Ksenia Borodina said goodbye to winter. Colorful couple: Borodina and Omarov

Became her official husband in 2015.

Since then, the businessman’s biography has come to the attention of Dom-2 fans. But the man is in no hurry to make it public, so his relationship with the popular TV personality regularly becomes a source of gossip and rumors.

Childhood and youth

Kurban Omarov was born under the zodiac sign Virgo on August 25, 1980 in the village of Khadzhalmakhi, Levashinsky district, in Dagestan. His parents are Dagestanis by nationality. His father is a large developer from Makhachkala Omar Omarov, his mother Shuanet Gadzhieva is a solfeggio teacher at a music school.

Kurban's maternal grandfather is the historian Bulakh Gadzhiev, and his great-grandfather is Magomed Gadzhiev, a hero Soviet Union. The man is Muslim by religion. In addition to Kurban, the family raised him younger brother Ansar.

Also in early years The nickname Winter stuck to the boy; his friends still call him that. In childhood and adolescence, Kurban was fond of boxing. Omarov received a good education. In number educational institutions which the young man attended included the colleges of London and Bournemouth. In 1997, the guy became a student at the Moscow State Construction University, Faculty of Management and Construction. The young man graduated from the university in 2002.

Kurban Omarov worked in law enforcement agencies

According to media reports, in the 90s Omarov was involved with law enforcement agencies, and since the early 2000s he lived in Moscow, in a hostel on Yaroslavskoe Highway.

Career and business

In 2003, Kurban acquired his own apartment on Pilot Babushkin Street. At the same time, the company Housing Initiative LLC was registered, which was engaged in general construction work and the construction of buildings. Omarov was listed among the leaders of the enterprise along with his father Omar and brother Ansar.

According to journalists, today Kurban Omarov is the heir to his father’s construction business and the owner of several companies, their branches are scattered throughout Russia, one is also located in Canada.

In 2015, the entrepreneur became the head of a business unit at the ABC joint stock company. He oversees the development software"Smart Home" for commercial release. At the end of the same year, Kurban registered the brand fashionable clothes Zima Group.

In business circles, Ksenia Borodina’s husband was nicknamed the “diamond king,” but why, history is silent.

Kurban is also known as a popular blogger. At one time, he became the author of the Internet reality show TGRM (“Where Men Are Born”). Omarov posts the video on his personal YouTube channel. Borodina's husband's account in "Instagram" is among the top 30 most popular Russian blogs on this social network.

Personal life

Omarov married twice. The identity of the businessman’s first wife never became public knowledge. According to some media reports, the name ex-wife Omarova - Alla. In 2008, a woman gave her husband her first child. The boy was named Omar in honor of his grandfather.

In 2014, Kurban's first family broke up, allegedly due to his infidelity. The abandoned wife never commented on her relationship with Omarov; she now works as a manager in a Moscow restaurant.

In 2012, at a party hosted by an ex-participant of the Dom-2 project, Kurban met TV presenter and star of the show Ksenia Borodina. At first, the young people were just friends, but in 2014 a romance began, which resulted in a gorgeous wedding on July 3, 2015.

In the capital's Napoleon banquet hall, a winter atmosphere was recreated in honor of the groom's friendly nickname. Group artists and others came to congratulate the newlyweds. At the end of the evening, the pastry chef presented his own 4-meter cake, made in a snow theme.

On December 22, 2015, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her beloved daughter Teona in one of the elite metropolitan clinics. The girl became Ksenia’s second child; from her relationship with Yuri Budagov, she is raising her daughter Marusya. The husband treats the TV presenter’s first child with no less tenderness and care. All the children now live with Omarov and Borodina.

In 2016, the media started talking about the personal lives of Kurban and Ksenia. Various sources attributed betrayal to Borodina’s husband, and Omarov’s business meeting with the actress and TV presenter, which took place in Spain, was given the status of a romantic date.

The spouses themselves did not comment on the presence conflict situations in family.

Soon the boom of rumors and gossip died down. Ksenia and Kurban’s Instagram did not stop updating with joint family photos and videos that testified to the well-being of the couple.

