Fashionable mothers: Ekaterina Mukhina. ELLE editor-in-chief Ekaterina Mukhina: I am a working neurasthenic

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Ekaterina Mukhina Without exaggeration, everyone in the fashion industry knows. First - as director of the fashion department ELLE, Then - Vogue Russia, later - as guest editor Vogue Ukraine, and also as a stylist for the book cover of a famous photographer Patrick Demarchelier (73) Dior New Couture. “When I see this book, of course, I feel joy and pride,” Katya smiles. She talks about this in her new status - editor-in-chief of the magazine. ELLE Russia , and by phone from Paris. Katya is now having a real marathon: fashion weeks, meetings, filming for the season ahead, selecting a new team. But she's no stranger to it. "Even after leaving Vogue When I wanted to relax, I couldn’t change my lifestyle. Although I am obsessed with work, family always comes first for me.” Katya recalls how one day her daughter Masha asked: “Mom, what if they call you to film Kate Moss(43) first of September, who will you choose, me or Kate?” “Of course, you,” answered Katya, who had not missed a single school lesson during all the years of her daughter’s studies. “What if it’s the second of September?” - “Then Kate Moss. Right after the line." And you believe her - once she managed to fly one day from Milan to Thailand for the sake of the cover Condé Nast Traveler, and then return to the Armani show.

Katya's appointment took place in mid-December last year. February issue ELLE became the release with her debut editor's word, but was made entirely by the old team. “It’s better to evaluate the work of our team in September, when the new season", explains Katya.

Katya spoke about modern gloss, the dream team and why not everyone can work with her PEOPLETALK V exclusive interview.

First photo: jumpsuit, Lanvin. This photo: earrings and rings, Roberto Cavalli

Katya, what will ELLE be like with your arrival?

KATYA MUKHINA. ELLE- it's always fun and absolute positive. This magazine is very popular different people: some have a family and children, some are successful in their careers, some have chosen a more relaxed lifestyle - but all of these are interesting and interested people. They want to move on and develop. For them, the magazine was important in the past and will be relevant in the future. Moreover, each brand has its own DNA, and therefore you should not wait for transformation ELLE in Dazed & Confused.

What are your first decisions in your new position?

K.M. It’s not easy with me - I’m a neurasthenic worker: I go to bed at three in the morning, get up at six. I fall asleep thinking about my projects, and wake up with them. (Laughs.) At the same time, I understand perfectly well that balance is important in everything, so I myself can go up to someone in the editorial office to literally kick them out for a walk if I see that the person is simply sewing up. Gloss needs nourishment and inspiration. When I arrived, I warned everyone: we will work a lot, especially at the beginning. As a matter of principle, I don’t want to outbid anyone, but gather people who were already on my team. Perhaps the first purpose - Vadim Galaganov as fashion director ELLE. In the publishing house Conde Nast he worked outside the state, did a hundred wonderful filming for GQ, but decided to move on and get busy women's fashion. I also plan to develop young professionals. I love those who have not yet held high positions, because they have drive. But first of all, I understand perfectly well that we are doing business, creating a great product within the strict framework of marketing guidelines. I assure you, it is much more difficult than doing pure art.

Dress, HOUSE OF FAME; earrings, Daniil Antsiferov; ring, Roberto Cavalli

What problems need to be solved in the near future?

K.M. In addition to the current ones - the release of a new issue every month - we will have to re-assemble the pool of photographers and models with whom we will collaborate. Our business is not as simple as some might think. There are unspoken rules by which all glossy media live. No one writes about them, but people in the industry know them. There are photographers Vogue, which, for example, will never be filmed for ELLE, there are models that work only with a certain range of publications. AND the main task now - to establish connections, build a process, hold dozens of meetings.

Are you easy to work with?

K.M. It all depends on the person, because I am very demanding of both myself and people. And also very, very patient, and I give a second chance, and a third, but on the 15th the point of no return comes, and I move on - without clarification and regrets. I am a non-conflict person, but, on the other hand, I am very direct. Not everyone is ready to accept the truth; many are scared by it. I prefer to immediately discuss the problem rather than accumulate negativity, because I adhere to the theory that everything around us is energy. And if you invest in something - a business, a person, a relationship, you need to receive emotions in return. Playing with one goal quickly gets boring.

You worked at Vogue for a long time, but you started your career at ELLE. Whose approach to work is closer to you?

