Little tales. Tales in faces

Fables in verse are considered excellent entertainment for children. It would seem that these poems are short and silly, but they evoke cheerful, infectious laughter in kids. If your baby laughs at fables, and even tries to come up with something similar himself, it means the child has a good sense of humor. After all, it is the nonsense in poetry that makes us adults smile and the children have fun. Read our short fables in verse and laugh at them with your children.

Who will believe that this happens?

Who would believe that this happens
A cat walks with a mouse in an embrace.
A wolf pushes a sheep in a stroller.
And in the evening he reads fairy tales to her.
The fish sings songs like a bird.
The coward hunter is afraid of the hare
The toad flutters from branch to branch...
Who will believe that this happens?

Tall tale

Two bears were sitting
On a thin bitch
One was reading a newspaper,
Another was grinding flour.

One peek-a-boo, two peek-a-boo
They both fell into the flour.

Mom saw
I told my dad.
Dad was surprised
Fell down the stairs.

From the stairs to the street,
From the street to chicken
From chicken to rooster.
This is such nonsense.

Vanya rode on a horse

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,
I tell everyone and everywhere,
Any suggestion
I'll repeat it right away.

Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I washed the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
Well, the cactus at this time
Washing the old lady on the window...

Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the old lady on a belt,
And the dog at this time
I washed Vanya on the window...

I know what I'm saying.
I said that I would repeat it
So it came out without errors,
Why should I boast in vain?


Glad, glad, glad
Light birch trees,
And on them with joy
Roses are growing.
Glad, glad, glad
Dark aspens,
And on them with joy
Oranges are growing.
It wasn't rain that came from a cloud
And not hail
It fell from the cloud
And the crows over the fields
Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.
And streams from underground
Sweet honey flowed.
The chickens became peahens,
Bald and curly.
Even the mill
She danced near the bridge.
So run after me
To green meadows,
Where above the blue river
A rainbow-arc appeared.
We are jumping up for the rainbow,
Let's play in the clouds
And from there down the rainbow
On sleds, on skates!

Tall tale

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard?
So that the hen gives birth to a bull,
The little piglet laid an egg
Yes, I took it to the shelf.
And the shelf broke off,
And the egg broke.
The sheep clucked
The filly cackled:
- Oh, where-where-where!
This has never happened to us before,
So that the armless man robs our cage,
The bare-bellied one put it in his bosom,
And the blind man was spying,
And the deaf man was eavesdropping,
And the legless Vogon ran,
The tongueless “guard” screamed!

Short tales

They blossomed in the garden
Cacti in the garden.
And there's a hippopotamus in the lilacs
Sings sweetly.

Our cat got sick
Her leg is sneezing.
Take a radish from the ground
Heal your sore pussy.

At the feeder in the yard
Birds jump in January:
Sparrow, bullfinch and swift,
Nightingale, goat and mouse.

Worn by Manechka
Mittens for feet
Attached to my head
Red boots.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.
And behind her at full speed
With quiet steps
The wolf tried to swim across
Sea with pies.

There's nonsense on the fence
Fried jam
The chickens ate the rooster
One Sunday.

The devil smeared his nose
Pomaded my hands
And brought it from the cellar
Fried pants.

Between heaven and earth
The pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

By the swamp in the snow
A mosquito bit a flea.
A hare sits on a birch tree
Dies laughing.

At Egorov's yard
Very fun, yay!
And at our gates
Everything goes the other way around.

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said to the crow,
Give me powder and perfume
To attract roosters.

We'll harness the cat to the droshky,
And the kitten in the tarantass
And we'll eat around the village
Show off to all the girls.

The rain is warming,
The sun is pouring.
The miller is grinding
Water in the well.

Laundress on the stove
Washing the trough.
Grandma in the river
I fried the sieve.

Two cheerful little ones,
Sitting deftly on the stove,
They picked watermelons from the apple tree,
They pulled carrots in the sea.
Crayfish are ripe on the branches,
Seven herrings and ruffs.
All the neighborhood dogs
We ate rutabaga to our hearts' content.

The dog sits down to play the accordion,
Red cats dive into the aquarium,
Canaries begin to knit socks,
Children water their flowers from a watering can,
The old man is lying on the window, sunbathing,
And my granddaughter’s grandmother plays with dolls,
And the fish read funny books,
Little by little, he took them away from the boy.

