Musical competition for the holiday. Fun competitions for corporate parties for the New Year with jokes, music and dancing

Have you ever been to a party where there was no dancing? Yes, without dancing, a holiday is not a holiday. Guests especially want to dance somewhere after 3-4 toasts, when the blood has warmed up. And to help them, and at the same time have fun. We invite you to play dance competitions. For fun company These competitions will definitely suit people. They will play with interest and get maximum pleasure. Take a look and choose the best ones.

The competition is a journey through musical countries.
Every country has its own music. And in each country they dance to their own music in a special way. In this competition, your guests will also dance to the music different countries. For example, under Georgian, under French and under Polish.
Everything is simple here: certain music is turned on and the guests dance. Whoever dances the best wins a prize.

By the way!
This competition can be used to introduce guests. For example, ask: are there any guests with Polish roots in the hall? Or maybe there are those whose distant ancestors were once in Poland? There are such? Come out to my music! And then the national Polish melody comes on. And you do this with all the guests, just change your words so as not to repeat yourself.

Competition – dance with body parts.
Don't be alarmed, there is nothing criminal here. On the contrary, it is a fun competition and the guests will love it.
Couples participate in the competition: a boy and a girl. They dance as they usually dance a slow dance. But there is one thing! – when the song starts, they must put each other’s hands in the place about which the song is sung. For example:
- well, where are the handles, where are your hands (that means your hands should be on the handles)
- Russia dance, and Europe cry, but I have the best butt (here I put my hands on each other’s butt)
There are many songs about body parts. Choose those that suit your company.

Competition - repeat after me.
All guests participate in this competition. They stand on one side, and the leader on the other. To the accompaniment of cheerful and catchy music, the presenter makes the first movement. Then everyone repeats it together. Next, the presenter shows the first and second movements. The guests repeat all this to the music. Next, the leader repeats the first and second movements and adds a third. And the guests repeat all this to the music. And so on until there are 5-7 dance movements.
Afterwards, the presenter can change and show his movements to his own music.

Competition - characters from films.
We all watch movies, and there are heroes in movies. For example, these are: cowboys, machos, bandits, sailors, and so on. Call 4-7 men on stage. They decide by lot. Who plays what role? The men go into another room. The music turns on and the hero comes out. If a cowboy song comes on, a cowboy comes out. If it’s a bandit, then it’s a bandit, and so on. And they don’t just go out, but dance to their music. After all the dancing, ask the other guests to say who played what role. AND best actor award a prize.

Competition – oriental dances.
For the competition you need girls, for example 4-6 girls. They go with you to another room and there they put on oriental clothes: a scarf, a bandage on the face and a bandage on the waist. An oriental melody is turned on and the girl oriental dance come out. After dancing for a minute or two, the girls invite the men to dance with them. Those men who agreed leave. During the dances, girls must quickly hand over their oriental clothes to the men. That is, take off your scarf and tie it to the man and do the same with other items of clothing. When the men are dressed up, the girls leave and the men continue the dance.

The competition is a musical umbrella.
As you may have guessed, you need an umbrella. You attach beautiful pieces of paper to it with the names of the dances written on them: Lezginka, tango, lambada, and so on. Each dance twice. All guests stand in a circle and the music turns on. The guests dance and pass an umbrella to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has an umbrella in his hand tears off any one card. And the game continues. When all the cards are in the hands of the guests. Then the rest take their places. And those with cards play further. And then you need to find your partner and dance your dance with her.

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Music always and everywhere accompanies us, reflecting our mood like no other form of art. There are few people who do not at least mentally hum their favorite melodies.

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without music. Of course, competitions that require encyclopedic knowledge and musical education are not suitable for an ordinary group of fun-loving friends, relatives, or colleagues: why put someone in an awkward position? Musical games for adults should be fun, relaxed, and focused solely on the love of singing and music.

