear the middle name Viktorovich. Boys whose fathers are named Victor are responsive and reliable.

You can always count on Viktorovich: he will take an active part in a complex matter and assist in resolving issues.

Viktorovich remains collected in a critical situation, maintaining his presence of mind. Throwing a tantrum after a failure is not about the Viktorovichs. They tend to patiently overcome obstacles.

Viktorovichs are most often distinguished by their hard work and diligence. With such a character, it is simply impossible to remain unnoticed either at home or among colleagues. Viktorovichs are sociable, open and honest.

They always have a crowd of acquaintances and friends visiting them. Business partners in Viktorovichi there are such important features like stability and solidity

Stable and solid Viktorovichs

Names that fit the patronymic Viktorovich:

Names for boys with patronymic Alekseevich

Boys who have patronymic Alekseevich, grow up to be men with a balanced character. They are diligent and hardworking. Alekseevichs will have such traits as vulnerability and disgust. Boys with early years They prove their feelings not by word, but by deed.

Pay attention to these names:


Boy's name by patronymic Sergeevich

For boys with a middle name Sergeevich An analytical mind is inherent. A name that characterizes a sane, unperturbed and persistent person in achieving a goal is suitable for Sergeevich.


What to name a boy with the middle name Dmitrievich?

Boys with the patronymic name Dmitrievich show distrust of strangers. They tend to rely only on themselves under any circumstances. When communicating with strangers, Dmitrievichs show excessive caution.

Little Dmitrievichs are stubborn, exhausting their parents with their whims. This may cause serious conflicts with relatives.

Already in early childhood the boy Dmitrievich insists on his point of view. It is difficult for him to listen to other people's opinions. Dmitrievichs are characterized by intemperance and lack of diplomacy. Dmitrievich men are strong in spirit, but absolutely uncompromising

Suitable names for the patronymic Dmitrievich

Boys' names by patronymic Olegovich

Boy with patronymic Olegovich already at an early age shows in all its glory its complex nature. This is the name he should choose. In the future, it will be very difficult for Olegovich to make new acquaintances.

Suitable names for the patronymic Olegovich:


Names suitable for the patronymic Alexandrovich

Patronymic Alexandrovich brings impulsiveness to the character. The Alexandrovichs are unrestrained and restless. The boy Alexandrovich always has many friends. They become the life of the party.

In Aleksandrovichi, people value an unforgiving nature, but sometimes the Aleksandrovich man is quick-tempered and very suspicious

Names for boys that match the middle name Alexandrovich:


What names are suitable for the patronymic Vladimirovich?

For Vladimirovich tend to set their own rules. They live by them. A boy with a middle name Vladimirovich, having once formed a habit, remains faithful to it for a long time.

Vladimirovichs tend to logical thinking. They are endowed with intelligence and inquisitiveness. As a rule, Vladimirovichs have a complex character.

It is typical for a boy with the middle name Vladimirovich not to accept compromises. He is unbalanced and stubborn. An adult Vladimirovich rarely agrees with someone else’s opinion, preferring to prove his own.

The middle name is combined with the names:


What to name a boy with the middle name Maksimovich?

Boy with patronymic Maksimovich resists the difficulties that fate throws at him (sometimes very difficult). The owner of the patronymic Maksimovich is inclined to show willpower. But if circumstances require, he will be able to adapt to the circumstances.

From such a person you will not hear complaints about difficulties, he does not lose heart and endures them quite courageously.

Suitable names:


Male names consonant with the patronymic Mikhailovich

Boy with patronymic Mikhailovich, distinguished by goodwill. He is open and flexible. Mikhailovich, who bears the middle name, encounters difficulties in life due to his too soft character. Sometimes others get the impression that Mikhailovich is soft-hearted.

It is very easy for someone who is stronger in spirit to convince Mikhailovich of anything. You can ask for Mikhailovich’s support with confidence that he will not refuse the request.

The middle name is combined with the names:


Boy's patronymic name Stanislavovich

Boy with patronymic Stanislavovi h is distinguished by such a character trait as independence. However, he tends to behave quite friendly with others. The boy Stanislavovich calmly and condescendingly listens to someone else’s point of view, but acts in his own way

Principal Stanislavovich

Stanislavovich is distinguished by his integrity. He defends his views confidently and consistently. Stanislavovich's bad character trait is his stubbornness.

