Soviet Cinema Actresses: Broken Fates. The loudest stories of betrayal of the stars of our show business

They shone on the stage of the theater and in the cinema, the whole world applauded them, they received awards. Politicians and poets, generals and cosmonauts fell in love with them, all Soviet women wanted to resemble them at least a little. It seemed that nothing was stopping them from becoming stars ... But instead of “further,” silence and oblivion suddenly set in. With some Soviet actresses, the beauty played a cruel joke - because of the harassment of the "powerful of this world", many were included in the "black lists" and as a result became hostages of one role. And yet they left their mark on Soviet and world cinematography. Let's remember these bright beauties with broken destinies.

Alla Larionova

In 1953, 22-year-old VGIK student Allochka Larionova made a splash at the Venice Film Festival (the main prize went to the fairy tale "Sadko", where she played Lyubava). Since then, Alla Larionova has become very popular - there were countless fans, she was on guard at the house, postcards with her images were sold out in millions of copies throughout the country. She was credited with numerous novels - with Mikhail Zharov, Gerard Philippe ... Alexander Vertinsky was also fascinated by the actress, sent her baskets of white lilacs, and once gave her a photograph with the inscription: “Remember that you are doomed ... loneliness. An actor is always one ... But he is God! And the Gods are always alone. "

Alla Larionova has about forty paintings on her account, including “Sadko”, “Anna on the Neck”, “Twelfth Night”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “Witch”, “Fathers and Sons”, “To Me, Mukhtar!”, “ Uncle's Dream "," Wild Honey "," Old Friend "and others. However, in the life of the actress, a period came when they stopped filming her. They say this was due to her affair with the then Minister of Culture Aleksandrov. Aleksandrov saw the actress on the set of the film "Twelfth Night" and, according to Larionova's recollections, "froze to the spot." When Alexandrov was removed from his post, the film studio imposed an unspoken ban on Larionova's filming and the doors to the cinema for Larionova slammed shut for several years. The only thing that the actress herself regretted was that she did not have a chance to star in Charlie Chaplin. He offered her a role in one of his films, but the Soviet bosses refused all offers. For more than thirty years, the actress lived with actor Nikolai Rybnikov, who sought her hand for six years.

Zinaida Kirienko

A similar fate has developed for another beauty, known to millions of viewers for the role of Natalia in "Quiet Don" - Zinaida Kirienko. After this film, the actress became popular, one after another came out pictures with her participation: "Poem of the Sea", "Forty-thief", "The Fate of a Man", "The Tale of Fiery Years", "Cossacks". By the mid-60s, Zinaida Kirienko was already one of the most leading and popular young actresses, a favorite of a multi-million audience. And then she suddenly disappeared. “I just didn't want to go against myself and pay for the roles with my feelings,” Zinaida Mikhailovna later recalled. Many years later, the actress learned the name of the official who “closed the barrier” for her, but did not make it public: “God is the judge of this man”. The taboo on shooting Kirienko was violated by Evgeny Matveev, who invited her to his films "Earthly Love" and "Fate".

Izolda Izvitskaya

Izolda Izvitskaya is another beauty and favorite of the Soviet audience with a dramatic female and creative destiny. In 1956, the film by Grigory Chukhrai "Forty-first" based on the story of Boris Lavrenev about the love of a White Guard lieutenant and a girl-shooter from the Red Army became a sensation. Oleg Strizhenov and Izolda Izvitskaya became celebrities, the film thundered at the Cannes Film Festival, but if Strizhenov had many more interesting roles ahead, for Izvitskaya “Forty First” was the only resounding success. She worked a lot, but she did not turn up equally successful roles - and the directors by no means all could compare with Chukhrai.

Personal life did not work out either. Isolde loved her husband, the actor Eduard Bredun, and he loved to drink. Then she herself became addicted, and the result in such cases is always sad: she lost her job, and her husband, and then life itself. In January 1971, Eduard Bredun gathered his things and moved in with his wife's friend, a carpet saleswoman. The departure of her beloved husband finally finished off the unfortunate woman: her mind was clouded. She locked herself in her apartment, opening the door only to those who knocked on her with a conventional knock, and did not appear on the street for weeks, eating only breadcrumbs. She died when she was only 38 years old ...

Valentina Serova

The most famous poem written by Simonov during the Great Patriotic War “Wait for me” was dedicated to her, Marshal Rokossovsky was in love with her, and Ivan Bunin whispered tender words in her ear in Paris ... Valentina Serova was called the third blonde of the Soviet Union - after Orlova and Ladynina , but unlike the first two, there was no Sovietness in her, her tenderness and eroticism were completely atypical for the cinema of those years. Serova married the renowned test pilot, hero of the Spanish Civil War, Anatoly Serov. It was beautiful, starry, happy couple, treated kindly by Stalin himself. However, their living together did not last long: on May 11, 1939, during test flights, Anatoly Serov crashed. Valentina was then pregnant.

The second husband of the actress was the writer Konstantin Simonov. However, the couple's life together did not work out. Konstantin, who did not develop a relationship with Anatoly Serov, the actress's son from his first marriage, insisted on sending the boy to a boarding school outside the Urals. The life of Anatoly Serov was tragic, he ended up in a colony and returned to Moscow as a heavy alcoholic, after which he soon died.

Relations between Simonov and Valentina Serova deteriorated, even the birth of Masha's daughter, their common child, shortly after the war, did not change anything for the better. Serova began to abuse alcohol, and in the end they parted. After the divorce, Simonov exchanged their luxurious apartment, and Serova ended up in a communal apartment. Subsequently, he even destroyed from his writings all the dedications of Serova (with the exception of the poem "Wait for me") and burned all his letters to her. Her career as an artist gradually came to naught. Valentina Serova was found dead in her plundered Moscow apartment. Simonov was not at the funeral; he sent 58 pink roses to the coffin.

Janina Zheimo

This miniature polka remained in the people's memory thanks to one and only role - Cinderella from the film by Nadezhda Kosheverova. After the film was released in 1947, Zeimo woke up to be a superstar. The success of "Cinderella" came to her rather late (at the time of filming she was already 37 years old) and did not affect her future career. The post-war period is an era of small-scale films: then the country's economy was significantly undermined, literally several Soviet films were released a year, Zheimo in these films did not find a place. Later she starred in the films "The Overcoat", "New Babylon", "Wake Lena", "Girlfriends", "Hot Days", "We are from the Urals", "Two Friends". The last role was in 1954, then she was engaged in dubbing and voice acting, and then left with her Polish husband to his homeland, where she quietly lived for another 30 years.

Tatiana Samoilova

The film "The Cranes Are Flying" to this day remains the only Russian film - the winner of the "Golden Palm". Young Tatiana Samoilova received a special prize and became a sensation at the Cannes Film Festival. A dizzying success, acquaintance with Picasso, an offer to play in Anna Karenina with Gerard Philip ... But, of course, nothing came of it - all the proposals that the beautiful Samoilova made were rejected by Soviet officials. After Samoilova's trip for a whole season in Paris, it was fashionable to tint eyes “a la Tatiana”. But she still played Anna Karenina in the 1967 film by Alexander Zarkhi. Inspired by success, Tatyana Samoilova was waiting for interesting proposals from the directors, but they did not follow. The actress occasionally appeared in small roles in obscure films. Since the mid-70s, Tatyana Samoilova completely disappeared from the screen. They remembered her only in the early 90s - they were invited to the 43rd Cannes Film Festival as a guest of honor. In 1997, Artur Zarikovsky shot the film "Tragic Pause, or Tatiana's Day" about Tatiana Samoilova.

Her first spouse was the most handsome man in the USSR - actor Vasily Lanovoy, he was her great love, but they lived together for only 6 years. Now Tatyana Samoilova lives in Moscow alone - her The only son emigrated to America. Loneliness, illness and material difficulties endure steadfastly and hopes that there will still be work and it will be "useful to someone."

Natalia Kustinskaya

Natalia Kustinskaya always drove men crazy and lived in a seething passion. After the release of the film "Three plus two" her popularity was incredible, one fashionable French magazine decorated her cover with a photo, accompanied by the signature "Soviet Brigitte Bardot", and journalists included the young actress in the top ten most beautiful women in the world.