Everything happens in the world
Happens in the world.
And miracles happen
They do, believe me!
And maybe,
- It could be! —
We'll hear one day
What wings are in the store
Available for citizens!
And maybe someday
Waking up early in the morning,
What if someone's mother says
Natasha or Tanya:
“Put on your wings, daughter,
Fly, daughter, to the bakery,
Buy some sugar, daughter
And two good buns!”
And maybe...
That's great!
Seryozha to his friend Kostya
Flies across the street
On business or on a visit...
And maybe suddenly...
It could be like that
It happens that someday
The teacher will say:
“We’re going to the circus, guys!
More alive - wings on your back!
Seryozha, Zina, will you be there soon?
And the whole class is suddenly having fun
Will fly over the noisy city!.
And the wings will be different:
Orange, white...
Which ones do we want?
This is what we will do!

Two bears were sitting
On a thin bitch
One was reading a newspaper,
Another was grinding flour.
One - peek-a-boo! Two - peek-a-boo!
They both fell into the flour!
Nose in flour
The tail is in flour!
Ear in sour milk!

Tall tale

Guys, I once
Made friends with crucian carp.
A crucian carp came to me
Chat about this and that.
He knew how to dance the hopak,
Sang folk songs
And he was a master at cooking
The dishes are excellent.
Sewed, knitted and embroidered -
Cross stitch and satin stitch.
How did he manage to do this?
I can't understand.
He was brave in everything he did
I took on anything...
I just couldn't swim
And he was afraid of water.

My friend said...

My friend said:
"All the goats
can fly,
like dragonflies.
Then he said: -
And all are bulls
they know how to buzz,
like, bugs.
And we, boys,
by the way,
We love teaching lessons very much.
We love to make the bed
and wash your hands with soap,
and we have no habit at all
pulling girls' pigtails,
tease dogs
chase cats...
It's like that!
At least I’m ready to argue!”
He said - and, shaking my hand,
headed somewhere...
But he was wrong about something
isn't it, guys?
(A. Kostetsky, translated by V. Korchagin)

Among the numerous genres of folklore, fables occupy a special place - they are very popular with young children, because at that age it is easy to believe in a fairy tale.

The stories are based on fictional events, but are often instructive in nature. Fables can be confused with other genres of folklore.

Unlike a fairy-tale story, which is distinguished by its fantastic nature and beauty of storytelling, a fable is a humorous story where the details cannot happen in real life.

This genre is well suited for children, preschoolers, and 3rd grade students and younger.

Funny stories are studied at school: for 2nd grade they are necessarily included in the school curriculum.

To clearly understand what a fable is, remember cartoons where inexplicable but funny situations occur.

The genre description looks like this:

  • A good example of Russian folk tales is the fairy tale “Confusion” by Korney Chukovsky, where all the animals and birds stopped making sounds that were assigned by nature: pigs began to meow and kittens grunted.
  • Often served to children in kindergarten in poetic form, you can also compose them yourself: teachers often give this homework children.
  • This genre received this name because of the characteristic speech techniques used to write text: there are words here - inversions, speech abracadabra.
  • They are a striking departure from the rules, which a restless child likes: they help develop intelligence, imagination and free thinking.

Compared to a fairy tale, a fable rarely teaches one to draw wise conclusions, but some authors still make the ending instructive so that the reader can draw conclusions after mastering the text.

The main differences between fables and confusions

The main definition given by many dictionaries is that a fable is a funny story fairy tale story with incredible incidents.

One of the popular types of this genre are confusions or shifters.

To distinguish between these two concepts, let us highlight their main differences:

  • A fable is capable of creating an unreal world of existence, showing real events that were previously in a different order.

    Confusion will tell about ordered events, but will rearrange them, change them, and play with them.

  • The principle by which confusion is built is based on the inversion and distortion of reality: in fables such radical techniques are not used.
  • Authors tend to attribute non-existent traits to animals: they may make “wrong” sounds or live in an unnatural way.

    For example, in the shapeshifter it will be clearly visible how the bear does not hibernate, but hunts hares all winter.

  • Fables are often written in faces, the same can be said about confusion, but there is a difference.

    Changeling is based on the play of children's imagination and does not always require a character to demonstrate this.

The fable is similar to confusion, but it is dominant in the system of genres of fantasy folklore of folk art.

You can come up with such a work yourself: select several synonyms for words that mean funny actions, and then write a story using unprecedented plots.

Important! Some confusions can be dark, but they are also useful for developing a child's imagination and thinking.

Adults can also create original stories and non-existent stories featuring comical, unnatural plots.

Types of fables

This genre was founded in Rus' by buffoons - they loved to invent funny lyrics for songs and poems, and played them on pipes while walking around the village.

After this, the genre began to be considered by the school, and today it is also studied in senior group kindergarten.

Note! The genre consists of several types of stories.

To better understand this folklore genre, we recommend taking a closer look at its types and descriptions:

View Description
Nursery rhymes They do not contain a clear plot, but are pictures from the lives of the heroes. The characters are animals, birds and people. Often the narration takes place in the form of jokes and funny sayings
Calls and songs At first glance they look like nursery rhymes, but they have big size and can be set to music.