The patronymic Stanislavovich is combined with the names:


What to name a boy with the middle name Antonovich?

Holder patronymic Antonovich distinguished by rich inner world. He always has fresh and varied ideas at the ready. Antonovich tends to complicate everything and everyone

A man with a rich inner world - Antonovich

The boy can be stubborn and easily offended. Sometimes Antonovich shows pride where it is completely inappropriate. Antonovich tends to keep his word. He doesn't understand how others can't do this.

The middle name is combined with the names:


Names consonant with the patronymic Pavlovich

Patronymic Pavlovich lays in the character traits of its owner intelligence, excellent intuition, which is complemented by high intelligence.

Pavlovich will grow up to be a respected man who will deservedly occupy his high position. Pavlovichs achieve noticeable success thanks to their determination and enormous hard work. He treats any business with the utmost seriousness and perseverance.

The middle name is combined with the names:


Male names suitable for the patronymic Yuryevich

A boy with a middle name Yuryevich will grow up to be an egoist. A significant part of his character traits is occupied by cunning and greed. He is able to extract his own benefit from everything, even if others do not see it. Yurievich puts only his own interests at the forefront.

The following names are suitable:


Male names combined with the patronymic Anatolyevich

Boy with patronymic Anatolyevich has a negative charisma that helps him make friends. It’s as if he deliberately gets involved in conflicts. The owner of the patronymic Anatolyevich has a complex character

Communication with Anatolyevich is difficult

He is characterized by short temper, pride, and extreme stubbornness. The Anatolyevichs do not compromise either in business or in conversations. It's very easy to offend them. Sometimes he is impatient, and sometimes he demands what those around him are unable to give.

The middle name is combined with the names:


Male names for patronymic Valerievich

Little Valerievichs Doesn't cause any trouble for parents. The Valeryevich boys are obedient and efficient. Most often, the owner of the patronymic Valerievich looks like his mother. As a child, Valerievich enjoyed reading and was very inquisitive. These character qualities remain with the Valerievichs for life.

They are hardworking and efficient. They usually grow into obliging individuals. You cannot impose your opinion on Valerievich.

The middle name is combined with the names:


What name suits the patronymic Kirillovich?

Patronymic Kirillovich z adds prudence and a slow attitude to business into character traits. The Kirillovichs are interesting, bright personalities.

The boy with the middle name Kirillovich is guided by logic. He loves order and rigor in everything. If Kirillovich sets a goal for himself, he achieves it thanks to stubbornness and hard work.

The middle name is combined with the names:


What name suits the patronymic Igorevich?

The owner of the patronymic Igorevich is characterized by the following traits: the desire to always and everywhere be first, prudence, and cunning. Igorevichs are intolerant and inflexible. It is difficult for them to get along with others. But the Igorevichs differ from others in their talents and creative inclinations.

Suitable names:


What name goes with the patronymic Vadimovich?

Boy with patronymic Vadimovich has an analytical mind. They are distinguished by their patience and perseverance in school years and receive an excellent education.

The patronymic is combined with the following names:

Video: how to choose a name for a boy?

Every person understands perfectly well that being called by his own name evokes a certain sense of self in him, and this greatly influences the daily actions and choices made in life. Which leads to movement - either according to the best scenario, or according to a worse one. And this is clear to anyone.

If you choose a name for a boy based on his patronymic, a logical question arises - how is the child himself taken into account?

The fulcrum in choosing a name is the person himself, the fate, whose character you want to facilitate. The name must be selected for a specific child, his personality, life task, and not just for the father.

When choosing a name for a boy, you need to concentrate on the child. And on the effectiveness of the impact of various names on the condition, character and fate of the baby. The correct name, the energy of the vibration-information code of the name will align the structure of the character. And in the end, it will balance and improve character, condition and life, but the wrong choice can destroy the character structure and greatly worsen a number of qualities.

A name is not just a word. A name is a certain meaning, information, association, wave, vibration that affects both the consciousness and the unconscious of a person.

If you take a name just like that, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Sometimes parents take the names of successful acquaintances, relatives, or prominent people. Assuming that a child like that successful person will not disappear with such a name. But the personalities, characters, weaknesses and strengths of people are different, which means that a different name is needed to correct fate and character. This is how blindly borrowing a name can harm your child.

