Heroes of might and magic 7 heroes. Heroes VII Proper leveling of Heroes or how to create a god

I will write a few examples of imban inhibitors.
League of Shadows.
Any hero with an attack and initial magic (there are half of them). In the attack we take combat madness, then we upgrade the racial skill (at the 1st level all the perks are good, but the most convenient and obvious is of course confusion, but it doesn’t work for everyone), at the 2nd level we take - 3 to defense, we reach the Grandmaster of the Cover. In the castle we build asains to increase their growth, a tavern of course, a market, an artifact market (almost a burden with such prices, if you’re lucky you can buy +12 to magic, or +damage to creatures, or relic weapons). In the 2nd week, we grade the assassins, buy them back, take the thread for units as change, put up the units, and cut them in the back with the assassins. When you see how 100 assassins deal 3k damage 2 times, and even inflict increasing poison, you won’t want to play as someone else more. Next, we download the initial magic and the perk for fortune, bring 4 ungrazed jellyfish (and for them you only need wood), in battle we place them next to 1 caste of fortune and we have an almost guaranteed stunlock of 99% of creatures (it seems only alliance champions are immune to critstun), stunlock gives and assassins and units no longer need a double unanswered attack. Then download whatever you want, war leadership and screams for example, for a magician go to the Grandmaster of Darkness, but you already have everything you need for annihilation.

Rebellious tribes.
Any hero with an attack. We build gnolls, gnoll growth, magic 1, tavern, market, harpies. Upgrade attack 1, accuracy, attack 2, full arrow. In the 2nd week we grade and buy out gnolls, if you’re lucky, a gnoll specialist will come to the tavern, you can bully him (after building up the money in the castle) killing himself and redeeming in the tavern the next day with the gnolls, it’s stupid but true, a hero of the 1st level costs 4k, a hero of the 3rd costs 2.5k.
We raid the harpies, divide the furies into 6 stacks and go destroy them. The furies hit, and the gnolls shoot at the same target, and so on 6 times or more in one round, when you see what crowds of neutrals you can mow down with a hundred gnolls, you won’t want to play anyone else. You already have everything you need for annihilation, but it’s obvious , that you can strengthen the hero with air1 and storm arrows, then racial ones, and then it doesn’t matter, for example, with water and a water damage buff. The castle can either be harmoniously developed further and rebuild the rest of the creatures, or go to the fertility totem and get another 60 gnolls per week.

Forest Union.
Any hero with a grandmaster in the art of war and earth. We build dryads, their growth, magic1, support ents, ballista. We pump up the art of war all the way, earth1/defense sang, racial all the way, we redeem and grade the dryads, in battle we stoneskin them and destroy everything, the ballista shoots, the ent heals the dryads. Next we build archers, druids and deer, but this is no longer important.
When you see 100 dryads take the ruins of Shantiri on the same day you can get there, you won't want to play with anyone else.

Necrs. Well, everything is simple here, combat madness and necromancy to the extreme. You can also upgrade the art of war, the necrs are the best machinists, a shot from Namtaru will receive AoE, and the buff will give +2 damage (if there is a grandmaster of machines) per skeleton instead of +1. While there are few skeletons under blows from ghosts or spiders, but already a hundred skeletons will be distributed as needed, and then there will be more and more of them. In the castle we build champions to look at them.

And what is “abuse” or “abuse”?

And so, the post is good, although somewhat tendentious.

Let's say, 100 dryads - this is one blow to the minotaur (and there is a hero with a starting minotaur who clears the entire okuga alone) or a couple of shots from the same rangers and there, download the Art of War, don’t download it - the result will be the same.

The tactics with harpies and gnolls are cool, but the shooting skills from the Attack line have already been weakened. And with patch 1.7 the gnolls will be besieged. It seems there will be one assist shot per circle.

It is also exaggerated that champions are only for collection. Let's just say that you should focus on one elite, which is in every race - a minotaur, a deer... But don't lose sight of the strongest unit, because with these super dryads you come across a hero with some green dragons or hydras - and that's it , finito la comedy.

