Zup 3.0 one-time bonus no document. Payments during the inter-settlement period

There are a few good articles on the use of calculation types with arbitrary formulas in ZUP 2.5. In ZUP 3.0 this scheme has undergone some changes. This will be discussed in the publication.

This article will talk about how to set this up in ZUP 3.0. Tested on version

The organization uses several types of bonuses for employees of different departments. Some departments use one type of bonus, while others use another. There are employees who are awarded certain bonuses on an individual basis. Each of the bonuses has two indicators - the bonus percentage and the production coefficient. Indicator values ​​change periodically.

To implement such a scheme in ZUP 3.0, you need to do the following:

1. We hire an employee and assign him a salary.

2. Go to “Settings” - “Payroll calculation indicators” and create indicators there for calculating our bonuses.

3. Go to “Settings” - “Accruals” and create new types of calculation. Select “Calculate using formula” and include the necessary indicators in the formula.

Setting up the calculation base.

4. Now you need to make sure that these accruals are calculated automatically every month. To do this, we will use the document “Change of planned accruals” (“Salary” - “Change of employee pay”).

The document contains selection, auto-completion by department and the ability to add accrual to everyone at once, which is what is required in our case. In addition, here you can immediately set the values ​​of indicators, but only used constantly by employee.

To enter one-time indicators for employees And permanent by department and organization 1C suggests using another document - “Data for salary calculation” (“Salary” - “Data for salary calculation”). To use a document to enter your own indicators, you must first configure the appropriate templates ("Settings" - "Templates for entering initial data").

You can also specify the values ​​of indicators directly in the document

5. Well, in fact, the result is that our bonus was automatically included in “Payroll” and calculated. By clicking the "Show calculation details" button, you can admire the indicators used in the calculation.

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Accruing a premium in 1C ZUP is a standard operation provided for by the program. To calculate the bonus in 1C ZUP, you need to perform several simple steps, which we will consider in this article.

Employee bonuses are considered incentive payments (Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); organizations provide bonuses to their conscientious employees. Organizations have the right to independently develop various planning systems, indicators and conditions for paying bonuses, which they familiarize employees with - by signing orders, collective agreement etc.

Incentives for employees are included in the wage fund, and despite the fact that Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to set certain dates for the payment of wages; these requirements do not apply to bonuses. The company has the right to provide bonuses to employees within independently established terms, depending on the specific conditions for meeting bonus indicators, and an assessment of performance indicators has also been carried out, for example, for the reporting year (Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 02.14.2017 No. 14-1 / OOG-1293, dated 09.19. 2016 No14-1/В-889). The main thing is to establish the procedure for paying incentives in the bonus regulations, orders or collective (labor) agreements, i.e. employees must understand for the fulfillment of which specific indicators and achievement of the company’s performance results they will receive the incentive payments due.

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Do not forget that any payments in favor of employees, except for gifts of less than 4,000 rubles, are the basis for personal income tax (clause 1 of Article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). You must transfer the withheld personal income tax:

on the last day of the month for which the incentive was accrued, according to amounts within the framework of the labor relationship,

on the day of payment of incentives for income that, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are not part of remuneration.

This position of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation was determined by letter dated 04/04/2017 No. BS-4-11/6836@.

Regarding insurance premiums, it is safer to include all premiums in the base for calculating insurance premiums. This is due to the fact that before the termination of the law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, there is an ambiguous arbitrage practice, and the courts have not reached a uniform decision on this issue. At the same time, the regulatory authorities state unequivocally that bonus payments to employees are subject to insurance premiums (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2017 No.03-15-05/6368, dated 11/16/2016 No.03-04-12/67082 Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 02.09. 2013 No02.09.2013 No17-3/1450). The exception is bonuses paid at the time of dismissal to employees for any holidays (clause 1, clause 1, article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 20.1 of Law No. 125-FZ of July 24, 1998).

For the purposes of accounting for income tax, expenses for employee incentives are recognized (clause 4 of Article 272, clause 1 of clause 3 of Article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

with the accrual method - in the month of their accrual,

at the cash register - in the month of their payment.

If we consider incentive payments to resigned employees, then expenses on them can also be taken into account for income tax purposes, but subject to a number of conditions (clause 1 of article 252, clause 2 of article 255, clauses 1, 21, 22 Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2005 No. 03-0304/1/294):

reinforced by a local regulatory document,

conditioned by the fulfillment of certain production indicators,

documented and economically justified,

the source of payments is not net profit, target revenues.