The film debut of the film also coincided with her first marriage with the famous director Yuri Chulyukin (the author of the popular comedy "Unyielding" and "Girls"). It seemed that the director would shoot a beautiful talented wife, but Kustinskaya starred with him only in one film - the sports comedy “Royal Regatta”. All other roles in Chulyukin's paintings went to other actresses. Natalia was especially annoyed that the director did not shoot her in the film "Girls".

She was in general pathologically unlucky with roles. Leonid Gaidai invited her to the main role in “ Caucasian captive”, But the actress refused, because at the same time she received an offer from Vladimir Motyl - to star in the film“ Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha ”. But the unexpected happened - she suddenly contracted pneumonia. As a result, both roles were lost. But she still starred in Gaidai - in the role of director Yakin's mistress in the famous comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”. She was not allowed to star in the German film The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. Natalia's partners were to be the great Sean Connery and Charles Aznavour.

Evil rock haunts Kustinskaya throughout her life. Once during a performance, she fell and received an open fracture of the tibia; the actress had not yet had time to recover from this incident, when a 140-kilogram dog, during a walk, suddenly rushed down the stairs, dragging Kustinskaya along with it. As a result, she received a fracture of the base of the skull. Leaving the hospital, she found out that her beloved husband, cosmonaut Boris Egorov, whom she had taken away from the actress Natalia Fateeva, was cheating on her. The offended woman immediately filed for divorce. She later married a professor from MGIMO. In 2002, she became a widow, and soon her grandson and son died. Today Natalya Kustinskaya lives all alone. She has not been in films for a long time, existing on a modest pension.

Valentina Malyavina

Valentina Malyavina is a fabulously beautiful actress (remember the fairy tale "The Deer King"?), With huge witchcraft eyes. She was the beloved woman of directors Pavel Arsenov and Andrei Tarkovsky (he starred in the film "Ivan's Childhood"), actors Alexander Zbruev (first love and wife), Alexander Kaidanovsky, Ivan Gavrilyuk, Stas Zhdanko. The latter turned out to be fatal for Malyavina herself: she was accused of his murder, then acquitted, but she spent 4 years in prison. Valentina wrote the book “I want to love” about her dramatic fate. Now famous actress has become blind and lives in a nursing home.

Svetlana Svetlichnaya

The most memorable role of Svetlana Svetlichnaya was the fatal seductress Anna Sergeevna in The Diamond Hand. In this role, Svetlichnaya, albeit with humor, embodied an absolutely new type of woman at that time - modern, stylish, sexually liberated. There have never been such erotic heroines in Soviet cinema. She played a sweet shy German woman Gaby, in love with Stirlitz, in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", Vika in the film "Not Justified", Nadia in the legendary film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", but the actress dreamed of more - about Anna Karenina, Natasha Rostova, Chekhov's and Turgenev's heroines, but they passed by ...

In her film fate, annoying things happened: for many years, films with wonderful roles of Svetlana were lying “on the shelf”: “To Love” (directed by M. Kalik), the Soviet-Hungarian film “Hold on to the Clouds”, in which Svetlichnaya had the main role - Miss Millie Wimmerford, Soviet intelligence officer... Together with her, the famous Hungarian actor Ivan Darvas, Gunnar Tsilinsky from Latvia, Andrei Mironov, Vasily Shukshin, starred in the film ... Due to her health condition, she had to give up the main role in Sergei Gerasimov's film "To Love a Man". After her forced rejection of the role, Svetlichnaya was not filmed in films for 10 years. It was, according to the actress, inexpressible hard times.

Together with her husband, the famous film actor Vladimir Ivashov, they survived hard times, which came in the 90s, when films were practically not shot, and the theater of the film actor was closed. Vladimir then got a job as a simple worker at a construction site. While unloading one of the machines at a construction site, Vladimir became ill, he was hospitalized, had an operation, but it did not help. The actor died in the hospital at the age of 56. After the death of her husband, the actress lived in poverty, lived in poverty and even worked as a cleaner. Two sons and friends-actors helped her to cope with difficulties. Unfortunately, the actress buried one of her sons last year. Despite all the hardships of life, Svetlichnaya does not lose heart. She returned to the cinema thanks to Renata Litvinova, who invited Svetlana to one of the main roles in her film “The Goddess: How I Fell in Love”. She goes to boutiques, takes pictures in amazing photo shoots, falls in love with young people and looks quite happy.

Anna Samokhina

Anna Samokhina was called the Soviet Carmen, her short finest hour came at the end of the 80s. Then she played several roles in costume ("Prisoner of the Castle of If", "Don Cesar de Bazan", "The Royal Hunt") and crime films. In the charming thrash action Thieves in Law, which the audience liked very much, Samokhina was especially good - she played a kind of Soviet femme fatale, Carmen with red lipstick and a miniskirt. And then, with the collapse of domestic cinema, her career collapsed. There were roles in the films "Fool", "Racket", "Fiend of Hell" and "Trey-Bren", but they did not enjoy the audience's popularity.

She was married three times, and not a single marriage turned into long-term happiness. Together with her second husband, she was engaged in the restaurant business, but she quickly left it. She starred in serials (“Gangster Petersburg”, “Black Raven”) to make a living. And at the end of 2009, she was diagnosed with the fourth stage of cancer, from which a blooming young woman burned out in just a couple of months.

Material prepared from open sources of the Internet
Used photos:,, RIA Novosti, "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Politicians are public people, but, of course, nothing human is alien to them. And when breathtaking and luxurious women are hanging around, it is very, very difficult to resist. Then you can play a little naughty, succumbing to animal instincts ...

True, presidents and other politicians should do this very carefully: every step you take is under the watchful control of the paparazzi and enemies. You probably remember how almost every dog ​​knew about the office romance of Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton?

Rumors are rumors, but sooner or later all the secret becomes clear. And then the shame and shame of exemplary husbands who could not resist the charms of their secretaries, assistants and colleagues and had an affair with them. Such Don Juans and got into our today's selection.

Legendary Marilyn Monroe and US President John F. Kennedy.

Italian-French top model Carla Bruni and ex-president France Nicolas Sarkozy. As a result, the beauty became the third wife of the head of state.

Actress Julie Gaye and another French president, François Hollande. In 2014, there were even rumors about the marriage of two love doves, but it never came to marriage.

Dancer Francesca Pascale and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

British Health Minister Edwina Curry and Prime Minister John Major. In public, they poured dirt on each other, but turned out to be the most real lovers. After the break, they almost waged war among themselves.

Writer Blanche Dapulzhe and Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke. Their affair ended with a wedding, however, after Hawke resigned.

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin and pop singer, and more recently also model Olesya Boslovyak. The couple got married in 2014.

The couple who became the talk of the town: Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton.

And now about the relationship that has not been officially confirmed.

The French say about such men: “He has a big heart".. Or become famous for a long list of love affairs.

Most of these men are fortunately known for more than just women. An active personal life did not interfere, and sometimes even inspired them to countless feats, the creation of brilliant works of art, states and discoveries. But these stories have another side: the ending for too unrestrained lovers often turned out to be sad. Unable to cope with their voluptuousness, men destroyed themselves, lost their health, found themselves betrayed by the environment, deprived of wealth and life itself. The stories of these men once again clearly prove the assertion that women are the sweetest and most dangerous weapon of humanity.

The king of France and Navarre ascended the throne at the age of four and reigned for 72 years - longer than any other European king in history. The years of his reign were the era of the renaissance of France, its military power, political weight, intellectual prestige and flourishing of culture. The court of Louis XIV was famous for its feasts and balls, shameless luxury and wealth.

At 22, Louis married the Spanish Infanta Maria Theresa of Austria. As is customary among royalty, marriage was nothing more than a necessity. The Sun King has developed a long list of official favorites over time. Fierce wars and intrigues were waged for a place near the king of France. The favorites were ready to poison each other, blackmail and compromise others. And by all means tried to give birth to a child to Louis XIV, thereby strengthening their position. The Duchess de Lavaliere bore him four illegitimate children. Marquis de Montespan - seven more. Mademoiselle des Hoye gave birth to another daughter. And the Duchess de Fontanges could not bear his child.

The king of France, despite his weakness for women, was not an easy prey. So, one of the most influential favorites of the king, the mother of his seven children, miscalculated by hiring the dowager Madame Scarron as a nanny for her children. Louis drew attention to how touchingly a simple woman takes care of his children (unlike their own mother). He began to spend more and more time in conversations with the educated woman and gradually became closer to her. Madame Scarron became his outlet and even returned him to the bosom of the family - Louis XIV, under her influence, restored relations with his already forgotten wife. And after the death of the Spanish woman, he married Scarron, having entered into an unequal marriage.

