Who teaches correct speech. How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully

Many consider competent speech to be a talent that is given to a select few and is necessary only in some areas of activity. In fact, everyone should think about how to develop speech. After all, good diction makes you listen to to the talking person and trust his opinion more. In addition, such a skill often contributes to career growth, especially if to perform job responsibilities you need to communicate with people often.

Basic techniques and exercises for speech development

Below we present the most effective exercises to improve diction. Clear speech and a well-trained voice are the result of long and hard work on oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to perform these exercises regularly, and not occasionally, because this is the only way you will make progress in the development of your speech.

Warm-up for the articulatory apparatus

Before performing any exercises aimed at developing diction, short warm-ups will help you to prepare yourself for clarity of pronunciation. One of her options is to tightly clench a pencil with your teeth and say a phrase approximately 10-15 words long. Then take out the pencil and say the same phrase again. In order not to think about choosing a text every time, you can use any poem when performing this exercise.

Exercises aimed at improving their mobility and accuracy will also help you begin to speak better and strengthen the muscles of the organs involved in the speech process. After all, these are the characteristics that are required for the development of diction and high-quality pronunciation of sounds.

As you know, the most mobile organ of articulation is the tongue. Therefore, most of gymnastics is connected with it. There are many exercises, the regular implementation of which will eliminate the need to think about the question of how to develop speech. For example, you can stick out your tongue and try to reach it first to the chin, and then to the nose. Or, as if using a brush, use smooth movements to draw lines from the teeth to the larynx.

Pronouncing phrases with artificially complicated articulation

Tongue twisters for the development of diction are considered classic version workout. With their help, you can practice clearly pronouncing different consonants in a calm environment. To achieve excellent results, it is enough to devote at least 5-10 minutes to exercise every day. However, to develop good diction there is one thing important rule: Each phrase must be pronounced at a slow, medium and very fast pace.

You can start training with the most simple sentences which teach you to clearly pronounce one or two sounds. For example, these could be:

  • All beavers are kind to their beavers.
  • Skinny, weak Koschey is dragging a box of vegetables.
  • Klim pounded one damn thing with a wedge.
  • The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.
  • A harrow was used to harrow an unharrowed field.
  • Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  • Whether the fox sat near the village, or at the edge of the forest.
  • The census rewrote the census results three times.
  • There are also more complex phrases that help you understand how to learn to speak words clearly and quickly, in which the pronunciation of two or more sounds in difficult combinations is practiced:

    • The talker said to the talkers: “I said, don’t tell the talker that the talker has started talking,” the talker has a talker. The talker began to speak, and the talker’s throat began to talk slightly, and then the talker said finally: “Stop talking, talker talker.”
    • The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but was silent about the ensign.
    • There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard cannot accommodate firewood! We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.
    • The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style, the cap needs to be re-packed, re-capped, re-forged, re-capped.
    • The snake was bitten by the snake. I can't get along with the snake. From horror it has become narrower - the snake will eat it for dinner and say: “Start over.”

    Pronouncing tongue twisters

    There are also special tongue twisters for developing diction and eliminating problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds. Good way figure out what exactly needs to be corrected - listen to your own speech from the outside. Once the problems have been identified, you can begin to work on developing your diction.

    First you need to learn how to pronounce an isolated sound correctly. Then it is necessary to achieve differentiation in speech of similar sounds, for example, “s” and “sh” or “r” and “l”. A significant help in correcting your speech can be pronouncing special phrases, for example:

    • Lara played the lyre.
    • Forty mice walked and found forty pennies, and two poorer mice found two pennies each.
    • The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.
    • A Cossack with a saber galloped towards Sashka to play checkers.
    • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
    • The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.
    • There was a white-winged ram, which killed all the rams.
    • I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

    You should move on to working on the next sound only after you have achieved correct pronunciation first sound.

    Reading aloud

    In addition to speaking tongue twisters, it is also useful to read aloud to develop diction. Recording your voice on a voice recorder can be a good incentive. Few people, having heard their speech, would not want to improve it. By reading passages from books and making audio recordings, you can practice your pronunciation until it becomes almost perfect.

