Interactive educational game based on the fairy tale “Teremok. Musical and didactic game "teremok"



Didactic game "Teremok"

The manual is intended for children preschool age. Can be used for individual work, and for working with small subgroups. Promotes speech development, consolidation of acquired speech skills and develops fine motor skills.

Description of the manual:The manual consists of a tablet with a picture of a tower pasted on it. Each window has a hole cut into it, into which bottle necks are glued. There are caps with fairy tale characters screwed onto the necks.

Options for tasks.

1 task “Remember the fairy tale”
Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech and practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows the heroes of the fairy tale.

Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?

Tell this story (to the child yourself or with the help of teacher tells a fairy tale).

Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

The teacher depicts fairy tale characters: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher change roles.

Task 3 “Who lives where?”
Goal: Learn to use prepositions above, below, between.

The teacher places the animals in your own windows , invites you to look carefully and guess who it is?

This beast lives above the wolf. This…

This animal lives above the fox. This …

This beast lives under my arm. This …

This animal lives under the frog. This …

This animal lives between the wolf and the hare. This…

This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words
Over, under, between

4. task “Settle the tenants”
Goal: To consolidate spatial representations on the left, right, above, below.

The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left.

Fox is on the second floor on the right.

The bear is on the first floor on the left.

The hare is on the fourth floor on the right.

The frog is on the second floor on the left.

Wolf - on the first floor on the right


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The didactic game "Teremok" can be used by educators both in directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, and in the joint activities of the teacher with children in the morning or evening.



didactic game


(five options)

second for children junior group

The most difficult thing for preschool children is the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. When making a didactic game for children of the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok”, I also intended to solve problems mathematical development. Children know this story well and love to listen to it. I believe that by playing this game, children will also solve a didactic problem.

The didactic game "Teremok" can be used by educators both in directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, and in joint activities of the teacher with children in the morning or evening.

Game No. 1. “How many animals settled in the tower? »

Goal: To consolidate the ability to distinguish the number of fairy-tale characters, using the words “one”, “many”.

Preparing for the game. The teacher hangs the tower in front of the children. Fairy-tale characters are placed to the side so that children do not see them.

Progress of the game.

Game plot based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok” using a sensory mat.

Educator: Children, look, there is a tower.

A small mouse runs past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live there.

Educator: How many mice are there in the house? (one)

A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Me, little mouse! And who are you?

And I'm a frog.

Come live with me!

The frog jumped into the tower.

Educator: How many frogs are there in the house? (one)

Educator: A runaway bunny is running past. He stopped and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Me, little mouse!

I, frog frog!

And who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny.

Come live with us!

The hare hops into the tower!

Educator: How many hares are there in the tower? (one)

How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)

Educator: A little fox-sister is walking past. She knocked on the window and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

And who are you?

And I am a fox-sister.

Come live with us!

The fox climbed into the mansion.

Educator: How many chanterelles are there in the tower? (one)

How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)

Educator: A gray barrel top came running, looked into the door and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

And who are you?

And I am a top-gray barrel.

Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the mansion.

Educator: How many tops are there in the tower? (one)

How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)


Here they live in a little house, sing songs. Suddenly a clubfooted bear comes. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

I, the top-gray barrel.

And who are you?

And I'm a clumsy bear.

Come live with us.

And I will live on your roof.

The bear climbed into the tower. The tower was big, there was enough room for a bear.

Educator: How many bears are there in the tower? (one)

Educator: How many animals are there in total? (a lot of)

Educator: All the animals began to live together in harmony.

Game No. 2. "Neighbours"

Goal: To exercise the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself and denote them with the words “up-down”, “lower-upper floor”, “right-left”, “above-under”, “between”.

Preparing for the game. The teacher hangs in front of the children a tower in which fairy-tale characters “live”.

Progress of the game.

Educator: All the animals live in the little house together, they go to visit each other.

Then the teacher asks the children questions, the children answer.

Who lives on the lower (first) floor?

Name the animals that settled on the top (second) floor.

Who lived on the roof?

