Integrated lesson in the middle group - wild animals. Abstract of the educational activity "Wild animals" (for the middle group) outline of a lesson on the world around us (secondary group) on the topic

MBDOU children's combined type garden No. 43

Summary of an open lesson on the topic:

"Wild animals"

in the middle group

Completed by: Lyaks E.D.


Topic: "Wild Animals"

Program content:

Teach children to highlight features wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals ( appearance, housing, food). Develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children and treat animals with care.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories. Looking at illustrations. Guessing riddles.

Demo material:

Illustrations depicting wild animals and their young. Envelope with a letter. Subject pictures. Puzzle game "Whose baby?" Drawings with animals with unfinished tails and ears.


1.Organizational part.

Educator: - Guys! I came to today kindergarten, and there is a letter on my table. I don't know who sent it. Do you want to know? Let's read the letter.

Text of the letter:

Help urgently. The wizard scared us. He put a spell on us all. We have forgotten who we are, what we should drink and what we should eat. Help me out, help me. And urgently reconcile us. (forest dwellers).

2. Conversation

Educator: - Guys, tell me who these are the residents forests?

Name it. (children list animals). What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (wild, forest).

And why? (they themselves get food, build homes, take care of the cubs). What happened to the forest animals? Can we help them?

Educator: - I suggest going to the forest.

children and teacher walk along the path into the forest.

Educator: - So we came to the forest.

Didactic game "Guess the description."

Educator: - Why can’t you see the animals? What are those white cards that lie under the tree? These are the riddles left by the evil wizard.

Riddle text:

A furry, club-footed beast

He sucks his paw in the den (bear)

What kind of animal is it in the cold winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife (wolf)

Cunning cheat, red head

The fluffy tail is a beauty, who is it? (fox).

Cross-eyed, small.

In a white fur coat and felt boots. (hare)

The red-haired baby

There are mushrooms and cones in the forest. (Squirrel)

Angry touchy, lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Educator: - Do you think that only adult animals live in the forest?

Children: Kids live in the forest.

Didactic game "Whose mother?"

(puzzle game)

Educator: - Look, children, it seems that these little animals have confused their mothers, let us help you find your mother.

The wolf has fox cubs, the bear has hares, the fox has cubs, baby squirrel hedgehogs, the squirrel has a hedgehog.

Educator: - Children, the animals are so glad that you helped find the cubs.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Educator: - Where do wild animals live, and what is the name of their home?

Children's answers.

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den.

Does the hare have a home? (no, he hides under the bushes)

Where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow).

Everyone's home is called differently.

Children, in the letter the animals forgot what they eat.

Didactic game "Who loves what?"

On the board there are subject pictures (raspberries, honey, pine cones, mushrooms, apples, cabbage, carrots, grass, mouse, hare)

Educator - Children choose a picture. Tell me who likes to eat this.

Children's answers.

The hare loves carrots and cabbage.

Squirrel loves nuts

The hedgehog loves mushrooms and apples.

Bear honey, berries

Wolf catches mice

The fox hunts for mice, hares, and chickens.

Educator: - Guys, we treated everyone. Look, what are these drawings in the forest clearing? It seems that the artist has lost his work.

Didactic game "Let's help the artist."

Educator: - Look, guys, in these drawings, some have a tail and some have ears. Let's help the artist complete the drawing.

Children finish drawing ears and tails.

The teacher evaluates the children's work.

Educator: - It's time for us to return to kindergarten.


What did you like most about the forest? What do you remember most? You tried very hard and wild animals Thank you for your help. They sent you treats.


Agrafenina Yulia Alexandrovna

Summary of GCD in the middle group

"Wild animals"

Target: Expand your understanding of the lifestyle of wild animals. Enrich your vocabulary with: names of wild animals; their homes; characteristic features(fox - cunning, dexterous; hare - cowardly). Strengthen the ability to compose various phrases and short simple sentences. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Material: pictures with images of wild animals (wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog, squirrel); toys.

Educator. Guys, listen to the poem that I will read to you.

Wild animals do not live with people

They do not expect constant help from them.

They get their own food,

They protect the children themselves

Build strong houses

And medicines - looking for herbs

Wolves, hares, foxes, hedgehogs,

Can't tell about everyone

They live by their own laws

All people need to know them

To avoid harming animals

And guard everywhere.

