Boris Vasiliev And the dawns here are quiet... The image and characteristics of Rita Osyanina and the dawns here are quiet Vasilyeva's essay Characteristics of Rita Osyanina and the dawns here are quiet

Tikhonov could play the foreman, and Gradova could play Rita Osyanina [video]

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What is happening now in the lives of the actors from this beloved film.

They say, "war has no woman's face" But in the Great Patriotic War, it was women who became the main support for our defenders, as director Stanislav Rostotsky spoke about with piercing sincerity in his film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” based on the story of the same name by front-line soldier Boris Vasiliev.

In May, exactly 40 years ago, Rostotsky managed to get his script for a future film through to the film studio and received the go-ahead to start working on the film.

We decided to remember this folk cinema on the eve of Victory Day. We congratulated the leading actors on the holiday and asked about the filming and their lives today.

Dedicated the film to the savior

Stanislav Rostotsky said that the painting is a dedication to Russian women and personal gratitude to Anna Chegunova (Beketova), who carried the bleeding cavalryman Rostotsky out of the battle. Anna reached Berlin. Then she gave birth to two children, but soon became blind due to the consequences of her injuries. Rostotsky recalled:

I brought Anna to the studio and told everything that happened on the screen, and she cried... I treat a woman in war as a heroine. The main idea of ​​the film is in the central phrase: “Nothing significant happened on such and such a front...” We heard this on the radio more than once. In my painting the phrase is used to say: “Maybe nothing significant happened, but beautiful people died.”

The craftsmen who created this legendary film - Rostotsky himself, chief cameraman Vyacheslav Shumsky, chief designer Sergei Serebrennikov, make-up artist Alexey Smirnov, assistant costume designer Valentina Galkina, director Grigory Rimalis - went through the war and knew how to make the material authentic. Unfortunately, of them only Vyacheslav Shumsky is alive today.

All of them were in the thick of it, and Valentina Galkina carried the wounded from the battlefield under fire. They knew all the subtleties and nuances,” film set designer Evgeny Shtapenko told KP. - None of the spectators will even notice what kind of soles the boots of the German landing force have, but together with a specialist I screwed hex spikes into the soles so that everything would be natural.

Tikhonov could play the foreman

Stanislav Rostotsky planned one of the star actors for the role of Sergeant Major Fedot Vaskov, and unknown actresses for the roles of the girls. The first to try were Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Georgy Yumatov. Tikhonov was Rostotsky’s favorite actor, and Boris Vasiliev chose the front-line soldier Yumatov. But after the screen tests, Rostotsky continued the search for actors. The next candidates were Yuri Oskin from the Theater Komissarzhevskaya and Vitaly Shapovalov from Taganka, who played Vaskov on the Taganka stage. But in the end, the hero-foreman was played by 26-year-old actor of the Moscow Youth Theater Andrei Martynov. Rostotsky's second director Zoya Kurdyumova was looking for female applicants all over the country.

Elena Drapeko (Lisa Brichkina)

About heroin

I wanted to get the role of Zhenya Komelkova. Me and Zhenya common features character, but Rostotsky convinced her to play the calm village Liza Brichkina. Lisa and I are not much alike, and that’s why we had to change. I “made” the Vologda dialect for her. Ostroumova and I were “beautified” every morning for two hours. Olka had her hair dyed red and made up to look like Greta Garbo. And make-up artist Alexey Smirnov pasted on a hundred freckles for me, so that they “sat” in the same place.

What now

Today, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Elena Drapeko is a candidate of sociological sciences and a State Duma deputy from A Just Russia. Will be shown at the Moscow Film Festival New film with the participation of Drapeko “Death in a pince-nez, or Our Chekhov.” Free time she devotes herself to growing flowers in her country house in Leningrad region and travel - she set the goal of introducing residents of third world countries to the works of Alexander Pushkin. In the homeland of Pushkin's great-grandfather Ibrahim Hannibal in Eritrea ( East Africa) Elena and like-minded people erected a monument to the Russian poet with her own money, and on May 23 she will unveil a monument to Nicholas Roerich in India.

Elena's first husband died, and a daughter, Anastasia, was born in marriage with her second. Today Anastasia is a producer of Mayak radio and also produces Polina Gagarina, who won at Star Factory-2.

Irina Dolganova (Sonya Gurvich)

About heroin

The actress admits that she suffered a lot during filming. Her Sonya's boots are two sizes too big - and it ultimately costs her her life.

