False white gall mushroom. Porcini mushroom - benefits, properties, vitamins, minerals

The most valuable find of any lover " quiet hunt" counts White mushroom, because it has dense flesh, an attractive appearance and high taste qualities. There is a misconception that he has no doubles, but this point of view is erroneous. Satanic and gall mushrooms are very similar in appearance to ordinary boletus mushrooms, but some differences still exist between them.

If you doubt your ability to distinguish real porcini mushrooms from false ones, we recommend that you read this article. It not only describes the main external differences between these species, but also provides bright colorful photos that will help distinguish edible specimens from poisonous ones. In addition, you will learn what symptoms are accompanied by poisoning with false boletus and will be able to take timely measures to eliminate them if you accidentally eat a poisonous specimen.

False white mushroom: photo and description

The most common poisonous counterpart of boletus is considered to be gall, which is popularly called bitter. It received this name because of the strong bitter taste of the pulp, which not only does not disappear, but even intensifies during heat treatment.

Picture 1. External differences fruit body and pulp poisonous double

Outwardly, it is indeed very similar to white, but there are still certain differences between them. If you know them exactly, the poisonous double will never end up in your basket (Figure 1).

How to distinguish a gall mushroom from a white one: description and photo

To learn how to correctly identify bitterweed, you need to know its external features (Figure 2).

Among the main characteristics of the poisonous twin are the following:

  1. The diameter of the cap ranges from 4 to 15 cm, and in young specimens it is hemispherical, and in mature specimens it is more prostrate and rounded.
  2. The color of the outer part of the cap can vary from light brown to brownish-yellow, and most often the color is light, which is also typical for edible boletus mushrooms.
  3. The flesh is white, but becomes pinkish as it ages. The fibers are clearly visible in it, and the pulp has practically no pronounced mushroom smell.
  4. The leg is cylindrical, slightly swollen at the base, and as it matures it becomes covered with a characteristic mesh of small gray or brown fibers.

Figure 2. External differences between bitterling (photos 1 and 2) and edible boletus (photos 3 and 4)

But the main difference is that when cut, the gall pulp immediately begins to darken, acquiring a brown tint. Some mushroom pickers advise lightly licking the flesh of the specimen that has aroused suspicion. You will immediately feel an intense bitterness. But to avoid possible health risks, it is better to learn how to distinguish poisonous specimens from edible ones. external signs.

How to distinguish gall fungus: description and photo

Gorchak is most often confused with boletus, because these species have many common external characteristics. However, if you are careful and carefully examine the prey, you will be able to notice certain differences.

Firstly, the bitterling stem is shaped like a club or a cylinder due to the swollen base. Secondly, the color of the leg is yellowish or gray-brown, and in its upper part a dark or creamy yellow mesh is clearly visible. All these features are not typical for ordinary boletus mushrooms.

In addition, distinguish false boletus can be determined by the color and structure of the pulp: its fibers are not just white, but smoothly transition to pink or gray-pink.

How does gall mushroom differ from boletus mushroom?

It is believed that bitter green cannot cause severe poisoning. This is due to the fact that its pulp is so bitter that it will not be possible to eat it voluntarily. But still, in order not to take risks, it is better to study in advance the external signs by which bitterling can be distinguished from boletus (Figure 3).

The characteristic differences between these types include:

  1. The bilious species has a pronounced bitter taste, which not only does not disappear, but also intensifies during heat treatment. The boletus does not have the slightest hint of bitterness.
  2. When cut, the bitterling pulp quickly darkens and acquires a pinkish or brown tint. Boletus pulp does not change color. The only exception can be considered Polish mushroom, which becomes dark with any mechanical damage to the pulp.
  3. On the leg of bitterling there is always a gray or brown mesh, which is not found in ordinary boletus. The boletus has a leg covered with small scales, which make it look like a birch trunk.
  4. The pulp under the cap also has significant differences. For example, in bitterling it is white with a slight pink tint. In boletus it is white, yellowish or grayish, and in boletus it is white-gray to brown, depending on age.

Figure 3. External features bitterling

Moreover, false whites are never wormy. This is explained by the strong bitterness of the pulp, which is felt not only by people, but even by animals, birds and insects.