Questions for children:

What wild animals are mentioned in the poem?

Where do these animals live?

What wild animals can be called predatory?

How do carnivorous animals get their food?

What will happen to them if they don't hunt other animals?

What does a hare eat in winter? Hedgehog? Squirrel.

How are animals similar to each other?

What is the difference?

Educator. Guys, in real forest You and I won’t be able to go, and the animals there are very shy, they love silence. But if you and I now close our eyes and imagine that we are invisible, then we will be able to observe the inhabitants of the forest.

Guys, we are entering the forest. Quiet. Where are the animals? Look who it is? I already see someone. Now guess the riddle:

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

Who is this? (Children's answers). That's right, here it is the squirrel. (Shows a toy).

Squirrel. Hello guys. Have you come to visit me? Look how beautiful I am? What kind of fur coat do I have? (Children's answers). Fluffy, soft, gray, thick.

Squirrel. Why is my fur coat gray? (Children's answers). The trees are bare and gray in winter, and the gray coat of the squirrel is not noticeable on the trees when it hides from enemies.

Squirrel. Guys, what do I eat? What supplies have I prepared for the winter? (mushrooms, nuts, cones).

Where do I live? (in the forest in the trees). Who knows the name of my house? (hollow). Guys, it’s cold in the hollow in winter, I’ll freeze, how can I insulate it? (Leaves, grass).

The squirrel thanks the guys, the children say goodbye to her and move on through the forest.

Oh, who is this?

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog).

Educator. That's right guys, it's a hedgehog (shows a toy). He is running, in a hurry to get somewhere. Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going in such a hurry?

Hedgehog. I'm lost in the forest and I can't find the path. Maybe you can tell me where I live? (You live in a hole in the forest). What's on my fur coat? (Needles). Try my back with your hands, what is it like? (Prickly). And all my enemies drink from me.

Hedgehog. Tell me guys, what will I eat in winter? (Children's answers).

But there are no berries, mushrooms, green plants, the worms and bugs are hidden. I sleep in winter. I will gain fat in the summer and fall so that I can sleep well all winter. Let’s play the game “Hedgehog and Mice”. I really, really love mice too.

All the mouse children stand in a circle. A hedgehog is in the hands of a teacher or a child. At the signal, everyone goes to the right, the hedgehog to the left. Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

The hedgehog is running - dumb - dumb

The whole prickly sharp tooth!

Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's the matter with you?

Hedgehog legs - stupid - stupid

Hedgehog eyes - loop - loop

The hedgehog hears silence everywhere

Chu, a mouse is scratching in the leaves!

(The hedgehog walks and listens)

Run hedgehog, don't spare your legs

You catch mice, our children.

(The children run away, the hedgehog catches them).

Educator. Guys, be quiet! Which other animal is sleeping? That's right bear (shows the bear a toy that he is sleeping, or a picture). Guys, what is he doing? (Sleeping). Where is the bear sleeping? ( In the den). Where did he make it? (Under the roots of a fallen tree). He will train young fir trees, moss, and brushwood. In winter, the den will be covered with a blanket of snow. It's warm for the bear.

Educator. Guys, guess the riddle: “It’s cold in winter. He's walking around angry and hungry." (Wolf).

Shows an illustration of a wolf.

Educator. He is also preparing for winter. Its fur grows over the summer and autumn and becomes thick and warm so as not to freeze.

Where does the wolf live? ( In the hole).

Wolves live in families in winter. Who is part of the wolf family? (Wolf, she-wolf, wolf cubs).

Who do wolves hunt? (Bunnies, mice).

Educator. Let's go and see who else lives in the forest. Hey guys, who is this? ( Shows a toy bunny).

Hare. Hello guys! I'm so glad you came to visit me. Look how beautiful I have become. What color is my fur coat? (White).

Hare. Why do I need to change my fur coat in winter? Who am I hiding from? How do I escape from the fox? (The hare runs away and confuses its tracks.) Where is my home? ( During the day the hare sleeps in a hole in the snow and at night comes out to get food). What do I eat in winter? ( Gnaws the bark of trees).

Hare. Oh, guys, I was chatting with you for some reason, I hear a fox running here. (The hare runs away).

