Beautiful sayings and cool phrases about summer. “August is the last thick glass of summer”: a selection of beautiful phrases, quotes and sayings

Quotes about summer are short and beautiful, colorfully describing the pictures of the sultry season. Which we are happy to dedicate to unbridled fun and new acquaintances. Diving again and again into the transparent sea wave, barely drying out under the scorching sun, we receive a charge of health, vigor and vitality for the entire coming year.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just like sadness, thoughtfulness, love... The whole world is in the eyes of the beholder. In you." Al Quotion.

Summer rain. First - how light touch. Then stronger, more abundant. He pounded on the sidewalks and roofs, like the keys of a huge piano. Ray Bradbury,

June. What a beautiful word, how sweet it sounds! He exudes blissful laziness and sunshine. Patricia Highsmith "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

I want to get lost in the caress of the waves, I want to forget myself and just float. Where life is colored by the soft light of the setting sun. Al Quatin

Just being alive, watching the sun rise over the glittering snowy hills, is the greatest treasure on earth. Joanne Rowling.

The pleasure of life is drawn from our encounters with new things, and therefore there is no greater happiness than constantly changing our horizons, meeting each day under a different sun. Jon Krakauer

To live you need sun, freedom and a small flower. Hans Christian Andersen

“... evening came, some strange evening, when the summer heat of the day began to gradually cool down and the white light of the scorched sky imperceptibly turned into greenish twilight” Viktor Pronin.

There is nothing better than spending the summer in the forest, giving your head a rest before studying and returning home, to the city, to the noise, cold, dirty air, where there is too much a large number of people are in too limited a space. Simon Hawke.

Everyone who has ever spent a summer by the sea remembers it later as a blessing. Summer rituals, unchanging sensations, the taste of salt on the lips... Muriel Barbery

In the summer it's so easy to seem in love. Green warm twilight wanders under the branches. They turn every word into a mysterious and vague sign...” Sergei Dovlatov.

Summer nights are the wildest, the most restless. Justin Torres.

Tears are the summer rains that pour into the soul. Alfred Austin

Such a strange summer idleness, in which the days creep by exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly. — Evgeniy Grishkovets

Summer is the furnace in which God burns the magnificent colors of autumn. Heinrich Bell, "The Cross Without Love"

A wonderful summer was beginning: peace and tranquility in nature, the pleasant coolness of the lake, bonfires and songs and, who knows, maybe fleeting love. Simon Hawke.

So summer has come, in the coolness of the forest the white, porcelain-like “night beauty” began to smell, and the handsome man of our forests, fireweed, stood in the sun in his full magnificent stature by a tree stump. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Summer came, and the wind was summer - the warm breath of the world, unhurried and lazy. You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer. Ray Bradbury. Dandelion wine.

“There is something very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian provincial towns at the end of summer. What peace, what prosperity!” I.A. Bunin

“You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.” Ray Bradbury

“When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator.” Gandhi

It’s a warm, quiet evening, and it feels like the whole Universe is looking at us with love. It’s so beautiful, our summer. Elchin Safarli.

What a bliss it is to be with yourself again, to go deep into yourself and enjoy the silence of the forests! Knut Hamsun. The last consolation

The air is so fresh and tart that even the bitterness of young greenery can be felt on the tongue. It's the beginning of summer, what more happiness could you wish for? Veronica Ivanova.

Can you smell the air? August has arrived. Farewell Summer. Ray Bradbury.

There is no complete happiness with anxiety; complete happiness is calm, like the sea during summer silence. Alexander Herzen

You came into my life like summer comes - suddenly, without warning, like the glare of sunlight entering a room in the morning. Mark Levy

How good summer evening sit on the veranda; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end! Ray Bradbury. Dandelion wine

Summer spoils us from the very beginning to the end warm weather, cheerful holidays, ripe fruits. At this time of year, life seems wonderful and carefree.
Section topic: beautiful short quotes about summer.

Summer is the best favorite time years of most people. Every summer month gives bright memories, bathes in the warm rays of the sun and pampers with a variety of fruits and berries. But a particularly generous month is August. It seems to sum up the passing summer, fraught with joy and sadness at the same time.

August's gifts are always generous

August is the threshold of autumn. This is probably why it is almost always the hottest month of the summer, as if it wants to compensate for the cloudy summer days that occurred in June and July. Also, the last month of summer is rightly called the watermelon month. Of course, since from the moment of ripening this berry is especially large sizes is on every table.

This is the perfect time to relax. Firstly, the weather itself is favorable, and secondly, for breakfast, lunch and dinner you can only eat fruits, berries and vegetables, there are more than enough of them this month. This is why all resorts are crowded in August, and places are almost worth their weight in gold.

