Sauerkraut. Crispy salted cabbage in jars for the winter

Many housewives do not see the difference between salting and sauerkraut. Indeed, the two processes are similar. The only difference is that when pickling vegetables, according to the recipe, you put large quantity salt than with sourdough, and the pickling process itself occurs faster, in about three to five days. While sauerkraut must ferment well, which takes up to two weeks. Excess salt slows down the fermentation process, so pickles contain less lactic acid than pickled vegetables. The acid and salt contained in pickled cabbage kill more microorganisms and putrefactive bacteria, so it is stored longer. The amount of salt has no effect on the deterioration taste qualities. Pickled cabbage turns out crispy, with a tender and pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Pickling cabbage - preparing food

For pickling, take white, tight heads of cabbage of late varieties, without damage. The forks are cleared of the upper leaves; they are usually more flaccid and have a greenish tint. Then cut into thin strips. Now there are many devices for mechanical chopping of vegetables. So you can chop the cabbage using a vegetable cutter, a special grater, in a food processor, or with an ordinary knife. Before shredding, the knife must be sharpened well - this will make the process go faster and the straws will come out smaller. The spices that will be used for pickling must be sorted out, rotten and spoiled leaves and twigs removed, and washed.

Pickling cabbage - best recipes

Recipe 1: Pickling cabbage with dill seeds

This cabbage with a delicate sour taste will be pleasant to crunch with hot fried potatoes on cold winter evenings. The cabbage must be chopped into thin and long strips, similar to spaghetti.

Ingredients: cabbage - 2 medium-sized heads, 3 carrots, salt - 2 heaped tablespoons, 1 tbsp. l. dry dill seeds

Cooking method

Cut the cabbage into two unequal parts - with and without the stalk, and chop. You can place the fork half on its edge or lay it flat on the table, whichever is more familiar to you. There is no need to cut the stalk and the area around it with coarse fibers.

Place the slices in a wide bowl so that it is convenient to mix - a basin, or large saucepan, add salt and mash well. To prevent salt from corroding the skin of your hands, and for hygiene purposes, it is better to wear disposable gloves (or plastic bags). Add dill seeds, grated carrots, mix.

Place a weight on top and place the cabbage on the balcony or other cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The role of a load at home is usually played by an inverted flat plate, on which a small weight, bottle or jar of water is placed. In our case, you will need a three-liter jar filled 2/3 with water.

The fermentation process has already begun, so twice a day, the contents of the pan must be freed from the gases accumulated at the bottom of the dish, otherwise the cabbage will taste bitter. To do this, remove the weight, mix the mass with a spoon, leave for a couple of minutes and return the weight to its place. After three days, the cabbage is laid out in smaller containers and transferred to the refrigerator or cellar, if there is one.

Recipe 2: Pickling cauliflower

It just so happens that when we talk about sourdough or pickling cabbage, we mostly mean white cabbage. But this recipe is for cauliflower; it is also suitable for pickling and turns out no less, if not more tasty, than traditional white cabbage. To make the dish look more beautiful, it is better to chop the carrots using a Korean carrot grater. This condition is not mandatory and is advisory in nature. Cabbage should be dense, white. Yellowish inflorescences indicate that the cabbage is slightly overripe and is not entirely suitable for pickling. What not in the best possible way will affect appearance and the taste of the finished dish.

Ingredients: cauliflower – 2 forks, carrots – 0.5 kg, 5-6 grains of garlic, black peppercorns, 4-5 bay leaves. For brine - per liter of water: 1 tbsp. a heaped spoonful of salt, an incomplete (no heaped) tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method

Prepare the brine by mixing salt and sugar in water, boiling and cooling.

Disassemble the forks into large inflorescences and blanch for a minute and a half, i.e. Place in boiling water for this time. You don’t need to hold it for a long time, otherwise the cabbage will turn out not crispy, but wadded. Then the inflorescences should be cooled under water and laid out in layers in a bowl for pickling. Layer with grated carrots, chopped garlic, pepper, and a couple of bay leaves. The first and last layers are carrots.