    How to learn to speak so that it is really pleasant and interesting to listen to you? When reading aloud, avoid monotony and change your intonation. In addition, it is worth changing the volume and speed of reading, learning to highlight the most important moments with pauses. important points. But at the same time, control your speech so that such pauses are appropriate and not too long.

    Also, do not lose sight of the fact that a calm and confident voice is best perceived by others. Whether he will be like this largely depends on the mood and internal state of a person, his ability to control emotions. However, by developing diction, you can learn to speak calmly and convincingly. For example, why not imagine yourself as a politician and talk about the state of the economy in the country while sitting in front of a mirror?

    Vocabulary expansion

    Another important aspect to consider is the need for constant intellectual development and replenishment of vocabulary. A well-developed person can carry on a conversation in any situation and find the right words. To become just like this, you should read more, solve crossword puzzles more often and attend various trainings on.

    If you devote even a few minutes every day to working on improving your diction, within a few months you will begin to speak well, and your voice itself will be transformed beyond recognition. Moreover, all the efforts made will undoubtedly be rewarded over time.

    Diaphragm training

    In the question of how to deliver a speech, it is very important aspect is the ability to control breathing. Without it, the text may be interrupted by pauses and breaths in places where this violates its meaning or worsens its emotionality. As a result, speech will become abrupt, and the meaning of what is said is perceived worse.

    Therefore, one of the first exercises to develop diction should be training to develop proper breathing:

    • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your spine, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhaling through your nose, push your stomach forward. Then calmly exhale air through a small hole in your lips, returning your chest and stomach to their original position.
    • To start speaking better over time, you can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, try to support correct breathing and at the same time walk, jog, imitate chopping wood or sweeping the floor.
    • You can improve the development of diction with the help of the following exercise. To begin, inhale calmly, and as you exhale, hold out any vowel for as long as possible. When you can hold a vowel for more than 25 seconds, try changing the tone of your voice.

    Main causes of speech problems

    It is impossible to achieve positive results in the development of diction if you do not understand the causes of speech disorders. Only rarely are they associated with health problems and develop, for example, due to an abnormal jaw structure or a short frenulum of the tongue.

    For many people, speech problems are caused by incorrect pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, as well as the absence of the “L” or “R” sounds, or a violation of their pronunciation. A weakened articulatory apparatus may also be the cause.

    Even if a person can speak well, pronouncing all sounds correctly, in particularly significant situations his speech may become slurred and unclear. After all, when pronouncing words, the articulatory apparatus needs to very quickly switch from one movement to another. This can only be achieved through active and intensive work of the muscles that need to be trained, for example, by regularly pronouncing tongue twisters for diction.

    However main reason slurred, quiet speech is a person’s shyness and lack of self-confidence. In such a situation, the development of diction is a secondary problem. First of all, you need to work on your own character and fight complexes.

    Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that you can listen to a person who can speak beautifully for hours! And yet, it should be taken into account that there are a considerable number of different nuances that are important to take into account when developing the skill of rich conversational speech.

    It is important to breathe correctly when speaking Surely, while listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop your speaking technique. However, first of all, for this you should learn to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Please note that speech breathing differs from normal breathing. It's about about a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, the shoulders and upper sections chest remain practically motionless. You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly and the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by contraction of the abdominal and chest muscles. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten). When the process of speech occurs, the importance of exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, you should take a quick and deep breath, which is taken both through your nose and mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved. Correct speech breathing can be called the basis for a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, this will lead to instability of your voice. Speak confidently, clearly and clearly When speaking, try to avoid muttering - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but continue to speak with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of speaking this way in everyday life. You need to constantly train your gestures and facial expressions Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and “out of line.” At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may simply look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

    Correct speech is one of the most important signs characterizing a well-mannered, cultured person. Unfortunately, we must admit that now the beautiful speech has lost its ground. But if you want, you can learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

    Brevity, simplicity, literacy

    These are the basics correct speech and competent speech. People have forgotten how to speak correctly over time for a number of reasons, starting with the widespread decline of culture in the 90s. This needs to be learned again. At least because competent speech not only characterizes a person positively, but also helps in communicating with other people. Imagine: you are talking with a person who abuses vulgar, slang words. Do you want to continue communicating with him? Hardly.

