“My Universities”: Where do the children of Russian stars study? Stefaniya Malikova was hounded online for enrolling in MGIMO Button from “Daddy’s Daughters” does not want to be an actress.

Stefania was born in 2000 and was a long-awaited child in the Malikov family.

Her father Dmitry Malikov, having a classical musical education, taught Stefania to good music from childhood.

She also attended music school, where she learned to play piano and guitar. Later, she will note that due to the excessive passion for music in her family, interest in this area has subsided significantly.

In addition to music, Stefania was engaged in drawing and choreography.

By the way, Stefania first studied at a prestigious “star” school in Moscow on Arbat, and later transferred to the no less prestigious private gymnasium “Zhukovka” for which her parents shelled out large sums for tuition.

For example, a year of study at this school will cost almost 1 million rubles (+ entrance fee of at least 600 thousand rubles).

In addition to studying at school, Stefania is still in adolescence became interested in fashion. She began participating in photo shoots and fashion shows, where she earned good money.

By the way, at the same time, the parents decide to buy their daughter an apartment in the center of Moscow.

It was planned that after entering the university, the daughter would move to Moscow to make it easier to get to her place of study (the Malikovs live on Rublyovka in the suburbs).

After graduating from school, Stefania entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. Then a serious scandal broke out, as the girl was suspected of deceit when she stated that she had entered the budget department herself.

Be that as it may, Stefania has been studying at MGIMO for a year now, periodically complaining about the heavy workload.

Now the girl is quite happy: she is studying at a prestigious university, dating the son of a billionaire, traveling a lot and still working in the fashion industry. Not long ago her parents had a son, whom she loves very much.

Despite Stefania's controversial achievements, one cannot fail to note the immense love with which they communicate with each other. It is quite obvious that understanding, respect and love reign in this family.

Well, Stefania would like to wish to prove herself in some more serious area and become popular without the help of her father.

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July 14, 2017

Stefania Malikova announced at the beginning of the year that she plans to become a student at the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. However, it seems that a gold medal and her father’s connections will not be enough for Stesha to become a first-year student at a prestigious university.

Photo: www.instagram.com/steshamalikova

This year, the daughter of singer Dmitry Malikov Stefania became: the girl said goodbye to elite school"Zhukovka". After graduation, Stesha faced the most important stage - the Unified State Exam. The girl has been preparing hard for the exams all last year. school year, sometimes studying for 17 hours a day. Stesha set herself a difficult goal - to enter the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO, for which she needed to brilliantly pass the Russian language, literature and foreign language.

Malikova passed her first exam in her native language more than successfully, receiving 91 points. Fans even began to blame the singer’s heiress, but the graduate firmly answered: “I want to tell all the spiteful critics that I handed over everything honestly. (I can send my essay and test to those particularly “smart” people who say that everything has been bought). I passed with such a high score only because I prepared hard and studied every day. No one in my family bought anything and I have no guarantee that I will go where I want. But! I really hope that everything will work out and be good.” But the grades for the other two subjects turned out to be slightly lower - 73 points for foreign and 69 for literature. Malikova’s total score on the Unified State Exam is 233.

Stefania submitted documents to the Faculty of Journalism (International Journalism program) at MGIMO. The competition among applicants is high - 24 people per budget place. In total, the program involves 24 budget places and 20 paid places for students. So far, 189 people are applying for free education, and 96 for contract training. In the first list, based on the results of the Unified State Exam, Stefania is still in position 174, in the second - 72-73.

Overall scores based on Stephanie’s Unified State Exam results:

Position in the list of applicants (budgetary basis):

Position in the list of applicants (contractual basis):

All that remains is to wish Stesha success and hope that the girl will be able to enter the faculty of her dreams, for example, in the second or third wave, when some applicants take their documents from MGIMO to enroll in another university. For now, the girl is relaxing at sea, enjoying a well-deserved vacation.

Sources: number of admission places for undergraduate studies at MGIMO; information about applicants for admission; competitive situation in admission areas.

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter’s dream came true; she entered MGIMO.

Stefania Malikova herself told her fans on Instagram that despite all the difficulties, she was still able to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. Stesha did not come to her dream right away - Malikova’s passing of exams after 11th grade was accompanied by loud scandal, and a little later it became obvious that the points “earned” by Stefania on the Unified State Exam are not enough for admission even to a contractual form of education, not to mention a budget one. Malikova's position was saved creative competition, for which she received high scores.

In order to relieve stress after a difficult period, Malikova flew to Italy with her parents two weeks ago. The day before, she finally collected her thoughts and commented on her admission. Stefania said that she is looking forward to the start of the academic year at MGIMO.

