Self-presentation of why I am the most worthy candidate example. Self-presentation: how to do it, what to write, examples

Self-presentation: how to present yourself and make an impression

A professional engaged in the public sphere must pay close attention to oratorical qualities. If we are talking about creating a first impression, the desire to influence partners and colleagues, and encourage specific actions, then the method for achieving this is an original self-presentation in public speaking.

To get the effect of a speech, it is important not only what you say, but also the impression you make on the assembled listeners. Your manners, style, image - all this will affect the final result.

What is self-presentation

Self-presentation for a speaker is the ability to manage the impression on the audience in order to influence it. An effective speech can directly influence the audience, achieve from the listeners what the speaker needs, setting an example of how to act in a given situation.

Please note that self-presentation occurs even if the speaker does not prepare for it or even think about it. As an example, two applicants came for an interview. One is in a formal suit and an ironed shirt, the second is in jeans and a sweater. At the same time, the first, through his self-presentation, strives to form an opinion of himself as a respected person, and the second, as an independent employee.

An example of getting a job is a classic case where a properly structured presentation of a personality can have a positive impact on your future career. If you have decided on a company where you want to gain professional skills for the future, then a lot depends on the first interview.

How to behave at a self-presentation

Every detail is important in self-presentation. Prerequisites– punctuality, exclusion of external irritants (this may be an inappropriate caller mobile phone, or other device that distracts attention), goodwill. The rules of self-presentation will help you cope with unnecessary emotions.

  • First impression. Listeners and viewers form an opinion about you in the first seconds of the meeting. You cannot slouch, you must have the appearance of a winner - a purposeful look forward, straightened shoulders, correct posture.
  • Next, win over your audience. Your clothes will play a role. It should create an inspiring impression. Fresh and neat, without unnecessary accessories, maximum, wedding ring or discreet earrings for girls.
  • Control your body language. Crossed arms or legs are signs of your secrecy and unwillingness to speak frankly. No skepticism or indifferent attitude towards those gathered - in this case, the performance is doomed to failure.
  • Establish contact with listeners - skills easy communication will help. Watch the reaction.

What is self-presentation like?

The types of self-presentation that experts distinguish are artificial and natural.

  • The stages of natural self-presentation cannot be controlled or adjusted. This is its main difference, and it is impossible to predict the final effect. There is no preparation involved; this is not a self-controlled presentation of oneself.
  • An artificial self-presentation for a performance is prepared in advance and thoroughly. It is important for the speaker to write the text, formulate the stages in which everything develops.

Such creative self-presentation will fully reveal the speaker’s personality in the eyes of the audience. With its help, you can easily veil the unfavorable features of your personality by using the elements the way you need.

Why do you need self-presentation?

Present yourself correctly to the audience, get what you want from them - distinguishing feature speaker, this is his art of presenting himself. Therefore, even if you have natural talents in this area, you have to resort to careful preliminary preparation, practice examples of listener behavior in order to get an effect. If the technology you choose works as it should, you will achieve a lot.

  • You will be able to get from people the resources you need for development and life. As an example, informational, emotional and material. If you know how to present yourself in a favorable light, it will be easier for you to get a job, win over your interlocutor or group of people, and get the desired result from them.
  • Form your own image in a favorable light.
  • Competent self-presentation of the individual will help to establish social contacts.

Exemplary example

An exemplary self-presentation is divided into several parts.

  • Introduction. The words with which you begin your speech will keep the audience's attention on you, allowing them to hear the timbre of your voice and evaluate how it relates to your appearance. If there are a lot of people in front of you, then it is better to make the greeting simple. Let’s say: “Good afternoon, my name is Andrey Efimov. Can everyone hear my voice? Thank you for taking the time to meet. It will last two hours, during which time we will talk about the techniques of oratory, but first about ourselves.”

With this speech you accomplish several tasks at once. Establish contact, find out if everyone is comfortable in the room and designate time intervals for the meeting, which is important for listeners. And most importantly, tell us why it is important and necessary for viewers and listeners to participate in your lecture.

  • Get the audience interested in the detail first. As one of Pushkin’s teachers at the Lyceum said: “And now, gentlemen, hang your ears on the nail of attention.” Think in advance what kind of “nail” this will be in your speech. Most often, an original metaphor, question or riddle is used for this. If you're lucky, the public will still join in the interaction.
  • Create a map of your self-presentation. Immediately identify the points that will be discussed. This will allow you to structure your presentation and connect with your audience.

Protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation

In ancient times, in Greece and Rome, protocol and etiquette performance in the form of self-presentation was the basis for teaching oratory. The goal is to comply with customs and traditions in official situations, and to address the public in a correctly protocol-formulated manner. Based on their goals, there are four types of public speaking:

As an example, a protocol and etiquette speech includes: a speech in official reception, welcoming speech of the guest of honor, speech at the banquet.

A protocol-etiquette speech adheres to the rules of how to make a self-presentation.

  • Brevity.
  • Inspiration.
  • Emotionality and energy.
  • Sight speech.
  • Awakening noble feelings.

Self-presentation of dominance

Self-presentation of personality lies in the dominance effect. The technology of this method is that for the audience you need to influence, you must present yourself as an informal leader. True, it will be possible to apply the art of self-presentation in this way only in led groups. If there are many leaders in the audience, then the desired effect will not be achieved. This is why it is so important to closely analyze the assembled group in order to write an appropriate speech.