National music game karaoke

In recent decades, the musical entertainment of karaoke has truly become popular. In a holiday park, on the coast, in a square on a fair day, at a birthday party, at a wedding, a microphone and a ticker screen attract crowds of people who want to try their hand at singing, support performers or just have fun. There are even television projects in which all interested passersby are invited to participate.

Guess the melody

On corporate parties men and women willingly participate in the game, which also became popular thanks to the famous TV show “Guess the Melody.” Two participants or two teams declare to the presenter how many first notes they can guess a well-known melody from. If players manage to do this, they receive points. If the melody is not guessed from the first three to five notes (I must say that three is not enough even for an expert), the opponent makes his bid.

The round lasts until the melody is called or until 10-12 notes, when the presenter, having not received an answer, calls the piece himself. Then it is performed by backing players or professional vocalists, which decorates the event.

A simpler version of the game is to guess the artist or. To do this, the toastmaster selects fragments of not the most famous hits. The age of the participants must be taken into account. Those who are 30-40 are not interested in the music of teenagers, just as they will not know the songs of the 60s and 70s.

Musical casino

4-5 players are invited to participate. The equipment you will need is the familiar top with an arrow, as in “What? Where? When?”, and a table with sectors for tasks. Tasks are two or three clues contained in thesis or questions that will help players guess the name of the singer.

The trick is that the questions should not be too serious, rather humorous. For example: “He thinks that it’s better in no way instead of somehow” (A. Buynov), “Because of his shocking appearance and hoarseness in his voice, this singer scares naughty children” (N. Dzhigurda), “He’s the only one like that in the whole country” (N . Basque).

If the player guesses correctly, a section of the song is played. The winner will be rewarded with the right to order the next musical composition evenings.

Song in pantomime

One of the players must exclusively use gestures to depict the content of some lines of the song. His teammates must guess what kind of song the “suffering” one is trying to “voice” with their pantomime. In order to “make fun” of the wriggling pantomime performer, you can persuade the guessing participants in advance not to name the correct answer under any circumstances, but in order, on the contrary, to simplify the task, you can simply say the name of the performer or. Two or three teams play, 2 songs are offered for each team. The reward for winning is the honorable right to sing karaoke together.

Musical games for adults at the table

Musical table games for adults keep an audience as long as it's interesting. Therefore, to the famous competition "Who will outsing whom" you need to be creative. These should not just be songs that contain feminine or feminine lyrics. male names, names of colors, dishes, cities...
It’s more interesting when the toastmaster suggests the beginning: “What!..” The players sing “Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree...” or another song with such a word at the beginning. Meanwhile, the maestro, as if by chance, can play several notes from different songs - sometimes this hint helps to avoid unwanted pauses.

By the way, a video example of such a game is a scene of a wolf with a choir of bunny boys from the famous series of cartoons “Well, wait a minute!” Let's look and be moved!

Another fun music game just for fun is "Add-ons". The toastmaster offers everyone a familiar song. While he explains the conditions, this melody plays quietly. While performing the song, the participants add funny phrases at the end of each line, for example, “with socks”, “without socks”, alternating them. (With a tail, without a tail, under the table, on the table, under a pine tree, on a pine tree...). It will turn out like this: “In the field there was a birch tree... in socks. The curly-haired woman stood in the field... without socks...” You can invite one team to prepare phrases for “adding”, and the other to choose a song and then sing together.

Musical games for adult parties are good because they quickly lift the mood of the whole group and help you relax, leaving behind only pleasant emotions and vivid impressions of a great holiday spent in the company of friends.

Pre-holiday bustle, shopping, preparations - all these are attributes of a birthday, or rather preparation for it. And so that the birthday itself does not fly by instantly and unnoticed, so that the guests do not yawn from boredom while listening to philosophical conversations, one more item should be added to the preparations - music competitions for a birthday.

You can hire a professional from the entertainment industry and completely rely on his taste, then your holiday will be filled with fun and will remain in the memory of your guests for a long time. long time. You can come up with scenarios for birthday contests yourself, but you need to prepare for them very carefully. After all, they are the ones who must amuse the guests and not leave them time to yawn.