Pour brine over the cabbage and install the weight. Leave in a warm place (in the kitchen) for a day or two, then move to the balcony. The cabbage will be salted in 4-5 days. It is transferred to jars, which are placed in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: Pickling cabbage with beets

This cabbage is not only very tasty and crispy, but also looks elegant on a plate and on the table. After all, she differs from her pale-faced sister in her beautiful crimson color.

Ingredients: 2 large forks of cabbage - 4 kg, 2-3 beets, a whole head of garlic, 1-2 horseradish roots. For brine per 2 liters of water: 100g salt, ½ cup granulated sugar, 4 bay leaves, 2 cloves and 10 black peppercorns.

Cooking method

Boil water, put all the ingredients for the brine there, and cool.

Cut the cabbage arbitrarily, at your discretion - into thin strips or in large pieces, not forgetting to remove the stalk. Grind the garlic and horseradish root - on a grater or through a meat grinder, cut the beets into small cubes. Mash the cabbage thoroughly with your hands and mix with horseradish and garlic, then place it in a pickling bowl, sprinkle with beet cubes. Pour brine over the beetroot and cabbage mixture, place pressure on top and leave to ferment. Stir the cabbage once or twice a day to remove accumulated gas bubbles. After two or three days the cabbage is ready. It is transferred to jars and placed in a cold place - a cellar, underground or refrigerator.

— For high-quality pickling of cabbage, you need to choose the right salt. Use only coarsely ground rock salt; iodized or Extra (finely ground) salt is not suitable.

— During fermentation, the brine should completely cover the cabbage. If there is not enough brine, the mass of the load must be increased (add water to the jar or put a weight more weight).

— To make the cabbage juicy and crispy, it is recommended to pickle it during the waxing moon.

Traditionally, cabbage is pickled with carrots. This combination makes a delicious winter salad.

To prepare it you need:

  • 5 kg of strong cabbage;
  • 1 kg of young carrots;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. non-iodized salt.

Vegetables need to be finely chopped. This can be done by hand or using a food processor.

Chopped carrots and cabbage must be poured into a saucepan, sprinkled with salt and sugar.

After this, the vegetables should be mashed and mixed thoroughly so that they release the juice. The finished mixture is placed in jars and filled with brine.

To prepare it, you need to mix boiled water with 450 g of sugar, 300 g rock salt. You can also add vinegar essence.

The jars are left open on a tray in the kitchen. After 5 days, when fermentation is over, you need to add brine to the top of the jars and close them with lids. Keep ready dish needs it in the refrigerator. No sterilization required.

Quick salting

Not everyone is willing to wait almost a week to enjoy delicious salad. In that case, it's worth a try quick salting. According to the recipe, the crispy snack can be eaten after 3 days.

For pickling, 3 liter jars are best suited. For such a container you will need 2 tbsp. l. sugar and the same amount of rock salt, 1 liter of water.

First you need to finely chop the cabbage. To keep it juicy and crispy, the leaves should be cut very thin. Ideally, they should resemble long ribbons.

Pour into a clean jar cold water and add salt and sugar. Then place the shredded cabbage in the container. It must be carefully compacted with your hands.

The jar without a lid is placed in a deep tray, into which a small amount of brine may spill out during the fermentation process. After 2 days the cabbage will settle a little.

When this happens, you need to add brine, close the container with a lid and put it in the cold. The next day the dish will be ready to eat.

The classic recipe for cabbage with carrots has been tried by almost everyone. Therefore, cooking lovers try to come up with something new. The following recipes will come to their aid.

Pickling cauliflower

A dense head of cabbage is ideal for pickling. Yellowish cauliflower It’s better not to take it, because it will have loose inflorescences and hard “legs”.

The vegetable must be thoroughly washed, disassembled into inflorescences and dipped in boiling water for 1 minute. Then the cabbage is cooled in cool water. Next, you need to chop a small amount of carrots and garlic.

