A practical and reserved Virgo woman. Virgo woman - cool love horoscope

Those who believe that Virgo is a woman with a meek and quiet disposition are deeply mistaken. Representatives of this zodiac sign combine impeccable femininity and a steely character; they rarely cry and do not like to ask strangers for help. They have that symbiosis of qualities a real lady and strong character traits modern woman, which representatives of other zodiac signs lack.

Virgo - a woman with character

Girls born under this zodiac sign have ideas about love, honor and decency. They combine romance and practicality, know how to love and are looking for the ideal man. Virgos strive to improve the world around them and communicate only with those people who are pleasant to them both externally and mentally. These girls are difficult to deceive and mislead. They are good at feeling lies and falsehood. These ladies like to give advice and feel important in another person's life. In business they are practical, collected and serious. Girls are distinguished by punctuality and diligence. They do not tolerate criticism and are offended by even the most harmless remark. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a hard time speaking in public. Fear of being imperfect, of embarrassing yourself in front of big amount people is so strongly developed in them that they cannot overcome it even over the years. In life, Virgo is a modest woman, not distinguished by extravagance in clothes and actions. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not react to public opinion, do not like gossip and slander. They are strong and self-sufficient individuals, they know how to defend their position and prove they are right, despite their outwardly meek disposition.

Sexual horoscope

Virgo is a gentle, affectionate and romantic woman. She loves hugs and kisses. For girls born under this sign, it is unacceptable physical intimacy without mutual feelings of love. They do not have great natural potential and temperament, but in bed they are ready to do a lot for their loved one. During physical contact they behave boldly and relaxed, do not have complexes and are not guided by reason. Men like the fact that these girls behave like real ladies both in life and in bed. They are neat, helpful and attentive.

Family life

Virgo is a woman whose character is ideal for family life. Every young man dreams of such a wife. Virgos value home comfort, are the guardians of the family hearth, love children and know how to take care of their beloved man. A house where Virgo is the mistress will always be clean and comfortable. Women of this zodiac sign have been able to wash, cook and clean since childhood. Thanks to their attentiveness and maternal warmth, the man and children feel good in the family. Giving their care to loved ones, Virgos expect reciprocity. Sometimes they lack romance, adventure and love. These girls will not tolerate betrayal and betrayal. Virgo is a proud and strong woman, and if something doesn’t work out in family life, she will not tolerate and forgive.

Virgo is a symbol of hard work and self-improvement. Practical, sensible people who strive to know and understand everything are born under this constellation. The Virgo girl, whose characteristics will be discussed in the article, differs from other signs in her modesty. She is quiet on the outside, but passionate at heart, ready to do anything for love. Looking at her, you cannot say this, but sometimes such bright passions boil inside her that even more temperamental signs have not experienced.


Virgos are ruled by Mercury, which gives them lightness and mobility. Unlike Gemini, who is also ruled by this planet and strives for external activity, the psychic energy of Virgo is realized in a constant striving for perfection. Great internal organization and conscientiousness are their main qualities, and every Virgo girl will agree with this.

The characteristics of these individuals from an emotional point of view are very interesting. They are capable of great love, tenderness and strong feelings, but not every man is able to kindle their feelings. They rarely show their sensual side. But their practical and analytical part is always left in sight. With harmonious development, Virgos become very gentle, attentive and diplomatic. Astrologers say that this is a unique combination when the mind and heart get along. But if her development begins to go inharmoniously, Virgo becomes picky, irritated, dissatisfied, and overly touchy. And first of all, she herself suffers from this.

Virgo: numbers of luck, favorable days

According to the horoscope, Wednesday is considered a favorable day of the week for Virgo. This is the most best period for important matters and undertakings. As astrologers say, if you start what you have planned on this day, you will certainly find the strength to complete the job to the end. Thursday and Friday are considered unfavorable; on these days it is most difficult for Virgos to make decisions and implement their ideas.