So, the birthday music competitions themselves, some of them are perfect for both children and children. Some can be delimited by age; the only thing that is necessary is the presence of a presenter.

Musical knowledge

In this competition, the host asks guests to remember and sing songs in the chosen category, for example, songs that contain a number:

  • First team - Five minutes
  • Second team – Argentina-Jamaica 5:0
  • First team - Where are my seventeen years...
  • Second team - Million Scarlet roses
  • First team – Our tenth airborne battalion

You can participate in the competition either in teams or individually. The winner is the team or player who last remembered and sang a song on a given topic.

Slurred singing

The presenter announces a competition for the best song, but there is a catch: you need to sing with several lollipops in your mouth. All participants take turns trying to reproduce their favorite song, which, understandably, does not work out very well for them. In this competition, two winners are usually announced: the first, whose song was nevertheless recognized, and the second, who made the guests laugh the most with his “incomparable” singing.

The most sensitive singer (singer)

At the beginning of the competition, a popular song is chosen so that all guests present know the words. Then the presenter notifies everyone that it must be performed by the choir, but with some conditions. At the moment of the leader’s clap, the guests stop singing out loud and sing the song to themselves; after the second clap, everyone begins to sing from the place where they think it is necessary. Someone is bound to lose track after a few claps, but in most cases, after the second clap, almost everyone starts singing different parts of the song.

Dance relay

Naturally, it is impossible to ignore birthday dance competitions, here is one of them. Participants line up in a circle, alternating between women and men. The presenter takes out a “magic wand” and holds it between his knees. And under, making dance movements, he passes it on to the next participant, standing face to face and always without using his hands. The one who accepts the baton passes it on and so on. After one circle, you should complicate the task, for example, the method of passing the stick: back to face, back to back, the main thing is that your hands are not involved in the passing process. On a positive note of this competition are "great photographs".

Ode to the birthday boy

All guests should be divided into teams, the presenter gives each a sheet of paper. Participants need to honor the birthday boy, but with one condition: all words of the song must begin with the same letter. The birthday boy chooses a letter for each team separately. After the allotted time for composing, the teams must take turns performing their songs. The winner is determined by the birthday boy.

All birthday music competitions are good in their own way. Which one to choose for a particular celebration depends on the guests, their age and number. The main thing is that the competitions carry positivity and fun, both for the hero of the occasion and for his guests. And this will allow everyone to remember their childhood, carefree feelings, when everything was like in a fairy tale - after all, a birthday in childhood is associated only with these words.

And finally, watch a fun video of another competition that is suitable for any holiday:

1. Team game"Dance Blinks"

The players are divided into three teams, into three dance “snakes”. Each “snake” team will have its own personal melody, which they are invited to listen to. For example, the first “snake” has the melody “Samba de Janeiro”. The team can walk to this tune in any direction. For the second “snake” the melody “Cucaracha” sounds. And for the third “snake” the melody “Americano” sounds. But there is one more condition of the game: all the “snakes” move simultaneously when the melody of the dance “Letka - Enka” starts playing.

2. Dance-game “The Fifth Element”.

The presenter invites everyone to stand in circles of four and hold hands. The first element is “Top - leg”. You need to stomp in the rhythm of the melody: first with your right foot, then with your left. The second element is “Round Dance”.

Dancers in circles move first to the right, then to the left. The third element is “Star”. All dancers raise their left hands up and join them in the center of their circle. The "stars" rotate to the right, then change hands, now right hand up. "Stars" are circling in left side. The fourth element is “Vorotsa”. Each four dancers are divided into two pairs. The first number in the pair raises his right hand, and the second number raises his left. Connect your raised hands to form a “collar”.

The first pair goes into the hoops of the second pair, then the second pair goes into the hoops of the first pair. The fifth element is “Fan”. Couples, facing each other, with their arms bent at the elbows, clutch and spin like a fan. First to the right side, then change hands and rotate to the left. We connect all the elements together. Because the dancers quickly learned this dance, the leader adds a sixth element - “Snakes”

As soon as he says: “Snakes!”, everyone gathers into one long dance “snake” and dances together. Then everything repeats all over again.