Educator. Shows an illustration of a fox.

And here it is red-haired cheat- fox. In winter, she wears felt boots, because thick fur grows on her paws, and she doesn’t freeze. Guys, tell me, what does a fox eat in winter? (He gets mice under the snow, catches bunnies). Where does the fox live? (In the hole).

Educator. Let us play the game “What can animals do?”

Children stand in a circle (turn into animals). Everyone must tell what they can do, what they eat, how they move. For example: “I am a red squirrel. I jump from branch to branch. I make provisions for the winter: I collect nuts and dry mushrooms.”

Educator. Well, our walk has come to an end. Let's close our eyes and say: “One, two, three, four, five. Here we are in kindergarten again.


« Physical Culture", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music".

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and their habitats.


Educational: Exercise in the ability to name baby animals, in the correct name of a home; learn to answer in complete sentences.

Developmental: Broaden horizons; develop memory, thinking, attention, perception; speech.

Vocabulary: den, hollow, hole, lair, fluffy, golden, toothy, dexterous, agile, clubfooted, shaggy.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting wild animals, subject pictures depicting the dwellings of wild animals.


Today we will go to the forest.

Music sounds, children walk in music hall. There are models of trees in the hall. There are animal toys under the trees.

The teacher asks riddles:

White in winter, gray in summer.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he himself is afraid of everyone - (Hare).

What is he like? What does the riddle say about him?

(Children - fast, cowardly, big-eared)

The scythe has no den

He doesn't need a hole

Legs save you from enemies

And from hunger - bark.

Let's see who lives under the tree, of course it's a hare!

Who will tell me about the hare (child writes a descriptive story)

What is he like? where does he live? So what animal is this? where is his home? What are its cubs called? Tell me, how does a hare prepare for winter?

The teacher plays the game “The little gray bunny is sitting”

Well done! Well, let's move on. Approaching another tree:

Big, clubfooted,

In a warm shaggy fur coat.

In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter, he rests in a den - (Bear).

You guessed it. What is this bear? What is he like?

(Children - clumsy, furry, strong)

Children looking at a bear toy

Game "Bear in the Forest"


Our journey continues. Guess who we came to visit.

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

IN lives in the forest,

In the village he steals chickens - (Fox).

How did you know and guess that it was a fox?

What does the riddle say about the tail? About fur?

What else can you say about the fox, what is it like?

(Children select words - signs: red-haired, cunning, cautious)

What fairy tales do you know about the fox? Children call fairy tales.

Listen to the riddle:

Gray, toothy, prowling around the field.

Looking for calves and lambs - (Wolf).

What wolf? What kind of teeth does he have?

What else can you say about a wolf? What is he like?

(Strong, fast, toothy, scary)

Children find a toy wolf under a tree.

Agile, nimble,

Leap and leap through the trees,

Yes, nuts click - click - (Squirrel).

What does the riddle say about the squirrel?

What is she like? What else can you call a squirrel? (Children - small, fast, fluffy)


All animals have their own houses, hiding from the cold in winter and from rain in summer.

A didactic game “Who Lives Where” is being played (based on the pictures I incorrectly arrange the animals with their homes, i.e. a wolf on a squirrel’s home, a bear on a wolf’s home, etc.)

Children distribute and name the homes of wild animals:

The fox has a hole, the bear has a den, the squirrel has a hollow, the wolf has a lair.

Educator: Each animal has a warm skin and they feel warm and comfortable in their homes. Do you know what wild animals eat in winter?

Children's answers are shown in pictures.

The bear sleeps in winter, sucks its paw,

And in the summer he ate mushrooms, berries, honey.

The wolf hunts calves and lambs.

The hare eats tree bark and young branches of bushes.

The fox hunts mice, pulls them out from under the snow, and catches hares.

Educator: Which wild animal prepares supplies for the winter?

(Squirrel) - What is she storing? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)

The teacher plays the game “Find the Tail”

We need to find the tail of each animal.

For helping forest residents, children are awarded “Forest Helpers” medals.

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children middle group

"Wild Animals and Their Young"

consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, their cubs, their place of residence and activate their vocabulary on this topic;
- continue to improve the grammatical structure of speech (practice in education possessive adjectives, the formation of the names of young wild animals, continue to teach how to build a phrase of three words with the prepositions “for”).