How to name a boy with the middle name Vasilievich - you can take popular options

1. Alexander Vasilievich
2. Maxim Vasilievich
3. Artyom Vasilievich
4. Mikhail Vasilievich
5. Ivan Vasilievich
6. Daniil Vasilievich
7. Dmitry Vasilievich
8. Kirill Vasilievich
9. Andrey Vasilievich
10. Egor Vasilievich
11. Nikita Vasilievich
12. Ilya Vasilievich
13. Alexey Vasilievich
14. Matvey Vasilievich
15. Timofey Vasilievich
16. Roman Vasilievich
17. Vladimir Vasilievich
18. Yaroslav Vasilievich
19. Fedor Vasilievich
20. Gleb Vasilievich
21. Georgy Vasilievich
22. Konstantin Vasilievich
23. Lev Vasilievich
24. Nikolai Vasilievich
25. Stepan Vasilievich
26. Vladislav Vasilievich
27. Pavel Vasilievich
28. Arseniy Vasilievich
29. Denis Vasilievich
30. Timur Vasilievich
31. Anton Vasilievich
32. Mark Vasilievich
33. Leonid Vasilievich
34. Arseniy Vasilievich
35. Sergey Vasilievich
36. Nikolai Vasilievich
37. Dobrynya Vasilievich
38. Bogdan Vasilievich
39. Semyon Vasilievich
40. Viktor Vasilievich

And yet, what name suits the patronymic Vasilyevich?

To choose a name that effectively influences the child’s fate, it is necessary to analyze the unique essence of the boy, and not the name of the father.

Choosing a name without analyzing the impact on the individuality of a particular child is the same as choosing software for a device based on packaging, without taking into account the essence of a particular device. Or how to make a roof for a house without taking into account the size and weather conditions of the place where the house will be, simply according to the principle “this is how I want it.”

But what underlies this “I want a name like that”, is there knowledge in this, an understanding of the mechanics of the influence of information and the energy of a name on the conscious, unconscious, character, aura, destiny. And how is the assessment done? real the consequences of the name in life... that is, that same responsibility. Knowledge of consequences. Or irresponsibility, due to ignorance, ignorance and personal ambitions. When the consequences are unknown in advance, not predicted, not calculated. And unfortunately, burdening life, and not even the person himself, but his child with the wrong name.

But at the same time, parents turn for help to doctors, auto mechanics, lawyers, marketers, stylists, to anyone who knows something better and does it well... and their own ignorance in this matter does not cause anything other than the usual desire to find an appropriate specialist.

And the choice of a name for a child still remains in the competence of the parents, without serious experience and deep knowledge... Everything is done only on parental feelings.

Would you teach your child a language you don’t know?
Would you treat your child yourself if you are not a doctor?
Would you send your child somewhere without being sure of his safety?

Because care = responsibility. And responsibility = results. And the result = it became better, not worse. And everyone understands this.

How to independently choose a name for a boy under the patronymic Vasilievich?

To choose the right name, you need to set a task - what do you want to develop in the boy through the name. For example, improve health, protect against birth problems, strengthen certain qualities. Next, you need to look at the strengths and weaknesses in the aura of the child and parents and select a name that “covers” the weaknesses as much as possible and protects them from external negative influences and potential problems. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of the person and his place of residence.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from expected problems and help him maximize his potential. And don’t choose a “melodic” name for your patronymic without taking into account all the consequences.

Combination of first name and patronymic

In a family in which the birth of a baby is expected, it is common to argue about which name will be the best and happiest for the baby.

Often, not only future parents, but also grandparents, older children, and other relatives participate in debates.

Often painful thoughts on this topic do not stop even after the child is born. We offer several recommendations that may help in resolving such an important issue.

Since we cannot escape the patronymic name in this life, when choosing a name for a child, we must be guided by the desire to achieve a harmonious sounding of the name and patronymic.

This means that when pronouncing your name and patronymic aloud, speech should flow easily, without stumbling over complex, difficult-to-pronounce phrases.

Basic rules for choosing a first name by patronymic

1. The name should not be duplicated, i.e. give the son his father's name. Perhaps someone thinks that such combinations as Nikolai Nikolaevich or Vasily Vasilyevich sound solid and weighty. However, in this case, the son will be very strongly influenced by his father’s energy. It’s good if the father is a happy and successful person, in which case contact with his energy is a blessing. What if the father is a person with a difficult character and a difficult fate? In addition, in any case, when parents call their son after his father, they to some extent limit his personal potential, his capabilities, and pre-install his father’s programs into him, and this is undesirable.

