How to lose weight through meditation? Meditation for weight loss - finding inner peace.

Losing weight through meditation

Meditation for weight loss can work wonders, especially if the cause of excess weight is not an accidental “overdoing” festive table, but a persistent habit of overeating. Thus, Robert Schwartz, an American fitness and weight loss specialist, always says that well-fed people will find many reasons for another snack, but fit and slender people will find only one, and this reason will be true hunger.

Thoughts are material - how often we hear this phrase and just as often we are convinced that this is true when our thoughts unexpectedly begin to materialize. It turns out that we ourselves are subject to the fulfillment of all our desires, the main thing is to want it badly.

What is the essence of meditation?

Meditation consists of concentrating on own feelings and sensations, it helps to more correctly understand the needs and requirements of your own body, stop eating without feeling hungry, stop “eating” negative emotions, overcome boredom and reward yourself for a successfully completed task. Most meditation techniques can be used in conjunction with other weight loss programs, for example, during sports training.

How to meditate

Meditation is a special method of psychological self-persuasion, designed to strengthen self-confidence and develop the necessary qualities for this. If you want to lose weight with the help of meditation, it is enough to develop a clear motivation and stop reproaching yourself for every candy you eat.

Set a specific goal for yourself - losing weight, and it should be absolutely realistic. Goals like “lose 25 kilograms in a month” or “I am a star” are not suitable; an excellent option would be the following formulation: “I will lose weight slowly but surely.”

Chat with own body– tell him about your love, explain exactly how you want to see and feel him, ask him to become slimmer, lighter and more seductive. Be positive: promise yourself something you want after achieving even the slightest success (for example, a relaxing bath or massage, a trip to the solarium or SPA salon).

Some rules for meditation

  • The room where you are going to meditate should be well ventilated.
  • The environment must be calm.
  • Practice alone or in a team of like-minded people.
  • Exercise on an empty stomach, or 2-3 hours after eating.
  • Before meditation, do not drink alcohol or smoke.
  • Clothes should not hinder your movements.
  • Practice meditation at least two to three times a week, and preferably daily. One of the main principles of meditation is regularity.
  • Don't force yourself to meditate if you don't feel like it today. Start your classes tomorrow.

Vipasana - breathing meditation

This is one of the meditation techniques that is best used in the evening. It is ideal for anyone who often overeats at dinner, relieves stress and fatigue with food and gets extra positive emotions, pampering your body with non-dietary dishes.

Vipasana for weight loss

When practicing Vipasana, you will need a room where no one will disturb you for about 20 minutes. The meditation technique is as follows: put on comfortable and loose clothes and sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. If you do yoga, sit in sukhasana, a cross-legged, straight-back pose.

People with back problems, significant excess weight and all beginners in meditation techniques will be better off lying on their backs. Begin to breathe deeply, inflating your stomach strongly with each inhalation, and when exhaling, release all the air from yourself. Try to think only about how air easily enters the nostrils and fills the entire body with energy, and when leaving the body, it takes with it what is unnecessary and superfluous.

During meditation, forget about everything, concentrate only on breathing movements, let go of all thoughts that are not related to breathing. There is no need to force yourself “not to think about anything,” just lightly and gently try to let go of unnecessary thoughts and go headlong into breathing. This is a rather complex but effective technique that will help you learn to control your diet.

Meditation according to the method of Alexey Faleev

Faleev's meditation technique is not entirely traditional, but by practicing it, you can achieve good results.

The meditation technique is as follows: during any cardio workout (swimming, cycling, step aerobics, badminton, handball, boxing, yoga), try to imagine how body fat on your body, they first begin to fill with bright light, then they heat up, and then they completely burn out.

At the same time, continue to be active. As you sweat and exercise, visualize the fat melting and disappearing. Try to think only about losing excess weight, and not about how much you don't want to exercise. Many people using this method have felt significant relief and noticed a positive result on their appearance.

Meditation technique of Natalia Pravdina

This technique was borrowed from the culture of the Vedas and described by Natalya in one of her books devoted to weight loss. The essence of meditation is this: learn to perceive food as a gift from higher powers, and not just as a means of eliminating hunger.

With this awareness, you will automatically eat less. There is a rational grain in this technique, because modern psychologists It has long been agreed that eating food slowly satisfies you much better than snacking on the go.

