How to send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. Letter with a description of the attachment

    The most reliable item is considered to be a valuable item because it does not matter whether a passport and important documents are sent by a valuable letter with or without an inventory; in second place are registered items with or without notification, they also go according to the serial number assigned to them at the post office and do not get lost along the way , but simple letters, unfortunately, cannot be counted; they often disappear en route.

    A valuable letter is the safest when sent by mail, since when it is sent, the declared value is indicated and if lost, it is returned (in whole or in part)

    Just like a registered one, it is sent with a track number, which allows you to track it throughout Russia.

    When delivered to the addressee, it is handed over personally and the recipient must sign for it; if he cannot receive it, then the letter will be given to another person only with a power of attorney from the recipient.

    Remember that such a letter is sent to the employee open, he must check everything according to the inventory; additionally, for greater confidence, you can connect an SMS notification of receipt by the addressee.

    Most likely the most reliable letter This valuable with a full inventory of the contents included in it and with mandatory notification of delivery of the letter to the addressee. After sending such a letter, you have in your hands a check receipt, but also a second copy of the inventory of the contents of the letter. The inventory lists all the documents that you have enclosed in this valuable letter.

    A valuable item (letter) is considered the most reliable and expensive. Because it is by valuable letter that all important documents must be sent. In addition to this option for sending a letter, there is also the opportunity to send a registered letter with or without notification. A registered shipment also has a valuable individual number by which it can be found in case of loss.

    Any valuable letter is sent with an inventory of its contents, since the post office bears financial responsibility if it is lost in its entirety or some part of its contents. The postal worker will check all the attachments in front of you, comparing them with the inventory, put one copy inside, and give the other one (with the post office stamp and his signature) to you. Only after this the envelope will be sealed and covered with special tape. A delivery receipt will also be attached to the back of the letter, which will be returned to you later. Obviously, this method of sending, for example, documents, is optimal.

    Some kind of guarantee of dates and sending a registered letter with a notification - it will be handed to the addressee, since he will have to sign on the notification form, which will be sent to your address, and you will know for sure that the letter has arrived.

    With registered letters, in general, the same thing happens - they are registered at post offices, assigning them numbers - the path of such a letter, like those indicated above, can be tracked on the official website of the Russian Post. The difference between a registered letter and a letter with notification is that no one will notify you of delivery.

    Finally, simple letters are those that reach the fastest, however, there are no guarantees at all about their receipt by the addressee - such a letter will simply be thrown at you. Mailbox. You can familiarize yourself with the remaining nuances of sending mail.

    A valuable letter is the most reliable. Its value is recorded and the post office is responsible for its loss. If lost, compensation will be paid.

    You can also send a letter using courier delivery, but this method will be the most expensive.

    If you are sending valuable documents or passports, then you should not save money and send them by regular mail, since no one is responsible for the loss.

    In my opinion, it will be safer if they send you a registered letter. This way, you can track it, and when it arrives in your city, it will be delivered to your hands, not to your mailbox or under your door.

    You can also order a valuable letter, but it will be much more expensive. The point is that he will be insured.

    A return receipt letter is the same as a registered letter, but only you will be given a form with the signature of the recipient stating that the letter has arrived and was handed over to him.

    The most reliable letter will be a valuable letter, all because you will not only pay for it well, but it will also be insured. Ordered and with notice can also be considered reliable. You can track the registered one, with a notification you will sign for receiving the letter.

    If you need to send documentation by mail, then the most the best option - valuable letter with inventory. We have repeatedly sent such letters to various institutions, and there have never been any failures.

    The valuable letter is issued at the post office, and you will have to fill out two copies of the inventory form and the notification. The postal worker will check your attachment according to the inventory, attach a notice to the letter and seal the envelope himself.

    You will have a mail receipt and a copy of the inventory in your hands. Although this method of sending valuable documentation is not cheap, you get at least some guarantee that the letter will be delivered to its intended destination.

    The safest thing for you, in terms of its delivery, is a Valuable Letter. This is because if it is lost, the post office will immediately automatically charge you with financial liability, but with a registered one, this is not the case, they just have a little more control over it.

    Therefore, the Valuable Letter is called that, because in our time, real price represents that thing for which someone is financially responsible, even if it is an organization.

    In turn, it certainly costs you more, but what you pay extra is, in fact, a kind of insurance, just for you, and therefore everything is real and logical.