« And today I finally realized that I entered university! I am incredibly happy that the great psychological torment and enormous mental efforts were not in vain! I am immensely grateful to all the teachers who went through this with me. difficult path. I know that some of them read me here and it’s very touching ? Thank you for the support of loved ones. I couldn't have done it without them. Never! I would like to advise future eleventh-graders to make an informed choice and not choose literature to take the Unified State Exam. It's very difficult.
p.s. I also want to say that chance is chosen by prepared brains. Dream - goal - plan - action - result! Without the first four points, the 5th will not work. Dreams tend to come true only in one case: if you do something for the sake of it. I am 100% sure of this", admitted Stefania Malikova.

Stefania Malikova is not just the daughter of Elena and Dmitry Malikov, she is also a beauty, an excellent student and a real it-girl. We talked with Stesha about how she lives, what she dreams of and why she doesn’t want to make a career in show business...

Well, let's start in order, where do you study and what do you like to do?

Stesha: I study at school. It is called the Zhukovka gymnasium. In fact, this is my favorite place besides home. In Moscow and in Russia. I love my school, I love learning. I love it when I don’t have a single free minute, I love to be constantly busy with something, constantly thinking, analyzing, solving some problems and tasks.

Do you love to study? Seriously?! What subject do you know best?

Stesha: On this moment I am a fan of chemistry and want to enter the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University. This is where they train doctors who practice science. Inventing an elixir for overall health is my dream. I’m also considering the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. I may not be a journalist, but it’s a good classical education that will help me become an educated, well-read person, which is important. I also draw, am interested in the history of fashion, and want to become a clothing designer in parallel with my two previous professions, but I definitely don’t want to leave Russia, and there are no good design universities in Russia, so I think that, most likely, it will be fundamental medicine in Moscow State University... and a collection of clothes for nurses????. Yes, my parents were shocked when I told them about my choice. When I was a child, I fainted at the sight of blood.

Dress, BCBGMAXAZRIA, sandals, Schutz, bracelet, Art-Silver, all – lamoda.ru, 30,000 rub., 18,890 rub. and 990 rub.

Photo by Pavel Kryukov

Why don’t you want to leave Russia? Many people in your place would have already gone there to study, but you don’t want to...

Stesha: I don’t want to leave Russia because I really like living in Moscow. I am a patriot of my country. Politics is not very close to me, but I really love Moscow and everything connected with it. And never, never at all, have I had such a desire to leave Moscow, because I am very attached to my parents. Whenever I go to camp, I come back a week later because I start to really, really miss my parents. And the world becomes gray without them. And I can’t imagine my life if they weren’t next to me. Despite my sociability, I am a very homely girl.

Do you think your life is different from the lives of ordinary girls from different regions Russia?

Stesha: Oh, I think that in general I live the same way as any girl lives in the outback of Russia. Absolutely the same. I get up and go to school. Lessons start at nine. I leave school at five because I have extra classes until five, sometimes even at six. Then I go home or to sports, dance, vocal, rhetoric, English or French, then I do my homework and go to bed. That is, I don’t have any cool day for golden youth. I run home, quickly eat something, run off to class - and that’s it. In general there is very little time. I also have classes on weekends, but I’m a little more free. And on weekends I often go out with friends, we meet somewhere and talk. But in reality, my life is no different.

Do you often see your dad - he’s always on tour, I guess?

Stesha: Actually, yes, we see each other less often than we would like. I would like to do it more often, and whenever he has a free hour, a free minute, a free second, we always spend that second, minute, hour together.

Dress, Red Valentino, bracelet, Mango, all – lamoda.ru, RUB 61,490. and 1499 rub.

Photo by Pavel Kryukov

Is he a strict dad?

Stesha: No, dad is not strict. But he can get angry because of something specific. Well, let’s say, when I came home at eleven... But most often he trusts me, and somehow we find mutual language. Stricter, of course, mom. I have it like this... Dad always helps me out. But my mother wants me to grow up to be an honest, kind, educated, well-read person, and a good housewife. She can do it. And therefore, despite one hundred percent mutual understanding, sometimes there are some small quarrels with both mom and dad. But somehow we quickly get out of them. We don't know how to be angry with each other.

Are you already imagining your graduation?

Stesha: Yes, I can imagine, and it’s not that big, but... Every girl wants to go out as soon as possible in some very, very beautiful dress, feel like a princess.

Do you have battles in your class over who has the prettiest dress? :)

Stesha: Oh, no, I don’t think about it at all. I believe that every girl is an individual. Moreover, in our class there is no such struggle, there is no competition, there is nothing even close to that. And that’s why with us, even if someone comes in identical dresses, although I doubt that this can happen... But if someone does come, I think that this will not be a problem. On the contrary, let’s laugh: look, they came in identical dresses and didn’t agree.

Dress, Guess Jeans, bracelet, Mango, all – lamoda.ru, RUB 12,290. and 899 rub.