This type of meditation will help you cope with swallowing dinner while watching TV or reading a book. The technique itself is as follows: concentrate and rub your palms together. Now raise your hands above the plate of food and imagine how a light beam of energy is transferred to your food from your hands. Visualize a soft glow from every part of your dish. Now give thanks higher power for this food and slowly, with dignity, savor it, tasting every bite.

Meditation according to the Alataeva principle

Alexandra Alataeva’s meditation is, in fact, not a unique technique. Each of us has already heard about this somewhere, but not everyone believed in its effectiveness. this method. We assure you that by doing meditation correctly and regularly, you can achieve stunning results. The essence of meditation is to build your own ideal image deep in the subconscious.

The exercise that Alexandra suggests consists of several stages. In total, meditation will take you no more than 20-25 minutes. It is no secret that an overweight person quite often continues to see himself in his thoughts as slimmer and fitter than he actually is. It turns out that the subconscious does not seem to notice the reasons for fulfilling your order to be slim, and therefore does not help reduce excess weight. Your task is to convince your own subconscious that the problem really exists and needs to be solved. But how to do that?

Meditation by Alexandra Alataeva: sequence of actions

To get started, do this exercise. Strip down underwear and go to the large mirror. Now start looking closely at yourself. Compare yours appearance with that ideal image that is firmly ingrained in your head. Speak out loud all the shortcomings of your figure, without losing sight of a single detail.

Now take a pen and a piece of paper. Divide the sheet into two halves. In the first, describe your feelings from the image you see in the mirror, and in the second, describe your thoughts and feelings from the ideal image in your dreams. When you finish writing, compare the 2 images. How very different they are, isn't it?

The result is obvious

Let's now decide which of the images is more pleasant for you to feel on yourself. Of course, the second one! Now try to remember those positive emotions and the sensations you get from your ideal body. Your consciousness will remember " beautiful picture"by emotions and sensations. Do these exercises every day for 1 month, and the result will not be long in coming: the body programmed to lose weight will slowly but surely begin to lose extra pounds.

Many people who want to lose weight are skeptical about meditation for weight loss. It would seem, how can concentrating on one’s own thoughts help remove extra centimeters from the waist and lose those hated pounds? After all, this can only be achieved through regular exercise and diet?

But nevertheless, it was thanks to meditation that many lucky people managed to achieve their cherished goal.

This practice is very popular, and today on the Internet you can easily find and view various meditation lessons for weight loss online.

Let’s find out what the meaning of this technique is and how it can affect the process of losing body weight.

The essence of meditation for weight loss

Meditation ( from lat. meditatio - to reflect) - special mental condition, which arises as a result of psychophysical exercises that involve concentrating on one’s feelings and sensations. It is actively used in various spiritual and religious practices, as well as in alternative medicine.

In the East, sages believed that spirituality must necessarily be brought into harmony with the physical body, and only by placing both matters on the same plane can high results be achieved.

With its help, every conscious person can influence certain functions of his own body. After all, the problem of excess weight in most cases lies not in physiological characteristics, but in the fact that we simply do not know how to control our appetite. We eat not because the body needs it this moment, but we “eat up” our problems, life’s difficulties and troubles, boredom or worries, eat for company, etc.

A correct meditation allows you to develop clear motivation, concentrate on your feelings and actual needs, strengthen confidence in the strength of your body and form the necessary qualities for this.

Of course, this system is not able to “burn fat” (which is what many who want to lose weight through meditation hope to do). The reason for weight loss is a special mindset. This happens as follows: during the session, the process begins inner concentration“- the person seems to fall asleep, but continues to be conscious.

Scientists call this state a transition to alpha and theta frequencies. It is the immersion of consciousness at this level that allows us to program the brain for certain actions, and in this case, to control appetite and, as a result, lose weight.

Before you start practicing meditation, you need to carefully prepare and learn how to do it correctly.

