Why pregnant women can't go to church. Why pregnant women shouldn't go to church

Pregnancy... This period brings many prohibitions in a woman’s life, most of which relate to ordinary superstitions. One of these is considered to be visiting a temple at a time when a woman is in an interesting position.

Where did the superstitions about pregnant women going to church come from?

The common opinion on the question of whether pregnant women can go to church or not goes back to the distant past, to the times of superstition. Then in the villages they tried to protect the expectant mother from the evil eye and from damaging the child. It was believed that this could be done in the most crowded places, which included the temple.

Besides, there are always a lot of grannies there who like to scare young women with bellies various signs and scary stories. Pregnant women have always been wary of such situations.

Because of this, women carrying a child were hidden from prying eyes for the entire period of pregnancy, and no one except those closest to them suspected an imminent addition to the family. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether pregnant women can go to church was negative. After all, this could affect the mother’s mental well-being.

Modernity. Should you beware of visiting a temple?

But even now, when almost no one believes in stupid superstitions, and a woman carrying a child is constantly in contact with big amount people, you can often hear warnings against her visiting the temple. So why can’t pregnant women go to church, since the soul often requests these visits? This can be answered as follows: going to church is not only possible, but also necessary, and even useful.

Don't pay attention to idle rumors. They are spread by people ignorant of church customs. While maintaining disputes about whether pregnant women can go to church, they confuse the state of pregnancy with the days of menstruation, on which a ban on visiting the temple is actually imposed, since at this time a woman is considered “unclean.”

In addition, the ban is imposed for the next 40 days after the birth of the baby, until the bleeding stops. At this time, just like during menstruation, a woman is considered “unclean.”

What benefits does going to church give to a pregnant woman?

Such a question as visiting a temple during the period of bearing a child worries many people. Any woman wants to find the peace that the Lord gives within the walls of her home. But often the fear of the sidelong glances of ignorant parishioners prevents this from being done.

Having heard expectant mothers asking whether pregnant women can go to church, it is worth explaining that visiting church in an interesting situation is not considered a sin and is strongly welcomed by the clergy. But only if the woman really wants it, and does not go under duress.

Only there can she not only find spiritual consolation, but also pray for her health, for a successful delivery of the pregnancy, and for the future of the baby. Entering the walls of the temple, you can immediately see icons of saints who are the patronesses of pregnant women. Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker and the Great Martyr Catherine will help you bear the baby calmly and without problems, and prayers at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos give hope for an easy delivery. And for a blessing before childbirth, you should contact a priest.

The opinion of the clergy on visiting the temple of a pregnant woman

And if a woman still has doubts about whether pregnant women can go to church, she should turn to the priest for permission. He will explain that only within church walls can one very easily cope with the fears that often arise in pregnant women.

To get rid of unnecessary unnecessary thoughts, you need to offer a prayer to the icon of the Mother of God. And the child, while still in the womb, will receive God's grace. Therefore, it is necessary and possible for pregnant women to go to church; there are no restrictions on this.

The only thing you have to be careful of is your condition. After all, services often last more than one hour, and it is difficult for pregnant women to stand this time on their feet in a stuffy room. But this issue is resolved very simply. It is enough for a woman in an interesting position to sit down on a chair during the service to rest her legs.

How do clergy feel about pregnant women attending church?

The clergy do not even consider the question of whether pregnant women can go to church. Indeed, during this period a woman is completely pure before God. The future baby is not only the fruit of the love of two people, but also the blessing of the Lord, because it was he who bestowed the miracle of motherhood. Therefore, there simply cannot be a ban on visiting the temple.

You can often hear from all-knowing grandmothers that visiting the temple is prohibited for mothers whose child was conceived in sin, that is, the wedding ceremony was not performed. This opinion is completely untrue and is nothing more than ignorance of the holy laws. The Church has never made exceptions for those women who are not married in the Church. After all, everyone is equal before God, and if he sent the happiness of becoming a mother, then it makes no difference to him whether the wedding ceremony was performed or not. Any pregnant woman can come to the temple to pray and ask the Lord for blessings.

Pregnancy is a gift from God

Even if a child is conceived, according to many, in sin, that is, without a church marriage, the fact that he was sent to a woman is God’s blessing. And visiting the temple with a baby in the womb gives him the opportunity to receive the grace of the Lord through the prayers of the mother.

