The Serebryakov actor did not renounce Russian citizenship. Alexey Serebryakov explained for the first time why he adopted children

IN Lately Discussions of harsh and controversial statements made by stars about their country and society are not random episodes. Thus, the rating of Russophobe artists in February 2019 was headed by Alexey Serebryakov, who left the day before with a scandal.

In an interview with Yuri Dudu, the actor spoke about Russia and the character traits of his compatriots. Serebryakov believes that society in Russia is decaying, and the reason for this is the endless “dancing, singing with the stars,” and the “Let them talk” programs. National artist believes that we should watch more “normal smart programs”, for example, “Own Game”, “What? Where? When?" and “Smart guys and smart girls.”

If you move 30, 50, 70 kilometers from the capital, you can observe enough elements from the nineties. There is no knowledge, no ingenuity, no enterprise, no talk of dignity, but the national idea is arrogance, rudeness and strength.

Every person has the right to talk about the country, but if only words matched deeds! As an example of Russian arrogance and rudeness, Serebryakov cited a real-life incident: “Today I gave a bribe to a traffic cop.” Seeing the journalist’s puzzled look, the artist explained: “Maybe he has three, the devil knows.”

Alexey Serebryakov told Fedor Bondarchuk as part of the “Cinema in Detail” program that he was forced to live in Canada, but work in Russia: “I live in two countries, yes. My children are educated in Canada. If they make me an interesting offer in Russia, I fly here; no, I return to Toronto to my wife and children.”

Stars' reaction to Serebryakov's statement

Serebryakov's revelations caused a flurry of discussions in the press. A person who lives comfortably in Canada with funds received from Russians, including “elements” living at a distance of 30, 50, 70 kilometers from Moscow, with money that boors and ignoramuses brought to the cinema to see a picture with Serebryakov, has the courage to throw out Russophobic statements.

The immediate reaction to the actor’s statement in the cultural environment was not long in coming. It is not surprising that Serebryakov left Russia with a scandal, because only a few came to his defense. Most are sure that Alexey is not feeling well and his mind is clouded.

The famous singer Edita Piekha suggested that actor Serebryakov is not himself and he urgently needs to “see a doctor.”

Karen Shakhnazarov, a film director who heads the Mosfilm film concern, believes that Serebryakov’s statement is “ugly and dishonest.”

Alexander Zhuravlev, deputy State Duma(Rodina party) called for Serebryakov to be deprived of citizenship.

Vladimir Bortko, director, sympathized with Alexey. He noted that he shot Serebryakov in two films, and both were patriotic. There were no anti-Russian statements from him during that period.

The national idea in our country should be considered love for the motherland. Thanks to her, the Russian people steadfastly endured trials for centuries, being in a not so friendly environment. Alexey, by the way, is a good artist, but a good artist is not necessarily a smart person.

Andrei Konchalovsky joined Bortko’s sympathies regarding Serebryakov. Despite the fact that he had to live and work in the West for many years, Konchalovsky’s attitude towards the country and the people living in it has not changed.

Honestly, I have nothing but sympathy for Serebryakov. I want to believe that the artist will continue to work in Russia and live here, since hardly anyone in the West needs him.

Dmitry Pevtsov, who noted that he has not yet seen the interview with his colleague, but believes that the stupid hype around Serebryakov, who left Russia with a scandal, was deliberately created by people engaged in self-PR.

Representatives of the media turned to the actor for clarification, and Serebryakov explained that he spoke unambiguously about Russia, and if he needs to add something else, he will finish it off to Dudu.

Why did Serebryakov leave for Canada?

Today, many cultural figures live in two countries, but Serebryakov left Russia with a scandal. The actor explained that he cannot stand the psychology of Russians, which is why he is forced to live in another country.

Actor Alexey Serebryakov was awarded the title “People’s Artist of Russia” in 2010.

In 2012, the beloved artist left for Canada for permanent residence. He had many reasons for this, but Serebryakov made the final decision precisely in 2010, when he was awarded the title of “people's”.

