Tigran Keosayan and his new wife, children: latest news. Tigran Keosayan and his new wife: latest news, children, photos Alena Khmelnitskaya met new love

Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya is a happy mother of two charming daughters. The eldest heiress of the artist Alexandra is graduating from university this year and is thinking about what will happen next. According to Alena, the girl is worried about uncertainty. " Main question: How will things work out with work? Where he can do his business - in Russia, America, England - is not so important,” says the star. And here youngest child Khmelnitskaya, on the contrary, is confident in his future. Six-year-old Ksenia already knows that she will marry her childhood friend. Alena spoke about this in a recent interview.

“Now Sasha spends all his energy on studying. As for her personal life, she has this full order, but she is not making serious plans yet. But Ksyusha programmed everything for years to come! She has had a fiancé almost since birth - best friend Sandrik, son of Ville Haapasalo and Tina Barkalaya. And from time to time she asks: “When will Sandro and I get married?” He himself told her that he would get married at twenty-four. “I don’t know why,” the actress shared.

Journalists also asked Alena whether her life lessons would be useful to her daughters. According to the actress, the eldest heir Sasha’s mother’s instructions may be useful, although the girl has always been a very mature person. Already at the age of fifteen she realized that she wanted to direct. To enter New York University, Sasha had to obtain a diploma from one of the foreign schools. Therefore, she went to England, passing exams as an external student in Moscow. Alena admires the tenacity and hard work of her loved one.

Let us remind you that Khmelnitskaya’s daughters were born in marriage famous actress with director Tigran Keosayan. In 2014 it became known that bright couple fell apart. Celebrity fans couldn't believe what happened. Nevertheless, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan managed to part without reproaches and mutual grievances. The ex-spouses were able to act like adults and kept friendly relations. A few years after the divorce, Alena claimed that she was happy with this coincidence of circumstances.

In October last year, the actress appeared in public with her new boyfriend, businessman Alexander Sinyushin. The artist confirmed her relationship with the entrepreneur, but emphasized that she did not want to force things and make loud statements about this.

We also note that in a recent interview, Khmelnitskaya did not share details of her personal life. Instead, Alena noted that the opinion of her beloved man is not decisive for her. “There can be both compliments and criticism. But no matter what others say, I know everything about myself much better,” the magazine quotes the woman "Caravan of Stories".

When the marriage between Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya officially ceased to exist in 2014, this information stirred up the public, causing a wave of discussions, although it did not come as a surprise to those who closely followed the lives of the famous spouses. And the first photos of Tigran Keosayan with his new wife and children appeared online thanks to journalist Bozhena Rylskaya. The photo of Tigran Keosayan with his new wife and children is another proof that even the most strong marriages may collapse if enough time passes. Alena Khmelnitskaya was the director's muse for 21 years, but this did not save her from grief. However, after living together for so many years, ex-spouses did not please the envious people loud scandal. Even after her husband’s betrayal, Alena found the strength to maintain friendly relations with him and his new wife.

The first preconditions for change in happy marriage Tigran Keosayan and reasons to look for new photos of the director with his other wife and children appeared back in 2011. Initially, Nikita Dzhigurda, famous for his shocking brutality, contributed to this. He stated that shortly before Alena Khmelnitskaya’s wedding back in 1993, he was in an intimate relationship with her.

Tigran Keosayan took the betrayal of his beloved wife seriously, which became the first stumbling block that created a crack in his relationship with Khmelnitskaya. Even the child born in 2012, Ksenia, did not save the marriage. younger sister Alexandra, who was born in 1994. At that time, Alena was no longer the only woman, which was able to please the artist with offspring.

In 2012, at the festival in Jurmala, Bozhenya Rylskaya took a photo which clearly shows that Tigran Keosayan came to the event with new woman, who would soon become his wife, because the rounded belly clearly showed that the lovers would have children. Rumors of betrayal could no longer destroy the marriage with Khmelnitskaya, because at that time it turned out that in fact the spouses had not lived together for a long time.

In the summer of 2013, a homewrecker, identified as Margarita Simonyan, gave birth to a daughter, Maryana. But the public did not believe that this was Keosayan’s child, secretly hoping that the director would return to his muse Khmelnitskaya. But in 2014, this story was put to rest after the couple officially filed for divorce. By that time, Margarita was already carrying her second child. This time it turned out to be a boy who received the name Bagrat.