Church concepts say that a woman’s womb during pregnancy is blessed by God and therefore completely sinless. The clergy treat pregnant women with great reverence and encourage them to visit church in every possible way. Even the sin that a woman is in an unwed marriage is forgiven by the Lord, who sent the pregnancy.

Wedding of pregnant women. Is it possible to do it?

In addition, if the spouses are not yet married, the clergy recommend performing the sacrament before the birth of the child. This ritual is intended to give a young family and unborn child special grace.

But do not forget that such a long ceremony as a wedding is difficult for a woman to stand on her feet in the last stages, so it is better not to delay it.

The sooner this important ritual in the life of every young family is carried out, the sooner the Lord will overshadow the young family with His grace. And you shouldn’t listen to other people’s gossip and rumors. Only ignorant people can call a godly deed a sin.

The expectant mother's clothes and shoes during the wedding should be as comfortable as possible, not restricting movements, in order to avoid the onset of toxicosis, headaches or swelling, and not be stored immediately after the wedding.

Besides, future mom she can calmly undergo the rite of baptism if she has not yet been baptized, as well as attend confession and receive the sacrament. Moreover, it is worth doing this even more often than usual.

How to attend church in the last stages?

Pregnant women can go to church quite calmly until the third trimester, and then it is best to take a friend, husband or relative with you to accompany you, as well as a folding chair so that you can sit down at any time. After all, standing on your feet for the entire period of service is quite difficult due to the physiological characteristics of the body. And you shouldn’t pay attention to the grins and condemning glances of ignorant people. The only obstacle to visiting a temple can be one’s own reluctance, because people don’t go there by force, or the state of health of the expectant mother. But even if a woman is in a hospital or is prescribed home bed rest, it is not forbidden to invite a priest to her home or hospital room to receive the rite of confession and communion.

Memo for pregnant women

It is important to remember that pregnant women should go to church with caution only in their last stages, and try not to attend large services that last several hours. After all, even if you have a chair with you and can sit down at any time, the stuffiness of a large crowd of people will very quickly cause you to feel unwell.

A pregnant woman can simply come and turn to the Lord in prayer at any time. Therefore, pregnant women should not have any doubts about whether pregnant women can go to church.

There are many prejudices and myths surrounding pregnancy. Surely everyone has heard that pregnant women are prohibited from attending church. It is absolutely not clear why pregnant women cannot go to church? After all, pregnancy is God’s blessing, and the expectant mother has two souls in her body, the salvation of which she is obliged to take care of. Therefore, during pregnancy, visiting the temple is not prohibited, despite all prejudices.

Why did the opinion arise that pregnant women are forbidden to go to church?

The source of such prejudices are illiterate people who try to independently interpret religion and faith. Usually their ideas about correct behavior and faith are based on a strange mixture of superstitions, fairy tales and church sermons. It is precisely such “advisers” that are the source of the most illogical prohibitions and outright nonsense, which priests and truly religious people oppose.

The ban on going to church for pregnant women most likely appeared at a time when the cause of any problems was considered to be someone else’s “evil eye” or damage. In those wild times, pregnant women were usually not only not allowed into the temple, but also outside the threshold of the house. In addition, the very appearance in public “with a belly” was considered indecent; women tried to cover up their situation, and if this was no longer possible, they simply did not leave the house.

But times have changed. Now few people believe in the possibility of the evil eye or other similar negative impacts for the expectant mother. And the attitude towards pregnancy has changed. Women can be active social life until childbirth, including visiting the temple. Priests of most denominations invite expectant mothers to services and can recommend prayers that should make subsequent births easier.

You cannot go to temples for forty days after delivery, until the bleeding has completely stopped. After this, the priest performs the rite of “entry into the church.”

The expectant mother herself decides whether or not to go to church. Sometimes it happens that women who regularly visited the temple during pregnancy cease to feel the need to do so. You shouldn’t force yourself to go to work if that’s not what you want. The desire to go to church should come from the woman herself. If in this moment She is not interested in this, it is better to postpone such a trip.

What doctors say about going to church

Doctors warn that the expectant mother, when going to church, must take into account her physical condition. If she was recommended bed rest or severe restriction of activity, it is better not to be a hero and not try to defend her service. In such a situation, if you really want to, you can go in and light a candle for a minute.