For a speaker, creative self-presentation is the key to a successful career. Only by correctly arranging the stages of your presentation will you be confident in the final positive result. It is important to remember that when speaking publicly, a speaker has not only listeners, but also spectators.

Therefore, the main visual object during self-presentation is the speaker himself. Not only what he says, but also his appearance and ability to communicate with the public play a decisive role. Watch your behavior and speech, do not be lazy to repeat the material you have covered many times.


How to make a self-presentation

We are often asked to tell about ourselves in a few words: at an interview, when meeting someone, at trainings, in questionnaires social networks. This one at first glance simple task confuses many people. Indeed, it is difficult to put a story about your life into the format of a short presentation, and it is not clear where to start the story, what is important and what is not. Today we will talk about self-presentation and how to talk about yourself correctly, how to talk about yourself briefly, beautifully and with humor. We will also look at examples of self-presentations.

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What is self-presentation

Self-presentation is the ability to independently build a story about yourself based on the needs of the listener. You must understand what the person to whom you will tell about yourself wants to hear from you. That is, in essence, you must understand the need of your listener. But people you don’t know ask you to tell you about yourself, how can you understand their need? There is a preparation stage for this.

It's simple: we tell cat lovers about cats, and dog lovers about dogs. Only this way and not the other way around. Any person has a story to tell for both, you just need to learn to look at yourself from the outside and see what you are doing. Well, the hardest thing is not to be shy about talking about it.

Goals of self-presentation

In fact, everyone cares about only 2 things - who you are and how you can be useful. People don't need anything else from you. Any connections between people serve to satisfy needs; long-term connections can be established if the needs are mutually satisfied. This can be called symbiosis, although in last years The word synergy is being used more and more often. Therefore, remember that every dialogue has a goal, every interlocutor has a need.

Let's look at what goals we pursue when conducting self-presentation. Speaking very broadly, we need to sell ourselves, that is, your interlocutor will like it. The interlocutor’s attitude towards you develops in the first 30 seconds of communication. In the next 3 minutes it strengthens. Change attitude after first three minutes of dialogue is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. Therefore, you must clearly set a goal for the first 30 seconds and the first 3 minutes of communication.

First 30 seconds of dialogue

When making contact, during the first 30 seconds of dialogue, it is important not to cause natural rejection of everything new. Rejection is a natural process; what a person thinks he doesn’t need, he rejects; what he needs, he accepts. Each person has his own filter for filtering out everything “unnecessary.” All people have this mechanism and it is formed throughout life under the influence of life experience. This experience can be divided into two components:

  • Unconscious experience is formed to a greater extent in early childhood, usually up to 3 years, although it may be later. It differs in that we cannot explain it and we ourselves do not understand that we act on the basis of unconscious experience. Each of us has defense mechanism friend or foe, we discussed it in the article on how to find an approach to a client;
  • Conscious experience is our principles that were formed at a later age. Typically it is comparable to life values person. A person can describe these principles, explain the logic of these principles and tell other people about them;

Unconscious experience is very similar to different people, and in order to please people unconsciously you need to understand the mechanisms once nonverbal communication, follow the rules of etiquette, choose the right clothes and take care of your appearance. The most important thing is to have a wealth of experience communicating with people; the more you communicate, the better you get at it. People who are liked unconsciously are called charismatic. You like them right away, but often after talking with such a person for longer, you begin to lose interest in him.

First 3 minutes of dialogue

In order to truly please a person, you need to be able to convey useful meaning. Everyone likes cheerful people, but they will not do business with them. Therefore, in the first minutes of dialogue it is important to achieve the following goals:

  • Show that you have common interests. When people have common topic it brings them closer together for conversation;
  • Demonstrate your usefulness to your interlocutor. Show that with your help he can achieve his goals;
  • Offer good deal. If you make an interesting offer, they will communicate with you;
  • Show that you understand the person. This is important; often acquaintances are made precisely because you share the views of your interlocutor;

Preparing for self-presentation

Remember that the best improvisation is a prepared improvisation. If you gather information in advance about who you will be presenting to. If you think about what your interlocutor wants to hear from you, the task will become much easier. In fact, almost all aspects of the story about yourself can be thought out in advance. And when the crucial moment comes, you will clearly know what you have to talk about.

You know about 90% of self-presentations in advance. For example, when going for an interview, be sure that you will be asked to talk about yourself. When you have your first day at work and you need to get to know your team and colleagues, you will also be asked about yourself. If you go to a conference with the goal of establishing business connections, you will be required to say something about yourself.

Despite the obvious need to prepare, many people do not do so. Why do I think this? Simply because I have been conducting interviews and meeting new people every week for the last 10 years. From 10 years ago to now, most people don’t even prepare answers to the most common interview questions.

And it’s not at all difficult to prepare. It is important to answer the questions:

  • Who will I communicate with?
  • What does a person expect from communicating with me?
  • What can I give?
  • Who are my competitors?

This is a kind of identification of needs. How well you understand the needs of your interlocutor depends on how interesting the story about yourself will be to him. If you have found the answers to these questions, all that remains for you is to think through the thoughts that you will convey when communicating and prepare specific phrases and formulations. For example, if a company is looking for a crisis manager. Then at the interview you should talk about how you got out of difficult situations, what skills, knowledge and experience will help you solve problems. Well, you definitely shouldn’t say that you are looking for a quiet job, without overtime.