    Every person can learn to speak beautifully. The richness of the language allows us to describe any objects with extreme accuracy. It is not at all necessary that the speech be verbose. After all, too long a narrative, even a beautiful and imaginative one, is very tiring and sometimes annoying. Therefore, we must remember that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. It is necessary to quickly move on to the main essence of the issue, not to delay the introduction, and not to be distracted by unnecessary trifles. Then your story will have the desired effect.

    Of course, you need to speak competently. A person who often makes mistakes in accents or uses words incorrectly is absolutely unattractive. For example, all business speech may be crossed out with the word “lay down”, instead of the correct “put down”. In the same way, a boss who incorrectly places stress on words "document", "quarter", is unlikely to inspire favor and trust among business partners.

    Techniques for correct speech production

    For those who want to speak beautifully, various techniques provide every opportunity to:

    • Correct breathing. By taking a deep breath, you will master breathing support while pronouncing vowels and consonants at a slow pace, pronouncing each syllable and each word. This helps to use all shades of language.
    • Oratory. Smooth speech, correct articulation, and clear sound make the listener listen even more attentively to the narrator. Properly delivered speech includes training using patter, whispering, and artificially fast pronunciation.
    • Brief, precise summary. Practice expressing your thoughts concisely.
    • Logics. When communicating or speaking, you need to follow the logic of the narrative and cause-and-effect relationships. The logic of thinking and storytelling is based on general education and a broad outlook.

    Using exercises to train your language, you will automatically expand your communication, gain confidence in the professional field, and learn the art of persuasion and easy manipulation of listeners.

    Exercises for staging correct and beautiful speech will be useful in staging breathing, voice, controlling resonators, strengthening vocal strength and endurance, enriching intonation, and practicing the correct tempo of diction. How can you learn to speak great? The answer is simple - patiently practice the technique.

    Lessons for establishing proper breathing

    Phonation breathing is an important factor in correct speaking. The diaphragm is responsible for inhalation - the muscle that separates the thoracic region from the abdominal region and the muscles that control the movement of the ribs during breathing. The most natural position for comfortable breathing is lying on your back with completely relaxed muscles.

    Make yourself comfortable by lying on your back. One hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Try to inhale so that your chest remains motionless and your stomach rises. Exhale slowly and repeat this exercise until abdominal breathing is easy and without strain. This kind of breathing needs to become a habit. Moreover, such an exercise will well invigorate you from sleep.

    Of course, to achieve the dream of word beauty, just correct breathing is not all you need. Most often the problem lies on a psychological level. This could be a fear of the public, residual memories from visits to a speech therapist in childhood, or simply the inability to interest the interlocutor.

    You can easily cope with all this with the help of simple lessons on correct speech:

    If you feel unsure of yourself, it is quite difficult to communicate and open up in front of your interlocutor.

    There are several steps you need to take to free yourself from fear:

    • acknowledge the presence of difficulties and prepare for the long work of getting rid of worries;
    • understand the reason (you may even have to resort to a psychologist);
    • been through difficult situation, let go of the past forever and enjoy the present;
    • start communicating - only methodically overcoming your fears will allow you to learn to communicate with people (you can mentally come up with plans, for example, 10 long conversations and 20 short conversations on public transport or in a queue);
    • if it is difficult to immediately start conversations in a company, you can first communicate by phone (at least there will be no external manifestations);
    • When training goes smoothly, you can take the initiative in meeting the opposite sex.

    But there are still people who are naturally modest, and there is no need to suffer because of this. Modesty is not a vice! Work on yourself, on personal development, improve your skills of correct speech when communicating, try to be open and sociable.

    Half of Kyiv's secular population attends courses oratory skills to Veronica Selega. Alena Ponomarenko took several lessons - and understood what caused the excitement.