At the same time, evidence of Omarov’s use of plastic surgery began to appear. From a brutal Caucasian with large facial features and deep wrinkles, he turned into a fit European.

Experts started talking about rhinoplasty, which Kurban resorted to. He was also credited with the use of fillers, which helped smooth out the facial skin.

However, Omarov himself did not give any comments about his possible visit to a plastic surgery clinic.

Kurban Omarov now

The family life of Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina continues to be of interest to fans of the couple. In 2018, the couple finally moved into a country mansion, which they purchased just before the birth of their daughter Teona. The house is located in a cottage village near Moscow with developed infrastructure. Here are located kindergarten, equestrian school, shops, spa center and Gym.

According to Kurban, he and Ksenia are thinking about having a second child together, but so far the couple is not rushing things.

The Omarov family celebrated New Year 2019 at the Zavidovo country house, and then went to Turkey. The couple dedicated a number of publications on Instagram to the holiday.

  • why Borodina divorced Kurban
  • who is Nastasya Samburskaya
  • and what role did Grisha Zhuzhin play in the divorce of Borodina and Omarov?

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov

The relationship between the popular Russian TV star from “House-2” Ksenia Borodina and Dagestan businessman Kurban Omarov developed rapidly. After several months of relationship, Ksenia Borodina and Kurban amazed everyone with the news of their wedding. And although many suspected that it was not in vain that the couple made a hasty decision to get married. Ksenia Borodina denied that pregnancy was the reason for the rush, saying that she received a marriage proposal long before she found out about the pregnancy. In any case, last December Borodina and Kurban became parents. But still the relationship did not work out.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Kurban Omarov

For the first time about what is in the family Russian TV presenter Something is wrong with Borodina and Kurban, fans realized after cute people stopped appearing on Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram family photos couples with touching declarations of love, and then a Russian TV star altogether. Everyone decided that Ksyusha did this because of constant questions about her husband. But having restored the page, new details began to appear in the divorce situation. So, which she owned together with Kurban Omarov, and subscribers switched to another topic. These are Samburskaya and Omarov. The pair became the talk of the town after they went on holiday together in Spain. Consciously or not, they made sure everyone knew about their stay together at a resort in Spain. So, a photo appeared on Samburskaya Instagram at a table in one of the cafes. There were on the table men's glasses And mobile phone With recognizable name"Winter" on the cover. A photo tagged in Spain also appeared on Kurban's Instagram. Consequently, attentive subscribers immediately guessed that Samburskaya and Kurban were spending time together.

Borodina divorced Kurban

Rumors that Borodina had divorced Kurban circulated online for almost two months. But after discussion love triangle Borodina, Omarov and Samburskaya, with her husband. Apparently, the story with Samburskaya was the last straw on this scale. From the words of Ksenia Borodina, it became clear who Grisha Zhuzhin was and what role he played in the couple’s relationship.

After the official confession of the divorce of a popular star in Russia and Ukraine, 33-year-old Ksenia Borodina, she was condemned by a homewrecker, a 29-year-old actress, who in every possible way insulted the star of “House-2”. Unable to withstand the intensity of passions, her pregnant friend stood up for the humiliated Borodina. This is what Samburskaya, whose biography is full of scandalous facts, wrote on her Instagram page.

Instagram of Kurban Omarov

As Ksenia Borodina wrote earlier, her unfaithful husband Kurban Omarov did not miss the opportunity to show himself with the best side And . After those words, many fans of the couple began to respect Kurban for his courage to realize his mistake and behave with dignity in this situation. Many people know that Omarov uses Instagram as an opportunity to show himself in better light. Just look at the photos of him or Kurban Omarov with the children with whom he spends time on neutral territory.

Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin

By the way, in connection with the divorce of Borodina and Kurban, the ex-lover Ksyusha Mikhail Terekhin, with whom she dated for several years and it almost came to marriage. Recently, Mikhail Terekhin said on Periscope that he would not mind getting back together with Kyusha again and he is very sorry that everything happened like this for her. But he doesn't hold out hope that this will ever happen.

But who will take me back? I wanted to call her, but she blocked my number. This is actually strange, in 1.5 years I could have already unblocked it. But no, apparently she doesn’t need my support. Yes, and you can’t act, people are still officially husband and wife, maybe they will reconcile. Does she have two children? Yes, I’ll accept it with at least four.