Types of self-presentation

Modern man is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Moreover, a person’s success directly depends on how much he maintains business and personal contacts. The phrase “don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” very accurately reflects reality, money comes and goes, but reliable connections will serve you well long years. Let's figure out where and in what life situations Most often you have to talk about yourself.

“About yourself” in your resume

What to write about yourself on your resume is a question that is relevant for anyone who has ever looked for a job. The item may be called “personal qualities” or “additional information.” Eat different opinions about the usefulness of this line in a resume. In fact, less than half of recruiters look at the “about yourself” section. Obviously, no one will write anything bad there, but the absence of this paragraph or outright nonsense in it will show your incompetence in matters of selling yourself and finding a job. This is unacceptable for managers and salespeople, but is not at all critical for blue-collar jobs.

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As we discussed earlier, it is necessary to analyze the vacancy and the company you are applying for. Almost all the necessary information to fill out the “about yourself” column is indicated in the vacancy in the “requirements” column. You can simply redo what is indicated there. Good information contained on the websites of employers' companies. Go to the website and read about the company's values.

It is important not to overdo it or write too much. Indicate all Clever words, which you read on the Internet is not worth it. Also, be prepared to back up what you wrote during the interview. For example, having written that you are stress-resistant, you may hear the following questions:

  • What is stress tolerance?
  • Tell us when you showed resistance to stress?
  • Why do you consider yourself stress-resistant?

Such questions will easily make it clear whether you thought about what you wrote. And believe me, they may want to catch you, because there are phrases that become boring and quite irritate HR people. According to statistics, the most frequently cited qualities are 34% responsibility, 30% communication skills, 16% stress resistance, 14% determination.

Telling a story about yourself at an interview

At any large company The first interview is conducted with an employee from the personnel department - a recruiter. This employee conducts the initial screening of candidates, removing the frankly weak ones. One of the most common questions at such an interview is to tell us about yourself in a nutshell.

Let's look at what a recruiter evaluates when asking this question:

  1. Understand the employee’s motives, why he needs the job, and what he expects from it. Usually on open question the person says what is most important from his point of view. And the employer just wants to understand what is important to you. Each candidate tries to embellish reality, and the employer tries to understand how things really are;
  2. Ability to present oneself, confidence, fluent speech, ability to formulate one’s thoughts. If you are taking a position that involves communicating with people, you should answer this question in more than just an informative way. But it’s also interesting;
  3. Find out what you can do and how you will benefit the employer.

The following points are definitely worth mentioning:

  • Marital status age, this should be short and concise;
  • Education, do not limit yourself to the name of the university, indicate the specialty, if the vacancy is specialized, then you can indicate the faculty and topic of the thesis;
  • Experience. The most important point, please indicate important stages your development. If you have 20 years of experience, you don’t need to list everything, indicate that you have 20 years of experience and tell us about the experience that may be useful;
  • Yours strengths, preferably with examples;

That is, it is important for you to show that your interests coincide with the interests of the employer. This is very important, for example, if you are looking for a job for 2.3 months, because then you move to another city. And the employer wants to get an employee for for a long time, then it’s better not to say your true intentions.

Don't talk too much about your personal life. It’s better to use phrases: married, have two children, so you need money, or single, no girlfriend, nothing distracts you from work. Remember that every minus can be presented as a plus, and vice versa. Collect all the incidents from your life that you will talk about and think about how you can present them.

The fact is that no one takes everything you wrote on your resume for granted. Unless of course you have experience in well-known companies. If it says that you worked as a manager for 5 years, this does not mean that you good manager. Only facts from life can prove this; this is the most reliable and proven way to make a positive impression. Eg:

“...I worked as a regular sales representative for only six months. During this period, I became the best 4 times from a team of 20 people. I was noticed because I effectively replaced the manager during vacation and was appointed supervisor for a new area..."

I have emphasized the facts that can be extracted from the story. The most important thing is that the logic is followed here and the recruiter will understand why you were promoted. Such facts are usually not indicated in the resume. And these are the ones we should talk about first of all. By the way, this will help you put in better light negative aspects of your resume. For example, if you have not graduated from university:

“ the family in which I grew up there was an acute shortage of money, because my father was ill. And my mother earned little. Therefore, when I was offered a job, I immediately decided to go for it. A higher education now I'm receiving by correspondence training..."

There is no need to remain silent about obvious facts; they will emerge on their own. Therefore, it is better to show that you are not hiding the problem. But on the contrary, you see it and decide.

You shouldn’t inflate the story about yourself too much; it’s best to include as much information as possible into it. more facts and examples. And try to remove all the water.

Example of a brief self-presentation

A short self-presentation is useful when meeting people; everyone should make one. I strongly recommend typing it in Word and trying to condense it, throwing out everything unnecessary. After that, practice her pronunciation in front of a mirror. Pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and intonation - this is a very important component of your image.

Example of a short self-presentation of a seller

Good afternoon My name is Arkady, I have been working in sales for 5 years. For this short term I acquired knowledge of sales to individuals and legal entities. I have experience communicating with myself as large corporations, and with ordinary store customers. Even at the beginning of my career, I really enjoyed training young salespeople and was good at it. Therefore, now I am actively developing as a sales trainer, not forgetting to increase my experience and knowledge.