How to send a request by mail

Image source: en.wikipedia.orgwikiTwo_envelopes_problem

We present to your attention complete instructions for sending any requests via postal service.

How to send an appeal by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt

Step 1

After you have compiled the text of the appeal, put a date and signature on the application, and make a copy of it. A copy of the application should remain with you so that in the event of a dispute you can indicate which application you sent.

Step 2

Place the application in a mailing envelope. The front side of the postal envelope should be formatted as follows: in the upper left corner of the envelope - information about the sender (indicate your last name, first name, patronymic without abbreviations, as well as your zip code and postal address), in the lower right corner of the envelope - information about the addressee (indicate the name of the organization to which you are sending the request, or the surname, first name and patronymic of the official, as well as the address and postal code of the recipient).

Step 3

If you simply drop the letter in the mailbox, you will not have any proof that the letter was sent. In addition, you will not be able to accurately find out the date of receipt of the letter. Therefore, we recommend sending a request by registered mail with notification of delivery. To send such a letter, you will need to come to any post office and perform the following steps.

Step 4

At the post office, before sending a registered letter, you must issue a notification of delivery (notification forms can be obtained from the operator):

  • On front side on the form, indicate the type of notification - simple (check the box next to the word “simple”); Below, indicate the type of shipment - registered letter (check the boxes next to the inscriptions “letter” and “registered letter”). In the “To” and “Address” lines, indicate YOUR last name, first name, patronymic and YOUR postal address with zip code.
  • On back side of the form, in the line “type of shipment” write “registered letter with notification”, in the lines “addressee’s name” and “address” indicate the name (or surname, first name, patronymic) of the recipient of the letter, his address and zip code.
  • Leave the remaining columns of the notification empty; they will be filled out by post office employees.

The main advantage of sending a letter with return receipt is that after the letter is delivered to the addressee, the notification you issued will be returned to your mailing address. This notice will include the date your letter was received and the signature of the recipient's authorized representative.

Thus, a receipt confirmation proves that you sent the letter and the addressee received it. This will play important role, if the recipient denies delivery of the letter, does not provide a response to your request, responds in violation of the deadlines established by law, etc.

Step 5

After you have filled out the receipt notification form, you can send a registered letter.

Find out which window accepts registered letters and send your letter there. After you pay for sending the letter, the postal employee will give you a check. Save it, as this receipt will serve as confirmation of the fact that you sent a letter to a government agency and may be necessary for you in case of protection of violated rights in court or other authorities.

How to send an appeal by valuable letter with an inventory and notification of delivery

Instead of sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery, you can send the appeal by a certified letter with an inventory and acknowledgment of delivery.

The advantage of this type of postal service compared to registered mail is that after sending a valuable letter, you will have not only confirmation that the letter was sent to a specific addressee (i.e., a check), but also confirmation of which documents you sent ( i.e. inventory).

Step 1

A valuable letter, like a registered letter, is sent directly to the post office. When sending a valuable letter, consider the following features:

The front side of the postal envelope is filled out in the order specified in paragraph 2 of the section “How to send an appeal by registered mail with return receipt requested,” but among other things, in the upper right corner (slightly above the “To” line) you need to indicate the amount of the declared value of the letter, for example , write the following phrase: “with a declared value of 10 (ten) rubles 00 kopecks” (the amount of value is determined at your discretion).

Step 2

Before sending the letter, you should fill out an inventory. Forms can be obtained by mail. Please note that the inventory is filled out in two copies.

Describe in detail what documents you are putting in the envelope: indicate the names of all documents with dates and other details by which they can be identified. In addition, reflect in the inventory the number of sheets in each document, and indicate the total amount of value of these documents, for example, 10 rubles. It should be noted that the same amount of value must be indicated in the inventory and on the envelope.

After filling out the forms, put your signature on both copies of the inventory.

Step 3

Sending a letter with an inventory does not cancel the completion of the notification form for delivery of the letter. The notification is filled out in the same manner as when sending a registered letter, with the following features:

  • On the front side, in addition to the “tick” opposite the “letter” line, you need to put a “tick” opposite the “with declared value” line (instead of the “tick” opposite the “registered” line). The remaining lines on the front side are filled out in the same way as when sending registered letters without an inventory;
  • On the back of the form, in the line “type of item”, indicate “letter with declared value”, and in the column “amount of declared value” you must indicate the amount at which you value the letter (the same amount as in the inventory).