Basic rules for meditation for weight loss

Before you begin the session, fulfill a few simple requirements:

  • thoroughly ventilate the room where you will study. The environment should be calm. It is advisable that you be alone in the room or in the company of like-minded people;
  • Wear loose, pleasant-to-touch clothing made from light natural fabrics. If you are comfortable, practice without any clothes;
  • Don't exercise on a full stomach. At least 3 hours must pass after eating;
  • before and after the procedure, do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • practice meditation exercises regularly, at least 3-4 times a week, and preferably daily;
  • During exercises, you can use special music. Audio materials of meditation for weight loss can be downloaded on the Internet;
  • If you are not in the mood and desire, do not force yourself to meditate - it will not bring any effect. Postpone the session for the next day.

You can start exercising at any time of the day, but the most suitable for these purposes are the morning hours. A morning session perfectly charges you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.

There are many techniques for performing meditation that allow you to correct emotional condition, moderate your appetite, protect yourself from the obsessive desire to empty the refrigerator again.

Let's talk about the most popular and interesting of them.

Vipassana for weight loss

This ancient technology meditation is over 2500 years old! It lies in the ability to see life and oneself as they really are. Self-exploration in Vipassana allows you to clear your mind of negative thoughts, obsessions and physical desires and thanks to this achieve weight loss.

Wear comfortable clothes, sit on a chair with your back straight, or take a Buddha pose. If you have back problems, lie on the floor on your back.

Start breathing deeply, drawing air through your nose and protruding your stomach (this is the diaphragmatic type of breathing). When you exhale through your mouth, release all the air that is in your lungs.

While breathing, imagine that the air easily enters through the nose, filling the entire body, and when leaving it, it takes with it everything unnecessary and bad.

During the session, do not think about anything, let go of unnecessary thoughts (especially negative ones), fully concentrate on breathing until you feel a state of slight oblivion.

It's quite complicated, but quite effective technique, allowing you to learn to control your diet.

Meditation from Alexandra Alataeva

Its essence lies in creating your own ideal image deep in the subconscious.

Surely every person who dreams of losing weight remembers (or imagines) himself slim and fit. But in the mirror, alas, a completely different picture is displayed. This, according to Alataeva, is where you can win by programming your brain to lose weight.

So, undress down to your underwear, go to the mirror in which you are completely visible. Take a look at your reflection, examine it down to the smallest detail. Now remember (or imagine) yourself slim.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it in half. In the first half, describe yourself and the sensations of what you see in the mirror, and in the second, what you feel when you imagine a slim image. Which one do you like better? Of course, the last one. Now try to remember the positive emotions that you received by imagining yourself thin.

This exercise should be done every day for a month. The brain, having remembered the positive emotions from the image, will program the body to lose weight, as a result of which you will lose your former appetite.

An effective and promising meditation technique for losing 60 kg is quite popular today. It allows you to correct your emotional state, so that your dependence on food disappears over time.

In order to lose weight using this method, you need to find a video on the Internet. Like audio, it can be downloaded or watched online. You need to watch it for 40 days every day before going to bed. The kilograms do not go away immediately, but gradually, after 2-3 months.

Technique by Natalia Pravdina

This method of weight loss is borrowed from the culture of the Vedas and is described in one of Pravdina’s books. It consists in the following: you need to learn to perceive food not as a means of satisfying your desires, but as a gift from the gods. After all, we often eat on the go, quickly swallowing pieces, while watching TV or reading newspapers. But eating quickly leads to metabolic disorders and excess weight.

Before eating, take a deep breath and rub your hands together. Then raise your palms above the plate and imagine that a light beam of energy is transferred to the food from your hands. Visualize the glow from each piece on the plate and only then slowly, with the dignity of a queen, start eating.

Meditation for weight loss has many benefits. But, probably, the main thing is that you can start it at any time of the year, and it also does not require special training or financial investments.

It is aimed at working with the subconscious, which helps strengthen willpower, which is so necessary in the fight against extra pounds. Good luck to you on your path to slimness and beauty!

Excess weight is a problem for many. It's so easy to pick up and so hard to take off. Now there are many ways to lose extra pounds. These include diets, exhausting fitness, various accessories, expensive pills, plastic surgery. But few people know about meditation for weight loss. This is a simple and easy method to get rid of excess weight forever.

