Scheduled breaks. Work and rest schedule: how to properly regulate work breaks for office employees


REGULATE reglementer. P subject to a system of precisely established rules and restrictions. The meeting spoke in favor of gradual reform and, retaining the rod, decided only to regulate the application. Korolenko Historian. my modern - Lex. SIS 1937: regulations/ to sleep

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .

See what “regulate” means in other dictionaries:

    REGULATE- (from the word regulation). Establish known laws, rules that must be obeyed. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. regulate (French reglementer lat. regula rule) to order, subordinate ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    REGULATE- REGULATE, I regulate, you regulate, absolutely. and imperfect, that (from the French réglementer) (book). To subordinate (subordinate) some activity or work to precisely established rules that regulate and legitimize it. Regulate... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    regulate- regulate, put in order, organize, regulate, put in order, regulate, regulate Dictionary of Russian synonyms. regulate see arrange (... Synonym dictionary

    regulate- activity dependence, control regulate order dependence, control... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    REGULATE- obey established rules. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    REGULATE- REGULATE, I ruin, I ruin; anna; Sovereign and imperfect that (bookish). Submit (submit) to regulations. | noun regulation, and, female | adj. regulatory, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Regulate- Nesov. and owls trans. Submit to regulations. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    regulate- regulate, rule, rule... Russian spelling dictionary

    regulate- (I), regulate, ruin, ruin... orthographic dictionary Russian language

    REGULATE- obey established rules... Large economic dictionary


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The time of unregulated breaks in the operation of equipment is divided into the time of breaks caused by violations of the normal course of the production process and labor discipline by the contractor.

Unregulated breaks include breaks caused by violations normal course production process and labor discipline. The first includes breaks in work due to poor organization of labor and production, for example, due to untimely logistics of workplaces, lack of timely instructions from technical personnel, etc. The second includes breaks that occur as a result of violation by the contractor of labor regulations: being late for work, unauthorized absences from the workplace, leaving work early, extraneous conversations.

The time of breaks in work is divided into the time of regulated and unregulated breaks in work.

The time of breaks in work is divided into the time of regulated and unregulated breaks.

The time of breaks in work is divided into the time of regulated breaks and the time of unregulated breaks. The time of regulated breaks is divided into rest and breaks established by technology and organization of the production process. Rest time is spent on rest, industrial gymnastics, and personal hygiene.

The equipment use time consists of operational time Top spent on processing objects of labor, time not provided for in the production task, and the time of regulated and unregulated breaks.

Break time is the time during which the worker does not take part in work. It is divided into regulated and unregulated breaks.

The time of interruptions in the operation of equipment is the period during which it is inactive, regardless of the reason for the interruptions. It is divided into regulated and unregulated breaks.

Break time (per) - time during which the performer does not participate in the labor process. It is divided into regulated and unregulated breaks. The time of regulated breaks includes time for intra-shift rest, industrial exercises and personal needs, as well as breaks due to technology and production organization.

The time of breaks in work is the period during which the worker, for one reason or another, is not busy doing any work. It is divided into the time of regulated and time of unregulated breaks.

The operating time of the equipment is divided into the time of work to complete the production task and the time of work not provided for the fulfillment of the production task. The time of breaks in equipment operation is divided into the time of regulated and unregulated breaks. Unregulated breaks are caused by disruption of the normal flow of the production process and violation of labor discipline. Disturbances in the normal flow of the production process are associated with a lack of energy, fuel, raw materials, disruption of the relationship with associated equipment, and the need for unscheduled repairs due to equipment malfunction. Violations of labor discipline that lead to inactivity of equipment include tardiness, absences during work and premature departure of service personnel from the workplace, as well as other violations.

The working time of management employees is classified according to certain cost areas. In turn, she divides work time into the time of performing job duties and the time of performing work not provided for job responsibilities, and the time of breaks - for the time of regulated and unregulated breaks.

In order to standardize labor, all work time divided into normalized and non-standardized. Standardized time includes preparatory and final time, operational time, workplace maintenance, and regulated breaks. Irregular time includes time of unregulated breaks, random and unproductive work.

When analyzing the costs of working time in order to identify and subsequently eliminate losses of working time and their causes, all working time of the performer is divided into productive costs and lost working time. The first group includes the time of work to complete a production task and the time of regulated breaks. These costs are subject to rationing and are included in the structure of the time norm. Lost working time includes time spent performing unproductive work and time spent on unregulated breaks. These costs are the object of analysis with the aim of eliminating them or reducing them as much as possible.

