Leonid Agutin's daughter has autism. Singer Angelica Varum made an unexpected statement about her daughter’s wedding

Angelika Varum almost never dedicates the public to her personal life, but this time the Russian pop star decided to lift the veil over her family life and showed photographs of her grown-up daughter, who lives in Miami.

Leonid Agutin did not even notice how his youngest daughter Elizaveta became an adult. The 18-year-old girl has already acquired a fan with a very extravagant appearance. The singer published a photo of them together on Instagram.

In the photo, Lisa and her admirer are hugging each other. The girl is wearing a long one black dress on straps, the young man is also dressed in dark colors. The young man has hair below his shoulders, a mustache and goatee, and his eyes are covered with round sunglasses.

“The child is with his boyfriend. Time, where are you rushing?!” – Leonid asks in the caption.

Naturally, Leonid’s subscribers did not remain silent, but began to vigorously discuss Lisa’s lover. Some began to sympathize with Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum, others advised the spouses to urgently cut their potential son-in-law’s hair, and others condemned young man for unusual appearance and they named him Basilio the cat.

However, there were also those who expressed their opinions more tactfully. Many noted that the young man resembles either Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. in his youth, or actor Johnny Depp. Someone found similarities between the lovers and Angelica and Leonid.

The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents and organized her own rock band called Without Gravity in Miami, where she lives and studies. Mark was born in America. He is an amazing musician, without bad habits. The direction he “professes” is called conceptual rock. He has several professional albums under his belt.

Apparently, things are not going so badly for the group - last year Lisa, accompanied by her musicians, performed on American television. Apparently, the girl is recording her own album. Her parents help her with this.

The young couple have been dating for several years, so it would be logical to assume that in the near future Lisa and her boyfriend, Mark, may tie the knot.

However, as it became known, Varum is actively opposed to the wedding. At the same time, she has nothing against her daughter’s chosen one. Moreover, it was she who chose a lover for Lisa, pointing him out to her daughter during a concert in the States. But she doesn’t advise her daughter to rush to go to the registry office.

“I hope my daughter is not going to get married. If I don't know something, tell me. But it seems to me that starting a family is a matter for adults. First you need to establish yourself as a person in your profession, and only then think about the wedding. You also need to decide who is right for you in life. At 18 years old, I’m afraid it’s impossible to make such a choice,” said Angelica.

The last time our readers saw Lisa, the daughter of Leonid and Angelica Varum, was a little girl. Ten years ago we shot the whole family for the cover. Now both Lisa and Agutin’s daughter from her first marriage, Polina, are beautiful girls. Is it difficult to raise children living in different countries, the singer said in an interview with “7 Days”.

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum with daughters Polina and Lisa

- Your daughters are each other's half-sisters. But they apparently found a common language...

Leonid: Mutual language they speak Russian, although Polina lived with her mother in Italy, and now her family has moved to France. And Lisa lives in Miami. They used to communicate on Skype, but they met for the first time last summer in Paris, where we all spent an unforgettable five days together. When my daughters met, I was in seventh heaven. I remember sitting, watching the girls and smiling like a fool... At first, they looked at each other, “grew,” and I was just in a blissful mood: I always dreamed that they would become friends.

Angelica: It was very interesting to watch how the girls became closer. Polka is lively, emotional, Lisa is softer, and at first she was stunned by her sister’s energy. Now, having met in Moscow, they do not want to part at all. When Lenya and I flew away for a day on tour, they had fun themselves.

- And what were they doing?

Pauline: We walked along Arbat, on Chistye Prudy, went to Vorobyovy Gory. There was a band performing there: one man played drums, the other played guitar. We stood and listened, and suddenly Lisa asked if she could take the guitar. The musician allowed it, and she played it so well!..

Leonid: Please note: Polina acted as a guide to Moscow, although she lives in Nice! She has a talent for organizing and a natural ability to get along with people. So off to college next year my daughter will major in management, although she could also become a philologist - languages ​​are easy for her. In addition to Russian, she knows Italian, French and English.

Angelika Varum with her daughter Lisa

- Polina, do you often come to Moscow?

I studied here for three years - my dad really wanted me to speak Russian fluently. Now it is also my native language, like everyone else. (Smiles.) During this time I made many friends and favorite places in Moscow. And finally I got to see my dad more often.

- Lisa, you haven’t been to Moscow for ten years. Aren't you bored?

To be honest, not really. Maybe because I don’t know the city where I was born well. The most vivid memory is how I played at the dacha in the snow... I haven’t had time to see Moscow yet, at first glance it looks like New York - in size. In the meantime, the most amazing impressions remained from the Depeche Mode concert - dad bought Polina and me tickets in advance.

- Did you like the concert in which your parents performed?