An example of a short self-presentation for friends

Good afternoon My name is Arkady, I'm 21 years old, I have a girlfriend and big plans.J! I work as a web developer, I really like my job. IN free time I travel and develop my blog about tourism. Behind last year I have made more than 50 field trips, the most interesting being Altai and Chukotka. I plan to visit the Caucasus this year. I am looking for those who love nature and are ready for joint hikes.

We are often asked to tell about ourselves in a nutshell: at interviews, during acquaintances, at trainings, in social network profiles. This seemingly simple task confuses many people. Indeed, it is difficult to put a story about your life into the format of a short presentation, and it is not clear where to start the story, what is important and what is not. Today we will talk about self-presentation and how to talk about yourself correctly, how to talk about yourself briefly, beautifully and with humor. We will also look at examples of self-presentations.

What is self-presentation

Self-presentation is the ability to independently build a story about yourself based on the needs of the listener. You must understand what the person to whom you will tell about yourself wants to hear from you. That is, in essence, you must understand the need of your listener. But people you don’t know ask you to tell you about yourself, how can you understand their need? This is what it exists for.

It's simple: we tell cat lovers about cats, and dog lovers about dogs. Only this way and not the other way around. Any person has a story to tell for both, you just need to learn to look at yourself from the outside and see what you are doing. Well, the hardest thing is not to be shy about talking about it.

Goals of self-presentation

In fact, everyone cares about only 2 things - who you are and how you can be useful. People don't need anything else from you. Any connections between people serve to satisfy needs; long-term connections can be established if the needs are mutually satisfied. This can be called symbiosis, although in recent years the word synergy has been increasingly used. Therefore, remember that every dialogue has a goal, every interlocutor has a need.

Let's look at what goals we pursue when conducting self-presentation. Speaking very broadly, we, that is, will like your interlocutor. The interlocutor’s attitude towards you develops in the first 30 seconds of communication. In the next 3 minutes it strengthens. Changing attitudes after the first three minutes of dialogue is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. Therefore, you must clearly set a goal for the first 30 seconds and the first 3 minutes of communication.

First 30 seconds of dialogue

During the first 30 seconds of dialogue, it is important not to cause natural rejection of everything new. Rejection is a natural process; what a person thinks he doesn’t need, he rejects; what he needs, he accepts. Each person has his own filter for filtering out everything “unnecessary.” All people have this mechanism and it is formed throughout life under the influence of life experience. This experience can be divided into two components:

  • Unconscious experience is formed to a greater extent in early childhood, usually before the age of 3, although it may be later. It differs in that we cannot explain it and we ourselves do not understand that we act on the basis of unconscious experience. Each of us has a defense mechanism, friend or foe, we discussed it in the article;
  • Conscious experience is our principles that were formed at a later age. As a rule, it is comparable to a person’s life values. A person can describe these principles, explain the logic of these principles and tell other people about them;

The unconscious experience is very similar for different people, and in order to please people unconsciously you need to understand the mechanisms once, follow the rules of etiquette, choose the right clothes and take care of your appearance. The most important thing is to have a wealth of experience communicating with people; the more you communicate, the better you get at it. People who are liked unconsciously are called charismatic. You like them right away, but often after talking with such a person for longer, you begin to lose interest in him.

First 3 minutes of dialogue

In order to truly please a person, you need to be able to convey useful meaning. Everyone likes cheerful people, but they will not do business with them. Therefore, in the first minutes of dialogue it is important to achieve the following goals:

  • Show that you have common interests. When people have a common topic of conversation, it brings them together;
  • Demonstrate your usefulness to your interlocutor. Show that with your help he can achieve his goals;
  • Offer a good deal. If you make an interesting offer, they will communicate with you;
  • Show that you understand the person. This is important; often acquaintances are made precisely because you share the views of your interlocutor;

Preparing for self-presentation

Remember that the best improvisation is a prepared improvisation. If you gather information in advance about who you will be presenting to. If you think about what your interlocutor wants to hear from you, the task will become much easier. In fact, almost all aspects of the story about yourself can be thought out in advance. And when the crucial moment comes, you will clearly know what you have to talk about.

You know about 90% of self-presentations in advance. For example, when going for an interview, be sure that you will be asked to talk about yourself. When you have your first day at work and you need to get to know your team and colleagues, you will also be asked about yourself. If you go to a conference with the goal of establishing business connections, you will be required to say something about yourself.

Despite the obvious need to prepare, many people do not do so. Why do I think this? Simply because I have been conducting interviews and meeting new people every week for the last 10 years. From 10 years ago to now, most people don’t even prepare answers to the most common interview questions.

And it’s not at all difficult to prepare. It is important to answer the questions:

  • Who will I communicate with?
  • What does a person expect from communicating with me?
  • What can I give?
  • Who are my competitors?

This is peculiar. How well you understand the needs of your interlocutor depends on how interesting the story about yourself will be to him. If you have found the answers to these questions, all that remains for you is to think through the thoughts that you will convey when communicating and prepare specific phrases and formulations. For example, if a company is looking for a crisis. During the interview, you should talk about how you got out of difficult situations, what skills, knowledge and experience will help you solve problems. Well, you definitely shouldn’t say that you are looking for a quiet job, without overtime.

Types of self-presentation

Modern man is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Moreover, a person’s success directly depends on how much he maintains business and personal contacts. The phrase “don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends” very accurately reflects reality, money comes and goes, but reliable connections will serve you faithfully for many years. Let's look at where and in what life situations you most often have to talk about yourself.

