An example is a presentation with elements of self-presentation of a leader. Dialogue interview

Self-presentation is, first of all, the ability to influence the audience through impressions. Effective performance can not only influence the audience, but also allows the speaker to get what he needs. The most popular example is getting a job. In the case of correct self-presentation, the applicant can be confident in a successful career advancement. The impression of you depends on the very first interview, so it is important to take self-presentation seriously. However, there are several ways to make a self-presentation. Let's consider them.

We do self-presentation

Self-presentation can be divided into several parts. The first is the introduction. The second is the main part. The third is the final part. The first part is the most important, as it keeps the audience interested. The introduction should be short, informative, and highlight the main points of your speech. In the introduction, you will establish contact with the interlocutors, indicate a time frame, and also explain to them why this information is important.

  1. A story about myself.
  2. Own description from 3rd person (as others see you).
  3. Previous place of work.
  4. Reasons why you left your last job.
  5. Description of bosses from past work.
  6. Information about the new place of work that you have heard elsewhere.
  7. Your advantages over other applicants for this job.
  8. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Duties you like and dislike to do.
  10. Your purpose in life.
  11. Your description in a few years.
  12. Your hobby.
  13. Your preference for the size of the salary.

The main purpose of self-presentation is to showcase your strengths and turn weaknesses into advantages. You should also always be prepared for tricky questions from the employer.

Self-presentation in public: the rules

Public self-presentation is needed if, for example, you want to get a job or introduce yourself to a new team. For a successful self-presentation, the following rules should be followed:

  • Prepare your text or speech in advance. Before speaking, you need to re-read it several times, but not memorize it so that the speech seems natural. Don't forget about improvisation either. The outline of the text ideally consists of three parts: a bright light introduction, a main part with your portfolio, and a conclusion.
  • Record your speech and listen. This will make it easier to identify her shortcomings in order to correct them.
  • You always have to be prepared for tricky questions. To do this, you need to study in advance the people who will listen to you. An example would be a teacher who, in the first lessons, gets to know the students, then notes the strengths and weaknesses, identifies methods in order to interest them, and then begins to teach.
  • Emphasize your good manners.
  • A good "life hack" for gaining the confidence of listeners is friendly gestures. It allows you to more clearly convey a message to the audience.
  • One of the main rules is appearance. It is better to wear a classic suit or dress to show your authority and dominance. But sometimes it happens that a classic suit may be inappropriate, in which case you can replace the trousers from the suit with dark jeans.

Types of public speaking

There are 4 types of public speaking:

  1. Protocol and etiquette.
  2. Persuasive.
  3. Wearing an entertaining character.
  4. Informational.

Since ancient times, protocol-etiquette self-presentation has been considered the basis of oratory. Basic rules for drawing up a protocol and etiquette self-presentation:

  • Brevity.
  • Energy.
  • Emotionality.
  • Inspiration.
  • Awakening positive emotions in the audience.
  • Dominant self-presentation

When self-presentation of a personality, the main emphasis is on dominance. To do this, it is enough to designate yourself in front of the audience as an informal leader at a given moment in time. But this technique may not be suitable for all types of listeners, since there may be leaders among the interlocutors who will not perceive you as a leader. With dominant self-presentation, a very important emphasis is placed on the speaker's appearance, his gestures, manners, speech, and the ability to communicate with the public.

Choosing the type of self-presentation

Self-presentation is a special method of presenting oneself as a person from positive sides, as well as attracting to one's advantages. It is very important to control feelings and emotions while preparing it. In fact, every person encounters this. We adapt to this or that situation, we control our speech, manners, behavior.

  1. So, the first type of self-presentation is adjusting to the people around you. This is a rather complex technique, but quite feasible. For example, if you want to get to know a company, you first need to know its behavior, manners, topics of conversation, speech from the outside. This helps to empathize with people stronger, to find a common language faster. After that, there is only one thing left - to join the company and become a part of it.
  2. The second way of self-presentation is leadership, dominance and authority. This method is much more complicated than the first, because the speaker is required to comply with many more rules and conditions.