Step 4

After you have filled out the notification of delivery form, you can send a valuable letter with an inventory.

Place all documents in the envelope, but do not seal it. Check with the postal workers at which window they accept letters with declared value, and submit the envelope with the appeal and both inventories directly to the employee who is responsible for accepting such letters. He will put stamps on both copies of the inventories. One inventory remains with you. The second copy of the inventory is placed in the envelope, after which the postal employee seals it.

As in the case of sending a registered letter, we recommend keeping the receipt that you will be given after sending, as well as a list of the attachments in the valuable letter. They will serve as confirmation that you sent the letter and establish the specific documents that you sent to the recipient. This may be necessary if you are forced to defend your rights in court.

Postal inventory of attachments: sample and form Form 107 is a document that describes all items included in the shipment by name, quantity and value. This form is standardized and can be completed by hand or on a computer.

This type of shipping option is still in pretty good demand today. Filling out the inventory form is not at all difficult; if necessary, you can additionally consult with a postal employee.

This forwarding option is convenient to use to confirm the legal fact of sending or receiving any documents or material assets. Using this design, you can insure the shipment of items against material damage due to damage or complete loss of valuables.

In our review today, we will look in detail at how to draw up such a document, how it works in practice, what rules it obeys and how to use it correctly.

Purpose of the inventory

The inventory of attachments makes it possible to clearly characterize the shipment, since it indicates the name of the attachments, their quantity and estimated value. When filling out the inventory, the sender lists the contents of the letter or parcel, clearly characterizing the items he is sending by mail. Then the postal employee, upon receiving the open item, checks the contents with the inventory, and, having checked the dispatch of the contents, confirms this with his signature and postal stamp. Thus, the post office assumes responsibility for the shipment.

Further, Russian Post bears financial responsibility for the integrity and safety of the item along the entire route of the letter or parcel to the addressee. And if the item is opened or damaged along the way, the post office will have to pay compensation to the sender for the damage caused during delivery of the item.

Thus, the inventory is a kind of document guaranteeing that the sender receives compensation in the event of loss or damage to the shipment. However, in order to compensate for the damage, in addition to the inventory, you will also need to attach a cash receipt for the shipment, present your passport and fill out a special postal application for compensation.

The inventory can be used for the following types of shipments:

  • Letter
  • Parcel
  • Package.

When filling out the inventory, you need to take into account that the indicated cost of investments affects:

  • on the amount of postage that will need to be paid when sending the item
  • on the amount of compensation that can be claimed in the event of loss or damage to the shipment.

The inventory has not so much value. In addition, the inventory has important legal significance, especially when it comes to sending letters. Sending letters with an inventory is an important legal fact that records the sending of legally important documents on a certain date. Such fixation of an action already has a legal dimension, important for legal procedures (judicial, executive, etc.).

This method has existed for quite a long time and, despite computerization, has not undergone any changes, it is the simplest and most accessible to absolutely everyone.

For example, the Tax Code provides for taxpayers/tax agents to send declarations to the Federal Tax Service in the form of a letter with a list of the documents contained in it.

It is important to note that the attachment inventory service is only valid for shipments within Russia.

You can fill out the inventory either in the usual way by hand, or more conveniently - on a computer and then print 2 copies at once. Let us consider in detail the procedure for filling out the inventory of investments:

  • First you need to indicate the type of shipment - letter, parcel post, parcel
  • In the “To” line, indicate the surname, full name and patronymic of the addressee, or the name of the organization or government department or institution
  • In the “To” line, as usual, the full postal address of the recipient of the shipment is indicated
  • Next, you need to fill out a table that describes the contents of the shipment. In the corresponding columns No. and name we indicate the names of the contents of the shipment and their numbers in order. In the quantity column we indicate the quantity of each item in the shipment. You need to be careful when filling out the cost column. Since the stated declared value of the item directly affects the receipt of the amount of compensation in the event of loss or damage to the item. However, this cost also affects the amount of postage.

When indicating the valuation of investments, it should be taken into account that the higher the value of each item, the higher the insurance postal fee, but also the higher the compensation for loss of the item.

The insurance postal fee for a specific item can be calculated using postal calculators, which are available on the official postal website or on others information resources. Generally speaking, the postal fee will be approximately: 50 rubles for the evaluation of the item, plus 4% of your total evaluation of the item.