- Yes. Although there I was very scared by the journalists who tried to push people away so that they could take pictures of me, mom and dad. They shouted, waved their arms - I was even confused. I don’t know how parents have tolerated such attention to themselves for twenty years. I wouldn't want such a life.

- But are you seriously interested in music?

This does not mean that it will be my profession. As a child, I actually wanted to be a chef, I watched cooking TV shows. Now I can cook any dish. Then I wanted to become an artist. I painted constantly, both with pencil and acrylic. We have a lot of my paintings hanging in Miami. The only thing I didn’t like was the lessons with the teacher: I don’t like being told how to draw.

Angelica: I tried to explain to Lisa that the teacher does not limit her freedom. There are just laws, writing techniques. But my daughter was not interested: she knows exactly what she wants to draw and has no doubts about anything. Lenya and I really envy her for this. We have a million questions about creativity. But Lisa’s generation has no doubts. It’s even strange that she just talked about how scared she was of the photographers. I myself am still very nervous before every appearance on stage, but Lisa is different. Three years ago, my daughter became interested in rock music and formed a group that performs at concerts in schools. So, she quite calmly goes out into the hall where 800 people are looking at her! One day I was taking her with a group to a concert. The night before I didn’t sleep all night, I was worried: “Oh my God, how will everything turn out, how will the audience accept it?” And Lisa and her friends laughed all day long, as if they didn’t have a performance ahead of them. Another time, my daughter wanted to take part in Lenya and I’s New York concert. The matter is serious, and Lenya said: “I have to listen to you at the rehearsal: if everything is worthy, there’s no question!” And so Lisa and the guys took the stage. There are three and a half thousand spectators in the hall. I feel faint, Leni’s blood pressure is 150 over 110. And the child - hee hee, ha ha: “Hello! Now we’ll play for you.”

- Lisa, did you start studying music after watching your parents?

No. Three years ago I saw a video of a rock band on the Internet, and I really liked it. There the boy played the bass guitar amazingly, and that same evening I took the guitar from Misha ( younger brother Angelica. - Note ed.), found a tutorial and started studying. Now I have my own group “Without Attraction”. First we played other people's music, now we write our own.

- Do you play your father’s songs?

No, we do not perform Russian music.

- Angelica, weren’t you upset when your daughter became interested in rock? After all, this is traditionally male music.

Yes, Lenya and I were simply happy! At this age, children need somewhere to splash out their energy. It’s good that Lisa chose creativity rather than hanging out with girls or going to discos. By the way, at her age we listened to exactly the same bands - Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. We started with this and we know that it will all end in pop. (Laughs.)

After all, you learned a lot of news about your daughter by phone: Lisa is in Miami, you are in Moscow or on tour. Is it difficult to raise a child like this - at a distance? Children usually have a hard time being separated from their parents...

Angelica: And you ask Lisa, did she suffer?

Lisa: I didn’t miss my parents, but envied them. Because they don't have to go to school!

Angelica: Lisa had no stress, because she has lived like this since she was six months old - her father and mother are touring artists. If we hadn't been apart for a minute for many years, and then started disappearing, problems might have arisen. And so we are always on the road. In addition, next to Lisa in Miami, my grandfather is my dad, my progressive grandmother is his wife, my brother Misha, who is only 10 years older than Lisa. He and his daughter are very friendly, although Misha has repeatedly spoken harshly about Lisa’s experiments with appearance - red hair, cherry lipstick, etc.

- How did you perceive your daughter’s new image?

How disaster which will end someday. The only thing that really upset me was the “tunnels” - this is when thick rings are inserted into an ordinary hole from under earrings, which stretch the hole to incredible sizes. Before that, Lisa called and asked: “Can I pierce another hole in my ear?” I say: “If you promise that this is the last experiment with your body, that in the future there will be no jewelry in the navel, or on the eyebrows or tongue, or tattoos, then I allow it.” We arrive from the next tour, and Lisa has these terrible “tunnels” in her ears. My daughter saw our reaction and quickly said: “You allowed the holes in the ears...” In response, I was indignant: “Are THESE holes!” And she: “Mom, I just didn’t know how to say this in Russian...” I barely persuaded Lisa to get rid of these “tunnels” after all.

Lisa: No, I decided so myself - I wanted to wear normal earrings.

Angelica: So be it. The main thing is that my daughter and I now have an agreement that she will not undertake any more experiments with her body. This is both stupid and dangerous.

Children from rich families often demand expensive clothes from their “ancestors”, large amounts for pocket expenses. Do you have such problems?

Leonid: The fact that we are rich is too strong a word; I think it would be more correct to say that we are wealthy. By Moscow standards, we are small entrepreneurs with big names. Rich people live in a different world, which we sometimes see from the other side - from the stage when we speak at corporate events, for example. You can't make a fortune with our craft. Besides, money comes from hellish work, and the children know this. They know how money is earned for living, for studying abroad, and in general for a decent existence for our large family.