At the end of his life, a series of family tragedies left the French throne without a direct heir: one after another, Louis lost all his descendants. After which he legalized the two sons of Madame de Montespan and made them heirs to the throne. Louis remained active until the end of his life, firmly supporting court etiquette and the decor of his "great century", which was already beginning to fade, and died surrounded by courtiers at the age of 76.

Caligula (Guy Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)

One of the most cruel and vicious ancient rulers, Caligula, is known for not knowing the measure of sex. Even as a child, little Caligula loved to be present at various tortures and executions. Having matured a little, the future ruler began to taste all kinds of debauchery and even own sister Drusilla took her virginity, and then made him his concubine.

When Caligula became emperor, he got bored: he tried everything. But soon he found himself a new amusement: he chose the wife of some patrician at feasts, took her to his chambers, and then told in the presence of his husband in detail what the lady is good for and where the lady has gaps in her love bed. And Caligula also liked to take one of his middle-aged concubines out into the street naked. Why the emperor needed it, history is silent.

Depraved Caligula ended badly - he was killed as a result of a conspiracy. The film "Caligula" by Tinto Brass was made about his dissolute adventures.

The Soviet futurist poet of the past century has never married, but managed to seduce more than 200 women. The assertive poet pursued his passions. The women, of course, gave up - Mayakovsky had a painfully strong gift of persuasion. Perhaps the poet's track record would have included many more ladies if it were not for the endless returns to his friend's wife Lilya Brik. It is unclear why she so hooked the stately handsome Mayakovsky, but he was so obsessed with her that he was ready to live three together - with Lilya and her husband. They met in 1915. Lilya Brik for him was not just a mistress, but also a muse, to whom he dedicated many of his works. Such love brought the poet insane suffering. Mayakovsky's muse recalled how she was frightened by the poet's boundless passion and assertiveness. It even happened that the futurist was locked in the kitchen when the Brik couple made love, and he tried to escape, scratched and cried.

From time to time, Mayakovsky was distracted from Lily and played novels with Sophia Shamardina, Natalya Bryukhanenko, Veronika Polonskaya, Tatyana Yakovleva and the Russian émigré Ellie Jones, whom he met in the United States. Ellie gave birth to a daughter, Helen-Patricia, from Mayakovsky in 1926. Recently it became known that the poet had another child - the artist Lilya Lavinskaya, as a result of her relationship with Mayakovsky, in 1921 gave birth to a son, Nikita Lavinsky.

The future favorite of Empress Catherine II and His Serene Highness Prince Orlov was one of the five sons of the Novgorod governor. At the age of 15 he entered the Semenovsky regiment as a soldier. At 24, after a brave participation in the Seven Years War, he returned to St. Petersburg, where he managed to combine service with merry revelry and risky love adventures... Tall, handsome and stately Orlov was not afraid of a devil or God and quickly became known as a ladies' man. As an adjutant of Count Shuvalov, he was carried away by his beloved Princess Kurakina. The scandalous story only added to his popularity and drew the eyes of the crown princess Ekaterina Alekseevna (the future empress) to him. 25-year-old Orlov fell in love with 31-year-old Catherine and was ready to follow her even to the ends of the world. After Catherine's husband Peter III ascended the throne, it was the Orlov brothers who became her reliable protection and support and helped organize the coup. In April 1762, Catherine gave birth to an illegitimate son from Orlov, who was named Alexei (Count Bobrinsky). The child was brought up in the family of the wardrobe master Shkurin, then studied and lived abroad.

In June 1762, as a result of a coup, Catherine took the throne, and the Orlov brothers (and Gregory himself in the first place) were showered with honors. Orlov was not a statesman in the full sense of the word, but, according to Catherine, no one helped her in her work as Grigory Orlov. “Orlov's abilities were great, but he lacked consistency to subjects that, in his eyes, were not worth taking care of, and only a few did he honor his labor, and this made him seem more careless than he really was. Nature spoiled him, and he was lazy to everything that suddenly did not occur to him. " Nevertheless, Orlov was sent to Moscow, where he successfully overcame the outbreak of the plague.

Upon her return, the relationship between the empress and the favorite became more detached, but remained forever warm and strong. Orlov was fond of every maid of honor of the Empress, to which she mercifully closed her eyes and brought other gentlemen closer to her. At 43, Orlov married his 18-year-old cousin Ekaterina Zinovieva and found deep feeling and consolation in this union. Unfortunately, the marriage was short-lived: four years later, the princess died of consumption.

Prince Orlov could not survive the loss - he fell seriously ill and became weak in his mind. The Empress herself visited him several times, expressed sympathy and collected the best doctors... Treatment did not help: the prince, who fell into childhood, died two years later.

Don Miguel de Manyara (prototype of Don Juan)


Despite the fact that Don Juan is a literary character, he still had a real prototype who perceived sex as a sport. The name of the hero-lover is Miguel de Manyara. Don Miguel's track record includes 640 Italian women, 100 French women, 231 German women, 91 Turkish women and 1003 Spanish women!

Miguel de Manyara was so handsome that the ladies were literally thrilled by him. The Spanish macho man from Seville was rich, but he never bought love for money on principle. And his credo in life was not to have a relationship with the same woman twice. Never.

His love affairs ended very suddenly. One night, Miguel was in a hurry to go out on a date, when he slipped and heard a voice from heaven, which announced his imminent death. The impressionable de Manyara realized that this was a sign from above and it was time to stop using women in love sports. Then, in order to atone for his many sins, he decided to do charity work and founded the Hospital de la Caridad.

Currently, this hospital, located in the Spanish Seville, is one of the best clinics in the world. There is also a monument to the great lover and a chapel, under the steps of which he is buried.

Louis XV

Another king of France, Louis XV, in adolescence was a pious youth and until the age of 15 did not pay attention to the opposite sex.

At first glance, he fell in love with his wife Maria Leshchinskaya. With his wife, Louis spent a lot of time in his chambers. The proof of this is 10 children. But love for his wife eventually evaporated, and Louis got himself a mistress - the Marquis Maria de Mayi. Mary opened the world of sexual pleasures to the king, where he could fantasize and enjoy the fulfillment of his desires.

The royal mistress arranged orgies, and soon Louis, who had become a taste, began to change women like gloves. He spared no titles or money on them. It was probably during this period that the monarch contracted syphilis, but was able to recover from it.

By the way, his wife Maria had already died by that time. An unpleasant illness changed the preferences of 30-year-old Louis, and from the age of 30 he ordered to admit only virgins to the royal bedchamber. For these purposes, a boarding house "Oleniy Park" was created in Versailles, where the little daughters of the nobility lived in full royal care - their parents willingly gave them here.

The girls lived in the "Deer Park" until the age of 15, the king taught them arithmetic and the basics of religion. At the age of 15, the “graduates” went to the bedroom of the King of France. If the "fawn" did not become pregnant until the age of 17, then they were married off with a good dowry.

In parallel, the monarch devoted time to his most famous mistress, Madame Poisson. The woman was depraved and not jealous, maybe that's why she became his main lover on long term... He even bestowed on her the title of Marquise de Pompadour. Unbridled sexual depravity ruined Louis - no one knows from whom he picked up the fatal smallpox, and this led him to a sad end.

Elvis Presley

The king of rock and roll was married only once, but he had many novels. He met his future wife Priscilla Presley long before she came of age and ordered the girl to wait for him (she was only 14 years old at the time of her acquaintance, Priscilla Presley was born in 1945). Love for Priscilla was touching, the girl reminded Elvis of his dead mother, whom he loved most. Elvis moved the young lover to his place and lived with her, guarding her virginity until the wedding. However, the presence of a bride did not prevent the king of rock and roll from having fun with his fans. The future wife learned about the adventures of the groom from the newspapers and, of course, was terribly angry, but did not stop loving him. In 1967, the couple got married, and in 1968 they had a daughter, Lisa-Marie. After the birth of her daughter, family relations went wrong, their marriage lasted until 1973. “Girls are not a hobby. It's more of an entertainment "- this is how the king of rock and roll expressed his opinion about the female field.