To develop children’s ability to know and distinguish wild animals and their young, to correctly correlate their names

- improve articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

- continue to develop an interest in wildlife;
- cultivate a sensitive attitude towards wild animals, a desire to help.

Type of lesson: generalizing

Lesson form: group

Lesson duration : 20 minutes

Participants: teacher and children

Children's age: 4-5

Equipment: pencils, sheets with images of wild animals and their cubs, Logico-Baby tablets.

Preliminary preparation :

Rlooking at paintings depicting wild animals and their young,reading fictionabout wild animals, teacher's story, conversation, solving riddles, didactic games"Wild Animals and Their Young"

Methods and techniques:

verbal, visual, practical, playful, surprise moment, creating a magical situation.

Lesson structure:

Lesson stage



1 Introductory part

Organizing time.

Creating a problematic situation.

2-3 min.

2. Main part

Solving a problem situation.

12-15 min.

3.Final part

Summary of the lesson.


Progress of the lesson:

1.Introductory part:

The children enter and stand around the teacher on the carpet.

Educator: Hello guys.(Children say hello)

Educator: Guys, let's smile and wish Have a good mood each other. (Children pass the ball to each other, wishing for a good mood).

Educator: Guys, our group received a telegram today. Now I will read to you:
“Come urgently,
Help urgently!
Miracles happen
We will not divide the forest.
The wizard scared us
He put a spell on us all.
We have forgotten who we are
What should we drink and what should we eat?
Help out, come
And urgently reconcile us!”
Forest inhabitants.

2.Main part:

Educator: Well, let's go help the animals?

To go to the rescue, you and I must remember what animals live in the forest.
(The teacher puts pictures on the board: hare, fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hedgehog.)

Educator: Tell me the names of the animals that live in the forest

- Wild animals

Educator: That's right, these animals are called wild. Why do you think they are called that?

- Because these animals live in the forest, take care of themselves, get their own food.

Articulation gymnastics:
Okay, but before we go on a trip, you and I still need to prepare our tongue, because we will need it in order to help animals.
Let's sit down, straighten our backs, place our legs correctly, take the mirrors.
Guys, to make friends with forest dwellers, let's smile at them.
(The teacher reminds that after each exercise you need to swallow saliva)
- We stretch our lips in a smile so that our teeth are visible
(the exercise is repeated 3 times). Now, let's play the pipe to make the animals more fun. Pull your lips forward with a tube and pull them (the exercise is repeated 3 times).

Great, guys, I think the animals will like it. Our forest inhabitants love treats very much, let's bake them pancakes.
We place a wide, relaxed tongue on lower lip and hold it.
- Well done! I think the animals will also like the gifts, but our pancakes are hot, we need to cool them. Let's bake some pancakes and blow on them. Amazing!

Well, for the squirrel, let's collect nuts. Our mouths are closed, we will rest our tense tongue on one or the other cheek (the exercise is repeated 3 times in each direction).
- Well done. You and I remembered who lives in the forest, prepared our tongue, and now we can go to help the inhabitants of the forest.
Educator: Tell me, guys, what can you use to go into the forest? -By bus, by car, by bike.

Educator: Guys, you and I will go into the forest with the help of a magic spell. Come to me, now I will cover you with a magic scarf and cast a spell: “One, two, three - take the guys to the forest.” Here we are in the forest. Let’s close our eyes and listen carefully to the sounds of the forest (the melody “Sounds of the Forest” plays).
- What do you hear?
- The noise of trees, the chirping of birds.
- Guys, what a wonderful smell! Have you ever been to the forest?
- That's what it smells like coniferous forest. Let's stand up straight, lower our hands, take a calm breath (send air into our tummy) and say together as we exhale: Oh, how it smells here! (Repeat 3 times)

D/i “Who hid where?” Educator: We are in the forest, but where are the animals? They all hid! Let's take a closer look and tell us where the animals are hiding from us? Just remember, you need to answer in a complete sentence.
(The teacher helps the children with leading questions if they find it difficult.)
- where did the hare hide?
- The hare hid behind a bush. - where did the fox hide?- The fox hid behind a tree.
- where did the squirrel hide?- The squirrel hid behind a tree.
- where did the wolf hide?
- The wolf hid behind a log.