Mouse doesn't work Might & Magic: Heroes 7 lags, the launcher does not work, does not connect to the Internet, takes a long time to load, Heroes 7 black screen.

We present to your attention the minimum system requirements, which your computer configuration must comply with:

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1/8/8.1 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-660 @ 3.3 GHz | AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.2 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 GB;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 1GB | AMD Radeon HD 5850 1 GB.
If your hardware responds minimum requirements- then you have done half the job. Now we need help...

Files, drivers and libraries

Before you start looking for your problem, you need to update to latest version driver for your video card:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • Update outdated drivers with one click.
It is possible that you will have to update the supporting software, like DirectX, Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++: Helper DLLs:
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
If you have done all this and the problem remains, you can look for it in the list below.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 crashes during launch? Solution

Go to drive C and open the Documents folder there. In it, find the folder Might and Magic VII- remove it. Launch the game again. Everything should work without crashes.

Uplay launcher not working in Might & Magic: Heroes 7? Solution

The files may have been damaged. Uninstall the launcher through the control panel and reinstall it, disabling antivirus programs. Try logging in again.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 won't launch? Solution

First, try running it as an administrator. Also try opening the game through the launcher. It is advisable to disable anti-virus programs at the time of launch.

If this doesn't help, try renaming the file "libcef.dll.old" to "libcef.dll". File path - C:Program Files (x86)UbisoftUbisoft Game Launcher.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 lags? Solution

First, close all background applications, including your browser, antivirus, video player, etc. To optimize your computer for gaming needs, we recommend that you use the Razer Game Booster program. If your PC's hardware is up to standard and you've updated your drivers, the lag should go away.

Mouse not working in Might & Magic: Heroes 7? Solution

First of all, check if the mouse is well connected to the computer.

If everything is ok, you should update to the latest version of the game. All problems related to mouse control have been fixed in the latest patch.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 has a disk write error? Solution

Check if there is enough space on your hard drive. If everything is fine, try reinstalling Uplay itself, as it may be causing this error.

When launching Might & Magic: Heroes 7, does the "Invalid Application Configuration" pop up? Solution

Go to the root folder of the game (Might and Magic Heroes VIIBinariesWin32). Launch the game via the file MMH7Game-Win32-Shipping.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 black screen? Solution

Try switching to windowed mode. To do this, use the key combination “Alt+Enter”. Also run the game as administrator.

Might & Magic: Heroes 7 won't connect to the internet? Solution

Typically, this can happen due to overloaded servers. Try connecting later, or wait for the next update.

Does Might & Magic: Heroes 7 take a long time to load? Solution

Disable everything external programs, especially antivirus. This problem is present in almost everyone, but you can speed up the loading of the game by lowering the graphics settings and freeing up RAM.

In the near future, the developers should release a patch that will eliminate this problem completely.

If you did not find your problem above, you can ask your questions at .

It’s difficult to make a continuation of a cult series, because players’ expectations from the developer are too high. If we rely on the opinion of the community, then the new Heroes in general it should be fabulous and realistic; simple and very, very complex; variable and linear; Moreover, the combat system should be hexal, but with cells. After its release, the disparate tastes of the audience united in a single, much more modest request: at least let the game work.

Model session.

“I’m tired of war,” the griffin’s high-ranking son, Duke Ivan, laments to his advisors. This is understandable: numerous skirmishes have weakened the once powerful eastern lands, turning them into scorched ruins. The generous Seamus, in opposition to whom the protracted conflict is taking place, offers a good option: to put him on the throne, and to marry Ivan his daughter. In the opinion of the cunning man, the match should be good - and the child is settled, and the griffin will retain some title, Archduke. However, our Vanya is not like that! Instead, he decides to simply “go home,” leaving Seamus to rule the ruins. But this is not why the highest representatives of the six nations gathered in the Council Hall to dutifully listen to Ivanovo’s complaints. Everyone is ready to tell the Duke an intelligible story - and then, lo and behold, he will change his mind.