John F. Kennedy

The 35th President of America was always neat, combed, dressed with a needle and knew how to speak beautifully. What else does a woman need to be seduced? According to biographers, more than 1,500 women passed through the president's bed. Among them were the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood - Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Mansfield, Kim Novak, Janet Lee, Shirley MacLaine and, of course, the sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, an affair with which almost cost him his career. The president said that he never loved anyone, but only was passionately carried away. Even the beauty Monroe, because of her obsession, quickly bored the president. Knowing about all the adventures of her husband, Jacqueline Kennedy only closed her eyes. And the young politician, meanwhile, was having fun to the fullest, inviting several women to his bed at once. Even the emerging love for actress Judith Campbell-Exner did not put an end to Kennedy's love.

Grigory Rasputin

Disputes about the personality of Grigory Rasputin do not subside to this day. Was he a pious person or did his name fully justify his way of life? A Siberian peasant appeared at the imperial court under mysterious circumstances. A chance meeting with two princesses decided his fate. The women introduced the emperor to a healer and fortuneteller with charisma and the gift of persuasion. Soon the fame of Rasputin spread throughout St. Petersburg. It was rumored that all the noble ladies of the cultural capital had been in bed with the seer. The life of a court healer is shrouded in secrets and gossip. The women sought a meeting with him, despite the fact that he humiliated them: he touched them in different places in front of their husbands, forced them to kiss their boots, bathed with them in the bath. The women were eager to surrender to him. To be fair, it must be said that it was already difficult to find a healthy Siberian peasant in St. Petersburg at that time. Even one of Rasputin's killers, Felix Yusupov, suffered from sodomy. In a word, Rasputin with his natural sexuality came to the court of the emperor. They say that it happened that the healer satisfied not only the ladies of noble birth, but also arranged orgies with lung women behavior.

Sergey Yesenin

The poet eloquently wrote about his personal life: "Many women loved me, and I myself loved more than one." At the same time, he admitted that he valued in his mistresses not the external beauty and the pleasure that he received from them: “No matter how I swear to someone in mad love, no matter how I assure myself of the same, - all this, according to in fact, a huge and fatal mistake. There is something that I love above all women, above any woman, and that I will not trade for any kindness or love. This is art ... ”How many mistresses the poet-heartthrob actually had is still unknown. Although Yesenin once bragged to a friend that he had three thousand women.

Loving character did not prevent the poet from tying the knot three times. Yesenin's first common-law wife was the proofreader Anna Izryadnova. Then Yesenin officially married the actress Zinaida Reich, but soon divorced and went down the aisle with the dancer Isadora Duncan. For the third time, Yesenin made an offer to Leo Tolstoy's granddaughter, Sophia Tolstoy. But it is reliably known that, even being in the status of a married man, the poet found an opportunity and indulged in, albeit fleeting, but passionate romances with other women.

Mao Zedong

Chinese state and political figure was married four times - to Luo Yixu, Yang Kaihui, He Zizheng and Jiang Qing. Like many powerful characters, Mao had a bunch of mistresses. Nature endowed the Chinese communist with frenzied sexual fervor, and he believed that through active lovemaking he would gain immortality. He asked his assistants to supply him with the most beautiful girls and boys from all over endless China. And in China, as you know, the population is large. Therefore, every day Mao lured beautiful young bodies into his bed. Before getting into the bedroom of the Chinese helmsman, Mao's lovers and mistresses were carefully examined by doctors. But they overlooked, and one of the girls awarded the sexual giant with trichomoniasis. Doctors tried to persuade the great communist for treatment, but he did not agree: he did not want to refuse love pleasures during the treatment period. And until the end of his life, Mao Zedong infected many Chinese virgins with trichomoniasis, the number of which is not possible to establish for certain.

Lavrenty Beria

The Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and politician, according to the testimony of many, had sexual relations with many women. But the Georgian macho was quite voluptuous: he had students and even high school girls. During interrogations, Beria admitted that 760 women had been in his bed, most of them were Moscow schoolgirls.

Beria preferred plump girls with small breasts and white teeth. If the assistants saw one on the street, they put her in a car and immediately drove to Beria. All the girls left the Commissar with gifts.

The head of Beria's security, Rafael Sarkisov, kept a list of his women. In the first, 39 surnames were mentioned, in the second - 75 and 115 in the third. According to Sarkisov, many girls who had close relations with Beria later had abortions, and a certain citizen M. gave birth to a child from him, who was later sent to Orphanage... Sarkisov also claims that in 1943, the People's Commissar caught syphilis from countless sexual intercourses. Moreover, Beria was not interested in either the woman's age or her position in society. If she was beautiful, then she certainly had to be in his bed.

Despite his adventures, Beria was an exemplary family man. He met his wife Nino Grechkori in the late 1920s, when she turned to the People's Commissar for help. For his help, the voluptuary demanded an unequivocal payment from Nino, he liked her, and in the end he married her. In 1924, the couple had a son, Sergo.

Napoleon I Bonaparte

The French emperor inscribed his name in history not only thanks to high-profile military campaigns and political affairs. Napoleon with young years courted women and made every effort to seduce the lady he liked. From historical chronicles it is known that for the sake of flirtation and amorous pleasures, the emperor could postpone affairs of even state importance. At the same time, Napoleon always looked after women beautifully. He presented his mistresses with luxurious gifts (jewelry of unprecedented beauty, country mansions and millions of dollars of money were used), and also wrote them heartfelt romantic letters.

The emperor's ardor for the fair sex did not subside even after the wedding with the beautiful Josephine de Beauharnais. Although, as historians write, Napoleon was faithful to his wife until he found out about her love affairs on the side. The emperor did not hide his feelings and openly flirted with women at social events. Once Napoleon, in order to seduce a lady he liked, "accidentally" threw a glass of wine on her. So that the girl could put herself in order, the emperor invited her to his apartments, in which the couple lingered until the morning ...

Even at the dawn of his political and military career (in early XIX century, Napoleon abdicated the throne and was exiled to the island of Saint Helena), the ex-emperor of France was not bored alone. Rumor has it that during the exile there was not a day when Napoleon did not flirt with the ladies. Soon, the French conqueror on the island firmly established a reputation as an irrepressible lover.

Jimi Hendrix

The American virtuoso guitarist, singer and composer loved women, took drugs and died young - at the age of 27. During his short life, the great rock guitarist slept with about 2,000 women. Perhaps Jimmy had such a high sexual activity due to his unusual origin - his father was African American, and his mother was Indian. Often, to satisfy himself, Jimi slept with three female fans at the same time. One of his friends said that Hendrix's love instrument was "the size of his guitar." Hendrix, due to his explosive temperament and bad temper, has never been married. After all, his main passion was the guitar, which he lovingly called "my electric lady."

“When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth,” he said.

“It takes me no more than two minutes to seduce any girl,” said the American actor ().

Brando has always liked girls with a Latin or Asian appearance, olive skin, lively eyes and natural grace. Knowing this, the young statistician Anna Kashfi pretended to be an Indian and chatted her lover with stories about the years spent on the banks of the Ganges, about the secrets of the Hindu religion. At the wedding, Marlon learned about Kashfi's insidious cunning, but it was too late: Anna was already pregnant with his child. After the wedding, he began to cheat on his wife in revenge. Brando's second wife was the Indonesian actress Movita Kastenada. Then the actor had an affair with the Vietnamese Frans Nguyen, with the Puerto Rican Rita Moreno. In the third and in last time Marlon decided to marry the Tahitian Tarita Teriipay. He lived with her in a barge for 20 years, they had two children. In total, Marlon Brando has eleven officially recognized children.

The actor had relationships not only with exotic girls, but also with the very famous Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy. Until the most last days Brando was accompanied by his loyal mistresses. In 2004, in a spacious house in Tahiti, the 80-year-old actor lived out his days with eight women in their 20s and 60s.