Let's move on to the main question, how to calculate a bonus of 1 C ZUP. The tool for calculating incentive payments is located on the “Salary” tab, then select the “Bonuses” link

When you open the bookmark, all similar accrual documents appear

Then you need to select “Award Type”. The program predetermines 2 types, but in practice, if necessary, you can create additional types

The period for which the accrual occurs is determined

We select the period from 04/01/2018 to 06/30/2018 (2nd quarter), and then by clicking the “Selection” button, we will see only those employees who worked during this period

Setting the premium amount

This amount will be automatically assigned to each employee

If there are employees who need to change the amount of accruals, then the data is adjusted manually

After that, we visually check and check the document.

By clicking the “Print” button, you can generate orders for signature by the manager and for review by employees.

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And if you would like to check everything you read in practice, you can start filling out your settings, since we will no longer be interrupted.

So, if our organization will use a monthly bonus, we will activate the corresponding option and set the necessary settings. In my case, the bonus is calculated as a percentage of the current month’s earnings, but you can also charge bonuses in fixed amounts or use both types of accruals.

The quarterly bonus settings are initially similar to the monthly bonus settings. If we use it, check the box and select the calculation method, as in the previous example. I show that I will use a quarterly bonus with two types of accruals at once.

If we have indicated that we will pay a quarterly bonus, the next stage will be devoted to it detailed settings. The composition of calculations and documents in the program will depend on them.

My bonus will be accrued in certain months during the final salary calculation. This will occur in January, April, July and September.

The next stage is setting up the annual bonus. If we had not used the quarterly bonus, we would have gotten here right away, bypassing the previous step. The situation is exactly the same with the annual bonus. If we use it, its additional settings will appear at the next stage.

I will activate this feature in my database and will accrue annual bonuses in fixed amounts.

In my case, the annual bonus will be accrued during the final salary calculation as decided by management. And so everything here is similar to the quarterly bonus settings.

A one-time bonus can be accrued when calculating salaries or during the interpayment period. In the second case, which I selected in my database, employees will receive bonuses dedicated to certain dates. Such bonuses are paid regardless of the date of salary accrual and are fixed by appropriate orders.

We indicate whether we will use bonuses for harmfulness and length of service. I'll mark both. If you use a bonus for length of service, you can immediately configure the dependence of the percentage of the bonus on the employee’s length of service. To do this, click on the appropriate link.

In the window that opens, leave the basic settings as default. We only need to fill out a table with months of experience and percentage.

At my company, no allowances will apply to employees until they have worked for a year. After a year of work at the enterprise, the employee will receive a five percent bonus, and after thirty-six months (three years) - ten percent. More interest rate will not rise.

These settings will be automatically taken into account by the program, and it will itself apply the appropriate bonuses to employees when their length of service reaches the values ​​specified in this example.

Now you need to save the changes and close the window. To do this, you can click the “Save and Close” button with your mouse, but I strongly recommend mastering the hotkeys. They are identical in all 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations, and in the future their use will greatly increase your speed of working with the program and make it more comfortable.

To save changes and close the current window, just press Ctrl+Enter. This combination is used quite often and I highly recommend memorizing it.

The Ctrl+S combination saves the entry, but leaves the window open.

If you just want to exit without saving the settings, just press Esc and discard the changes.

But let's move on. At the next stage, you can specify other allowances as a percentage of the salary and a fixed amount. They are entered manually and used later by the program. In my examples I will use additional allowances, but I will add them to the program later, when they are directly needed.

Next comes the compensation payment settings. I will add compensation for the use of private cars. I add a new line to the list using hotkey Insert, although you can also use the button in the program interface.

I fill in the compensation I need, indicate that it is not subject to taxes and contributions, and establish the procedure for calculating it in a separate document. The cursor immediately jumps to a new line, offering to create a new compensation, but I remove it by pressing the Esc button.

Now let's set it up additional holidays. In my organization I will provide study holidays and additional leave for employees affected by the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

I will also add two of my own types of additional leave.

The first is for family reasons. He has no additional conditions. The second one will be given annually for harmful conditions labor and will be fourteen days. During these days, accruals for compensation and deductions will be automatically added.

If northern and regional coefficients were specified in the organization’s accounting policy, the program will also automatically create additional vacations provided for by law in such cases.

We will set up additional payments up to average earnings. The first additional payment is used to calculate the salary reduction. The additional payment for sick days and its percentage are also established here. I enable both features, leaving the sick day copayment percentage at the default.