“About yourself” in your resume

What to write about yourself on your resume is a question that is relevant for anyone who has ever looked for a job. The item may be called “personal qualities” or “additional information.” There are different opinions about the usefulness of this line in a resume. In fact, less than half of recruiters look at the “about yourself” section. Obviously, no one will write anything bad there, but the absence of this paragraph or outright nonsense in it will show your incompetence in matters of selling yourself and finding a job. This is unacceptable for managers and salespeople, but is not at all critical for blue-collar jobs.

As we discussed earlier, it is necessary to analyze the vacancy and the company you are applying for. Almost all the necessary information to fill out the “about yourself” column is indicated in the vacancy in the “requirements” column. You can simply redo what is indicated there. Good information can be found on the websites of employers' companies. Go to the website and read about the company's values.

It is important not to overdo it or write too much. It’s not worth pointing out all the smart words that you read on the Internet. Also, be prepared to back up what you wrote during the interview. For example, having written that you are stress-resistant, you may hear the following questions:

  • What is stress tolerance?
  • Tell us when you showed resistance to stress?
  • Why do you consider yourself stress-resistant?

Such questions will easily make it clear whether you thought about what you wrote. And believe me, they may want to catch you, because there are phrases that are boring and quite annoying. According to statistics, the most frequently cited qualities are 34% responsibility, 30% communication skills, 16% stress resistance, 14% determination.

Telling a story about yourself at an interview

In any large company, the first interview is conducted with an employee from the personnel department - a recruiter. This employee conducts the initial screening of candidates, removing the frankly weak ones. One of the most common questions at such an interview is to tell us about yourself in a nutshell.

Let's look at what a recruiter evaluates when asking this question:

  1. Understand the employee’s motives, why he needs the job, and what he expects from it. Usually a person says what is most important from his point of view. And the employer just wants to understand what is important to you. Each candidate tries to embellish reality, and the employer tries to understand how things really are;
  2. Ability to present oneself, confidence, fluent speech, ability to formulate one’s thoughts. If you are taking a position that involves communicating with people, you should answer this question in more than just an informative way. But it’s also interesting;
  3. Find out what you can do and how you will benefit the employer.

The following points are definitely worth mentioning:

  • Marital status age, this should be short and concise;
  • Education, do not limit yourself to the name of the university, indicate the specialty, if the vacancy is specialized, then you can indicate the faculty and topic of the thesis;
  • Experience. The most important point, indicate the important stages of your development. If you have 20 years of experience, you don’t need to list everything, indicate that you have 20 years of experience and tell us about the experience that may be useful;
  • Your strengths, preferably with examples;

That is, it is important for you to show that your interests coincide with the interests of the employer. This is very important, for example, if you are looking for a job for 2.3 months, because then you move to another city. And the employer wants to get an employee for a long time, then it’s better not to say your true intentions.

Don't talk too much about your personal life. It’s better to use phrases: married, have two children, so you need money, or single, no girlfriend, nothing distracts you from work. Remember that every minus can be presented as a plus, and vice versa. Collect all the incidents from your life that you will talk about and think about how you can present them.

The fact is that no one takes everything you wrote on your resume for granted. Unless of course you have experience in well-known companies. If it says that you worked as a manager for 5 years, this does not mean that you are a good manager. Only facts from life can prove this; this is the most reliable and proven way to make a positive impression. Eg:

“...I worked as a regular sales representative for only six months. During this period, I became the best 4 times from a team of 20 people. I was noticed because I effectively replaced the manager during vacation and was appointed supervisor for a new area..."

I have emphasized the facts that can be extracted from the story. The most important thing is that the logic is followed here and the recruiter will understand why you were promoted. Such facts are usually not indicated in the resume. And these are the ones we should talk about first of all. By the way, this will help you highlight the negative aspects of your resume in a better light. For example, if you have not graduated from university:

“ the family in which I grew up there was an acute shortage of money, because my father was ill. And my mother earned little. Therefore, when I was offered a job, I immediately decided to go for it. And now I’m receiving higher education through correspondence courses...”

There is no need to remain silent about obvious facts; they will emerge on their own. Therefore, it is better to show that you are not hiding the problem. But on the contrary, you see it and decide.

You shouldn’t inflate the story about yourself too much; it’s best to collect as many facts and examples as possible into it. And try to remove all the water.

Example of a brief self-presentation

A short self-presentation is useful when meeting people; everyone should make one. I strongly recommend typing it in Word and trying to condense it, throwing out everything unnecessary. After that, practice her pronunciation in front of a mirror. Pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and intonation - this is a very important component of your image.

Example of a short self-presentation of a seller

Good afternoon My name is Arkady, I have been working in sales for 5 years. In this short period of time, I acquired knowledge of sales to individuals and legal entities. I have experience communicating with both large corporations and ordinary store customers. Even at the beginning of my career, I really enjoyed training young salespeople and was good at it. Therefore, now I am actively developing as a sales trainer, not forgetting to increase my experience and knowledge.

An example of a short self-presentation for friends

Good afternoon My name is Arkady, I'm 21 years old, I have a girlfriend and big plans.J! I work as a web developer, I really like my job. In my free time, I travel and develop my travel blog. Over the past year I have made more than 50 field trips, the most interesting being Altai and Chukotka. I plan to visit the Caucasus this year. I am looking for those who love nature and are ready for joint hikes.

Presenting about yourself is one of the topics that speakers fear. It's difficult to know what the audience wants to know and how much to tell them about yourself. Self-introduction is one of the most common speeches you will be asked to give in life.