3. Dance game “Another Lambada”.

The dancers are invited to stand in a “snake” line one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The melody of the dance sounds, everyone moves forward, as in “Lambada”. The difference is that during the dance the positions of the hands change: one hand on the waist, the other on the shoulder. Both are at the waist.

One on the waist, the other on the neighbor's head. Both are on the head. Both are on the shoulders.

4. Dance game "Cool Lambada"

The dancers stand one after another in a “snake” formation, as in a regular “Lambada”.

At the leader’s signal, everyone simultaneously turns to the opposite side. The one who was last becomes first and everyone continues the dance.

5. Game "Pardon"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. The presenter hands a handkerchief to one of the game participants. The player is invited to walk in a circle and touch someone of the opposite sex on the shoulder with a handkerchief. Then together they go to the center of the circle, spread a scarf, kneel on it and kiss three times on the cheek.

6. Game "Overtake the scarf"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. One driver is selected. At the leader’s signal, all players in a circle pass a handkerchief from hand to hand. And the driver runs around the players and tries to run faster than they pass the handkerchief. You need to stop where they started passing the scarf.

7. Dance. "Hugs"

To a rhythmic melody, the presenter suggests dancing in small circles of three people.

Then they dance in circles of five, seven, 10, 20 people, until in the final there is one common circle.

8. Dance “Scarecrows”.

The leader counts to three, and at this time the dancers gather in two circles: boys’ and girls’. If the boy's circle is smaller, it means that he will be inside the larger one - the girl's. As soon as the music starts, everyone dances in their circles. When silence comes, all the boys “turn” into “ghosts” and say to the girls: “Ah-ah-ah!” And the girls seem to be scared, you answer them: “Oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid!” Then the dancers change roles.

9. "Golden Cage"

Those on whom the lot fell will play the role of “birds”, the remaining players will play the role of the “golden cage”. Team players

"golden cage" stand in a circle, join hands and raise their arms high above their heads. Music sounds, “birds” fly under your hands, fly out of the circle, come back, circle inside the “golden cage”. In a word, they frolic. But as soon as there is silence, " golden cage“closes, that is, everyone throws their hands down. Which of the “birds” was caught, stand in a circle - in a “golden cage”

10. Music game"Chunga-Changa"

A fragment of V. Shainsky’s song based on the verses of Y. Entin “Chunga-Changa” sounds.

The presenter suggests turning this song into a game. On the word “Chunga” - you need

All the boys should jump in place. At the word “Changa,” the girls jump in place. In the first part of the chorus, we depict the dancing inhabitants of the island with our hands. And in the second part of the chorus we depict a “wheel” with our hands.

11. "Four Elements"

When they hear the word “earth,” everyone SQUATS;

When they hear the word “water”, everyone ROWS;

When they hear the word “air”, everyone FLAPS their WINGS;

For the word “fire”, we depict FLAME with our hands.

12. "Free Space"

All players stand in a common circle. The leader walks around the circle and pats some players on the shoulder. Those who are hit on the shoulder follow the leader; who walks in a snake, in circles, the players follow him. But as soon as the presenter gives the signal, the players need to take any empty place; those who fail, drive. The presenter also takes someone's place.

13. Find your place"

Everyone stands in a tight circle. The leader also takes a place in the circle, then leaves it, and asks the players to put their hands behind their backs. As soon as the music starts, the presenter will run in a circle, touching whomever he touches with his hand,

he runs in the opposite direction, meeting on the way, they crouch in front of each other and loudly call their names. Then they continue moving in a circle. Whoever takes the empty seat first gets to sit there, and the loser drives.