For example, composer Shainsky wrote an excellent fable song for the film “Malign Resurrection”

Changelings They are based on the substitution of concepts of reality, which attracts children. Changelings help to believe in children's imagination and develop creative imagination
Tongue Twisters Designed for studying combinations of different sounds, their plot often turns into fantastic and funny

Examples of short children's fables

Famous fables are presented in creativity large quantity authors.

These are Samuel Marshak, Chukovsky, Gorky with his work “The Case of Yevseyka”, Vitaly Bianki, who wrote forest tales and fables at the same time.

It is also worth highlighting Afanasyev, who wrote “Emelina’s Tales,” for which beautiful drawings were later made. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is also considered a partial fable.

A complete list of books can be found from schoolchildren in grades 2-3; below are examples of short children's options:

  1. The horse ate porridge, and the man ate oats. The horse got into the sleigh, and the man took it away.
  2. The guy is standing at the gate, his mouth wide open. And no one here will understand where the gate is and where the mouth is.
  3. A hare sits on a birch tree, studying a book. A deer flew to him, listened, sighed.
  4. Between heaven and earth, the pig washed itself, got so carried away and clung its tail to the sky.

The listed examples of fables are a small part of the huge variety of folk art.

Literary reading at school will help the child fully understand this genre; it can be used to compose a comic poetic biography.

Useful video

Children's fable poems are a huge treasure trove folk wisdom. Many writers insisted that fables are, first of all, a special children's intellectual game, thanks to which you can harmoniously develop your child. And as it turned out, they were right, because children can not only play, using the most various means, including toys, cars, dolls. Children can play just as fun, but only with their thoughts. A fable is a fruit of fantasy and imagination, which allows a child to significantly expand the boundaries of existing reality, look at every object in a new way, and make the world more interesting.

Always perky, funny and cheerful - children like them.

They talk about things that don't actually happen.

and it cannot be.

Often adults can hear how the child himself makes up fables. There is no need to stop the child, let him compose; perhaps a great storyteller is growing up in your family.

Despite the fact that the struggle for the right to write and tell stories lasted long years, today this genre can rightfully be considered interesting and useful. reborn.

Using games as a means of developing a child’s intellectual abilities

Develop mental processes in children (Imagination, logical thinking, speech, imagination

Activate cognitive interests.

To form the internal position of the future student.

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,

I tell everyone and everywhere that any proposal,

I'll repeat it right away.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

And at this time the old lady was washing the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

Well, at that time the cactus was washing the old woman on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse.

Led the old lady on a belt.

And the dog at this time,

I washed Vanya on the window.

Knowing what I'm saying

I said that I would repeat it

So it came out without errors,

Why should he boast in vain?

Vladimir Shainsky “About the cat.”

I bought it at the poultry market talking cat,

But I still didn’t know what would happen,

It’s a complete mess with him,

My cat ran away from home

And he appeared in the Deitsky garden.

He sang the song of Chunga-chang

Thirty-three hours straight.

Fables, tales,

All boundaries are crossed.

Well, so what, well, so what.

Fact and fiction are so similar.

On Sunday, half past two,

The Martian has arrived

Called on the phone

I wanted to meet you.

I was just filming a movie

Where has this been seen?

And in what village was it heard,

So that the hen gives birth to a bull,

The little piglet laid an egg,

Yes, he took it to the shelf,

And the shelf broke off

And the egg broke

The sheep clucked

The filly cackled

Oh, where, where, where, where,

This has never happened to us.

So that the armless man robs our cage,

The bare-bellied one put it in his bosom,

And the blind man was spying,

And the deaf man was eavesdropping,

And the legless Vogon ran,

The tongueless “guard” screamed!

The village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly, from under the dog,

The gates are barking,

He grabbed the club

The ax chopped

And for our cat,

Ran through the fence

The rooftops got scared

They sat on the Vorn,

The horse is racing

A man with a whip.

There is a stump in the swamp,

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

The fox ran through the forest,
The fox lost its tail.
Vanya went into the forest
Found a fox tail.
Lisa came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked me to give her tail.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is coming
On a bulan cart,
On a squeaky horse.
He has boots with a pocket,
And a vest with a heel.
Belted himself with a club,
He leaned on his sash.

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

    Where did you run?
    - To the oak forest.
    - What were you doing there?
    - He tore the bark.
    - Where did you put it?
    - I cleaned it under the deck.

  • The fox ran through the forest,
    The fox lost its tail.
    Vanya went into the forest
    Found a fox tail.
    Lisa came early
    Vanya brought berries,
    She asked me to give her tail.