Angelica: By the way, at first we sent Lisa to a private school, where children of wealthy parents study, who do nothing but discuss gadgets, things, and so on. And they get good grades, as they say, for beautiful eyes. Therefore, after a year, we transferred Lisa to a regular school, where there is strict control and discipline.

Leonid: The daughters do not have any “star” habits. They are normal girls - teenagers from regular schools, with their own sorrows and joys, experiences and victories, but, in my opinion, of course, they are very talented. For her birthday, Lisa asks not for couture boots, but for a Gibson guitar. Yes, it is expensive, three thousand dollars, and this purchase may look like our “star” tyranny. But my daughter needs a guitar for business, and then, such instruments are forever! The Polish girl also knows that she has a dad who sends him pocket money, helps pay for her studies and, if something happens, will always help out. But she won't beg for a bag or boots for a thousand dollars. Money is necessary, but dangerous - sometimes unjustifiably expensive thing makes you look like a pompous idiot in the eyes of normal people. Thank God my daughters understand this.

- By the way, about gifts. After 45 years, you probably have something to remember?

Leonid: The brightest ones are those that were given as gifts in childhood: a bicycle, and figurines of Indians and cowboys, which dad brought from the GDR, where he went on tour with the group “Jolly Fellows”. And then what I remembered much more was not the gifts, but the trips with my father. I was 14 years old when he took me with him to Kalinin, present-day Tver, to perform with Stas Namin’s group. The concert was at the stadium, and during the rehearsal I helped unwrap the cables and carried the speakers. And he was dressed in a red and white ski jacket - it was a dray biker jacket, with such wide zippers. My father bought it abroad for himself, but I begged for it and wore it without taking it off. The concert began, and 15 minutes later it started to rain. I jumped out onto the site and rushed to save the equipment and tools... In the morning I got up, put on a jacket and went to the store to buy something for breakfast. I went into a bakery and suddenly I heard two girls whispering behind me: “This is the guy from Stas Namin’s group!” On the way back, they followed me to the hotel and discussed the concert. I was in seventh heaven - my back was just burning under the girls’ gaze! Maybe it was on this day that I realized what I wanted to do. But at the same time, my greatest pleasure was sitting alone at home, composing and listening to music. And now getting out of my sweatpants, putting on a suit and going to the shoot is torture for me. I do this only for the sake of promoting my songs, because otherwise, in the ocean of information, your melody simply will not be noticed. Later I learned that this is agoraphobia - fear of crowds. How I managed to perform in stadiums with her is unclear. I dealt with my fear in different ways. I used to drink a lot. And then drinking began to interfere with my life and work, and I had to cope with the phobia differently. By the way, when I switched to the “drink only occasionally” mode, like normal people"I had to learn to do a lot all over again.

-Have you consulted psychologists?

I have a wife best psychologist, and I’m working on myself and have been able to overcome a lot. My small feats are difficult to explain to another person, but for me it is an achievement.

- Have you stopped being late? This used to happen often...

There are people who are punctual and others who are obligatory. I'm not punctual - I even managed to be late for first grade on September 1, although class teacher there was my mother, Lyudmila Leonidovna. But I am obligatory - I have never let anyone down in my life. If in April I said that on September 15 at 15:00 I would bring music for the film, I will do it. Just not at 15:00, but at 15:30...

- Were you also late for dates with Angelica?

Yes, Angelica and I are the same, we are both late, and as a result we arrive at the same time.

Why did they stop composing for Angelica? The songs in her new album “Crazy” were written by other authors...

Angelica: Others. And it’s not about Lena. Unlike my husband, I am a flighty person when it comes to music. He's a fan a certain style, and I'm an omnivore. And then, for Leni, female performance is always soft and lyrical. And sometimes I want to show character, to sing with anguish. But Lenya, as an author, is against women's revolutions!

Leonid: No matter what I write, you can always hear: “This is Agutin.” I also see Angelica in a certain way and I can’t do anything, but she needs to look for other forms of presentation and reveal her talent. The artist must “change clothes.”

- Angelica, you have been together for 17 years. Are there any traits of the “barefoot boy” left in Lena?

It's hard to analyze a person you see every day, like yourself in the mirror. It seems to me that my husband has not matured at all, with the exception of creativity. Previously, he wrote simply talentedly, but now, in my opinion, he writes brilliantly. It is worth remembering such songs as “Toys” and “The Time of the Last Romantics.” Sometimes it even becomes scary that you are feeding SUCH a person borscht. (Laughs.) When we arrive in Miami and he falls into the ocean with puppy delight, snorting funny - you can’t give him more than fifteen years! He also turns into a boy when he meets with friends. Lenka cannot be stopped - he is the last to leave and closes down any party.