In addition, in church the expectant mother may face other dangers:

  • Large crowds of people, especially on major holidays. Many people, even without knowing it, can be spreaders of ARVI. Perhaps their symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared or have already passed, but pathogens still remain in their saliva. When coughing and sneezing, they will spread several meters and people standing nearby will be infected. This situation is especially dangerous for expectant mothers, for whom most medications are contraindicated. In addition, some infections can negatively affect the baby's development. The solution is to visit the temple on days when there is no one there. large quantity parishioners
  • Stuffiness. Almost all expectant mothers suffer from a lack of oxygen in stuffy rooms. This can lead to dizziness, headaches, high blood pressure and fainting. To avoid such a situation, you should choose a spacious, well-ventilated temple, try to take a place by the door or window, and immediately leave the room if you feel the slightest discomfort.
  • Prolonged standing. It can lead to back pain and swelling of the legs. To avoid such problems, you should try not to stand for a long time. Many churches have benches or chairs for those who cannot stand the entire service on their feet. If you don’t have them, you can bring a small folding chair with you; the church does not prohibit this. If in doubt, you can ask the priest for permission and advice.
  • Strong odors. The church always smells strongly of incense, in addition there is the aroma of burning candles and others. Outside of pregnancy, these smells seem pleasant to many, but toxicosis can completely change all sensations. The familiar and beloved smell of incense can cause dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. If you notice that the aroma in the church premises causes discomfort, it is better to leave it immediately and refuse to go to the temple until your sense of smell returns to normal.
  • Failure to comply with sanitary standards. Communion from common utensils, the tradition of kissing icons, crosses, etc. can cause the transmission of many infections. This is dangerous for pregnant women. For example, if a primary infection with the herpes simplex virus occurs during pregnancy, this can lead to severe damage to the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should avoid touching anything with your lips in church.

Most doctors are not very receptive to the idea of ​​visiting any mass events during pregnancy, including church services. If you don't want to miss them, be sure to take water with you and don't go alone. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately go out into the fresh air.

What clergy say about pregnant women in church

Priests do not even consider the question of whether expectant mothers can go to church. For them, such a problem does not exist:

  • Any person who is pure before God has the right to visit the temple;
  • Pregnancy is not a sin, and a woman carrying a baby is considered pure before God.

Therefore, if we ask a priest whether a pregnant woman can attend church, he will most likely be surprised and answer that it is necessary.

Many people do not know about this, but in churches there are special icons that protect expectant mothers and women in labor. Also, throughout pregnancy, women are recommended to confess and receive communion. Before giving birth, it is advisable to ask the priest for blessings. This should facilitate childbirth and protect the woman and baby.

The clergy say that any restrictions on pregnant women attending church are nothing more than superstition, unworthy of a Christian.

The Church allows pregnant women to:

  • Attend services without any restrictions;
  • Light candles for good health;
  • Order services and/or magpies for your health;
  • Submit notes both for health and for peace;
  • Read special prayers for pregnant women;
  • Take part in various rituals and sacraments.

There is also an opinion that pregnant women who conceive a child out of wedlock should not go to church. It is not true. On the contrary, such future mothers who have sinned are advised to go to church more often than others, because they need God’s forgiveness and special support in their difficult decision to raise a baby alone.

So, neither doctors nor priests prohibit expectant mothers from visiting the temple. If you have a desire and your health allows, you can attend church as often as you want. But many expectant mothers still have questions, for example, whether they can get married, become godmothers, and what is the best thing to do once they get to church if they rarely go there and don’t understand well what’s what.

What to do in church

As soon as the expectant mother enters the doors of the temple, she will understand that she is a welcome guest here. The main intercessor of pregnant women is the Blessed Virgin Mary, images of whom are in every church. For example, “Holy Image Holy Mother of God"Helper in childbirth" is considered an icon that helps easy and successful childbirth. Also, expectant mothers can pray to Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker and Great Martyr Catherine. They are helpers and protectors of all pregnant women and help them easily bear and give birth to a baby.

It is also useful for believing mothers to go to church because the child, while in the tummy, can hear what is happening around. This way he will get used to the sounds of the temple, and will not be afraid to visit it when he is born.