Now we will indicate information about downtime and absences from work. I will not have downtime, but absences will be recorded. This includes absenteeism and other absences due to unclear circumstances.

I will also include the provision of unpaid vacations.

At the next stage, we will set up the provision of financial assistance to employees. The first paragraph provides for a one-time payment, which is carried out by a separate order. The second point is financial assistance for vacation. The size for it is set in the number of salaries. The default value is one salary. I'm happy with this setup.

Now we need to set up other payments. My organization will use additional payments for part-time and temporary performance of duties, as well as payment for the implementation of the plan, both as a coefficient and as a percentage of sales volume.

In addition, I will activate the possibility of using one-time charges. These are accruals for which there are no special documents in the “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.0” configuration. They are created manually using a separate document for one-time charges.

Initial program setup

When you first launch the 1C ZUP 8.3 program in the “Initial program setup” assistant, it is proposed to set the award settings separately for each type of award:

To set up premium calculation in 1C ZUP, you need to check the box for the required method.

Setting up a quarterly bonus:

Setting up an annual bonus:

Later, all the settings made can be checked and, if necessary, edited, in the list of types of accruals in the Settings section - then Accruals.

Setting up the accrual type Bonus

And if at initial setup the use of the bonus is not indicated or the bonus is considered in a different way, then it can also be included in the accruals. To enter an accrual for the type of bonus, you can specify Bonus in the Accrual Purpose field.

Let's consider filling out an accrual with the type of assignment Premium:

  • Name – name of the award for selecting the accrual in the documents;
  • Code – a unique accrual code, can be either numeric or text;
  • The Accrual is no longer used checkbox controls the visibility of the accrual in the list, since unused accruals are not reflected in the list:

Basic tab

  • The accrual is carried out - set the method from the proposed list.

This field regulates the type of bonus and affects the visibility of elements on the form:

  • Monthly – accrual is calculated monthly using the Payroll document, which can be scheduled;
  • According to a separate document - the bonus is accrued by the Bonus document and cannot be planned, is of a one-time nature, and is usually an inter-settlement bonus;
  • In the listed months - similar to the monthly one, only it becomes possible to specify the months by selecting them with checkboxes;
  • Only if the value of the indicator is entered - is calculated by the document Payroll only if the indicator is established by the document Data for salary calculation;
  • Only if the type of time tracking is entered - it is calculated using the Payroll document only if the type of time is specified. The type of time is set in accrual in one of the following ways:
  • – In the document Data for salary calculation;
  • – In the time sheet;
  • – In the employee’s work schedule.
  • Only if the time falls on holidays - it is calculated using the document Calculation of wages when working days fall according to the schedule or timesheet for holidays according to the production calendar.

Important! The last two options are rarely used for calculating bonuses in 1C ZUP 8.3, unless for a specific one, depending on these indicators.

  • The Include payroll checkbox is set to generate a planned payroll for employees; it can only be set for the set values ​​Monthly and In the listed months;
  • Supports several simultaneous accruals - allows you to enter several identical accruals using different documents;
  • Accrued when calculating the first half of the month - regulates the calculation of the premium in advance or only in final payment;
  • Calculation and indicators are selected from two options:
  • – The result is calculated – the formula is indicated below. If the formula contains the Calculation base indicator, then the list of charges included in it is filled in on the Calculation base tab;
  • – The result is entered as a fixed amount – when selected this option The premium amount is entered manually by the user.
  • Formula – to change or enter a formula, click on the Edit formula link;
  • Constant indicators - all constant indicators for this accrual are indicated, which will be entered by personnel orders when choosing this accrual.

This tab indicates the period of the calculation base and the list of charges included in the calculation base:

Dependencies and Priority tabs

Dependent accruals and deductions are indicated, and the priority of accruals is set.

Makes it possible to set the accrual accounting method for calculating average earnings:

Options for taking into account bonuses when calculating average earnings in 1C ZUP are discussed in our video lesson:

This tab contains data for accounting and taxes, insurance premiums and reflection of accruals in accounting:

Tab Description

On the Description tab you can briefly describe the accrual.

Let's take a closer look at creating a formula for calculating bonuses in 1C ZUP 8.3. As mentioned earlier, to work with the formula you need to follow the Edit formula link:

The new window is divided into 2 parts. Top part– the formula itself, the lower part – the indicators. The 1C ZUP 8.3 database already has several predefined indicators, but if you need to create another parameter, you must use the Create indicator command. You can transfer an indicator using the Add to formula command or by double-clicking on it.