  • Between heaven and earth
    The little pig was rummaging
    And accidentally tail
    Clings to the sky.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

  • Because of the forest, because of the mountains
    Grandfather Yegor is coming.
    Himself on a filly,
    Wife on a cow
    Children on calves
    Grandchildren on baby goats.
    We came down from the mountains,
    They lit a fire
    They eat porridge
    Listen to a fairy tale.

  • Shadow-shadow-shadow,
    There is a fence above the city.
    The animals sat under the fence.
    We boasted all day:
    The fox boasted:
    - I am beautiful to the whole world!
    The bunny boasted:
    - Go and catch up!
    Hedgehogs boasted:
    - Our fur coats are good!
    The bear boasted:
    - I can sing songs

  • There is a stump in the swamp,
    He's too lazy to move.
    The neck doesn't move
    And I want to laugh.

  • The turnip was important
    Each grandmother marveled.
    You can't go around it in one day.
    The whole village ate the whole I'm eating

More on this topic...

Olesya Emelyanova

Fact or fable

This is a game for children 3-6 years old. There can be as many participants as you like. Draw a line on the ground or, if the game is played indoors, place tape or string on the floor. Children should stand behind the line, and the leader should stand in front of them. Before you start the game, you need to introduce children to conventional signs. If the presenter says something that can happen in life (fable), you need to stand up and raise your hands above your head; if he said something that cannot happen (fable), you need to squat down. You can think of others conventional signs, but they must be very different from each other so that it is impossible to quickly change one for the other. After this, the presenter reads a short poem to the children, and they must respond to it with the correct conventional movement. The presenter himself should not make any movements. Everyone who showed correct sign, takes a step forward. Everyone who made a mistake remains in the same place.

The winner will be the one or those who have advanced the furthest at the end of the game. For greater fairness, you can line the entire playing area into step stripes. Or, on the contrary, you can allow players who answered correctly to take a step or jump of maximum length.

Green couplets are marked, and fables are marked in red:

To escape the winter blizzards,
Swallows are flying south.

Ballerinas at work
They stuff down into feather beds.

Cuttlefish in the sea
It doesn't float, it rolls.

From porch to gate
Snails crawled all day long.

To hunt, owls
Bricks are thrown down.

African gorilla
Eats elephants and crocodiles.

From a tree bud
The leaves have grown.

In the thicket of mushroom picker Peter
Bitten by a midge.

To cure a runny nose,
Ants eat mustard.

Gave Misha Sveta
Chocolate candy.

In flying hedgehogs
Eight legs and six ears.

Boy Petya on a walk
Collected rolls from the trees.

Rhinoceroses and elephants
They came to us from the Moon.

Monkeys at the zoo
They eat bananas in the morning.

The cockerel, having sung the dawn,
Tells the chickens: “Oink!”

Milked Semyon from a bull
Two cans of milk.

At the mighty eagle
Two legs and two wings.

Made from ice
Very wet water.

In the morning, a toothy wolf
Brushes teeth with paste.

Two hungry jellyfish
They ate corn in the sea.

So that your ears don't freeze in winter,
Puts on Lush's hat.

Young fisherman Fedot
Floats in a boat on the river.

A fly from Antoshka's kitchen
She took away the fork and spoon.

Natasha has a ghost
I ate all the jam in the house.

CSKA football players
The ball is played from sand.

On Baba Yulia's table
The dough comes out of the pan.

Wolverine at the zoo
Overtook the turtle.

Crayfish whistling on the mountain
To flood and heat.

The plane is spinning in the sky,
Flapping its wings like a bird.

At the toy matryoshka
Long arms and legs.

A squirrel jumps between the trees
She hides the nuts for the winter.

Uncle Misha at work
Sells skates and skis.

I saw Alena in the park
A flock of green sparrows.

Every five years
The cat changes color.

In the Kalahari all year round
The cactus dances and sings.

Sometimes there is a moon during the day
Visible to people in the sky.

New doll Matryona
Dropped it from the balcony.

Smart dog on command
Kolya brought slippers.

Mother Kangaroo Hides
Kangaroo in a holster.

After the semolina rain
Toadstools grew up in the forest.

From cakes and syrup
Penelope has gained weight.

Soldiers in training
Learn to throw grenades.

A dove walks along the path,
It has four legs.

In Larisa's garden
Zucchini is stolen by foxes.

At the eastern edge of the earth
The sun shines day and night.

In a fallen athlete
Knee bandaged.

Angry toothy crocodile
The scooter was swallowed.

The printer printed the photo
Striped raccoon.

Petya using baskets
Turns snow into gasoline.

Underwater at the bottom of the sea
The stingray feeds on sand.

The cow in the picture
Very dirty shoes.

The porcupine dropped its quills,
It became not at all prickly.

