Olesya Sudzilovskaya secret of beauty. Alexander Vasiliev: “Olesya Sudzilovskaya doesn’t need to wear bangs! Biography and creative success of Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Olesya Sudzilovskaya is a recognized star of Russian cinema. During her career she had to play many different roles. Sometimes her acting role included very complex and ambiguous characters. She became an idol for many thanks to her spectacular appearance, subtle sense of style, acting talent and strong but incredibly feminine character.

Biography and creative success of Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Olesya Sudzilovskaya was born on May 20, 1974 in the Zelenograd district of Moscow. Olesya's family had nothing to do with art. Both mom and dad are engineers by profession. They graduated from the same university - the Institute of Meat and Dairy Products.

In the photo - Olesya Sudzilovskaya in childhood

As a child, Olesya did not even think of connecting her life with theater and cinema. She was most interested in sports. From 4 to 16 years old she studied rhythmic gymnastics at a sports school. And she even achieved significant success, becoming a candidate for master of sports. The girl was preparing to become a physical education teacher or coach.

Young Olesya got into cinema quite by accident. When Sudzilovskaya was 14 years old, she was selected to participate in the filming of the film “The Mediator.” The director's assistant came to the class where the future actress was studying. The girl was offered to star in a science fiction film. The plot was original for that time - teenagers fight alien creatures who are trying to take over our planet.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya in the film “The Mediator”

The role of Nastya in the film “The Mediator” influenced the girl’s future fate. She firmly decided to become an actress. Her mother supported her choice, suggesting she enroll in one of the theater universities. Olesya ended her career in sports and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. There the girl formed as a professional actress.

Sudzilovskaya believes that acting she was taught by Igor Zolotovitsky. In an educational performance, he gave the beautiful student a very difficult role - a single mother with two children. The actress recalls how difficult it was for her to transform into a woman with a difficult fate. The director did not spare the girl’s beauty - they put her in tattered clothes and awkward glasses, and she was not allowed to wash her hair for several days before the performance.

Igor Zolotovitsky - actor, director and mentor of Olesya Sudzilovskaya

The actress believes that such a change was beneficial. The performance taught the aspiring actress a lot professionally and in life.

In 1997, Olesya Sudzilovskaya graduated from a theater university and received a diploma. She had no problems with work - she was offered work by 8 theaters at the same time. But she made a choice in favor of the Mayakovsky Theater.

Acting career in film

Since 1998, the young actress began acting in films. From the first days on the set, she found herself surrounded by celebrities. She was lucky to work with such professionals as Vyacheslav Nevinny, Alexander Kolyagin, Nina Ruslanova, Elena Proklova. Her first film works were “Mom, Don’t Cry!” and "Chekhov and K".

Film “Mom, Don’t Cry” with Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Sudzilovskaya admits that she was very worried. She was frightened by “horror stories” that her co-star was a very strict person, even stern. But in reality it turned out that Vitaly Solomin is kind and incredibly bright.

In total, Olesya Sudzilovskaya starred in more than 60 films. She does not have an established role - each time the actress appears before the viewer in a new image. But one pattern can still be traced in almost all of her roles. Sudzilovskaya's characters are endowed with will and strong character. Just look at Lyubov Orlova in the film “Lyubov and Alexander.”

Olesya Sudzilovskaya in the film “Love and Alexander”

Film "Silver Lily of the Valley"

The series “Gangster Petersburg”, in which the actress played Anastasia Tikhoretskaya

The role of a metropolitan journalist in the film “Garbage Man”

The actress showed herself no less brightly in the theater. She played diverse roles in 13 productions of the Mayakovsky Theater. Sudzilovskaya often has to make a choice between theater and filming, so she is involved in many performances with a replacement. But the actress does not want to give one role to anyone - this is Celia in the play “As You Like It.” The production is a great success. The Mayakovsky Theater is crowded even if the play is performed on Monday.

Personal life of Olesya Sudzilovskaya, photo of her husband and children in 2018

Many different novels are attributed to Olesya by gossips and ill-wishers. But the most important person in her life was and remains her husband, businessman Sergei Dzeban. I introduced the actress to her future chosen one, Gosha Kutsenko. He “disguised” his friend as a taxi driver of a Volga car. So friends tried to test the commercialism of the actress. We were watching to see if the TV star, already well-known to many, would disdain to get into a domestic car and chat with an ordinary driver. Olesya passed the test with flying colors.

The young people started talking, and the actress learned about the insidious plan of her fellow actor. It turned out that the pleasant young man was not a taxi driver at all, but a leading manager of one of the largest banks. Although the actress still does not understand what exactly her future husband wanted to check. At that time, Olesya was more than successful - she already had her own car and housing.