Many pregnant women suffer from fears and uncertainty. The prayer to the icon “Quench my sorrows” will help you cope with your emotions. It is believed that it helps to calm down and tune in to a positive mood. If the expectant mother is sick, she is recommended to pray to the Seven Arrow Icon “Softening Evil Hearts". She will help you survive illnesses and cope with your fears.

Although science does not recognize miraculous powers icons, such prayers can really alleviate a woman’s condition. Firstly, the placebo effect works. And secondly, the woman gets the opportunity to speak out, at least to someone disembodied, and analyze her feelings.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to get married in church?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Indeed, many girls get married while pregnant and worry whether getting married in this state is prohibited. The position of the church is clear - it is bad to live unmarried, but you can get married at any stage of pregnancy or having children. Modern church He treats family issues much more leniently and recognizes marriages concluded in registry offices, but still the wedding brings special grace to the entire young family. Therefore, if you were unable to get married before conception, it is not too late to do it while you are pregnant.

If someone says that it is forbidden to get married during pregnancy, you should ask him whether it is not a greater sin to live in fornication. It is unlikely that such “informed advisers” will be able to clearly explain their position.

But, you should pay attention to the fact that the entire wedding ceremony can last about an hour. IN Orthodox churches The bride spends all this time on her feet, so it can be very difficult for her to endure it to the end. Try to get married as early as possible, without waiting until last months. Be sure to choose comfortable shoes that do not squeeze your feet. You can also wear a special bandage to support the abdomen and back. Don't forget to take water with you.

Can a pregnant woman be a godmother?

The Church does not prohibit this. But before you decide to take such a step, you need to think carefully about whether the expectant mother will cope with such a difficult obligation. Godparents are not just close people who took part in the ceremony. They undertake to take part in the child’s upbringing, vouch for his faith, pray for him and take him to communion.

Godparents must be believers, baptized and responsible people, ready to support their godson at any time. That is why the expectant mother needs to think carefully about whether, having a small child, she can also pay enough attention to her godson. If in doubt, it is better to transfer this honorable mission to someone stronger and freer at the moment.

We must not forget about the medical aspects. The baptism ceremony lasts about an hour, and you will have to spend all this time on your feet. In addition, the godmother will have to hold the child in her arms for some time. This may seem tedious even early stages pregnancy. If the potential godmother already has a large belly, it will be very difficult for her to hold the child. These points can be thought through in advance. A good solution is to entrust the godfather with holding the baby. But you must ask the priest in advance about the possibility of such changes during the ceremony.

When to go to church after giving birth?

Pregnant women can visit temples as they wish without any restrictions. But after giving birth, visiting church is prohibited for 40 days. During this time, a woman should stay at home, restoring and strengthening her health. You can pray at home, reading prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

If 40 days have not yet passed, but a woman really wants or needs to go to church, for example, to the wedding of loved ones, this can be done. She can enter the temple premises and pray, but she cannot venerate the Shrines or take part in the Sacraments.

After 40 days, the young mother must visit the temple, where the priest will read a special cleansing prayer on the fortieth day. After this, you can begin to live a full church life, take part in all the sacraments, as before giving birth.

Can pregnant women go to church? This question is quite interesting. People who are not too knowledgeable about church customs claim that they do not, since they associate the state of pregnancy with menstruation, a period when women are not allowed to go to church. However, comparing the first and second is simply stupid. On the contrary, clergy recommend that expectant mothers, despite anyone’s disapproving views, go to God’s temple. After all, a child is a blessing from the Lord, so why can’t the expectant mother go into his house? But after giving birth, for 40 days, you will not be able to go to church until the bleeding stops completely.

The question should rather be this: is it not possible for a pregnant woman to go to church, but is it necessary? Each expectant mother decides it herself. Of course, defending the service for several hours is not so easy. May rise arterial pressure, dizziness, swelling of the legs and other unpleasant phenomena may occur, but going to pray or confess, for example, is absolutely safe, unless you have to remain in bed. As for various services, in such cases it is better to go to church not alone, but in the company of your mother, girlfriend or husband, plus taking antispasmodic tablets with you just in case. And at the first sign of illness, return home.