Where do false porcini mushrooms grow?

One of effective ways You can avoid collecting false porcini mushrooms by knowing where they are most often found.

Note: In general, bitterweed has become widespread and is found in coniferous and deciduous forests of Russia, Europe and North America.

As a rule, the bitter mycelium forms mycorrhiza with the roots of oak, birch and some conifers. It is noteworthy that, unlike the usual boletus, which appears in late summer and autumn, bitterlings can be found from the beginning of summer until October. In addition, unlike boletus, which is found in sunny areas protected from the wind, bitterlings prefer to grow near rotten stumps or on the roots of old trees. Like porcini mushrooms, gall mushrooms can occur either singly or in entire families.

Despite the fact that mustard is considered inedible, it is used in folk medicine for the preparation of drugs with a choleretic effect.

False white mushroom - satanic: description and photo

Another dangerous counterpart to boletus is the satanic mushroom, which can also cause symptoms of serious food poisoning. It has a rather large cap, the diameter of which can reach 30 cm. Its surface is smooth and velvety, but, unlike the usual boletus, whose cap is painted in different shades of brown, the satanic one can be white, grayish or have green or yellow-pink inclusions ( Figure 4).

Figure 4. Fruiting body of the satanic mushroom, whole and cross-sectioned

The flesh of the satanic species becomes red or blue when cut, and in adult specimens it also has a very unpleasant, pronounced odor. But main feature, which distinguishes this poisonous species from the edible one, is in the color of the stem. Closer to the cap it is red-yellow, in the middle it is red-orange, and closer to the base it becomes yellow-brown. It is the color of the leg that allows you to quickly identify a poisonous specimen and avoid it.

Poisoning with false porcini mushrooms

Although false boletus is not considered deadly, it can still cause unwanted health effects. For example, satanic poisoning is accompanied by severe digestive disorders (diarrhea and vomiting), and dizziness is also observed. The first symptoms begin to appear within 30 minutes after consumption, so in most cases the person has time to get help. medical care. Fatalities from poisoning satanic mushroom are extremely rare.

It is extremely difficult to get poisoned by mustard because of its pronounced bitter taste. Even a small piece of raw, boiled or fried pulp placed on the tongue will cause an unbearable burning sensation, so it is unlikely that you will be able to eat bittersweet voluntarily. The only possible poisoning would be if the mustard was pickled or pickled with ordinary boletus, and a person simply will not feel its bitter taste due to salt, vinegar and seasonings. Moreover, the toxins contained in these poisonous counterparts cause very characteristic symptoms. Within a day, dizziness and severe general weakness appear. This indicates that the toxin has already begun to be absorbed into the blood. These signs pass quickly, but you should not ignore them, because toxic substances will begin to be absorbed into the blood and will manifest themselves with even more negative consequences in a few weeks. In particular, they affect liver cells, preventing the outflow of bile. In especially severe cases, when eating large quantity gall mushrooms, a person may develop cirrhosis of the liver. To avoid such consequences, you need to carefully inspect all collected or purchased specimens, and before pickling, it is advisable to lick the pulp to make sure the harvest is safe.

The author of the video tells how to distinguish a false boletus from a real one by external signs.

White mushroom is very common in different countries. It is popular due to its excellent taste, aroma and nutritional value. Porcini mushroom can be canned, pickled, dried and prepared in any other way without losing taste and aroma. The mushroom contains a number of useful substances, proteins, vitamins and minerals that benefit the body.

But the mushroom can be dangerous - it has a poisonous counterpart, which inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse with edible. To prevent this from happening, you need to study in detail the exact description of the porcini mushroom, find out where and when it grows, and also become familiar with the differences between poisonous twin mushrooms.

White mushroom description.

The porcini mushroom is part of the Borovikov genus, the Boletaceae family. To date, it has managed to spread across all continents. Even though there are several varieties of porcini mushroom, they still have similar characteristics. Let's look at the general description.

The porcini mushroom belongs to the category of tubular mushrooms. It can easily adapt to any type of soil, except those saturated with peat.