K.M. Vogue And ELLE- my two homes, and there are two people in this industry who have largely defined me as a professional, although they have very different approaches to work. This is the editor-in-chief Vogue Vika Davydova and previous chief editor ELLE Lena Sotnikova. Both taught me an important truth: if you want to make a good magazine, you need to be moved by every picture, every word, every letter, every number. Only when you carefully nurture each page do you get a great product.

Dress, Chapurin haute couture

Katya, fashion shoots are an important part of your professional life, which editors-in-chief usually do not deal with. Will you continue to style them?

K.M. Yes, sure. We are committed to optimization and do not plan to pretend to be stars, saying that I am the editor-in-chief, Vadim is the fashion director, and we will not film all sorts of little things. If at a particular moment there is no one else, I am ready to do whatever the magazine needs. I’m happy that Vadim is next to me. It is very rare for super stylists, very talented, to shoot portraits, culture, actresses, and not just fashion. And Vadim loves working with the characters, he’s just a fan of filming, and we’re on the same wavelength.

Did it take you a long time to decide when you were offered this position?

K.M. Two days.

So there was almost no doubt?

K.M. I spent a long time preparing my daughter (Masha is 13 years old - editor's note) to enter a London school. For me, let’s say, this has been the main project of the last three years. And when she finally arrived, I was simply euphoric for some time. And then I realized that I have enough energy to go to work.

What will happen to your other projects? With the site “Mothers and Daughters”, for example?

K.M. My sister remains the editor-in-chief there. We made this decision at the beginning of 2016. This was a year of travel for me, a period of active internal growth. I have visited many places: Normandy, V Iceland, V Peru. So I abstracted myself from the site a long time ago, and quite consciously. Four years ago I left Vogue to take care of the family, but over time I realized that you shouldn’t give up anything. Even if I had the opportunity to wake up whenever I want and calmly go drink coffee, without having any plans for the day, I would still try to develop and move forward. This is neither good nor bad. The main thing is to understand yourself. We are very fond of labeling people, but I believe that there is no need to break anyone. In 2016, I learned two important lessons: it is useless to change someone - you need to accept the person or situation as they are. And then you decide whether you want to go through life with him (or her) or not.

Dress, Tom Ford; shoes, Roberto Cavalli

Living by such principles is great internal work. How do you deal with this?

K.M. I soviet child, I was raised in a Soviet school, and I had Soviet sports. “No matter what happens, be patient” - that’s what we were taught. So yes, I did not immediately accept the new principles, but somehow in an instant I suddenly realized that, it turns out, you can choose, like from a menu in a restaurant, what you like, and allow others to do it. I teach Masha this too. For example, she says: “Mom, what if I get a tattoo or hair in Blue colour Shall I paint it? I answer: “Paint! Let’s go with pink too.” Whatever she offers me, I support. This is her life, I must accept and support it.

What projects are you especially proud of?

K.M. Cooperation with Patrick Demarchelier. Still from our shoot with Marina Linchuk(29) he took on the cover of his book, and works with Diana Vishneva(40) entered Dance in Vogue. I’m also proud of filming for Italian and Japanese Vogue, as, indeed, with all the projects in which she was involved. They believed in me, and for that I am grateful - Karina Dobrotvorskaya, Vika Davydova, Lena Sotnikova, Viktor Mikhailovich Shkulev. They all gave me the opportunity to grow. This may sound naive, but it's true. However, of course, my most important project is still Masha. (Laughs.)

Dress, Izeta; shoes, Roberto Cavalli; earrings, Daniil Antsiferov; bracelets are Catherine's property

What is your main professional principle?

K.M. I always treat my colleagues with respect. We may or may not be friends, but if I see a beautiful photo, I always say: “Wow, what a cool shot!” I will not hesitate to compliment the editor-in-chief of a competing publication. I am unfamiliar with the feeling of professional envy. On the contrary, when I see something amazing, I think: they could do it, so I can do it too. I stopped opening Facebook four years ago, after leaving Vogue, - there is no such amount of negativity, and towards colleagues, anywhere else. I sincerely don’t understand what the joy is in such outbursts on social networks. I live a different life: I go with colleagues (current and former) to lunch or visit each other, and work is far from main topic our conversations.

How do you manage to find time for your personal life when you are busy?