D/i “Who lives where?” (Tablets "Logical Baby")

Educator: Well done guys, we found all the animals. But look, the animals wrote in the telegram that the wizard had bewitched them and mixed everything up. Look, is everything okay here?
Let's help the animals find their home (
The pictures on the slide are mixed up - a bear in a tree, a fox in a hollow, a hare in a den, a squirrel in a hole ).
-Where does the bear live?
- The bear lives in a den.
-Where does the wolf live?- In the lair.
-Where does the squirrel live?- In the hollow.
-Where does the hare live?- Under the bush.
- Where does the fox live?- In the hole.

Educator: Well done boys! Now the animals are happy that they have found their homes.

Educator: Now guys, let’s play the game “Bear in the Forest,” but for this we need to choose a bear. (The teacher chooses a bear using a counting rhyme)

One, two, three - you will be a bear!

Outdoor game " By the bear in the forest »

"By the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us"

D/i "Moms and Babies"

Educator: Guys, the wizard not only mixed up the animals’ homes, but also scared away their cubs. Let's return the cubs to their parents. You have pictures of animals and their babies on your table. You need to connect a line between the mother and her baby.
- The fox has a cub
….- Little Fox

Match the fox with her cub.
-The bear has a cub…...-Teddy Bear

Match the bear with the bear cub.

The she-wolf has a cub... - Little Wolf
-Match the she-wolf with the cub
-At the squirrel
... - Little squirrel

Match squirrel with baby squirrel.
Educator: The cubs and their mothers were very happy that you helped them get rid of the evil wizard’s witchcraft and decided to play with your fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Educator: Guys, get your hands ready.

« This is a bunny, this is a squirrel,bend their fingers into a fist, starting with

This is a fox cub, this is a wolf cub,little finger

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepilyrotate thumb

Brown, shaggy,

Funny teddy bear

3.Final part:

Educator: - Well done guys, our journey into the forest is over and it’s time for us to return to the group. Now I will cover you with a magic scarf and cast a spell: “One, two, three - transfer us to the group!” Here we are in the group. Did you enjoy our adventure?-Yes
-What were we doing in the forest?– Helped wild animals.
– Who did we help today?
- Wild animals and their young. (List) How did you help?
Oh, look, what is this? These are gifts from the forest. Wild animals sent them to you in gratitude for your help.


1.Gerbova V.V. - “Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

2. Nishcheva N.V. “Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the middle group of a kindergarten for children with special needs” - St. Petersburg: Detstvo - Press, 2007.

Alina Kiseleva
Open lesson in a middle group on the topic: “Wild Animals”

Target: Enriching ideas about life wild animals, development of cognitive interests.

Training tasks:

Learn to identify distinctive features wild animals, make up descriptive stories about animals express your thoughts correctly.

Improve the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Activate and expand your vocabulary on the topic « wild animals» .

Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals(appearance, housing, food).

Developmental tasks:

Develop visual perception, speech hearing, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

Develop the ability to listen to the answers of comrades, treat animals.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories about animals, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, d/i "Name the cubs animals» , d/i "Who lives where?".


Telephone, audio recording “A request for help from the inhabitants of the forest”, illustrations showing wild animals, subject pictures, sectional pictures.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Children, look, today guests came to us to see how you are doing, what you have already learned. Say hello to them. (Children say hello)

The phone rings.

Educator: Hello!

Audio recording:

Urgently, urgently come,

Urgently, urgently help.

Educator: What's happened? What's the problem?

Audio recording:

The wizard scared us.

He put a spell on us all.

We have forgotten who we are.

What should we drink and what should we eat?

Help me out, help me.

And urgently reconcile us.

Educator: Who are you?

Audio recording: Forest inhabitants.

2. Conversation.

Educator: Children, tell me, who are these forest inhabitants?

Children: These are the ones who live in the forest.

Educator: I wonder what happened to the forest dwellers?

Can we help them?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then children, get up and come to me. Let's say magic words to end up in the forest.

1,2,3,4,5 – we go into the forest to save animals. (Music sounds, children approach the trees).

Here we are in the forest.