I have long wanted to leave Russia, but the decisive events for me were the events of the summer of 2010, the year the center of the country was shrouded in terrible smog. The authorities should have evacuated at least the children, since the suspensions in the smog remain in the lungs forever. This is the disdainful attitude of the authorities towards people. This was the last straw.

Serebryakov about Putin

Along with the actor’s dissatisfaction with the presence of “elements of the 90s” in society, he speaks about the current government in a far from rosy manner. Alexei Serebryakov, People’s Artist of Russia, explained that what he doesn’t like about President Putin is “endless lies and theft.” You can find the full quote in the interview with actor Yuri Duda at the 58th minute.

According to Serebryakov, he and the president have different views on the world. “No matter how I speak out, it doesn’t change anything, it won’t remake him,” the artist explained.

I'm tired of the events happening in Russia. If you want, consider yourself to have escaped. Life isn't that long, I'm not going to wait for people to wise up. No one knows how long he has left, but it is important for me that children learn: there are many opportunities in the world and you can live differently. We believe that in the West they smile insincerely, but for me, a fake smile is better than outright anger.

After Serebryakov left Russia with a scandal, journalists compiled a list of actors who spoke harshly about our country and their compatriots, but, as a matter of course, received income in the domestic theater and cinema. Today, the unofficial list of Russophobes includes: Alexey Serebryakov, Anatoly Pashinin, Dmitry Dyuzhev and Konstantin Raikin, artistic director of Satyricon. Alexey Serebryakov commented on this matter: he called the list “stupid.”

Alexey Serebryakov told why he moved to Canada, how he now works with his children, what his children learned while living in Toronto, and when he plans to return to Russia.

Over the past five years, Alexey Serebryakov has starred in more than twenty domestic films: in “Leviathan” by Andrei Zvyagintsev, which received a prize at the Cannes Film Festival for best scenario; TV series "Method" “Farza”, “Doctor Richter”; the film of the young director “How Vitka Chesnok took Lekha Shtyr to the nursing home”; historical fantasy film "The Legend of Kolovrat". Alexey flies to film sets from Canada, where he moved with his wife Maria and children more than six years ago.

Alexey Serebryakov in the film "The Legend of Kolovrat"

Serebryakov spoke about life abroad in an interview with Yuri Dudu, where he once again, without mincing words, criticized the Russian mentality. And he received a portion of criticism in response - Internet users reacted negatively to the actor’s harsh statements.

Eminent persons also joined the indignation: Karen Shakhnazarov reproached Alexey that it was ugly and dishonest to scold a country where he earns a lot of money, and Alexander Pankratov-Cherny did not agree with Serebryakov’s words about the rudeness and arrogance of Russians.

Serebryakov’s idea of ​​moving became more acute in the summer of 2010, when people in Moscow were suffering from heat and smog - the actor admitted this publicly and a year later he brought his plan to life. The artist was immediately showered with reproaches and threats: “Come back, we will greet you with dignity.” But the opinion of those around him did not bother the actor - Alexey decided to emigrate for the sake of his family.

« I made my choice consciously. First of all, I want my family to live in peace. So that my children know: you don’t need to push elbows to live. I'm pretty tired of the rudeness and rudeness. All over the world it is normal to live where you feel better.", says the actor.

Serebryakov did not have a choice of country; he and his family moved to Canada, since his wife has citizenship of this country (under this condition, he does not have to pay for medical care for his daughter, sons and wife). For Serebryakov himself, the services remain paid. Recently, the actor was admitted to the hospital - he did not voice the reason, limiting himself to the short “I was saved” - and paid $9,000 for 5 days of treatment.

In Toronto, the family settled in a townhouse. Own house being away from people who could recognize the popular actor in Serebryakov, gave the withdrawn man peace of mind - no one approached him for a joint photo or autograph. In the north, where the Russian diaspora lives, Alexey appears quite rarely. " And even when I visit, she behaves quite delicately. Nobody, thank God, is showing off to me increased attention and no one runs to hug me", the artist shared.