In addition to your packed suitcase, we offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and sayings about August. With them, your mood will be even more cheerful, and the passing summer will be even brighter!

So the summer has passed, August flew by like a comet... Without love everything was fine, but without love there is no summer.

August ends summer. I wish I could extend this month at least for a moment.

Last month summer is August,
It's time to harvest from the dachas,
And start preparing containers for the mushrooms.
But it’s sad to say goodbye to summer.

June is ending and August is just around the corner, a very short month. And summer usually flies by without you having time to look back.

August is the perfect time to relax

The last month of summer is outside the window,
Gives us warmth, chides us with the breeze,
And our whole house is covered in colorful asters,
And the wet rain drizzles more often.

Today you live in the beginning of June, and tomorrow it’s already the end of August. Summer always flies by faster than other seasons.

August is a kind of requiem for summer. By the sun, by carefreeness. And then all these last weekends, those same walks with friends. But in the air you still feel that autumn is coming.

August, August – children are happy!
Let's go for a walk in the summer forest.
There's ripe raspberry sweetness
And there are too many mushrooms to count!
How many juicy berries did you eat?
And they took the mushrooms home!..
We didn’t have time to look back,
How the holidays went.

August. The last month of happiness.

Beautiful sayings

August is the last heat with a hint of nostalgia...

August smells like peaches, melons and unfulfilled summer dreams...

August is a chaotic movement from desire to desire at incredible speed.

Tomorrow is the last August thick glass summer.

August is of course still summer. But at the same time, August is September’s neighbor.

Sunflowers in the field

The morning is so good and gentle. Especially if it’s still August on the calendar, which means it’s still holidays.

Let's leave disputes, insults and reproaches, we will never repeat our August anyway...

August. One month to spend like three.

August and Sunday evening have something in common.

In August, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.

Evil August, you have a cold again,
At night you give the presence of autumn...
It's so little to know that someone needs you,
It’s so important to feel this all the time!

Cool statuses

I never thought it would be like this in February this August.

Have you noticed something flashing before your eyes?! This summer, this August is running away.

In August, white skin looks offensive, blasphemous and... so pitiful...

The most unpleasant thing in August is that you have to choose from what is available, there is no time to look!

August is like a long Sunday: it seems like it’s still the weekend, but soon it’s back to school!

Watermelon - best treat August

In August you can still have time to set the summer on fire...

Girls in August are like ripe grapes, and some with a twist...

August is when watermelon seeds can be found anywhere in the house.

August and watermelon have a lot in common - they have no future, autumn is already waiting for them...

I spent almost the entire month of August in a sweatshirt and jacket. And in September I wear a mini and a top. People, where is the logic? Has summer moved on?

My August will be jealous and nervously smoke on the sidelines, looking at how I will spend my December.

The most best month August has become one of these holidays since I met you.

Proverbs about August

In August, before lunch it is summer, and after lunch it is autumn.

August warms your back and cools your chest.

Whoever sleeps in August will go hungry

June is young, July is elusive, August is tired...

August prepares pickles for the winter table.

In August, summer skips towards autumn.

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Chronicler... This is when the end of summer... Completely...

Well, to hell with it, with this summer!... We will rock it in the fall!)))

Blue waves, horizon... White sand and barefoot... We will remember this summer. Maybe then I’ll have a dream – sunsets, cocktails. The two of us... Summer, stop! But the tickets are at different ends...

It’s time for schools to think about renaming the essay from “How I Spent the Summer” to “How I F*cked the Summer”!

And only in last days August, you realize that June was great too...

June. High school graduation. Certificates. Restaurant. Walks until the morning. Morning. Feeling of freedom. Joy. Admission. Satisfied with their independence. End of summer. Saying goodbye to parents and friends. The dull realization that childhood cannot be returned!

Summer is designed in such a way that you wait for it all year, and then it comes and nothing happens...And then summer ends. You take a piece of something warm and expensive from him, and place it between the pages of your favorite book. For memory...

On All-Russian competition A boy from Vorkuta won for his essay “How I Spent the Summer.” His essay consisted of two words: “In the snow.”

Bad mood, bad weather, and two weeks are all that's left of summer.

Summer ends with open dresses.

Summer, I really want you to come back.

Neither the coffee, nor the jacket, nor the blanket keep you warm... Summer is ending... What, hello Autumn?!

First cool night at the end of summer there will be winter, even though we don’t call it.

Summer has come and gone. The leaves were sad, the sky was sick. The girls put on tights. It's a shame.