Meeting a new wife

Margarita Simonyan was born in 1980 in Krasnodar. Since childhood, the girl showed talent for languages, studying at a specialized school. Thanks to her skills, she became a participant in an exchange program, ending up in New Hampshire, America. Having entered the Faculty of Journalism, the girl began to quickly climb the career ladder.

The first recognition of her merits was in 2000, in the form of an award for her reporting on Chechen children in Anapa. After 2 years, the girl got into the presidential pool of journalists, thanks to which she was able to cover the terrorist attack in Beslan in 2004.

Important! This event attracted the attention of the young reporter increased attention the public, including Tigran Keosayan. The famous director began to follow the career of the young journalist, which was developing rapidly.

At the age of 25, Margarita Simonyan became the editor-in-chief of the newly formed information portal Russia Today, which for the first time began broadcasting news about Russia to the world around the clock on English language. By 2012, the journalist had already entered the Top 100 most influential women Russian Federation, taking 33rd place there. By the time Tigran Keosayan divorced Alena Khmelnitskaya, she had become one of the 5 most influential personalities in the field of media according to the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters.

Relationship history

Such career takeoff did not turn Margarita's head. When in 2011 Tigran Keosayan first wrote to his future wife a message in social network Facebook, she just didn't believe it was true. Simonyan remained a simple girl at heart, and the fact that the famous director condescended to her person shocked the journalist.

Knowing about Tigran’s marriage to Alena Khmelnitskaya, Margarita had no idea that communication could develop into something more. Knowing about Tigran’s marriage to Alena Khmelnitskaya, Margarita had no idea that communication could develop into something more. But over time, acquaintance began to develop into joint projects. Keosayan undertook to teach the journalist the craft of writing.

Fact! In 2010, the girl already published her first and only book, “To Moscow!” Tigran, in turn, revealed to her the secrets of the art of writing scripts. As a result, based on the works of Margarita Simonyan, the comedy “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay”, and already in 2017 – the detective series “Actress”.

When the lovers noticed that their relationship had grown from friendly and professional to something more intimate, the decision was made to separate in order to save the existing marriage. But a day later, Rita and Tigran realized that this was impossible.

In 2012, Margarita also widely publicized the opening of her own restaurant “Zharko!” in Sochi. But, in order not to spread rumors and not to injure Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan’s participation in the project became known general public much later.

Khmelnitskaya's attitude

Alena took the divorce hard. But, despite the pain from the distribution of the photo of Tigran Keosayan with his new wife and children, Khmelnitskaya acted wisely. She did not start a scandal or air dirty laundry in public. On the contrary, the couple separated quietly, announcing that the reason for the divorce was lost love.

After some time, Alena found new happiness in her marriage to Alexander Sinyushin. But the actress still does not stop communicating with ex-husband, because they are connected by children. Therefore, 2 families regularly organize joint holidays. Khmelnitskaya respects Keosayan’s choice and was even able to make friends with his new wife, and the children of the famous director often spend time together.

Tigran Keosayan is a Russian film director, music video director, and TV presenter, who became famous thanks to the films “Poor Sasha,” “The President and His Granddaughter,” and “Silver Lily of the Valley.”

Today he is known for the entertainment show “International Sawmill”, as well as for the acclaimed film “ Crimean Bridge. Made with love!".

Childhood and youth

Tigran Keosayan was born on January 4, 1966 in Moscow. The boy’s family was closely connected with the world of cinema: his father Edmond Keosayan, an Armenian by nationality, was a famous director who directed the film “ Elusive Avengers", mother Laura Gevorgyan is a sought-after actress in Armenia. Tigran was the youngest child, his older brother David also became a prominent television figure in the future. The future director spent his entire childhood with his father on the set of a big movie; his life was inextricably linked with the world of cinema. At 4 years old young artist first showed his acting talents in the Soviet film “The Crown” Russian Empire, or Elusive Again."

Like many children his age, his parents sent the boy to a music school, where he learned to play the piano. Thanks to this, he fell in love with classical music.