- Have you already bought a gift for your husband?

Yes, and this is not a surprise for Leni! He chose a guitar, and I will buy it. The fact is that tools deteriorate very quickly when traveling, and Lenya is constantly looking for new ones.

Leonid: It’s a strange anniversary for me: I celebrate it at work - I have a rehearsal for a concert in Jurmala on July 16 - and I know everything about gifts. (Laughs.)

Leonid, they say, “45 is a woman’s berry again.” Does this expression apply to men? Do you feel like a second youth is coming?

Youth cannot be second, unfortunately. At 35, I realized that she was gone forever. Yes, now I have a lot of strength, plans, creative energy, and I can even allow myself reckless antics. But still this is only a semblance of youth... For adulthood the thing is pretty boring. And I still can’t come to terms with this feeling. I won’t assure you that at 45 I feel like a young man. But the passing years not only take away, they also add something. I really enjoy my life and musical experiences. I am happy to think that my parents are alive and well, my beloved woman is next to me and my children are almost grown up. And they are visiting us right now - and this is the best gift.

Leonid Agutin did not even notice how his youngest daughter Elizaveta became an adult. The 16-year-old girl has already acquired a fan with a very extravagant appearance. The singer published a photo of them together on Instagram.

In the photo, Lisa and her admirer are hugging each other. The girl is wearing a long black dress with straps, the young man is also dressed in dark colors. The young man has hair below his shoulders, a mustache and goatee, and his eyes are covered with round sunglasses.

“The child is with his boyfriend. Time, where are you rushing?!” - Leonid asks in the caption.

Naturally, Leonid’s subscribers did not remain silent, but began to vigorously discuss Lisa’s lover. Some began to sympathize with Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum, others advised the couple to urgently cut their potential son-in-law's hair, others condemned the young man for his unusual appearance and called him Basilio the cat.

However, there were also those who expressed their opinions more tactfully. Many noted that the young man resembles either Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. in his youth, or actor Johnny Depp. Someone found similarities between the lovers and Angelica and Leonid.

// Photo: Instagram of Leonid Agutin

It can be assumed that Lisa's lover has something to do with music. The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents and organized her own rock band called Without Gravity in Miami, where she lives and studies. Apparently, things are not going so badly for the group - last year Lisa, accompanied by her musicians, performed on American television. Apparently, the girl is recording her own album. Her parents help her with this.

“My daughter is on a roll today. We recorded three of her songs. Mom stopped by the studio, sang backing vocals and took the singer-songwriter home. “Dad stayed to take care of it,” Agutin once said on his blog.

// Photo: Instagram of Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin’s eldest daughter, 18-year-old Polina, who was born from ballerina Maria Vorobyova, also arranged her personal life. The girl lives in France. While studying in Nice, she met her fiancé, Joao Biteg. It’s interesting that Agutin himself found out about his daughter’s boyfriend from the Internet. After meeting the young man, he approved of Polina’s choice and declared that he was ready to marry her off immediately.

“Why wait? But Polina grew up in the West, and there is a different approach to marriage than ours, a more responsible approach to marriage,” the singer said in an interview, adding that their wedding is not far off.

By the way, Polina is not going to follow in her father’s footsteps - she never dreamed of being a singer or artist. girl gets legal education and wants to specialize in international relations. This is facilitated by knowledge of four languages: Russian, Italian, English and French. Juan also chose a serious profession: he studies Computer techologies. IN free time the young man plays the drums.

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

On July 16th, the country's most famous “barefoot boy” celebrates his anniversary. Over the 45 years of his life, Leonid AGUTIN wrote dozens of hits and won the love of thousands of fans, but at the same time he always remained a private person. Express Gazeta tried to write a “portrait” of the hero of the day, but a lot of gaps were discovered in his biography, which we tried to fill.

Family Agutinykh-Varum has always been a mystery to journalists. Many still believe that Leonid and Angelica are not husband and wife at all, but only a profitable creative union. The artists themselves, naturally, do not confirm this information and always appear in public in the image of an ideal married couple. There are many rumors among their relatives: Angelica’s father is a once popular composer Yuri Varum He has been living in Miami for nine years and does not appear in Russia. There, overseas, Agutin and Varum’s daughter, 14-year-old Lisa, also lives in his care. At one time, all the newspapers trumpeted that the girl was taken abroad due to a serious illness. Leonid also has another daughter - the blond beauty Polina. She was born 16 years ago as a result of a fleeting affair between a singer and a ballerina. Maria Vorobyova. The artist hid the girl for a long time, but now she is increasingly seen in the company of her father. And it also turned out that Leonid has two younger sisters - Ksyusha and Masha. But first things first.

Oh, where are you, brother?