The council meeting appears before the player in a strange setting: a virtual operator flies around static three-dimensional figures, which sometimes have a rather comical appearance. Let's chalk up the demonstration of sculptures to the director's idea, because the hackwork in final product there's enough already. Even before Might & Magic Heroes VII will shower the player with a pleasant breeze of bugs, he will be offered a sextet of story campaigns: Alliance of Light, Academy, Necropolis, Defiant Tribes, Forest Union and League of Shadows. Ivan’s fate can be decided immediately after completing any two of the six. “Maybe” - because with a very high probability the player will encounter an impassable system obstacle on his way. It could be a dead quest trigger, progress not being saved, or the game simply dropping dead - there are a lot of options.

Take a look at the world.

If you try to ignore the shortcomings, you can enjoy the revival of classical mechanics. The seven types of resources lost in the sixth part and the search for the Holy Grail have returned to the game. The authors worked on an interesting system of quests that were supposed to overtake the user directly on the adventure map, but were forced to abandon it - nothing more complicated than an order to visit a designated place or kill a certain army is not going to happen. But astrologers Heroes VII, announcing the onset of the next weeks, are now not working in vain - instead of the usual increase in creatures, they often meet beneficial features seven days: cheap buildings in cities, double resource production or the same experience multiplier.

Bugs. With experience, however, a snag emerged in terms of the plot narrative: the hero’s levelcap is limited to level 30, and almost all campaigns have 4 maps. So it turns out that the character reaches the maximum level of the scenario just a few minutes after it starts, and spends the remaining hours of passage defeating enemy armies for his own pleasure, without a hint of promotion. New map– new 20 minutes of development and new hours of observing experience flowing into nowhere.

Some elements of the global map came from Heroes fans' sweetest dreams. The system of influence of cities, borrowed from back in , remains in place - no childish pulling of mines by low-level troops. Do you want resources? Be kind enough to plunder the mine, losing all movement points, or conquer the city to which the mine belongs. An even more modern idea is the growth of static troops in captured fortifications and settlements. A low-level rogue hero will no longer seize your lands simply by walking nearby: every week security units appear in them, whose sole purpose is defense. It won’t be possible to take them under the banner of a mobile army, but you can use them to repel an attack on a settlement.

Bugs. The idea of ​​forts also deserves a nod. Having captured a strategic structure on the global map, the hero can call a courier from the capital to it. Did you order fresh troops by express delivery? Get it. A mule promptly running with luggage, coupled with spells of teleportation to the city and summoning troops to the hero, eliminates the age-old problem Heroes– the need to create caravan heroes. On the global map without fatal errors it didn't work out. Turn points appear and disappear, characters teleport while running and do not want to interact with plot objects. That wouldn't be bad.

As before, the hero development system is based on three levels of proficiency in a particular skill - student, expert, master. But now the number of talent branches for each developing person is limited to a dozen pieces, but each level of craft studied allows you to unlock the skills that accompany it. Three branches for any standard bearer are considered core and provide access to a super-mega skill: the number of movement points increases by 20%, controlled units deal two hits or with great probability make two moves - the hero’s class character works to its fullest. Each part of the series has its own view on the role of the character in battle, and Might & Magic Heroes VII took the golden mean. The hero is free to strike or cast a spell, albeit once per turn, but at any time.

Lots of bugs. The battlefields themselves look very ascetic. Poor in design details, they offer only a few obstacles on the ground. But from now on, these obstacles make sense: rifle squads have a serious attack penalty against targets hidden behind the ceiling. In turn, units that attack the enemy from behind receive a significant bonus. Add to the numerous damage modifiers a dynamic morale system and the high mortality rate of absolutely all troops, and you get a tactical system never seen before. Nominally. Despite modern instruments turn-based combat, battles Might & Magic Heroes VII get bored pretty quickly. Well, of course, it’s flavored with a good bunch of bugs. Spells that don't trigger in an area are not so bad. The real “why are you completely crazy” is the disappearance of troops before the start of the battle.

This is my village.