14. "Warm and cold words"

The presenter lists different words, some are “warm”, while others are “cold”. If the players think that the words are “warm”, they raise their arms above their heads and depict a “house”; if they think that the words are “cold”, they cross their arms over their chests and pat themselves on the shoulders. For example, a fur coat, snow, felt boots, frost, mittens, blizzard, ice, snowdrift, boiling water, blizzard, blanket.

15. Game "Catch a stick"

Props: stick

Players stand in a circle and settle in numerical order. Leading

stands in the center of the circle, takes a stick and places it vertically. Whoever calls the number runs out and catches the stick. If he catches it, he becomes the leader; if he doesn’t catch it, he jumps on a stick and returns to his place in the circle.

16. "Acquaintance in a circle"

The players stand around the leader and call their names out loud in a clockwise direction. And then they call their names reverse side, counterclock-wise. For example, Sasha - Ashas, ​​Olya - Yalo.

17. "Knots for memory"

Props: rope

The presenter shows everyone a small piece of rope. Invites guests to say their wishes to the birthday boy, tying a knot for each wish. Having tied six to seven knots, the presenter gives the birthday boy a rope with knots as a souvenir.

18. "Musical game "Keep the beat"

Props: whistle

The presenter sets the rhythm with a whistle, the players repeat it by clapping

clap. The leader whistles another rhythmic pattern and asks the players to beat this rhythm with their right hand on the palm of the neighbor on the right. The leader whistles the third rhythmic pattern and offers to repeat it with the left hand on the palm of the neighbor on the left.

19. "Signalman"

Props: checkboxes.

The presenter hands the player two multi-colored flags and offers to become a signalman. We need to signal: Congratulations! We love you! Hooray! Raised right hand - Congratulations! Left hand above - We love you! Hands spread to the sides - Hurray! The presenter asks the audience to help the signalman, who shows the movements, and the audience deciphers their meaning, i.e. name the corresponding words.

20. "Forward Looker"

Props: binoculars

The presenter hands the player binoculars. You need to look at the audience through it and give a verbal portrait of one of them.

21. "Walk Through the Paper"

Props : paper, scissors

The presenter takes out a sheet of A4 paper from his pocket and invites the players to walk through this sheet of paper. Players are trying to do this. The presenter shows how to get through the paper. To do this, cuts are made on the sheet, as shown in the figure. Getting into the resulting ring is not difficult.

22. "Sotik"

Props: paper, pencils, bag

The presenter invites everyone to write their numbers on pieces of paper. cell phones and throw the notes into the bag. Then all the pieces of paper are mixed and one is selected. The presenter calls the number that appears.

Whoever's phone rings gets a prize.

23. "Airplane"

Props: paper, pencils

The presenter writes the word “Happiness” on a piece of paper. He makes an airplane and launches it towards the audience with the words: “And you will be happy!” The one who catches the airplane receives a prize.

23. "Tail of Luck"

Props: three ropes, handle

The presenter takes out three multi-colored ropes from the outer pocket of his jacket. There is a prize tied to one of these rope tails. Players take turns choosing one of the ropes and pulling it. The lucky one gets a prize.

24. "Guess"

Props: fake banknotes

In each pocket of the presenter there is a banknote - a bookmark, in denominations from 10 to 500 rubles. Players are asked to guess which pocket contains which bill. If you guessed right, you got a bill.

25. "Rvachi"

Props: newspapers

Two players are asked to grab one of the corners of the newspaper and, at the signal from the host, pull it in their direction. The one with the largest piece of newspaper will win.

26. "Newspaper in the palm of your hand"

Props: newspapers

The presenter gives the players a newspaper and asks them to hold it vertically in the palm of their hand. The newspaper is taken at opposite corners: one hand from above, the other from below. Pulls it so that a fold forms in the center. In order for the newspaper to stand on your hand, you need to bend the bottom corner a little.

27. "Race with Lemon"

Props: lemons, pencils, plastic glasses

The presenter uses plastic cups to mark the distance: start - finish. Each player is given a lemon and a pencil. All players are invited to stand on the same starting line and use a pencil to roll the lemon to the finish line and back. The one who first to pass distance - the winner.