The name of the Italian writer has become synonymous with hero-lovers. Giacomo was left without a mother early and was raised by an aunt. Thanks to her, Casanova grew up as a gallant and educated youth, and these qualities disarmed the women whom he conquered. There are many legends about sexual life Italian. According to one of them, for the first time Giacomo met a woman at the age of 11, and she was a servant, and already at the age of 15 he knew how to seduce and satisfy any woman. Other sources say that the first woman from the Italian appeared only at the age of 21, she was a professional priestess of love and taught Casanova all the secrets of sexual skill. Rumor has it that at first the Italian slept with women who did not know men before him, or widows. The ladies were crazy about him, and Giacomo treated each of them in a special way, not leaving behind him broken hearts... Mistresses, and, according to various sources, there were about 1000 of them, they remembered him with gratitude. Casanova died in poverty and loneliness, but in difficult moments of his life he had something to remember! And here is what he wrote about love:

"What is love? This is a kind of madness over which the mind has no power. It is a disease that a person is susceptible to at any age and which is incurable when it affects an old man. O love, being and feeling indefinable! God of nature, your bitterness is sweet, your bitterness is cruel ”(lines from his biography“ Stories of my life ”). By the way, the book is full of explicit scenes, for example the most humble description: "I enjoyed with both for several hours, going five or six times from one to the other before I was exhausted."

Charlie Chaplin

In Hollywood, the legendary film actor has a reputation for being a conqueror female hearts... He knew how to kill on the spot any young actress, and therefore had affairs with many of them. Charlie even got married with Mildred Harris. There was a short romance with German actress Paula Negri. He married young Lita Gray, but soon divorced and remarried to Paulette Goddard. The great comedian was looking for one that would become the one and only. And he found her when he was 55, and she was only 17. This love was Una O'Neill, the daughter of the famous playwright Eugene O'Neill. At first, Charlie doubted: it seemed to him that he met with another hunter for money and fame. He did not immediately understand that the girl fell in love with him, and not with him. material well-being... Unu was not stopped by anything: neither the age difference of 36 years, nor the protests of her father (Chaplin was a year older than him!). The couple got married and had eight children in their marriage. And in total, Chaplin had 12 offspring.

Frank Sinatra

The American singer, Oscar-winning actor and showman has been named the most desirable man of the 20th century. He was surrounded by a huge number of women, the most beautiful and unattainable for a mere mortal: Marilyn Monroe, Lana Turner and many others. But he easily forgot all of them, until he met the main love of his life. However, first, 24-year-old Frank married his first love Nancy Barbato. The couple had two daughters and a son. And then Sinatra met the brilliant Ava Gardner. Sinatra's friends unanimously called his state not even passion or love, but insanity. "She put something in my glass!" - he made excuses.

Love broke out instantly, but was carefully hidden from the public. Sinatra was an exemplary family man and father of many children Gardner, after two marriages, had a dizzying affair with multimillionaire Howard Hughes. Sinatra idolized the actress and from the desire to possess her alone and completely went crazy: he went into binges, blackmailed her with suicide, rolled up scandals and scenes of jealousy.

But all the secret becomes clear - a reporter tracked down a couple, a scandal erupted, from which Gardner hurried to hide in Spain. Nancy Sinatra has filed for divorce. At the same time, the singer started having career problems. Ava, who swore allegiance, started first one romance in Europe, then a second. Soon the singer was found with an overdose of sleeping pills, but managed to save him. After that, Gardner gave up, and in 1951 Sinatra married his main love... With whom ... divorced six years later - the spouses continued to torment each other with jealousy, quarrels and a showdown. They say that even after the divorce, the couple was now and then caught under cover of night in different hotels.

Sinatra later married actress Mia Farrow. He was 51 years old and she was 21. They parted for next year... Ten years later, Sinatra married for the fourth time - to Barbara Marx, with whom he lived until the end of his life.

Sultan Suleyman

Suleiman I the Magnificent, or Sultan Qanuni, as he is also called, became the greatest sultan of the Ottoman dynasty. Of course, like any eastern ruler of that time, Suleiman had a huge harem, whose concubines were supplied with hundreds of the most beautiful girls from all conquered and friendly territories. Each dreamed of becoming the legal wife of the ruler, giving birth to an heir, or at least spending more nights with him than any other.

In such conditions, it is difficult to imagine that at least one man will be burdened by an endless choice or will dream of something more. But even the heart is like that strong personality like a ruler Ottoman Empire, you can melt. Despite the fact that by that time the Sultan already had three official main concubines and even an heir was born, a captive named Anastasia (Alexandra) Lisovskaya, who was called Khyurrem Sultan, and in Europe was known as Roksolana, penetrated into his soul. She became the first and only legal wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, gave birth to six children, one of whom later became the Sultan. The popular TV series "The Magnificent Century" was filmed about the reign and life of the great sultan.

Lev Landau

The genius Soviet physicist and 1962 Nobel laureate was married to Concordia (Kore) Drobantseva. Marriage did not prevent him from being a great lover at all. It is known that Landau had relationships with 400-500 women. The physicist derived not only scientific formulas, but also classified women by beauty. At the same time, he divided interesting women into beautiful, pretty and interesting. These were kind of first, second and third grades. The beautiful must have had a straight nose, and for the pretty a snub nose was also allowed.

There was also the fourth grade, which was called "reprimand to parents", and the fifth, in general, "for repetition - execution." Landau believed that he was allowed everything in love. And when he got married, he announced to his wife that she should not be jealous and reproach him for treason. Maybe it was the numerous mistresses that allowed the physicist to open up creatively and receive the Nobel Prize? Between times he managed to compose verses-ditties. For example, such:

“In our garden, in the very back, all the grass is trampled. Do not think bad, all damn love! " “Chastooshkas cannot be indecent. This is folklore, ”the physicist justified himself.

Silvio Berlusconi

The life of an Italian politician is almost always accompanied by scandals associated with endless love affairs. Berlusconi has been married twice. The politician has not only a wide pocket, an irrepressible love for women, but also a large generous heart. At least, all women who had an affinity with him, he gives gifts and tickets to a political career. For example, fashion model Mara Carfagna became minister for equal opportunities in his government, and dentist Nicole Minetti became a member of the Lombard parliament.

There were women in his life who paid him with black ingratitude. Thus, Patricia D'Addario wrote the scandalous book "At your service, Mr. Prime Minister", and the model from Montenegro Katarina Knezhevich blackmailed him with videos from parties at the Villa Certosa.

Berlusconi's list of mistresses includes lawyer and model Graziana Capone, TV presenter and former participant of the Miss Italy beauty pageant Barbara Matera, model and actress Camilla Ferranti, participant of the Grande Fratello TV project (analogue of House-2) Angela Socio, model and socialite Eleanor Gagiolli, twins Eleanor and Imma De Vivo, TV presenter Elena Russo and a certain Noemie Letizia, who attracted media attention after Berlusconi came to a party dedicated to her 18th birthday and presented her with a gold necklace with diamonds for 6 thousand euros. That's how he is, Silvio Berlusconi.

By the way, on September 29, the Italian macho will turn 79 years old. Even at such an advanced age, the tycoon continues to attract the attention of women. Either charisma, or power, or money ...

Clark Gable

The American actor and sex symbol of the 1930s and 1940s was married five times. Josephine Dillon was 14 years older than him, Maria Langham was 17 years older, then there were Carol Lombard, Sylvia Ashley and Kay Williams. Despite the actor's many connections, his third wife, Carol Lombard, was his only true love, which Clark carried through all subsequent marriages and relationships. They were happy until Carol's death in a plane crash. Carol was quick-tempered and carefully made sure that Clark, whom the Hollywood beauties were hunting for, belonged only to her. And only to her, he told about his illegitimate daughter from actress Loretta Young. Seven years after the death of Carol Gable, he decided to marry Lady Sylvia Ashley.

She was very similar to Carol, but their relationship ended as soon as Ashley began to rebuild Gable's farm and Lombard. The fifth and last wife of the King of Hollywood was actress Kay Williams. It is easy to guess that her appearance was somewhat reminiscent of Carol's features. But it was she who gave Clark the son he dreamed about with Lombard. True, Clark did not manage to take him in his arms: the boy was born four months after the death of the actor. Kay buried her husband where he bequeathed - in the tomb, which he erected for Carol Lombard at the Forest Glade Cemetery in Glendale, California, "where the heart is ...". Clark Gable has always been considered a heartthrob. But his phrase "the happiness of a man is to know that when you return home in the evening, some woman listens to your steps ..." makes you believe that heroes-lovers have a heart ...

Grigory Potemkin

Coming from an ordinary noble family, Potemkin made a dizzying career during the reign of Catherine II, not only thanks to military merit. Potemkin, who was promoted to the rank of Field Marshal, was a close friend of the Empress. So close that he often visited the chambers of Catherine II. Historians are sure that the empress and Potemkin secretly got married, but despite this, the feelings between them faded after some time. Then the commander went all out. He settled the nieces, daughters of his sister Helena Engelhardt, in his palace, and as they grew up, he entered into a close relationship with them. Despite such a seemingly impartial relationship, Potemkin successfully married all his nieces. With one of them, Catherine Engelhardt, the prince did not stop his love affair even after her wedding.