We discovered a letter absolutely by accident on the Internet Maria Agutina to the leadership and members of a major American charitable foundation. In it, the girl literally begged for help:

My son terrible disease- Congenital heart defect. On the fourth day of life, Matvey underwent the first of three required operations. Now we need a second stage. Our doctors recommend waiting until the child grows up. But the vice is unpredictable, and deterioration can begin at any moment. My son has shortness of breath and gets tired quickly. I learned that in the USA they successfully operate on children with this disease. Matvey is already ready to be admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. There was hope that my son would develop normally. But the bill issued by the clinic is huge. I am raising two children alone. Please, help!

Amount for the treatment of a tiny Matveya Agutin For ordinary people really overwhelming - $156 thousand. But Maria was helped by volunteers from all over the world and, fortunately, required amount The money was collected on time. The baby underwent surgery in December. Now the boy is in Moscow and is preparing for the next test - repeated surgery.

We called his mother to make sure that the unfortunate child was really Leonid Agutin’s nephew. Ksenia answered the phone:

Masha and Matvey are at the dacha now,” the girl responded friendly. “It makes it easier for him to bear the heat.” There Fresh air- expanse. We have him very tiny - he was recently eleven months old, and he has suffered so much... When Masha was pregnant, an examination showed that the child’s left side of the heart, which is responsible for the large and most important circle of blood circulation, had not formed. Doctors said there was no chance. They persuaded me to have an abortion. But my sister did not agree. She gave birth and is now fighting with all her might for her son’s life.

- Who helps her with this?

Me and our mother. We all live together in the same apartment. Masha has a daughter from her first marriage, I have a son. Unfortunately, Matvey's father left them as soon as he learned that the child was sick. Masha graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, but she can’t work – she needs to take care of the child. She receives kopecks from the state: six thousand - an allowance for the first group of disability of her son, and two - as a single mother. It’s good that there were kind people who helped raise money for the operation in America. We have to fly there again in six months, the doctors again bill for an exorbitant amount - 300 thousand dollars. So the only hope is a charitable foundation.

- Wait, what about your brother?

Lenya? – Ksenia asked me again. – You see, he and I are not that close. We have the same father, but different mothers. Of course, we are still family, but it so happened that his father now lives with him, Lenya and his wife support him and help him. You know, dad somehow distanced us. I don't know why. Maybe he’s afraid that we’ll bother Lena with our problems and ask for money...

- Did Leonid and Angelica really not respond to your grief? Matvey is their nephew!

Oh, you just don’t know Masha. She's so proud of us! He believes that if people want, then they help just like that, without further ado. But one day she called her brother and asked for help. This was during my last trip to America. Matvey was already lying on the operating table, when suddenly his heart began to fail. An additional operation was required to insert a special catheter that widens the aortic wall. But the money collected by the fund was not enough for this. Masha dialed Lena, and he transferred 300 thousand rubles to her account. This is only a tenth of the funds that were needed, but thanks for that! We know that my brother has enough problems of his own. It’s also not easy for him to get this money, so we don’t hold any grudges against anyone. What is important for us now is to raise funds for the final operation and for our baby to endure it well.

If I don't love you, I won't marry you

This is such a rarity! Lisa hasn’t been to Moscow for nine years; Polina, however, stayed with us for a little while and flew home to France. But we managed to have fun: we went to the Depeche Mode concert together - Lenya bought us expensive tickets, 45 thousand rubles each! But it was worth it - the girls were delighted! They are both very musical: Polina has many of her own recordings, Lisa has her own group in Miami - she plays, composes, and sings herself. I like the way she does it.

- Lisa hasn’t been to Russia for so many years!

I myself am surprised how Angelica persuaded her this time?! She's almost American. Everything there is familiar to her. They barely even communicated with Polina in Russian - they only chatted in English. But we are against this, so within the family circle, as a matter of principle, we only speak our native language with the girls. Although Polya is a polyglot! He knows five languages ​​and dreams of mastering the sixth - Japanese. Very capable!

- WITH future profession have the girls decided?

Polina, I think, will become a linguist or a manager. She's already looking at college for herself. And Lisa is still all about music. She also draws very well. I really like her works - they have character. I look and am amazed!

- Are the girls similar to each other?

They have many common interests: books, music, films... Polina in our development is ahead of her age. Those who have communicated with her at least once think that she is already well over twenty. Lisa is a little childish. But together they are an explosive mixture! Polya has a lot of friends, and probably already has a young man. And Lisa is still such a child inside! It seems to me that all this love doesn’t even occur to her. But at the same time, Elizabeth is a very brave girl. Leni once had a concert in Miami. He invited Lisa to perform with the group. She replied: “Easy!” She was given time, she came out and worked without any hesitation! I then asked Leni how it all went. The son replied that he was standing behind the scenes and was terribly nervous for her, but she didn’t care!