The next step is preparing the brine. This will require 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and the same amount of sugar. When the water boils, add the remaining ingredients and leave until it cools completely.

Place carrots, cabbage, garlic, herbs, and bay leaves in a wide saucepan in layers. The very last layer should be carrots.

When all the ingredients are laid out, you need to pour the brine into the container. Then the pan is covered with a plate and pressed down with something heavy.

The cabbage needs to be left indoors for several days, and then poured into jars, filled with brine and put in the refrigerator.

Korean cabbage

Fresh cabbage should be washed and cut into 2 halves. Then the vegetable is soaked for 24 hours in water with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. salt.

At this time you need to prepare the spices. So, pepper and garlic need to be chopped, then salted and put in the refrigerator for a day.

When the cabbage leaves soften, they need to be carefully rinsed under water and coated on both sides with the spicy mixture. Then the cabbage is put into jars under oppression for 2 days.

Cabbage with beets

The cabbage should be cut into small pieces, and the beets into cubes. You also need to grate the garlic and horseradish.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and placed in a jar with brine under pressure. After 2 days, the container can be closed with a lid and moved to the refrigerator.

The finished salad can be stored for 3-6 months.

Cabbage with tomatoes

Washed cabbage needs to be chopped. Bell pepper should be cut into strips. Carrots can be grated or also cut into strips.

This recipe requires small tomatoes. They need to be washed and cut into 2 halves. All ingredients are mixed and salted.

They are put into jars under oppression for several days. The prepared snack is stored in the refrigerator.

Cabbage in tomato sauce

The washed cabbage must be chopped and then blanched in boiling water for 3 minutes. When the water has drained, the vegetable is rammed into jars and filled with heated tomato juice.

You can add spices to the container to taste. According to this recipe, the jars need to be rolled up, wrapped in a blanket and left until the containers have cooled.

Subtleties of salting

To make the finished dish tasty, you need to consider general recommendations while cooking cabbage:

Pickling cabbage in jars is considered the most in a simple way preparing a winter snack, because it does not require special skills or exotic products.

Moreover, you can safely experiment with brine and spices. Thanks to this, coleslaw will never get boring.

With the onset of cold weather, the simplest, very healthy and also delicious is sauerkraut salad. All you have to do is take cabbage, add onion thinly sliced ​​into half rings, season it with vegetable oil and the delicious salad is ready.

But this raises the question: where to get the main ingredient, that is, sauerkraut.

Many young housewives prefer to buy ready-made pickled cabbage in a store or market, believing that this way they save their time. In fact, you can cook cabbage yourself quite quickly and quite simply.

We suggest you use the repeatedly proven method of cold pickling cabbage in jars. Cabbage prepared in this way comes out crispy, not over-salted and very tasty! Try it yourself and see for yourself!

Taste Info Vegetable snacks


  • Cabbage – 1 kg;
  • Small carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Allspice – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Marinade
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Kitchen salt – 1 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp.

How to cook and quickly pickle cabbage using a cold method in jars

Let's start with enough important moment– buying cabbage. Not all cabbage is suitable for pickling and this must be remembered. We choose a head of cabbage that is exclusively white in color and slightly flattened in shape. Typically, these types of cabbage are ideal for pickling.

We’ve made our choice and now move on directly to the recipe – cold pickling of cabbage in jars.

The advantage of this method is that you don't have to guess how much salt you need to use to make the cabbage really tasty. Everything is already taken into account in our recipe!

First of all, let's prepare the marinade. To do this, put a saucepan with water on the stove, add salt and sugar according to the recipe, add bay leaf and allspice. Let it boil. As soon as the marinade boils, remove it from the heat and leave to cool.

In the meantime, we'll take care of the cabbage.

Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and rinse it under running water. Then, for the convenience of shredding, divide the head of cabbage into parts that will be convenient to hold in your hand. Our cabbage is small, so it was enough to divide it into four parts.

Place the cabbage in a large bowl and then peel, wash and grate the sweet carrots on a coarse grater.