We will monitor the situation. Read last news from the life of celebrities on WANT.ua.

Kurban Omarov is a secretive figure and does not favor the media with his attention. However, in an interview with the site, Ksenia Borodina’s husband was extremely frank and told why he and his wife broke a mountain of dishes, why he cannot be strict with children and what qualities he should have a real man.

On July 3, 2015, Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina became husband and wife, and on December 22, they became the parents of a charming girl, Teona. The spouses' relationship had its ups and downs, but they are still together and - most importantly - happy.

Ksenia - definitely Strong woman. How did Kurban manage to win her heart? Who is the boss in their family? And why does a temperamental man from Dagestan allow his woman to work? Fortunately, Kurban quenched our by no means idle curiosity...

website: Kurban, media attention has been focused on your couple with Ksenia for a very long time. Does this kind of interest make you uncomfortable?
You know, this doesn’t cause us any discomfort as such. Many people think that public life is a kind of ice hole into which people dive headlong and devote themselves completely to it. Some, of course, do this, but this is not our case. We leave all this fuss outside the threshold of our home, we abstract ourselves completely.

“The media is not at the forefront of our relations. We build our lives not around publicity, popularity, but around children, each other, our love.”

website: And when you just started your relationship with Ksenia, weren’t you put off by her popularity?

K.O.: I didn’t start dating Ksenia Borodina, but with the girl Ksyusha, whom I fell in love with. Her popularity remained overboard. This is still the case today. The most important thing is us, the rest comes later.

website: Millions of people also watch your life through Instagram. How open are you on your blog?

K.O.: On Instagram, subscribers can see how my children are growing up, how much I love my wife. And, of course, my little creativity in the form of funny videos, ideas for which sometimes come to mind. also in Lately I started publishing texts. In fact, I have been writing for a long time, but only recently did I put my thoughts on public display for the first time. This is probably exactly how open I am to my subscribers.

“Of course, my main work is not covered on Instagram. People love Ksyusha, they love Omar, Marusya and Teona - they see them on my blog.”

website: What will you never tell on your Instagram?

K.O.: I’m generally afraid of the word “never.” Now I will say “never”, but life is such a thing... It immediately proves to you the opposite, and it turns out “when”. Therefore, I will not use this word. But I think that I would not talk about something deeply personal.

K.O.: In my opinion, if a person says that the assessment of other people is not important to him, most likely he is being disingenuous. Public opinion affects our social life, so it also matters to me.

"I listen to people who give good advice, they encourage me or write that I’m doing something wrong. “I don’t have my head in the clouds, but I stand firmly on the ground and pay attention to the opinions of others.”

website: However, the ability to comment on posts is disabled on your Instagram. What is this connected with?

K.O.: Hmm, good question. At some point, I noticed that those around me - friends, acquaintances - were spending a lot of time reading comments to themselves on Instagram. And I thought, “Can I live for a while without knowing what people think of me?” And I turned off commenting. I was trying to prove something to myself. Now I turn it on again when I write texts - I’m interested in the readers’ opinions on the topic I raised.

website: On the one hand, you seem to be a strict, influential, serious man, on the other, a soft and caring husband, and on the third, a smiling and emotional dad. But what are you really like?

K.O.: I am a smiling and caring dad. I want my children to see and remember me this way. I am often scolded for the fact that I cannot have a serious conversation with them, or scold them somewhere. This is not for me, so I placed these worries on my mother’s shoulders (smiles).

“If from the outside I seem serious and influential, that’s nice. Strict? Depending on who I'm with - I can be strict with those who really deserve it, or if it comes to important issue, the safety of my family. Strictness is a necessary measure, which I resort to extremely reluctantly. Still, I am for positivity.”

website: In your opinion, what qualities should a real man have?

K.O.: Not so long ago we did the “TGRM” project (“Where men are born” is a kind of reality show for men on YouTube - website note). As part of the project, we conducted a survey among young people aged 20 to 38 years, what qualities, in their opinion, a man should have. And the overwhelming majority - about 90% - answered that a man should have money and be able to earn it. Unfortunately, today we can’t live without it. The same endless race for new iPhones forces us to think this way.