- Is Lisa going to return to Russia?

Hard to tell. She is now in adolescence. We don't put pressure on her. We have such a family: everyone chooses what they like. In any case, this decision will be hers alone, assures Agutin Sr. - But so far I don’t see her desire to come here and live at home. She has everything there: studies, friends, hobbies...

- Has Polina also become unaccustomed to her homeland?

Her maternal grandparents live here, so Polya comes to Russia much more often. Previously, she spent every summer at her grandfather’s small dacha. Lenya visited her there. She visited us less often, because those grandparents are closer to her - in fact, they raised her. Polina even studied in Moscow for a couple of years so as not to forget the language. And then she went to Italy - she and her mother lived there, and now they have moved to Nice.

- Leonid never talked about Polina’s mother. Do they communicate with her?

Periodically. Masha is now married to an Italian, they have a ten-year-old son. Maria was a ballerina Bolshoi Theater, and now teaches in France. She has a large team, she is very respected there. But things didn’t work out with Lenya from the very beginning. The son is a peculiar person: in order to live with a woman, he must have strong feelings for her. One day Masha asked what would happen if she got pregnant? Lenya answered honestly: “If I don’t love the way I imagine it, I’ll never get married! So don't be angry with me, if anything. You and I don’t have a close relationship to live as one family. You understand this!” Maria reacted calmly to this: “I feel very good with you, don’t worry - everything is fine!”

Despite this, Masha soon became pregnant. Lenya took her by the arm and took her to her parents. He honestly admitted that he was not ready to get married. The girl’s father said: “We love our daughter very much. It had to happen someday, time is ticking. And now the period is quite favorable: the theater is on vacation, the main troupe is on tour. Let Masha give birth. We will somehow raise this child ourselves!” So everything was fair! Of course, Lenya helped as best he could. Visited my daughter in Italy. Polina loves him very much.

- Girls don't compete? After all, both one and the other rarely see their father!

No, they manage to get by without conflicts. Both Lenya and Angelica are diplomats. As long as I have lived with them, I have never heard screams or scandals. Everything is always resolved peacefully. They know how to negotiate.

Mother's surname

For some reason, Angelica’s father, Yuri Varum, did not arrive from overseas with Lisa. He has been the girl's official guardian for many years and usually accompanied her on long trips. Worried that something had happened (at one time there were rumors that Yuri Ignatievich had lost his leg due to progressive diabetes), we called Miami.

Don’t worry, everything is fine with us,” my wife Varum reassured us. “Love.” - Yura feels good. He has a lot of creative plans. Now he is working on a new project. And Lisa’s mother flew in to pick her up, and they went to Moscow together. She has relatives there whom she has not seen since childhood. In addition, she needs to get a passport. She is a citizen of Russia.

- They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated...

He actually underwent the operation. But we have good doctors here, so this did not affect his well-being in any way. I don’t understand those who gossip that he is completely bad! And with Lisa the same situation happened: we live here quietly, no one bothers us, and suddenly I read in the newspaper that our girl has autism! I almost had a heart attack. You see, we live in the Russian region, everyone here knows us. How can you write something like that about a child? You should have seen her! Beautiful, healthy, talented... Or something else I recently read: it’s as if Lisa was of some other faith, almost joined a sect! And all because she has a “strange appearance” - her hair color often changes and her makeup is bright.

- But there is no smoke without fire. Where did these rumors come from?

I have no idea. I went to our doctor and got a certificate that Lisa was healthy. The guys came, I gave it to them and asked them to sue those who would argue otherwise!

- Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone?

Maybe. Although even before leaving for Miami we had journalists at home. They saw that Lisa was an absolutely normal child. She is now a good student and has the best grades in her class. English language. Can an unhealthy child learn like this? When Lisa was born, Lenya and Angelica did not hire any nannies or governesses. They didn’t want to let strangers into the house. Yura and I lived outside the city at that time. They brought the girl to us. She was so pretty that we couldn’t resist and kept her, allowing her parents to work as usual. While they were on tour, we were raising Lisa.

- How did you end up in Miami?

Nobody thought that this would happen. We arrived there for new year holidays. There were terrible frosts in Moscow, but in Miami it was a real paradise! Lisa was delighted. Then Yura suddenly began to have health problems - his legs began to fail. They did it to him complex operation and doctors forbade him to fly. For six months we could not return to Russia, because pressure changes were very dangerous for Yura. We had to send Lisa to kindergarten - well, the child won’t sit at home! She turned out to be very capable - within three months she spoke English. And somehow everything worked out for us by itself: the doctors helped, the climate was good, Lisa got used to it...

- Why doesn’t the girl bear her father’s surname? Leonid’s first daughter, Polina, goes by his last name.