    I open my mouth wide, wait three seconds for the muscles to relax, and then stretch my lips to form a grin. I have my first lesson at the Aristotle school of public speaking, on Veronica Selega’s course, and I’m doing the “Open Mouth” exercise to warm up the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. There are only 21 muscles, and they work so-so. Firstly, because in Slavic culture, unlike the American one, historically it is not customary to actively articulate it. Secondly, with age, muscles become more tight. This leaves an imprint on how a person speaks, and, of course, on how his speech is perceived by others.

    Veronica is sure that articulatory gymnastics is for everyone, and especially for those who often speak in front of the public, go on air, or simply want to sound beautiful and convincing. If you look behind the scenes of any talk show, she says, you can see how speakers with a casual look stretch their muscles - make a “horse”, “jellyfish” (when underlip combs teeth with force), bites tongue. “By the way, if your mouth gets dry during a performance, you can simply bite your tongue - this will cause an instant flow of saliva,” she says. And this is just one of hundreds of life hacks that I will learn in the next few days.

    Among Veronica's clients are politicians, lawyers and other typical “speakers”: wives of diplomats, businessmen, people who have recently received a promotion, and so on. They all need to not only speak beautifully, but also know etiquette, be able to find topics for conversation and present themselves, choose the right audience and interlocutors, answer awkward and sometimes boorish questions, and elegantly avoid answering. " Public speaking“,” explains Veronica, “it’s not necessarily a huge hall and a speaker with a microphone. This includes a working meeting, a presentation of your project, a toast at a birthday party, and an explanation to children of what is good and what is bad.” The courses cannot be classified as “entertainment”: it is still work (albeit very rewarding) - with homework, exercises, and reading additional literature. There are 16 lessons in total, and then people sometimes return to improve their skills, for example, to “knock out” Russian sounds from Ukrainian speech.

    This is where I get the most valuable advice in life according to Ukrainian pronunciation. It turns out that in order to speak like a TV presenter (or simply a fifth-generation Kiev intellectual), it is enough to correctly pronounce “ch” and “sch”: ch - always hard (literally - “black”, “chYsty”), sh - formed by two sounds: "sh" and "ch". As soon as I tried to pronounce “Shchedry” and “ShChastya,” everything changed - I realized that I could sound no worse than Ekaterina Osadchaya. By the way, her articulation (“big open mouth”) and diction (extremely clear sounds) are considered standard. And of course, Osadchaya had to work hard on them. Chief Editor website website Natalya Vasyura, who worked for several years as editor-in-chief “ Social life", says that she worked on stage speech with Osadchaya People's Artist Ukraine Lydia Vovkun.

    The classes are structured so that, simultaneously with the fascinating process of self-knowledge, you quickly grasp useful skills. Selega believes that when a person knows his ultimate task (for example, “communicating with the press”), the result comes quickly. “For those who simply feel that something is missing in their performance, we first analyze the problems, then develop a training program and determine the desired outcome.”

    Veronica asks simple, challenging questions like “When do people like to listen to you?” (“When I’m good at what I’m talking about”); “Why are you sharing information?” (“I love sharing good things”), “To what extent is your appearance conducive to communication?” (“Perhaps I should have been more pretty”). Veronica writes down my answers in detail on the board - this way it becomes clear to her what she needs to work on and what is already in order. Questions flow from one to another, new details periodically emerge. My main problem is the most common one: giving a speech in front of an audience. When my head quickly becomes empty, and instead of the allotted 30 minutes for a speech, I finish it in five, rattling off everything in one fell swoop and missing the main thing.

    Interestingly, asking fast speakers to speak more slowly is often meaningless. People are unable to control the pace of their speech for more than a couple of minutes. Reading out loud helps a lot. It turns out that reading at the pace at which some simple things are usually explained is not so easy. But even more difficult is the first speed, when pauses must be made between all words. I succeed only on the second try. To do this, you have to take a special position: sit down imposingly, cross your legs, and put your hand on the back of the chair. The position of the body helps to speak in a completely different way - but I will learn about this a little later, in a lesson with a body-oriented psychotherapist. In the meantime, Veronica tells me another secret: to slow down your speech and sound more impressive, you need to clearly pronounce your consonants. And read more at first speed - this is exactly how they retrain those who chatter.