The nature endowed the Spanish artist not only with a talent for painting, but also with the ability to seduce women. How many of them Picasso had will forever remain a mystery, but one thing is certain: there were plenty of fleeting novels in his biography. In fairness, we note that the first years, when the artist was married to the ballerina Olga Khokhlova, he was faithful to his wife and considered her the only muse. But soon the family life cooled his feelings, and Picasso again went all out.

The artist said about his love affairs: “Every time I change a woman, I have to burn the last one. This is how I get rid of them. They will no longer be around me and complicate my life. This, perhaps, will also return my youth. By killing a woman, they destroy the past that she personifies. " The artist, of course, meant getting rid of the woman emotionally, but his ex-lover most likely did not find it easier from this.

The writer did not hide the fact that he started romances mainly with married ladies. This is what he wrote in his book The Physiology of Marriage: “Don't let your wife keep a closet in your bedroom. The uninvited guests can hide in it ”. Balzac was not at all shy about the fact that he always had to be in the background in a relationship and remain in the shadows: “It is easier to be a lover than a husband, because it is more difficult to be witty every day than to joke from time to time”. Moreover, according to the information that has come down to us, the writer did not always initiate novels: married women they themselves threw it with love notes.

Marquis de Sade (Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade)

A French aristocrat, writer and philosopher known for inflicting bodily harm on women before loving women. “I became insatiable, I realized that only by inflicting suffering on others, I liberate myself from my suffering,” de Sade justified himself. This method of obtaining sexual satisfaction is called "sadism". The Marquis whipped himself with a whip and demanded that others whip him properly. Numerous courtesans became victims of his unusual passion. Perhaps the shifts in de Sade's head came after he did not marry of his own free will. At the age of 23, the Marquis has already managed to visit all the houses of brothel and experience various types of pleasures, become famous as the most coveted lover of Paris and squander his family fortune.

Parents found a rich bride for their son - Rene de Montreuil. But the sophisticated Marquis liked the youngest daughter of de Montreuil - Anna. De Sade fell in love for real and really wanted to marry the beautiful Anna. But de Montreuil had their own plans: they really wanted to marry eldest daughter Rene. No matter how the marquis begged, no matter how she fell at the feet of Anna's mother, the woman stood her ground. "Why, when I really fell in love so much, was I forced to give up this love?" - wrote de Sade later. The marriage, of course, did not work out. Rene tried to win her husband with tenderness, but he only beat his wife. The woman did not complain about it - at least somehow her body was touched by the hand of her beloved man. And de Sade got a taste: later he beat not only his wife, but also the courtesans. And then he wrote about his experience in numerous novels, which made his name immortal. His main brainchild is "120 Days of Sodom". Many times the Marquis was imprisoned for torturing prostitutes, having spent more than 20 years of his life in them. After laughing in a pamphlet at Napoleon and his Josephine, he was put into a madhouse, where he died.

During the years of his reign, Peter I was married twice, but neither the first nor the second marriages left the emperor with male heirs. According to the official version, the prominent Russian ruler died of kidney failure due to severe hypothermia. But they say that the emperor was crippled by a neglected venereal disease - the result of unbridled love joys.

Julio Iglesias

The legendary Spanish singer has repeatedly admitted that he loves beautiful women very much. Once he even let slip that he had at least 500 novels. Most likely, Iglesias was not cunning, because what woman could resist the charm and charisma of the famous sweet-spoken Spaniard. At the same time, they say that the singer broke up with many of his women very peacefully and even supports with them. friendly relations... By the way, it was precisely because of Julio's infidelity that his first wife, Isabel Preisler, filed for divorce, who gave him an heir, whom the whole world now knows as the singer Enrique Iglesias. In an interview, Isabelle said that she was tired of her husband's endless betrayals, with which even a very patient woman could not be reconciled.

Julio Iglesias is now married to Dutch ex-model Miranda Reinsburger. At 63, the singer once again became a father. Today he has 8 children, but judging by how many women Iglesias had, there may be more of them.

Alexander Pushkin

The sun of Russian poetry was unusually loving. The so-called Don Juan Pushkin's list is widely known - two parallel lists of women whom Alexander Sergeevich was fond of and / or with whom he was close, in chronological order. Pushkin himself composed them in 1829 in the album of Elizaveta Nikolaevna Ushakova. The list includes 37 names, most of which are probably actresses and ladies of the same social circles as Pushkin. But the fact that there were much more women in the poet's life is beyond doubt. It is obvious that the young pupil of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, along with his peers, did not disdain female society. It is not just a novel known, but a full-fledged connection between the 25-year-old poet and the serf girl Olga Kalashnikova. The relationship lasted a year and a half and ended with the birth of a child. After the premature boy died, tormented by a sense of guilt for what he had done, Pushkin granted his former passion free.

At first, Hollywood actor Nominated for an Oscar 12 times and winning it three times, said he never pays for sex. Because any woman is ready to sleep with him. Secondly, the 78-year-old actor assures that there were more than 2 thousand mistresses in his life. Nicholson was married only once, to actress Sandra Knight, his longest relationship lasted 17 years with actress Angelica Houston. They parted after it became known that another woman from him was pregnant. Nicholson has five children from four different women.

What seduces Nicholson? They say that he is a very gallant boyfriend, a tireless lover, and simply the owner of an irresistible sensual look. It turned out more than once, however, that Nicholson has a complex explosive character - he can put another beauty out the door and forget about her forever. Or tell in an interview that he did not love all the women with whom he slept. He does not hesitate to take away the women he likes from their boyfriends and husbands. Or not take away, but just start an affair. When one of the actor's biographers released a book with facts about Nicholson's romance with married Meryl Streep on the set of Thistle, both had to deny accusations for a long time.

Oscar Wilde owns the expression that women are created not for understanding, but for love. We completely agree with this expression, especially the female part of our editorial board.

But in this post we will not talk about those lovely ladies, keepers of the family hearth and all that ... We will talk about the most famous mistresses, or, if I may say so, about the most lustful women in history.

Many of them did not have obvious beauty, but still somehow managed to captivate their chosen ones. As a result, the fame of such women passed through the years and centuries. And even today, women are trying to take advantage of some of the secrets of those legendary personalities.

Valeria Messalina

In history, this woman remained as one of the most dissolute persons. Despite her high status (she was the wife of the Emperor Claudius), Valeria literally became the personification of lust and fornication in Rome. Messalina lived in the 1st century AD. Contemporaries say that she was more dissolute than Nero himself. But he became famous for wild orgies, harems with children and a palace that became a brothel. About Messalina they say that she came to one of the brothels of Rome, taking the place of a prostitute there. Only this could satisfy her passion. Valeria herself did not miss a single handsome man. For a long time, her behavior got away with her, the blinded husband did not notice anything. But Valeria also decided to elevate her next lover to the throne - Guy Celia. The conspiracy failed, and Messalina herself was killed by order of the emperor at the age of 28. Historians say that at that time the woman was already struck by syphilis, so that such a death was not the worst end to a dissolute and shameful life.


This woman is considered one of the wisest mistresses. Also Cleopatra is one of the most scandalous characters. Of the ancient world... Because of her, powerful states were at war with each other. A night with Cleopatra cost each of her new slave lovers life, nevertheless, the fatal beauty (some sources say that she was not a beauty outwardly) attracted men to her. Each of them dreamed of conquering a woman with his strength and love skills, and in the morning to wake up not only alive, but also the king of all Egypt. Nevertheless, Cleopatra continued to kill her lovers, reluctant to compromise. Specialists in Ancient Egypt the queen is called one of the first adherents of free love. It was believed that she was an experienced fellatrix, that is, she skillfully gave a blowjob to her chosen ones. Perhaps this is what tied Antony to her? The ancient Greeks nicknamed the queen Meriohane, which literally means "open-mouthed", "women with a thousand mouths." Another nickname for the mistress was "fat-lipped". Although Cleopatra had all the makings of a good ruler, her own desires hindered her ability to rule skillfully. She also indulged her own famous lovers. For Caesar, Cleopatra seemed modest and intelligent, but for Antony she became a mad hunter for carnal pleasures. Love for the latter became tragic, the couple decided to resist Rome, for which they paid with their lives.