Who told you that? – Love was surprised. - Polina bears her mother’s surname - Vorobyova! And Lisa lived with us all the time, I took her abroad on vacation. And we decided to leave her last name Varum, because otherwise we would have eternal problems with paperwork. The same permission to travel abroad would have to be obtained from my father every time. This is not at all because we underestimated the Agutin family. It was just easier for us. At one time the guys thought about giving Lisa a double surname, but someone told them that according to the law this could not be done. I didn't delve into these things. As long as the child is healthy, what difference does it make what his last name is?

- But she has dual citizenship?

No, she is a Russian citizen. To live in Miami without problems, it is enough to have a green card. With her, you are a full-fledged member of American society: you can study, get treatment, and have fun for free. I think that in the near future we will not change anything.

Leonid Agutin is a famous Russian performer, musician, composer, director and song arranger. His compositions became hits back in the 90s, Agutin gave many concerts throughout the country. He has won awards many times, and has repeatedly collaborated not only with Russian stars, but also with foreign ones. He repeatedly participated in various programs, for example, in 2012 he became a participant in the show “Two Stars,” which he won.

Musician good example how you can be incredibly famous, but at the same time not have star fever and absolutely adequately evaluate your work. The artist is very much loved by the public for his openness, sincerity, intelligence and beautiful family. Today, the artist sits on the jury of the “Voice” project, which finds talent all over the country, and his wards, participants in the show, have repeatedly become winners.

Height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin

Their duet once won the hearts of millions of fans, and even today the songs of Agutin and Varum, one of the most beautiful couples on Russian stage, touch the hearts and souls of many. The song “If You Ever Forgive Me” practically became their anthem. Of course, this is the merit of both of them, but the fact that Leonid Agutin is an incredibly talented musician and composer, who became the author of their couple’s hits, cannot be denied.

Today, like 20 years ago, the public is interested in everything related to their pet, even height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin is not a difficult question; today the man is 49 years old, his height is 172 cm, and his weight is about 80 kg.

Biography of Leonid Agutin

The singer was born in 1698 in Moscow. Born into a family of musicians, he was destined to become a famous composer and connect his life with music. Already as a child, Lenya showed interest in creativity and art, and although he still could not play anything, he was already trying with all his might to press the keys of his father’s piano. Agutin went to music school earlier than to regular school; already at the age of 6, the boy learned to play the piano at the Moskvorechye jazz school, at the House of Culture. He graduated with honors and served in the army for the next two years. border troops on the Soviet-Finnish border. Even while in the army, Leonid did not give up his hobby and in the evenings in the storeroom he and the guys played the guitar and sang, and sometimes those who knew how to play musical instruments, performed in front of the main cast during concerts.

After graduating from the institute, Agutin often performed as an opening act for famous bands, so he spent several years traveling throughout the country. Then the guy postponed his schedule for several years and entered the Moscow Institute of Art and Culture, Faculty of Directing, to receive higher education. After graduation, Agutin began performing solo, and won the Yalta-92 competition with one of his most famous songs, “Barefoot Boy.” This composition became Agutin’s first hit, which gave him popularity and the love of fans. Two years later, an album of the same name was released, thanks to which Leonid wins in several categories: “Album of the Year” and “Singer of the Year”. Over time, only the song “Hop hey lalalei” became more popular than “Barefoot Boy.”

In 1995, the artist gathered huge halls, performed and toured a lot, and had two large solo concerts at the Olimpiysky. Today Agutin holds the record for receiving the Golden Gramophone awards.

The biography of Leonid Agutin developed in the most favorable way, thanks to his desire and the fact that he never pursued profit. The artist simply did what he liked. In 2005, the artist recorded a record with American jazz musician Eldie Meola, who even received a Grammy Award abroad. Alas, in his homeland this album was not appreciated, and Agutin was offended, but in his interview he said then that “he had no hysterics, that he was an unrecognized genius,” so we can say that the artist never suffered from vanity or star fever.

Personal life of Leonid Agutin

The personal life of Leonid Agutin has always interested the public no less than his creative ideas, songs and performances, because it unfolded right on stage real story love between him and singer Anzhelika Varum. Today, looking at this couple, it seems that they have always been together, and were literally born for each other, but few people know that in his youth the artist was married and lived with his first wife for quite a long time, about 5 years.

Before Angelica and Leonid met, the man had already been married twice. One of his marriages was official, and the second was civil and at a distance. For some time he lived with ballerina Maria Vorobyova, whom he met in France. The woman gave birth to a daughter from Agutin, but they never got married, perhaps because the artist soon met Varum, and his world simply turned upside down. In general, they talked a lot about the artist’s personal life, often connecting him with various women, including from show business.