On green orange
The skin turned dark blue.

Underwater divers
They breathe gas through a tube.

Five-year-old boy Vasya
Fifth year in tenth grade.

Uncle Vasya to Antarctica
In the summer I swam on a mattress.

Evil Antoshka from the window
I doused the cat with water.

We flew by in a flock
There are stoats in the sky.

At night in complete darkness
Mice ride on a cat.

Summer in Yegorka's yard
I went down the icy roller coaster.

At a fun carnival
Children wearing masks danced.

At the polar beaver
There's a hole right in the iceberg.

After Tuesday Wednesday
Doesn't always happen.

All his life a huge whale
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea.

Do tomato juice
From burrs and from boards.

There are no babies
No colored pencils.

Under the window on a spring day
White lilac blossoms.

If the notebook is in a square,
You can't draw in it.

Saw Jan like a caterpillar
I ate a bird in the garden.

From an eagle chick
You can raise a starling.

Timur's cold
The temperature has risen.

Digs a passage underground
Little agile mole.

Grandson Vanya Vanin's grandfather
Fifteen years younger.

Dasha ate at lunch
One hundred plates of semolina porridge.

In Proshka's garden
I planted potatoes.

Hissed Petya from the stump
Poisonous pig.

A bird jumps on the branches -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.

Anyuta picked a rose,
And now there is a thorn in my hand.

Near the old pond
The ostrich sat on the wires.

Uncle Kolya for beauty
He grew a mustache.

In icy conditions and in icy conditions
He rides well on a sled.

Add seagulls to tea
Quinoa and spurge.

Catfish caught in the river
And boiled in boiling water.
(the catfish couldn’t catch and cook itself)

At the sea lion cub
The skin is like oilcloth.

Even the Chinese
There are five fingers on the hand.

Cucumber tops
Twice as sweet as halva.

It's easy to train a hedgehog
Drink milk from a saucer.

Baba Ole's grandchildren
The beds were weeded.

Hose covered with scales
It's called a snake.

Prescribed by the doctor for Misha
Skiing for a sore throat.

In cartoons on roller skates
Lions and rabbits ride.

Fish smart dolphin
Paraffin will not be eaten.

Skinny gopher on a hill
Stands in a column near the hole.

They don't give it to a cripple
Books in the library.

Eight-year-old boy Kolya
Got an A in school.

At the frog from the pond
The beard has turned grey.

Everything is always put in salad
Chocolate and marmalade.

Glory I found the rainbow
And he walked along the rainbow.

The cat sleeps on the radiator
And it becomes kinder.

At the market we are Kazakh
Weighed the melon on the clock.

Cook Uncle Borya deftly
I froze the cake in the oven.

Angry penguin grabbed a raccoon
And he took it to his swamp.

Vlad on the phone
I called Semyon.

Together with grandfather Egor
Painting the fence.

Water spilled out during the day
From a leaky pond.

From the Chinese Li's hands
Panda eats bamboo.

The train was traveling over the bridge
And he signaled to everyone “Too-too!”

Ian, pressing the switch,
Koshkin turned off the purr.

See also:


Children's fables in verse

About the red mouse and green horse

I went and asked
various passers-by
About the red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers-by:
-We haven't seen anything like this-
Even similar ones.
Smiling all around:
-All this is fantasy!-
An old man grumbled:

I was walking through the city
Ridiculous and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
You won't bother me:
-Well, has anyone seen it?
green horse
Green horse
And the red mouse?

Suddenly someone called out
me from the window.
And I saw
blue elephant,
Who said:
-Look for them at the pier.
Recently there
Walked by tourists
Green horse
and a red mouse.
Well, hurry up and stomp
what are you worth?

I came running in excitement
to the pier,
Where is the white boat
rocked the stern.
The ship was already leaving
From the pier.
Green horse
Standing at the side
And the red mouse
waved to me from the stern...
since then, unfortunately,
We haven't seen each other.
You say: all this
one is not true.
Do not believe?
Ask the blue elephant.
G. Sapgir

Barrel Doggy

Let me
A piece of tickle
Give me laughter - two pinches,
Three tablespoons
And thunderstorms - Four meters!
Squeak-squeal - Two hundred grams
Plus half a liter
Yes, even
Sip of rope
And a skein of soda! - - I'll give everything,
What would you like,
If you
In exchange you will give
Yes keg
Little dog!
Zakhoder Boris

Or maybe, or maybe...
From the film “Plasticine Crow”

One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple,
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember
But we will remember.

We remember, raven,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
One day I got lucky.
Someone sent her some cheese,
I think two hundred grams,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

She flew up onto the spruce tree,
Or maybe it didn’t take off,
Or maybe on a palm tree
I climbed up with a run.
And there she has breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
I gathered myself calmly.