The general style of the universe has undergone major changes, adjusted to the notorious realism. Faded filters make the picture gloomy, leaving no trace of its former beauty. Whether this is good or bad is everyone’s personal matter. But opinions regarding the two-dimensional picture settlement It's quite difficult to separate. Many people have already fallen in love with the types of settlements with three-dimensional objects, but instead I decided to produce simple drawings. Against the background of static three-dimensional faces in the videos, this decision does not look so strange, but it still entails the worst windows of the city in the entire history of the series.

Bugs. To their credit, the developers decided not to mess around with the housing development. The construction model is based on a level system - the older the city, the better buildings can be erected in it. An increase in level also threatens an increase in the growth of defensive troops. There was also room for variability. Do you want a quarry? Then there will be no specialized resource mine. Do you want to increase the weekly fertility of some creatures? Make do with the low birth rates of others. What you can’t do without is a local set of technical glitches. Buildings are not erected, even if all the conditions for this are created, menu items overlap each other, and contextual hints are glitchy. With windows in Might & Magic Heroes VII In general, some kind of trouble: either the wrong page of the bestiary will open instead of the requested one, or the window of the wrong hero that we would like. In general, it is difficult to find a game element that does not contain an unpleasant surprise in the form of a bug.

Despite the controversial visual style, Might & Magic Heroes VII showed serious promise. Just a year ago, developers dreamed of non-linear quests, different tasks and conditions for victory in tactical battles... It is clear that no one will blame them for the fact that none of this made it to release: it is difficult to criticize the game for something that is not in it. But no rod is enough to punish for what exists - bugs. Bugs of all sorts ooze from every pixel, and if you managed to complete the story campaign, you may have played some other Might & Magic Heroes VII. The project contains successful ideas that could deserve attention, if not for one “but”: at the time of release, the game is still very far from being ready in terms of readiness.

Might and Magic Heroes 7- the seventh part of the game in the series of the most popular turn-based strategies. Moreover, the developers added an RPG element to it to make it even more interesting to play - now the development of the hero has become even more important than before. The PC version was released in 2015. It is worth noting that the new product has significantly surpassed the previous one. After all, many gamers were upset by the sixth part. A new game completely rehabilitated the series, although, of course, it failed to achieve the popularity of Third Heroes - such strategies are created, at best, once a decade.

Game Features

  • Six factions that have already been represented in previous version games. Choose exactly the one you would like to lead to victory. Of course, each faction has a unique architecture, city, troops, as well as certain bonuses, correct use which makes passage easier;
  • Each faction has six heroes - half of them are warriors, and half are magicians. Use the strengths of each character to defeat the enemy army;
  • All factions can boast a solid selection of troops: three basic units, three elite and two champions. However, not all of them can be hired in one castle - the construction of buildings necessary for some excludes the possibility of constructing buildings in which others are hired.

Game plot

The action of "Heroes of Might and Magic 7" takes the gamer into the period of time between the sixth and fifth parts of the game. These were extremely difficult and troubled times when a lot of unnecessary blood was shed. Seven years have passed since the death of Empress Miv. Now Duke Ivan, descended from the Griffin family, must make a difficult choice. After all, he has the right to take the throne of the powerful Falcon Empire. But at the same time, the country can be destroyed not only by an external enemy, but also by internal strife. Therefore, Ivan does not know what to do - whether to continue the war, hoping for the throne, or to quietly be content with the modest title of duke, without risking his life again.

Exhausted by constant torment, Ivan decides to assemble the Shadow Council. It includes representatives of all factions. The game itself consists of seven campaigns, six of which are stories narrated by a single advisor. After listening to six stories (going through six campaigns), Ivan will be able to learn valuable lessons from the past, which will allow him to accept the right decision. The main character of the seventh company will be Ivan himself, who will make his choice.

Game results

Of course, the game has practically nothing to do with the Third Heroes that made the series famous (like the previous parts). But it completely reveals to the gamer new world, With own history, problems and wars. The new product boasts simply excellent graphics, carefully designed special effects, balanced troops and economy. So, the game is sure to impress not only every fan of the series, but also many fans of turn-based strategies.

turned out to be a frankly unsuccessful game, so the seventh part had to either pull the series out of oblivion or bury it completely. So far, everything indicates that there will be no triumphant return. However, it's not all bad.