Meditation for weight loss Perfection

The best way self-conviction, with the help of which confidence in oneself and in one’s own strengths is strengthened - this is a meditation on weight loss Perfection. This is a new direction in weight loss techniques for people who find it difficult to motivate themselves to take active steps to lose weight. Clothes should be loose. During meditation, it is not advisable to be distracted by extraneous things or sounds. Therefore, you need to turn off the sound in advance mobile phone, turn off the TV, computer. But you can listen to music. The best time to meditate is in the evening.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Place your hands along your body with the backs of your palms facing down. Inhale through your nose, feel your lungs fill with air, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Concentrate on your breathing. Don't think about the bad and listen to yourself. Imagine how the warmth gently envelops your legs, it slowly rises up to your head. Your body is filled with dazzling light. Let the light pass through you. Imagine how those extra pounds disappear into thin air. Audio will help you concentrate.


The most best time to perform Vipassana meditation – evening. This method is a breathing meditation practice. It is ideal for those who like to eat a hearty meal before bed or gorge themselves after work. This weight loss meditation helps you reduce the amount of food you eat. Warn your loved ones not to disturb you or distract you. Sit back and turn on calm music that you enjoy listening to.

Breathing technique: Take a lotus position or lie on the floor. Your back is straight, your hands are on your knees, your chest is straightened. Focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath, while inflating your stomach. When exhaling, it must be pulled in as close to the spine as possible. Imagine how during exhalation all the negativity goes away along with excess weight. There is no need to force yourself to think about losing weight. Few people were able to focus on the right thinking the first time. Over time, it will become easier to focus on the desired outcome.

Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Pravdina’s author’s approach to weight loss is considered effective. In her works, she proves the belief that the body needs much less food to be full than we think. A person realizes this through self-hypnosis and relaxation and begins to eat less. Natalia Pravdina’s meditations help people who are obese.

Rub your palms. Raise your hands over a plate filled with food. Imagine how energy is transferred from your hands to food, each piece of it is endowed with light energy. The products in front of you shimmer and exude positivity. Chewing each piece, enjoy, savor, take your time, replenish your body's resources. The main condition and rule is that after the meal, thank the higher powers for the energy received.

Meditation for weight loss 60 kg

Popular meditation for losing weight 60 kg, its author is Alexander Langaev. It is intended for people who have begun to lose faith in their strength. When a person has tried many diets and unsuccessful methods, the motivation to lose weight disappears. Alexander Langaev believes that his practice helps to cope with emotional dependence from food. It has proven its effectiveness.

It's very easy to lose weight with it. The method awakens a person’s desire to be slim and beautiful. Alexander Langaev recommends watching an online video during meditation for 40 days. Colorful images are shown at each session. Such psychophysical programming normalizes the mental state. Results are observed after 60-90 days.

Gabriel's method

John Gabriel has developed a unique method for weight loss. It's fast and simple. Gabriel's method is for body and mind to find mutual language. To do this, you need to allocate 10 minutes a day. Gabriel says, “Imagine the shape of your ideal body.” Listening to pleasant music during this is not prohibited. By visualizing your dream, you help your body understand why it needs to be thin. John and his meditation will help you achieve the desired result faster.

Louise Hay frame 25

A unique technique aimed at making a positive change in life is Louise Hay’s weight loss meditation, frame 25. Affirmations are like mantras used to achieve thought control. Positive phrases fill the mind, displacing negative thinking in the human psyche. The author believes that excess weight- This is human protection. Fear and self-doubt force you to eat a lot. Such hypnosis has a positive effect on a person’s subconscious.

Affirmations should not contain negativity or words with the word “NOT”. Louise uses the “25th frame” method in her weight loss practice. With its help, a person is programmed subconsciously to lose weight. At the same time, he does not need to engage in fitness, set aside time, torment himself with diets and fasting. Louise Hay combined affirmations for weight loss and the 25th frame, so her technique works effectively on people.

Theta with Tatiana Boddington

Tatiana Bonddington is a Theta Healing trainer (healing technique). During Theta meditations with Tatiana Boddington, access to a large source of energy opens up, it makes any dream come true. It is necessary to accurately imagine the desired weight and appearance. During such suggestion, well-being and health improve. The cellular structure is rebuilt, it is programmed for success. This technique teaches a person to materialize his innermost desires and dreams.