3. Did. a game. Guess by the description.


Children, look. There are many trees in the forest, and you can't see the animals at all. I will now tell you the words, and you think about what they belong to the animal.

Angry, hungry, gray (wolf)

Small, long-eared, gray or white (hare)

Red-haired, dexterous, cunning, fluffy (fox)

Big, clumsy, clumsy (bear)

Small, fluffy, loves nuts (squirrel)

Small, prickly (hedgehog)

(as named open subject pictures appear animals)

Children, look how much we are the animals were named.

What do they call animals who live in the forest?

Child: Animals who live in the forest are called wild.

Educator: Why are they called that?

Children: They get their own food. Animals build their own homes. They take care of their young themselves.

Educator: Well done, children. Take your seats.

4. Did. a game "Who lives where?"

Educator: Children, everyone the animal has its own house. And I want to know if you know where they live wild animals What are their homes called?

Children's answers.

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den, the squirrel lives in a hollow. The hedgehog lives in a hole. And the hare is hiding under the bushes.

Everyone has dwellings, which are called differently. So we reminded animals, who lives where.

Well done, children. And now we will name the cubs animals.

5. Finger gymnastics.

This is a bunny

This is a baby squirrel

This is a little fox

This is a wolf cub

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily

Brown, furry, funny bear cub.

6. Did. a game “Who loves what?”

Educator: Children, animals have forgotten what to eat and what to drink. Let's help them. You know what they eat wild animals. You have trays with cut-out pictures on your tables, collect them.

Images: raspberries, honey, mushrooms, apple, cabbage, carrots, nuts, grass.

Educator: Children, tell me who likes to eat this.

The hare loves carrots and cabbage.

The squirrel eats nuts and mushrooms.

The hedgehog loves mushrooms and apples.

The bear loves honey and berries.

And now we will show how animals do exercises.

7. Physical education minute "Animals, wake up quickly"

Who's waking up everyone around here?

Knock-Knock. Knock-Knock. (Children sit in a circle with their eyes closed)

"Beasts, quickly wake up,

Get ready to exercise." (The teacher claps his hands, the children stand up and walk in a circle)

The animals are doing exercises -

Who in a hurry (jumping)

Who's squatting (squats)

Someone raises their shoulders (Stand on your toes, raise your shoulders,

Someone drops their shoulders (sit on your feet, lower your shoulders)

Let's wave our hands, (hands to the side)

Swing right and swing left, (swinging movements of legs to the right and left)

Half squat, (Half squat, hands on waist)

Squat, (Squat)

Incline, (lean forward, arms to the sides)

We send our regards to all athletes.

Children sit on chairs.

8. Educator: Children, now I’ll show you how you can use pictures to make short story O animal.

I put it on a magnetic board Pictures: animal, housing, food, cubs.

Educator: This is a hare. Hare wild animal. He is small, long-eared, gray or white. The hare is hiding under the bushes. The hare loves cabbage, carrots, and grass. The hare has babies.

Children, now tell me about wild animals so that the evil wizard cannot bewitch them anymore. Remember what they eat, where they live, what their young are called.

Children choose animal and describe it.

This is a squirrel. Squirrel - wild animal. She is small and has a bushy tail. She lives in a hollow. Stores mushrooms and nuts for the winter. She has baby squirrels.

This is a bear. Bear - wild animal. He is big, clumsy, club-footed. In winter he sleeps in a den. The bear loves honey and berries. The bear has cubs.

This is a hedgehog. Hedgehog - wild animal. He is small and prickly. In winter he sleeps in a hole. The hedgehog loves mushrooms and apples. The hedgehog has hedgehogs.

The teacher thanks the children for their help and offers them a treat from the forest inhabitants - mushrooms.

And it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words.

1,2,3,4,5-v group we came again.

Publications on the topic:

"Wild animals of the taiga in autumn." Pedagogical project on the lexical topic “How wild animals prepare for winter” Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Development center – kindergarten “Teremok” village. Alexandrovskoe. Environmental project.

Physical education and entertainment activity for children of the middle group “Wild and Domestic Animals” Goal: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals, appearance, habits, behavioral characteristics; teach to classify.

Educational objectives: Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Wild Animals” Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Program content: Educational objectives: To give children a complete understanding of wild forest animals: hare, fox, squirrel, wolf, moose;
