Dream Interpretation: After a quarrel, a man came up and hugged her. Interpretation by seasons

Often a person does not attach any importance to dreams, but in vain. Dreams are not just a reflection of hidden thoughts or feelings, they are a signal that, if deciphered correctly and in time, will help prevent some event from happening, or simply prepare for the trials of fate. A former friend is an echo of past grievances and dreams about him for several reasons.

Why do you dream ex-friend Interpretations from various dream books will help you understand.

When you dream of a former friend who looks more like an animal, this means that in real life you will have to give up pleasure and fun for some time. The dream also foreshadows the onset of a dark streak; difficult times will come in all areas of life, and you will have to fight adversity alone.

If in a dream your ex-friend is in good health and good spirits, then a romantic meeting will soon occur, for which you should prepare. You can think about a gift that will perfectly help you express your love and appreciation.

If a former friend appeared old or looked sick, then in real life this is a sign that it is time to start living on a new page and let go of the former loved one in reality, and in thoughts, allowing the memories of lost time, mistakes and regrets to fade from your head.

If in a dream you dreamed that your ex-friend is close again, but the couple is in some new and unfamiliar place, then financial difficulties or problems at work will soon arise, and such a dream also foreshadows a loss of interest in real life.

It is important to catch the first sensation at the moment when a person wakes up. If after sleep a girl is in high spirits, then in real life, most likely, everything will be fine. If a girl is worried or has a feeling of impending danger, then she should be careful in reality.

You may dream about your ex-friend if the girl hasn’t completely let him go and she still has feelings for him. A person often lets go with his mind, but not with his heart. Perhaps the lovers had a fight and did not fully understand the relationship. If you dream about your ex-friend very often, then it is best to find the strength within yourself and call him, inviting him to a meeting where you can find out everything that prevents you from living a normal life.

There is also an opinion that people often begin to think about each other under the influence of witchcraft. To modern man It’s hard to believe, but for a long time in Rus', girls used conspiracies to bewitch a guy, who knows, maybe guys also use such tactics. If we speak from the point of view of substantiated facts, then sleeping with an ex-boyfriend carries a warning of a psychological nature.

This means that the girl still cannot realize herself in some way, and constantly turns to past memories when she was comfortable and when she felt completely happy. If ex-boyfriend does not give a girl a pass in a dream, then you should seriously think about whether the break in the relationship was justified, what was the reason for the quarrel, and whether there is a chance to return everything.

If in a dream a girl and an ex-friend betray love pleasures, then the dream means a lack of impressions or romance in real life, as well as sexual dissatisfaction.

When you dream that a former friend is begging for forgiveness, admits all his mistakes and asks to give him a second chance, then in reality a person can safely use the moment to entrust close people with a secret or open his soul; they will definitely help and understand, no matter what happens.

IN various dream books the information is given somewhat differently. So, according to Miller, if suddenly an ex-boyfriend kissed his beloved, then in reality there will soon be a reason to be surprised. If there is a quarrel, then in life, on the contrary, your personal life will improve.

Vanga claimed that dreams in which something or someone marked “ex” are seen mean that the connection with this person has not yet been lost and the girl secretly hopes for a resumption of the relationship.

According to Freud, a dream with an ex-boyfriend foreshadows a quarrel with the present one. After all, subconsciously the girl still compares her boyfriends, and in reality she may inadvertently offend her current lover. If a girl secretly yearns for her ex-boyfriend, then such a dream will only add fuel to the fire.

Dreams and their nature still belong to an area in which scientists not only know nothing, but even have no idea. In part, dreams are a secret of the human brain, and, considering that there are people who dream prophetic dreams, then they are a way for a person to communicate with the universe.

Dreams about an ex-boyfriend are especially confusing for those who have long ended their relationship. A person begins to delve into himself, finds a lot of excuses that he is no longer interested in his ex, but it is impossible to be indifferent to someone with whom you spent so much time. If love doesn’t happen again, then just being friends is even very simple.


Seeing a person who is having a quarrel

Dream Interpretation Seeing a person who is having a quarrel I dreamed about why I dream about seeing a person who is having a quarrel? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Seeing a person who is quarreling by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

If you quarrel with your wife (husband) in a dream - to Great love And happy life.

If a relative quarrels - to friendship and help from him.

If you quarrel with enemies - to success.

If an employee quarrels with a subordinate, this means promotion in the service and high earnings.

Quarrel with the deceased - to health and longevity.

If a woman quarrels with her neighbor, the property is in order.

If a woman quarrels with a beggar woman, it means the bankruptcy of her husband.

If your friends quarrel, it means loss of help.

If there is a fight on someone else's street, it means an invitation to a party.

A merchant quarrels with a buyer - to losses in business.

If you fight with the buyer - to wealth and prosperity.

If a patient quarrels with doctors - to speedy recovery.

Elderly quarrels with children - to a happy life and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream where they quarrel without your participation predicts production troubles and disappointment in the profession.

If you quarrel with someone, you will be burdened with financial troubles and troubles.

A quarrel with relatives means good relations with them.

Friend - to the loyalty and devotion of friends (sometimes to some kind of loss).

A quarrel between lovers means treason.

If a man dreams of a quarrel with a stranger, a flash of jealousy will soon follow in reality.

If a woman quarrels with a woman in a dream, disturbing events await her.

Quarrel with stranger the opposite sex - to ardent love.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream foreshadowing jealousy. If you dreamed of a quarrel between women, you will become the object of evil gossip. If in a dream you took part in a quarrel, this means that in reality your friends will show loyalty to you in difficult times. A quarrel between children portends fun, and a quarrel between husband and wife promises good news.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Quarrel - hearing a quarrel in a dream, quarreling - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Take part in a quarrel.

Tip of the day: This is one of the few dreams that often literally comes true.

To avoid a quarrel these days, leave everything as it is.

Any showdown no earlier than in a week.

See the quarrel from the outside.

Tip of the day: You will encounter someone else's mistake.

Don't fall victim to it

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

You will receive recognition from your colleagues and new contract.

If you quarrel with your loved one, it means that you have entered a new stage in your relationship.

If you dream that you are quarreling with someone, this means that you will have benefits from cooperation with business partners.

A quarrel with a loved one means that you will become even closer to each other and receive a gift from him.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

For good // fight, gossip, trouble, letter from the enemy; quarrel - make peace with the enemy, affection, tell good things, love // ​​court, quarrel, fight, annoyance; with a friend - losses; with a stranger - a new thing; hearing swearing is news.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Quarrels in a dream promise misfortunes and fierce squabbles. For a girl, this is a signal of chronic troubles, and for a married woman, it is a harbinger of divorce or long-term discord in the family.

Watching other people's quarrels in a dream foretells failure in your career and disappointment in your craft.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A quarrel seen in a dream promises trouble.

If similar dream dreaming unmarried girl or a woman, this portends her quarrels with her lover.

For a married woman, such a dream promises divorce and discord.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel, discord

Quarrels in a dream foreshadow misfortunes and deafening scandals. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a long period of continuous troubles, married woman– divorce or long-term discord in the family. Watching other people's quarrels in a dream is a harbinger of failure at work, even to the point of disappointment in your profession.


I dream of a person with whom I am in a quarrel


Happy Cat

You miss him, and he thinks about you too


thinks about you.

Why do you dream about a person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time?



to talk maybe?

Valery Shanev

Perhaps he is going through a fight.

Mr White

don't suffer from bullshit. A dream is just a dream.


your experiences.

Why do you dream about a guy with whom you are in a quarrel (In reality), but in the dream you seem to have made peace, and when are you not indifferent to him?


Jura Tretjakow

he thinks about you..

Smart girl

Amazing and sometimes incomprehensible events constantly happen in dreams, but people usually do not realize that this is a dream or do not attach significance to it. Dreams are a reflection of reality on a subconscious level. Using a dream book and knowing the interpretation of your own dreams, you can avoid many troubles not only in the present, but also in the future. There are many cases where dreams not only helped to avoid troubles, but also helped to make great discoveries. Just remember D.I. Mendeleev - it was in a dream that he saw the table now known to everyone chemical elements. Dreams are mysterious and unpredictable, which is why it is so important to take your dreams seriously. http://goroskop.ru/sonnik/dreams/


I washed it off recently too. . but it turned out to be prophetic. . if in a quarrel but in a dream together, then this can happen. good luck

I dreamed of a guy with whom I had a quarrel not long ago.


Rita Vladimirskaja

Even if you make up, your friend will still interfere with your relationship

If you quarrel with your wife (husband) in a dream, this means great love and a happy life.

If a relative quarrels - to friendship and help from him.

If you quarrel with enemies - to success.

If an employee quarrels with a subordinate, this means promotion in the service and high earnings.

Quarrel with the deceased - to health and longevity.

If a woman quarrels with her neighbor, the property is in order.

If a woman quarrels with a beggar woman, it means the bankruptcy of her husband.

If your friends quarrel, it means loss of help.

If there is a fight on someone else's street, it means an invitation to a party.

A merchant quarrels with a buyer - to losses in business.

If you fight with the buyer - to wealth and prosperity.

If a patient quarrels with doctors, this means a speedy recovery.

Elderly quarrels with children - to a happy life and longevity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Quarrels in a dream promise misfortunes and fierce squabbles. For a girl, this is a signal of chronic troubles, and for a married woman, it is a harbinger of divorce or long-term discord in the family.

Watching other people's quarrels in a dream foretells failure in your career and disappointment in your craft.

Interpretation of dreams from

Question to a psychologist

For several days in a row I dream about a person with whom I am in a strong quarrel. Moreover, in the dream we communicate well. By the way, in real life, I don’t think about him at all. Why could this be? Reasons for such dreams?

Tatyana, the reason for these dreams is the incompleteness of the situation and unclear relationships. Your psyche is trying to find a solution to the problem, to change the situation that bothers you. Just because you don't think about this person during the day doesn't mean you don't care about the situation. It would be best to talk to this person, sort things out, and ask for mutual forgiveness. If this is not possible, then try to write a letter where you express all your feelings and thoughts about what happened, and destroy it in any way you like. Thus, you will put a symbolic (psychological) point in the relationship.

Golysheva Evgenia Andreevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 7 Bad answer 0

By the way, in real life, I don’t think about him at all.

That's why you see him in your dreams. It makes sense to mentally (or in a letter, as already suggested, but this is a one-time technique) ask for his forgiveness and wish him well until the dreams stop.

Matveev Valery Anatolyevich Hypnosis Self-hypnosis Psychologist Tolyatti

Good answer 3 Bad answer 1


If a person in a dream sees or hears a quarrel from the outside, but does not participate in it, this is a good sign that in real life the sleeper is firmly on his feet, has a prosperous family life and, perhaps, occupies a high social position.

It is logical to assume that a quarrel in a dream can be a harbinger of disagreements with friends and loved ones in real life. For an unmarried girl, such a dream foreshadows troubles on the love front, and married women should be advised not to get involved in meaningless conflicts with their spouse, so that matters do not come to a divorce. But for men, a quarrel with their significant other is a completely favorable sign. In reality, on the contrary, partners can become closer, and the relationship between them can become more trusting and sincere. If a woman dreams that men are quarreling among themselves, she should beware of the reality of her partner’s unreasonable jealousy. And a quarrel between women indicates that a person can become an object of gossip and gossip in reality. But quite auspicious sign can be considered a quarrel between children, which portends fun and good news.

A quarrel with a stranger can be a harbinger of upcoming changes at work. Perhaps a profitable cooperation or business offer awaits the sleeper. For creative people, such a dream may indicate that they will be inspired and will be able to create talented works of art.

A quarrel with a friend or loved one means that some losses and unpleasant events are coming in life. It is worth listening to this interpretation and being as careful and attentive as possible in all life spheres. If in a dream, in the heat of a quarrel, a person is kicked out of the house, this indicates the sleeper’s dissatisfaction with his family life, as well as existing problems with your soulmate, the solution of which will require a lot of effort. Under any circumstances, you dream of a quarrel with people - this is a sign of a certain nervous tension in real human life. Perhaps he has accumulated problems that are not easy to solve, and they prevent him from moving forward and peace of mind. In this case, you should definitely find a way to relax and get in shape, because otherwise new troubles cannot be avoided.

A dream in which close or strangers quarrel has far more than just negative interpretations. For example, positive value Such a dream can occur provided that a person gets pleasure from a quarrel in a dream. This suggests that the temporary tension of the sleeper has subsided a little in reality, and life circumstances have gradually begun to change for the better. In general, if a person often dreams that someone is quarreling around him or that various conflicts are breaking out, this may indicate a kind of split personality, when several “I”s of a person cannot find reconciliation among themselves. In this case, it is worth analyzing your life, interests, hobbies and plans, setting your priorities correctly. Only by doing what you like and receiving moral pleasure from it, you can find yourself in life and benefit people.

It is important and interesting that, along with multiple interpretations of what a quarrel with people means in a dream, some dream books interpret the meaning of such a dream in the opposite way to the circumstances of real life - that is, as a sign of reconciliation with those who participated in the quarrel.

That is why, even after seeing unpleasant dream, do not despair - perhaps in reality he has absolute opposite meaning. For example, a dream where a person quarrels can promise success in love, business, wealth and good luck, even despite obstacles.

Why do you dream of a person with whom you are in a quarrel?


Natalia Shulgina

no need, just dreamed it and forget it

Olga Voronova

Your resentment towards him does not let you go, although you have been married to someone else for a long time. The dream asks you to forgive him and then he will not come to you in your dreams. In addition, this person is also tormented for his actions. Wake up after another such dream and tell him, “I’m letting you go, go with God” and he will stop being in your dreams. Good luck.

Ushakova Tatyana

You keep him inside yourself and sometimes compare him with your husband, let him go from the subconscious and that’s it.

Friend to quarrel

Dream Interpretation Friend in a Quarrel dreamed of why you dream about a friend quarreling? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend quarreling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

If you quarrel with your wife (husband) in a dream, this means great love and a happy life. If a relative quarrels - to friendship and help from him. If you quarrel with enemies - to success. If an employee quarrels with a subordinate, this means a promotion in the service and high earnings. Quarrel with the deceased - to health and longevity. If a woman quarrels with her neighbor, the property is in order. If a woman quarrels with a beggar woman, it means the bankruptcy of her husband. If your friends quarrel, it means loss of help. If there is a fight on someone else's street, it means an invitation to a party. A merchant quarrels with a buyer - to losses in business. If you fight with the buyer - to wealth and prosperity. If a patient quarrels with doctors, it means a speedy recovery. Elderly quarrels with children - to a happy life and longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream where they quarrel without your participation predicts production troubles and disappointment in the profession. If you quarrel with someone, you will be burdened with financial troubles and troubles. A quarrel with relatives means good relations with them. Friend - to the loyalty and devotion of friends (sometimes to some kind of loss). A quarrel between lovers means treason. If a man dreams of a quarrel with a stranger, a flash of jealousy will soon follow in reality. If a woman quarrels with a woman in a dream, disturbing events await her. A quarrel with a stranger of the opposite sex - to ardent love.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream foreshadowing jealousy. If you dreamed of a quarrel between women, you will become the object of evil gossip. If in a dream you took part in a quarrel, this means that in reality your friends will show loyalty to you in difficult times. A quarrel between children portends fun, and a quarrel between husband and wife promises good news.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Quarrel - hearing a quarrel in a dream, quarreling - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Take part in a quarrel. Tip of the day: This is one of the few dreams that often literally comes true. To avoid a quarrel these days, leave everything as it is. Any showdown no earlier than in a week. See the quarrel from the outside. Tip of the day: You will encounter someone else's mistake. Don't fall victim to it

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Recognition from your colleagues and a new contract await you. If you quarrel with your loved one, it means that you have entered a new stage in your relationship. If you dream that you are quarreling with someone, this means that you will have benefits from cooperation with business partners. A quarrel with your loved one means that you will become even closer to each other and receive a gift from him.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

For good // fight, gossip, trouble, letter from the enemy; quarrel - make peace with the enemy, affection, tell good things, love // ​​court, quarrel, fight, annoyance; with a friend - losses; with a stranger - a new thing; hearing swearing is news.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

Quarrels in a dream promise misfortunes and fierce squabbles. For a girl, this is a signal of chronic troubles, and for a married woman, it is a harbinger of divorce or long-term discord in the family. Watching other people's quarrels in a dream foretells failure in your career and disappointment in your craft.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A quarrel seen in a dream promises trouble. If an unmarried girl or woman dreams of such a dream, it foreshadows her quarrels with her lover. For a married woman, such a dream promises divorce and discord.

Dream Interpretation - Quarrel, discord

Quarrels in a dream foreshadow misfortunes and deafening scandals. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a long period of continuous troubles; for a married woman, a divorce or long-term discord in the family. Watching other people's quarrels in a dream is a harbinger of failure at work, even to the point of disappointment in your profession.

I dream of a person with whom I am in a quarrel!


Lilac fairy

The more emotional the action during the day and your thoughts, and here the emotions are negative towards this person, the more likely it is that you will dream. Such dreams are not interpreted and do not have any influence, they are just a combination of situations projected by the human brain as a result of a comparison of certain events, information about which is gleaned from everyday activities; most often, combinations of problematic events or events that affect a person’s emotional balance are projected. Did you explain it clearly?

My Name

break it completely. even in a dream

Marya Isaeva

You haven’t let go of the situation, it still worries you, that’s why you dream. Even if you don’t seem to think about her, your subconscious still holds on to this quarrel. The nature of the dream means that you feel aggression towards this person, perhaps resentment, but you cannot express it openly. Most likely, the fact that you hit him in a dream means that in reality, that is, in the situation itself, he occupies a dominant position, and this irritates you. Perhaps this was the reason for the quarrel. P.S. Will you write if you have any questions? And am I at least a little right, otherwise it’s interesting)

Vanilla Tender

quarrels, swearing, conflicts

Nadezhda Lomaeva

if in a dream someone submits to you, then in real life you will boldly control your destiny and achieve the deep respect of the most different people. You will have many friends and varied life full of adventures and interesting events

Why dream of reconciliation with a person with whom you are in a quarrel in real time and really want to compare notes?


Rita Vladimirskaja

If at the end of the dream you are left together, make peace

Dota Two

6fuck, you dream what you want, what you think about, that’s all. You're fucked up...

Only yours..

Well, you want to make peace with this person, so you’re dreaming about it, but I also think that maybe you’ll find it soon mutual language with this person and establish a connection, but a lot will depend on you

Success Elena

In a dream, you made peace, as if you were united in souls. In a dream, everything is fine. There is conflict in life. If this person is dear to you, don’t waste time, connect in life.

Why do you dream about the person with whom you are in a quarrel?


Tatiana Maltseva

Make up soon... (Yo!))


You're just worried about a quarrel, so you had a dream

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your ex-boyfriend?



There are many meanings. First, analyze your feelings for this guy. Perhaps this dream means that there is tension between you, for example, you parted ways with mutual claims or grievances without fully clarifying everything. Also, a quarrel is a dream of a love meeting or good news. Quarreling with someone in a dream - in reality promises friendship and a strong social position. A quarrel between a man and a woman in a dream is a harbinger of an outburst of love. Quarrels in a dream foreshadow misfortunes and deafening scandals. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a long period of continuous troubles; for a married woman, a divorce or long-term discord in the family. A dream in which a young girl is involved in a quarrel with a guy is interpreted by the dream book as a very good sign. A dream in which there was a quarrel with a guy with whom the girl is in love suggests that the guy will soon confess his love to the girl. If a girl dreams of a quarrel with the young man she is dating, this means that the relationship will be long and unbreakable. All troubles will bypass the couple, and unfriendly people will not be able to ruin the relationship between lovers. After such a dream, you should take another look at the guy with whom you quarreled in the dream - perhaps he is exactly the person destined for you by fate.

Why do I dream that the person with whom we had a quarrel kissed me while I was crying?


Svetlana Semenova

You will be happy, but he will cheat on you

Maria Ivanova

You will learn about the love affairs of the person with whom you are in a quarrel and you will laugh at him.

Before turning to dream books, it wouldn’t hurt to remember exactly how the conflict took place: the plot, who your opponent was, did you fight with him? All these details are of great importance in accurate interpretation, so try not to miss any of them.

So, for example, in a dream arguing with a guy with whom you have an excellent relationship in real life means that an illness is hidden in your body or you have a lot of unresolved problems in other areas of life. If there is some kind of omission or misunderstanding between you, then most likely the plot of the dream is the missing part of your relationship at the moment.

Quarreling with your ex is a sign that your feelings for him have almost faded away, but resentment does not allow you to let go of the person from the past.

A dream in which you are arguing with your parents or your husband’s parents suggests that these people wish you only the best, but your pride and stubbornness does not allow you to listen to advice. Change or your character will work against you.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with a friend? Based on the interpretations, the prediction is not entirely reassuring. Perhaps this woman is secretly jealous of you and wants to compete with you. Each of your failures is a reason for joy for her.

If you dreamed of a conflict in a work team, which gradually became a squabble, this is a clear signal that you need rest. Apparently, one of your colleagues or superiors is annoying you with their nagging and dissatisfaction. A heavy workload and a lot of unresolved matters can also be the cause of moral tension, which is ultimately projected in this way. Try to go on vacation or at least take a couple of sick days.

Why do you dream about a loved one with whom you are in a quarrel in real life?

Above we looked at the interpretations regarding why you dream of a quarrel with your loved one. But how do you understand a dream in which your loved one was present and everything was wonderful, but in reality you have been in a quarrel for several days or months?

If you look at the explanations of dream books, then this dream It means that in the end you will eventually make peace with your loved one and all your grievances will be forgotten like a bad dream.

You can also rest assured that your chosen one is suffering from the fact that you are not together. The person clearly wants to improve the relationship, but does not know how to do it correctly, because he does not feel guilty. Perhaps this plot is a sign that you should take the first steps towards reconciliation.

As you can see, what dream books say about a quarrel is more of a warning nature. It’s up to you to decide what to do, so think about everything before taking any step. IN in this case– it all depends on your decision. Good luck and sweet dreams!