I suffered with these boots, constantly losing them on the go. I couldn’t come up with anything: double foot wraps, and newspapers for the tops. Once she begged: “Stanislav Iosifovich, the boots won’t be visible on the screen!” Can I change them, otherwise I don’t have the strength anymore?” To which he answered philosophically: “What about a reliable embodiment of the image?”

Irina almost missed her star role. Returning to Saratov, she did not leave her address at the film studio. A month later, the rector of the school, grabbing her hand, said: “Urgently go to Moscow!” It turns out that they called her many times, informing her that she had been approved for the role. But the head teacher hid this from her. Irina barely had time to play the scene at the skating rink with Kostolevsky - the snow in Moscow had already begun to melt.

What now

Irina had to make a choice between assignment to the theater and the offer from the Gorky Film Studio to stay in Moscow. Deciding that the theater was more reliable, she went to Gorky. A few years later, Stanislav Rostotsky, in whose house Irina stayed every time she came to Moscow, visited her in Gorky and again offered to move to the capital. But by that time Irina Valerievna was already married, raising her son and leaving hometown and I didn’t want the theater. She acted in films only a few times (including in the film “Mother” by Gleb Panfilov). Today, prima of the Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater, Honored Artist of Russia Irina Dolganova is teaching acting in several children's groups and at the Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky. She is also a well-known defender of homeless animals in the city, helping them find owners. Irina’s husband runs a business, and her son works as a doctor.

Irina Shevchuk (Rita Osyanina)

About heroin

I penetrated the image of my heroine so much that I was already really living her life. When they were filming the scene of Rita’s death, the doctor spoke about the consequences of a shrapnel wound in the stomach from an exploding grenade. I imagined in such detail how I was suffocating and dying painfully that I lost consciousness in the frame! Everyone was scared.

Just during filming, Irina was experiencing a difficult breakup with her beloved man - popular actor Talgat Nigmatullin, and life’s suffering further enhanced her performance...

We had a long affair. Almost two years inseparable, and then only meetings and partings. I deliberately went for a break, but still it became a difficult experience for me.

What now

In the late 1970s, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Irina Shevchuk married composer Alexander Afanasyev. Today Irina Borisovna is the general director of the film festival of the CIS and Baltic countries “Kinoshok”, a member of the board of the Russian Film Actors Guild. Recently, on April 26, the premiere of her play “Lady Windermere's Fan” (based on the play by Oscar Wilde) took place at the Film Actor's Theater. She also writes poetry. The daughter of Alexander Afanasyev-Shevchuk worked on television in the “Crime” program, is now acting in films (she played Irina Somova in the TV series “Montecristo”), and is studying at VGIK.

Olga Ostroumova (Zhenya Komelkova)

About heroin

Ostroumova really wanted to film with Rostotsky. And she tried her best during the auditions. I asked Irina Shevchuk, with whom I was paired, to perform as well as possible at the audition. She said:

Let everything work out for us, I need to get Zhenya!

What now

After the premiere, “The Dawn...” did not appear on screens for two years, and then invitations to the cinema rained down like from a cornucopia. Today Ostroumova - People's Artist Russia, leading actress of the Theater. Mossovet. She is currently busy in rehearsals for the play “Me, Grandmother, Iliko and Illarion” (based on the novel by Nodar Dumbadze, popular in the 1960s and 70s), which will premiere on May 13.

The daughter from her first marriage, Olga Levitina, graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) and is involved in productions of the Hermitage Theater and the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop. She already has two children. Son Mikhail is studying to become a director. In 1996, Ostroumova married Valentin Gaft, about whom she says: “Life with Gaft is an absolute feat. When I need to be alone in the morning and get ready for the whole day, he suddenly starts reading poems that he wrote at five in the morning. You have to listen..."

Ekaterina Markova (Galya Chetvertak)

About heroin

“I really fell in love with my heroine, although I remember the filming with fear,” admitted “KP” Markova.

In the film, her Galya runs out of the bushes shouting “Mom!” and gets shot in the back. Rostotsky wanted to take a close-up of the back with bullet holes. Holes were drilled in the board, containers with red liquid were attached, an electrical cord was attached and placed on Ekaterina Markova’s back. The electrical cord was shorted, the tunic burst from the inside, and from the outside it seemed as if blood was flowing. But the pyrotechnicians miscalculated - the tunic was torn to shreds. Fortunately, the actress was not injured.