Meditation for weight loss Rami Blackt

Rami Bleckt is a person who knows how to positively influence the destinies of people. Meditation for weight loss by Rami Blackt is designed for people who are overweight. During practice, internal spiritual changes, purification on the emotional level, and self-improvement occur. Most illnesses are associated with negative thoughts and emotions, so you should always think positively.

Technique: Sit comfortably and relax. Exhale and draw in your stomach, count to 5 or 10. Exhale slowly and release your stomach. Representatives of the fair sex are advised to additionally tense their hips during Rami Blekt's meditation. This simple and easy exercise can be done anywhere: on a trip, at work or on the street.


Many people know that thoughts are material. That is why meditation for weight loss is considered an effective tool for combating excess weight, especially if a person has bad habit overeating or being lazy.

What is meditation for weight loss^

Meditation is a beneficial spiritual practice that involves deep relaxation. Unfortunately, some people are distrustful of meditation as a way to lose weight, not understanding how extra pounds can be burned.

Is it possible to master the technique of meditation?

Of course, anyone can master it. Thanks to relaxation, excess weight is burned, and both emotional and psychological stress. In order to achieve good result To cope with any problems, including excess weight, you need to believe in the materiality of thought.

It is worth noting that meditation not only promotes weight loss, but also has a positive effect on the health of the entire body:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • relieves stress and tension;
  • relieves depression;
  • improve memory;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.

So, complete relaxation is the main tool that adjusts the body to positive changes. For effective weight loss you need not only to meditate, but also to pay attention to physical exercise and proper nutrition.

To get rid of excess weight, you should choose the appropriate meditation technique. When practicing any of the techniques, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • meditate only in a calm and comfortable, pre-ventilated room;
  • conduct classes 2 hours after meals;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol before class;
  • wear only comfortable clothes for training that do not restrict movement;
  • meditate at least twice a week, although it is advisable to meditate daily;
  • if there is no desire to meditate, there is no need to force yourself to do it.

Meditation for weight loss: popular techniques, description ^

Meditation for weight loss: complete relaxation and forgiveness

Meditation for weight loss Perfection

To perform this technique you need:

  • completely relax, lie down, close your eyes and stretch your arms along your body, palms up;
  • inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • clear your head of negative thoughts and focus on breathing;
  • feel that the warmth first envelops the legs, then gradually approaches the head;
  • imagine that heat passes through the body and completely burns fat deposits.

Meditation for weight loss according to the method of N. Pravdina

N. Pravdina’s technique is considered quite effective. According to her work, food should be perceived as a supreme gift, and not a simple means to satisfy hunger or kill time. Having realized this, people begin to eat in smaller quantities.

Meditation is carried out in this way:

  • You need to rub your palms together and concentrate.
  • Place your palms over the dish and imagine that the energy from them is transferred to the food.
  • As you eat each piece of food, you need to imagine its slight glow. It is advisable to eat slowly and savor every bite.
  • You should definitely thank God for the opportunity to eat food.

Breathing meditation for weight loss (Vipasana)

This meditation technique is ideal for people who are used to overeating at dinner, relieving stress with sweets and getting positive emotions through food.

It is recommended to perform Vipasana in the evening. You need to meditate in a calm environment, namely in a room where no one will disturb you for at least 20 minutes. You can exercise alone, or you can do it with other people who also want to lose weight in this way. The main condition is comfort and absence of irritants.

The technique for performing Vipasana is as follows:

  • You need to wear comfortable clothes and sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. People suffering from spinal diseases, obesity, or just beginners can lie on their backs.
  • Next, you need to start breathing: when you inhale, inflate your stomach, and when you exhale, let the air out.
  • At the same time, it is important to think only about how the body is filled with cool and clean air, which, leaving the body when exhaling, takes with it everything unnecessary.
  • It is imperative to abandon all thoughts not related to breathing, and concentrate only on inhalation and exhalation.

Meditation for weight loss using the Faleev method

Faleev's technique is ideal for those losing weight who are haunted by the thought that they do not like to play sports, but prefer to lie on the sofa.

It is advisable to carry out this method of relaxation when the body warms up during cardio training. While actively moving, you need to imagine that the fat on your body begins to glow, heat up, and then is completely burned.

During exercise, instead of thinking about laziness, you should visualize burning fat deposits. Many people claim that using this method motivates them.