28. "Pencil Drag"

Props: pencil

Two players stand opposite each other, take the pencil with one hand and, at the leader’s signal, pull it in their direction.

The one who pulled the pencil out of the opponent's hands is the winner.

29. "Three Pencils"

Props: pencils, plastic glasses

Pairs take part in the competition. Each pair receives three pencils.

Team members hold one pencil in their hands parallel to each other, and the third lies on top of them. Relay participants are asked to run a distance marked with plastic cups and not drop their pencils.

30. "Catch a button from your elbow"

Props: buttons

The presenter distributes buttons to the players. He suggests placing the button on the elbow of your bent arm, then straightening your arm and catching the button.

31. Pass the button from finger to finger"

Props: buttons

The leader places a large button on the index finger of one of the players and asks him to pass it to the next one

to the player, also on the index finger, etc. The main thing is not to drop the button that will go through index fingers all players in both directions: back and forth. Then the large button changes to a small one. The relay race is repeated.

32. "Feelings"

Props: bag of dummies

The presenter shows a fabric bag containing dummies of vegetables and fruits. Players are encouraged to feel what fruits and vegetables are inside.

33. "Throw in the Hat"

Props: hat, buttons

The leader in the center of the playing area places his hat on the floor. Invites players to hit a hat button with three steps. Then with five steps. From seven steps. The one who hits the hat with a button from the longest distance becomes the champion of the competition.

34. "Throwing from hand to hand"

Props: buttons

This game is played in pairs. Each pair is given a button. The players stand opposite each other, throw buttons from hand to hand, each time taking a step back from each other. The winner will be the pair whose button does not fall off and has the greatest distance between the players.

35. “Guess by ear how many buttons there are”

Props: bag with buttons

The presenter shows the players a fabric bag with buttons and asks them to take turns determining by ear how many buttons are in it. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize.

36. "Even-odd"

Props: buttons

Each player is given five buttons. The presenter clasps several buttons in his fist, extends it in the direction of the player and asks:

"Odd or even?" The player answers, if he guessed right, he takes the buttons for himself, if he didn’t guess right, he gives back his own, the same number as were held in the presenter’s hand. The game continues until one of its participants accumulates 10 buttons.

37. "Prize in a circle"

Props: prize

The presenter invites the players to stand in a circle. To the music, he passes the prize around in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes. The one who last handed over the prize is eliminated, and not the one who is currently holding it.

38. "Zigzag of luck"

Props: plastic glasses, blindfold

The presenter places plastic glasses in one line. Players are asked to walk blindfolded between them and not drop them. The one who dropped the glass is eliminated, the rest continue to play. In the second round of this game, the presenter invites the players to once again walk between the glasses in a zigzag, only moving backwards and looking in the mirror!

39. "Pitching"

Props: plastic glasses

The presenter places two plastic glasses in the center of the playing area at a distance of half a meter from each other. Invites players to walk so that the glasses are between their legs and do not fall. To determine the absolute champion of this game, the glasses are gradually moved apart.

40. "Jumpers and Tadpoles"

Props: rubber

Players stand with their left foot in a stretched elastic band tied in a circle. While the music is playing, everyone steps together one after another to the right, but as soon as the music stops playing, you need to jump out of the rubber band. The one who does this last guesses the leader's riddle. If the answer is correct, he continues to play. If the answer is not correct, he is eliminated from the game.

41. "Pencil Squat"

Props: pencils

The presenter hands out pencils to the players and asks them to hold them between their nose and upper lip. Then you need to try to sit down three times without dropping the pencil.

42. "Fairytale alphabet"

Props: chalk

Each player is given a piece of chalk. The presenter names the letters of the Russian alphabet, and the players write the names of famous fairy-tale characters on these letters.