What animals does the bear live above?

Who lived under the fox and the wolf?

Who lives to the left of the mouse?

Who lives to the right of the hare?

Who lives between the mouse and the hare?

Game No. 3. "We moved in the tenants"

Goal: to consolidate the name of numbers and their visual representation, the ability to navigate in space, develop attention, fine motor skills.

On the back of each animal is the room number. The child must place each animal correctly, according to the numbering on them and on the room. At the end, you need to count how many animals have moved in.

Game No. 4. “Count and show which objects are 1 (2.3,4,5)”

The child counts and shows objects of a certain quantity.

Game No. 5. “Name familiar figures”

Target: Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, oval.

The child finds and names geometric shapes.

Fedina Maria Stefanovna
Presentation “Didactic game based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

For the development of cognitive interest Children can use various techniques and methods. Modern and interesting there will be a method for a preschooler interactive game. This was created a game for younger children groups:


1. Support interest children to Russian folk fairy tales.

2. Strengthen the ability to distinguish fairy-tale heroes, develop children's coherent speech.

3. Develop curiosity, cultivate a love for animals. 4. Development of attention, memory, thinking, mathematical development.

Methodical techniques: All slides are scrolled using a computer mouse or using control buttons.

Progress of direct educational activities: Fairy tale« Teremok» V presentations.

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Didactic game based on a fairy tale« Teremok»

Target: develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows subject pictures of the characters fairy tales.

Guess which one fairy tale heroes have come?

Tell me this fairy tale(child independently or with the help of a teacher tells a fairy tale).

Who found it first teremok? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke teremok?2 task “Guess whose voice?”

I offer other options educational games based on fairy tales« Teremok»

The teacher asks the children to listen to the recorded voice of a famous fairy tale character, then asks: "Whose voice is this?"

Depending on the complexity of the action, she may also ask who he is addressing.

Additionally, children can select and show the silhouette of a recognizable character.

Didactic game"What else can you call it". Children pass and stand in front of the models

In one word, who is this?

What else can you call wild animals? Why are they called that?

Why are the fox, wolf, and bear models black?

What is it called in fairy tales fox? (sister fox, cunning fox, Patrikeevna fox, red-haired robber, cheating fox, furry huntress)

What fox?

What can he do?

What is it called in wolf tales? (wolf, wolf - click with teeth, Volchek - gray barrel) what wolf? What can he do?

What is it called in fairy tales of the bear? (bear-bear, Mikhailo-Potapovich) What bear? What can he do?

Didactic game“What’s extra?”.Invite the children to see if all the characters are from fairy tales« Teremok» or are there characters from others? fairy tales.

Didactic game"Do you know fairy tales.

The teacher reads a passage, or shows an illustration to fairy tale and asks to name the fairy tale.

Didactic game“Tell me in order!”.

The teacher shows the pictures, the children must arrange them in order of plot development and tell about it.

Didactic game“Name the cubs (cubs) correctly!”

The fox has cubs, little fox

The wolf has cubs, wolf cub

A cow has a calf, calves

The cat has a kitten, kittens

The dog has a puppy, puppies

Didactic game“Say it in one word!”.

Wolf, bear, fox, hare - wild animals

Rook, cuckoo, starling, crane are migratory birds;

Cow, goat, horse, sheep are domestic animals;

Wintering birds


Didactic game« Teremok»

Target. Develop logical thinking, auditory attention, ability to group animals (herbivores, carnivores).

Game rules: Place residents in the tower is possible only then when you guess the riddle correctly, but you need to be careful not to settle in one mansion herbivore and carnivore. The winner is the one who makes no mistakes and places the most tenants. When all the windows are in the mansion is open, we must call the animals that have settled in it in one word - these animals are herbivores or predators.

Progress of the game: Adult speaks: “Standing in the forest thicket teremok. He is neither short nor tall. Whoever guesses the riddle and the animal finds out will be able to place residents in this glorious teremok».

Puzzles: “It’s not a mouse or a bird that frolics in the forest, lives in the trees and gnaws nuts.” (squirrel).