    For clear, easy and free speech, there is another life hack - like Eliza Dolittle in Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, when she trained to speak with mouth full nuts Instead of nuts, Veronica advises holding a cork in your teeth so as not to damage the enamel. I choose one from champagne and begin: “pkti, pkte, pkta, pkto, pktu, pkty” - and other unpronounceable combinations. But as soon as you remove the cork, magic happens: sounds pop out easily, like an announcer. "It's like doing dumbbell exercises and then putting them aside," says Veronica.

    I learned the secrets of sudden freezes when speaking - when you suddenly completely forget what you wanted to say. This will not happen if you give your brain a break and consciously “turn off” for at least 2-3 seconds. Veronica gave me the key to telephone interviews as well. It turns out that when you don’t see your interlocutor, it’s easy to get confused and forget the main thing. To prevent this from happening, you need to go to a quiet room and concentrate as much as possible, otherwise you cannot avoid the situation that arose with me during an interview with the Aristocrats radio: I stood in line at the Mystetsky Arsenal, it was raining, the audience was noisy, and I predictably I forgot everything I wanted to talk about on air.

    Then we played association: Veronica named the word, and I quickly said the first thing that came to mind. It was scary to blurt out something indecent, but it turned out okay. It turns out that the game was needed to identify atavistic sounds like “uh”, “mmm” and “ahh” when people drawl and vocalize pauses (I was among the rare 10% who do not do this).

    We also played another game that helps expand lexicon and activate passive stock. Veronica came up with the word “period,” and I had to add others to it to get the correct combinations: “intersection point,” “semicolon,” “fulcrum,” “bold dot,” and so on. In such games, the obvious combinations come to mind first, and only then does the vocabulary emerge. Veronica says that the words with which you want to enrich your speech must be immediately “put on the tongue” - pronounced out loud, even if at first they are out of place. This is what children intuitively do when they learn to speak.

    The session with a body-oriented psychotherapist was a real revelation for me. Psychologist Elena Kozeletskaya says that people communicate only 30% verbally, and read the remaining 70% of information through body language. Literally everything matters: how a person sits, how he straightens his shoulders, how he holds his back. “The tilt of the spine,” she says, “plays a big role. If you lean forward a little, everything will go wrong.” It turns out that the interlocutor may regard the tilt as aggression or, even worse, perceive the posture as asking. The interviewer's posture, in which the body is leaned back, can be interpreted as bored and boorish. But if the interviewee sits like this - for example, a male star - this is quite normal.

    Elena watched me, and then, to make it easier for me to evaluate myself from the outside, she “mirrored” my poses, gestures and facial expressions. It immediately became clear that I was behaving like an excellent student who intended to have a good time: closed knees, straight back, closed shoulders. The psychologist advised me to walk on my toes, on my heels, on the inside and outside of my feet. “Body confidence lives in calf muscles, she explains. “To feel them means to stand firmly on your feet.” And he advises everyone who is nervous before an important meeting, photo shoot or lecture to go to the bathroom and stretch a little - this really helps. There is also something else. It turns out that one of the most important body markers is the back. It must be: a) strong (“because it carries all the values”) and b) flexible (“to quickly respond to changes around and successfully adapt to them”). Therefore, your back needs to be trained - on machines with light weights, and stretched - by doing yoga or Pilates.

    “The thoracic spine,” says Elena, “is responsible for how confident we are.” Pectoral muscles often called Tarzan's muscles - this is what male chimpanzees hit when they want to stun their opponent. This trick can be repeated - and “turn on” self-confidence. To keep your confidence going, you need training. “With sad shoulders, you can go to a psychotherapist for years without success,” says Elena, “but as soon as you create a new pattern, life will go differently.” I checked: if you pick up your shoulders and hold them with your shoulder blades, your voice sounds stronger and bolder, which means it’s very easy to give the impression of a confident and assertive person.