First, the person who is presenting himself must look elegant. To do this, you do not need to buy any expensive, special things; it is enough to emphasize elegance with the right clothes. For example, for a man a fitted shirt, a slightly fluffed tie is suitable, and for a woman a dress that emphasizes her waist, soft jewelry and a neat hairstyle.

Thirdly, it is necessary to highlight and emphasize the strengths. The hallmark of a leader is the transformation of a disadvantage into an advantage. Different companies have different strengths. For example, a girl understands cars, a man cooks delicious food, and a woman knows martial arts. You need to find your "zest" to stand out from the crowd.

Fourthly, you need to present your personality, inner qualities. But self-presentation should be unobtrusive, as well as focusing on common interests. The best action would be to immediately show your nature, and not a mask, so that in the future there is no disappointment on the part of the interlocutor.

It is important to remember that self-presentation primarily helps to greatly develop self-confidence and self-confidence. The public is like metal, which, when heated and certain actions, takes the form required by the blacksmith. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, because if you try, you can take control of any public.

It is also worth remembering the importance of visual images, since a person perceives most of the information with the help of his eyes. Try to give and create more visualizations, use technologies for a more accurate presentation of information.

Possible problems with self-presentation

Very often, a person may have problems associated with psychological trauma, psychological barriers, as well as the fact that he does not know himself. All this can affect not only the conversation, but also the communication with the interlocutor.

Therefore, an important rule when compiling a self-presentation will be taking into account your own characteristics, that is, hiding them or, conversely, emphasizing.

Self-presentation will give the maximum result if it is fascinating, informative, but not prolonged for a long time. At the same time, it is very important to listen and hear someone else's opinion, to think over your words and actions, to fully control the situation.

An interview is a standard part of your job search. After all, after a suitable vacancy has been found, there will be a meeting with the employer, where it will be necessary to personally prove to him his professional suitability. The most important thing here is to present yourself correctly, which means that you need to compose a competent story about yourself. For examples of what to tell about yourself in a job interview, see below.

Do not forget to ask your employer about your future job -?

Most often, an interview with an employer consists of a series of standard questions. For example, it can be personal data, where they ask about the place of residence, age and work experience. But the main part of the interview is self-presentation. And more often than not, it is this part that puts most people into a stupor. To successfully pass it, you should prepare in advance and compose an approximate text of a story about yourself.

What to tell about yourself at a job interview

Many people hope to improvise on the spot before going to a meeting with an employer. But it has been proven that even the most resourceful people often get lost while answering the most common questions. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to compose a short story about yourself while still at home.

When composing a story about yourself, it is worth remembering that brevity is the sister of talent. The general story should be two to four minutes long. Therefore, the written text must be carefully re-read loudly and aloud, with your usual diction. You need to tell about the most important facts in your biography so that the monologue is short, but free and meaningful.

It will not be superfluous to find out some additional information that will be very helpful during the interview:

  • Get familiar with the company's website. There you can find out in which direction it works, and what kind of employees it is looking for;
  • Based on this data, make a list of personal qualities that can be useful while working in the desired position. For example, responsiveness, dedication, self-discipline;
  • If it is wholesale or retail sales, then you can tell about the successful experience of working with many clients;
  • Mention the achievements without embellishing them, but also not withholding them. After all, they can play an important role in the selection of a candidate.

When applying for a job, you must provide the employer with a questionnaire. Here are important rules on how to write about yourself in a questionnaire in order to convince a manager that you are the specialist he needs:

  1. Write the exact position for which you are applying, without the phrase "any position";
  2. Indicate your strengths, for example, communication skills, flexibility, tact;
  3. Work experience, record in the work book, as well as a good description from the previous place of work are very important;
  4. Let us know why you have chosen this particular company: “prestige, stability, success of the company; confidence that you will have a decent salary and the opportunity for career growth. "
  5. There shouldn't be any superfluous information;
  6. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and computer programs will be very useful to you.

A serious, tidy look, clean shoes, an even posture, a minimum of accessories, a confident look - these are the external data that will help you present yourself favorably.

Less unnecessary words, speak briefly about yourself. Try to say only what characterizes you as an employee and specialist in the field in which you are applying.

Be sure to put your phone in silent mode. Calling during an interview is bad form.