In 1983, Tigran Keosayan graduated from school, passing his final exams with the help of cheat sheets. Then the young artist already knew exactly where he wanted to go and who he wanted to be. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a director, like his father. The young man’s dream university turned out to be All-Russian State University cinematography named after Tigran, where, however, he did not immediately enter.

A significant role in this was played by an article published in the Izvestia newspaper, which told ordinary people in colorful detail about how the eminent director and screenwriter Edmond Keosayan was trying to get his “mediocre son” into the university. However, this trouble not only did not push Tigran away from the world of cinema and his dreams, but also strengthened his intention to study in this field educational institution.

In 1984, Tigran again tried to enter VGIK and ended up in the directing department in the workshop of Igor Talankin. The guy shot the first short film, “Sunny Beach,” which tells the story of a runaway soldier. His university friend, now a famous Russian director and actor, played in the film. Keosayan was forced to interrupt his studies at the institute and went to serve in the army. In 1988, he was reinstated at the university and entered the workshop.

In the 1990s, Keosayan, together with Fyodor Bondarchuk, began filming videos and commercials. At that time, this field of cinema was unknown, so directors easily occupied a vacant niche and achieved success. In their youth they filmed videos for celebrities Russian show business, and others.

Films and television

1991 was the debut year for Tigran Keosayan. The comedy film by Yuri Kuzmenko “Joker” was released, where the artist played his first full-fledged role. In the same year, Tigran began filming his debut film “Katka and Shiz”, where he acted as the director of the film. Famous Soviet actors were invited for filming, many of whom had previously worked with Keosayan’s father, and the script was written by his brother David.

The film was released in 1992 and was warmly received by viewers and film critics.

Tigran Keosayan and Irina Rozanova in the film "Mistress"

A year later, the director and his brother founded the GOLD VISION studio, which shoots commercials, music videos, and television series.

In 1996, Tigran Keosayan decided to try himself as a director of the comedy television series “Funny Things - Family Matters.” The producer's chair in this project was taken by his brother David. The film told the story of four generations of one family, which is forced to adapt to new living conditions and decides to start a “family business” by setting up a laundry in the house.

The first famous work in creative biography Keosayan became the New Year's comedy "Poor Sasha", released in 1997. In this film, Tigran again turned to the theme of charming thieves (as in his debut film), who help the girl Sasha return her mother to new year holidays. The picture became best film of the year according to TEFI.

Subsequent films in the director’s filmography also enjoyed considerable success among viewers. In 1999, Keosayan’s next New Year’s comedy, “The President and His Granddaughter,” was released. In 2000, he made a film based on his own script (co-authored with Ganna Slutsky) “Silver Lily of the Valley,” where he also appeared in a cameo role.

After 5 years, a continuation of the film was released on TV screens, but as a 12-episode television series. All the film’s actors played in “Silver Lily of the Valley-2” (with the exception of Zoya Misochkina, who starred in the role).

Tigran Keosayan in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”

In 2008, the film “Mirage” was released, which was negatively assessed by critics. Subsequently, the director again returned to the topic of television series and over the course of 2 years he made 3 television films: the spy mini-series “Yalta-45”, the melodrama “Three Comrades” and the series about the Olympic village near Sochi “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay."

Since 2007, Tigran Keosayan has participated in the filming of television shows: he became the TV presenter of the popular talk show “Evening with Tigran Keosayan” on the Ren-TV channel. TV presenter Keosayan, together with two invited guests who were experts in a certain field or famous personalities of Russian show business, discussed pressing everyday topics.

The program was so popular that after its closure in 2009, the director decided to make a sequel, “Hot Evening with Tigran Keosayan.” The show changed channels and changed format. Now guests with diametrically opposed opinions on the topic under discussion were invited to the studio.

From 2009 to 2010, the man hosted the TV show “You and Me” together with the actress. As part of the show, Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya talked about family life famous Russian couples and invited them to the studio for an interview. The producers of the project tried to present information objectively in order to avoid the label of “yellow press”. In 2011, the artist became TV talk show host“Stop being silent!”, where they discussed problematic topics Everyday life.