But this Greek hetaira became famous for her beauty. She moonlighted as a model. From her, the ancient creators sculpted and painted Aphrodite herself. They wrote that Phryne was very bashful and extremely reluctant to get naked. She even met her men in the dark. As a result, the getter was convicted of Negative influence on the most enlightened citizens of the republic. But when she was led to execution and her clothes were torn off, the public saw the perfect body of Phryne. Geter was immediately acquitted, since it was decided that a dissolute soul simply could not dwell in such a divine body.

Thais Athens

This impudent hetaira became famous for seducing Alexander the Great himself. Although she was a prostitute, she became famous for her inaccessibility. She attracted the greatest conqueror by the fact that she did not want to surrender to him for any treasures or riches. The woman told Alexander that it was necessary to win her heart and then the whole world would fall before him. Subsequently, Thais was able to marry the Egyptian king Ptolemy I.

Wu Hu

This Chinese empress from the Tang Dynasty announced the advent of the era of female domination in the country. For this, the custom of licking the "lotus stamens" even appeared in court etiquette. The Empress demanded that all government officials and dignitaries who visited her show her special respect through cunnilingus. This ceremony has remained even in old paintings: Wu Hu holds her dress, and a guest is kneeling in front of her, kissing her genitals.


This woman became famous for her intelligence. Naturally, she worked with the Sultan not only with fairy tales. After each love affair, Scheherazade began to tell interesting story, which was interrupted at the most interesting place. At first, the sultan even wanted to send her to the lower harem, as a wife who no longer satisfies him. However, it turned out that no one else is able to tell such interesting tales to the ruler. Shahriyar continued to listen to his concubine. This is how the book of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" appeared. It took the ruler so much to regain common sense and stop killing virgins. And what happened after that to the most coveted wife of the Sultan is unknown. They say that the cause of her death was some kind of infection.

Elizabeth Bathory

This woman went down in history as the Bloody Countess. She had many lovers, the most famous of whom is the painter Caravaggio. They say that she became for him not only a model, but also a real muse and goddess. Contemporaries recall that Bathory was unearthly beauty, until her death she had a face like a young girl. This effect became possible, allegedly due to the fact that the countess bathed in the blood of tortured and murdered virgins. In total, she killed about 600 women, among whom were not only peasant women and maids, but also noble persons. Bathory is said to have invented terrible mechanisms. For example, a metal coffin containing thorns inside. They entered the body shallowly, not killing immediately, but causing only bleeding. Thus, the victim died gradually, giving his blood to the insatiable countess. They say Bathory invented several thousand sophisticated tortures and devices for this. Only in 1611, the 50-year-old sadist was convicted. There are several versions of her death. They say that the angry crowd simply arranged lynching for her, walled up alive in the walls of her own castle. A popular story is that Bathory got away with it. Her family was too influential. The bloody countess was sent to the dungeon to live out her term, away from human eyes. It is believed that Elizabeth was slandered. The fact is that she was richer than the king himself, who wanted to take all her property from her. After the death of the countess, five of her children disappeared somewhere, and all her gold and land went to the ruler. Bathory went down in history not only as a bloodthirsty killer, but also as one of the most beautiful women of her time with unfading beauty. In Hungary itself, the woman was nicknamed a vampire, believing that in the number of her atrocities she was in no way inferior to Count Dracula.

Marquise de Pompadour

This favorite of the French king Louis XV was not only a skillful and indefatigable mistress, but also played an important role in the politics of Europe. They say that she owes her passion to celery. Every day, the Marquise consumed two of the strongest aphrodisiacs at once - chocolate and celery root. In the morning, she drank a mug of hot chocolate, adding ground root to it. During the day, she ate a special salad with apples, walnuts and celery. Although it is unclear whether she knew that these particular products helped her maintain her love, Pompadour could make love up to 10 times a day with different partners. Celery is generally a well-known pathogen. So in different countries, peasants put a bunch of this plant at the head of the bed in the first wedding night... The very same Jeanne Poisson, the future Marquise of Pompadour, was promised the love of the king himself at the age of nine. What else can a young girl dream of? The origin of the Pompadour remains a mystery. It is believed that she was generally of low origin, just one day she successfully found a patron in the form of a nobleman and got to the court. There, at a masquerade, she met Louis XV. The monarch was intrigued by the behavior of the girl, who flirtatiously hid her face under a mask. And when the mask was removed, the king finally fell in love. It was not easy to achieve a high position and the status of a favorite for many years, but Jeanne was able to do it. She did not limit her activities to bed only. The Marquise Pompadour took up the development of the arts, patronizing many artists and writers. Until her death, she remained for the king not only a mistress, but also a close friend. In itself, this is a great rarity.


At the time of their meeting, Napoleon's chosen one was not young, she was already over thirty and had two children. Outwardly, however, she looked flawless. Although Bonaparte himself gave orders of authority to the rest, he was shy in front of Josephine and felt now tender, now passionate feelings. The secret of the victory over Napoleon was simple. Josephine was not only a beauty, she was also an excellent listener. A wise woman always approved the actions of her lover, no matter what he did. And as a reward for this, she became the first Empress of France. The divorce of the couple took place only for the good of France - the country needed an heir.

Inessa Armand

Although this woman was right in the center of revolutionary actions, her role was shyly hushed up by historians. After all, she was the mistress of Vladimir Lenin himself, which somehow did not fit with the immaculate image of the leader. Armand met him in front of Krupskaya in Paris. Inessa's personal relationship with Lenin was so close that Nadezhda Konstantinovna herself was in the background with her husband. Krupskaya was forced to forgive her husband's passion for his mistress, if only it was for the good of the revolution. Inessa herself was wholeheartedly devoted to her occupation and to Lenin himself. Armand left behind three children who were born even before meeting the leader. And she died of cholera in 1920 and was buried not far from her beloved - under the Kremlin wall.

Mata Hari

This courtesan made her living by performing exotic dances. At one time, the whole of Paris admired her. Many high-ranking officials of France and Germany have become lovers of the artist. According to legend, during the First World War, Mata Hari was a spy, while cooperating with both warring parties at once. It is not known if she was able to extract really valuable information from her patrons. Nevertheless, in 1917, the French shot Mata Hari for her spying for Germany. She herself became a legend, embodying the images of a femme fatale and a fearless intelligence agent.

Isadora Duncan

This American dancer lived a bohemian lifestyle. She is considered the founder of free dance, from which the modern style was born. She had many fans, some of whom she reciprocated. Having survived the death of her two children, she went to Russia, where she met Sergei Yesenin. He became her lover, and then her husband. Isadora herself, in the opinion of her contemporaries, did not captivate with the brilliant beauty. But she was very natural and had a natural sexuality. On stage, Duncan performed barefoot, and her every movement was filled with grace and natural charm. All her dances said that she was open to life and madly in love with her in all forms. She herself wrote: "If my art is symbolic, then this symbol is only one: the freedom of a woman and her emancipation from the stale conventions that underlie Puritanism." Contemporaries believed that Duncan's work opens up new horizons for women of the future. Her dances were called genius, she was able to change both art and everyday life. But the relationship with Yesenin did not work out - two gifted creative people were jealous of each other's fame.

Lilya Brick

Men were drawn to her by her sense of inner freedom. This woman had many admirers - Pablo Neruda, Marc Chagall, Louis Aragon, Sergei Parajanov, Fernand Leger, Yves Saint Laurent. But the most famous lover of Brik was Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet even lived with her and her husband, embarrassing the townsfolk with such love triangle... Brick herself said: “We need to convince a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him to do things that are not allowed at home, for example, smoke or go wherever he pleases. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest. ” As you can see, the secret of seduction is not so difficult. Lilya Brik often appears in the form of a femme fatale. If a man attracted her, then nothing could stop her. The story of Brick is steeped in legends, there was some kind of mystery in it that attracted the most famous men that time. When talking with people, Lilya skillfully and cleverly emphasized her interest in her interlocutor. Brick has always been up to date with fashion, dressing tastefully and hiding her flaws in clothes. It was she who became the first woman in Moscow who dared to wear trousers. The straightforward Akhmatova recalled Leela in this way: “The hair is dyed and on the worn face there are insolent eyes.”