Each sign also has its own special numbers that bring it luck. For representatives of such a constellation as Virgo, the numbers 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27 are the most favorable.

Colors, mascots

Girls born under this constellation are advised by the stars to avoid bright colors. First of all, this applies to clothing and the interior of your home. It is best to give preference to tones that symbolize sophistication and refined taste - gray, dark blue, white.

The mascots of the sign include a grasshopper, an owl, fruits (especially apples, peaches, plums), and an image of the planet Earth. The preferred materials are gypsum and ceramics.

Virgo in combination with the eastern horoscope

According to the knowledge of eastern astrologers, a horoscope by year of birth in combination with zodiac sign determines the characteristics of a person’s relationships in life. In this way, you can learn in more detail the main features of each. So, Virgo-Goat, despite outward calm, is not very confident in herself. In friendship he values ​​constancy and needs protection and care. She is romantic in love and lucky if she quickly chooses a suitable partner. Otherwise, carefully sorting through the options, most likely, you will never find your ideal. Virgo born in is demanding and punctual. Likes to be on the sidelines, avoids any conflicts. Virgo-Ox is conservative, well organized and economical. Her nervous system she is unusually sensitive, and if she does something imperfectly, she becomes deeply unhappy. Virgo-Dragon knows exactly what she wants from life, and successfully realizes herself both in her career and in her family.

Virgo-Tigers are unusually careful and prudent. They achieve a lot in their profession and are very picky when choosing a life partner. Virgo-Cats are looking for consistency in relationships, they love certainty, but their main problem is that they do nothing. Their life determines the degree of profitability of a particular business. Virgo-Snake, like Virgo-Dragon, is an extraordinary personality. She is incredibly smart, insightful, nothing can be hidden from her gaze. Those born in the year of the Horse are especially emotional and tend to look for a life partner in order to share their dreams and desires with him. Gives Virgo resourcefulness and strong self-control. The Virgo-Rooster is touchy and remembers the harm done to her for a long time, and can take painful revenge. Those born in the year of Dogs often set themselves impossible tasks and strive to help others. Virgo-Pig, like Virgo-Goat, loves home and appreciates comfort. These ladies cannot stand loneliness; it can become the most severe test in life for them.

Love relationship

Virgos rarely show passion in this aspect. Their natural tendency to analyze everything, including feelings, does not allow them to open up completely. Not a single horoscope sign gives birth to such a number of bachelors and old maids as this one. They try to express their love not with feelings, but with actions. Therefore, men tend to consider Virgo to be overly cold. She often comes across as shy, aloof and secretive. And this is actually true. These individuals are endowed with great self-control, and everything in their life is subject to discipline. A Virgo in love is always afraid of finding herself in a situation where she has to live with a person who does not suit her. She does not like ardent conquerors; she prefers those who are disciplined and know how to wait. Her love can be enormous, but courtship with her can last a very long time, and she will not show the slightest response. Her love is a mystery that not everyone can solve. Not only feelings are important to her, but also spiritual unity with her chosen one.

Virgo in family life

Cold prudence often determines the time of her marriage. As astrology indicates, not a single Virgo girl is in a hurry to tie the knot. The characteristics of the sign indicate that she is very picky. Sometimes it takes her a long time to fall in love, and this lady will not just allow the wrong man to penetrate her soul.

Representatives of this sign show themselves well in family life: they run the household, manage the budget wisely, and skillfully create coziness in the home. They tend to pay great attention to their health, as well as monitor the well-being of all family members. Virgo tends to “ground” her spouse, preventing him from getting involved in adventures. But he strongly supports his other half’s desire to develop in his career.

Of all the zodiac signs, the least jealous is the Virgo girl. The characteristics of the sign strongly indicate this. It’s simply impossible to even imagine this lady causing a scene like this. She herself is capable of flirting with men, but she will never go beyond the rather strict boundaries that she has set for herself. Virgo always strictly condemns women who are capable of cheating on their husbands.

Sign compatibility

Horoscope best compatibility with Cancer. Virgo’s desire to take care and patronize perfectly coincides with his dependence. Both love money and home comforts. The advantage of such a union is that the partners constantly pull each other out of their shells. The downside is that both are very picky.

How to win a Virgo girl?

The girl of this sign is not a fortress that can be taken by battle. She takes choosing a partner very seriously and will never marry the first person she meets. Therefore, do not be overbearing and assertive, act gently. When inviting a Virgo on a date, under no circumstances should you choose places where vulgarity will be present. She loves a sophisticated atmosphere, intellectual conversations, good music. She values ​​honesty and sincerity in a man, but she always tries to tell only the truth. If you lie to her and she finds out about it, you will lose her forever.

If you have decided that this is the one for whom you are ready to do anything, and are thinking about how to win a Virgo girl, then it is important for you not only to get her, but also to keep her. She will never live in marriage for the sake of children, out of pity or out of habit. If her feelings have faded, you will immediately know about it. She needs a reliable companion, and she needs to see that you will become her support and support for the rest of her life.

How to behave with Virgo?

Try to always be her good friend, support and share her interests. Representatives of this sign are always drawn to people with an intellectual level higher than their own. They love practical gifts, always have some useful hobby or are interested in something important. Financial aspect relationships are very important to her, every Virgo girl will agree with this. How to behave so as not to disappoint this person? Show that you know how to handle money as well as she does. Don't spend a lot of money in the presence of a Virgo, because she is practical and rational. She does not like and cannot tolerate stupidity and anger. In addition, a girl of this sign rarely shows activity, since she lacks determination, so you will have to take the initiative yourself.

How to attract Virgo's attention?

Ask her for help. She can never refuse. These people love to give advice and criticize most of all, but at the same time they can help with real actions. Virgo's opinion is always correct. When you turn to her for advice, you will meet a sympathetic, kind person. Of course, she will not immediately throw herself into the pool headlong, but will look closely at her chosen one for a long time. After all, her main mission is to serve her man, children, loved ones, family.

If you want people to be drawn to you, so that peace reigns in your soul, and the world accepts you with wide open arms, then you must become kinder, strive to do good deeds, help other people, and not remain indifferent. You know that everything in life comes back. The kindness that you give to people will return to you in the form of joy and success. Plus, when you are kind to others, you become kinder to yourself, making this world a much better place. Let's talk about how to become kinder.

1. First of all, in order to understand how to become kinder, you must learn to be grateful for what you have. Few people think about why they have what they have, taking it for granted. They stop appreciating their families, put off kind words for later because they think that they will still have time to say them to their loved ones, do not care about their health, stop enjoying the pleasant moments in life, and are in a hurry to live. In order to understand how to become kinder, you need to be grateful for everything you have. Rejoice that you have health, parents, friends, that you have the ability to see, hear, speak, and so on. Take a few minutes a day to think about everything you have and be grateful for it.

2. Stop judging. Are you used to discussing other people? Do you like being discussed? What if you are judged? Believe me, you don’t always have all the information about a specific situation, so you have no right to judge other people.

3. If you want to know how to become kinder, then do good deeds. Make it a rule to do at least one good deed a day. You yourself will notice how you become kinder, and your heart becomes more sensitive. Not only will you help others, but you will also feel happier that you did a good deed.

4. In order to understand how to become kinder, you need to avoid quarrels and conflicts. And if, nevertheless, you are drawn into a showdown, then do it quietly, without resorting to insults and shouting. It's best to just leave quietly. After all, just because you prove to someone that he is wrong, you will not become better. You can calmly explain your position and leave. And it’s not up to you to decide whether to accept or not accept your point of view.

5. If you want to understand how to become kinder, then you need to treat other people with understanding and be more lenient towards them. If you have been offended, then you should not attack the offender with your fists. Think about why he behaved this way and what provoked your conflict. Maybe your opponent had his own reasons for this, try to understand him.

6. To learn how to become kinder, learn to forgive. Don’t hold a grudge, don’t harbor anger at a person. Everyone makes mistakes in this life. There are no ideal people. You yourself will feel how much easier it will become for you when you learn to forgive.

7. If you want to become kinder, then you must learn to love yourself. Nature has rewarded you with its own characteristics, which you should appreciate and respect. You must take care of yourself, treat yourself with understanding, and have compassion. Therefore, stop blaming yourself for failures, stop burying yourself in your complexes, be kinder to yourself, accept yourself for who you are.

8. If you want to understand how to become kinder, then stop being envious. This is not only a grave sin. Envy steals your strength, charges you negative energy. Before you envy someone, try envying yourself. Remember that your judgments about a person may be erroneous and what you perceive as happiness may not be so for another person. You don’t know all the intricacies of life. So, instead of thinking about others, think about what you need to be happy - and start taking action.

9. If you want to know how to become kinder, then don’t forget about positive thoughts. Express your emotions kind words, don’t skimp on saying the magic words, give the world your smile. Soon you will definitely notice how the world smiles back at you.

Virgos remain lonely more often than representatives of other zodiac signs. The problem is that Virgo has a hard time finding a person who meets her requirements.

She tends to judge people superficially and attach excessive importance to neatness and cleanliness. As a result, Virgo sometimes misses out on a suitable partner.

The key to understanding her character: do not consider Virgo too rational or cold. She's just great at managing her emotions. Her feelings are no different from those of other women, but she knows how to keep them in check. Virgo's desires will most likely remain a secret to others.

She behaves seriously, with dignity. Modesty is one of her innate qualities. You won't hear Virgo boasting about their accomplishments. She has impeccable manners and behaves like a true lady - unless provoked. According to Virgo, a lady is a woman who loses her temper only out of calculation. And then beware! It's better to hide in cover. Virgo is capable of such verbal outpourings that can destroy the most persistent and protected ego.

She is a supporter of self-improvement, working hard on herself and her position in society. Virgo studies literature, music and art with special interest. Many representatives of this sign have sharp and subtle critical abilities.

Virgo is prone to excessive worry. Part of it has to do with what she's looking for. rational decision any problem. She trusts her mind more than her intuition. When faced with another problem, she chews it up like a dog chews a juicy bone, getting to the bottom of it.

Virgo can be generous, patient and kind, but at the same time she is also very purposeful - her heart always obeys her mind. Once she has chosen a course, nothing will make her go astray.

Virgo's energy is enough for two or three women. She takes on any job with the firm conviction that no one can do it better than her. Once she gets down to business, she will take all measures to avoid failure. Like an acrobat performing without a safety net, Virgo needs to know where the next trapeze will be waiting for her when she completes a triple somersault.

Her sphere is the house in which she rules, and a wise man will give her creative freedom. Virgo's apartment looks as if no one lives in it. She wants every little thing to be in its place. Virgo knows how to spend money in the most rational way.

She knows what a man wants. If he doesn’t understand this himself, she will help him understand the situation. She is an excellent analyst. Her goals are practical and achievable with the right amount of dedication and energy.

Virgo usually gets married late. She will become an ideal housewife, an excellent mother (but quite strict) and an interesting companion for her husband. Unfortunately, sex for her is more a means of procreation than a source of pleasure. As a rule, she is pretty and retains her attractiveness for a long time.

Virgo loves to throw small and impeccably organized parties. Guests who drop ashes and food on the floor, or dress too casually, should not expect to be invited next time. Virgo excels in intellectual parlor games.

If Virgo is forced to earn a living, her exactingness and pedantry manifest themselves in the business world. She is excellent at mathematics and can be an excellent accountant. Virgo is also capable of becoming an impeccable personal secretary - especially in a business that requires constant self-improvement from a person. Whatever business Virgo devotes herself to, she will demand a salary that will ensure her independence. However, if she has to choose between a highly paid job and one in which she is guaranteed a friendly and respectful attitude from her superiors, she will give preference to the latter.

Virgo’s objectivity and impartiality can falter only if we're talking about about her lover. She does not see his shortcomings and weaknesses. She is true to her idealized image of him. Her feelings are deep, but she does not advertise them.

She tends to treat a man as an unknown territory waiting to be explored, mastered and improved. She is well versed in male psychology, intuitively deciphers motivation and ultimately becomes the mistress of the objects of her research.

Virgo demands from those around her that they be as clean and tidy as she herself is. Virgo will not appreciate charming neglect like that of the famous philologist Samuel Johnson. One day he found himself at dinner as the neighbor of an elegant, fragrant lady. "Dr. Johnson, you smell," she remarked. The author of the first English dictionary, a man with an extraordinary sense of words, replied: "No, ma'am, it's you that stinks. It stinks me."

If this lady was a Virgo, she was unlikely to be amused by Dr. Johnson's words.

However, if she was a Virgo, then you can guarantee that she was a real lady.

Do you imagine a Virgo woman as a symbol of tenderness, humility and defenselessness? If so, you will be disappointed. The Virgin is by no means a timid nymph in a flowing snow-white tunic, coquettishly examining her reflection in a forest lake.

The Virgo woman is capable of leaving her husband for the sake of her loved one and following him to the ends of the world; she would prefer to give birth to an illegitimate child from a loved one than to marry an unloved one; she is from the breed of those who meet all the blows of fate with her head held high. Agree, there is no place for humility and defenselessness in such actions. I have a lot to tell you about this delicate, fragile symbol of impeccable femininity, which seems to be made of steel.
Virgos are naturally very shy. They are not the type to shout in meetings, drive drunk, or attend shady parties. But Virgo is a true woman, and she will fight for her happiness to the end. And if insurmountable obstacles arise in front of her on this path, Virgo will not whine, faint or beg for help, but will try to eliminate them with her own strength.
If you hear about a Virgo who has violated social laws, do not rush to be surprised and indignant. Virgos are almost incapable of committing an immoral act, and even if at first glance her actions seem to be contrary to the laws, they can be justified by the fact that they are committed in the name of love, true love, for there is no other for the Virgo. She is capable of enormous sacrifices for the sake of her chosen one. A Virgo who considers her marriage imperfect will destroy it without much hesitation. Moreover, she will act as calmly as a surgeon during an operation. The destruction of family ties is a great tragedy for her, but even greater is the hypocrisy in family and love.
Once she decides for herself that this is the realest ideal love, it doesn’t matter whether it is sanctified by marriage or not, and she will treat it as the greatest treasure. Virgo is the only sign of the zodiac that can be both the highest romantic and the most devilishly calculating creature. There is a certain magical essence in her love, characterized by selectivity and such strength that in comparison with it the love passions of other signs of the Zodiac simply fade. True, it is not easy to awaken this feeling in Virgo.
The physical aspect of love in its pure form is always somewhat muted in Virgo. But there is something in her that can be called “passion of the soul,” which is more suitable for men who value spirituality in a woman, first of all.
Virgo strives for everything ideal, but this does not mean that in life she herself is ideal. It has some negative traits, which are sometimes quite annoying. For example, Virgo women are convinced that no one can do a job better and better than them, and, what is most unpleasant, this is so. When Virgo is upset or dissatisfied with something, she will not start scandals and break dishes over your head, but she will make barbs and be sarcastic, or even openly scold you. Sometimes there are real vixens among Virgos, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you have angered Virgo, I advise you to come to her with flowers and, admitting that you were wrong, ask for forgiveness. I beg you, do not argue with Virgo. You won't prove anything to her anyway. As for apologies, they should be brief and truthful. Virgo will not tolerate you deceiving her. Clarity of mind combined with intuition will allow her to notice even the most carefully disguised lies, and she will not forgive it. Virgo is pure and truthful, but not naive.
And one more caution. Don't try to criticize Virgo; she will never publicly admit her mistake. In addition, Virgos rarely make mistakes. Therefore, in order to maintain normal relations, I advise you to take back all the accusations, and everything will be cloudless in your family horizon again.
If you are able to survive such an infringement on your male pride, you can turn to her for advice on financial matters, and she will give you a competent answer. You can confidently trust her and family budget, she will never do anything stupid.
When courting a Virgo, watch your manners and speech. She will not tolerate slang words, not to mention swearing and drunkenness. Chew food with your mouth closed, try not to slurp. It hurts her ears. Your clothes must be in impeccable condition. If your lover is a Virgo, you will have to shave and shower twice a day. Wear expensive cologne, watch your hair, change your shirts and shine your shoes every day and remember to have good manners.
Don't invite Virgo to the racetrack and don't throw away a week's earnings in front of her by betting on the favorite of the race. When walking her home, do not pounce on her with hugs and kisses, even if this is your tenth meeting. And in general, in the case of Virgo, it is better to underplay than to overplay. Be unobtrusive, attentive, but not pestering, kind, but not to the point of cloying, in short, observe moderation in everything. Invite her to the theater. She will like a colorful show, parade and carnival no less, because in them she will find an outlet for her pent-up emotions. Her highly developed intellect, combined with a subtle artistic taste, helps her instantly grasp the essence of what is happening. If Broadway producers understood this, they would shower her with free invitations to all the premieres. Virgo is an excellent critic. Loving drama, music and books, she nevertheless criticizes them like no one else. In general, the Virgo woman is critical of everything, from your appearance to your words and actions. Criticism is as natural for her as breathing is for you. But don't think about following her example. This is against the rules of the game; there can be no question of any adequacy here. The whole point is that sharp mind she sees her own shortcomings no worse, but better, than you, and judges herself just as harshly. Therefore, she does not need your help here.
Undoubtedly, the attractive feature of your Virgo lover will be that you will have to worry about almost nothing, she will take care of everything and will do it with pleasure.
Virgo is an example of loyalty and devotion. If in some cases you happen to hear about her adventures, then most likely this is just a way to prove something to yourself or others. Typically, such attacks are extremely rare and short-lived. And if Virgo decides to take the path of vice, she will do it so skillfully that you will never know about it. But such behavior is rather an exception to the rule. Usually, if a Virgo really loves you, you can be sure of her fidelity, even if she has to spend a month on a desert island alone with Alain Delon or Jean-Paul Belmondo. Are you asking if she will remain faithful to you for two months? The question is, of course, complex. After all, she is also a person. A tender and passionate heart beats in her chest; only Virgos have learned to control their emotions well and rarely show them to strangers.
Although Virgos are picky and pay too much attention to little things, this does not prevent them from being kind, selfless and unusually caring. Try to treat their shortcomings as advantages. In fact, whatever we would do in this world, if the Virgin did not notice all the imperfections of our life and did not enter into a decisive struggle with them. I believe that you belong to that breed of smart men who regard this irritating pickiness as Virgo’s desire to help you become more perfect. Her soft, calm manner of communication, the light emitted by her eyes, and the subtle humor that she masters perfectly have already captivated you, haven’t they? Otherwise, you wouldn't shave twice a day and visit libraries and museums regularly. Virgo’s laughter suits her amazingly and resembles the ringing of hundreds of bells.
This woman is very insightful, so don't try to deceive her. Truth is synonymous with beauty for her. She will only open up to someone she completely trusts. You, for your part, must be attentive to her little requests and habits that are of great importance to her. Express your admiration for her tiny tabby kitten and don't be surprised when she emptys the ashtray every five minutes. Despite modesty and even some timidity, she contains great vitality and wisdom. She is the core around which all family members revolve, and her ability to withstand herself and support loved ones in difficult times is truly limitless.
Virgo women are usually excellent cooks, but even those who are not one of them will never poison their household with something of poor quality. Virgo’s house glows with cleanliness and comfort, and the large vase on the table in front of the bed is always full of fresh fruit (instead of the sweets so beloved by many women, which, according to Virgo, are harmful not only to the teeth, but also to the body as a whole).
Children of Virgos never run around in the yard in torn pants or skirts, socks and stockings stained with mud, and with a snotty nose. The Virgo mother will not allow children to violate the sanctity of your office or desk - you will not find pencils, pens and favorite cigars scattered on the floor, or children's scribbles on business papers. This is out of the question. Virgo mother is a strict teacher. Usually it is limited to one child; it seems that she does not need him to confirm her femininity, which no one doubts anyway. But, nevertheless, having given birth, she will completely devote herself to the child and will constantly monitor his physical, moral and intellectual development. Sometimes children have some emotional difficulties in communicating with their Virgo mother, but this only happens when she is not very confident in her spouse. When she feels loved, she bestows extraordinary warmth on everyone around her. Children adore Virgo mothers for their inherent sense of humor and gentleness. Vaccinating children good manners, they show a certain firmness, softened by tenderness and love.
It is difficult to determine what this woman needs more: daily bread or spiritual food. Perhaps in both to the same degree. It’s nice to come home tired from work to Virgo’s house, filled with the aromas of fresh flowers and a deliciously prepared dinner.
Virgo will help you shake off heavy thoughts and find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. She won't use your razor or your toothbrush. During your illness, she will look after you like the most experienced nurse and will never stoop to flirting with your friend. She is always elegantly dressed and you can safely discuss any issues with her, not just diapers, rags and gossip. She will be devoted to you with all her heart and will respect you in everything. You won’t expect stormy scenes of jealousy from her, and she won’t waste your money either. Your secrets will find a safe haven in the most secluded corners of her heart; it will not only be an excellent assistant in your professional career, but will also preserve the freshness of your skin and the elasticity of your gait for a long time. And isn’t all this taken together worth it to forgive her little shortcomings?
If you are lucky enough to meet a Virgo on your way, take care of her. You may never be so lucky again.