“In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind, lives without a window, has not seen the sun” (mole).

“Whoever digs tunnels in the forest, builds dams from branches, his teeth are like axes. They are working hard. (beavers)».

“What kind of forest animal is this that stands up like a column under a pine tree? And stands among the grass - ears more head» (hare).

“What dangerous animal walks around in a red fur coat, shovels snow, and has enough mice?” (fox).

“Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide.” (elk).

“In summer he walks without a path near pine and birch trees, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.” (bear).

“Who walks around gloomy and hungry in the cold autumn?” (wolf).

Having guessed the riddle, the children place the animal in teremok, all animals disperse in this way.

At the end of the game ask: “Why can’t herbivores and carnivores live together? What would happen if mansion inhabited by a wolf, fox or bear? How can you call the animals living nearby in one word? (neighbours).

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I present to your attention the game " Geometric tower".

I was inspired to make a didactic game for preschool children “Geometric Tower” by Montessori frames and inserts, they are very boring.

Manufacturing process.

The game is actually a house, in layers, then the first is a self-adhesive film, the second is an ornament on the roof, the third is colored cardboard with openings-windows in the form of geometric shapes, the fourth is small drawings glued to drawing paper, and the fifth is drawing paper repeating the shape of a colored cardboard tower. And separate inserts in the shape of the windows are made of the same cardboard in color, also covered with film.

Necessary materials.

Colored cardboard, drawing paper, pictures from an old primer, transparent self-adhesive film, a simple pencil, scissors, glue, a stationery knife and manicure scissors, and if you want, an ornament in the form of carvings on the roof of the tower, it is sold in stores selling inexpensive wallpaper.

Let's get to work. We draw pentagonal houses on cardboard, placing it vertically, then glue the ornament onto the roof until we cut out anything. We paste over a colored cardboard house with an ornament with self-adhesive film, now we cut out identical “towers”, I have 6 colors. Then, according to the shape of the cardboard tower, we cut out the same pentagons from drawing paper. We mark the windows, preferably on the unpasted side with a pencil, I also have 6 of them, on two floors, 3 for each. Using a lumograph we draw windows - the shapes that we need. In my case, these are equilateral and right triangles, a square and a rectangle, a circle and an oval. Now comes the most difficult process; carefully cut out the windows using a utility knife, razor and nail scissors. I had to use all three tools. It is important here that the edges are cut exactly along the pencil line. If the window is cut out very carefully, then it can be used as an insert; if not, then it’s okay, you can then cut out the inserts from the leftover cardboard.

We work with the two lower layers. We put the colored house on the white pentagon and draw windows by tracing the holes on the cardboard. Now we know where to glue our animals and birds. Glue the prepared drawings onto the window markings. Another crucial moment is gluing together the top layer - a colored cardboard house and the bottom layer - a white pentagon-house with drawings. I used KAPRAL universal pva glue. I lubricated both parts and let them soak for another minute. Now the tower is ready, we send it under the press. About the windows, or you can call them lids or shutters, I would like to remind you that they are cut out in shape on colored cardboard and covered with tape or film.

We solve problems.

We introduce children to geometric shapes and colors, reinforce ordinal and quantitative counting up to 6. We develop attention, memory and thinking. We cultivate interest in mathematics.

Now let's look at the use cases.

We play in junior and senior middle group in the first half of the year, then it’s not interesting to play. At first I played with 3-4 children, then everyone joined in. In the younger one, we look at the house and name its inhabitants, draw a finger around the windows, tell the children the shape, and repeat. I used different subjects. I put on my masks, a bear has come, let’s hide all the inhabitants, or quickly - whoever can hide it faster, or - it’s starting to rain, we’ll close all the windows as soon as possible, or the wind has confused all the windows, and it’s time for the inhabitants of the house to sleep. We say what figures are on the 1st or 2nd floor. We work separately with the figures, laying them out in the sequence that you suggest. Like a graphic dictation. First put a circle, then an oval, a third square, etc. Of course, you will come up with your own options for playing.