And in real life Markova's father miraculously survived the war. "Dad, frontline correspondent, had to fly to the front line. But when the plane was already taxiing to the runway, the order was canceled, and dad received another task. And the plane was shot down a few minutes later. Whether you like it or not, you will believe in fate. If dad had died, I wouldn’t have been born.”

What now

Markova became a playwright and writer. She is the author of ten books, and 5 films have been made based on her scripts. For the script of the film “Third in the Fifth Row” she was awarded at the International Television Festival in Prague. Her novel “The Mourner” was recently published. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the happy family union actor Georgy Taratorkin and Ekaterina Markova. And they were introduced in a taxi by a common friend, actress Irina Korotkova.

My husband is the best thing I have. I found my happiness, I have wonderful family, - admitted “KP” Markova. - Son Philip is a historian, writing a doctoral dissertation, he has two sons. Daughter Anna Taratorkina works at RAMT and participates in performances at the Mossovet Theater. On May 9, the Rossiya channel will premiere the film “ Deathmatch", where Anna plays sniper Olga.

And all these years, Ekaterina Markova has been friends with Andrei Martynov, who played Sergeant Major Vaskov.

“I found support and care in him,” Markova admitted to KP. - When my husband was still working at the Leningrad Youth Theater, and I lived in Moscow and also played in the theater, Andryusha came and told me: “Get some rest...” And then he walked with little Philip, fed him.

After the release of the film, Martynov was invited to play the role of Kiryan Inyutin in “Eternal Call”. Martynov worked in dubbing for many years; few people know that Marlon Brando speaks in his voice in “The Godfather.”

In 1975, in Germany, Martynov met literary critic Franziska Thun, who graduated from Moscow State University and is fluent in Russian. In the same 1975 they got married in Germany. But Franziska could not move to Moscow, and after a few years the marriage broke up. Their son Alexander is a famous theater artist in Berlin.


The actresses wanted to take a bath in swimsuits

Location shooting took place in Karelia on the shores of Syamozero. The film group lived in Petrozavodsk, and the “anti-aircraft gunners” and “Vaskov” lived in the village. For a whole month, the actresses got up at first light and, under the direction of the major, marched, learned to trump and shoot, crawled on their bellies, disassembled and cleaned rifles. The director put two or three bricks in their soldier’s backpacks with bread, a pot, and a mug to make it heavier.

We filmed in the forests, where there were a lot of ticks. Rostotsky insisted that all actresses get vaccinated. But he didn’t get vaccinated himself, and it was he who got the tick bite!

The director was taken to the hospital; the tick turned out to be encephalitic. And Stanislav Iosifovich was then injected for 7 days in a row. Thank God I didn’t get sick! - said Markova.

When the time came to “drown” Lisa Brichkina in the swamp, actress Elena Drapeko was dressed in a wetsuit, because cold springs were coming from the bottom. But a layer of air remains in the wetsuit. And the girl was constantly being pushed out. Evgeny Shtapenko stood on the shore with a kettle and carefully washed off the mud from Elena’s face before each take. It looked so funny that the filming of the tragic scene took place amid friendly laughter. They filmed take after take, but the actress still “didn’t drown.” Then they used dynamite to make a crater in the swamp, but that didn’t help either. I had to part with my wetsuit, and in the first take they filmed the actress going under the water.

For the bathhouse scene, naked female bodies were needed in the frame. But for a long time we did not agree to undress. Then Rostotsky said: “Well, I don’t care! I'll recruit girls from the House of Models and let them show theirs beautiful bodies, - recalls Irina Dolganova. - But a week later he came to us again: “Understand, we must show that death has disfigured young bodies created for motherhood!” Then we set the condition: we rehearse only in swimsuits and that there is no one in the pavilion except the operator. Rostotsky gave commands from the remote control. Zhenya Shtapenko lay face down on the floor and let the couple in. When we flew into the frame, everyone tried to take a place so that she could be seen less. Katya Markova dove into a huge tub, and since she is a petite girl, only her knees and head were sticking out of the tub, and she also covered herself with a broom. Lenka Drapeko lay down on her stomach, and only her back was visible. When everyone took advantageous seats, I did a tricky thing - I sat with my back to the camera. And in the close-up it’s my back. So only Olya Ostroumova remained naked.

