Compound words in the plural. About English with love

Methodological development Russian language lesson in 5th grade

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Novonazimovskaya secondary school No. 4

Rimashevskaya Svetlana Fedorovna.

UMK M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

The presentation of new lesson material is based on an activity-based approach - the intrigue of the lesson is created, attracting attention to the topic is caused by using the “magic box” and the objects in it. In the process of resolution problematic situation, students themselves formulate the topic of the lesson and its goals.

Learning new material in a lesson is carried out by doing training exercises in pairs and groups, which allows you to include “weak” students in the work.

Subject: Nouns that have only a plural form.


Educational : give the concept of nouns that have only a plural form and their distinctive features from nouns that have two number forms; introduce the main groups of these nouns by meaning; learn to find them among other nouns; use them in speech, observing spelling norms.

Developmental : develop the ability to set goals, independently analyze information, the ability to work in pairs and groups, expand lexicon Students, through the use of only plural nouns in speech, develop monologue speech.

Educational: cultivate interest in studying the subject.

Lesson type : combined.

Teaching methods : reproductive, partially search. verbal (conversation, explanation), practical ( independent work, exercises), visual (show), analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, heuristic,

Forms of organization of educational activities : frontal, individual, pair, group.

Equipment : textbook T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, presentation for a lesson in PowerPoint program , didactic material(cards – tasks, table), pictures for physical exercises, “magic box” , items for the box (scissors, glasses, watches, tongs).

During the classes.

    Org moment.

Psychological attitude to work. Greetings. (Annex 1)

Good afternoon, dear guys! Smile at each other and look at me, give your smiles to the guests.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, “cool work.”

II. Updating knowledge

Our lesson today will be held under the motto: “For the student - good luck, for the teacher - joy!”(The motto is written on the board).

How did you understand this motto?

Guys, clap your hands if you know what part of speech the first word in this phrase is. Stomp if you recognize the part of speech of the second word. Lift up right hand those who recognized the part of speech of the third word. Lift up left hand those who know what part of speech is the last word in a sentence. Well done! Write the part of speech above the words.

That's right, guys! For several days now in class we have been talking about the part of speech, the magic of which is that it names the essence of everything that surrounds us in the world. What can you tell us about the noun?

III. Goal setting and motivation. ( Creating motivation to learn. Get students interested new topic.)

Our lesson today is not simple, but unusual. I brought a magic box. In it the following items:glasses, watches, scissors, tongs.

- What do you think these objects are? What do they have in common? Are you at a loss? Then look at1 slide presentations.

It shows plural nouns. You must form them into the singular form.

Singers – (singer) Crowns – (crown) Spikes –

Deer - (deer) horses - pony horse -

success - (success) nuts - nut Armor -

What happened for you? For which nouns were you unable to form the singular form? What are these nouns?

- So, what are we going to talk about in class today? What istopic of the lesson? (nouns that have only plural form.) Slide2 .

- What goals will we set for ourselves?State the purpose of the lesson, building on its theme. Use the reference phrases written on the board for this.



(The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with nouns that have only a plural form; learn to find them among other nouns and use them correctly in speech.)Slide 3.

IV. Explanation of new material.

    Introduction to the textbook material – p.204.

    Work in pairs.Distributive dictation.

Read the words. What do they have in common? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find pairs of words by meaning. Fill the table . Slide 6 , app2 . What do you call each group of words?

Items for movement; sports equipment


Natural phenomena

Time periods

Products, substances

Geogr. named.

Events, holidays.





3 . Conversation.

- Guys, what can nouns that have only plural form mean?

- What do you think are the grammatical features of such nouns?

(Case. It is impossible to determine their gender and declension.)

- And what morpheme will tell us that this noun is only plural? numbers?

(Most nouns end in-Y (-AND)(this is typicallit. language). Some nouns havepercussionending-AND I)(this is typicalcolloquialspeech).

- Guys, now let’s return to our box again. What kind of items are in it?(noun plural only)

- Let's try to define only plural nouns.

V. Primary assimilation, awareness and comprehension of new material.

Ex. 509, p.205

VI. Physical education minute.

Now let's relax and play. I will show you pictures with drawn objects. If the picture shows only a plural entity. numbers, you get up if singular. or have the form and singular and plural. h. - sit.

Watches, boots, scissors, stockings, milk, money, shoes, rakes, yeast, hammers.