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Man is not a machine; he is not able to work without breaks. He needs to eat, drink tea, and stretch.

How often can you be distracted from your duties without risking a severe reprimand? Who is entitled to additional breaks in the daily routine?

Rest at work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

In Russia, regulated breaks are defined by fairly transparent standards. All rest periods provided for by law are logically divided into two types - unpaid and paid.

Unpaid breaks

Paid breaks

Sometimes production conditions do not allow employees to go to lunch at standard times. In such circumstances, the paid breaks included in working hours and provided for are approved. Labor Code RF:

Workers who work in the cold season in the open air or in closed, unheated rooms, as well as loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations, and other workers in necessary cases special breaks for heating and rest are provided, which are included in working hours.

Workers mothers of small children(under the age of one and a half years) have the right to leave several times a day to feed the child. Breaks must be provided to them at least every 3 hours, lasting at least 30 minutes each. If there are two or more children, the duration of the break should be at least one hour.

Technological breaks are paid. Their duration directly depends on the nature of the work. Let’s say that when constantly interacting with video display terminals, a specialist should be distracted from the screen for 10 minutes every 45-60 minutes of work. Free ten minutes are needed to restore concentration.

Tea breaks, accepted in most offices, are not fixed in labor legislation. As a rule, workers make tea as much as their conscience allows.

Most often, the word “regulated” is used in a situation where an employee of an organization uses outdated document forms, be it company reporting or registration of shipment of goods with an improper document.

What does this word mean

Accountants and other specialists directly related to the economic side of an organization’s activities do not always understand the meaning of the word “regulated”. This is a term meaning that the rules for keeping records (or performing other legal actions) are clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and their compliance is mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs, unless otherwise stated in the law itself.

Entrepreneurs most often use simplified accounting, which is provided for by some laws and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Similar benefits are provided to individuals, not implementing entrepreneurial activity. But sometimes situations arise when any organ state power asks (or demands) to provide a report on the prescribed form. In such a situation, government officials refer to regulated accounting.

The meaning of the word "regulated" in explanatory dictionary reveals itself very simply. As mandatory, regulated, carried out according to strict rules. Whatever field of activity we are talking about, the word “regulated” means regulated and mandatory. That is, the subject in question has a clear legislative framework, which is binding on all parties to the process.

Documents and forms

Regulated is mandatory, regulated. Accounting is a set of documenting the facts of the economic (financial) activities of an organization. Thus, regulated accounting means complete and continuous documentation of all financial and business transactions of an enterprise in accordance with current legislation.

If we're talking about about the provision of a specific document, then the reference to regulated accounting means that the legislation establishes a special form on which this document must be provided. Forms of documents and reporting are established by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. But government agencies are required to provide up-to-date free forms to all interested parties upon request. If the document is not submitted to a government agency, then you will have to look for the form on the Internet or in specialized stores that sell accounting forms.

The legislative framework

The main document regulating the accounting of an enterprise is Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011. In addition, all organizations are required to comply with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws and other regulations.

The regulated form, when it comes to providing a specific document, is unified, that is, approved by a specific Government Resolution. In such a situation, it is prohibited to use other forms, including outdated ones.

Double interpretation

Despite the huge number of laws regulating this area, many experts disagree on what regulated accounting is. The fact is that the heads of organizations and leading economists by regulated accounting mean accounting and tax reporting, which is submitted to government agencies on forms approved by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The accounting system in Russia operates in such a way that submitting reports on outdated forms is equivalent to failure to submit them. This is absolutely justified by law, and accounting is regulated. This is the basis for a double interpretation of the term “regulated accounting”.

It is divided into the time of regulated and time of unregulated breaks.

The time of regulated breaks in work includes the time of breaks in work due to technology and organization of the production process, as well as time for rest and personal needs.

The time of unregulated breaks in work is the time of breaks in work caused by a disruption in the normal flow of the production process. It includes the time of breaks in work caused by shortcomings in the organization of production, and the time of breaks in work caused by violations of labor discipline.

All costs of the performer's working time, except for the above classification, can be divided into standardized and non-standardized.

Normalized costs are included in the standard. They are necessary to perform a given job. This includes preparatory and final time, time operational work, workplace maintenance and regulated breaks.

Non-standardized time expenditure (time of random and unproductive work and unregulated breaks) and the standard time are not included. They are direct losses of working time.

Classification of the contractor's working time costs allows us to identify the magnitude and causes of losses, as well as irrational working time costs. For these purposes, time spent in the workplace is studied.

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