But then the fox ran
Or maybe she didn’t run,
Or maybe it's an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe it was the janitor.
He walked through the countryside
To the nearest hazel tree
For a new broom.

Listen, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
But it's also good.
You have such feathers
You have such horns
The hooves are very slender
AND kind soul.

And if you sing,
Or maybe you'll bark
Or maybe hum √
Cows moo,
That's a big saddle for you,
Carpet and TV
They will give you a gift right away,
Or maybe they’ll give it to you.

And the stupid crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
How something starts to sing.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing,
Immediately fainted
The whole people are laughing.

And that crow has the cheese,
Or maybe dogs
Or maybe cows,
Of course he fell.
And straight at the fox,
Or maybe an ostrich,
Or maybe even a janitor
Hit it immediately.

The idea of ​​this fairy tale
Or maybe not fairy tales,
Not only adults will understand,
But even the little one
Don't stand and don't jump,
Don't sing, don't dance
Where construction is going on
Or a load is suspended.
Uspensky Eduard

Three wise men
Three wise men in one basin
We set off across the sea in a thunderstorm.
Be stronger
Old basin,
It would be my story.
Translation by S. Marshak

They said there was no sparrow in sight,

And the sparrow is walking down the street,

In the left wing he carries a violin,

He plays with his right wing,

Jumps from foot to foot.

And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat,

For the cat Kotovich,

For Ivan Petrovich.

They began to bury the cat,

Ring all the bells.

Ti-li-l don,

Ti-li-l don,

The goat house caught fire

The goat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken is running with a bucket,

I ran to the oak tree,

Bit my lip

Ran to the city

Singed my beard.

Erema, Erema,

If only you could sit at home

Sharpened spindles

The heels are green.

The spinner spun along the thread,

I put it in boxes,

The mouse riveted.

The mouse swears

Lies on the stove

The thread is not expensive

For the shepherds for lunch.

The cat walks along the edge

She's pulling her hair

Weaves bast shoes for the cat,

And the cat has no time -

We need to brew beer

We need to brew beer

Yes, my son needs to be married.

Son Maxim, balalaika player,

I bought a balalaika

Yes, I fell in love with all the girls:

You're slouchy

You're hunchbacked

Come out, marry me

Yes for the rich guy.

I have something about you

There's a whole river of milk,

Kisel's barns are intact.

Sheep were walking along the road

My feet got wet in a puddle.

One two three four five,

They began to wipe their feet,

Who with a handkerchief

Who is a rag

Who has a holey mitten.

White bunny, where did he run?

Into the oak forest.

What did you do?

I tore the basts.

Where did you put it?

Under the deck.

Who stole?

I don't know, I don't know.

Thunder rolled across the mountains -

A mosquito fell from the oak tree,

Crashed on a rhizome

Old mosquito-mosquito.

Instantly the flies flocked -

Two rumble-burners,

They raised the poor brother,

They began to buzz and kill themselves:

Old mosquito-mosquito,

It hurts so much, my friend!

Our poor little light,

How sorry we are for you, mosquito!

A village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed the club

The ax chopped

And for our cat

Ran through the fence.

The rooftops got scared

We sat on the raven,

The horse is racing

A man with a whip.

Our hostess

She was smart

Everyone has a job in the hut

For the holiday I gave:

The dog washes the cup with his tongue,

The mouse collects crumbs under the window,

The cat scratches the table with its paw,

The chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom.

All the birds flocked:

Tap-dancing sisters,

Cuckoo friend;


He narrowed his eyes;

Crow Bride

She sat down.

Only there is no groom.

Should I call the rooster?

I bought a lamb bagel

At the market early in the morning

I bought a lamb bagel:

For lambs, for sheep

TEN poppy rings,

NINE dryers,

EIGHT buns,

SEVEN cakes,

SIX cheesecakes,

FIVE cakes,

FOUR crumpets,

THREE cakes,

TWO gingerbreads

And I bought ONE roll -

I didn’t forget about myself!

And for the wife - sunflowers.

Our harrier has

From a dear friend,

Forty tubs

Salty frogs,

Forty barns

Dry cockroaches,


Piglets –

Only the legs are hanging.

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We all wake up at 3 in the morning. Crows are swimming. Mice run after cats. And our mosquitoes are like elephants.

Khramtsov Serezha

I visited wonderland. I saw a raven there, mowing the grass in the meadow for the cat.

Parfenov Ilya

Zhuikov Andrey

A fox walked, flicking its tail and shaking its horns.

A box of pies grew on an empty stump.

One day I went into the forest and met a hedgehog there. With big big ears. He sat and sang a song: “Let them run clumsily.....” and waited for the apple tree to fall ripe pears. I chatted with him about business and ran home.