VII. Consolidation.

Work in pairs. Exercise. Slide8. Appendix 3 . Write down the nouns in the following order:

Territory, sled, grove, vacation, chess, ticks, twilight, name, teacher, cream, gate, ink.

Only plural

Singular and plural



VIII. Creative work in groups.Appendix 4.

(For the weak - a card).

Now, guys, please listen to the riddle. Guess what subject we are talking about? This is a plural noun. numbers. Slide 10.

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Genova. Trousers for sailors were made from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for shepherds and gold miners. Now they are worn by people of all ages. This… (jeans).

Who invented them and when is unknown. IN Ancient Greece polished rock crystals were used for them. Venice, the queen of mirrors and glassware, is still considered their homeland. In Rus' they began to be worn since the 15th century. This... (glasses)

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major There is a star that can only be seen in summer. At this time it was difficult to work because of the heat and people were resting. This summer period and was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to call this word autumn holiday, both winter and spring. This … (holidays).

Exercise. Now try in groups to make a similar riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

(Words are drawn by drawing lots from representatives of the groups). Hide and seek, scissors, sliders, scales, cleaning, perfume, pitchforks, swings, stretchers.

Card for “weak” students.


Let's summarize our collaboration and arrange it in the form of a diagram - a web. Let's start with the words "Today we...". Discuss and write down what we did today... The following words will help you draw a conclusion about your activities. Appendix 5.

learned… (There is a group of words - nouns, which has only a plural form)

completed tasks ... (to find nouns only plural)

understood... (how to distinguish a plural entity from other entities)

learned... (find noun, plural)

Guys, there is an envelope on your desks. In it you will find 3 pictures. Choose the drawing that suits your mood and stick it on the board. Appendix No. 1.


Find in orf. dictionary and write down 10 noun words that have only the plural form.

XI. Assessment.

- Everyone worked well. /I announce ratings and give comments /. You gave me warmth and joy. Our lesson is over. Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Annex 1.

Appendix 2


Scissors, tongs, Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, freezing, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, 24 hours, skates, christenings.

Exercise . Read the words. What do they have in common? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find pairs of words by meaning. Fill the table. What do you call each group of words?

Scissors, tongs, Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, freezing, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, 24 hours, skates, christenings.

Appendix 3


used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.


Only plural

Singular and plural

EXERCISE..Write down the nouns in the following sequence:

used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.

Territory, sled, grove, vacation, chess, ticks, twilight, name, teacher, cream, gate, ink.

Only plural

Singular and plural

Appendix 4

Card No. 1

Exercise :

Card No. 2

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.


Card No. 3

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 4

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 5

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 6

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 7

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Card No. 8

Exercise : make up a riddle for each other about the item indicated on the card.

Result creative work 1 group.

They are always sharp

And they are needed for work.

They are always in the garden. (Rake)

The result of the creative work of group 2.

They hide, they play,

Then they count to five.

Name the game, dear guys!

Well, of course it is... (hide and seek)

The result of the creative work of group 3.

People use them to measure weight, but they can also weigh food. This is a common noun, inanimate, only plural. (Scales)

Appendix 5.

Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Card for weak students.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - big choice dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Copy and underline nouns that have only a plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. The first has a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second department you can buy pasta, flour, and cereals. In the third you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Evaluation sheet.

Definition of ch.r. in the motto

Definition of noun as ch.r.

Checking the entry of the table. “Groups of beings, etc. plural.”

Checking the ex. 509

Distribution dict.

Creative Slave.



IN English language, as in many others, the names of many paired objects are used only in the plural, for example, scissors (scissors), trousers (trousers), glasses/spectacles (glasses), tongs (forceps), scales (scales):

  • These scissors are for cutting paper.
    These scissors are for cutting paper.
  • Your trousers are too long.
    Your trousers are too long.
  • Where are my glasses/spectacles ? I want to read the newspaper.
    Where is my glasses? I want to read the newspaper.