Marilyn Monroe

This mistress is one of the most mysterious in history. The 20th century sex symbol had a close relationship with US President John F. Kennedy. But this connection, like the subsequent death of the actress, is shrouded in mystery. It is unclear whether Monroe's death was a suicide or whether her love for Kennedy began to interfere with someone and she was simply removed. During her lifetime, she managed to tarnish the reputation of an excellent family man and the pride of America, John F. Kennedy. It is still unprofitable for someone to reveal the secret about those events. One thing is clear - the sexy beauty Marilyn Monroe was deeply unhappy in her personal life. More than half a century has passed since her mysterious death, but she still remains the standard of femininity and sexuality. And the actress herself has become a well-promoted and popular brand. With the help of her name, billions of dollars are earned in the world every year.

Edwina Curry

The mistress of British Prime Minister John Major made his political career much more difficult after he decided to break up with her. Although the woman was even threatened with violence, she did not want to remain silent, writing the whole truth about her relationship with a powerful admirer. Written at the risk of his life, the book quickly became a bestseller, and Major's own career went downhill. Curry said that she was not only threatened, but also attacked and beaten twice. The criminals demanded silence from her and promised to kill her if the book was published. But she did it anyway. Maybe she was driven by a sense of revenge, or maybe the desire to prove that even influential men should be held accountable for their actions. In the end, the truth about the premiere was overwhelming. Not a single British politician was told as much humiliating details as about him. The most intimate details of his life have become the property of the public. And this happened because one day he decided to leave the one who loved him. Career fear and threats only made the unfortunate lover's plight worse.

Sylvia Christel

This beautiful woman became famous for playing the title role in the sensational erotic film "Emmanuelle". Her attractiveness has not gone unnoticed by the most prominent men. Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, President of France, became Christelle's mistress. Moreover, their romance began even before he took this prominent post. D'Estaing himself never hid this relationship. As a result, Sylvia was even invited to all official events related to the head of state. She acted as a hostess at his receptions. And on foreign trips, the president often took Sylvia with him. Thus, Christelle seemed to have received the status of an "official" mistress.

Anne Penjo

As already mentioned, mistresses often caused a scandal around their politician admirer. So it happened with Anne Penjo. This mistress of François Mitterrand even settled in the Elysee Palace. But when he came to power new president, Jacques Chirac, then he first ordered the eviction of Penjo and her illegitimate daughter from his predecessor from the state residence. Biographers say that the loving Mitterrand had many mistresses. Penjo was just one of them. That is why the French themselves were calm about the fact of its existence. But the fact that the president allocated her free housing in the Elysee Palace, and even denied it, the citizens of the country could not forgive him. After Mitterrand's death, another scandal erupted. The mistress, along with the president's illegitimate daughter, wanted to attend the funeral, which his family vehemently opposed. Now Ann does not lead a luxurious life - she works in a museum, barely making ends meet. And Mitterrand's illegitimate daughter, with the help of the court, achieved the right to her father's surname and hit politics.

Monica Lewinsky

This mistress turned out to be very selfish. She not only made a strong impact on her partner's career and family, but also did not fail to make several million dollars on it. Monica told the press about all the details of her intimate relationship in the Oval Office. After this connection became known to the public, everyone was literally amazed at how an intern unknown to anyone earlier managed to carry out the operation she had conceived. She even kept for history the dress in which she made love with Clinton. For the president, that story almost turned into resignation and even prison for lying before the court. Monica herself, with memories of those relationships, traveled the whole world. Lewinsky wrote a book about her intimate relationship and even removed documentary"Monica in black and white", For which she received a multi-million dollar fee. And Clinton himself is frankly sorry, even his wife forgave him. It is not clear only what the charming and popular politician found in the plain plump Lewinsky.

Duchess vs prima donna

Caetana de Alba (85) and Alfonso Diez (61)

The full name of the Duchess of Cayetana is Maria Rosario Alfonsa Victoria Eugene Francisca Fitz-James Stuart da Silva. Her possessions are the same as the name, vast, and it was the wealth that always interfered with Caetana in personal relationships. In 2001, the woman was widowed for the second time (the first marriage was in the 40s, the second in the 70s), and soon after the death of her husband she made acquaintance with the local collector of antiques Alfonso (a symbolic name for a man who is younger and inferior to the chosen one in financial plan). The Duchess has lost her peace, but the family is against her marriage. The last hope for her is Queen Sofia, who can help in the permission for the wedding of the couple.

The Duchess cannot imagine her life without Alfonso

Caetana has repeatedly topped the lists of the most stylish

Alla Pugacheva (62 years old) and Maxim Galkin (35 years old)

AB and Galkin get married several times a year. The other day, the prima donna denied another batch of rumors that she and Maxim had finally signed. By the way, they met in the same 2001 as Caetana and Alfonso, only Alla Borisovna was not yet a free woman: until 2005 she was married to Philip Kirkorov. It is difficult to say who the prima donna can call her true love, because Pugacheva's favorites are getting younger and younger (on the Factor A show, the prima donna laid her eyes on the young contestant Sergei Savin, who, not surprisingly, became the winner), and her ratings are all more solid and more solid. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to sing. Isn't this the secret of AB's success?

Unlike the duchess, the prima donna is in no hurry to marry...

... but Galkin clearly has a rejuvenating effect on her

Moore vs Babkina

Demi Moore (48) and Ashton Kutcher (33)

Demi has been Ashton's idol since childhood. When a 12-year-old boy saw the actress in the film "Ghost", he decided clearly: she will be mine. 12 year old boy! And in 2005, the couple got married. No one could believe it, especially Kutcher's ex-actress Britannia Murphy. She could not understand how her beloved could exchange her for the one that "only uses cute young men as vibrators, and then gives them resignation." As you and I can see, the resignation did not happen. Moreover, the Moore-Kutcher union is considered one of the strongest and happiest in Hollywood. Ashton's career quickly went up, but the merit in this was not a star wife: the directors recognized Kutcher as a serious dramatic actor. So he is now the main breadwinner in the family, and it was not Moore's income that seduced him.

Who's to say that Demi is 48 years old?

Moore has been Kutcher's idol since childhood.

Nadezhda Babkina (61) and Evgeny Gor (31)

Nadezhda Babkina has been living in civil marriage with a young Moscow businessman Yevgeny Gor. After meeting him, the queen of the folk song lost a lot of weight (by 24 kilograms!), Made several rejuvenating cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery. “If a woman grows prettier over the years, I’m sure that love paints her,” Babkina once shared in an interview. Is it love? Nadezhda Georgievna is constantly “bred” with Evgenim, they say, the young husband encroaches on the artist's property and nothing more. Babkina asserts: “Zhenya is so self-sufficient! I would be glad to help, so he does not give! "

Like Kutcher, Gore fell in love with future wife still a child

Madonna vs Svetlichnaya

Madonna (52 years old) and Jesus Luz (24 years old)

Which man does not dream of Madonna? At 52, she continues to top the lists of the most beautiful, sexy, desirable women on the planet. But men are always extremely careful with the pop queen: after meeting Madge, her career, like all other affairs of her loved ones, goes downhill. Remember Sean Penn or Guy Ritchie? The singer herself is not very interested in what is happening there in the life of her ex-lovers, ex-husbands. Each time she simply dissolves in a new chosen one. At first it was a whirlwind romance with the Brazilian fashion model Jesus Luz, who is a little over twenty. But Jesus himself parted with Madonna, because he did not see anything in common between them. Popularized? The singer did not think long after the breakup and began dating a young dancer Brahim Zaybat, whom she left after two months. They say, because of uncooled feelings for Jesus.

They say that Madonna cannot forget Jesus

Svetlana Svetlichnaya (71 years old) and Prokhor Chaliapin (20 years old)

The star of Soviet cinema in recent times often appears in public with the young performer Prokhor Chaliapin. Before that, there were already young suitors in her life, for example, stylist Ruslan Tatyanin and a certain mysterious admirer Artem. Are they lovers or younger friends? Svetlichnaya herself does not particularly like to talk on this topic, but the Moscow get-together is simply sure: these youngsters only want to cash in on someone else's fame, simply to get publicity. Although the actress will not hurt additional attention to her person: film exploits remained in the distant past.

Chaliapin worships Svetlichnaya

Young people are always spinning near Svetlichnaya.
Like Madonna's admirers, do they want PR?

Artem, whom Svetlana Afanasyevna met in 2010, is already in the past