Do not cross your arms and legs, look directly at the interlocutor, do not gesticulate much, sit quietly in a chair, otherwise you may be perceived as a secretive, unbalanced person who cannot be trusted. Serious firms avoid such people.

Show your audience that you are interested in communicating with them, but don't overdo it. All emotions must be appropriate.

After the presentation, thank those present for their attention.

Prove to the director that you are the employee he has been waiting for and that he cannot cope without you. Indicate your useful skills in this profession, provide all diplomas, crusts, certificates of completion of courses, practices in this area. Show good references from a previous employer.

Do not forget to indicate the contribution that you have made to the company where you worked in the past. If you have a personal portfolio, be sure to show it - for this occasion, you collected it. Presentation in slides works great. She demonstrates your skills in practice, and the employer sees your skill. The voice should sound even, measured, practice in advance before performing.

With developed skills of self-presentation, you can start a career as a salesperson, and after a year already take the position of a store manager. An ordinary teacher goes from educator to deputy director for educational work quickly due to the fact that he knows how to behave correctly at interviews and in dialogues. It is not difficult to develop such skills in yourself, the main thing is to learn and develop.

We'll give you a sample self-presentation that you can study before going to your boss's appointment. How to present yourself to colleagues in the office so that they will definitely like them.

Hello. My name is Igor Vladimirovich. I am a responsible person, I always fulfill my duties conscientiously. I perfectly fit into any team due to the flexibility of character. My moral principles are honesty, dignity, decency.

I am a purposeful person. I always know what I want from life, I clearly go to the goal, following the plan. I achieve my results myself, including building a career. I don't go over my head, I only use my skills and powers.

I am scrupulous about my duties, taking into account all the details and nuances. At the last job, they listened to my opinion, and I am happy to share my thoughts on possible problems, ways to eliminate them, if necessary.

I have a lot of experience behind my back in the field of sales. But I am ready to learn new things, develop further, acquire valuable knowledge, improve my skills in order to achieve more and more results and heights in my career.

I can confirm the presence of higher education in the specialty with a diploma, and the experience can be seen in the work book. I also have a positive testimonial from a previous employer.

I am a confident computer user. I know, I practice a lot of office accounting programs, I am excellent in documentation. I can find an approach to each client, which makes him uniquely attractive. I learned these skills in special psychological courses and practices. I can sell any product, I can interest a person, convince him of the need for a purchase. All because I perfectly know my business and every product.

I read a lot of different things, including professional literature, go in for sports, lead an active healthy lifestyle. I like to visit scientific exhibitions, fairs, forums of leaders. I know several foreign languages: English, French, Czech, German.

Why did I choose your company? Because I consider the company to be successful, modern and prestigious. You feel stability, and I am confident that I will receive decent wages, a full social package, that I will have the opportunity for career growth. I am very interested in your company, attracted by its activities, and I would like to contribute to its further development.

A public professional must pay close attention to public speaking. If we are talking about creating a first impression, striving to influence partners and colleagues, and encouraging specific actions, then the method for achieving this is original self-presentation in a public speech.

To get an effect from your speech, it is important not only what you say, but also what impression you make on the assembled audience. Your manners, style, image - all of this will affect the final result.

Self-presentation for the speaker is the ability to manage the impression on the audience in order to influence it. An effective presentation is able to directly influence the audience, to achieve from the audience what the speaker needs, showing an example of how to act in a given situation.

Please note that self-presentation occurs even if the speaker does not prepare for it and does not even think about it. As an example, two applicants came for an interview. One - in a formal suit and ironed shirt, the second - in jeans and a sweater. At the same time, the first, with his self-presentation, seeks to form an opinion about himself as a respected person, and the second, as an independent employee.

An example of applying for a job is a classic case when a well-structured personality presentation can have a positive impact on your future career. If you have decided on a company in which you want to acquire professional skills for the future, then a lot depends on the first interview.

How to behave on self-presentation

In self-presentation, every detail is important. Prerequisites are punctuality, exclusion of external stimuli (this may be an out of place mobile phone that rings, or another device that distracts attention), benevolence. The rules of self-presentation will help to cope with unnecessary emotions.