Alexey's sons, Daniil and Stepan, study in a private school, which costs Serebryakov $24,000 a year. Children do not face bullying among classmates, because the chosen educational institution in Toronto - not an ordinary school, “where everyone goes, and everyone doesn’t study together.” Serebryakov also recalled kindly about his daughter’s former school: classroom teacher Daria did not speak Russian, but she communicated with Alexey - she wrote in English and used a computer translator.

According to Serebryakov, his children in Canada have learned to respond with a smile to the smile of passers-by on the street, to respect the rights of other people, have mastered English and are ready to learn more than one language. The father himself was able to devote more time to his family, which he previously lacked time for:
« I take care of children - this is something that I have not particularly succeeded in here. Business, problems, jumped up, ran, solve something, meet someone. There I am deprived of this fuss, I have enough free time, I can finally talk and play with them. How their day at school went, who they are friends with, who they like, who they are in love with - this suddenly became very important to me. Because I realized that otherwise I could lose them».

However, there are problems in the relationship between sons and father - this is due to adolescence. Serebryakov may even shout at the boys - last time the conflict happened because of smoking: Alexey himself suffers from bad habit, but doesn’t want Styopa and Danya to repeat his mistakes.

Serebryakov always talks about the heirs as if they were his own children, but the boys are adopted. Aleksey and Maria adopted Danila, two years old at the time, 13 years ago, and three-year-old Styopa a year later. In a few years, Serebryakov’s sons will enter universities in Canada or other countries, then the actor plans to return to Russia.

« This is not immigration, when people left for good 30-35 years ago. It's just an attempt to live in a different territory. I continue to work in Russia. Wherever I live, I remain a citizen of Russia", says Alexey Serebryakov.

The famous actor had a candid conversation with Yuri Dudem. Alexey Serebryakov revealed to the journalist the size of his income, explained why he moved to Canada, and also shared his dreams. The artist dotes on his loved ones and is ready to do anything for them.

People's Artist of Russia Alexey Serebryakov gave an interview to journalist Yuri Dudu. A recording of a conversation with the star appeared on the VDud YouTube channel. Within a matter of hours from the moment of publication, the video received over one million views and ended up on the “Trending” tab. Serebryakov told Dudya about his work, moving to Canada, the problems of Russian cinema and loved ones.

The famous artist has been living abroad since the beginning of 2012. According to the star, he did not refuse Russian citizenship. Alexey explained his decision to change his place of residence by caring for his children - Daria, Stepan and Danil. Serebryakov’s heirs go to a private school, which costs him $24,000 a year.

“I needed to give them the maximum a large number of competitive advantages. I don't know where they will live. Maybe Danya will marry a Brazilian, and Styopa will marry a Spanish woman. I know that they are open, free and fluent in English, and will probably learn more than one language. They are friendly, tolerant, tolerant, and respectful of others human dignity. At the same time, they are Russian boys,” said the artist.

Alexey Serebryakov has two adopted children. The artist and his wife, choreographer Maria, first adopted Daniil, who was then two years old, and then 3-year-old Stepan. The actor is extremely reluctant to talk about heirs and prefers to avoid this topic in interviews. For Yuri Dudya, Serebryakov made an exception.

“I’m terrified of when my children will leave me. Unfortunately, I have not found anything more important in my life than them and my wife Masha. I don't know any greater happiness than them. In any case, I don’t feel such happiness on the track in Cannes,” said the star. – I adopted Daniil 13 years ago, and Styopa – 12. This is a very personal story. The fact is that Masha and I failed twice with the children. And I love her so much that I didn’t arrange any more of these provocations. We realized that we could do this. Both Styopa and Danya are dear children to us.”

Serebryakov admitted that he knows practically nothing about the boys’ parents. "Very little. Only what is written on the card,” the actor noted. According to Serebryakov, during the adoption he and his wife did not encounter any great difficulties. “They mostly helped us. There is the Internet and a data bank,” said the actor. The artist regrets that he will no longer be able to adopt children due to the “Dima Yakovlev law” adopted in 2012. “Because my wife is a Canadian citizen,” Alexey explained.

While raising his children, Alexey periodically shows strictness. “Yes, I yell at them. This happens quite often, especially now, because they are in adolescence. I only do this at home. So, I recently raised my voice because of smoking. I’m trying to save them from the mistake I made,” the man shared.

After Serebryakov moved to Canada, he faced a barrage of criticism. Despite the move, the actor continues to work with Russian directors. Yuri Dud asked the actor if it was true that one day of filming costs 300-400 thousand rubles. “Yes, somewhere in this interval,” Serebryakov did not argue.

Deepest Desires famous actor connected with his close people.

“I dream of being proud of my children and dying on the same day as my wife,” the actor told Yuri Dudu.

IN last years An interesting pattern began to emerge - the greatest resonance in society is caused not by the new works of domestic artists and directors, but by their, to put it mildly, ambiguous statements on universal themes.

"Neither enterprise nor dignity is a national idea"

The hero of February 2018, of course, can be considered People's Artist of Russia Alexey Serebryakov, who in the interview Yuri Dudu expressed his opinion on the state of affairs in modern Russia and about national characteristics Russians.

“I think that if you drive 30, 50, 70 kilometers from Moscow, you will see many elements of the 90s. One way or another, until now neither knowledge, nor intelligence, nor enterprise, nor dignity are a prerogative, a national idea. The national idea is strength, arrogance and rudeness.” When asked by a journalist when the artist himself encountered this for the last time, Serebryakov said: “Yes, as a matter of fact, today. I gave a bribe to a traffic cop.” To the slightly stunned reporter, the actor explained: “I violated a little... I didn’t want to waste time, but he wanted this bribe so much... And I thought: “Maybe he has three children, the devil knows.”

Alexey Serebryakov's revelations could not go unnoticed. The reaction to them was appropriate.

“I have nothing but sympathy for Alyosha”

Director Vladimir Bortko in an interview with RT noted: “I filmed him in two films, both were extremely patriotic. He didn't say anything like that then. I don’t know what happened to him now. National idea Russia - to love your homeland. And this idea allowed us to survive for centuries, being, to put it mildly, in a not very favorable environment. Serebryakov is a good artist, by the way. But a good artist does not mean a smart person.”

Colleague Bortko Andron Konchalovsky, who lived and worked in the West for many years, commented on the RBC actor’s performance: “To be honest, I have nothing but sympathy for Alyosha. I hope that he will continue to act in Russia in order to live, because there (outside Russia - Ed.) hardly anyone needs him."

Serebryakov’s long-term friend and his partner in the series “Gangster Petersburg” Dmitry Pevtsov in an interview with REN-TV, he defended his colleague: “All the hype that arises, it seems to me, is stupid. Those who do this are engaged in self-PR.”

At the same time, Pevtsov admitted that he himself had not yet seen the interview.

Journalists also turned to Serebryakov himself for comment.

“I said everything I said. If I need to negotiate something, I will turn to Mr. Dudu and negotiate with him,” the artist answered REN-TV journalists.


The boy from "Eternal Call"

The acting career of Moscow native Alexei Serebryakov began early and almost by accident. The boy studied accordion at a music school and one day was photographed for a report about educational institution, which was published in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”. The photo caught the eye of the assistant directors Vladimir Krasnopolsky And Valeria Uskova, who was looking for exactly the type. This is how 13-year-old Alexei Serebryakov, who came from a family of a doctor and an aircraft engineer, ended up in one of the most successful multi-part film projects of the USSR - “Eternal Call”.

Alexey Serebryakov in the film “Eternal Call”. Photo: Still from the film

By the time he entered the acting school, Serebryakov already had a rich film biography. For example, he played the main role of Suvorov soldier Vladimir Kovalev in the film “Scarlet Epaulets”. “The film tells about the fate of the pupils Suvorov School, who worthily took the baton from their commanders during the Great Patriotic War, and about today Soviet army, character formation, nurturing the courage of young warriors,” is the description of the plot of this 1980 film.

From "Fan" to "Leviathan"

However, after graduating from GITIS in 1986, Serebryakov plunged headlong into perestroika cinema and the public recognized him in completely different images. This is a cruel guy named Pan and the films “Fun of the Young”, a karateka nicknamed “Kid” from the film “Fan”, Sergeant Arsenov from “Afghan Break”, where Serebryakov played with the famous Italian Michele Placido.

There were also completely unexpected roles - for example, a role in the erotic comedy “Nude with a Hat”, or the role of a vampire slayer in the film “Ghoul”.

In 2000, Serebryakov again became one of the most popular domestic actors. This happened after he played crime boss Oleg Zvantsev nicknamed “Lawyer” in the series “Gangster Petersburg”. Next major work, which caused a wide resonance was the main role in the 2004 TV series “Penal Battalion”. We can say that at this moment Serebryakov finally gained a reputation as a person who brilliantly plays controversial characters in controversial films.

Indeed, the actor starred in almost all major projects that caused fierce controversy in society. We have already talked about “Penal Battalion”, and there were also the roles of a moonshiner in the dark film “Cargo 200”, the role of Lebeda in the film “Once Upon a Time There Was a Woman” and, of course, the main role in “Leviathan” Alexey Zvyagintsev.

Alexey Serebryakov in the film "Leviathan". Photo: Still from the film

“We have an absolutely slave psychology”: how Alexey Serebryakov explained his departure to Canada to “Arguments and Facts”

In 2010, Alexey Serebryakov was deservedly awarded the title “People’s Artist of Russia”.

And in 2012, the artist and his family left Russia, moving to Canada.

This is how he explained his decision: “I moved my family to Canada. I want my children to grow up and be brought up in a fundamentally different, at least everyday ideology. I want them to understand that knowledge and hard work can be valued, that it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people. The street ideology of a civilized country is benevolence and tolerance - something that is so lacking in Russia. Unfortunately, here, no matter how much I protect and isolate them, you cannot protect them from rudeness and aggression. It's in the air. Ham has won."

At the same time, according to Serebryakov, the last straw for him was the terrible smog of 2010: “I have been thinking about this for a long time, but the last straw was the summer fires of 2010, when Central Russia was enveloped in a monstrous smog. And the point is not even the smog, but the fact that the authorities did not announce the need to evacuate at least children, since the suspensions that fill the smog are irreversibly deposited in the lungs. This absolutely disregardful attitude of those in power has filled my cup of patience.

And in general, I’m tired of what’s happening in Russia. You could say he ran away and couldn’t stand it. Life is short, and I can’t and don’t want to wait any longer for people to wise up. I don’t know how long I have left, but I want my children to learn: the world is big and you can live differently. Everyone talks about the artificiality of Western smiles, but for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger.”

At the same time, in the same interview, the actor discussed issues of state and society: “What kind of democracy can we talk about?! We have an absolutely slave mentality! And democracy is responsibility. At best, the people integrate someone into power. Like, we chose you - you are responsible for everything, solve our problems! Democracy is making a decision based on knowledge, a clear understanding between what and what you are choosing. But I personally don’t see today a general desire of people to educate themselves, develop, improve their skills, work and, in the end, bear responsibility - including for the country, for the government. And those who want are a drop in the ocean.”

If you look carefully, Serebryakov’s interview given to AiF six years ago is a real program document of the actor. And what was said then is not fundamentally different from what is said now.

Patriot on the screen: Alexey Serebryakov still makes money from “boorish behavior”

It would seem that everything is fair and worthy. The actor did not see eye to eye with the people, having gone to a place where life was arranged the way he liked.

There is one catch - Serebryakov left partially. He continues to work in Russia. Or rather, this is how a well-fed and prosperous life in Canada is achieved by an actor through participation in projects for people who, who knows when, will become wiser.

Here's 2015, for example. Serebryakov plays a maniac in the series “Method”, which airs on Channel One. In the same year, on the same channel, Serebryakov appears in the crime drama Fartsa. And in 2017, on the Rossiya channel, the artist played leading role in the series "Dr. Richter" - the official adaptation of the legendary "Dr. House".