Self-presentation is the process by which individuals imagine themselves in social world. This process occurs at conscious and unconscious levels, usually motivated by the desire to please others and satisfy one's needs. Self-presentation can be used as a means of impression management.

Self-presentation is any behavior designed to create, modify, or maintain an impression of oneself in the minds of other people.

Self-presentation serves three important functions:

  • helps social interaction
  • allows people to achieve material and social rewards
  • helps individuals create the IDs they want

Types of presentations

You can convey information about yourself to people through self-presentation. They are divided into groups:

  1. In relation to the audience towards the presenter.
  2. According to the form of implementation (oral, in the form of text).
  3. According to the purpose of the event (promotional, informational).
  4. By audience size (private, chamber, ).
  5. Self-presentation theory suggests that human behavior is aimed at creating a desired impression. We want people to see us a certain way.

Three components successful self-presentation:

  • the speaker must be motivated to have a special effect on the minds of the listeners
  • the speaker must have the cognitive ability to know what specific behavior will produce the desired impression
  • must be able and willing to accept the desired behavior

Successful self-presentation involves a balance between benefits (presenting the most useful image for the situation) and credibility (ensuring that the image will be perceived by others). Being aware of these factors, people usually change according to the audience's expectations.

When planning your speech, divide it into three parts - beginning, middle, conclusion. This will give it structure and help with your writing.

Greet the audience warmly, tell them who you are, what you are going to talk about and why.

Tell us about yourself: hobbies, hopes, dreams, goals. Be informative, if appropriate, be sure to talk about personal achievements.

Discuss your reasons for wanting to work for the company, touch on past experiences, and explain why you think you are suitable for the position. Tell an interesting story from the past, if appropriate. Tell the interviewers what you are proud of. This could be the ability to save time, efficiency, skills. Be prepared for questions about this.

If you are in school or starting a new college course, tell us why you chose this course, what interests you about a particular job or career.

Most important point! Don't add Additional information at the end of your speech, you should ask the audience if there are any questions. You should thank the listeners for their time and attention.

Aspects of Personal Presentation

Important components of a personal presentation: clothing, accessories (bags, phones, diaries, jewelry, scarves), body language, voice.

Clothing is the most obvious aspect of a personal presentation. When deciding what to wear, there are a few things to consider. What does the audience expect? A business suit may not always be appropriate. Much depends on the expectations of potential listeners. Sometimes smart casual is more appropriate.

You need to feel confident and relaxed enough at the presentation; you need to find a balance between audience expectations and comfort.

Women need to think about shoes: you will have to stand long time, make sure you can do it. If you are not used to heels, don’t wear them.

Accessories must match the clothing. This does not mean that the bag should be the same color as the jacket. If you wear a suit, your materials should be in a briefcase, not a backpack.

The role of the voice in performance

Three basic elements of speaking must be mastered by those wishing to become effective presenters:

  1. Volume - to be heard.
  2. Clarity - to be understood.
  3. Variety is to create interest.

Volume. Some people have naturally soft voices. If the voice is too high, tonal quality is lost. Do not raise, but “project” your voice as you exhale.

When talking to a group, it is important not to direct your speech to the front row or just to the people closest to you, but to consciously address phrases to those who are further away.

Clarity. Some people tend to speak through clenched teeth. This inability to open the mouth and produce sounds clearly is the main cause of speech unintelligibility.

Diversity. To make speech effective and interesting, you need to employ vocal variety. Ways to achieve vocal diversity:

  • speed
  • volume
  • delivery – intonation – accent
  • pause

Speaking speed. If speech is too fast, listeners do not have time to absorb what is said. To maintain the interest of listeners, you need to vary the pace of speech - first speeding up and then slowing down.

Volume. By increasing or decreasing the volume, you can create emphasis.

Delivery - Intonation - Emphasis: When speaking in public, try to convey information with as much energy and enthusiasm in your voice as possible.

Pause. Can be used for effect, to highlight a previous statement, or to attract attention with an important message.

Sample of self-presentation during an interview

Interview - a meeting and conversation between the applicant and potential employer. During the interview, it is important for the parties to understand whether they are suitable for each other and discuss the details collaboration. can ask questions about education and skills and knowledge. It is possible to talk about personal things, aspirations and plans in life.

First impressions can matter important role in how the employer will perceive you as a candidate. What you say in the first stage of the interview may have great importance as a result.

  1. Start with a smile on your face and identify yourself.
  2. Tell us about the details of your education.
  3. Answer the question why you want to work for this company.
  4. Report skills and abilities.
  5. Add if necessary.
  6. Tell us about your interests and hobbies.
  7. How will you spend your free time, if you have any?
  8. When you finish, say THANK YOU to the person who listened to you.

Things to avoid saying during an interview:

  1. I can't stand my current job.
  2. My boss is the worst boss.
  3. My current company is terrible.
  4. When I can ?
  5. Can you give me a taxi to go back home?
  6. Can I answer the call?
  7. I really need this job.
  8. I don't have all the experience you need, but I'm a fast learner.
  9. I don't know.
  10. I have an appointment, will this end soon?
  11. Sorry I'm late.
  12. Profanity, swearing.
  13. There's no babysitter for the kids right now, but I'll do something about it.
  14. I don't have a car yet, but I will soon.
  15. it does not suit me. Is it possible to change it?
  16. I have no questions.
  17. What's included in the benefits package?
  18. Interviews make me nervous.
  19. Can I ?