Sergei and Olesya began a candy-bouquet period, which gradually grew into civil marriage. In 2009, the couple had their first child. Artem suggested formalizing the relationship. As soon as Sudzilovskaya recovered from childbirth, they got married.

In the photo - Olesya, her husband and son Artem

Despite disagreements, quarrels and even separations, Sergei and Olesya managed to save their family. The birth of their second child strengthened their marriage. At the beginning of 2016, the family of Sudzilovskaya and Dzeban was replenished with another boy - Mike.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya during her second pregnancy

Olesya with her husband and newborn son Mike

Latest news about Sudzilovskaya’s personal life, photos of her husband and children on Instagram

The actress does not often, but still pleases fans family photos which he publishes on his Instagram page.

IN Lately Olesya Sudzilovskaya can often be found at various fashion presentations. In March 2017, for example, the actress attended the opening of a new fashion boutique in one of the capital's shopping centers.

And in June, she pleased me with her presence at the presentation of fashionable autumn shoes.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya in a swimsuit - a candid photo shoot of the actress in response to Maxim magazine

Olesya Sudzilovsaya does not act in explicit scenes. This clause is strictly stated in the actress’s contracts. But a photo of Olesya in a bikini swimsuit is not uncommon.

Sudzilovskaya in a swimsuit, Instagram photo

Followers note that the actress is in good shape. Despite the recent birth, Olesya has already fully recovered and shows off her fit and athletic figure. Many fans admire how the 40-year-old woman manages to stay in great shape. Even after having two children, she is still slim and graceful. Many of Sudzilovskaya’s colleagues have long been noted for their candid filming in the men’s magazine Maxim. The actress, apparently, believes that such scandalous PR moves are of no use to her. And many fans support her in this.

Sudzilovskaya in a swimsuit, Instagram photo

Olesya Sudzilovskaya - photos before and after imaginary plastic surgery

After the second birth, the actress got herself in order as quickly as possible. She constantly shared photos with her fans in which it was noticeable how her figure was changing. In the comments to the pictures, Sudzilovskaya told subscribers how she monitors her diet, trains and returns to normal. On latest photos Olesya looks so excellent that followers suspected her of plastic surgery.

She does not comment on rumors and speculation on this matter. Many fans of the actress do not believe in the plastic manipulation of their favorite. Fresh sea breeze, training, relaxation and proper nutrition did their job - the actress looks great.

Therefore, there is no reason to suspect her of any “aesthetic-surgical” edits. It's just that the former athlete knows how to quickly get back into good shape. physical fitness. And her will to win, determination and efficiency ultimately give an excellent result.

We invite you to compare photos before and after the proposed plastic surgery. With their help, everyone can decide for themselves whether they have had plastic surgery or not.

Maxim Vitorgan began filming in a new film. Photo: Instagram.com/mvitorgan.

While the Internet is buzzing about real or comic, her husband is busy with himself, as well as new role. The other day, filming of the film “Son of Wolverine” began, for which Olesya Sudzilovskaya parted with her luxurious hair. Vitorgan published several shots taken on the set. One of them made a lot of noise. In the photo taken in the elevator, Vitorgan hugs Olesya, who has thrown her leg over his thigh. The newspaper headlines simply screamed that the actors had been caught. However, Maxim, as always, treated everything with irony. And a few hours ago he published a photo taken in front of a sign “Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.” As it turned out, the actor decided to undergo surgery to get rid of snoring.

“The shortest and most reliable path to success? Be born to the right parents? Marry the right wife? Bet on red? Carry a coin under your heel and a horseshoe in your pocket? “I tried all this,” Vitorgan began to philosophize (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved, - approx. WomanHit). “But something important was always missing—a mouse, without which you couldn’t pull out the turnip.” And then came the insight. (see photo) And I came to the clinic. And he told about his plan. And they told me at the clinic: “We’ll do everything, good fellow!” Just lie down first and take a restful sleep in our luxurious chambers. And you’ll forget about snoring and gain strength. And when you wake up, we’ll turn you into either Morgan Freeman or Polad Bul-Bul Ogly!” In general, do as you wish, and while success is on the way to me, I went to sleep in the luxurious chambers. And dream."

Nature gave Yulia Nachalova an excellent figure, but despite this, after the birth of her daughter Vera, the singer wanted to correct her body.