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya in the show “You and Me”

Tigran participated in the 4th season of the TV show “One to One!” as a judge. Previously in the program “Empire of Illusions. Brothers Safronov" he was also one of the jury members. In 2016, under the leadership of Keosayan, the NTV channel began producing the program “International Sawmill”.

This is an entertaining show with elements of political satire. As the author of the project clarified, he always felt that he had something to say in response to world political and economic news. Over time, the idea of ​​dialogue formed the basis of the television program. The International Sawmill has been repeatedly criticized by television journalists, observers and viewers. Tigran was reproached for using base humor and profanity. The director himself calls being a TV presenter his hobby.

Personal life

In 1992, Tigran Keosayan met the aspiring actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. The director was just looking for a performer to shoot in commercial and offered Alena this role. The romance, which did not foretell anything serious, soon turned into a strong relationship. The lovers settled with Alena on Smolenka and in 1993 officially became a family. A year later their daughter Alexandra was born.

At first, Keosayan’s family had a hard time; their only income was Tigran’s few fees, which quickly ran out. After a while, Alena, who left the theater due to pregnancy and the birth of a child, became the director of the store fashionable clothes, and things started to improve.

Subsequently, the famous film director filmed his wife in almost all of his films. In 2010, the Keosayan family had a second daughter, Ksenia, but Tigran was again unable to attend the birth. Then the famous director ended up in the hospital due to a heart attack.

Press for a long time called the couple Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya one of the most strong families Russian show business, however, at the end of 2011, the director began to be noticed at events without his wife. And already in 2012, Tigran began to appear in public with the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel.

In 2013, the artist filed for divorce, but at one time refrained from commenting on his personal life.

Together with Margarita Simonyan, the director opened the restaurant “It’s Hot!” in Sochi. In August 2013, the couple had a daughter, and in September 2014 they had a son, Bagrat, which Keosayan wrote about on his Twitter account. The director’s personal profile on Instagram is private; he corresponds with fans and colleagues and publishes photos on

Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya is a happy mother of two charming daughters. The eldest heiress of the artist Alexandra is graduating from university this year and is thinking about what will happen next. According to Alena, the girl is worried about uncertainty. “The main question is: how will things work out? Where he can do his business - in Russia, America, England - is not so important,” says the star. But Khmelnitskaya’s youngest child, on the contrary, is confident in his future. Six-year-old Ksenia already knows that she will marry her childhood friend. Alena spoke about this in a recent interview.

“Now Sasha spends all his energy on studying. As for her personal life, she has complete order with this, but she is not making serious plans yet. But Ksyusha programmed everything for years to come! She has had a fiancé almost since birth - her best friend Sandrik, the son of Ville Haapasalo and Tina Barkalaya. And from time to time she asks: “When will Sandro and I get married?” He himself told her that he would get married at twenty-four. “I don’t know why,” the actress shared.

Journalists also asked Alena whether her life lessons would be useful to her daughters. According to the actress, the eldest heir Sasha’s mother’s instructions may be useful, although the girl has always been a very mature person. Already at the age of fifteen she realized that she wanted to direct. To enter New York University, Sasha had to obtain a diploma from one of the foreign schools. Therefore, she went to England, passing exams as an external student in Moscow. Alena admires the tenacity and hard work of her loved one.

Let us recall that Khmelnitskaya’s daughters were born in the marriage of the famous actress with director Tigran Keosayan. In 2014, it became known that the bright couple had broken up. Celebrity fans couldn't believe what happened. Nevertheless, Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan managed to part without reproaches and mutual grievances. The ex-spouses were able to act like adults and maintained friendly relations. A few years after the divorce, Alena claimed that she was happy with this coincidence of circumstances.

In October last year, the actress appeared in public with her new boyfriend, businessman Alexander Sinyushin. The artist confirmed her relationship with the entrepreneur, but emphasized that she did not want to force things and make loud statements about this.

Alena Khmelnitskaya met new love

We also note that in a recent interview, Khmelnitskaya did not share details of her personal life. Instead, Alena noted that the opinion of her beloved man is not decisive for her. “There can be both compliments and criticism. But no matter what others say, I know everything about myself much better,” the magazine quotes the woman "Caravan of Stories".