Church encourages pregnant women to pray Holy Virgin Mary, Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Great Martyr Catherine. They say that this helps to bear and give birth to a child calmly and without problems. By the way, during pregnancy you can receive communion, get married (this is even highly encouraged), and be baptized. Is it possible to be a godmother when pregnant? This is not prohibited by church statutes. However, before making such a decision, you need to think carefully about whether you have enough time and desire to help your godson, to become his second mother, given that very soon you will have your own baby, who will require a lot of attention. There are other more mundane circumstances that should not be forgotten: during the baptism ceremony you will have to long time hold the baby in your arms, and if he weighs a lot, and you are already at a significant stage of pregnancy, perform this condition will be very problematic. Although a way out can be found here, the godfather can also hold the child.

So, there are no special prohibitions for expectant mothers. Ignore those who deny this.

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Can pregnant women go to church? It’s interesting that such an essentially absurd question is very popular among online search queries. And it could have been born precisely in our days, when the Internet is replete with “Orthodox” recipes for all occasions: what can and cannot be done on Easter, Parents' Saturday, on name day. Such is everyday psychology that in spiritual life we ​​often look for certain algorithms: do according to the instructions and you will be saved. But such a consumer approach threatens with a dangerous substitution of values ​​and is far from the spirit of the Christian Orthodox faith, according to which the love and mercy of God are given to us not for strictly following the scheme, but freely, by grace.

Children are like a gift

The main treasure for a mother is children given by God. In the recent past (just a century ago), a woman of any social status, with or without any level of education, I understood that pregnancy is not a disease, not a pathology, it is a gift from God and a normal physiological state of the female body, which does not require a special transition to a gentle regimen. But today, pregnancy, childbirth and everything connected with them cause a lot of concern among expectant mothers.

Perhaps that is why signs, superstitions and prejudices have grown up around the topic of pregnancy. And this is by no means a trend of the 20th and 21st centuries - the problem is far from new. This is Russian reality, where magical ideas of the ancient ancestors, the pagan Slavs, coexist alongside the traditions of Orthodox piety.

To this day, the older generation seriously talks about the evil eye and damage to the unborn baby, forbidding the expectant mother to often go out in public, even if she goes to church. And, surprisingly, church grandmothers are often subject to such prejudices (not those ascetics who preserved the faith and carried it through the crucible of the revolution - they have long since passed away, but those who were Komsomol members in their youth and knew firsthand about faith in God).

These “primordial” Orthodox Christians certainly know how to and how not to behave when pregnant: about what you shouldn’t knit, it’s better to look only at beautiful things, not to light candles anywhere in church, to read akathists to saints and icons from morning to evening, who “specialize” in pregnancy, and, most importantly, to beat more fans, even if health, belly size and long term do not allow.

It’s good if the young expectant mother approaches the priest in time, and does not turn to her grandmother with the question: is it possible for her, a pregnant woman, to be in church and how to behave there, since the answer she receives may depend on whether she wants to cross the church threshold again, and from this decision - her faith.

In the safe hands of the parish

Asking the question whether it is possible or not to go to church during pregnancy will not occur to a woman who lives a full church life: confesses, receives communion, and attends services. For her, this issue has long been resolved, and going to church regularly is normal, natural, correct, this is her heartfelt and spiritual need, what she lives by and without which she cannot imagine herself and her life. family life. Why change anything when there is a birth under her heart new soul? She meaningfully remains where her believing heart strives - that is, in the temple.

She knows that now she will more often sigh in prayer before the images of the Mother of God and pray. But neither participation in long services, nor a large crowd of people, nor even the stuffiness will frighten her - one who is used to being in church. If the expectant mother runs out of strength or has mild toxicosis, nothing prevents her from going out, getting some air, and if it doesn’t feel better, then going home.

For some reason, the authors of many articles on the topic do not mention the most important thing - the fact that a churched pregnant woman is not alone in church, she is surrounded by the community of her native parish, where many know her well and understand her condition. The same grandmothers who are “strong in church pedagogy” are not always inclined only to the harsh education of young people. Distinguished by their worldly experience and mercy, they are ready to lend a helping hand and give up their place on the bench.

There are many other like-minded people around in the faith, Orthodox Christians, ready to support, and if necessary, to pick up and call an ambulance. It turns out that a woman is much safer in her parish than on the street, in a store, or in a cafe. Here no one will leave her in trouble.