K.M. The fact is that when you love your profession, the question of how to separate work and life is not relevant. I feel, first of all, an accomplished person, and I am confident that I will realize my abilities in the right professional environment. And if work brings pleasure, it always helps to overcome everyday problems and adds joyful colors to the overall picture of personal happiness.

There are thousands of cafes and restaurants in Moscow, and new ones open every week, but the list of the most favorite places, where you go not for the sake of curiosity, but for the familiar and proven, rarely changes over time. The Village continues the column, which is dedicated to just such favorite places. In the new issue, stylist Ekaterina Mukhina talks about Uilliam's restaurant - a place where you don’t need to dress up and it’s nice to come with your family.

About the place

There are several points by which I choose where to go. The first is territorial. I live on Patricks and I really enjoy walking. When I worked at Conde Nast, I tried to walk to work. Uilliam's is located just nearby. It's very convenient: you go out for dinner in the evening with your family and meet a lot of friends.

The second point is how democratic the place is. I constantly have to dress up for some events, so when I can come to a restaurant in the evening in jeans or sweatpants with sagging knees with my family and dog, sit on the steps and drink wine - it’s nice. “Mario” is a wonderful restaurant, but I’m not ready to wear heels, diamonds, a floor-length evening dress on Tuesday after work - that’s how most of the guests look there.

I go to Uilliam's - I never book a table there: no matter how crowded it is, they always find a seat for me. This restaurant is valuable for its special family atmosphere, which is difficult to create artificially. And, of course, the food here is very good. With a chef - William Lamberti - I don’t know him, but I like the food he comes up with and cooks, it’s quite simple and really tasty.

About the dishes

My friend Misha Druyan often invites me to Michelin-starred restaurants, where it is very tasty, but for every day I prefer simple, understandable food. I like seafood or a piece of meat with salad. I can eat a burger or something with mayonnaise - the main thing is that it is a pleasure. But, of course, there must be some kind of food culture.

I like meat. When choosing between pasta and a piece of meat, I choose the latter. So the three of us come to Uilliam's and order three angus, my daughter also eats this piece with pleasure. When I gave birth to a child, I started eating a lot. But I practically don’t eat pasta, risotto and other side dishes, this allows me to stay in shape "People who don't eat dinner should have a monument erected. Dinner for me is a special time, the end of the day, a relaxed state, communication with loved ones. In addition to this delicious angus, there are also very tasty bruschettas with crab - you can eat it right off the board, chicken soup and corn.

4 more favorite places

I often go to Le Castiglione - it's an ordinary cafe next to La Place Vendome, where I always have breakfast. They know my name, how old my daughter is and who my boyfriend is. I've been going there for five years. I love it when you know everyone by name and know the owner. In this case, you come to the place as if you were visiting - a completely different approach.


I've been going here for many years. If you celebrate a birthday in a family way, then, of course, here. It's very tasty at Semifreddo. If I want to dress nicely and go to a restaurant, I will also go to Semifreddo. There are always a lot of people here, noisy - I like this European atmosphere. After this restaurant you come home with a wonderful feeling of satisfaction.


When I fly to New York, I always go to Omen - this is a Japanese restaurant in Soho. I like to go to the same places: there are always points on the map, and at least twice during a trip, you will definitely go there. This is a very simple place that serves incredibly delicious food.

Photos: Olya Eikhenbaum

For more than 15 years, Katya has been photographing weddings in Russia and around the world: as in family circle, so large-scale celebrations. In Moscow, on exotic islands and in luxurious mansions in Europe.

With those who want adventure, the photographer is ready to go even to the ends of the world - therefore, the geography of her filming is incredibly wide: from Iceland to Bora Bora, from Kamchatka to Namibia, from Hawaii to New Zealand. In her photos, Katya conveys beauty and feelings, joy, sincerity and love.

Ekaterina Mukhina is a Canon representative in Russia and Europe, gives master classes in different countries at international photo conferences, is among the world's top wedding photographers, in the top 5 best wedding photographers in Russia, multiple winner of photo competitions WPPI, ISPWP, JUNEBUGWEDDINGS, MYWED, published on covers, in blogs and magazines about weddings and travel, author of a column about weddings abroad in the magazine “Happy Wedding”.

The photographer’s portfolio, reviews and Instagram can be viewed on our website - TOP15MOSCOW.