Krivonogova Kristina

Listen guys, I'll tell you a secret.

I have a little dragon, he is 10 years old!

We go for a walk with him,

We go to lunch with him.

He likes a bun with jam

Eat a bag of candy.

Zhernakova Tamara

One day I was walking along a forest path and saw two frogs jumping until the sun, fish flying and singing songs.

Ashkanova Edda

One day I was walking through the forest in the summer. Suddenly a hare ran past me with a pine cone in its teeth. He quickly climbed the tree and hid her in the hollow. It's good that cows don't run through trees. Otherwise, all the trees would lie on the ground.

Chepasov Egor

New trick! Deadly number!

Hippopotamus - on the head! The lion was standing on a hippopotamus!

The crocodile stood on the lion! The wolf stood on the crocodile!

And in addition, on the nose of a two-meter boa constrictor...

The wolf held it like a sausage...

Everyone shouted: Bravo! Bravo!

Suddenly - an unthinkable thing! A fly landed on a boa constrictor...

And the boa constrictor, recoiling to the right, slipped on its nose...

The wolf swung - and the boa constrictor

I swallowed it like a sausage.

Mouth open in surprise,

The wolf was eaten by a crocodile.

But in a moment I myself

It hit Leo in the stomach.

The lion staggered - and right

Collapsed into the mouth of a hippopotamus.

Kharitonov Danya

A cat lived on the roof, and he flew off the roof.

I didn’t understand anything, how the cat got wings...

And so he flutters and flies under the clouds, he catches up with the birds.

Stepanenko Nadya

One day I was walking down the street and saw one dog meow loudly, then quickly climbed onto tall tree, flapped her wings and flew.

Grigoruk Kirill

Animals lived in the clearing, they loved tea, they sang songs. They built houses for themselves, squeezed out the clouds, and washed their faces with water from the clouds in the morning so that the animals’ fur would become more beautiful. And Potapych in the clearing entertained his friends with poetry. Of course, he treated me to honey and didn’t forget anyone. In general, life there was smooth: they extracted juice from wells. The rivers contain coconut, pineapple and apricot. It's good in the clearing! We invite you again!

Ivanova Lisa

When I woke up in the morning I saw a note on the table. I read in the note: we went to school, trim the carpet and sweep the refrigerator. Mom and Dad. Not yet fully awake, I went to wash my face. In the bathroom I saw my cat brushing her teeth. I got in line and decided to make breakfast. In the refrigerator I found a couple of bricks, a kilogram of nails, one pack of sand and a bottle of kerosene. This suddenly alarmed me. I looked out the window. The moon was shining brightly outside and the snowdrops were jumping merrily. Suddenly the kettle rang and my mother said that they still had two lessons and I needed to feed the cat shampoo. The cat happily ate a bar of soap and drank a bowl of shampoo. I decided to turn on the TV. I pressed the button and felt it cracking inside me. younger sister: Get up! Happy birthday! Today is April 1st!!!

Perevozkina Dasha

The hedgehog went to school and sees sweets growing on a tree. He climbed a tree and ate some candy. And he went further to school... suddenly he became dizzy and became multi-colored. The teacher guessed that the hedgehog ate the candy from the tree and made the hedgehog study after school.

Gulyaeva Nastya

One day I wanted to eat and put a plate of food and a glass of tea on the table. And suddenly the table came to life, he began to run around the house. It's good that we had a bottle of liquid that could turn anything, animate objects into inanimate ones and vice versa. I started to catch up with the table, having caught up, I poured water on it from a bottle straight to the target and it turned back into an ordinary table. Finally I started eating and drinking tea.

Vorobiev Sasha

In our yard

I went out for a walk in the courtyard of our house and saw a dog riding a bicycle and meowing. I looked up, two cats were flying, flapping their wings and chirping. To the side, two sparrows are building little sand pies. What a surprise!

I looked at all this and went for a walk with the girls.

Pekhtereva Nastya

Getting children to do things they don't want to do is quite difficult. It is even more difficult if the child is hyperactive and rarely sits in one place. You can keep such a fidget busy only if you really interest him. And short fables for children can come in handy here. Especially if they are really interesting.

First of all, it is a way of thinking. Very interesting and exciting. Tales (children's) are short stories or funny poems where everything is the other way around. For example, a cat lives in a booth and guards the house, and a dog catches mice. A logically reasoning kid will immediately notice where the discrepancy lies and will definitely correct the storyteller.


There are a lot of fables that were written quite a long time ago. Here is one of them:

A hare sits on a birch tree,
Reads a book aloud.
A bear flew to him,
He listens and sighs.