If investment valuation is not provided, dashes are placed in the corresponding price columns.

  • Having filled out all the necessary lines, you need to summarize the overall quantitative results of the enclosed items, indicate their total cost in the line provided for this, at the bottom of the mail form. The overall totals are written in numbers, for example: “6 sheets, 46 rubles” or simply numbers opposite the corresponding columns.

If full list does not fit on one sheet of the inventory form, you need to take another form, top part Fill out the next form in the same way, continue filling out the table. In this case, on each sheet it is necessary to indicate the number of the inventory sheet and the total number of sheets: “Sheet 1 of 2”, “Sheet 2 of 2”.

  • At the bottom of the inventory, in the line “Sender” reserved for the sender’s signature, you must put your signature.

Postal inventory forms are filled out in 2 copies, one is then inserted into the shipment, and the other, after certification by the postal employee, remains in the hands of the sender.

Empty rows in the table can be crossed out with the “Z” symbol.

For investments without a rating, a dash is placed opposite the corresponding column in the final line.

Important: Corrections in the postal inventory are not allowed.

Regulations for sending items with an inventory

Postal regulations require postal employees to verify the following:

  • The shipment with an inventory must be submitted to open form;
  • The sender must provide the inventory in 2 copies and corrections are not allowed;
  • The postal employee compares both copies of the inventory;
  • The addressee's data must be identical in the inventory and on the postal package;
  • The postal employee checks the items being sent and their names in the inventory. The name of the items, their quantity and valuation should not raise questions;

It is generally believed that the name must be legally significant and the assessment must be “plausible.” If the item is not rated, then you need to put a dash in the corresponding column of the inventory.

  • If everything is fully consistent, the employee signs, writes his position and puts a postal stamp with the index and date;
  • One copy of the inventory is placed in the registered shipment on top of the items it contains;
  • Next, the employee seals the item and registers its dispatch in the postal database.
  • The second copy of the inventory is handed over to the sender, also with the signature of the employee and a postal stamp.

For checking the inventories included in parcels, citizens are charged an additional postal fee. Legal entities are charged a fee for checking inventories and registered valuable mail items.

The poisoning has been collected, the inventory has been filled out, now we need to send our letter, parcel or parcel by mail. When receiving an opened item, the postal employee first of all checks its contents with the inventory. If everything matches exactly and there are no complaints about the completed inventory in two copies, then both copies of the inventory are certified with a postal stamp with an imprint of the date and postal code, and the signature of a postal employee. If the postal employee has no complaints about the contents of the item and the execution of the inventory, then he signs the inventory indicating his position and puts a stamp from his post office.

Then the inventory is inserted into the shipment and the postal package is sealed. And the second copy of the inventory remains with the sender. Next, the item is accepted for dispatch and undergoes standard postal processing for shipment to the specified address.

When checking the list of attachments and the contents of the shipment, the postal employee confirms the presence of the contents of the items by name, quantity, approximate cost estimate, as well as the correspondence of the addressee in the inventory and on the postal package of the shipment. The fact of certification, inventory, by a postal employee with his signature and postal stamp has legal force. From this moment on, the postal service begins to bear financial responsibility for the delivery and safety of the item.

The procedure for receiving a shipment with an inventory

Such a shipment must be delivered to the addressee personally against signature, or to the addressee’s representative by proxy. When delivering the item to the addressee, the postal employee himself opens it and compares the presence of all items with the inventory. In this case, if a shortage of items is detected, the postal employee is obliged to draw up a report of the shortage. This act is then sent to a higher department for verification. The verification must take place within 2 months. After verification, the postal service must reimburse the sender or recipient for the cost of items lost during shipment.

If upon receipt of the shipment any problems arise controversial situations, then their resolution is fully regulated in the rules postal service, we’ll tell you more about them in the next section of our review.