In 2011, the public was simply shocked by a video on the Internet, which clearly showed the composer passionately kissing an unfamiliar brunette in a hotel lobby. It was such a daring betrayal that the media happily discussed this topic even long years. Six months later, Agutin gave an interview where he publicly admitted his love for his wife and that an affair on the side was his biggest mistake. Varum herself also said that she forgave her husband because she couldn’t imagine life without him.

Family of Leonid Agutin

It is difficult to say whether the artist would have become what he is now if not for Leonid Agutin’s family. His father is a famous Soviet composer, music critic and musician, concert organizer and businessman. At one time, Nikolai Petrovich sang in the “blue guitars” ensemble, was a laureate of many song competitions, and then worked as an administrator in the most famous groups USSR: “Pesnyary”, “Cheerful guys”, “Singing hearts”.

The musician’s mother, Lyudmila Leonidovna, when she was young, studied dancing and performed in dance groups. In her adult years she worked as a teacher and is an Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. They met in 1965 in Gorky Park, and have not been separated since then. When their son was born, the couple decided to name the boy in honor of Lyudmila’s father, who died during the war.

Children of Leonid Agutin

The artist has two children. Children of Leonid Agutin - two daughters from different women, today they live in different countries. The artist’s eldest daughter, Polina, was born in civil marriage with a French ballerina. After the singer met Angelica, he broke up with the woman, and Polya lived with her mother and stepfather. The family first lived in Italy and then moved to France, where they live today.

Agutin's youngest daughter, Elizaveta, was born to Angelica Varum. The girl is very similar to her parents, and today she plays music, actively studies vocals, and studies at school. The girl has been living in America, in Miami, with Angelica’s parents for a long time. The girl’s parents wanted her to get a good education and life, but they themselves did not want to move to America, since their life and work were here.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Polina Vorobyova

Leonid Agutin’s daughter, Polina Vorobyova, was born in 1996 in Paris, and today the girl is already 22 years old. The girl hasn’t seen her half-sister for many years; they only met in 2012, but today they communicate very well.

Polina and her father saw each other very rarely, since they lived in different countries, and one can say that the girl considers her stepfather rather than Agutin to be her father, but she recently flew to Russia to see her own father and congratulate him on his birthday . The girl said that she was dating a Frenchman of Arab origin, Jean, who could not come to Russia, but talked with the musician on Skype. Agutin’s daughter is planning to get married soon, as the guy proposed to her.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Elizaveta Varum

Leonid Agutin’s daughter, Elizaveta Varum, was born in 1999. Recently, a girl celebrated her coming of age by visiting her parents for a holiday. When Lisa was born, Leonid and Angelica had a very busy tour schedule, they were literally at the top of their popularity, and there was no way they could postpone concerts then. Therefore, little Lisa flew overseas to visit her grandparents.

Leonid’s wife has repeatedly said in interviews that she misses her daughter very much and feels like a bad mother, but she mentally understands that her daughter’s life is much better in the USA, she’s used to it there, this is her environment, so Lizy herself no longer wants to return to Russia. The girl performs at school concerts, plays musical instruments and is the lead singer of her own group. They really hope to become famous in the future.

Leonid Agutin's ex-wife - Svetlana Belykh

The ex-wife of Leonid Agutin, Svetlana Belykh, became the first true love future artist. They got married in 1988, when Agutin returned from the army. The musician does not say whether Svetlana was waiting for him all the time during his service, or whether they met after returning and soon got married, but one thing is clear: this marriage was too sudden and therefore did not last long. Belykh was very jealous, because Leni was just beginning her career. Then the first fans and fame appeared, and the loving Agutin could not control himself, so his wife constantly noticed short affairs or novels of her young husband.

Tired of his wife’s jealousy, Agutin filed for divorce five years later. Today about ex-wife nothing is known about the musician, she is not a public person, and her marriage with Agutin has long sunk into oblivion.

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelika Varum

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelika Varum famous singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. They met when they were both already famous. Their love, like a flower, blossomed right on stage, in front of the public, the young people recorded songs as a duet, and when they performed them on stage, goosebumps simply ran through their skin. They dated for three years, and then Angelica became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. In 2000, they had a beautiful wedding in Venice, which was attended by many famous guests.

The Agutin-Varum couple proves that love passes through all obstacles. After the musician’s public betrayal of Jaya, the singer forgave her husband and continues to look at him with loving eyes. They are the most a beautiful couple modern stage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin is widely recognized not only among fans of his generation. But also among young people, because even today he remains true to himself. It’s disgusting to look at pop stars who change their repertoire in pursuit of ratings. And they start jumping around the stage in ripped jeans just to get a younger audience.

Agutin doesn’t need this, he is still famous today with his songs. And the audience evokes only good and positive emotions with its openness and sincerity. If you want to know more about this artist, welcome to Leonid Agutin’s Instagram and Wikipedia, which contains photos of the artist and his family, as well as information about his work and all albums.