  • First impression. Listeners and viewers form an opinion about you in the first seconds of the meeting. You cannot slouch, you must have the appearance of a winner - a purposeful look forward, straightened shoulders, correct posture.
  • Next, win over your audience. Your clothes will play a role. It should create an inspiring experience. Fresh and neat, without unnecessary accessories, maximum, an engagement ring or discreet earrings for girls.
  • Control your body language. Crossed arms or legs are signs that you are secretive and not ready to speak frankly. No skepticism and indifference towards the audience - in this case, the performance is doomed to failure.
  • Connect with the audience - casual communication skills will help. Watch your reaction.

What is self-presentation

The types of self-presentation that specialists distinguish are artificial and natural.

  • The stages of natural self-presentation cannot be controlled and adjusted. This is its main difference, while it is impossible to predict the final effect. In this case, no preparation is carried out, this is not a person-controlled presentation of oneself.
  • An artificial self-presentation for a performance is prepared in advance and thoroughly. It is important for the speaker to write a text, to form the stages along which everything develops.

Such creative self-presentation will fully reveal the personality of the speaker in the eyes of the audience. With its help, you can easily disguise the traits of your personality that are losing to you, wielding the elements as you need.

Why self-presentation is needed

Correctly presenting yourself to the audience, getting what you want from it is a distinctive feature of the orator, this is his art of presenting himself. Therefore, even with natural talents in this area, one has to resort to careful preliminary preparation, to work out examples of the behavior of listeners in order to get an effect. If the technology you choose works the way it should, you will achieve a lot.

  • You will be able to get from people the resources you need for development and life. As an example, informational, emotional and material. If you know how to present yourself in a favorable light, it will be easier for you to get a job, win over your interlocutor or a group of people, and get the desired result from them.
  • Form your own image in a favorable light.
  • Competent self-presentation of the personality will help establish social contacts.

An exemplary example

An exemplary self-presentation is divided into several parts.

  • Introduction. The words with which you begin your speech will keep the audience's attention on you, allow them to hear the timbre of the voice and appreciate how it correlates with the appearance. If there are a lot of people in front of you, then it is better to make the greeting simple. Let's say: “Good afternoon, my name is Andrey Efimov. Does everyone hear my voice? Thank you for taking the time to meet. It will last two hours, during which time we will talk about the techniques of oratory, but first about ourselves. "

With this speech, you accomplish several tasks at once. Establish contact, find out if everyone is comfortable in the hall and indicate the time intervals for the meeting, which is important for the listeners. And most importantly, tell us why it is important and necessary for viewers and listeners to participate in your lecture.

  • First, interest the public with the detail. As one of Pushkin's teachers at the Lyceum said: "And now, gentlemen, hang your ears on the nail of attention." Think in advance what kind of "nail" it will be in your presentation. Most often, an original metaphor, question or riddle is used for this. If you're lucky, the audience will be more interactive.
  • Form a map of your self-presentation. Immediately identify the points that will be discussed. This will allow you to structure your presentation and connect with your audience.

Protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation

In ancient times, in Greece and Rome, protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation was the basis of teaching oratory. The goal is to comply with customs and traditions in official situations, a properly written protocol to the public. There are four types of public speaking by purpose:

  • Protocol and etiquette.
  • Entertaining.
  • Persuasive.
  • Informational.

As an example, a protocol and etiquette speech includes - a speech at an official reception, a welcome speech by a guest of honor, a speech at a banquet.

Protocol etiquette adheres to the rules of how to make a self-presentation.

  • Brevity.
  • Inspiration.
  • Emotionality and energy.
  • Sight speech.
  • Awakening of noble feelings.

Self-presentation of dominance

Self-presentation of personality consists in the effect of dominance. The technology of this method lies in the fact that for the audience to be influenced, you must present yourself as an informal leader. True, it will be possible to apply the art of self-presentation in this way only in led groups. If there are many leaders in the audience, then there will be no desired effect. Therefore, it is so important to closely analyze the assembled group in order to write the appropriate speech.

For a speaker, creative self-presentation is the key to a successful career. Only by correctly building the stages of the speech, you will be confident in the final positive result. It is important to remember that when a speaker speaks in public, not only listeners, but also spectators.