Such short fables for children really help develop logical thinking. Firstly, hares do not sit on birch trees, but jump on the grass. Secondly, they don’t read books either. Thirdly, bears cannot fly. Even a two-year-old child will quickly be able to understand what the catch is in such a rhyme.

"Vanya rode on a horse..."

Such fables (for children) as about Vanya on a horse, leading a dog on a belt, are not too short. Therefore, it is better to tell them to more conscious children. For example, older preschool children or younger schoolchildren. It is noteworthy that around the fifth grade, children are often forced to learn this famous fable, since it develops memory, logic and attention well (you need to keep track of exactly what order the sentences in the rhyme are in).

What else is the benefit

Unfortunately, modern children spend too much time watching cartoons and animated series. This significantly affects their worldview. So, some kids do not distinguish reality from virtuality at all. Therefore, it is worth not only giving up this kind of leisure, but also studying folk tales for children. They will help determine how real this or that event is. Eg:

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

The child should be told that pigs are found in barns or on special farms, and not on clouds. But you can’t cling to the sky with your tail. It’s even better if you have pictures with the real state of affairs at hand: here is the mother pig, here are the piglets, here is the barn, here is the one who feeds the animals. Such simple short fables for children will be much better than any cartoons and comics about superheroes that do not exist in nature.

Where did they come from?

In general, this genre was originally invented by our ancestors, who composed poems and songs according to the principle “what I want, I say.” Well-known fable poems for children like:

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens croak subtly.

And about a brick that, like glass, floats down the river. They were invented a long time ago, but they are still in demand today. Firstly, it's funny, it develops a sense of humor. Secondly, when thinking about the topic given by the verse, the child turns on logic.

Marshak and his tales

This one has famous writer, like Samuel Marshak, many such works came from the pen. One of them is called a rather long work that deserves attention. This kind of fable is suitable for children in the 3rd grade of school. How can the work be useful? Firstly, we're talking about about pioneers who no longer exist in our time. That is, you can tell the children about who they were, what they did, what they wore. Secondly, the poems have a deep meaning that even such small schoolchildren can understand.

"He's so absent-minded..."

Although this is not short fables for children, it is still a work worthy of attention. Firstly, here we are talking about something that is so familiar to kids: how to dress in the morning, how to manage their business. Very young children can read the work line by line so that they have time to appreciate both the humor and the lack of logic in the actions of the main character. After all, they don’t put a frying pan on their head instead of a hat, and they don’t put their hands in their trousers. Marshak really tried, creating such a beautiful, useful and fun work that has not lost its relevance for many years.


This term was coined by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, who was a master at writing funny nonsense. But inverted tales for children are nothing more than funny nonsense, nonsense, something that cannot exist in nature. For example:

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree -
New shirt
There's a boot on my head,
There is a cap on his leg.

This doesn’t happen in the real world, but it’s fun and funny. Such inversions (when everything is turned upside down) can interest even the most restless child. Especially if you set the right tone for the story, pause in the right places, make semantic accents and reinforcements to make it more interesting to listen and perceive.

Write or read?

Many parents wonder whether they should come up with stories themselves or take ones that have already been written before. It all depends on how well the imagination works in adults, how well the child perceives information by ear. There is a whole category of kids who do not like to listen when they are read to. But the stories are received with a bang by them. In this case, you need to either memorize poems or compose them. The latter is not as difficult as it seems. Rhyme does not have to be present in all lines. For example:

The cat found a watermelon in the forest

Traded it for lard

The bear hides an ace in its paw,

He doesn't have enough honey.

Such a crazy poem can be composed on the fly, in just a couple of seconds. The baby will only have to figure out what is true and what is fiction. For example, a bear really loves honey, there is always little of it, but he cannot hide an ace in his paw, since he is still an animal, not a person.

What should educators and teachers do?

Of course, both of them are simply not able to come up with new rhymes for children on their own every time. Therefore, it is wiser to turn to already written works. So, for example, in children's preschool and school ( younger age) the anthology contains many examples of folk tales and those written by famous authors. Eg:

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late, at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

This is from the people. Or the work “On the Horizont Islands” by Boris Zakhoder. It consists entirely of fables and improbables, of what cannot be or can be, but vice versa. If you introduce children to such a poetic story, there is an opportunity to develop not only logical thinking, but also to significantly influence the child’s worldview. For kids who are still going to kindergarten, the poetic fable by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Confusion”, which talks about how animals stopped being themselves, will be interesting. This is a simple, light and funny work that teaches that everyone has their place in the world, everyone has their own purpose, and if everything is mixed up, then life will become much more difficult. When choosing a work, you should first pay attention to what is more interesting for the baby to listen to, as well as to the age, because not all poems can be understood at two or three years old or even at five years old.