Summer flew by quickly... I want to relax some more!)))

And we didn’t even notice how quickly this summer flew by.

Often essays on the topic “How I spent my summer” cause severe envy.

You can’t just accept the end of summer.

Autumn came before summer ended.

Announcement at the entrance: “Dear residents! will be disabled from August 21 to September 1 hot water“... This summer can’t even end normally!

Summer 20... Forever in our memory. R.I.P.

The hot summer has come and gone. And in the fall they promise rain. i.e., everything that is not burned will drown.

Soon we will wake up, and summer will no longer be there.

Last day of summer. Go to the sea, get a tattoo, go to a concert, finish reading a book... And how can you do it all in one day? Panic!

Summer is like champagne: you seem to have taken a lot, but then it’s all gone.

I think it was the fastest summer of my life.

Hey, summer, how about we start over, mmm?

Last summer evening. Warm rain rhythmically beating on umbrellas and roofs. I know it’s summer, you’ll leave now, leaving only the taste of ripe cherries.

It feels like the end of summer... but it feels like the end of the world...

Cool statuses about the end of summer

The most best statuses about the end of summer

Another summer has flown by... we'll be waiting for you..;(

And it’s sad not because summer is over, but because what happened this summer won’t happen again in the fall, winter and spring.

Summer is approaching and I would like to thank all domestic mosquitoes for the fact that I have never been bitten on the face.

Enjoy the latest summer days with joy...

You sit on the Internet, don’t bother anyone, and then summer ends for you.

Your summer is ending, will you extend it?

What did that fly by? - Yes, it’s summer... it flies here every year at this time...

Summer has flown by, everything is left behind. But we know: the best, of course, is yet to come!

Another Summer has flown by, but for some it lasts somewhere...

The summer ended without fulfilling any of its promises. Victor Pelevin

Summer is not over, it has changed...

So I couldn’t decide what to do in the last days of summer, but thanks to the showers and thunderstorms, they decided everything for me.

Summer flew by - I didn't get pregnant!

There is no escape from the memories. This summer will forever be in my heart.

To be honest, it’s sad to say goodbye to summer. Whatever it may be. Cheerful or sad, you understand that you can’t bring him back.

In 9 months we will have a new summer.

It's a shame we can't start summer all over again. Everything would be different.

Summer ends the day you put on your socks...

Now it seems to me that the summer flew by like one day, but in the summer it seemed to me that it would never end.

I don’t know what’s scarier... either the End of the World, or the End of Summer...)))

And summer is over. And September caught up with the cold. Now it is very difficult to believe in any miracle.

Well what can I say? I'm screwed, comrades. All!

Summer is over, which means now it will only be: I want to sleep, I’m cold and let’s get drunk on Saturday.

So the summer has passed, as if it never happened...

The summer was cold, but with little snow.

Summer has flown by, in general, quickly, and before you have time to look back, you’ll be at the registry office saying “Yes!” =)

It seems like it’s just the end of summer, but it seems like it’s the end of life...

Guys, you should put things aside in order to be with your girlfriend, because the end of summer is soon, and then school will begin and everything else. So spend more time together!

Summer is not over... It is always with us... In photographs and in the soul...)))

Cool statuses about the end of summer

The best statuses about the end of summer

End of summer. Sadness. Sadness. School. Things you haven't had time to do yet. And love... to which you did not have time to say the most important words.

A daughter, getting ready for school, asks her mother: “Mom, isn’t it time for me to shave my legs?” -Summer is over, Suliko, just comb and style.

And I will live these last days of summer as if September 1 is the end of the world!

So summer is over... our summer cannot be returned... That's all... So the warm summer is over. That's all...

And you cry, but summer has passed!

There is nothing sadder on the planet than the thought of the end of summer.

The end of another summer - again boring, and nothing ahead...

Summer is over, the dacha is over, the shovels are out of hand and the vodka is hamstered!)))

Quotes about summer - a box that contains beautiful words about everyone’s most beloved season. Tell me, is there a person on the planet who would be indifferent to the warm sunny season? Everyone is looking forward to the hottest time of the year, the time of vacation and outdoor recreation.

At this time, everyone opens the Internet in search of something interesting. unusual status for Instagram, social networks or a desktop that can convey the incredible joy that the desired warmth gives. Therefore, phrases about summer are always necessary, important, and relevant.

A good statement with meaning can convey a feeling of delight and pleasure and charge others with it. Who doesn't like to talk about summer? This theme can be found in the works of any famous writer, poet and scientist. Novels are written about him, lyrical poems are written, and pictures are drawn.