To church... for health?

How will an unchurched expectant mother feel in church? Of course, it is good if, thanks to her new position, a young woman comes to the first or second service in her life, but her motives determine a lot here. Perhaps she was simply told that since she was pregnant, it would be a good idea to go to church - they say, “for the health of you and your baby, take communion, anoint yourself with oil, breathe incense” - it’s very useful.

On the one hand, yes, it’s hard not to agree that just being in church during a divine service, all this special liturgical space, church singing, the beauty of icons and the ringing of bells calms, pacifies, and puts you in a different mood. And this is important for a woman’s psychosomatics, especially against the background of everything that is happening today - frequent cases of missed pregnancies, miscarriages, nervous breakdowns and prenatal depression.

But, on the other hand, serious spiritual reasoning is needed here: will there be any benefit from such practical application sacraments and grace? Church life, used as such “relaxation” and a kind of “physio-procedure”, without faith is meaningless and even blasphemous. Having become a consumer of “spiritual services and services,” the expectant mother often begins to reason in the spirit of occultism and magic: “I give you a candle - you help me in pregnancy, I pray to you - you give me relief in childbirth.”

Such “spiritual” bargaining turns the temple into a kind of “house of everyday life”, where people come not to God, but for “services”, and such an attitude of parishioners causes bitterness in any priest about the House of God. But there is a third, most important side - this is God’s providence for man. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and who knows, perhaps through the first steps in the Church during pregnancy, a mother and her future child will one day come to faith.

In this regard, I would like to recall the words of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: “Let the children come to Me and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of God” (). So it is absolutely necessary for a pregnant mother to come to church with care for her child, putting aside all fears and doubts. No one will prevent a child in the womb of a mother, even if she is a little churched, from tasting with her the sacraments and grace, the giver of which is God.

“Open the doors of mercy”

It is clear that when going to church for worship, a pregnant woman should always listen subtly to her health and correctly assess physical strength. It is not for nothing that the Church calls such wives not idle - a pregnant woman already bears a lot of work, preparing to bring a new living soul into this world, therefore excessive spiritual feats are not required of her.

This is exactly what church tradition tells us, which mercifully instructs non-idle wives to give themselves significant relaxations in fasting or to completely abolish fasting during pregnancy. To participate in the Sacrament of Communion in this case, it is sufficient to completely abstain from food and water from midnight until the moment of communion.

In addition to receiving confession and communion, expectant mothers, like everyone else, can become godparents, get married, and receive unction. But there are also restrictions - for example, according to the Old Testament tradition, a woman cannot approach the sacraments within 40 days after giving birth. Expectant mothers are not required to regularly attend services - only active participation and prayer. For them, in many churches of our large country, special services are held on schedule. These are short-term prayer singing, at which not many people are present; they are easy to endure even for later. Such a prayer gives strength to a woman asking God and the saints to help her child, surrounded by like-minded women - other expectant mothers. There are also prayer books that are read at home.

By the way, you can count on practical support in the temple. The parishes actively help the poor, single and large families: they collect children's clothes, strollers, and monetary donations for them. Social and charitable departments of Russian dioceses Orthodox Church together with state medical and social structures open rehabilitation centers helping pregnant women and mothers with children who find themselves in difficult family situations, providing them with housing, food and the opportunity to communicate with a priest. They also help you receive the sacraments without leaving the center, so church fence no one will be allowed to disappear.

Visiting church while expecting a child is not a duty or an obligation. This is the spiritual joy that you can afford. The Lord does not expect from us the mechanical fulfillment of rituals and institutions, but a counter movement, an open heart, a sincere request.

And, perhaps, only in church can you internally tune in to future births and be inspired by your difficult, but spiritually important female mission of giving birth and raising a new member of the Church of Christ.

According to the words, “a Christian woman, by God’s command, must raise her children in faith and piety.” But how good it is to start this education early, before the moment of birth, and get used to praying for your beloved child near the icons of the Mother of God - soaking up the words of the Gospel about Her motherhood.

Valentina Kidenko.

The question of whether a pregnant woman can go to church should be completely different. It is better to reformulate it as follows: should a pregnant woman go to church? Yes need. Pregnancy is God's blessing.