2. When choosing a name for a child, you need to strive to ensure that the first letter of the middle name does not repeat the last letter of the name. For example, such combinations of first name and patronymic, such as Artem Markovich or Irina Alekseevna, cannot be called very harmonious, since in them the last letter of the name seems to be “eaten up” by the patronymic. This rule is especially true for names of girls whose fathers' names begin with the letter A.

In addition to this recommendation, we can say that such combinations of first name and patronymic are very undesirable, in which the first name ends with the same syllable with which the patronymic begins. Examples of such not very successful combinations are Rimma Matveevna, Bogdan Anatolyevich, Alina Naumovna, Savva Vasilyevich. It is also necessary to avoid the accumulation of consonant sounds at the junction of the name and patronymic - this will make the name difficult to pronounce. Examples of such dissonant combinations: Alexander Vladislavovich, Robert Vladimirovich.

3. In order for the name and patronymic to sound harmonious, the number of syllables in them must be different. So, with short patronymics, of which there are quite a few in the Russian language (Lvovich, Ilyich), long names consisting of three or more syllables (Nikolai, Alexander, Innokenty) go well together. On the contrary, long middle names (Stanislavovich, Vladimirovich, Konstantinovich) sound more harmonious in combination with short names(Artem, Ivan, Ian, Oleg).

This is easy to verify by comparing, for example, the sound of such combinations as Oleg Ilyich and Oleg Nikolaevich, Yana Olegovna and Yana Vladimirovna. The explanation here is very simple - different quantities syllables provides a more harmonious distribution sound vibrations. If we talk about middle names of average length (3-4 syllables), then they are best combined with names of the same average length (3 syllables), for example, Alexey Ivanovich, Yaroslav Olegovich.

4. When choosing a name for a child, you must definitely pay attention to “nationality”, i.e. origin of both name and patronymic. From a psychological point of view, combinations of first and patronymics where they have the same “national category” are more acceptable. For example, if the father has the name Ibrahim, then for the child you need to choose a name that has eastern roots, otherwise dissonance cannot be avoided. How will a person who is forced to be called Ivan Manfredovich or Malvina Semyonovna feel in society? It’s uncomfortable, to say the least, since among those around him, such exotic combinations of first and middle names will cause at least bewilderment, and even ridicule.

There is another way to look at the question. From the point of view of esoteric teachings, each child, thanks to his patronymic, is already under the protection of his “national” egregor. If the name belongs to the same nationality, then the existing protection is enhanced. If the first and patronymic " various kinds and tribe,” then influence and protection are dispersed.

5. When choosing a name for your baby, try to avoid a situation where his first name and patronymic will duplicate the first name and patronymic famous person, especially if this is a person with an ambiguous fate. Surely, for a person with the patronymic Ilyich, the name Vladimir will not be the most favorable option, because this combination already has its own specific energy. Regardless of how a person’s fate develops, associatively, people around him will always perceive him through the prism of this historical figure and hang the appropriate “labels” on him. Is this good, or is it still better so that your child does not have a psychological burden associated with any personality?

6. Another important psychological recommendation for combining first and middle names. If the patronymic contains many sounds that carry active, aggressive, “yang” energy (for example, many sounds - r, dr, br, a, ya), then for balance it is necessary to choose a softer, “yin” name. The category of patronymics with Yan energy includes the following: Alexandrovich/Alexandrovna, Fedorovich/Fedorovna, Arturovich/Arturovna, Robertovich/Robertovna, Eduardovich/Eduardovna. To soften them up, it is better to choose more “affectionate” names, for example, Vasily, Evgeniy, Oleg, Lev, Alexey, etc.

The situation will become clear if we compare the sound of such combinations as Robert Eduardovich and Lev Eduardovich, Artur Alexandrovich and Mikhail Alexandrovich. Obviously, the first combinations sound more dynamic, so the character of these people may lack harmony, but will have an excess of activity and aggression.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and character

A name has a huge impact on a person's character. It can soften or strengthen existing inclinations and traits, and even influences a person’s position in society.