Combine the cabbage and carrots together, mix and lightly rub with your hands. Then we begin to fill cleanly washed jars with cabbage.

We lay it in gradually and compact it using a wooden masher or potato masher.

Fill the jars filled with cabbage with the marinade that has cooled by this time. It should cover the cabbage completely.

Our work is now complete. We leave the cabbage in the kitchen at room temperature; it should salt in about three days.

On the second day, start periodically (3-4 times a day) piercing the cabbage in the jar with a wooden skewer (to the bottom) so that the air comes out.

From the beginning of fermentation, it is better to place the jars in a deep bowl so that the marinade does not spill onto the table.

After cold-salting cabbage in jars acquires the proper taste, feel free to put it in the refrigerator, covering it with a plastic lid.

As you can see, everything is very simple, and most importantly, the cabbage turns out very tasty!

Hello, dear readers! Today we will pickle cabbage at home. There are already large heads of cabbage in the beds, and they are like koloboks, from that riddle - “ A hundred clothes, all without fasteners...". Of course you guessed it - it's cabbage. And if you are the happy owner of your personal plot, then your harvest has probably already arrived. And it’s time to chop it down with an ax, or cut it with a large knife.

Cabbage is very healthy vegetable. It contains a huge bouquet of vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. In the summer, when we have the opportunity to crunch on fresh cabbage, we need to think about preparing it for the winter. Of course, it can also be stored fresh for the winter. I do both. That is, they are definitely stored in my basement. fresh heads of cabbage, and along with them also jars of salted or sauerkraut. If I run out of a snack, I make it again.

Salting cabbage does not involve heat treatment of vegetables. Therefore, the dish retains maximum useful substances. In addition, such an appetizer is very popular on the table and flies away in no time. It’s hard not to love it, because it’s very tasty, crispy and refreshing! I suggest you consider and prepare some of the most delicious and simple recipes salted cabbage.

How to salt cabbage in a jar. My recipe for crispy cabbage in a quick way

This recipe is one of the simplest. If this is your first time salting cabbage, you can safely start with this method. The ingredients are simple and accessible, and the preparation steps are quite simple. At the same time, the snack turns out very tasty.

Ingredients for one three liter jar:

  • one and a half kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt;
  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • dessert spoon of vinegar essence;
  • 1 laurel;
  • water.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

1. Grind carrots and cabbage into thin strips. For cabbage, you can use a special grater or simply chop it with a knife. I pass the carrots through a special vegetable slicer. If you don't have one, you can grate it or cut it with a knife. Combine these vegetables in one salad bowl.

2. Break the bay leaf here and mix thoroughly with your hands.

3. Transfer the salad to the top of a clean jar. Sprinkle salt and granulated sugar on top. Pour vinegar.

4. Boil water, about one and a half to two liters and let it cool slightly. Use a knife to make a hole in the lettuce. Pour warm liquid through it into the jar. Once you fill it to the very edges, make a few more seals with a knife. You will notice that the water has dispersed and its level has dropped. Add water.

5. Immediately seal the jar and turn it over onto the lid. Cover with warm material. This could be a blanket, bedspread or old jacket. Leave in this form for 3-4 days for ripening. After this, you can safely transfer it to the cellar.

How to salt cabbage tasty and quickly in a jar so that it is crispy

One of my favorite crispy cabbage recipes is the pellet appetizer. It is a successful union of cabbage and beets. This results in not only a wonderful taste, but also a beautiful color.


  • 2.5 kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • a little more than a liter of water;
  • 1 medium beet;
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, without iodine and other additives;
  • 100 ml vinegar 9%.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

1. Dissolve salt and granulated sugar in water, stirring as much as possible. Then add vinegar and stir.

2. Cut the cabbage into cubes, approximately 4*4 centimeters, after cutting out the stalk.

3. Peel the beets and cut into 2 parts. Cut each into thin slices, approximately 3 centimeters wide.

4. Place cabbage in layers in a clean jar, topping it with beet slices. There is no need to knead it with your hands. Lightly tamp down so that the salad does not lie too loosely, but not too tightly.