Meditation - visualization for weight loss

To use this technique, you need to take a photo of yourself at the time of the “slim body” or a photo of a model with a corresponding body type. You should look at the photo in detail, then lie down on the floor and completely relax.

  • While lying down, you need to imagine that all fat deposits are slowly but surely dissolving, and the body is becoming completely ideal.
  • You should also imagine actions that can be performed already in slim body, for example, running or dancing.

Dynamic meditation for weight loss

One lesson will take no more than 20 minutes. You need to set your alarm clock so that it rings every five minutes.

  • The first five minutes: you need to stand on the mat and stretch out, imagining that the spine is a luminous rod that is filled with energy with every breath. In this case, your posture should be straight and your muscles relaxed.
  • After the first alarm signal, you need to stretch your arms up, then, as you exhale, gradually lower them down, at the same time bend your knees and slowly bend over. During the ascent, you need to take a deep breath and, feeling the tone in the body, rise up again.
  • For the remaining 10 minutes, you just need to lie down and completely relax, concentrating only on your breathing.

Meditation for weight loss using the Aeroshape system

The developer of this technique, Olga Krupoderova, believes that in order to effectively lose weight after training, the body needs to be relaxed and the mind cleared. To do this, you need to sit comfortably on the mat, breathe calmly, alternately tense and relax your muscles so that you feel a pleasant warmth throughout your body.

You should imagine that the body is light and in flight.

  • You need to imagine that a cloud and a fine, pleasant rain appears in the sky, after a while the sun comes out again, and the person losing weight floats under this sun with a backpack filled with stones, which he easily throws away.
  • Feeling light, you can take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Meditation for weight loss Forgiveness

Very often people, and especially women, blame themselves for gaining excess weight. In this case, a forgiveness technique is needed:

  • You need to sit comfortably and completely relax.
  • For a few minutes you just need to breathe deeply and not think about anything.
  • After complete relaxation, you should imagine yourself as a carefree child who, simply by definition, cannot be guilty of anything.
  • It is important to accept yourself, to understand that the child inside is worthy of understanding and love.
  • To complete the session, you need to completely relax.

Reviews and real stories about losing weight through meditation ^

Complete relaxation and meditation are effectively used in combination with other programs that help reduce weight. The effectiveness of meditation for weight loss is evidenced by the mass positive feedback. Here are some results from our regular readers:

Karina, 26 years old:

“I have been doing yoga for several years. It is for this reason that I find meditation very congenial. To lose weight I use Pravdina’s method. With her help, I learned to concentrate and take food more seriously. After a month of such meditation, I was able to lose 2 kg.”

Anastasia, 30 years old:

“For 3 months now I have been trying to lose weight and go to Gym. Unfortunately, the first month of classes did not bring results. I didn’t really want to attend training anymore. However, after studying Faleev’s method, I began to rapidly lose weight. Perhaps it's all about visualization. Along with classes and meditation, I reconsidered my views on nutrition. My result in 2 months is minus 6 kg.”

Elizaveta, 33 years old:

"In connection with the recruitment extra pounds After giving birth, I constantly felt guilty for this. The Forgiveness technique helped me understand that criticism does not help in the process of losing weight. I forgave myself and began to lose weight: I played sports, ate right, went to the pool and twice a week retired to my room and imagined myself as a child. A month later, the mark on the scale began to decrease, and my emotional state improved significantly. I recommend this method of deep relaxation to everyone.”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

Many skeptics are sure that it is not suitable for weight loss meditation – a person’s concentration on his own feelings . But practice shows that it really works. And if there is a goal to get rid of unnecessary pounds, then the technique helps to understand the needs of the body, overcome negative emotions and, of course, stop mindlessly consuming food.

The effectiveness of meditation for weight loss

Losing excess weight is often a difficult task. The effectiveness of the main methods can be easily increased with the help of meditation for weight loss. Its principle is that thoughts that a person constantly repeats, at a certain moment are embodied in reality. Thanks to this approach, you can get the right psychological attitude, develop self-confidence and stimulate weight loss on an unconscious level.

Meditation techniques

It is advisable to meditate completely alone in a room or while on fresh air. It is necessary to turn off the technology that can make you concentrate. You should exercise in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. It is not recommended to eat before the practice - sessions should be carried out on an empty stomach or 3 hours after eating.

