Railwayman's Day: when it is celebrated, history and traditions of the holiday, congratulations. When is Railway Troops Day: history, congratulations and interesting facts

Railway Troops Day Russian Federation celebrated every year on August 6th. It was first established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1040 of July 19, 1996. Currently established by Decree No. 549 of July 18, 2006, Decree No. 1040 has become invalid.

It is dedicated to the day of formation of special military formations for the protection and operation of the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway.

On August 6, 1851, Emperor Nicholas I issued the “highest approval” of the “Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg - Moscow Railway.”

According to the “Regulations,” 14 separate military workers, two conductor and “telegraph” companies with a total number of 4,340 people were formed, which marked the beginning of the formation of the first military railway units. They were ordered to maintain the railway track in good condition, ensure uninterrupted operation stations for guarding bridges and railway crossings.

Beginning with Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878, railroad soldiers contributed to victories Russian weapons. During the Great Patriotic War Railway troops, together with civilian railway workers, restored and built more than 120 thousand km of railways and over 3 thousand bridges.

The role especially increased railway troops V war time. During the Great Patriotic War, railways were one of the main targets of German aviation and were constantly subject to raids. But thanks to the courage and skill of military railway workers, in incredibly difficult conditions, steel lines were quickly restored and operated almost uninterruptedly. The length of railways restored by railway troops during wartime was about 120 thousand kilometers, and the number of bridges restored after bombing reached three thousand.

IN Lately Work for the railway troops of the Russian Federation was “supplied” by the North Caucasus, where terrorist attacks were repeatedly committed on sections of roads and on trains. And again invariably short time Railway warriors restored train traffic. They cleared about 16 thousand kilometers of steel highways, restored about 20 artificial structures and more than 70 turnouts, escorted about 1,500 military and other trains, and transported over 150 thousand personnel of the United Armed Forces.

Today, Russian railway troops have combat strength four corps with a total strength of about 55 thousand military personnel.

To determine what date is Railwayman's Day in 2018, you need to look at a wall or pocket calendar, even an electronic calendar. Traditionally, in our country this day belongs to the first Sunday of August, and this year this Sunday falls on a beautiful date: August 5th.

Railwayman's Day is a professional holiday, which was first celebrated back in Tsarist Russia. After the appearance of the first railways, of course. The event was established in 1896 and was then timed to coincide with the birth date of Nicholas I, the emperor at that time. After all, it was this Russian emperor who began to actively build a railway in Russia.

A little bit of history

Under Nicholas I, he built a railway that led from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. Soon a direct branch appeared connecting the two major cities Russian Empire: St. Petersburg and Moscow. It was so that before the onset of the October Revolution, the professional holiday was celebrated every year, but on a different date than now: June 25. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Then there was a revolution that won. The goal of the victors was, among other things, to abandon all holidays that were established under the tsarist regime. Including, they forgot about the Day of the Railway Worker. The Soviet government re-established this holiday in 1936, setting the date for July 30.

Time passed, and the dates of this professional holiday were postponed several more times. True, they were always within the middle of summer. As a result, it was established that Railwayman’s Day in 2018, on what date is celebrated, is the first Sunday in August.

About the features of the celebration

On this date, many festive and special events are organized for railway workers throughout the country. In addition to entertainment, these events honor the best employees and celebrate special merits and achievements in this field. Rail transport is still popular in our country. It is difficult to imagine that during the year a person does not use the services of trains or electric trains.

Today, Railway Worker's Day can be considered an international holiday. After all, on the first Sunday in August, August 6, 2018, this event is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and many other countries of the former Soviet Union.

Who should we congratulate on this day? Of course, drivers and tunnelers, as well as technicians and conductors, are sure to congratulate the switchmen, blasters and all the people who are in one way or another connected with the holiday. If we list all the professions that are involved in the work of the railway, the article will turn out to be very long. Prepare for your favorite railroad workers.

We would like to sincerely congratulate those people who make the railways in our country operate comfortably, smoothly and safely. Our trains always arrive on time and this, of course, is only thanks to you. We have time to meet our loved ones, relax, return to work on time, resolve our personal and work issues only thanks to the railway workers, whose work determines the arrival of each train exactly on schedule.

The first Sunday in August is the professional holiday of railway workers. The date is floating, so the answer to the question: “What date is the holiday?” is different every year. Railway Worker's Day 2018 is celebrated on August 5th.

When did Railway Workers Day appear?

Timed to coincide with the birthday of Nicholas I, the holiday was established by order of 07/09/1896 and is considered the first professional day in the country. Why this day? Under Nicholas I, the construction of railways began. The holiday had a fixed date - July 6 - a day off for railway workers. According to tradition, a gala reception was held in the hall of the Pavlovsky station, and then the public had fun.

After the Revolution, the holiday was forgotten for 19 years, but the tradition was revived on the initiative of railway workers in 1936. It happened like this. At a reception in the Kremlin, the workers themselves took the initiative to celebrate labor successes annually. The government supported the idea and the date of the professional holiday was set - July 30. But since the date fell on different days weeks, then later Railwayman's Day began to be celebrated on the next day off.

Russian Railways today

Russian railways are the second largest in the world. In terms of the total length of railway tracks, our country is second only to the United States. But the length of electrified highways in Russia is greater. The Russian Federation accounts for about 10% of global passenger turnover and 20% of cargo turnover. Domestic railways are connected to railway systems East Asia and Europe, and through sea ​​ports interact with America's transport systems.

Rail transport is the main element of the transport system, providing over 40% of passenger and freight traffic. Railways are integrated into the general transport system of the Russian Federation, meeting the transportation needs of the economy and passengers. They carry regular year-round traffic, which makes it possible to transport most of the cargo and passengers. Their importance is determined both by the impressive transportation distances and by the insufficient development of transport communications in remote areas of the Far East and Siberia. An important fact: in our country, the places of extraction of the main raw materials are significantly removed from their processing points, as well as from ports. Russian Railways is one of the three leading railway companies in the world.

Results of the work of JSC Russian Railways for 2016:

Congratulations and events on Railwayman's Day

Traditionally to professional day The presentation of awards (government and departmental) is timed. It is planned to launch new infrastructure facilities for the holiday. Railwayman's Day itself is celebrated on a grand scale.

Traditionally carried out:

  • sport competitions;
  • honoring veterans;
  • initiation into the profession;
  • festivals;
  • concerts.

In cities, and especially in large railway junctions, ceremonial events are organized: heroes of the occasion are congratulated, awarded with certificates and valuable gifts, and performances by creative groups of the industry are held. Officials congratulations are sent from TV screens, programs and concerts dedicated to Railway Worker's Day are broadcast. They remember the contribution of railway workers to the victory in the Second World War. Driver, traveler, railway engineer are always respected professions.

Since the holiday is celebrated in the summer, it is often held outdoors: sports competitions, picnics, games, competitions. Moreover, not only railway workers, but also their families and friends are involved in the events.

Railwayman's Day is one of the first professional celebrations, which began to be celebrated at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries in the Tsarist Empire. Since the advent of railways, thousands of employees receive words of gratitude addressed to them on this day. In the life of any state, communication routes play a primary role - transport arteries connect everything settlements countries. Russian railway systems carry millions of passengers every year from around the globe.

In my own way geographical location Russian main lines are the central branch of the Eurasian railway networks that connect European countries and Asia. Every quarter, trains carry out over 25% of the turnover of all transport transport on the planet.


The construction of iron networks in the Russian Empire began during the reign of Nicholas I: St. Petersburg and Moscow were connected by transport routes. It was possible to travel on the first steam locomotives to Tsarskoye Selo. Significant dates for railway workers:

  1. On the birthday of the royal person, Nicholas I, on July 6, 1896, the celebration of the Railwayman's Day was announced. On the holiday, employees rested, and the hall of the Pavlovsky station cordially welcomed railway workers for special events.
  2. Midsummer 1935. After the 1917 Revolution, the holiday was not remembered for 20 long years. In 1935, after exceeding the plan, an initiative group of advanced workers revived the celebrations.
  3. By decree of the Council of Ministers, it was decided to celebrate the day of railway employees at the end of July, however, later the celebration was moved to the weekend.


Since the times of the Tsarist Empire, railway workers have been honored on this holiday. During festive events merits and successes in the railway sector are highlighted. The event was always celebrated on a grand scale: concerts, dinner and thanksgiving services were organized with the obligatory presence of senior management.

The presentation of state insignia is timed to coincide with this day. On the eve of the date, it is customary to open stations and launch new trains. Sports competitions are held among railway workers. Veterans of the industry are awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

The railway holiday is considered international; it is celebrated on the territory of all former Soviet republics.

Today, railways operate efficiently, smoothly and stably, making a feasible contribution to the development of the state’s infrastructure.

Railway Worker's Day in the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. It was founded in honor of all railway transport employees. This holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. Railwayman's Day is indeed a very important and significant holiday for the Russian Federation.

About the profession

Railway workers are engaged every day in ensuring the regular movement of trains along the rail tracks. They maintain and develop infrastructure. Each employee involved in this profession has a special specialized education. So you can become a train traffic manager, a carriage conductor, an installer, or an employee performing various repair and construction work. Of course, the most prestigious work is considered to be regulating the transportation process. These employees are involved in planning the loading of transport, its schedule, repair and maintenance of the roadway, rolling stock, etc.


In the Russian Empire, the first transport route was laid between Moscow and St. Petersburg, during the reign of Nicholas I. On the first steam locomotive one could make an exciting journey to Tsarskoe Selo.

There are a number of significant dates for railway workers. So, for example, the first date for celebrating Railwayman's Day was 07/06/1896. Just on the birthday of Tsar Nicholas I. On this holiday, the workers rested. And in the hall of the Pavlovsky station a warm welcome was organized for the railway workers for special events.

After the 1917 Revolution happened, this holiday was forgotten for almost 20 years. And only in 1935, when the plan was exceeded, an initiative group of advanced workers decided to revive such an important celebration.

By decree of the Council of the Ministry, the holiday was to be held at the end of July and it was called the Day of Railway Employees. Later, it was decided to postpone the celebration to the weekend.

What date is Railway Worker's Day in the countries of the former USSR?

The railway workers' holiday is considered not only Russian, but also international, because it is celebrated in various countries How former USSR, and the whole world.

  • In Belarus, this holiday falls on the first Sunday of August and has been celebrated since 1995.
  • In Azerbaijan, the holiday is celebrated annually on October 13th.
  • In Kazakhstan, this holiday was renamed the Day of Transport and Communication Workers and is celebrated on the first Sunday in August. Modern name the celebration began to be used in 2001.
  • In Kyrgyzstan, since 1994, Railwayman's Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday of August.
  • In Latvia, the holiday is celebrated on August 5th. This date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1919 the Latvian Railway was founded.

  • In Lithuania, this holiday is celebrated on August 28, because in 1860, around this day, construction work on the creation of the Vilnius-Dinaburg route was completed. In addition, on July 6, Lithuanians celebrate another holiday - Independence Day of the Lithuanian Railways.
  • In Uzbekistan, the railway worker's holiday falls on the first Sunday in August.
  • In Ukraine it is customary to celebrate this holiday on November 4th.
  • In Estonia, the date of celebration is August 21st. This is due to the fact that in 1876 the first train from Tallinn to Tartu arrived on this day.

When is Railwayman's Day celebrated in other countries?

In addition to the countries of the former USSR, other countries around the world celebrate the railway worker's holiday:

  • In Bulgaria, the celebration of this day falls on the first Sunday of August, because August 1888 is considered the month of the creation of the Bulgarian State Railways.
  • In Poland, Railway Worker's Day falls on November 25th.
  • In Hungary, this holiday has been celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July since 1961.

  • In the Czech Republic, congratulations on Railway Worker's Day can be heard on the fourth Saturday of September. Here are held various events: parades of steam locomotives, railcar races, bicycle raids of railway workers and other equally interesting events.
  • In Serbia, the holiday is celebrated on May 12, because this is the date of the formation of the Serbian Railways.
  • In Bosnia and Herzegovina the celebration falls on April 15th.
  • Croatian Railways Day has been celebrated in Croatia on October 5 since 1990. And on April 15, International Railway Worker's Day is celebrated.
  • In Slovenia, the holiday falls on June 2. This is due to the fact that in 1846 the first steam locomotive arrived on the territory of Slovenia.


Since the times of the Tsarist Empire, railway workers have been congratulated on this significant holiday. It was on Railwayman's Day that events were held on different scales. During the celebration, the successes and merits of employees or individual organizations in the railway sector were mentioned. So an important event were always celebrated on a grand scale: dinners, concerts, and charitable prayer services were organized in the presence of the leadership.

On Railway Worker's Day, employees are awarded special state insignia. During times of active development and construction of railways, it was customary to launch new trains or open stations on the eve of the holiday.

Industry veterans are awarded with valuable gifts and certificates. Today, railways operate smoothly, efficiently and stably, making a significant contribution to the development of the infrastructure of cities, regions and the state as a whole.

Celebration in modern times

In all regions and cities of the Russian Federation, festivities, concerts, and dinners are held on Railwayman's Day. On this day, it is customary to remember the history of the development of railway transport, memorable events, and the merits of workers.

Absolutely all employees associated with Russian Railways receive congratulations on Railway Worker’s Day. This is a truly large-scale celebration. Many relatives and friends prepare various gifts as a sign of gratitude: poems, comic gifts, congratulations, all kinds of paraphernalia with the corresponding symbols, toy locomotives, postcards on Railway Worker's Day. In addition, gifts often have a color palette of red, gray and white flowers, thereby symbolizing the main colors of Russian Railways.


JSC Russian Railways is currently one of the world's top three railway companies.

In 2016, Russian Railways transported about 1.300 billion passengers, of which about 100 million people went on long-distance routes. In the suburban direction, this figure is about 935 million passengers. The company's total revenues for 2016 increased by more than 7% compared to the previous year and amount to more than 2 trillion rubles.

Congratulation options

Both adults and children can congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. Kids love to draw steam locomotives, railroads, and carriages. Adults prefer cards with congratulatory text. For example:

  • “Dear railway workers! May the trains traveling in your direction always bring with them only joy, fulfillment of desires and happiness. May the trains leaving your stations take with them all the sorrows and troubles. May everything be wonderful in your life.”
  • “Dear railway employees! We congratulate you on this significant holiday. May the train of prosperity and happiness carry you through life, as smooth and smooth as a railway. May you see the bright light of smiles and hear signals of gratitude as often as possible.”

Railwayman's Day is indeed a very important and significant holiday for the Russian Federation. The development of railways, their smooth operation, the need for connections between cities and regions, and the maintenance of a developed state infrastructure is a very important component for the country’s economy.

On this day it is customary to congratulate every employee belonging to railway, be it a driver or a worker involved in construction and installation work, each of them deserves respect for their work and contribution to the development of the country.