5. To avoid getting the table dirty, place the jar of salad on a plate. Pour marinade to the top and seal with lids. Leave to marinate right in the kitchen for 2 or 3 days.

6. Then the jars with the delicious pink snack can be transferred to a cool room for long-term storage.

According to this recipe, the cabbage turns out sweet and sour and very tasty. Such beauty can be safely put at the head festive table and not only.

Salt cabbage in brine (quick method)

Now I will introduce you to a very delicious snack cabbage with carrots and bell pepper. It's very easy to prepare. This does not require special skills or much effort. See for yourself.


  • a kilogram of fresh cabbage;
  • 1 sweet pepper (preferably red);
  • 1 carrot;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 6 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

1.First of all, we need to prepare the brine so that it can cool while we chop the vegetables. To do this, you need to boil water, dissolve granulated sugar, salt in it and pour in vegetable oil. Once the liquid has boiled for 1-2 minutes, add vinegar and turn off the heat.

2. Grate the carrots. If you have a special vegetable cutter, it will be more convenient to use it.

3. Cut the pepper into small strips.

4. Chop the cabbage with a knife or on a special grater.

5. Mix all vegetables in one bowl.

6. Place the salad among the jars, pressing tightly with your hands. Pour in slightly cooled brine and screw on the lids.

7. Place in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours. I make this salad during the day, and the next morning we have a delicious and healthy breakfast waiting for us.

8. Like this beautiful snack can be prepared easily and simply. Help yourself! Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for pickling cabbage in jars for the winter

I present to your attention a very tasty and simple recipe for cabbage in its own juice. You can cook it either in a jar or in a pan, barrel or plastic container. Only in this case, you need to put oppression on top. It turns out to be a very tasty and crispy snack.

Ingredients for one 3-liter jar:

  • 1 fork cabbage;
  • 4 small carrots;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of cumin;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 3 tablespoons 9% vinegar.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

1. Cut a head of cabbage into 4 parts. This will make it more convenient to chop it into thin strips. Chop with a knife. You just need to grate the carrots on the coarse side of a grater. For convenience, you can pour these vegetables directly onto the table to make mixing easier. Add salt, cumin and stir with your hands, pressing lightly.

2. Transfer the salad to a jar. Mentally divide it into 3 parts. The first layer will be a layer of cabbage, now you need to add 1 bay leaf and 3 peppercorns. Now vegetables again and again bay leaf with pepper. Cover with lettuce again. Pack it tightly so that the released juice completely covers the cabbage. Pour vinegar and pierce the salad with a knife in several places. If you have a whole jar of vegetables, place it on a plate or salad bowl, as the marinade may leak.

3. Leave the jar in a warm place for 2-3 days. Once a day, you need to cut the mass with a knife to the very bottom of the jar so that excess carbon dioxide comes out. This is important primarily so that the cabbage does not taste bitter.

4. After the allotted time has passed, the jar must be moved to the refrigerator or basement.

You can store it for a long time, but it doesn’t stay with us for long - it’s very tasty.

How to pickle cauliflower for the winter

Cauliflower lovers will appreciate this recipe. A successful combination of vegetables, together with the marinade, gives an unsurpassed taste and aroma. You can eat the snack within a day. But if you can resist the smell, you can wrap it up for the winter.


  • kilogram of cauliflower;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 sweet and fleshy peppers.

For the marinade we will need:

  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • 3 teaspoons non-iodized salt;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 6 peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 3 cloves;
  • a glass of vinegar.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

1. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences. If they seem large to you, you can cut them.

2. Carrots can be cut into circles or cubes, as you prefer.

3. Core the pepper and cut into long slices.

4. Arrange all the vegetables beautifully in jars, alternating them to make it look more beautiful and make the appetizer more flavorful.

5. Meanwhile, dissolve salt and granulated sugar in water and add all the remaining products, except vinegar (we will add it after cooking). Let the liquid boil for 2-5 minutes, pour in the vinegar and remove from the stove.