To focus properly, you need to learn to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and completely relax your body. For these purposes, it will be a good help to use various additional materials– sound and video accompaniment.

Basic technique

The basic and easiest meditation for weight loss is presented - audio tracks with calm melodies and sounds of nature will perfectly complement it. They help to quickly achieve the necessary psychological mood and increase motivation. Its implementation requires following the sequence of actions:

  • lie on your back, relax and close your eyes;
  • extend your arms along your body;
  • count slowly from 1 to 10;
  • calm your breathing and bring it to a measured pace;
  • you are in nature. Mentally draw this place to the smallest detail;
  • a warm and pleasant beam of light penetrates the back of the head;
  • When the light beam passes through the body, feel that the fat in the problem areas is melting.

During meditation you can listen to the following tracks:

At the beginning of meditative practice, such actions will require certain mental efforts, but over time they will be performed automatically, subconsciously. While doing meditation for weight loss, recite the following beliefs:

  • "I like physical exercise“Then I become flexible and graceful.”
  • “I walk the path of harmony, health and grace”
  • “I am completely delighted with myself”
  • “Every new day gives me health, slimness and unearthly beauty”
  • “I am the standard of female beauty!”
  • "I have beautiful figure– legs, chest, buttocks, stomach, thin waist"
  • “My body processes all the products, and I’m losing weight”

Meditation according to the Gnezdilova method

The weight loss meditation presented on video by Natalia Gnezdilova is very effective method to direct your thoughts in the right direction. After all, the method of meditation for weight loss combines the ability to both hear and see the necessary images. The trainer pronounces the words that are important to focus on, and the corresponding pictures are visible on the computer monitor.

It's nice and easy to do:

  • sit comfortably, lower your eyelashes and try to relax your muscles;
  • watch your breathing, feel the lightness in your body - it fills with pleasant heaviness and warmth;
  • you are sitting in a cinema all alone in front of a large white screen;
  • look up at the screen - the film begins on it: you enter a room where people have gathered for a party;
  • With your mind's eye, examine the appearance of those around you and what they are doing;
  • look at yourself - at your appearance and how other people treat you, what you do and feel;
  • look around - in which place and with whom you feel comfortable, and in which - you feel discomfort, pay attention to the thoughts that visit you;
  • stay in your fantasy for a few minutes, and then return back to the cinema - you and great mood sit in a chair;
  • a new scene appears on a white screen - you are again at a party, but this time you are slim and look gorgeous;
  • remember how others react to you, what you feel at that moment and how you behave;
  • return to reality and remember your feelings and thoughts about the graceful figure.

Meditation “Fighting Your Beliefs”

Very often, ingrained beliefs prevent a person from doing what he really deserves. In order to get rid of them, it is enough to carry out the meditation presented below in combination with other psychological techniques:

  • lie down comfortably and relax;
  • imagine yourself standing on the edge of a forest, above which the bright sun is shining;
  • breathe in the smell of the forest and listen to the sounds - enjoy the surrounding beauty;
  • you go out into a clearing and see someone approaching you with an angry expression on his face;
  • you greet him and tell him about your new belief - “I deserve to be slim and beautiful”;
  • he argues with you, convinces you not to change, and you just smile, agree, but continue to stand your ground and repeat this phrase over and over again;
  • approach the creature, examine it and send it compassion, love, gratitude and understanding;
  • Return to the here and now by inhaling and exhaling and open your eyes.


Generally, There are no contraindications to meditation . Practice can not only help in losing weight, but in improving the health of the body as a whole. The main thing is to achieve desired results– you need to meditate systematically, which means not taking long breaks in your studies. It is ideal to set aside a specific time of day and practice at regular intervals.

Another principle that is important is voluntariness. It is unlikely that the results will be positive if there is reluctance and lack of faith in the technology. The criterion that meditation for weight loss is performed correctly is a feeling of joy and pleasure during and after the session.

You need to start meditating with faith in yourself. If a girl regularly imagines herself looking thinner, this will prevent her thoughts from returning to overeating. Gradually, a positive inner attitude will become a source of noticeable physical changes, and healthy image life will be fixed as the main one. And then the excess weight will never return.