Which celebrity swore off going under the surgeon's knife [photo]

For most stars, a visit to the clinic plastic surgery– it’s like going to the hairdresser. Since the earliest days of Hollywood, the gods and goddesses of the big screen have reshaped their noses and inflated their busts, pumped out fat and removed wrinkles. Following Western celebrities, domestic stars also tried new medical technologies on themselves. Tweaked faces and bodies, of course, help them in their careers, but many film and show business figures, having tried plastic surgery, admit: it would be better if they didn’t do it. Let's see which of the stars regretted going under the surgeon's knife.

1. Yulia Nachalova

Nature gave Yulia Nachalova an excellent figure, but despite this, after the birth of her daughter Vera, the singer wanted to correct her breasts. The artist dreamed of getting out of maternity leave and return to the stage in a renewed form, even more beautiful than before. In 2007, Yulia finally decided to undergo plastic surgery. But, alas, implementation cherished desire It almost cost the singer her health and even her life. According to the star, she gradually began to feel uncomfortable, she began to have psychological problems: it began to seem to her as if her breasts were “alien”, were a different creature and lived their own life.

Photo: Larisa KUDRYAVTSEVA, Mikhail FROLOV

Silicone implants almost killed Yulia Nachalova. Today, next to the singer is her beloved man, hockey player Alexander Frolov, who believes that she is beautiful without makeup and other tricks.

As a result, Nachalova decided to have a reverse operation to remove the silicone from her breasts. The choice fell on one of the best California clinics for body contouring, whose clients include superstars like Britney Spears. A day later, after a five-hour operation, Yulia was discharged home. A few days later the wounds became very inflamed: it turned out that during surgical intervention The girl was infected and the infection began. I had to do a second operation to fix everything. Yulia's boyfriend, Omsk Avangard hockey player Alexander Frolov, was with her all this time and supported her. The artist was literally pulled out of the other world; it seemed that everything was behind her. However, after sepsis, a complication began - the kidneys began to fail. For what happened, Yulia, according to her, does not blame either the doctors or fate, only her own whim and an empty desire to correct nature. And she admits that her beloved man likes her most naturally, without makeup, heels or hair styling.


Yulia Nachalova in 2005, before she decided to undergo plastic surgery.

2. Masha Malinovskaya

At the dawn of her television career, Masha Malinovskaya decided to undergo plastic surgery, enlarging her bust and making her mouth fuller. However, over time, the TV presenter’s lips began to lose shape, and year by year this became more and more noticeable. Maria did not even think about going to the plastic surgery clinic again: she had enough other worries in her life - she gave birth to a son, whom she is raising alone. However, when the baby was one year and three months old, Malinovskaya still had her lips corrected. Stylist Vlad Lisovets gave advice to the TV presenter to redo her unsuccessful plastic surgery, and Masha decided to take advantage of it.

Photo: Ivan VISLOV, Anatoly ZHDANOV.

Masha Malinovskaya had her lips corrected, and now her mouth looks much neater.

3. Oksana Pushkina

In 2003, the TV presenter, together with her friend, figure skater Irina Rodnina, decided to get rid of wrinkles by undergoing rejuvenation sessions - mesotherapy (administration of drugs through injections). After the first successful plastic procedure, the famous friends decided to have it done again in 2004. There were no injections for Rodnina negative consequences, but Pushkina was unlucky. As a result of the administration of an unknown drug, the TV presenter began to experience inflammation, the nasolabial folds of her face acquired a bluish tint, and her skin became covered with bumps and reddish spots. After this, a criminal case was opened against the doctor, and Pushkina was forced to apply a thick layer of makeup to her face before each broadcast. The TV presenter had to go through a whole series of cosmetic procedures to get rid of the consequences of the fatal injection.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

Oksana Pushkina became a victim of low-quality beauty injections.

4. Ivanka Trump

The heir to media mogul Donald Trump's millions decided to become a classic American blonde with a silicone bust. But even the status of one of the richest girls in America and the fame of a successful fashion model did not insure her from medical error: Ivanka left the clinic... with a bust of different sizes. Quite quickly, the paparazzi and regulars of social parties noticed that Ivanka Trump’s right breast was noticeably larger than her left. In an effort to show off her new bust, the heiress constantly appeared in open dresses, which only emphasized her defect. However, breasts of different sizes did not prevent Ivanka from successfully getting married in 2009 and becoming the mother of two children.


Ivanka Trump left the clinic with breasts of different sizes.

5 and 6. Michael Jackson's sisters: Janet and Latoya

Like their late brother Michael, the Jackson sisters went under the surgeon's knife multiple times in an attempt to improve their appearance. One operation followed another, and as a result, the face of the eldest of the sisters, LaToya, began to more and more resemble the face of her brother, distorted by plastic surgery. Janet was unlucky with her bust. Behind last years the singer underwent many transformations: from a sexy skinny woman she turned into a chubby one, and then, after going on a strict diet, she again lost weight to a miniature size. Apparently, the rapid weight loss was not in vain: Janet Jackson's silicone bust was deformed, and the skin around the implants stretched.