    At school, a lot of time is devoted not only to articulation and diction, but also to working with the voice (there is even a phoniatrist), breathing techniques, and rules for preparing for performances. One of the good proven recipes is to give your speech the day before, and not in front of a mirror, but, for example, with colleagues - this way unexpected nuances and stories will emerge, which will then enliven the speech. Veronica teaches how to answer awkward questions, how to behave correctly in front of the camera, journalists or just the public; explains how best to dress to best suit the situation. There are so many tips, and they are all so vivid that I started following them instantly. And an amazing thing: my first interview after the course went brilliantly. All that's left is to sign up for Pilates.

    What to see and read on the topic

    "The King speaks!"

    The Duke (Colin Firth) prepares to take the throne and works with an experimental speech therapist (Geoffrey Rush) to overcome his nervous stammer and self-doubt. Selega believes that this is best movie about rhetoric classes, and also “he is closest to the truth about the relationship between student and teacher.”

    "Dead Poets Society"

    John Keating (Robin Williams) teaches students in an English literature course to hear themselves and find their voice.

    TED Conferences

    American non-profit foundation TED (Technology Entertainment Design) has become famous for its conferences where prominent speakers share ideas related to science, business, technology and so on. Lectures are available online - for example, on YouTube you can find speeches by Clinton and Nobel laureates. “It’s worth watching speeches on topics of interest and analyzing them at the same time,” advises Veronica.

    Textbook with exercises on rhetoric by Heinz Lemmermann

    A kind of “Wikipedia” for those who want to master the basics of public speaking.

    13 exercises for easy speech

    Articulation gymnastics takes only five minutes, but it works the muscles perfectly, and then speaking is very easy. If time is short, it is enough to do the “jellyfish” and “open mouth” - right before the broadcast.

    1. " tube": stretch out your lips, and then stretch them into a smile, without opening them.

    2. " Tube with teeth": the same, only with teeth exposed. The wider, the better - this is not a smile, but a mechanical grin.

    3. " Jellyfish"(see in the text): you should open your mouth wider.

    4. " Upper jellyfish": the same, only they work upper lip and upper teeth. Bonus: the exercise helps reduce nasolabial folds.

    5. " Two jellyfish": the third and fourth exercises are performed simultaneously.

    6. " Rotation": you need to rotate your tongue clockwise.

    7. " Bites": bite the tongue - from tip to root.

    8. " Injections": with the tip of a tense tongue, pointly touch the sky, inside cheeks and lips.

    9. L: you need to pronounce the sound “l” out loud, changing the position of the tip of the tongue (inward, then outward).

    10. " Toffee": the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth, and the tension causes a click. This exercise helps to activate the center of the tongue.

    eleven. " horse": click your tongue to activate its tip, which is responsible for the beautiful correct letter "r".

    12. " Nuts": the mouth is closed, the lower jaw is motionless. With the tip of your tongue you should try to reach the “sixes” - the back teeth.

    13. " Open mouth"(see text).

    It's no secret that the ability to speak beautifully, it is necessary for every person to defend their point of view correctly and logically, and doubly so for those who speak publicly. Ability to persuade people - a gift from nature or an acquired skill and how to achieve success in persuading your interlocutor? This is perhaps one of the most pressing questions today, which sooner or later faces everyone who has entered the information business, who has entered a profession that involves the need to speak in front of an audience. Confident talking interlocutor I always feel comfortable communicating with him; I want to be as open as possible in such a conversation.
    Develop beautiful speech skills always necessary. You can do this either independently or by attending trainings and webinars on public speaking.

    Today I want to talk about speech technique exercises available to everyone. The most important thing for using them successfully in your practice is desire and regular practical use. The result, believe me, will not keep you waiting.

    Exercise 1. Articulation gymnastics.

    It would seem that we know this technique from school. But do we use it? Why? Yes, because we find this technique boring and uninteresting. So I suggest doing this set of exercises “jokingly”. Make faces in front of the mirror, make fun of yourself or your loved one during this exercise. And the process won’t seem so boring to you! I will present the simplest complex in this article, I hope that it will be useful to you.