“I agree that a real man should provide for his family. This is a banal survival instinct. But also, in my opinion, a man should take care of his family, parents, close relatives. Naturally, he must be held accountable for his words.”

In short, a real man must be a real man. And let each of us put into this concept what he considers important and necessary.

website: Family life imposes a number of obligations on a man. Don't you miss single life?

K.O.: No, because I had everything in my life. It’s not like I didn’t get anything there. On the other hand, I didn’t have a normal, real family before, but now I have one, and I value it very much, so I don’t miss my bachelor life at all.

website: Why do you think today many men are afraid to take on obligations and responsibility for their family?

K.O.: I don’t know why this happens. Perhaps today's youth are not as brave as they used to be. Perhaps also because the screens are increasingly showing us that all cool heroes are necessarily single. This, of course, leaves its mark. Although lately I have met a lot of young guys who are making a career, and at the same time they have a family and children.

website: Today you and Ksenia are an example of what a strong and friendly family should be. It is clear that this was not always the case...

K.O.: Of course, like many couples, it took us time to get used to it. Even water sharpens a stone, so it was not difficult for Ksyusha to sharpen me (smiles). Today we live together, in love and harmony.

website: Is there anything you can’t stand about Ksenia?

K.O.: There is no such thing in Ksyusha that I simply “can’t stand it.” I love my wife very much, so I like everything about her.

website: Then what character traits or habits of hers do you admire?

K.O.: I think you yourself know that Ksyusha is not a quiet lake, but a 12-point storm. And now, returning to the previous question, I will say that the main thing is to build a boat that can stay on it in this very storm. Moreover, I myself am the same storm. And, believe me, we are not bored in our boat (smiles).

“Ksyusha is explosive, mischievous, life is in full swing in her. And I really like this trait in her.”

We come on vacation, and if it were up to me, I would lie by the pool all day long, and Ksyusha always takes us somewhere to watch something. Recently we were in Rome (where, by the way, I also don’t mind sitting in a cafe and looking at tourists) and thanks to Ksyusha we walked around the whole city and got to the island of Capri. She is a powerhouse who also energizes other people, and I really like that.

website: How do you resolve conflicts in your couple? Are you for a calm conversation or don't mind breaking plates to let off steam?

K.O.: Oh-oh-oh (smiles). We broke more than one kitchen at the very beginning of our relationship. It happened that they were offended at each other for a day, for a week. Now we can not talk for a maximum of an hour. And then either Teona will come running, ask for something, and Ksyusha will send her daughter to dad, and dad gets up and does it, or we’ll just start the conversation out of the blue as if nothing had happened.

“The most important thing in a relationship is not to be angry for a long time, because in a quarrel a person begins to have thoughts in his head. negative thoughts, one is multiplied by the other, and now you no longer know how to stop this huge ball of anger and resentment. It is important to start talking on time and remember that you are two loving friend a friend of a person who go through life together.”

website: Is there a place for jealousy in your couple?

K.O.: Previously, we had powerful mutual jealousy - then we didn’t really know each other and were very afraid of losing. Today, when we already know that we can’t get away from each other, jealousy takes on a comic format. For example, Ksyusha will receive a message, I will take the phone and give it to her with the words: “Here, yours wrote to you there.” And we'll both laugh.

“There is jealousy, but it is healthy, conscious, not sick, and does not cloud the mind.”

website: Who is the boss in your couple?

K.O.: Despite the fact that I am from Dagestan, in our family I have built such relationships that there are no main ones. We are equal. We have home advice- we make all decisions (global and not so global) together, having discussed them in advance. Our model is the same as millions Russian families: man - head, woman - neck.

website: Judging by the fact that Ksenia continues to work actively, you are not trying to make her a housewife. Tell us your point of view on this matter.

K.O.: Even in the question itself there are already notes of selfishness.

“How can you force a person to sit at home if he is capable and can develop? In relation to Ksyusha, this would generally be a crime. My wife has been working since she was 16, she has achieved what most women (and even men) could not achieve.”