Whoever has the most names is the winner. For example: A - Aibolit,

B - Pinocchio, C - Winnie the Pooh, G - Gerda, D - Thumbelina, E - Emelya,

F - Tin Woodman, Z - Cinderella, I - Ivan Tsarevich, K - Carlson,

L - fox Alice, M - Malvina, N - Dunno, O - Ole - Lukoye, P - Piglet,

R - Little Mermaid, S - Sivka - Burka, T - Tortila, U - Oorfene Juice, F - Fedora,

X - Hottabych, C - Tsar Dodon, H - Cheburashka, Sh - Shapoklyak, Sh - Nutcracker,

E - Elf, I - Yaga.

43. "Steps"

Props: chalk

Each player is given a chalk. The presenter asks to write the letter A.

Then under this letter you need to write a two-letter word so that the first letter in the word is again A. For example, AR. Next, you need to write a three-letter word so that the first letter is A. For example, ACC, APA. And so on.


44. "Dance Suite"

Musical fragments of popular dances are played, and the presenter invites the players to show the basic movements of these dances with only one hand.

45. "Orchestra"

The presenter calls musical instruments and depicts how they are played. If he does it correctly, the players repeat the movements after him. If he makes a mistake, the players will clap their hands loudly.

46. ​​"Aquarius"

Props: table, chairs, plastic mugs, buckets, water

Two players sit at a coffee table. On the table there are two small buckets, half filled with water, and two plastic glasses. Players take turns naming proverbs and sayings about water. While the opponent remembers folk wisdom, the player pours water from his bucket into the opponent’s bucket with a glass. The one who gets the water out of his bucket the fastest wins.

The participants stand in a circle, and the leader asks them the question: “The neighbor has good ones...” and then names one of the body parts, for example, the elbows. The participants say in response: “Yes!”, take each other by the elbows and dance in a circle. The next question names another part of the body, holding which the participants must make a round dance circle.

Comments (2) >>

The game is intended for a fun company. Participants divided into pairs hang transparent bags with three chicken eggs in everyone. To the music, the couples begin a dance with elements of squats. The couple in which all the eggs are broken leaves the game. The winner is the couple who has greatest number eggs

Comments (3) >>

Required: Eggs

The participants of the game line up. Music is turned on, preferably cheerful. The participants begin to dance. At this time, any two people from the guests pull the rope and go towards the dancers. The players' task is to step over each time without touching the rope, which is raised higher and higher each time. The participant who lasts the longest is the winner. To make the game funnier, you can invite girls in long skirts.

Comments (2) >>

Required: Rope

2-5 girls participate. A long thread reaching the floor is attached to the belt, at the end of which is attached Matchbox, with a photograph attached to it famous actor(Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, etc.). Music starts playing. The girls' task: moving to the beat of the music, step on the box in order to break it off (beat the guy off). The one whose boxes are torn off is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who “beats off” the largest number of guys, while at the same time preserving “her love.” She is awarded the title "Temptress".

Comments (5) >>

Required: Threads, photographs of stars

You need to form a circle in which all participants stand at a distance of about one meter from each other. During the game, the music should change many times.

Music is playing. One of the guests will be the first presenter. He begins to move to the rhythm of the given music, trying to convey its character and rhythm with free, graceful movements. Everyone else repeats his movements. As soon as the music changes, the next player becomes the leader, standing, for example, to the right of the first. His task is to express new dance music in movements, and everyone else will repeat after him.

The dancing continues until all the guests try themselves as a dance master.

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Required: Discs with a variety of music

The players stand in two circles: the inner one is formed by women, the outer one by men. There should be one more person in the outer circle than in the inner circle. To the music, both circles move in different directions. The music has ended - the players from the outer circle must embrace the player from the inner circle. A woman is " happy ticket" Whoever didn’t get the “ticket” is the “hare” and performs some task.

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This simple children's fun is also successful in adult company. A broom is launched across the hall. The presenter says at this time: “You fly, cheerful broom, further and further along the hands. Whoever has a broom left dances for us!” Thus, 5-6 people are selected. They dance the “Dance of the Little Swans” together. At the end everyone gets small prizes.