She keeps her passions on a short leash, but emotions boil in her soul. A true Virgo can seem calm, sometimes even distant and unattainable, because she is in perfect control of herself. However, this is one of the most controversial signs.
By nature, Virgo is distrustful and a little afraid of emotions. They represent to her an unfamiliar stormy sea, in which she can get lost without a map, compass or rudder. Therefore, men tend to consider her a little cold. This is wrong. Virgo's enormous ability to love will flow out as soon as her feelings are liberated. Virgo is often misunderstood; representatives of this sign are sometimes described as shy, secretive, and withdrawn. This is also not true. In fact, Virgos are distinguished by self-control, their passions are subject to discipline.
Virgo belongs to the earth element; like all those born under the earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), she is a mysterious fusion of sensuality and conservatism. Virgos love men, but are very careful about allowing themselves deep emotional involvement. Virgo is afraid of being trapped for a long time life together with the wrong person. Before getting married or having a serious affair, she will definitely note where the exit is. It can take a Virgo a long time to fall in love. She moves forward, taking one step at a time, revealing layers of her deep sensuality, learning to trust.
She is quite picky. She would rather spend the evening at home with a good book than go on a date with a person who does not interest her. This does not mean that she considers sex a poor substitute for a good book (as some have tried to imply). She's just willing to wait the right man. When he appears, he will find a warm and sensitive woman waiting for him behind a discreet façade. Until that time, detached manners do their useful work. They do not allow an unsuitable man to enter where he is not invited.
The true key to understanding Virgo's love essence: she believes in true love. When she truly loves, internal brakes no longer hold back her emotions. However, this woman cannot be taken for granted. You must please her, win her over and satisfy her. If you manage to do this, you will find a companion who will forever repay you with love, fidelity and happiness.