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Fragment of the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." They say, “War does not have a woman’s face.” But in the Great Patriotic War, it was women who became the main support for our defenders, as director Stanislav Rostotsky spoke about with piercing sincerity in his film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” based on the story of the same name by front-line soldier Boris Vasiliev.

Rita Osyanina is one of the main characters of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, the eldest in the platoon. Rita is a serious and reserved person. She almost never laughs or shows emotion. He treats other girls in the squad strictly and always keeps to himself. Her husband, Senior Lieutenant Osyanin, died on the second day of the war during a counterattack. After that, she hated the Germans with all her heart and wanted revenge. Rita has a son, Albert, who lives with her mother. She helps them whenever possible. Rita went to fight at will. At first they wanted to send her to the rear, but she was eager to fight in every possible way, then she was hired as a nurse, and then sent to the regimental school for anti-aircraft gunners.

Four more girls fought under her command, each of whom had her own life tragedy. Rita's mood changed a little with the appearance of the cheerful and cheerful Zhenya Komelkova. The Germans shot her entire family in front of the girl’s eyes, but she did not lose her fortitude and stubbornly pursued her goal - to kill the Nazis. She knew how to cheer Rita up and make her smile. Rita even sang songs with her. It was Zhenka, risking her life, who covered her after she was wounded. At the end of the story, Rita, like all the girls in the squad, died. Knowing that her wound was fatal, she shot herself in the temple. Before that, she asked the foreman

Great Russian women great war: partisans, scouts, pilots, snipers, anti-aircraft gunners... Some met Victory 70 years ago, others stayedin eternity, in books and films... A risky experiment is ahead - a remake of the poignant film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, released for the 70th anniversary of the Victory. What will it be like? Who embodied the images of the girls? Let's talk about this in the next “Sinescope”, the day before the premiere, and now it’s time for the classics.

A story, a play, a director...
In 1969, in one of the issues of the magazine “Yunost”, front-line soldier Boris Vasilyev’s story about the feat of five female anti-aircraft gunners “...And the dawns here are quiet” began to be published. The work caused a huge resonance. IN a short time The story was published as a separate book. A year later, “Dawns” could be seen - the story was staged by Yuri Lyubimov at the Taganka Theater. The performances were sold out (the play of the same name is still performed there).

The cinema could not help but notice such a work; director Stanislav Rostotsky, author of the films “It Happened in Penkov”, “On the Seven Winds” and “We’ll Live Until Monday”, seized on the idea of ​​a film adaptation. As a front-line soldier, the topic of war was close to him, but most importantly, he sought to pay tribute to the memory, respect and heroism of the women of those terrible forties. One of whom, a nurse, risking her life, carried him from the battlefield in February 1944 and carried the seriously wounded man in her arms for several kilometers.

In February 1971, the scripted film version of Vasiliev's story was ready and approved by the artistic council of the studio named after. Gorky and put into production. The film group, which knew about the war first-hand (at least half of its members were front-line soldiers, like the director), began casting the roles of the main characters. Before approving the actresses for the role, Rostotsky held a vote among his fellow front-line soldiers for each girl. That’s why the five brave female anti-aircraft gunners who went into the forest with Sergeant Major Vaskov turned out to be ideal.

Rita Osyanina

The commander of the squad of girls, Sergeant Major Osyanina - Iron Rita, who shot down the reconnaissance plane, was actress Irina Shevchuk, who had previously appeared in tiny episodes of the films “Gulf Stream” and “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.” Shevchuk read medical literature and shortly before filming the scene of her Rita’s death, she met with a military doctor who spoke in detail about the consequences of a shrapnel wound in the stomach from a grenade explosion. During the filming, Ira imagined in such detail and realistically how she was suffocating and painfully dying that she lost consciousness right in the frame! The group was terribly scared. Shevchuk finally came to her senses, and her Rita died. This shot was included in the film.

Zhenya Komelkova

For the role of the daring beautiful joker, the director approved the only girl who had experience in filming - the aspiring actress Olga Ostroumova (the entire film group unanimously voted for her), who starred in Rostotsky's 1968 film about the school "We'll Live Until Monday." True, Olya was almost suspended from filming. Because of the makeup. The fair-haired girl was dyed red and given “chemistry”, causing her hair to curl like a small devil, which clearly did not suit the image. The first shots came out ridiculous. Seeing them, the studio management began to demand that this “red-haired miracle Yudo” be removed from the role. The director responded promptly: “Stop putting makeup on her and leave her alone.” Within a week, Olya managed to tan in the May sun, and the “chemistry” began to wear off. With such appearance Anti-aircraft gunner Komelkova’s superiors agreed.