If you are not preparing the salad for the winter, after filling the jars with brine, you need to stand at room temperature until they cool. Then they need to be put in the refrigerator until the next day. If you cook in a saucepan or salad bowl, then you definitely need to put pressure on the vegetables so that they marinate faster and better.

6. Fill the jars with brine, seal them and turn them over onto the lids. Now you can check the tightness of the screw. If the brine does not seep through the lid, then you did everything right. Cover them with a warm cloth for 12 hours. Then move it to the basement or cellar.

Is it possible to pickle early cabbage for the winter?

The early cabbage has ripened, and your hands are already itching to pickle it for the winter? Great! This cabbage is quite suitable for pickling. It tastes more tender, but less crunchy. However, the vitamin composition is contained in the same amount as that of its later relative.

It’s very tasty to marinate such cabbage with carrots - it’s classic recipe. In addition, you can use each of today’s or other, your favorite, salting methods. But at the same time, you can safely use young cabbage.

Of course, early varieties are stored less than late ones. But for replenishing the cellar during the ripening period of the first harvest, this will be an excellent option. You can eat them until the New Year, and only then move on to autumn preparations.

Salted cabbage can and should be cooked not only because it is tasty. This salad, along with other vegetables, is rich in vitamins. Especially in winter and autumn period We can't get enough of that crunchy goodness. Even if you didn’t have time to pickle it, don’t be upset. After all, at any time you can get a head of cabbage from the cellar or buy it in the store and cook it.

I wish you successful preparations and delicious meals! See you again!

To prepare delicious sauerkraut, you need to buy a firm, juicy head of cabbage, preferably white-headed cabbage rather than green. Before starting work, cut and try raw cabbage, if it seems that the cabbage is bitter, it is better to prepare something else from it.

One of the most important conditions pickling and fermenting cabbage - purity. All utensils, as well as the table and hands when cutting, arranging and piercing cabbage, must be clean so that the cabbage is fermented with the “right” bacteria.


I always try to put a few slices of apple at the bottom of the bowl in which I salt the cabbage. It adds a little flavor to cabbage and there is an opinion that with apple salted cabbage more crunchy than without it. But cabbage also turns out good without an apple. The apples are also delicious.

Then you need to mix the carrots and cabbage, add salt and mix the cabbage again. This can be done in a large bowl or directly on the counter.

After adding salt, the cabbage must be quickly placed in the container in which the cabbage will be fermented (a saucepan or bucket with a capacity of at least 3.5 liters.)

Salt for pickling cabbage should be 2% of the total weight of cabbage and carrots. My total weight of shredded cabbage and carrots is 2 kg, so I take 40 grams of salt (that’s 2 level tablespoons).

We place the cabbage tightly in a bucket and build a press (I put a plate on top and put a 3-liter jar of tomato). The juice from the cabbage will immediately cover the plate. Further, the amount of juice will increase and on the second day air bubbles will appear on the surface.

1-2 times a day, the press should be removed and the cabbage should be pierced to the bottom with a clean knitting needle or knife, expelling air bubbles.

So the cabbage is fermented at a kitchen temperature of 18-22°C for 3 days. Then try the cabbage, if the taste is good, remove the press and put it in the refrigerator (if there is not enough space in the refrigerator, you can tightly put the cabbage in jars and fill it with cabbage juice). If the cabbage has not yet fermented, wait another day.

In the cold, the fermentation process will end, and if the cabbage is not put in the refrigerator, it can become very acidic and spoil (after all, we have a small amount of cabbage, and the temperature in the kitchen is usually warm.)

I specify peppercorns in the recipe. I crush them a little and place them between the cabbage when laying it down. Also use dill seeds or small leaves bay leaf(one thing). When fermented, cabbage gets its flavor from these spices.

Refreshing, tasty, healthy sauerkraut is ready! Now just add onions and aromatic vegetable oil and you can enjoy.