Some of these nouns are often used with the expression a pair of (pair...), which emphasizes that they consist of two parts:

  • a pair of trousers (pair of trousers)
  • a pair of jeans (a pair of jeans)
  • a pair of shoes (pair of boots/shoes)
  • a pair of slippers (pair of slippers)
  • a pair of glasses (pair of glasses)
  • a pair of gloves
  • a pair of earrings


It was said above that the noun scales (scales) is used only in the plural as the name of a paired item. This is true for scales in their original form, when they were a pair of cups suspended from a rocker. But today, scales are electronic weighing devices that have nothing in common with scales in their original form. Therefore, the scales on which you weigh yourself in your bathroom can be called both “scales” and “scale”. In the US, this noun is usually used in the singular ( scale), and in Great Britain - in the plural ( scales), although Americans also often say “scales”.

If a noun is plural, then its verb must be plural: "The scales aren't weighing correctly … I’m sure of it!” = “These scales are weighing incorrectly... I’m sure of it!”

clothes (cloth), goods (goods, goods), stairs (ladder), arms (weapon), riches (wealth, riches), proceeds (revenue) are used, unlike the Russian language, only in the plural:

  • Your clothes are dirty.
    Your clothes are dirty.
  • In these years of globalization the free trade of goods should not be questioned.
    In these times of globalization, freedom of trade cannot be questioned.
  • I ran up the stairs and tore the door open.
    I ran up the stairs and yanked open the door.
  • The police used firearms to disperse the crowd.
    The police used firearms to disperse the crowd.
  • The proceeds on the sale of the goods have been transferred into your account.
    Proceeds from the sale of goods have been transferred to your account.

Nouns in English wages (wage ) And contents (content) are used, as a rule, in the plural, while in Russian the corresponding nouns are used only in the singular:

  • My wages are high.
    My salary is high.
  • The table of contents should not contain any pictures.
    The table of contents (of books) should not contain any pictures.

Nouns potatoes (potato), onions (onion), carrots (carrot), oats (oats) are used, unlike the Russian language, in the plural:

  • Potatoes are very cheap in autumn.
    Potatoes are very cheap in the fall.
  • Carrots are very healthy.
    Carrots are very healthy.
  • Spanish onions are sweet.
    Spanish onions are sweet.
  • Oats are used as fodder for horses.
    Oats are used as horse feed.

However, these nouns can also be used in the singular: a potato (potato, one piece of potato), an onion (bulb), a carrot (carrot, one carrot root).

Nouns people (People) And police (police), although they have a singular form, are used with a plural meaning and should always be carried with you plural verb:

  • People say that the police are investigating the case.
    (People) They say the police are investigating the matter.

If a noun people has the meaning “people as a nation, believers of the same religion or people of the same race”, then this noun is used in the singular and the verb must be singular:

  • Hungarians are a hospitable people.
    Hungarians are hospitable people.

In the same meaning, the noun people may also have plural . Then it takes the form peoples:

  • The peoples of Europe have been living together for centuries.
    The peoples of Europe have lived together for many centuries.

Most nouns in Russian are countable objects. They can be used in combination with cardinal numbers. Such nouns have forms and the only one, And plural: table - tables, desk - desks, cloud - clouds.

These forms have different endings and combine differently with other parts of speech.

If the singular number is used to denote a single object from a series of similar ones, then the plural number denotes a set of homogeneous objects.

In most cases, plural nouns have endings -s, -i, -a, -ya(trunk - trunks, girl - girls, place - places, tree - trees). In some cases, alternation or loss/adding of vowels is observed at the base of the word ( friend - friends, wreath - wreaths, piece - pieces).

It should also be noted that in the singular nouns of each of the three genders have different endings. The plural hides gender characteristics, so, for example, nouns wall, night, village (female) And stump, table, knife (male) have identical endings in this situation: walls, nights, villages, stumps, tables, knives. This is a feature of language when in this case the main thing is to show the number of objects, not their type.

Some nouns in Russian indicate plurality with a singular form. Such words do not form a plural. These are the nouns:

    real ( milk, cereal, butter, silk, gold and etc.);

    collective ( humanity, students, foliage);

    distracted (patience, pressure, kindness);

    own ( Moscow, Paris, Rhone).

There are cases of using words from this list in the plural: cheeses, cereals, sausages etc. But here the plural means rather various varieties, not quantity, for example:

"The meat processing plant produces different kinds sausages."

In contrast to nouns, which do not form a plural, there are words in the language that exist only in the form of a plural. These are the nouns:

    distracted ( twilight, vacation);

    real ( cream, cabbage soup);

    names of some games ( hide and seek, blind man's buff, checkers, chess);

    items that include several parts ( scissors, trousers, jeans, scales and etc.).

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