Therefore, the main visual object in the course of self-presentation is the speaker himself. Not only what he says, but also his appearance, the ability to communicate with the public play a decisive role. Watch your behavior and speech, do not be lazy to repeat the material covered over and over again.

Anyone looking for a job should be prepared to be invited for an interview. Its success depends on many factors. In order not to worry, you should carefully prepare your speech, because self-presentation at an interview is a great chance to present yourself favorably.

Getting the desired position depends on how well the interview goes, so it's worth examining the typical questions an employer might ask.

Self-presentation in an interview: how to present

“Please tell us about yourself” is the first phrase that usually sounds.

In order not to stutter, to speak clearly, it is worth preparing a story at home and practicing, improvisation of the answer may not work.

You need to understand what you can tell about yourself at the interview. The speech should be 3-4 minutes long. If the employer has read the resume, then you should try not to retell it. All the facts from it are already known. The ability to present oneself, intelligence, correct speech will be assessed.

You need to start with a performance. It is better to talk about yourself as a specialist during the interview. It will be interesting to hear about the place of study and the place of previous work. In preparing for the interview, you can collect all the facts of the achievements. It is worth talking about the skills that will be useful in the performance of job duties.

If you had to work in several companies, it is necessary to highlight the most basic merits. With a lot of experience, they talk about all the successes. Students can be presented with projects in which they have participated, then the recruiting manager will see the purposefulness of the candidate.

At the end, you can briefly submit personal information: about marital status, about a hobby. Hobbies are worth talking about if they characterize a person on the positive side: chess amateurs have a highly developed intellect.

In conclusion, they voice the phrase: "I am ready to answer your questions."

Self-presentation principles

To properly present yourself in an interview, you need to follow some tips:

  • behave correctly;
  • have an appropriate appearance;
  • present information clearly and concisely;
  • do not answer a question with a question;
  • to voice reliable facts;
  • do not use borrowed words;
  • study the company and the proposed position well.

Anyone who has mastered the self-feeding technique has a great chance of success. After all, the impression of a person is formed in the first minute. The course of the entire interview will depend on him.

Self-presentation example

Since it is worth talking about yourself in a certain sequence, you can set an example.

Introduce yourself first

“My name is (name of the candidate). I am (how old) years. "

Provide information about education and previous work

“He graduated from the university (name of the educational institution) with a degree in marketing. I am very glad that I have mastered this particular specialty. 6 years of experience in the company (name of institution) showed that I have chosen the right direction. At my former job, my responsibility was to maintain cooperation with large enterprises. I have achieved such results (we list) ”.

It is worth mentioning the goals that you are pursuing

“Your vacancy is interesting because you need to actively promote the company's product in your position. It appeals to me. I love communicating with people and have experience in sales. "

We indicate skills and abilities

“I am good at running various promotions that significantly increase the company's income. I can also sell goods at exhibitions. I speak English, I can communicate with foreign partners on a professional level ”.

We name personal qualities

“I set and achieve new goals. I know how to convince people. I love to learn new things, I learn quickly. I don’t stop there, so I left my previous job. I hope your company will give me the opportunity to develop further ”.

They may ask additional questions: about the negative qualities of the applicant, about the head of the old place of work, etc.

What shouldn't be said

There are many phrases that do not need to be voiced when applying for a job. The manager should only know the positive qualities of the applicant.

Introduce yourself, but do not talk about problems in the family, about young children who are often sick. You can't speak badly about a previous job, especially about his boss. The question of salary is not worth asking right away. The employer will negotiate it himself if he shows interest in the applicant. The unwillingness to stay at work outside of working hours must be kept silent to complete business.

Dialogue interview

In addition to telling about yourself, you can ask questions in order to obtain information about the proposed vacancy. They also need to be prepared. You can't interrupt. Listening carefully, it is worth mentioning some facts from professional activities.

You can ask about the working day, about the leader and meeting with him. Information about employees, who held the proposed position, the reasons for his departure can be interesting. You can find out how important this vacancy is for the company, and what difficulties you may face. Applicants are interested in career prospects.


The successful outcome of the interview is possible if all the rules of self-presentation are observed. It is worth overcoming the excitement and confidently go towards the goal. Only careful preparation can lead to an effective result.

We must not forget about the self-filing technique, then the desired job can be successfully obtained.