In addition, the fungus is able to grow on the surface tree species. The best taste qualities are found in those mushrooms that grow in birch and spruce forests. Mushrooms growing in pine groves lack a characteristic aroma and may be less tasty. There are many popular names. The porcini mushroom is known by the following names:

  • capercaillie;
  • boletus;
  • bear bear;
  • yellowtail;
  • grandmother;
  • cow.

How to distinguish a porcini mushroom?

In order not to confuse the mushroom with any dangerous and poisonous looking, you need to know the main external signs by which it can be distinguished. Let's look at them.

  1. Hat.

First of all, pay attention to the hat. It can be from 7 to 25 cm in diameter. In old mushrooms, the fleshy cap is cushion-shaped, while in young mushrooms it is hemispherical. The color of the surface of the cap may differ depending on the area in which the mushroom grows and its varieties. As a rule, the cap is white to dark brown.

On the underside of the cap there is a tubular layer, which must be white. The main difference is that the porcini mushroom pulp has White color, and does not change color over time, unlike its poisonous counterpart, the cut of which darkens and becomes pinkish-brown.

  1. Leg.

The base of the stem is slightly widened, up to 7-8 cm in diameter, and closer to the cap it narrows to 5 cm. The color of the stem is white or light brown with a noticeable mesh pattern on the surface. Most of the mushroom stem is hidden underground. It can reach a maximum height of 25 cm, but, as a rule, its height ranges from 7-12 cm.

  1. Controversy.

It is important to pay attention to the shade of the spore powder - it should be olive or brown. The spore-bearing layer is white, but then turns yellow. The spores of the porcini mushroom are spherical, small and light in color.

Where does the porcini mushroom grow?

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are collected after the rains, starting in June and ending in mid-autumn. Most porcini mushrooms can be found in August-September, after light rainfall followed by sunny weather. For rapid growth of mushrooms, moisture and warmth are needed, so you need to look for porcini mushrooms in dimly lit clearings in forests and groves. You can find porcini mushrooms in the following places:

  • in a birch grove;
  • in the middle of a spruce forest, pine forest, under a juniper bush;
  • in the thickets of oaks;
  • under a beech or hornbeam.

The porcini mushroom grows in partial shade, as it requires warmth for its development. You can often find this mushroom in the middle of grassy meadows and on forest paths overgrown with greenery. As a rule, it does not grow alone - near the discovered porcini mushroom, there will be another 5-10 similar mushrooms nearby, growing within a radius of 2-3 meters.

Dangerous double.

Beginning mushroom pickers should be careful, because in the forests you can often find dangerous mushroom, which in the initial stage of growth can be very similar to white in external characteristics. We are talking about the so-called gall mushroom, or mustard mushroom. It looks exactly the same as the porcini mushroom, but has several significant differences.

Firstly, in the cut you can notice a change in color - from white to pink or even brown-brown.

Secondly, unlike porcini mushroom, which has a delicate, nutty taste, gall mushroom is bitter. Another difference is the shade of the tubular layer. In the false, poisonous porcini mushroom, the tubular layer has a pinkish-brown tint.

The benefits and harms of porcini mushroom.

Porcini mushroom is very popular among chefs, as it can be used to prepare a lot of different useful and delicious dishes. In addition, the porcini mushroom has some healing properties, so extracts from it are sometimes used to create natural preparations.

Due to its low calorie content and high concentration of nutrients, porcini mushroom is considered an indispensable product for people who control body weight. But not everyone can use this product. Consider the list beneficial properties and contraindications. So, what are the benefits of porcini mushroom?

  1. Relatively low calorie content - about 25 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  2. Vitamins A, B1, C, D are contained in high concentrations. In addition to them, the mushroom pulp also contains other vitamins, but in less significant quantities.
  3. Eating porcini mushrooms helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to the presence of rutin, ascorbic acid and lecithin, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the accumulation of harmful cholesterol on them is prevented.
  4. Porcini mushroom is recognized as effective in preventing the development of cancer problems.
  5. In addition, pharmaceuticals use the ability of porcini mushroom to gently cleanse the liver and gall bladder. The product has a mild hepatoprotective effect and is indicated for minor disorders of the liver and gall bladder.