    Each exercise must be repeated at least ten times. By the way, this gymnastics promotes relaxation, which is very important before an important public performance: 1. Raise your eyebrows up. 2. Move your eyebrows towards the center. 3.Pull in both cheeks. 4.Puff up your cheeks at the same time, and then one at a time. 5. Press on your cheeks with your tongue. 6.Run your tongue in circles behind closed lips. 7.Click your tongue. 8.Press the upper and lower lips with your tongue in turn. 9.Bite the tip of your tongue. 10.Put your lips into a tube and smile, but without teeth. 11.Pull your lips into a tube and smile broadly. 12.Open your mouth wide and then close it. 13.Open your mouth wide, close it first halfway, and only then completely.

    But let me remind you once again that by replacing any exercise with “acting” in front of a mirror, you will give yourself a bunch of emotions and you will do articulatory gymnastics with pleasure.
    Exercise 2. Tongue twisters.
    Take any a selection of tongue twisters, and start pronouncing them daily, starting at a slow pace and gradually speeding it up, so that you pronounce tongue twisters without “eating” sounds and syllables, gradually the speed of reading them will be fast enough, and the pronunciation will be clear and correct. May this process also bring you pleasure. To do this, you can experiment with a cork from champagne - read tongue twisters with and without a cork clamped in the mouth.
    Below is a selection of tongue twisters.

    1) The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

    2) Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, Yak - tsedrak, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni.
    Once upon a time there lived three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa - drypa, Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypa ​​- drypamponi.
    They all got married: Yak on Tsypa, Yak - tsedrak on Tsypedrypa,
    Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni on Tsypa - dryp - drypamponi.
    And they had children: Yak and Tsypa: Shah, Yak - tsedraka with Tsypa - drypa: Shay - sharakh, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni with Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypamponi: Shah - Sharakh - Sharakh - Shironi.

    3) Tell us about your purchases! - What kind of purchases?
    About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

    4) The fast talker quickly spoke quickly,
    That you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters,
    But, having become nervous, he quickly said,
    that all the tongue twisters will be repeated quickly, but not too quickly.
    And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

    5) Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.

    6) In Cannes, the lions did not wreath wreaths for the lazy.

    7) In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

    De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.

    9) Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

    10) Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.

    11) The river flows, the stove bakes.

    12) Tongs and pliers - these are our things.

    13) The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

    14) The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, shch, w, h, w, shch.

    15) You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly, you can’t say too quickly

    You can also find various collections of tongue twisters in the VKontakte Group and Odnoklassniki.

    Exercise 3. Write a short story about the subject or simply describe the subject.
    A very interesting exercise. When I made it for the first time, it didn’t seem very simple to me. Many people can describe a simple object with only two or three words, but it is necessary to stretch the description process for 4-5 minutes, without repeating it. Very interesting exercise-develops imagination and logic and associative thinking. At the same time, you learn to avoid junk words, unwanted repetitions, watch your speech. Turn this exercise into a kind of speech energizer and you will certainly get a boost of energy.
    Exercise 4. Reading aloud.
    Reading aloud is good to practice on works poetic form. You can use poems from your favorite poets. Try to read the same poem in different ways: with different emotions, for example, or at a different tempo or, emphasizing some part of speech, and you will see how differently the text will play in your performance every time.
    Exercise 5. Retelling.
    For retelling, it is good to use fables or parables or any genre of prose that you love. Here, practice highlighting keywords. You can write them out from the text, they will serve you wonderfully guideline-cheat sheet when retelling. Take any article from a magazine that you like and retell it, for example, adding a particle to each verb that you pronounce during the retelling process. I think you will definitely smile.

    Of course, the exercises I have given in this article are not dogma, and I must tell you that in fact there are many different exercises and techniques. But sometimes lies under your feet, which we don’t notice, but the techniques described in this article are very easy to use and you can do it both at home and at work during your lunch break, for example, or while preparing lunch or while walking with your child on the playground. The main thing so that the process of working on your speech gives you pleasure.

    Elena Kleimenova was with you. All the best.