Photo by Pavel Kryukov

Do you have your own style and clothing preferences?

Stesha: I like classic and casual - my two favorite styles. I like to wear a white blouse, high-waisted pants and heels. It looks very nice. A classic is a classic that will never go out of style. It will always be beautiful, it will always be elegant, feminine. And in casual style I like to go somewhere with a friend, for example, to the cinema or to the Tretyakov Gallery with my dad. I usually wear jeans, sneakers, a sweater, and a crossbody bag.

Do you like going to the movies?

Stesha: I’m generally a movie fan, I watch everything that’s in the cinema. I really like the acting, I believe that if you analyze each film, you can learn a lot of useful things. In fact, I like melodramas, of course, like every girl. I don’t really like action films, I usually like something mixed with fantasy and romance. And, of course, everything depends on the acting, the actors themselves, and the plot. I don't have a specific favorite genre. Movies, like books, need to be watched in different ways.

Do you like music?

Stesha: Music too. I am generally a versatile person, I like to listen to any music. But I also listen to a lot of classical music, which my dad often plays in the morning, and jazz, which my mother always plays in the car. But my player contains modern, often American music.

Are you not at all tempted to follow in your dad's footsteps?

Stesha: I don’t know. I am drawn to something unknown, to something that I could never even imagine would be interesting to me. That is, in my family everything is from scientific medicine very far away, no one knows anything about it at all. When I come home from school, and if there was chemistry that day, I like to tell my mom about new formulas, substances, and laboratory work. When I sit at laboratory work, I feel that it’s all mine: mixing everything, pouring everything. Everything starts to boil inside me... After all, my body, everything that happens there is also chemistry.

A classic is a classic that will never go out of style. It will always be beautiful, it will always be elegant, feminine

Maybe you like all this because you have known the underbelly of show business since childhood?

Stesha: Yes, maybe because of this. Show business is a very difficult field. And I understand this, although I am generally far from all these stories. And it’s strange for me when they compare me in magazines with some famous people. I recently read about myself in an article. They wrote about ten girls, such as Miroslava Duma, who really achieved something, and they also wrote about me. I don’t understand why do this, because there are people who have achieved something, but I haven’t achieved anything yet. And comparing me with them is a little wrong. Well, that is some kind of completely incomprehensible competition. I respect these girls, although, except for Miroslava, I don’t know them personally, but I still have respect and admiration for them. But to be honest, it's strange for me.

Have you already encountered such phenomena as envy and hatred?

Stesha: Oh, well, of course, this cannot be avoided. I have already come to terms with the fact that something like “we hate Stefania Malikova, she’s absolutely terrible, a total nightmare” constantly appears, but at the same time we copy her, at the same time we write about her, at the same time we post her photographs , which is strange, isn’t it... I don’t know, it seems to me that it’s just envy. Honestly, I have never had a feeling of envy towards anyone, because I believe that envy creates its own failure. “Envy blocks success,” my mother told me. But there are such people, and it’s okay. It's good if they ever change their worldview. I can only wish them well and happiness, what more can I say.

Like all school graduates, Stefania Malikova took the Unified State Exam (USE) this year. The girl scored high in Russian language and mathematics, after which she found herself at the center of a scandal. She was accused of bribing the Unified State Examination Commission. It got to the point that Rosobrnadzor decided to check Malikova’s results, which found no violations.


But the “adventures” of applicant Stesha did not end there. The musician’s daughter decided to enter the Moscow State University international relations at the Faculty of Journalism. Having submitted the documents, the girl did not wait for the results and went with her family to Italy. Already there she learned that she had passed the competition.



“I am incredibly happy that the great psychological torment and enormous mental efforts were not in vain! I am immensely grateful to all the teachers who walked this difficult path with me. Thanks to my loved ones for their support. I couldn't have done it without them. Never! I would like to advise future eleventh-graders to make a conscious choice and not choose literature to take the Unified State Exam. It's very difficult. p. s, and I also want to say that chance is chosen by prepared brains. Dream - goal - plan - action - result! Without the first four points, the 5th will not work. Dreams tend to come true only in one case: if you do something for the sake of it. I am 100% sure of this,” Stesha wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note ed.).


Many subscribers congratulated the girl, but there was some criticism. Some decided that she entered MGIMO only thanks to the efforts of her star dad: “Yes, yeah, that’s also an achievement for me,” “Girl, you haven’t achieved anything in this life. No results yet. Enrolling in a paid program is also an achievement for me! Laughter. All for my father's money. Kiss his hands. You are an empty place”, “Dream-goal-plan-BABLO-result”, “Didn’t you just try to read more, Stefania?”, “Going towards your goal is commendable, but what’s the point if your parents still paid for studying at MGIMO for 69 points in literature”, “It’s not a great merit to enroll in a paid one, if you have money,” Internet users sarcastically noted.