But we must not lose sight of the fact that eating porcini mushroom can be dangerous for the body. The harm of this product is that it contains chitin in high concentration. This substance has a detrimental effect on digestive system, and in some cases can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. The product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and people with chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

White mushroom photo.

Such poisonous mushrooms, like fly agarics and toadstools, are very easy to remember by their characteristic external signs. But it is not clearly poisonous mushrooms that pose a threat to human life, but those that are very similar to edible mushrooms. These include the so-called false mushrooms.

False mushrooms: a dangerous double of the porcini mushroom

White mushroom is one of the most popular forest mushrooms. Various dishes are prepared from it - salted, pickled, cooked soups, used for making pies and main courses. Experienced mushroom pickers know very well what real porcini mushrooms look like. Beginning mushroom pickers need to carefully study the wild mushroom before adding it to their basket.

False mushrooms: bitterling is similar to a porcini mushroom, but is not edible

Look carefully at the photo of the false porcini mushroom. It has two other names - mustard, or gall mushroom.

The name of the mushroom clearly indicates its bitterness. Contained in the pulp toxic substances give the mushroom its taste. This characteristic taste becomes even more pronounced when the mushrooms are cooked.

A dish prepared from gall fungus is completely unsuitable for consumption. Even a small piece of such a mushroom can hopelessly spoil it. But the bitterness inherent in mustard becomes less noticeable when pickling or salting. In this case, the bitter taste is hidden by using vinegar and spices. Therefore, most intoxications occur when tasting canned false mushrooms, which are interspersed among real porcini mushrooms.

What is the difference between a false porcini mushroom and a real one?

To avoid poisoning from the inedible twin of the porcini mushroom, remember its characteristic features.

  • The spongy substance under the cap is pinkish in color and has a bitter taste. In a real porcini mushroom it is white.
  • The surface of the leg is covered with a brown mesh.
  • The stem of cut bitterling very quickly darkens and acquires a brown color. In the porcini mushroom it does not change its color.
  • Freshly cut gall mushroom secretes milky juice.

Externally, the white mushroom double is very attractive due to the fact that it has no external damage. And all because insects and animals are afraid to taste it.

Gall mushroom (lat. Tylopilus felleus)- This false white mushroom, popularly known as bitterling, got its nickname thanks to its bitterness, which cannot be removed by any cooking. This inedible mushroom belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Boletaceae, family Boletaceae, genus Tilopil.

Gall mushroom (false porcini mushroom) – description and photographs. What does gall fungus look like?

The diameter of the cap of the inedible gall mushroom varies from 4 to 15 centimeters; in young mushrooms it is hemispherical in shape, and in mature representatives it becomes more rounded and prostrate. The color of the bitterling cap has shades from brown-yellow to light brown, most often light tones predominate, reminiscent of the color of porcini mushrooms. The spongy substance of a young mushroom is white, but with age it acquires a pinkish tint.

The pulp of the gall mushroom is fibrous, practically odorless or with characteristic mushroom notes. The shape of the stalk of the gall fungus is most often cylindrical, swollen at the base. The height of the leg is from 3 to 13 centimeters, width – 2-3 centimeters. During the ripening process, the stem of the false porcini mushroom is covered with a dense network of small gray or brown fibers. Pores inedible mushroom have a round, less often angular shape. The spore powder is pink or pinkish-brown in color.

The most important feature is that the freshly picked gall mushroom at the break site immediately begins to darken, acquiring a brown color. It is also worth noting that bitterlings are very rarely wormy.

How to distinguish the gall mushroom (false white) from the edible porcini mushroom and from the boletus mushroom? Main features.

  • The main difference between the false porcini mushroom and the edible porcini mushroom and the boletus mushroom is the bitter taste of the bitter mushroom. Try to lick a gall mushroom - and you will immediately understand everything. Neither the edible porcini mushroom nor the boletus have even a hint of bitterness.
  • The pulp of the gall fungus darkens when cut and acquires a pinkish-brown color. The flesh of the edible porcini mushroom and boletus does not darken when cut, except for the pink boletus, the flesh of which turns pink when broken.