When creating an indicator, it opens new form to configure it:

  • Name and short name – the name of the indicator in the database;
  • Identifier – a parameter that will be used later in the formula;
  • Purpose of the indicator - select for which objects the indicator is set: for an employee, a department or in general for the organization;

Indicator type – regulates the dependence of the indicator on other indicators, selected from the proposed list:

  • Monetary – enter the amount, which can be a tariff rate;
  • Numeric – entered as a number;
  • Numerical, depending on another indicator - an indicator that depends on the base indicator (selected from the same indicators) and for which its value will be determined according to the table described below;
  • Numerical, depending on length of service - the value of the indicator will be determined according to the relationship described in the table for the selected type of employee experience:

If monetary or numerical, then you can indicate the frequency of use of the indicator:

  • Constant – used as a constant indicator until canceled;
  • One-time document Entering data for salary calculation, for example, the percentage of a one-time bonus. The value is entered and valid for a month;
  • Individual values ​​are accumulated - the sum of the values ​​entered in the Data document for salary calculations, for example, for bonuses based on the amount of work performed;
  • Entered during calculation - indicated directly in the accrual document: Bonus or Payroll document. For this type of indicator, data is not entered in advance:

If it depends on another parameter - length of service or indicator, then it is necessary to indicate a table of dependence on the parameter.

Important! The last value is considered inclusive, the initial value is not included:

Entering bonus parameters in 1C ZUP 8.3

One-time bonus with a fixed amount or a fixed percentage

To issue a bonus with a fixed amount or a fixed percentage based on the value of an indicator, you must specify in the accrual settings that the accrual is performed “Only if the indicator value is entered” and specify the formula in the formula. For example, “Size of One-Time Premium” or Percentage of One-Time Premium / 100 * Calculated Base for a fixed bonus or percentage bonus, respectively:

The value of this parameter is entered in the Data for salary calculation document from the Salary section, depending on the type of bonus. First, for the document Data for salary calculation, you need to create an Initial Data Entry Template in the Settings – Initial Data Entry Template section.

Important! With this document you can enter data for all types of bonuses: one-time, quarterly and annual:

You must select employees in the document or fill them in with the command Fill in employees for the selected organization and a specific division, if the latter is configured for output in the Initial Data Entry Template.

For each employee, you must indicate the bonus amount or percentage, depending on the type of document that is selected when creating:

To set the amount/percentage for all employees in the document at once, you must use the Fill in indicators command:

Monthly bonus

To set up a monthly bonus in 1C ZUP 8.3, you must specify the use of accrual - monthly:

Bonus depending on the month of accrual

If the premium is calculated in certain months, for example, quarterly, annual or seasonal:

To do this, be sure to indicate in which months the bonus must be calculated and, depending on the indicators of the formula (one-time or permanent), enter documents Data for salary calculation, indicate in planning documents, or the value is already set in the calculation document itself.

Important! To calculate a quarterly or annual bonus in 1C ZUP 8.3, you must indicate in the accruals on the Base calculation tab the corresponding period for calculating the base, if the bonus formula uses the Calculation base indicator:

Entering constant indicators in planned accruals

To indicate a constant indicator (percentage or amount), depending on calculation formula bonuses, the indicator must be included in planned accruals. To do this, you must indicate the premium and its calculated indicator in the documents:

1. When hiring or transferring an employee to personnel documents– Hiring and Personnel transfer: in the Personnel section - Receptions, transfers, dismissals:

2. To enter bonus indicators for a certain period using the documents Assignment of planned accruals, Change of planned accruals in the section Salary - Change of employee pay:

3. To change on a permanent basis Change of remuneration in the section Salary - Change of employee remuneration:

4. As well as documents Transfer to another employer and Data for the start of operation for appropriate cases.

Calculation and accrual of bonuses in 1C ZUP 8.3

Bonuses at final settlement

The accrual of bonuses in 1C ZUP 8.3 is documented in the document Accrual of salaries and contributions from the Salary section.

To fill out the document, you need to fill out the header: organization and department, if the salary is accrued to a specific department, indicate the month the salary was calculated and use the Fill command. By doing of this action, the document will be filled out by all employees for whom there is an unaccrued wage. To add one or more specific employees, you can use the selection button.

The document displays all accruals, additional accruals, benefits, recalculations, as well as deductions, taxes and contributions at once. If all data on indicators have been entered for the bonus, it is automatically calculated and displayed in this document:
