Brokers you can trust. Who to trust in the binary options market

Cash lying idle depreciates in value. This is primarily visible in ruble savings. Simply keeping savings to yourself is unprofitable and dangerous. Money must make other money- there are special ones for this financial instruments. Shares are among the most effective and reliable ways to preserve and increase funds.

A correctly set goal is half the success.

Abraham Lincoln

A successful trader clearly understands his financial super goal for several years ahead and moves in its direction every day. There are many examples of “big” long-term goals - buying real estate by the sea, traveling to different countries several times a year, teach children in the best universities in the world, receive passive income to never work again, etc.

What having a goal will give you:

  • powerful motivation;
  • increased productivity;
  • control over the situation;
  • self confidence;
  • feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

But the goal must be really yours, and not imposed by loved ones, society, social stereotypes.


Step 2. Choose a broker

An important step for a trader is choosing the right broker.

Do not confuse the concepts of “broker” and “trader”

Broker - this is an intermediary financial institution, which connects the exchange and the players on it - traders. It has a license to carry out such activities and the necessary software and other functionality for trading assets.

Through an intermediary, traders buy and sell shares, deposit funds on the exchange and withdraw profits from it. The list of licensed stock brokers can be found on the Central Bank website.

When choosing, the following criteria are important:

  • the company's track record;
  • minimum entry threshold;
  • low commissions for depositing and withdrawing money from an account;
  • traders' reviews;
  • availability of the Quik program at the broker;
  • trading volume;
  • number of active clients.

All these criteria can be easily assessed by going to the Moscow Exchange website:

  1. List of the Top 25 largest operators of the Moscow Exchange by the number of active clients ( look at the link).
  2. List of the Top 25 largest operators of the Moscow Exchange by trading volume ( look at the link).

The relationship between an investor and a broker is completely official: you work on the basis of an agreement that you conclude in the company’s office or remotely. Before signing the agreement, be sure to read it and ask the consultant to clarify any points that give you doubts.

Modern traders work via the Internet - it is convenient, fast and safe. The broker opens an individual account for you in its own system and provides software.

The main tasks of a broker:

  1. Accounting for client finances and securities.
  2. Registration of a client on the exchange.
  3. Providing information on the progress of trading.
  4. Fulfilling client tasks - buying/selling shares.
  5. Transaction settlements – transfer of money into securities and vice versa.
  6. Reports on financial transactions.
  7. Issuance of certificates on taxes and transactions.

The broker has its own accounting system in which it opens an account for you. Remember that a broker is finance company which is engaged in commerce. The broker charges a certain percentage for his services. There is a risk of broker bankruptcy, and no insurance is provided for the accounts. But if you are not satisfied with a particular intermediary company, you have the right to change it to another at any time.

As a practitioner, I can recommend brokerage firms with an impeccable reputation - these are Finam, Sberbank, VTB And BKS. These are large, reliable companies with long term work on the stock exchange.

Question: what if I want to trade without a broker?

Alas, individuals are prohibited by law from purchasing securities directly on the stock exchange.

Step 3. Open a demo account

Trading with real money right away is risky: experienced traders recommend first practicing on a demo account. This is easy to do: go to Tradernet and open an account with one click. You have the same options available to real traders.

IN personal account go to section "Trade", select an exchange "Moscow"(if closed, then “New York”), then "Stock". Click on "10 Most Traded Stocks", choose, for example, 5 shares of Gazprom and the same number of shares of Lukoil and buy.

Other selection criteria are also available - for example, shares of the fastest growing companies. You can find growth stocks at:

Here are video instructions for opening demo accounts with different brokers:

Now you are the owner of shares - still virtual. Keep an eye on the price and sell when you see fit.

Once you are ready, move on to trading with real money.

But remember - trading in demo mode and real trading similar only technically. Transactions with real money require a more thoughtful and careful approach.

Step 4. Investment strategies and investment portfolio formation

There are three main investment strategies:

The choice depends not only on your character, but also on the value of your investment portfolio. There are hundreds of tempting offers on the stock exchange – not all of them are worth trusting. Many projects that are presented on the market as “fast growing companies” are ordinary financial pyramids. By investing money in them, you will simply be left with nothing and will not earn anything.

How to spot a financial pyramid:

  1. Offer returns above 3% monthly.
  2. On home page website you will definitely find the inscription: “Risk-free strategy” and “Insurance of your investments”.
  3. Low entry threshold - from 10$ .
  4. Daily withdrawal of profits.
  5. The legal address will not contain the company’s office number and its landline telephone number, as well as the manager’s details.

Checking the lifespan of a site on

The most important rule of financial literacy is diversification of investments.

Popularly it sounds like this: Don't put all your eggs in one basket, because if the basket falls, all the eggs will break.

The conclusion, I think, is clear.

Diversification looks like this:

Choose at least 3-4 projects and distribute your finances evenly. Even if one of the companies goes bankrupt, at the expense of others you will stay afloat.

I suggest you distribute your capital according to the risk levels of the investment instrument:

  • conservative - 40%;
  • moderate - 40%;
  • high-risk - 20%.

Remember, the higher the return on an investment instrument, the higher the risk of capital loss. This is a universal rule of investing - risks increase in proportion to the level of income.

An experienced investor knows that if there is no mention of investor risks on the website of even a large and well-known company, then it is better not to cooperate with such an organization. The more detailed the degree of risk is specified, the more reliable the partner.

Beginners have reasonable doubts if the site directly states: “there is a risk of losing 30% of your capital.” And if they do not have an experienced consultant, they will most likely leave such a resource in search of a more “reliable” partner, in their opinion. But the nuance is that fraudulent sites do not warn about any risks; on the contrary, they convince visitors of their complete absence.

Conclusion: investment risks are normal. If you want more reliable investments, take your money to the bank. But such an instrument will only cover inflation: bank deposits will not bring much income.

Step 5: Selecting Stocks

It is dangerous for beginners to invest money in shares of unknown companies, even if they promise extremely high profits. Choose the so-called "Blue Chips"- large corporations with a good reputation and a more or less predictable future.

The term "blue chips" comes from the industry gambling, where chips of the corresponding color have the maximum value. Investments in shares of such companies are almost always profitable or break-even over the long term (several years).

If their prices rise, second-tier securities also rise in value. Blue chips, like a signal lantern, direct the mood of the entire market in a certain direction.

Typical examples of such world-class companies are Coca-Cola, Apple, Gazprom, Sberbank, etc.

This is what the index of such shares looks like on the Moscow Exchange ( look at the link).

Another way to minimize risks is to purchase shares ETF funds. Such funds are portfolios of securities already formed by professionals. At the same time, ETF shares themselves are bought and sold on the exchange just like ordinary shares.

It is much easier to purchase such shares and work with them. Funds, as a rule, relieve investors of some of the tasks of servicing investments: the buyer does not need to rack his brains about which securities to buy and which to sell - the fund itself does this for them. The entry threshold for such instruments is much lower, and the risks are already distributed among the shares of the most profitable and promising companies.


Traded on the Moscow ExchangeETF-fundFXUS, which exactly repeats the indexS& P500 – a list of the 500 largest American companies. By investing in such a fund, you diversify your portfolio as much as possible and at the same time receive ready set securities with high profitability. Share price (at the time of writing) – total 3,180 rubles. The deposit is in dollars.

Step 6. Analyze the stock

Stocks need analysis that allows you to implement the main rule of trading: buy cheaper, sell more expensive .

There are two types of stock analysis: technical And fundamental.

1. Fundamental analysis is based on studying the work of the issuing company and its financial indicators. In other words, we evaluate the material and financial base from which the organization receives income, which directly affects the price of shares.

2. Technical analysis is the study of the behavior of other investors: we look for patterns in the movement of the chart, we track the factors that influence this.

It cannot be said that one type of analysis is better than another. Some investors use only fundamental analysis, others exclusively technical, and others combine techniques.

Eg, famous businessman Jim Rogers, who co-led the foundation with George Soros for 30 yearsTheQuantumFund, used only fundamental analysis in its work. The value of the fund's assets grew by an average of 30% per year.

To put it simply, the differences between these two types of analysis are: fundamental carried out in order to find out what exactly to buy, and technical - when to buy. The first type of analysis involves detailed study indicators of the enterprise - sales volumes, expenses, the size of loans and liabilities and other parameters.

Warren Buffett's World's Leading Investor Principle

“Do not invest money in or buy shares of those companies whose operating principles you do not personally understand and whose products you do not use.”

Technical analysis is a more traditional trading activity. Understanding how and why quotes change over specific periods of time is a complex science that requires practice.

Step 7. Buy shares

So, you know all the basic fundamentals of trading. It's time to buy shares.

How is this done technically? You will need special software that the broker will provide you with, or the Quik program, which is universal for many sites.

Which is better - broker software or Quik? Brokerage programs are convenient, but have some limitations. They are sufficient for the simplest operations, but more complex activities will require expanding technical capabilities. Additionally, if you have to move from one brokerage platform to another, there will inevitably be “lost in translation.”

Quik trading terminal view

The Quik terminal gives you access to all your accounts without any hassle. software. I advise you to use this particular resource - it is a kind of standard for professional work.

In addition, many brokers have special applications for mobile devices, which guarantee you access to exchanges and your account 24 hours a day, regardless of your location.

You already know exactly how to buy shares using a demo account. The operation itself is no different technically, except that this time the money will be real.

IIS - receive 52,000 rubles from the state

The state stimulates investment activity citizens and prepared a gift for all investors. This gift is called AND individual AND investment WITH even – IIS.

An individual investment account allows you to receive a tax deduction

This is a type of brokerage account, but with tax benefits. Such accounts have been in effect since January 2015.

Owners of this account are entitled to receive a tax deduction of up to 52 thousand rubles. This amount will either increase the existing yield or become a fixed investment income in itself.

How it works:

  1. You open an IIS with a broker. Not all sites offer this option, so check the list of offers in advance.
  2. Deposit up to 1 million rubles and buy securities with this money.
  3. Do not withdraw the invested money at least three years. At the same time, conducting transactions with securities is not prohibited.

Having fulfilled all three conditions, you become eligible for a tax deduction. As a rule, low-risk investments are chosen for IIS - for example, bonds and blue chip stocks.

U individual There can be only one IIS. There are two options for tax deductions:

  • Type A- return 13% from investments per year. Maximum 52,000 rubles .
  • Type B– income from securities is not subject to income tax. Beneficial for those who plan to study investment activities for a long time and get a high income.

Most investors prefer type A - you invest money, and after a year you have the right to legal 13% .

Be careful - some brokers, instead of a state IIS, may “slip” you a regular account with a similar name. So read the contract carefully. It’s better to cooperate with TOP brokers - they don’t engage in fraud, since their reputation is more valuable.

How to make money when stocks fall

What is good about the exchange? Because it provides a lot of tools for making money. It's surprising but experienced traders They make money not only on the rise in stock prices, but also on the fall.

There is a position for this called "short"- short sale of shares that the trader does not have as such. To make money on a decline, you first need to choose stocks that you think will fall in price in the near future. Then you need to "short" the stock - that is, make a naked sale.

The process is a kind of loan from a broker - you take shares from him for a while and then return them back, that is, buy them back.

If you buy back cheaper (that is, the shares actually fall in price, as you expected), you will make a profit.

Earnings on shares of Sberbank and Gazprom

Shares of Gazprom and Sberbank are blue chips of the Russian stock market. These securities have the maximum level of liquidity and are popular with both exchange newcomers and experienced traders. It is profitable to invest in such securities for long periods; in addition, they pay regular dividends to their shareholders.

One Gazprom share is worth at the time of writing 153 rubles, so they are sold in lots of 10 pieces. A little more ( 186 rubles) is worth a Sberbank share. Considering that the minimum entry threshold for brokers starts from 3-5 thousand rubles , you can buy 10-20 of these shares, or better yet, 100 of each position, and forget about them for a while. Within a year you will see how high the yield of securities is and then you will decide for yourself whether it is worth investing more serious amounts in shares.

Make the decision to buy shares yourself, based on analysis and market observations.

If you want to reduce risks to a minimum, buy shares of reliable ETFs.

ETF- a so-called mutual fund, its essence is that this instrument allows you to immediately invest in stocks and other securities by purchasing one instrument - ETF. Its analogue in Russia is called mutual fundP aeva AND investment F he's D.

Where to study online

Dear readers, you are greeted by the founders of the Papa Help portal, Eduard Stembolsky and Alexander Berezhnov.

Our resource experts strongly advise entering the stock exchange only after training. Almost 100% of those who try to understand the laws and principles of the stock exchange on their own lose their capital, becoming forever disillusioned with investments.

To prevent this from happening, you need to spend time learning. This will take several months of your time, but the result is worth it - you will enter the exchange prepared and immediately begin to act professionally.

We recommend proven and valid effective course from Fedor Sidorov, a person we know personally. We are confident in his professionalism, so we confidently recommend taking free training from him.

Fedor has been investing for more than 5 years. He is the founder of the School of Practical Investment. More than 47,000 participants. Fedor has students who themselves have become not only successful investors, but also teaching experts, and now they themselves teach his methodology to others.

Alexey Steshenko, the expert of this article, is also Fedor’s student.

Good afternoon, dear reader. We are pleased to welcome you to our resource dedicated to making money on the stock market, as well as the topics of trading, investing and other things on which people make big money.

The article you are reading now will be devoted to perhaps the most important, basic question - how to make money on the stock market by working with stocks, bonds and other securities. We will look at the most popular types of earnings, the best assets and the intricacies of working with them, practical techniques used by experienced stock market players, as well as many other details useful to a beginner.

So, the stock market, also known as the securities market, is a certain collection financial institutions and instruments with which people can purchase all types of securities (stocks, futures, bonds, options and others) and earn good money with them.

The stock market consists of stock exchanges - a kind of trading platforms, on which are placed financial assets available for purchase and investment. So, earnings on stock exchange and on the stock market - this is essentially the same thing.

More than one article on our resource has been written about how to make money using securities, and by surfing its pages you can find a lot of useful information. Now I want to present to your attention some summary, generalized instructions on how to make money on stocks and securities. And if any aspect requires a more thorough explanation for you, along the course of the story there will be links to material where all the issues mentioned here are described in detail. And by going there, you can get the most full information. Agreed? Then let's begin.

Stock market - earnings

There are two classic version working with the stock market. The first is investing in securities, and the second is trading and speculation in them. Each option is good in its own way and has hundreds of millions of fans around the world. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Securities trading is carried out according to the following scheme. You buy the assets of a company, organization, etc. on the stock exchange, and you don’t just buy them at random, but after conducting a preliminary analysis. Which should show how profitable it will be to purchase a certain asset in this moment and what benefits it promises you.

Having purchased a package of securities and, in fact, becoming a shareholder, you begin to wait until the market value of the shares in your hands begins to rise.

By the way, the share price is an extremely dynamic thing. Assets change in price literally every minute and you can make a profit from every change in their price.

If, or rather, when such a moment comes, you go to the same stock exchange where you bought securities at one time and sell them to another player, only at a different price, which may differ significantly from the purchase price. The difference between the prices will be your profit.

Income is not limited by anything other than your ambitions, financial literacy and instinct.

A more conservative option. Investing, at its core, involves purchasing an asset in order to receive profit from it in the form of dividends.

What are dividends? This is part of the income of the company in which you invested. For example, if the company's profit is $10 million (which is basically nothing for the stock market and large companies), your income as an investor will be $100,000 for each percent of the shares you own.

Moreover, the income of large companies is measured not in millions, but in billions of dollars. Of course, ordinary investors rarely own even one percent of the shares of large companies, but being the owner of even 0.001% of the shares of a transnational company with billions in revenues can make a very, very decent income.

Both options cannot be called autonomous; they freely transform into each other. Thus, a trader, in anticipation of an increase in the price of his assets, receives dividends from them. And the investor can, if necessary, sell his securities, making money on their increased value.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is better, as they say - to each his own. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail and evaluate all the pros and cons in the article “”.

What do you need to work in the stock market?

Firstly– a stock exchange on which assets are listed. There are exchanges in almost every country. The largest exchange in Russia is the Moscow Exchange (MICEX). You can read about it. Making money on the Internet on the MICEX is quite popular among citizens of our country.

Secondly– a stock broker who will provide you with access to the stock exchange. This is, for example, the company RoboForex.

Third– starting capital required for the initial purchase of assets. Its size, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be huge. A couple of hundred dollars is enough for a novice investor.

In my opinion, this list doesn't contain anything that could cause problems, does it?

Earning money on the stock market - reviews

Having wandered through thematic resources and read what they write on them, you can find a lot of both laudatory and negative reviews towards the stock market.

What can be said about this: if working with securities were so unprofitable, unpromising and generally useless, would this industry develop at such a frantic pace as it is now? Would investors around the world be investing hundreds of millions every day in various assets and profiting from them? Hardly.

And the one who answers the question “How to make money on the stock exchange” is no way, it’s impossible, you can’t even call him a competent person. Let him go and say this to those who have made a fortune on the stock market (and there are many of them), and simply wealthy people who invest everything, some more, some less.

That, in principle, is all that concerns the basic aspects of working with the stock market. But not all that concerns its subtleties and practical techniques. You can read about all this, about trading, investing, exchanges, brokers and more on our website in specialized sections. I assure you, you will find a lot of useful things. So, I'm not saying goodbye.

Best regards, Alexander Ivanov

As you know, people have been making money on stocks for many years, and this has still not lost its relevance. Can stock trading really become a source of permanent income or is it just a good marketing ploy by brokerage companies? You can find the answer to these questions in this article.

Profitable investments

In order to learn how to make money on stocks, you need to understand the principles of the functioning of the financial market. The fact is that all mechanisms of price movement are closely intertwined and a change in one link entails an inevitable reaction from another. The stock trading system is based on investments, with the goal of profitable investment of funds with their subsequent sale. It is one of the most profitable and effective in the whole world.

But profitable trading shares can only be owned when the investor knows all the intricacies of market movements. He must daily enrich his knowledge base and develop his own trading strategy.

In order to choose stocks correctly, it is necessary to use fundamental and technical analysis. If you use these analyzes correctly, you can see where it is better to invest, and where you should wait.

Stock market

The entire trading process takes place in the stock market. Is it possible for a beginner to get there, and how to make money on stocks in such an unfamiliar and unusual place? The answer is simple - you need to choose a reliable broker who will provide a demo account for training. Having learned to trade in real time, but only on a demo account, you can move on to working with a real deposit.

The stock market operates according to its own rules and laws. It is very difficult to work there even for professional investors, not to mention novice traders. Therefore, you should not trade without being confident in your abilities.

How to choose the right tools

The most common mistake many novice players make when thinking about how to make money in stocks is buying the most expensive stocks. They may rise sharply in price due to external influences. economic factors, but this does not mean that these stocks are the most reliable. Today the market has turned in their direction, but tomorrow the price will be significantly lower, and the investor will lose his invested funds.

Sometimes it is better to buy cheaper stocks, but only if the trader sees potential growth in the companies that issued them.

If the investor's goal is to invest in stocks to receive passive income, then you need to choose securities with dividend payments. Thus, the owner of shares can receive annual passive income in the form of interest payments.

How to make money on stocks

Let's say that a beginner player has opened his account, completed training and is ready to work in the stock market, but does not yet know how to make money on shares in the real stock market. The next step is to select the stocks to buy. As soon as the price goes up, you can sell securities or wait for further growth. The difference between buying and selling will be the profit.

Some experienced investors advise creating your own portfolio of securities that will help you really make money in the financial market. Only for successful trading you need to draw it up correctly. This can be done either independently or by contacting special companies.

How much can you earn

In practice, there are several ways to purchase securities. Depending on the chosen trading option, the profit received will be added up.

In real trading, when company shares are purchased, the amount of profit will depend on two components:


Increase in the value of securities.

Real trading is less risky, but also less profitable.

In speculative trading, it is not the shares themselves that are purchased, but the obligations to transfer them. IN in this case the potential profit increases significantly. This happens due to the leverage provided by the brokerage company. If the leverage is 1:100 and the deposit amount is $100, then a deal can be opened for an amount that is one hundred times greater than your own funds.

This type of financial trading in securities is highly risky, but it can bring profits many times more and faster than with real trading.

So how much can you earn from stocks? In general, statistics show that a fairly experienced investor in the stock market can easily earn about 40-60% per annum. Of course, these are not enormous amounts, but significantly more than deposit interest in banks.

There is no need to treat securities trading like roulette. This is a very serious and responsible job that requires constant monitoring of the situation on the global market. When studying the news, you need to analyze the situation and only then start trading.

In order to work in the stock market with cold calculations and a clear head, you should open a deposit only for the amount that you are ready to lose. You should not get into debts and loans, otherwise everything can end very badly.

You should also not treat the stock market as a securities supermarket, buying all the shares there in a row. Professionals advise studying in advance the shares of those companies that you plan to purchase, and only then buying. Only knowing how to make money from stocks can you make this your main profession.

The main criterion for successful trading and, as a result, obtaining stable profits is the investor’s discipline. This is why novice players, succumbing to their first successes, lose their composure and their entire deposit.

Having asked the question whether it is possible to make money on shares, an investor will receive an affirmative answer, but only with a competent approach.

Hello, friends!

One of the most popular and accessible investment instruments is shares. Long gone are the days when moneybags with gold bars in their pockets became their owners. Today, even a person with a small amount in his wallet can become a shareholder. And if your dream is “to own factories, newspapers and ships,” then you simply must know what stocks are and how they make money.

I will give the official definition from the law on the securities market.

A share is an issue-grade security that secures the rights of its owner (shareholder) to receive profit. joint stock company in the form of dividends, for participation in the management of the joint-stock company and for part of the property remaining after its liquidation. A share is a registered security.

Let's explain it in simple words, for dummies. A security does not mean that you will buy a security in the literal sense of the word. With development information technologies your ownership of shares is recorded on electronic media in special registers and databases.

An enterprise that wants to raise additional money for its development can issue shares. Their total cost does not exceed the authorized capital of the organization. For example, if the capital of the ABVGD joint stock company is 10 million rubles, and the value of the share is determined at 1 thousand rubles, then no more than 10 thousand shares will appear on the market.

In an economic sense, a share is a confirmation of how much money is in the authorized capital of a joint-stock company.

By purchasing one of them or the whole package, you become the owner of part of the company and have certain rights:

  • to receive profit in the form of dividends,
  • participation in management,
  • receiving part of the income from property in the event of its sale as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise.

The main goal of most investors and stock buyers is to make a profit. Few people are interested in owning a share of an enterprise whose securities are not in demand on the stock market, their quotes are declining, and dividends are not paid. In case of bankruptcy, even from the sale of property you may not get anything.

The definition contains another unfamiliar word “emission”. An issue is a release into circulation. Therefore, emission means that securities are put into circulation, where they are freely sold and bought.


The fullness of certain rights depends on what types of shares you purchase. We will consider them further.

In Russia there may be shares:

1. Ordinary. Owners have the right:

  • according to the results financial year receive dividends;
  • participate in voting at a meeting of shareholders and thereby influence decision-making (one share – one vote);
  • upon liquidation of the enterprise, receive part of its property.

The meeting of shareholders makes all important decisions on the management of the enterprise, its liquidation or reorganization, and the payment of dividends. The fact is that net profit may not be used to pay shareholders, but may remain for the development of the joint-stock company. Therefore, owning a common share does not guarantee a profit at the end of the year.

The source of dividends for owners of ordinary securities is only net profit. If it is not there, there are no payments. If it is, there may still be no payments. The meeting of shareholders decides everything, including approving the amount of money paid to shareholders.

2. Privileged.

Owners of such securities are deprived of votes at shareholders' meetings, but have a primary right to receive dividends. And payments are made not only from net profit, but also from other sources. And when the enterprise is liquidated, they also first of all compensate for their losses from the proceeds from the sale of property.

A lot depends on the number of shares. For example, a block of 50% + 1 is considered controlling. Its owner can have a significant influence on the decisions made. A package of 75% + 1 establishes unlimited rights to manage the company.


There are several types of cost:

  • nominal is the value that is calculated when forming the authorized capital, i.e. the ratio of capital to the number of issued shares. She previously signed up for front side securities are now entered into the register. The par value of all ordinary shares in the company is the same;
  • issue price is the price at which securities are issued on the stock market and purchased by the first shareholders. It may be equal to or greater than the face value. In the latter case, share premium is generated;
  • market - value that is formed under the influence of supply and demand in the market. It is primarily of interest to investors, because it is precisely market price We buy and sell securities. On the stock exchange, the market value is called the rate or quote;
  • book value – value, which is calculated as a ratio net assets enterprise to the number of issued shares.

Factors that influence quotes:

  • economic and financial policy states;
  • the state of the country’s economy in general and a specific industry in particular;
  • fluctuations in exchange rates;
  • international and domestic competition;
  • factors that do not depend on the actions of the enterprise and the government, for example, sanctions;
  • the level and pace of development of the enterprise, for example, the development and launch of new products, large-scale modernization.

Subjective factors also have a great influence. For example, rumors about a new global crisis or information from reliable sources regarding forecasts for the development of certain enterprises. The decline in the value of Boeing shares was affected by a series of accidents with the company's aircraft.

This is why investing in stocks is a risky operation for non-investment professionals. Beginners can easily make a lot of money, but it is also easy to lose everything. The exception is the so-called investment exchange-traded funds (ETFs). At the end of the article, I will briefly discuss what it is and why it is an ideal tool for beginners.

How to make money on stocks

To acquire a stake in a company, you need to buy its shares. They are traded on the stock market. But access there is only possible professional companies who have a brokerage license and accreditation on the exchange.

To become a trading participant, you must open a brokerage account with any accredited broker. When independently selecting investment instruments:

  • you give an order over the phone to buy or sell them;
  • you work on special platforms to which the broker will give you access and give orders from it;
  • In your personal account on your smartphone or computer, you interact with the exchange through a broker.

The broker charges commissions on each transaction, so when choosing a company, pay attention to the rates. If you don’t want to engage in trading at all, then consider ready-made investment solutions that are developed by specialists at a brokerage firm. In this case, commissions will be higher because you are paying for the intellectual work of professionals.

How you can make money on stocks:

  1. Receive dividends. This is not always possible and often not in the amount you expect.
  2. Sell ​​securities correctly. This means that you must sell them for more than you paid for them. Sometimes even professional investors make mistakes in their forecasts. Beginners should definitely not engage in independent trading on the stock exchange. But there is an option that is almost impossible to lose. I'm talking about investment exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Benefits of ETFs

An ETF is a kind of basket in which securities of several dozen companies are stored at once. For example, there are ETFs for US companies or Russian blue chips, ETFs for China, ETFs for the IT technology market, etc.

An investment company buys blocks of shares worth several million dollars or euros, forms them into ETFs and sells shares of such an exchange-traded fund to ordinary investors. By buying them, you get a share of all the companies that are included in this ETF.

Why I say buying ETFs is the perfect tool for beginners:

  1. The cost of one ETF share is insignificant (some are about 500 rubles, some are more expensive). In any case, the affordability is significantly higher than if you bought corporate securities yourself.
  2. Management fees are low because the ETF often follows a stock index and does not require much analytical work from specialists.
  3. You can buy from 1 piece, which cannot be said about buying shares of a specific company. Often they are sold only in packages, for which there is simply not enough money.

And do not forget that to independently purchase securities of several enterprises at once you will need a lot of capital. Not all beginning investors have it. There is no point in focusing on any one company. You can lose everything. The portfolio must be differentiated, i.e. distributed between instruments with different levels risk.

With an ETF, the risk of loss of income is minimized because you are buying shares of several dozen companies at a time. One of them sinks, the other rises, and on average your profitability increases. It's hard to imagine a situation where all the companies in your ETF collapse at once.

There are currently 15 ETFs listed on the Moscow Stock Exchange. Compared to foreign exchanges, the choice is small. But recently this was not the case. You can invest in the markets of the USA, China, Germany and even Kazakhstan, buy a gold or IT technology fund.

The difference between a stock and a bond

Sometimes new investors don't understand the difference between stocks and bonds. Both instruments are securities, but there are significant differences:

  1. Bonds are issued government agencies and private companies. In the first case, they most often try to cover the budget deficit, in the second, they try to attract additional funds for development.
  2. By buying bonds, you become a creditor of the state or enterprise, lending it money. They have a fixed expiration date and a fee (coupon income) that the issuer agrees to pay for using your funds. Not all bonds have a coupon.
  3. Unlike shares, you do not receive dividends and have no say in how the company is run. But you guarantee yourself the receipt of a coupon income (usually 2 times a year), the amount of which is fixed upon purchase.
  4. Bonds are considered a conservative and low-risk instrument because there is a risk of default. The state and the enterprise will do everything possible to prevent this.

Financial advisors advise that you must have bonds in your investment portfolio equal to the number of years you will live. For example, if you are 30 years old, then the share of bonds should be at least 30%.


Our country has not yet come a long way in the market economy for us to take full advantage of all investment opportunities. But every year there are more and more of them. Even if you can invest no more than 5,000 rubles per month, do it. Discipline and constant training will do the trick. You will be able to create your own capital, and its size depends only on you.

IN Lately Many people think about how to make money in stocks. They see this way of attracting additional income as the most profitable and enriching. But in order for these equity securities to generate significant income, you need to be well aware of the principles of operation financial market. This is due to the fact that the elements of the entire price system are interconnected. If a change occurs in one sector, it will inevitably affect other sectors.

How to trade stocks

The principle of stock trading is based on constant investment, the goal of which is to make a profitable investment of funds and subsequently make a profit from sales. The work of an investor involves a continuous process of obtaining and updating knowledge in the field of interaction with equity securities. There is also a place for creativity and creativity: the ability to develop your own original strategy applicable to trading plays a big role.

Fundamental and technical analysis will help you choose the right stocks. These types of analyzes help put money where the investment will be most profitable.

Securities are traded on the stock market. You can purchase shares:

  • For large companies;
  • In developing enterprises;
  • From specialized authorized companies.

For those who have just entered the securities market and have no idea how to work with stocks, there is the opportunity to hire a sales representative who is a professional in his field - a broker. When choosing an intermediary, the following factors must be considered:

  • Broker reputation;
  • Number of previous transactions;
  • The result of these agreements.

Also, do not forget that intermediaries take a set percentage of the profit received for their work.

What will the broker do? He will provide a demo version of the account for learning to trade online. After a beginner becomes familiar with the intricacies of the securities market, you can begin working with a real deposit. But if the investor does not want to spend his time studying the basics of the functioning of the market, the company can take over trust management of capital. This is quite convenient, because the conditions are set by the investor himself. The best brokers today are:

  1. Just2Trade;
  2. Rstocks;
  3. EXANTE.

Since the stock market is a complex system with its own rules and laws, which are sometimes difficult to understand even for professionals, working on it is only suitable for those who are confident in their abilities and are ready to overcome difficulties.

How to start investing in company shares

To purchase shares, you must have initial capital. The amount a trader wants to purchase securities for determines how much money is needed for trading.

Let's assume that a novice trader has opened a demo account, completed training and is ready to start working on the real stock market, but does not yet know how to work with stocks. In this case, the next step will be to select the most suitable securities for purchase (this can be done independently, or by turning to brokers for help). At the moment when they rise in price, you can immediately sell equity securities, but you can also save shares in anticipation of further growth in the value of assets. The trader's profit will be equal to the difference between buying and selling.

Experienced investors advise creating portfolio securities like effective way real earnings money. Successful trading directly depends on the literacy of its composition.

Trading shares on the stock exchange without investments: broker bonuses

It is also possible to benefit from stocks without investing. Brokers are well aware that not everyone has sufficient funds to invest.

Many brokers, providing their own platforms for work, offer newcomers cash bonuses for completing registration.

Where to invest this money is up to the client himself. You can withdraw bonuses only after making a fixed number of transactions. If you skillfully take advantage of such an offer, you can not only keep your money, but also make a significant profit, which is withdrawn along with bonus accruals.

What stocks to buy to make money

Many novice traders believe that the most the right way making money on stocks is buying the most expensive ones. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. The reliability of shares is not expressed in their price, because a rise in price can be either a consequence of objective reasons or the result of external economic factors. With the same probability, tomorrow their price may fall sharply, and the investor will be left without profit (if he does not suffer losses). From time to time, buying cheaper shares may be more profitable, provided that the investor anticipates the further development and growth of the company that issued the securities.

How to choose stocks for investment: company analysis

For a trader whose goal is to invest in stocks and receive passive income, best choice will become shares with dividend payments. Thus, the shareholder is provided with annual passive income, expressed in interest payments.

Another common misconception is the opinion that the size of the company affects the amount of risk with an inverse relationship (the larger the company, the lower the risk of losses and vice versa).

Although large companies have high annual growth rates and have a reputation, all this may become useless if the company stops its development. Those significant amounts that were spent on purchasing shares from these entities market economy, in this case they may not pay off.

The advantage of small businesses is that their shares are initially inexpensive. If you correctly analyze the possibility of further development of such a company, you can extract good profit when the company reaches a new level.

Risks when buying shares on the stock exchange

It is important to correctly assess the associated risks when purchasing shares. There are several ways how this can be done:

  • Seek help from experienced experts;
  • Analyze the situation yourself;
  • Rely on intuition, which for most is a last resort;
  • Follow economic news.

Typically, the highest profits are made by those investors who focus on such an aspect as liquidity (the ability to sell existing assets as quickly as possible at a price close to the market).

But the question is much more significant - ways to reduce possible risks to a minimum. It is not always possible to avoid losses, but it is quite often possible to minimize them. Recommended:

  1. Reduce costs by competently compiling an investment portfolio;
  2. Initially, try several trading options and choose the most suitable one for you;
  3. If your account decreases by 5%, it is better to stop trading before the end of the current month - this will help you avoid going bankrupt;
  4. Buy securities so that the risk during agreements does not exceed 2% of the capital, since it is difficult to lose 50 times in a row even with complete bad luck;
  5. Use stop orders.

Compiling an investment portfolio of shares: what are the benefits?

Since the phrase “stock portfolio” has already been mentioned several times in the article, it is fair to say a few words about it. Before you begin to generate income from the sale of shares, you need to be aware that shares belong to portfolio assets.

The so-called “portfolio” reduces the risk of losses to a minimum, makes profits stable and ensures reliability when investing capital. It represents securities collected together, issued by different companies. It is desirable that companies belong to different industries.

Thus, by replenishing the portfolio with new shares, we make investments more reliable, because a decrease in the price of shares of one company is necessarily compensated by the price of securities of other companies.

How to make money on stocks via the Internet

IN modern world It is possible to manage securities on the Internet.

The profit received depends on which method of purchasing shares the trader chooses. Let's consider the main ones:

Real trading:

  • Company shares are purchased;
  • The amount of earnings depends on dividends and share price growth.

Speculative trading:

  • It is not securities that are purchased, but obligations to transfer them;
  • Profit depends on the leverage provided brokerage company(if the agreed size is 1:100, and the deposit amount is $100, then the transaction can be opened for an amount that exceeds your own cash a hundred times).

Real trading is less risky, but the profit from it is much less, while in the case of speculative trading, the size of the expected profit can increase significantly. Accordingly, the risk associated with loss of funds is also quite high with this method.

According to statistics, a successful investor can make a profit in the form of 40-60% per annum.

At first glance, the amounts look disappointing, but after comparing them with deposits, it becomes clear that earnings on stocks are much higher.

In order for trading to become profitable, we recommend adhering to the following tips, the usefulness of which has been appreciated by many novice traders:

  1. Don't treat stock trading as a game of chance;
  2. Before starting trading, it is necessary to analyze the current situation on the stock market;
  3. Open a deposit in an amount within the limits to which the trader is willing to tolerate losses;
  4. Do without loans and credits, they are the ones that can cause a lot of difficulties in the future;
  5. Carefully study the shares that you plan to purchase, and do not buy all securities indiscriminately;
  6. Develop a sense of responsibility and discipline yourself.

Who can start trading shares

Both individuals and legal companies work on the exchange, namely:

  • Investment funds:

Their headquarters includes professionals in their field: analysts, traders, etc. The efficiency of their work is much higher compared to the activities of a single investor, but a novice trader should strive to organize his work in the same way as large companies do;

  • Individuals – private investors:

Often they are former employees investment funds or brokerage houses, in which they do not feel adequate freedom of action. Such people have enough experience to earn a decent income on their own;

  • Self-taught traders:

This category includes people who have managed to accumulate a certain capital and are interested in increasing it. Unfortunately, most of them lose all their money on the stock exchange because they are unable to objectively admit their mistakes and learn from them.