  • Another difference between the false porcini mushroom: its leg has a pattern in the form of a brown mesh. There is no such mesh on the stem of an edible porcini mushroom. The boletus leg has white or dark scales, which makes it look like a birch trunk. The reticulated and bronze boletus also have a mesh on the stalk, but it is not as dense and looks different in comparison with the inedible gall mushroom.

  • In the false porcini mushroom, the tubular layer is white (in a young mushroom) or more often pinkish or dirty pinkish in color (in an adult mushroom). The tubular layer of a real porcini mushroom has a white, yellowish or grayish color. The tubular substance of boletus is whitish-grayish; in old mushrooms it can become brown.

Tubular layer of overripe wormy boletus

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse gall mushrooms with boletus mushrooms or porcini mushrooms. The result of this may be spoiled products that will acquire a disgusting bitter taste. To know how to distinguish such a mushroom from its beneficial “brothers”, it is worth getting to know it better.

The gall mushroom (Tylopilus felleus), also known as bitter or false white, belongs to the class Agaricomycetes, genus Tylopilus, family Boletaceae. The second name was given for its bitter taste and appearance, similar to white.

  • The size of the cap is from 4 to 10 or more centimeters, the shape of a hemisphere, which turns into a cushion shape with time of maturation. The color is brownish with shades of yellow, hazel or gray. Slightly fluffy to the touch high humidity– slightly sticky.
  • The pulp is white, fibrous, and when broken it acquires a pink tint. There is no smell. Leaves a burning, bitter feeling on the tongue. It is extremely rarely affected by worms.
  • The tubes of newly emerged mushrooms are white, gradually acquiring a gray-pink tint, up to 2 cm in length. When pressed, they turn pink or brown.
  • The stalk of the gall fungus can be described as cylindrical, with a thickening at the base, a maximum height of 4 to 13 cm and a girth of 1.5-4 cm. From light to dark shades yellow color, with the appearance on the section pink color. The mesh is pronounced, coarse, dark brown in color.


It grows in the forests of all European countries. Occurs frequently, appearing singly or in limited groups. Prefers acidic sandy and sandy-clayey soils with big amount fallen pine needles.

The bitter fungus forms an equally successful symbiosis with coniferous and deciduous trees, from the roots of which the gall fungus takes useful substances. Most often located at the base of trunks or on rotten stumps.

It actively grows from July to September, and can occur in the second half of June and in October, depending on the weather.

Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

Gorchak has his counterparts among his useful “brothers”. In order not to “upset” everyone harvested, you need to be able to distinguish them.


  • Sometimes it grows in the same places as boletus and boletus.
  • The shape of the cap is similar to white.
  • With boletus according to its color.

Differences from edible mushrooms

  • The difference between the gall fungus and the white one is that the cap has a lighter, usually grayish tint, the mesh on the stalk is darker, and the tubes are pinkish in color in adulthood.
  • Unlike boletus, the stem of the gall mushroom does not have scales.
  • The mesh on the leg is darker than that of the reticulated and bronze boletus.

Special differences from all mushrooms are the bitter taste and pink tint of the flesh when cut, which quickly darkens.

Why is it not edible and is it poisonous?

One can definitely say about the gall mushroom that it is not poisonous, but it will be impossible to eat it because of the bitter taste, which after soaking, boiling and canning is not “masked” by adding seasonings and vinegar, but only worsens.

It is possible that in large doses, gall mushrooms can cause some symptoms of poisoning (dizziness, weakness, intestinal upset, which quickly disappear), but due to their bitter taste, they are rarely eaten. The best thing to do is remember false white by appearance and avoid it.

Medicinal properties

Experiments were carried out abroad, primarily in France, in which the following were identified: medicinal properties bittersweet:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • antitumor activity;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • antibacterial;
  • choleretic.

In this country, false white preparations are mainly used. They have not received wide distribution around the world.

The mushroom world is too rich and diverse to stop looking at false whites. You shouldn’t eat something that can spoil not only everyone’s taste collected mushrooms, but also health.