Example of self-presentation

Good morning,

Nice to introduce myself. My name is Igor Novikov. I am from Saint Petersburg. I am an electronics and software engineering major. Last year I graduated from LETI. There I completed courses in computer security.

My father is a civil servant and my mother is a housewife.

My strengths are that I enjoy solving problems, I am a self-motivated person and a self-disciplined person. I am a good team player and am excellent at leading a team. I can accept any environment. I am a good listener and learn quickly.

I don't want to talk about my weaknesses, but I like to talk about the possibility of improvement, I believe in myself and my work, and I want to improve.

My short term goal is that I want to get a base where I can make a career along with the growth of an organization like yours.

My long-term goal is that I want to be one of the reasons for your company's success.

It's all about me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about myself.

When applying or starting a new course, often the first meeting will involve getting to know each other, and this means sharing a little about yourself. Luckily, it's a short period of time, five or ten minutes, so it's not as difficult as it seems. Having learned the secrets of successful self-presentation and read our tips, you will feel more confident and easily achieve the desired result.

Write your question in the form below

Discussion: 2 comments

    I think that the most important thing at an interview is to be confident in yourself and know that what you are going to say will make the manager feel confident. Highlight the most important thing for yourself in advance and tell it without hesitation.


    I can say that not everyone is yet capable of speaking in public. But if the goal is at stake good job, then of course it makes sense to thoroughly prepare and present yourself with the best side. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters.


Self-presentation is, first of all, the ability to influence an audience through impressions. Stunt can not only influence the audience, but also allows the speaker to get what he needs. The most popular example is getting a job. If self-presentation is correct, the applicant can be confident in successful career advancement. The impression of you depends on the very first interview, so it is important to take self-presentation seriously. At the same time, there are several ways to make a self-presentation. Let's look at them.

Making a self-presentation

Self-presentation can be divided into several parts. The first is the introduction. The second is the main part. The third is the final part. The most important part is the first part, as it allows you to interest the listeners. The introduction should be short, informative, and outline the main points of your speech. In the introduction, you will establish contact with the interlocutors, indicate the time frame, and also explain to them why this information important.

  1. A story about yourself.
  2. Your own description from the 3rd person (how others see you).
  3. Previous place of work.
  4. Reasons why you left your last job.
  5. Description of superiors from previous work.
  6. Information about a new place of work that you have heard somewhere.
  7. Your advantages over other applicants for this job.
  8. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Responsibilities you like and don't like to do.
  10. Your purpose in life.
  11. Your description in a few years.
  12. Your hobby.
  13. Your preferences regarding salary size.

The main purpose of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and transform weak points in advantages. You should also always be prepared for tricky questions from the employer.

Self-presentation in public: rules

Public self-presentation is needed if, for example, you want to get a job or introduce yourself to a new team. For successful self-presentation, the following rules should be observed:

  • Preparing a text or speech in advance. Before speaking, you need to re-read it several times, but not memorize it, so that the speech seems natural. Don't forget about improvisation either. The text plan ideally consists of three parts: a bright, light introduction, the main part with your portfolio, and a conclusion.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder and listen to it. This will make it easier to identify its shortcomings in order to correct them.
  • You should always be prepared for tricky questions. To do this, you need to study in advance the people who will listen to you. An example would be a teacher who gets to know the students in the first class, then notes strengths and weaknesses, identifies methods to get them interested, and then begins teaching.
  • Emphasize your good manners.
  • A good “life hack” for gaining the trust of your listeners is friendly gestures. It allows you to convey your message to your audience more clearly.
  • One of the main rules is appearance. It is better to wear a classic suit or dress to show your authority and dominance. But sometimes it happens that a classic suit may be inappropriate, in which case you can replace the suit trousers with dark jeans.

Types of public speaking

There are 4 types of public speaking:

  1. Protocol and etiquette.
  2. Persuasive.
  3. Entertaining in nature.
  4. Informational in nature.

Since ancient times, protocol and etiquette self-presentation has been considered the basis of oratory art. Basic rules when drawing up protocol and etiquette self-presentation:

  • Brevity.
  • Energy.
  • Emotionality.
  • Inspiration.
  • Awakening positive emotions from the listeners.
  • Dominant self-presentation

When presenting a personality, the main emphasis is on dominance. To do this, it is enough to identify yourself in front of the audience informal leader V this moment time. But this technique may not be suitable for all types of listeners, since among the interlocutors there may be leaders who will not perceive you as a leader. With dominant self-presentation, a very important emphasis is placed on the appearance of the speaker, his gestures, manners, speech, and ability to communicate with the public.

Choosing the type of self-presentation

Self-presentation is a special method of presenting oneself as an individual with positive aspects, as well as attracting to its advantages. It is very important to control feelings and emotions when preparing it. In fact, every person encounters this. We adapt to a given situation, control our speech, manners, and behavior.

  1. So, the first type of self-presentation is adjusting to the people around you. This is a rather complicated technique, but quite feasible. For example, if you want to get to know a company, you first need to know its behavior, manners, topics of conversation, and speech from the outside. This helps you feel people more strongly and find them faster. mutual language. After this, there is only one thing left to do - join the company and become part of it.
  2. The second way of self-presentation is leadership, dominance and authority. This method is much more difficult than the first, because the speaker is required to perform much more terms and conditions.