A child is the creation of two loving people and God. It is generally accepted that man gives a child a body, and God gives a soul. The soul begins its existence from the very conception, which is why they say that during pregnancy a woman wears what belongs to her and God. It is God who cares for a person’s soul throughout life.

In ancient times, it was believed that a pregnant woman should be protected from prying eyes, that is, protected from damage and the evil eye. Then they didn’t even let her leave the house, let alone go to church and attend the entire service. Over time, the opinion about the influence of someone else's gaze on a pregnant woman has changed. The attitude of others towards women carrying a child under their hearts has changed. The world has changed, its morals have changed. Today, it is believed that a woman should attend church during pregnancy to make it easier for her and subsequent childbirth.

It is believed that you should not go to church only in a few cases: within 40 days after birth, until the bleeding finally stops, and within 40 days after a miscarriage, if God forbid this happens. To find out the priest’s opinion on this matter, we advise you to watch the video at the end of the article.

The individual qualities of each woman may be contraindications to attending church while pregnant. First of all, this is a reluctance to attend church. It often happens that before pregnancy a woman regularly attended church, but during pregnancy she simply no longer felt the need to do so. There is no need to force yourself. Going to church must come from within.

The following is physical state pregnant. If you are prescribed bed rest, then you will not be able to stand the entire service, or simply go and light a candle. Ask your loved ones to do this, telling them about your deepest desire. But at the same time, if you feel well and are able to cope with pregnancy easily, remember that in church you will have to stand in one place for a long time, with a large crowd of people and in a closed room.

A stuffy room can give you a headache and increase your blood pressure. Swelling of the legs may occur from standing for long periods of time. To avoid these problems, the church allows this situation: a pregnant woman can bring a high chair with her, neither the parishioners nor the priest will condemn this. You can also refuse to attend services, but visit church to pray, receive communion and receive a blessing from the priest.

But in any case, it is better to go to church with a friend, mother or husband, and also take water and antispasmodics with you. If you feel even the slightest unwell, return home immediately. During this period, the health of the child is your main task.

Also, the reasons for the inability to attend church may be influenced by toxicosis or odor intolerance. It is known that the church always smells of incense. And, if you treated it normally before pregnancy, then during pregnancy all sensations change, and this smell can cause illness.

Church opinion: can pregnant women go to church?

The church does not even consider the issue of whether pregnant women can go to church as a problem. A pregnant woman is considered pure before God. And how can one who is pure before God not be able to visit his home on earth? Ask any priest about the possibility of a pregnant woman attending church, and he will answer that this is possible and obligatory.

Icons hang in churches that protect pregnant women and women in labor. Throughout pregnancy, a woman must receive communion and confession. It is advisable, knowing the expected date of birth, to ask the priest for his blessing. This will make the woman's condition easier during childbirth. The Church says that if you, being in a position, hear about some prohibitions regarding going to church, then these are true superstitions, and the church does not approve of superstitions.

The Church says that a pregnant woman can light candles for health, submit notes for the health and repose of her family and friends, order magpies for her health, and during illness it is good to order a private service for her health from the priest. Good read special prayers for pregnant.

Today the church is open to those who want get married during pregnancy or become godmother mother. These two sacraments are possible, but their duration and the need to remain on their feet must be taken into account. If the deadline falls on early stage pregnancy, it is easier to perform both one and the second sacrament.

If a pregnant woman is going to become godmother, then she must take into account that she will have to hold her godson in her arms for some time, and this may not be an easy task. Also here you should not forget that you yourself will soon become a mother. Ask yourself if you can pay enough attention godson or daughter and help her mother raise him before agreeing to such a role.

Patrons of pregnant women

Arriving at the temple and looking at its walls, it immediately becomes clear that pregnant women can go to church. There are icons in the temple that are the patrons of women in this position. “The Holy Image of the Most Holy Theotokos Helper in Childbirth” is an icon for successful childbirth. But first of all, pregnant women should pray to the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer to the Great Martyr Catherine, Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker helps to calmly and easily bear and give birth to a child. During pregnancy, a woman’s attitude towards everything around her changes, sometimes fears and uncertainty arise that everything will be fine for her, she will carry and give birth to a healthy baby. In order to make it easier to cope with the fears of a pregnant woman, you need to pray to the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows.”