Lisa Brichkina

The silent daughter of the forester Brichkina, who dies the most terrible death - drowning in a swamp, Rostotsky's assistants found in Leningrad, at the theater institute. After reading the script, Elena Drapeko wanted to play the role of Zhenya Komelkova, but Rostotsky convinced the actress to become Liza Brichkina and even acquire a special, “eye-catching” Vologda dialect. Before the shoot, the girl was put on makeup for a long time, at least a hundred freckles were glued onto her face - and each time she had to “sit” in her place, as in the last shoot. Already when the first scenes were filmed, sent to Moscow, developed and viewed, Drapeko was removed from the role. Cause?

“According to the script, Lisa was a lively girl, rosy-cheeked, bloody, with big tits,” recalls actress Elena Drapeko. - And I was a sophomore, a reed girl and slightly out of this world. She studied ballet, played the violin and piano. Well, what kind of village, forest ranger acumen could I have?”

The situation was saved by the director's wife. She called Rostotsky and said that he was wrong. The director looked at the material again, gathered the group and decided to keep Elena by voting, but in “revenge” the girl’s eyebrows were etched and not 100, but 200 freckles were drawn and her “cursing” speech was canceled.

Sonya Gurvich

Saratov Theater School student Ira Dolganova was cast in the role of the quiet excellent student Sonya. The girl almost missed her film chance. Returning from Moscow to Saratov after auditioning, she didn’t even leave her address at the studio. A month later, the director of the school caught student Dolganova during a break: “Urgently to Moscow!” It turned out that they had already called her many times, informing her that she had been approved for the role. But the head teacher of the school deliberately hid this from the student.

Galya Chetvertak

Ekaterina Markova became the anti-aircraft gunner for Chetvertak. During filming, the girl almost died. In one of the scenes, Galya runs out of the bushes shouting: “Mom!”, and is shot in the back. The director decided to amaze the audience with realism - to film close-up Chetvertak's back, which is ripped open by bullets, and blood begins to flow through the wounds. They prepared a small board, drilled holes, and attached vials of artificial blood and pyrotechnic charges to them. The “device” was disguised under clothing. At the moment of the shot, the electrical circuit closed, the tunic was pierced by charges, and then blood flowed. However, the pyrotechnics did not calculate it well - the “shot” turned out to be so powerful that Markova’s gymnast was torn to shreds... Only a board saved the actress from serious injury.

Sergeant Major Vaskov

Many actors auditioned for the role of foreman Fedot Vaskov, primarily Vyacheslav Tikhonov (Rostotsky’s favorite actor) and Georgy Yumatov (a front-line soldier, whose candidacy was chosen by Boris Vasiliev himself). As a result, 26-year-old Moscow Youth Theater actor Andrei Martynov was invited to play the role of the foreman. It was approved by secret vote by the entire film crew, including set installers and drivers. However, Martynov had to “grow old” to a more respectable age - about forty years old, for which he grew a mustache.

Solid, practical, intelligent Fedot Vaskov, a real Russian man and warrior who can do everything, “behind the scenes” could neither run, nor shoot, nor chop wood... When it came to any physical actions, the filming was terribly slowed down - Andrey was losing everything. The director was annoyed by the incompetent actor. But Martynov wanted to act and began to learn how to work. Better and better. Then, when the foreman screamed with a heart-rending cry: “Kick!!!” disarmed the Germans, the country's cinemas resounded with applause for the hero more than once...

Filming of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” began in May 1971. Filmmakers went on location - to Karelia...

Continuation of the story about the filming of the legendary classic film by S. Rostotsky - in the next “Sinescope”, 24 hours before the premiere new version"Dawn" at the Udokan cinema.

THIS IS CURIOUS. In 2005, Chinese television filmmakers under the leadership of director Mao Weining (in collaboration with Russian colleagues) shot their version of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” with Russian actors, in 19 episodes. The series was a great success in China, where Chinese viewers treat its “original source” - Rostotsky’s film - with great love and respect.

But Kiryanova was silent for now.

There were windless white nights. The long twilight, from dawn to dusk, breathed with a thick infusion of flowering herbs, and the anti-aircraft gunners sang songs near the fire shed until the second roosters. Rita was now hiding only from Vaskov, disappearing two nights and the third shortly after dinner, and returning before getting up.

Rita loved these returns most of all. The danger of being noticed by the patrol was already over, and now it was possible to calmly spank bare feet through the painfully cold dew, throwing his boots tied with ears behind his back. Spank and think about the date, about the mother's complaints and about the next AWOL. And because she could plan the next date herself, without depending or almost not depending on the will of others, Rita was happy. But the war was going on, disposing at its own discretion human lives, and the destinies of people were intertwined in a bizarre and incomprehensible way. And, deceiving the commandant of the quiet 171st patrol, Lance Sergeant Margarita Osyanina did not even know that the directive of the imperial SD service No. C219/702 with the stamp “ONLY FOR COMMAND” had already been signed and accepted for execution.

And the dawns here were quiet and quiet.

Rita spanked barefoot: her boots swayed behind her back. A dense fog crawled from the swamps, chilled her feet, settled on her clothes, and Rita thought with pleasure how she would sit down on a familiar tree stump before leaving, put on dry stockings and put on her shoes. And now I was in a hurry, because I had been catching a passing car for a long time. Sergeant Major Vaskov got up at the crack of dawn and immediately went to feel the locks on the warehouse. And Rita was just supposed to go there: her stump was two steps from the log wall, behind the bushes.

There are two turns left to the stump, then straight ahead, through the alder forest. Rita passed the first one and froze: there was a man standing on the road.

He stood looking back, tall, wearing a spotted raincoat that bulged like a hump on his back. IN right hand he was holding an oblong bundle tightly strapped with straps; a machine gun hung on his chest.

Rita stepped into the bush; shuddering, he showered her with dew, but she did not feel it. Almost without breathing, she looked through the still sparse foliage at the stranger, motionless, as if in a dream, standing in her way.

A second one came out of the forest: a little shorter, with a machine gun on his chest and with exactly the same bundle in his hand. They silently walked straight towards her, silently stepping on the dewy grass with their high laced boots.

Rita put her fist in her mouth and clenched it with her teeth until it hurt. Just don’t move, don’t scream, don’t rush through the bushes! They walked side by side: the last one touched his shoulder to the branch behind which she stood. They passed silently, soundlessly, like shadows. And they disappeared.

Rita waited - no one. She carefully slipped out, ran across the road, dived into a bush, and listened.

Gasping, she rushed forward: her boots hit her on her back. Without hiding, she rushed through the village, banging on the sleepy, tightly locked door:

Comrade commandant!.. Comrade foreman!..

Finally they opened it. Vaskov stood on the threshold - wearing breeches, slippers on his bare feet, and a calico shirt with ties. He blinked his sleepy eyes:

The Germans are in the forest!

So... - Fedot Evgrafych narrowed his eyes suspiciously: they must be playing a prank... - How do we know?

I saw it myself. Two. With machine guns, in camouflage capes...

No, he doesn't seem to be lying. Scared eyes...

Wait here.

The foreman rushed into the house. He pulled on his boots and put on his tunic, in a hurry, as if there was a fire. The hostess, wearing only a shirt, sat on the bed with her mouth open:

What is it, Fedot Evgrafych?

Nothing. It doesn't concern you.

He ran out into the street, tightening his belt with the revolver at his side. Osyanina stood in the same place, still holding her boots over her shoulder. The sergeant-major automatically glanced at her legs: red, wet, thumb Last year's leaf stuck. This means that she wandered around the forest barefoot, and wore her boots on her back: so, it means that now they are fighting.

Command - to the gun: combat alert! Kiryanov to me. Run!

They rushed into different sides: the girl goes to the fire shed, and he goes to the railway booth, to the telephone. If only there was a connection!..

- "Pine"! “Pine”!.. Oh, you honest mother!.. Either they are sleeping or there is a breakdown... “Pine”!.. “Pine”!..

- “Pine” is listening.

Seventeen says. Let's go for the third one. Come on urgently, babe!..

Yes, don't yell. He has a...

Something wheezed and grunted for a long time in the receiver, then a distant voice asked:

Are you, Vaskov? What do you have there?

That's right, Comrade Three. The Germans are in the forest near the location. Discovered today in the amount of two...

Found by whom?

Junior Sergeant Osyanina...

Kiryanova came in, without a cap, by the way. She nodded, as if at a party.

I raised the alarm, Comrade Three. I'm thinking of combing the forest...

Wait a minute, Vaskov. Here you need to think: if we leave the object without cover, they won’t pat it on the head either. What do they look like, your Germans?

He says in camouflage suits, with machine guns. Intelligence service…

Intelligence service? What is she supposed to do there, at your place, to scout? How do you sleep with your mistress in an embrace?

It’s always like this, Vaskov is always to blame. Everyone is getting even on Vaskov.

Why are you silent, Vaskov? What are you thinking about?

I think we need to catch it, Comrade Three. We haven't gone far yet.

You're right. Take five people from the team and blow before the trail goes cold. Is Kiryanova there?

Here, comrade...

Give her the phone.

Kiryanova spoke briefly: she said “I’m listening” twice and nodded five times. She hung up and hung up.

It was ordered to allocate five people at your disposal.

Give me the one you saw.

Osyanina will be the eldest.

Well, like this. Build people.

Lined up, Comrade Sergeant Major.

Build, nothing to say. One has hair like a mane down to her waist, the other has some papers in her head. Warriors! Chesh with such forest, catch the Germans with machine guns! And they, by the way, have only birthmarks, model 1891, fraction of the year 30...

Zhenya, Galya, Lisa...

The foreman frowned:

Wait, Osyanina! We are going to catch Germans, not fish. So at least they knew how to shoot, or something...

Vaskov wanted to wave his hand, but caught himself:

Yes, here's more. Maybe someone knows German?

What am I? What am I? You need to report!

Fighter Gurvich.

Oh-ho-ho! What do they say - hands up?

Hyundai xox.

Exactly,” the foreman waved his hand. - Well, come on, Gurvich...

These five lined up. Serious, like children, but no fear yet.

We are going for two days, so we have to count it. Take packed rations, cartridges... five clips each. Refuel... Well, eating means a lot. Put on proper shoes, get yourself in order, get ready. Forty minutes for everything. R-disperse!.. Kiryanova and Osyanina are with me.

While the soldiers were having breakfast and preparing for the campaign, the sergeant-major took the non-commissioned officers to his place for a meeting. The hostess, fortunately, had already run off somewhere, but she still hadn’t tidied up the bed: two pillows side by side, amicably... Fedot Evgrafych treated the sergeants to some stew and looked at the old three-verst card, worn out at the folds.

So, I met you on this road?

Here,” Osyanina’s finger lightly scratched the card. - And they passed me, towards the highway.

To the highway?.. What were you doing in the forest at four in the morning?

Osyanina remained silent.

Just on nightly errands,” Kiryanova said without looking.

Night? - Vaskov got angry: they’re lying! “I personally set up a toilet for you for your night chores.” Or don't you fit in?

Both frowned.

You know, Comrade Sergeant Major, there are questions that a woman is not obliged to answer,” Kiryanova said again.

There are no women here! - the commandant shouted and even lightly tapped his palm on the table. - No! There are fighters and there are commanders, okay? The war is going on, and until it ends, we will all walk around in the neuter gender...

That’s why your bed is still open, Comrade Sergeant Major...

Oh, what an ulcer this Kiryanovna is! One word: loop!

Margarita Stepanovna Osyanina is one of the main characters of the famous story by the famous Soviet writer Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet.” Using its example, the author shows what grief the war brought, how it crippled the destinies of people.

Rita got married at seventeen. Young Mushtakova met her future husband, Lieutenant Osyanin, at a school evening dedicated to a meeting with border guard heroes. Soon they got married, and happy Margarita, now Osyanina, left her home for the border outpost where her husband served. There she was enrolled in various circles and elected to the women's council. All this happened in 1939. In 1940, Rita had a child, her son was given the name Albert. The boy was only a year old when the Great Patriotic War began.

Margarita was always self-possessed and reasonable; in the first days of the war, such traits of her character as courage, perseverance, and stubbornness were revealed. She did not panic and immediately began providing first aid to the wounded. Several times Rita was forcibly sent from the front line to the rear, but she stubbornly returned back. Finally she was hired as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at the regimental anti-aircraft school.

Her husband died on the second day of the war; Osyanina found out about this only in July. She placed her son Albert in the care of her parents in May.

After completing her training, senior sergeant Osyanina, at her personal request, was sent to an anti-aircraft regiment stationed at the site of the outpost where her husband heroically died. At her new duty station, Margarita kept herself apart. She was surrounded by young girls. And it’s not a matter of age, but of life experience, or rather the lack thereof. Rita herself knew in practice what a family was. Having become a mother, she realized what it means to be responsible for someone's life. What real love has little to do with falling in love. The relationship with the more serious platoon commander Kiryanova also did not work out. And how strange is it not best friend For Rita, Zhenya became the complete opposite of her. They found such different characters common goal, or rather the general personal account – the account with the war. She took away the most precious thing in life from both girls - family.

Until the very last minute Rita continued to think about her son and was responsible for his life, as well as for the lives of those around her. Having received a shrapnel wound from a grenade, she realized that she would become a burden, and, having made a decision, she told Vaskov about her son Albert, asking him to take care of him. Having received a positive answer, Osyanina shot herself in the head, thereby giving another person a chance to survive.

Rita Osyanina is an example of courage and heroism shown in war. She managed to endure the loss of her husband, found the strength to live on, to live to raise her son, to help her mother and the Fatherland. And even her death is a heroic act. Osyanina is an example of a real person that everyone should strive for.

Essay about Rita Osyanina

One of the main characters of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” is anti-aircraft gunner Rita Osyanina. A beautiful young girl whose fate is tormented by war. She was born into a simple family and got married at the age of 17. She met her future husband while still in 9th grade. To the envy of her friends and classmates, she got married before everyone else, according to Great love. A year later, a son was born, whom they named Albert. During the war she served as a nurse, and then became an anti-aircraft gunner. My husband died in the war. The son stayed with his grandmother, who is very sick. Rita's son is only three years old.

This girl is very brave, reliable, and reasonable. She is ready to fight for victory, no matter what. He behaves very reservedly, sometimes even shyly, with everyone. Despite her age, she commands her subordinates with all her might. She behaves very secretly, after the death of her husband she does not look at other men, and is a loving mother for her son. People think she's very strange. Her mental trauma - the loss of her husband at the very beginning of the war - leaves her no chance to remain that young and cheerful girl. She loved her husband very much, and now all that was left of him was a memory and a little son on the roar.

Margarita enjoys great respect and trust from her superiors. She is in good standing, because qualities such as reliability and courage are so significant in wartime.

Zhenya Komelkova, with whom Rita by chance became close, influences her in some way. After all, Zhenya is a mischievous and cheerful person. She helps Rita to become a little more open, because, despite their differences, they also have some similarities. Zhenya lost her entire family because of the war, but continues to believe in a bright future.

Fyodor Vaskov considers Margarita a very thoughtful girl and treats her well. During the shootout, Rita is mortally wounded and realizes that she is unlikely to survive. Then she asks Fyodor to look after and take care of her son. Realizing that she will not recover from this wound, Rita shoots herself in the temple. Vaskov, of course, keeps his promise and her son Albert grows up and considers Fedor his father.

Option 3

Margarita Osyanina – main character in the famous work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” The example of the main character shows well how cruel the war is, how unfair everything was then, and how much grief the war brought to people.

Margarita got married very early, at only seventeen years old. The young girl met her future husbands at a meeting with border guard heroes. Rita began an affair with Lieutenant Osyanin, and they soon got married. Then still young Margarita went to live with her husband at the border outpost. There the girl attended various clubs and sections, was a member women's council. The action takes place in 1939. Already in 1940, married couple son Albert was born. My son was only a year old when the war began.

Margarita can be assessed as a courageous, attentive and reasonable girl who can withstand all the “gifts” of fate. Her courage is especially evident during the war years. The girl did not panic, but pulled herself together and helped those in need.

Unfortunately, Rita’s husband died on the second day of the war, and the girl found out about the tragedy only in July.

After graduating from training, Margarita herself expressed a desire to go to the regiment where she worked dead husband. Arriving at the place, Osvyanina did not immediately make friends; basically, she kept herself apart from everyone. Everything that was around was wild to her. As a couple, she was even afraid of everything, but did not show it. There were mostly only young girls around. Rita differed from them not even in age, but in her life experience. It was only when the girl had a son that she realized how valuable life is. Over time, Rita had a friend - the complete opposite of the girl. Her name is Zhenya. They were brought together by the grief that overtook the girls. The two of them lost their family. the main objective young women - do everything to make this hell (war) end.

Osyanina did not want to be a burden to her son, so she found a person who would take care of her son. Then, unfortunately, she shot herself in the head and died.

Rita Osyanina is an example of courage and heroism. Real woman. She is persistent, helps everyone and does not go astray. Even her death is an example heroic act. Rita is a real Person.

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