For shipments with an inventory, the following regulations apply:

  1. Such items are opened before delivery to the addressee.
  2. The enclosed items are compared with the inventory.
  3. If, during the inspection, the presence of items in the shipment corresponds to the inventory, then the act of opening the shipment is not drawn up. The message is issued to the addressee in the usual established manner.
  4. If, upon opening, the presence of items in the item corresponds to the inventory, but the addressee refuses to receive the item, then the postal service employee must draw up an act of opening the item in 2 copies, as prescribed by the Procedure for registration of defective items. In the act drawn up, the employee indicates that the addressee refused to receive the shipment, and that the shipment will be re-sealed and sent back to the sender. Such a shipment is sent back to the sender with this act of refusal by the addressee; the second copy of the act is filed with the current internal postal reporting and no verification is provided for in such a case.
  5. If, during the opening and comparison of items with the inventory, a shortage or at least partial damage to the contents of the items is discovered, then the act of opening the defective item is drawn up in 3 copies and an internal departmental inspection is carried out.
  6. If, upon receipt, the addressee refuses to open the item by a postal employee to compare the contents with the inventory, then on the postal notice filled out upon delivery of the item, he must write that he refused to open it and has no claims against the postal service. It is considered that the postal service has fulfilled its functions, and no claims can be made.
  7. For valuable items with inventory and cash on delivery, there is a similar issuance procedure, but they are issued only after the recipient pays the cost of cash on delivery and forwarding services. But before making payment, the recipient of the shipment has the right to find out address information about the sender. Payment for cash on delivery is processed in the usual manner, as for other items with cash on delivery. After paying the required amount, the recipient is given a receipt for payment and is given the item addressed to him. A report on opening the item is not drawn up.
  8. If, when a postal employee opened a shipment with an inventory and cash on delivery, items were found in a defective condition, then a report on the opening of the defective shipment is drawn up and the amount of the cash on delivery is not paid until opening. If the recipient refuses to receive such a shipment after opening by a mail employee, then a refund is issued postal item.
  9. For items with an inventory and declared value and cash on delivery, if the recipient refuses to open and check such an item, he puts his signature and certifies his consent to the postal notice for the delivery of the item, that he has no complaints.
  10. If, when a mail employee opens a mail item with a list of attachments and cash on delivery, its integrity is confirmed, but the recipient refuses to pay the full cost of cash on delivery and forwarding services, then the mail employee must draw up a report on the defective mail item in 2 copies. The act indicates that the recipient refused the shipment and the shipment is re-sealed in the presence of the addressee and sent back to the sender with a copy of the act. And the second copy of the act is filed with the current internal reporting mail. Internal inspection in in this case is not carried out.
  11. For valuable items with an inventory and cash on delivery, if a postal employee identifies, at the time of opening, a partial or complete shortage, damage or replacement of the described items, a report on defective items is drawn up in 3 copies. Then an internal audit is carried out.
  12. For valuable items with an inventory and cash on delivery, if the addressee refuses to receive the item after opening by a postal employee, a return of the postal item is issued.
  13. After the delivery of a valuable shipment to the addressee with an inventory and cash on delivery, the shipment is not accepted back and the money paid by him is not returned.
  14. Partial release of items from shipments is prohibited.


Postal items with a list of attachments are a fairly common option for sending letters, parcels and parcels. Such items can be processed at any post office in the country. The inventory is easy to fill out by hand. If you have any questions during registration, you can ask a postal employee for help. The regulations of the postal service clearly outline the procedure for sending all items and resolving disputes.

The inventory of the attachment is important in the legal field of communication between subjects; it serves as good evidence in case of legal disputes. The form can be downloaded for free.

Valuable, registered letters sent by authors require guaranteed delivery to the addressee. Even more necessary for the author is documentary evidence of the contents of the submission. This document serves inventory of attachments. Paper is very important in the legal field of communication between subjects; the inventory serves as good evidence in case of legal disputes. Let's look at the most important points on this sheet. Using a special direct link, the user can download the form absolutely free of charge and apply it in practice.

When sending papers by Russian Post, many citizens and legal entities use the attachment inventory. This method is used universally in cases where guaranteed delivery of a package with specific documentation to the addressee is necessary. After placing an order at Russian Post, the sender has a second inventory of the attachment. After delivery to the recipient, the author is given a notice guaranteeing forwarding. If a legal dispute arises, the sender has such irrefutable evidence as an inventory of the attachment.

Mandatory items of the investment inventory

  • The name “Inventory” is written at the top;
  • Next, a list is entered into the table: name, serial number, quantity, declared value;
  • Below is the total;
  • Sender details;
  • Mark of the accepting employee;
  • Seal of the department.
Filling out the paper under discussion also acquires legal weight because, at the same time, the sheet is certified by an employee of the post office. The communications worker checks the availability and compliance of the sheets specified in the list and puts the appropriate mark on the second copy, which is handed over to the author. The inventory is then placed in an envelope along with the rest of the contents and sent to the addressee. This notification procedure is essential before filing statement of claim to court and proceedings.