Some men fall in love and get married, then fall in love again, get divorced and get married. Woman's Day compiled a list of stars who left their wives for new love.

Tigran Keosayan

The news that the journalist and Chief Editor Russia Today TV channel from film director Tigran Keosayan, in this moment married to actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, the scandalous journalist Bozhena Rynska said in her microblog: “Today I saw Margarita Simonyan with the father of her child Tigran Keosayan (taken away from Alena Khmelnitskaya) in Jurmala.” And then she added: “I thought everyone knew everything for a long time... The series “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay" was shot by Keosayan based on the story by Simonyan."

The romance between the married Keosayan and the free Simonyan began at the beginning of 2012. It was at this time that the director began to appear in public with new friend, and not with his wife. True, at first no one suspected a brewing scandal; from the outside they looked like business partners: together they opened a restaurant in Sochi, made a film... And even when Margarita gave birth to her daughter Maryana in August 2012, Tigran remained above suspicion among many fans.

According to our sources, Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya, who have been married since 1993, filed for divorce.

It is worth recalling that just a few years ago the beautiful Alena was a muse for her husband. She starred in his films and accompanied him to social events.

Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya are survived by two daughters – 14-year-old Alexandra and 4-year-old Ksenia. The girls live with their mother.

Valeriy Meladze

In October 2013, after more than 20 years of marriage, Valery Meladze filed for divorce from his wife Irina, and in July 2014 from the singer and ex-soloist “ VIA Gra» Albina Dzhanabaeva’s son Luka is born. By the way, this is their second joint child. The artists have another son, Konstantin, born in 2010, when Valery was married.

Initially, Meladze and Dzhanabaeva hid their relationship. Only those closest to her knew the name of the father of the singer’s first child. For the first time, the couple began to go out only after Valery officially announced his divorce.

By the way, neither Valery nor Albina tell journalists about their romance. But we don't need it. More importantly, Meladze’s reputation has suffered greatly in the eyes of some of his fans over the past two years... As you know, long years the singer was considered a decent family man and father.

Let us remember that Valery Meladze met his first wife Irina back in the late 80s, they got married in 1989. They have three daughters - 23-year-old Inga, 15-year-old Sofia and 12-year-old Arina. The girls live with their mother.

Garik Kharlamov

The divorce of Garik Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko caused a lot of noise. While the showman was posting candid pictures on social networks with his new girlfriend, actress Kristina Asmusa, his ex-lover was dividing their property acquired together over three years.

As soon as Kharlamov officially divorced Leshchenko, he immediately married Asmus. In January 2014, the newly-made couple had a daughter, Anastasia. They are not going to stop there. Garik once said that he met the girl of his dreams and wanted them to have many children.

By the way, the artist’s fans are still completely perplexed: how did Kharlamova conquer Asmus? Many say that she is similar both in appearance and in character to his first wife, Julia.

Rezo Gigineishvili

Russian film director of Georgian origin Rezo Gigineishvili now happily married to youngest daughter Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov Nadezhda. In April 2010 they got married, and in October 2011 they got married in a Georgian monastery. The couple has two children - three-year-old Nino (or Nina) and one-year-old Vano (or Ivan).

And while Rezo’s career is rapidly growing upward, his first wife, singer and graduate of the music show “Star Factory” Anastasia Kochetkova, is raising their eight-year-old daughter Maria alone...

Gigineishvili and Kochetkova met in 2005, and got married a few months later. But their marriage did not last long. Rezo met Nadezhda, fell in love and left Anastasia. Even his little daughter could not stop him.

Grigory Antipenko

A couple of months ago it became known that actor Grigory Antipenko was dating actress Tatyana Arntgolts. The couple no longer hides their feelings in public and appears together at social events.

Tatyana appeared in Grigory’s life before or long after his breakdown with common-law wife Yulia Takshina, known only to himself. However, the news that after six years of living together Antipenko and Takshina separated became nonsense. Many thought that they were perfect couple... The couple has two children left - seven-year-old Ivan and five-year-old Fedor. The boys live with their mother, but their father often visits them.

The intrigues in Antipenko’s personal life do not end there. Few people know, but before Julia, Gregory was married. From his first marriage he has a son, Alexander.