But there is something more interesting. In 2016, Serebryakov, disappointed with Russia and its people, plays in the patriotic series “The Wall”, based on the historical adventure novel... by the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky. Serebryakov played a historical figure - a governor Mikhail Borisovich Shein, who led the defense of Smolensk during the Time of Troubles.

And in November 2017, another historical film was released on the screens of the country, which received great recognition. state support— “The Legend of Kolovrat.” The film was personally approved Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, after viewing the picture, stated: “From what I saw, it’s impressive, touches the soul, and it seems to me that people will watch with interest. And the idea itself is a good one.”

Still from the film

And who do you think appeared before the Russian audience in the image of the Grand Duke of Ryazan Yuri Igorevich, who fell in battle with the invaders? Of course, disappointed in Russian people Alexey Serebryakov.

“I am aware that I am not needed there”

Why this happens, the artist himself explained in the fall of 2012 in an interview with Izvestia: “I am well aware that I am not needed there, but I don’t think so. There will be an opportunity - why not. But wait for me to play Chekhov... This could still happen here, but it’s unlikely there. An image in a movie is not created in one day. Here Johnny Depp: any of his appearances on the screen means $100 million, which the audience brought in to watch him again. For an older Russian artist to make his name such a brand is something out of the realm of the impossible... If a job appears for which I want to come to my wife and children and say: guys, you know, but in the next two months I will be working in Moscow , then they will understand. And for me this will be a chance to do something for which neither I nor they will be ashamed, of which they may even be proud.”

Once upon a time, our ancestors formulated a wisdom that goes like this: “Don’t spit in the well, you’ll need to drink the water.”

In order to get drunk somewhere other than Russia, Alexey Serebryakov has obvious difficulties. Although not everything is so bad - the artist played the boss of the Russian mafia in the “cranberry”, but quite well-made Anglo-American TV series “McMafia”. And yet, the main source of a comfortable life in Canada is money earned in Russia. Money that Russians, including those living 30, 50, 70 or more kilometers from Moscow. The money of Russian taxpayers, which is then allocated for the creation of films and transferred to the artists.

The news is that Russian actor Alexey Serebryakov renounced Russian citizenship in favor of Canadian citizenship and has been making headlines in Ukrainian publications for several days now. Journalists also claim that the star of the film “Leviathan” has been traveling to his homeland for a long time. work visa. An interview with Alexey Serebryakov appeared on the website of one of the Ukrainian TV channels, where he allegedly criticizes the Russian mentality. “They often say in Russia that smiles in Western countries artificial. But for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger,” said the 50-year-old actor. . — Unfortunately, here, no matter how much I isolate my children, you cannot protect them from rudeness and aggression. It's in the air. Ham won“- journalists of the Ukrainian channel quote Serebryakov.

SUPER contacted Alexey Serebryakov and asked him to explain the current situation. The actor, who proudly represented Russia at this year's Cannes Film Festival, said that he did not renounce his citizenship.

“This is all untrue,” said Alexey Serebryakov. The star of the film “Leviathan” noted that this is a provocation of Ukrainian journalists who are using his past interviews for their own purposes now - during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. According to him, he expressed a similar opinion regarding his homeland three years ago. “This was said more than three years ago. Now my opinion remains with me, and I do not share it,” the actor concluded.

Let us remember that Serebryakov emigrated with his family to Canada more than two years ago. The reason for leaving, according to the movie star, was his position regarding the social situation in Russia. Despite this, the actor continues to take an active part in the development of Russian cinema. Alexey Serebryakov takes part in films that raise the patriotic spirit of the country. His latest work, the film Leviathan directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev, received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Alexey also admitted more than once that he misses his native land: “I am a man of this land, there’s no getting away from it. And it’s unlikely that there’s anything like it anywhere else.” By the way, now Alexey Serebryakov, who is raising two adopted sons, is filming in Moscow.