Ksyusha is a true professional in her field. For example, I’m giving you an interview now and I’m very worried, but for Ksyusha this is the norm. Every time we leave the filming of a program, the editors say that my wife is incredibly easy and pleasant to work with. Programs with Ksyusha are recorded in an hour and a half, while others take three hours. Therefore, my point of view on this matter is to under no circumstances cut off the wings of someone whose wings grow and grow very beautifully.

website: Is there a division of household responsibilities in your couple?

K.O.: Of course, like everyone else, I have my responsibilities, Ksyusha has hers. I won’t go into details - everything is the same as in millions of other families. The duties that a man must perform are mine, those that a woman must do are Ksyushins. We have an idyll in this regard.

website: What do you think is the secret of a long and strong relationship between spouses?

K.O.: There is no secret. It's just that sometimes when spouses fight or even separate, they forget that they love each other and turn into real enemies.

“The most important and at the same time difficult thing is to choose a person. If you make a choice, be committed to your person. And then, no matter what happens, you will hold on to your relationship, and the little things that could previously infuriate you in someone else suddenly lose all meaning.”

You stop reacting to what you used to react to because you really love and understand that this person is your whole life.

website: What is the most important thing you want to invest in your children?

K.O.: No matter how corny it may sound, all I want to put into my children is love. Children raised in love go through life with completely different potential. They are not so constrained, timid, because they have never been insulted or humiliated. I think that many years from now, when we are gone, our children will still feel supported by us, because we always loved them and believed that they were the best. This will give them incredible power in the future, I'm sure of it.

website: Have you and Ksenia thought about having another child?

K.O.: Of course, we think about it, but we don’t rush things. When the Almighty gives us a child, then we will accept him with joy.

website: What kind of family do you dream of?

K.O.: I already have the family I dreamed of.

website: They say that every man in his life must grow a tree, build a house and raise a son. What do you personally lack for complete happiness?

K.O.: I built a house, and not alone, I have a son, and I planted trees while at school. It turns out that he did everything that every man should do. What is missing for complete happiness? World peace. We are complete, loving, big family. We have all. And we would like it to be the same for everyone. Then it will be a complete thrill.

In a conversation with reporters, he explained why he fell in love with the Russian TV star.

I didn’t start dating Ksenia Borodina, but with the girl Ksyusha, whom I fell in love with. Her popularity remained overboard. This is still the case today. The most important thing is us, the rest comes later.

Since the couple’s relationship developed very rapidly, Ksyusha and Kurban had to swear a lot before getting used to each other. At the same time, they broke the dishes more than once.

Of course, like many couples, it took us a while to get used to it. Even water sharpens a stone, so it was not difficult for Ksyusha to sharpen me. Today we live together, in love and harmony.

And since both of the couple have a strong leadership character, it was not easy for the lovers to create the atmosphere in the house that they have now.

I think you yourself know that Ksyusha is not a quiet lake, but a 12-point storm. But the main thing is to build a boat so that it can stay on it in this very storm. Moreover, I myself am the same storm. And, believe me, we are not bored in our boat. Ksyusha is explosive, mischievous, life is in full swing in her. And I really like this trait about her. We come on vacation, and if it were up to me, I would lie by the pool all day long, and Ksyusha always takes us somewhere to watch something. Recently we were in Rome (where, by the way, I also don’t mind sitting in a cafe and looking at tourists) and thanks to Ksyusha we walked around the whole city and got to the island of Capri. She is a powerhouse who also energizes other people, and I really like that.

And although there was a very difficult stage in the lives of Borodina and Omarov, which was also accompanied increased attention Media, they still did not leave their boat of love broken, but made efforts to save the family and raise their children in love.

There is no secret. It's just that sometimes when spouses fight or even separate, they forget that they love each other and turn into real enemies. The most important and at the same time difficult thing is to choose a person. If you make a choice, be committed to your person. And then, no matter what happens, you will hold on to your relationship, and the little things that could previously infuriate you in someone else suddenly lose all meaning. You stop reacting to what you used to react to because you truly love and understand that this person is your whole life.

The bright, charismatic TV presenter of the longest-running TV project “Dom-2” does not make a secret of her personal life. Apparently, the work, the essence of which is to reveal the deepest secrets of the participants in the TV show, leaves its mark.

The beauty has affairs with project participants (Oscar Karimov, Mikhail Terekhin), then marries exclusively serious men Caucasian blood. It’s not surprising, she herself, as she says, “comes from an Armenian family” Borodina's first husband was Armenian Yuri Budagov, and the second was Dagestani Kurban Omarov.

Who is he, Kurban Omarov?

Kurban Omarov was born in the Dagestan village of Khadzhalmakhi in 1980. He's a kid from mixed marriage, like Ksenia. Kurban's father is Dagestan, and his mother is Russian. This mixture of blood surprisingly reflected in his appearance - an athletic, brutal man with piercing, sky-blue eyes and a face type closer to European

However, Kurban is a Muslim by religion and adheres to the customs of the Dagestan people.

Kurban's father, Omar Omarov, is a major developer in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala. Since the early 2000s, Kurban has lived in Moscow. He started out in a hostel on Yaroslavskoye Highway, but already in 2003 he acquired his own apartment. At the same time, the Housing Initiative company, headed by Kurban’s father, appeared on the capital’s construction market.

Kurban, together with his brother Ansar, occupy key positions in the management of the construction company.

Kurban Omarov is the heir to an extensive construction business, the branches of which are scattered across many cities in Russia and one is located in Canada.

A story of dating and love

Marriage with Ksenia Borodina is Omarov’s second. It is known that in the first he had a son, Omar, whom his father kept for himself after the divorce. Borodina also has a daughter from her first marriage, Marusya.

Ksenia and Kurban met at a birthday party former member project by Stepan Menshchikov. At that moment, Ksenia was not free, and their communication was friendly.

After a loud and scandalous breakup with project participant Mikhail Terekhin, Kurban began to court Ksenia. He quickly won her favor. The wedding was planned for the fall of 2015, but Ksenia became pregnant, and the celebration was postponed to the summer. On July 3, Ksenia and Kurban became husband and wife, and in December Borodina gave birth to a daughter, Teona.

Relationship crisis

In 2016 they family life became the subject of general discussion. Ksenia, who actively blogs on Instagram, has stopped posting photos of herself and her husband on her feed. There were rumors about Kurban's possible betrayal.

Interesting notes:

The name of a possible rival was also announced. They suspected that actress Nastasya Samburskaya interfered in someone else’s family. Nastasya denied all rumors by posting on Instagram joint photo with her boyfriend, but the relationship between the spouses at that time became complicated.

Cozy family nest

Ksenia and Urban managed to overcome the crisis; in 2017 they moved to a country house. They rented housing near Nikolina Gora.

In the morning Borodina gets up before everyone else, prepares her signature Italian scrambled eggs from different types sausages and sausages. In the evenings, the couple organize home movie screenings, with romantic comedies predominating; Kurban cedes the choice of film to his beloved wife.

Two nannies live with the family; Kurban also hired a gardener who looks after both the site and the house as a whole.

In parallel, Kurban is engaged in construction own home, and also plans to buy a cottage in which the family lives now.

Both spouses are developing their own fashion brands. Ksenia is developing her brand Bang-Bang Borodina, and Omar is undervaluing the clothing store Skandal.

At the end of November last year, rumors spread about Omarov's bankruptcy, which he denied with his characteristic irony.

Fans of the couple are also discussing the possible transition of Ksenia Borodina, following Olga Buzova, to Channel One. Many would like to see Borodina as the host of the “Let Them Talk” program, and even launched the hashtag “Let Ksyukha Speak.”

By the way, in the “Borodin-Buzov” confrontation, which arose recently after the well-known quarrel between TV stars at the birthday celebration of Maria Pogrebnyak, the husband actively supports his wife.

Kurban claims that Ksyusha has a voice of rare timbre, which Lyubov Uspenskaya herself admired. Omarov is convinced that Borodina could well become a pop star, but her priorities are set correctly - first children, family, husband, and then work.

Be that as it may, today the Borodin-Omarov couple is doing very well; in early January they went on vacation to Italy, first in Rome, and then flew to Capri.

Photos of the popular TV presenter with her husband and children