In the empire of people there are no better times. The throne is empty, and there are too many contenders for it. One of the strongest candidates, Duke Ivan, faces a choice: try to preserve the dynasty or become the head of a huge state himself? To make the most informed decision, the Duke convened six trusted advisers from all existing factions.

As a matter of fact, from this moment the rather non-standard campaign of Might & Magic Heroes 7 begins. Almost all the missions in it are stories told by advisers from the history of their peoples. Only two of them will occur on behalf of Duke Ivan. For example, the angel of Elrath will tell about the heroic adventure of a young knight from the Duchy of Wolf, the mention of which has somehow been lost. The sorceress, in turn, will remember ancient history love and about the times when the orcs rebelled and started a bloody war, destroying everyone who stood in their way. There are six advisors, as well as factions you can play for. These are the Forest Union, Academy, Necropolis, Orc Tribes, Alliance of Light and League of Shadows. Each has its own story, on the basis of which a decision will have to be made about the future fate of the empire.

However, this all just looks intriguing. The stories turned out to be very simple and full of clichés. Small scenes between missions are banal, and the dialogue is sparse and pathetic. Even the scenes of betrayal are not surprising.

Before moving on to the game mechanics, it’s worth a little reassurance for those who have already become disappointed. Might & Magic Heroes 7 is still better than its predecessor. Not least thanks to some new products and the return of mechanisms from previous parts. Thus, an attack modifier has now appeared on the battlefield depending on the angle of attack on your soldiers. Now flanking moves and attacks to the rear play a role. If you attack from the back, the damage can increase up to one and a half times, and this is already a significant increase. However, there is also back side medals: frontal attacks against most creatures are now completely ineffective, so you have to break up the formation and reduce the number of defenders of your shooters.

The army compositions have also been updated. The League of Shadows received troglodytes and strange magical golems called "Misfits". Fire-breathing cabirs and huge magical eagles became part of the army of magicians. The lamassu of Necropolis are also interesting - neither living nor dead sphinxes. In general, the game's bestiary has been updated by about a quarter, but Ubisoft promises to add new creatures in additions.

Your warriors are divided into three types: basic, elite and legendary. The difference between them is quite noticeable. The main ones are ordinary meat, which can be crushed in quantity and nothing else. Elite ones basically complement and build on the success of their base. And the legendary creatures bear their name for a reason: they have several times more health than the elite. They can change the outcome of any battle, but are terribly expensive. You will have to spend not only gold on them, but also rare resources.

The armies look quite good. The only problems are with the animation of the creatures: some of them look like wooden blocks.

A system of territorial control appeared. The city now not only serves as the only quiet place on the map, but also spreads its influence around. If you assign a governor to any of your strongholds, then all controlled lands will be covered by certain bonuses that the player will choose during the development of heroes. For example, the morale of all characters will be increased in each battle, or the growth of their experience will simply be accelerated.

Urban planning hasn't changed much. The cities themselves are a drawing with a small number of active elements. This is more suitable for some browser game, and not for a large project.

The development of heroes is carried out using a special skill disk, in each segment of which there are three levels. By upgrading a certain branch, you can unlock stronger abilities. Each hero has a specialization, so some branches will only have two levels of development available. So, it will no longer be possible to develop an omnipotent magician from a warrior. However, just like you can’t turn a magician into a warrior who poses a serious threat.

And all this would be even nice if the game was at least a little more stable. You literally have to wade through mistakes. The game may crash immediately after some important battle. And considering that some of them don't allow automatic results, it's incredibly annoying. It’s good that autosave works every turn. In addition, the game often crashes when trying to start a mission. What prompted Ubisoft to release it so raw is a big question. Players on Steam complain about a huge number of bugs, including the impossibility of launching. In Uplay Might & Magic Heroes 7 behaves more stable.