Statements and thoughts from the pens of great thinkers become unique masterpieces that people read and apply in their lives every day.

Phrases created about summer are a way for everyone to express gratitude to nature for a magnificent miracle. After all, it is she who gives us unique opportunity spend time by the river, warm up and sunbathe in the sun, take a break from everyday life and enjoy the summer landscapes.

Relaxing on the seashore is a separate favorite summer theme. Aphorisms about summer without her are simply unthinkable. Who doesn’t want to pamper themselves with a walk along the shore, feel the coolness of a light breeze, and plunge into the waves of the playing sea?

How nice it is to spend a warm evening listening to the surf, sitting on the sand and watching the bright sunset. Water perfectly relaxes, restores strength, helps you forget about problems, and gives a boost of energy.

Even the smallest summer status And short quotes give us the opportunity to see the beauty that we do not always notice. After reading them, we begin to pay attention to the flowering meadows, look with surprise at the bright Sun rays, cloudless clear sky, we see the earth covered with a green carpet. And this makes the heart feel so joyful and exciting, pride fills the soul for the fact that we live in such a beautiful world.

Funny aphorisms that reveal funny situations about summer can make anyone laugh. A statement with a touch of humor is a welcome topic for the hot season. After all, when it’s clear, warm, and beautiful outside, fun naturally bursts out.

Funny thoughts will make not only you smile, but also those around you if you share with them the interesting expressions you read in our selection.

Summer is a time of adventure, exciting trips, unusual meetings. It's time for diversity, bright colors, millions of sounds. Richly dressed trees, thick grass, paths strewn with colorful flowers - scarlet poppies, yellow dandelions, blue bells.

Summer has a special voice - the hum and buzz of insects does not stop in the air, the singing of birds is heard in the branches, and on warm evenings they are replaced by the melodies of crickets. Wonderful butterflies, dragonflies, and bees flutter above us.

Everything seems so pleasant, easy, delightful that you want to rejoice and laugh next to people close to you, shout about in a great mood, pass on your favorites to everyone fabulous summer quotes. After all, this best time in order to be happy, so it is worth making the most of it.

... We have prepared for you quotes about summer in English, with translation into Russian. Quite a lot beautiful words people talk about this wonderful time of year.

Summertime is always the best of what might be.
Summer time is always the best it can be.

Charles Bowden

O Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.
O Sunshine! The most precious gold that can be found on Earth.

Roman Payne

When the end of summer comes, the following sentences become very relevant:

Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Summer rentals are too short.

Summer is leaving silently. Much like a traveler approaching the end of an amazing journey.
Summer leaves silently. As a traveler approaches the end of an amazing journey.

Darnell Lamont Walker (Darnell Lamont Walker)

A few quotes with beautiful meaning:

It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer.
It's easy to forget now how effervescent and free we all felt this summer.

Anna Godbersen (Anna Godbersen)

I love how summer just wraps it’s arms around you like a warm blanket.
I love how summer just wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket.

Kellie Elmore

A short phrase that many will not disagree with:

In summer the empire of insects spreads.
In summer, the insect empire is common.

Adam Zagajewski (Adam Zagajewski)

Some beautiful quotes from the same author:

In the summer, we write life’s summary with the slow waves of love flowing over the sandy beach. The slow breeze and the warm sun write our memories.
In the summer we write a summary of life with the slow waves of love flowing over the sandy beach. Slow breeze and warm sun write our memories.

In summer, we grow younger and stay young forever.
In summer we become younger and remain young forever.

In summer, a soothing warm breeze on a beach is the most soothing music for the soul.
In summer, the soothing warm breeze on the beach is the most soothing music for the soul.

Debasish Mridha

Words about summer weather in England and beyond:

It is not summer, England doesn’t have summer, it has continuous autumn with a fortnight’s variation here and there.
It's not summer, England doesn't have summer, it has a continuous autumn with a fortnight's variation here and there.

Natasha Pulley (Natasha Pulley)

I am cold, even though the heat of early summer is adequate. I am cold because I cannot find my heart.
I feel cold, although the early summer heat is adequate. I'm cold because I can't find my heart.

Sebastian Barry (Sebastian Barry)

They say it'll be even hotter tomorrow. that's how we spend the summer. complaining about the heat.
They say it will be even hotter tomorrow. This is how we spend the summer complaining about the heat.

Yoko Ogawa (Yoko Ogawa)

Don’t forget the snow in the summertime, because you will meet him again when the summer is over!
Don't forget the snow in summer time because you will meet him again when the summer ends!

When the winter comes, the summer shines infinitely in our hearts!
When winter comes, summer shines endlessly in our hearts!