Registered mail is a mail item that has an identification number. Using this number, you can monitor the movement of your shipment on the Russian Post website. At each stage of correspondence movement, the identifier is entered into a single database, which is regularly updated.

Registered correspondence is handed over to the addressee or his representative, who has a power of attorney, in person. The addressee must sign the notice or statement upon receipt of the letter. If the recipient is not at home, the postman leaves a notice of registered mail. In this case, the addressee must come to the post office and receive correspondence after presenting his passport.

The weight of registered mail should not exceed 100 grams when sent within Russia or 2 kg when sent abroad. Registered mail can be of two types: simple or 1st class. 1st class items are transported to the delivery point by air, so they reach the recipient much faster. Of course, delivery of 1st class items costs more than regular ones.

Registered letter with notification - what is it?

Often, for registered mail, they choose an additional service such as delivery receipt. This is a document confirming receipt of the letter by the addressee. When sending important papers, it is official proof that the postal item has been delivered to the recipient.

To apply for this service, you need to fill out a special form for notification of delivery of a registered letter, which can be obtained at the post office. The form completed by the sender is sent to the destination along with the letter. After delivery of the correspondence, the recipient signs the notice and it is sent back.

What is allowed to be sent in registered letters?

According to Order 114-p of the Russian Post, only written messages are allowed to be enclosed in any letters, including registered ones. The weight of the item should not exceed 100 grams, and the size should not exceed 229 x 324 mm. Photographs, manuscripts, printed publications should be sent as a parcel post. For them, the maximum permissible weight is 2 kg.

How to send a registered letter?

To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office. Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the required size, indicate the addresses of the recipient and sender on it, and fill out the appropriate forms to receive additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt.

Simple custom

If the sender does not need notification of receipt, he can simply send a registered letter without any additional services.

Ordered with notification

To send a registered letter with a notification, you first need to fill out a notification form, give it to the employee along with the letter and indicate what additional services you need.

Ordered with a list of attachments

To forward valuable mail, an additional service is used, such as an inventory of the attachment. It is only available for shipment within Russia. The sender fills out a special form in two copies, where he lists the items or documents being sent, their quantity and declared value. Declared value is the amount that the sender will be able to receive if the registered item is lost or damaged.

The letter is handed over to the postal employee open and sealed after comparing the inventory and contents. One copy of the inventory remains with the sender. The addressee can open such a mail item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory.

If it turns out that the correspondence was not received in full, the post office employee draws up a report. The report is sent to the main post office of the locality, on the basis of which an investigation is carried out within up to two months. Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient will be compensated for the cost of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to be paid, you can use it.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost of sending a registered letter from Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of item, etc. Tariffs for services for the delivery of letters and notifications are posted on the official website of the Russian Post. However, it is not easy to independently calculate the costs of a registered letter, because you need to take into account many nuances.

To find out the approximate cost of a shipment, you can use the postal calculator on the Russian Post website. To do this, the online service specifies where and where the correspondence should be delivered, the weight or number of sheets in the letter, the delivery method, selects the desired additional services and calculates the price.

Delivery times for registered mail

The delivery time of a registered item depends primarily on the distance between the points of departure and destination. The control deadlines for sending written correspondence between cities of regional and regional significance are given in Resolution No. 160 of March 24. 2006. From the regional or regional center to cities in the territory of subordination, letters must arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to the rest settlements- in 3 days.


Since ordinary citizens send registered letters infrequently, they may have questions regarding this type of mail.

What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter?

A registered letter differs from a simple letter in that it requires registration. The sender simply places a regular letter in the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. An employee applies a so-called line mark to a registered item. mail ID(SPI) and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the delivery method, accepts payment and issues a receipt. Registered mail is delivered to the addressee personally, and the postman places a simple letter in the mailbox with the apartment number.

How to fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter?

A form for notification of delivery of registered mail can be obtained from the postal worker or printed from the website and filled out in advance to save time. On the front side you should indicate:

  • type and category of departure;
  • Full name and address of the recipient of the notification of delivery;

On the back of the form indicate:

  • type and category of postal item;
  • Full name and address of the recipient of the registered letter.

Sending postal correspondence by registered mail with return receipt is a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will be delivered to the recipient personally, and the sender will be notified of delivery.