Firstly, the person who is presenting himself must look elegant. To do this, you don’t need to buy any expensive, special things, it’s enough to use the right clothes emphasize elegance. For example, for men will do a fitted shirt, a slightly fluffed tie, and for a woman - a dress that emphasizes her waist, soft jewelry and a neat hairstyle.

Thirdly, it is necessary to highlight and emphasize strengths. The mark of a leader is turning a disadvantage into an advantage. Different companies may have different strengths. For example, a girl understands cars, a man cooks deliciously, and a woman knows martial arts. You need to find your own “zest” to stand out from the crowd.

Fourthly, you need to present your personality, personal traits. But self-presentation should be unobtrusive, as should focusing on common interests. The best action would be to immediately show your nature, and not a mask, so that in the future there will be no disappointment on the part of your interlocutor.

It is important to remember that self-presentation first of all helps to greatly develop confidence in yourself and your abilities. The public is like metal, which when heated and certain actions takes the form desired by the blacksmith. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, because if you try, you can take control of any public.

It is also worth remembering the importance of visual images, since a person perceives most of the information through the eyes. Try to give and create more visualizations, use technology to present information more accurately.

Possible problems with self-presentation

Very often a person may have problems associated with psychological trauma, psychological barriers, and also with the fact that he does not know himself. All this can affect not only the conversation, but also communication with the interlocutor.

That's why important rule when drawing up a self-presentation, consideration will be given to own characteristics, i.e. hiding them or, conversely, emphasizing them.

Self-presentation will give maximum results if it is exciting, informative, but not drawn out for a long time. At the same time, it is very important to listen and hear other people’s opinions, think about your words and actions, and completely maintain control over the situation.

You've probably heard the concept of self-presentation. Self-presentation at an interview starts with your appearance. No wonder they say: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind”. It would seem that not a word has yet been said, but the first impression is already being formed. Your appearance should not be repulsive, it should be attractive. It's better to dress neutrally for an interview than something weird. Any non-standard solutions in clothes, evoke thoughts: “Some kind of weirdo?”

At the first meeting, the employer wants to see the main thing - what kind of person you are, your personality type, and evaluate your ability to speak and listen. When preparing a self-presentation for an interview, you must tell about yourself briefly and beautifully, tell it in such a way that the audience has no questions, and most importantly, doubts that you are suitable for the position being applied for.

If you send your resume to e-mail, self-presentation in a job application form is a sign of the seriousness of your intentions, which will not go unnoticed by the employer.

How to make the right self-presentation?

Let's look at a template diagram:

This general structure self-presentation, according to which you can easily begin to compose it without racking your brains. The height of each block indicates the time share of the story in the total duration - the narrower the block, the less story it should contain.

Duration of self-presentation

The optimal duration of self-presentation should be about 2 minutes, but sometimes you can safely aim for all 5-7 minutes, the question is, what will be the content of these 5-7 minutes? If your story is truly breathtaking and reveals your genius, why not? In other cases, be brief and do not stray from the essence of the structure given above. Briefly about yourself, beautiful and to the point! If the self-presentation is drawn up correctly, you will complete it in 2 minutes, and the employer will receive a complete picture about you.

Errors in self-presentation

The main mistake that all candidates make during interviews is the desire to appear better and more professional than they are. You can come up with anything you want about yourself, describe your career and your irreplaceable unique qualities it is possible, but it will be impossible to confirm all this in practice! Moreover, the brighter and more impressive the self-presentation, the more questions it will raise from the audience, which you will not be able to answer competently, since you were not telling the truth. Only the truth and just a little color!

Another mistake is an overabundance of emotions. The desire to convey your value to the employer with the help of loud phrases, provocative gestures and glances is not The best way. Self-presentation is done in a calm tone but in positive mood- this characterizes you as a balanced, stress-resistant person, which is important in, and in general for working with people.

Self-presentation of the seller. Example

Let's look at a few examples of self-presentations to better understand its meaning.

Good afternoon My name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. I am 31 years old, I am married, I have two children. I have a higher education with a specialization in Enterprise Economics. I have additional education– graduated from the Institute of Business Technologies in 2018 with honors.

I started my career in the trade sector. Worked as a sales manager in an electronics store. A year later, in the same company, he held the position of senior sales manager, and a year later, the position of head of the consumer electronics department.

Most of my time was spent organizing sales and managing personnel. , participation in conferences and presentations, training young professionals, developing measures to improve the efficiency of the sales department - all this was part of my responsibilities. I consider my achievement to be: the development of a dealer network from one outlet to the 21st in city X. The correct sales strategy and staff motivation helped me with this. Repeatedly received the “Employee of the Year” award.

Today I am a project manager at the IT company UNEX. This position helped me realize my potential even more. Interesting projects, selling innovations in the IT field, communicating with interesting people, expanded competencies - all this helped me develop new managerial skills and look forward to the next stage of my professional development - the position in your company “Head of Corporate Sales in the Eastern Region”

Your company is a stable structure in a crisis market, and stability is a sign of the right tactics, which means decisions are made by experienced and smart people. I would really like to gain experience working in your company. In the position of “Head of Corporate Sales in the Eastern Region”, I will be able to implement my knowledge acquired in other companies and possibly improve some established business processes. These measures will immediately lead to increased sales and development of the company.

This example of a sales manager’s self-presentation clearly shows how you can prepare for an interview using a template.

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