One of Jackson's sisters, LaToya, has problems with her nose, and Janet has problems with her bust.

7. Tori Spelling

The daughter of one of the richest Hollywood producers, the star of the series “Beverly Hills 90210” has never lacked funds for plastic surgery. And she took full advantage of it: Tori Spelling had her first operation at the age of 16 - it was a nose job. Then the blonde redid her chin and other parts of her face, although first of all she should have worked on her breasts, which had lost their shape over time: noticeable dents appeared on the bust. But something happened in Tori’s life happy event: She married actor Dean McDermott. One after another, the couple had four children, and Spelling gave up on plastic surgery, rightly concluding that happiness does not lie in silicone. Now Tori is not only raising children, but also making a successful career as a writer, TV presenter and producer.

6 Tori Spelling lives with a deformed bust. Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Tori Spelling lives with a deformed bust.

8. Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke never hid the fact that he became a victim of plastic surgeons. According to the artist, he went under the knife after he Beautiful face spoiled in the boxing ring. In 2008, the actor had another plastic surgery before filming the film “The Wrestler” - as he admitted, in order to return former beauty. But it was not possible to return her, and moreover, the operation was unsuccessful for Mickey.

I had surgery on my nose 5 times, and once on my cheekbone. I had to have cartilage taken from my ear transplanted into my nose, and then have several more surgeries to make sure it all remained scarless and healed properly. It was one of the most painful operations, similar to hemorrhoids, Rourke admitted in a 2009 interview with the Daily Mail.

Despite his disfigured face, the star of the film “Nine and a Half Weeks” managed to turn from a Hollywood loser into a completely successful artist. The film “The Wrestler” became a breakthrough for Rourke - after it all doors opened again for the actor. In addition, Mickey’s personal life has improved: the artist has a girlfriend - Russian model Anastasia Makarenko, the couple has been together for several years. It is not surprising that next to a young beauty the artist also wants to look fit. Mickey calls Anastasia “an angel who came down from heaven” and admits that he wants to be better next to her.


For the sake of his Russian lover Anastasia Makarenko, Mickey Rourke recently underwent another plastic surgery.

9. Pete Burns

British singer and composer Pete Burns received the “honorary” title of one of the most known victims plastic surgery. The 54-year-old performer has so disfigured his face with numerous interventions that he now looks like a sexless creature. In an attempt to become younger and more attractive, he underwent rhinoplasty and facelifts many times, and finally, the next intervention “backfired” on him with serious complications. Due to an unsuccessful lip augmentation operation, impressive “dumplings” grew on Burns’ face, which also began to spread. Pete managed to win a lawsuit against the surgeon who disfigured him, but his face had to be urgently saved. Doctors recommended that he remove his lips altogether, but the artist managed to find a specialist who promised to bring his appearance back to normal. However, so far the result is far from ideal. Previously, the singer could not look in the mirror without crying, could not work or eat solid food. I even had to drink through a straw. But now he is glad that everything is over.

Surgeons gave Goldie Hawn an unsuccessful lip job. Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Surgeons gave Goldie Hawn an unsuccessful lip job.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Still from the series “Orlova and Alexandrov” Photo: Alexey Pavlishak/TASS

"This is very famous photograph. Lyubov Petrovna Orlova in a light summer duster coat with padded shoulders, in a trophy hat. She looks more like a Nazi film actress from the Hitler era than a Hollywood film star, who dressed more glamorously. After all, almost all of Orlova’s outfits were in the style of a Soviet woman, who could only look one way and no other: no provocative neckline or bare back. And yet, Lyubov Petrovna was a very attractive person; she deservedly took her place as a style icon and trendsetter. Became the first Soviet actress, who constantly dyed his hair blonde. She went on diets and watched her figure, and was the first to undergo plastic surgery. She introduced this fashion for eternal youth in the acting ranks. And her favorite phrase was: “I will always be 39 years old and not one day more” - from the play “Dear Liar.”

No claim to status!

Olesya Sudzilovskaya at the XXV Kinotavr. Sochi, 2014 Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev/TASS

“Olesya has a simple summer dress, not bad in principle, but without any pretense of stardom. Overall, the outfit looks less impressive than our heroine’s other outfits. Something beachy in the spirit of the 70s, close to the aesthetics of disco. But the figure, as always, is beautiful. Olesya smiles good mood- which is already good.”
