Guerilla marketing on social networks free download. "Guerrilla Marketing on Social Media"

Since the electronic version of my book went on sale, I regularly catch traffic on the blog for the query “Guerrilla Marketing in in social networks download for free". Moreover, it’s been almost a week since the fruit of my many months of efforts began to be bought together...

All this is understandable, predictable and even fun. I didn't expect anything else.

But since the phenomenon cannot be overcome (and I have no such desire), it is worth at least trying to direct it in the right direction. Therefore, especially for those who came to this page from a search for the query as in the title (let's repeat it again for indexing - guerrilla marketing on social networks free download) I have prepared a small instruction... Just like in the book (and by which you can analyze me like)...

  1. Let's be honest - I also downloaded someone else's stuff (both texts and music). And not all the books that seemed useful to me were bought in paper form. I mean, I deserved my karmic loop. Nevertheless, I always (always!) recommended the book I liked to those who cared about me and never tried to pass off other people’s ideas as my own (that is, if I expressed someone’s content out loud, I made a reference to the author). I wish the same for you: recommend my book to everyone who might need it and clearly pronounce my last name (by the way, Shcherbakov) when referring to its contents.
  1. If you managed to download “Guerrilla Marketing on Social Networks” for free, please do me a favor - leave a review on Ozone or anywhere else (even send it personally - the sword does not cut off a guilty head). When I say “leave a review,” I don’t mean it in a laudatory or deceitful way. On the contrary, despite the fact that you have not paid (and since you are reading this post, you are not going to pay) not a penny for my work, I want an honest opinion from you. What was missing from my book for you to give your hard-earned money for it? Or why is it so good that you will recommend it? In the end, since I’m being honest with you, be kind and don’t turn your ass around.
  1. If you came here without having yet found free version and were so courageous that I read up to this point - think about it... Maybe you have a lot of friends on social networks, or you have collected a subscriber base, or you work with entrepreneurs every day... If so, write to me directly, tell me how PR will be useful to me in your personal execution, and if you are convincing, I will give you the book, however, having cast a spell of illegitimate distribution on it.
  2. And despite all of the above... The most delicious food will go to the most worthy. If you came to this page by accident (well, suddenly) and can prove to me (with the help of a receipt, for example) that you bought my brainchild with your wooden ones, I will give you a package of materials that were not included in the book (it is now being completed - a little later I'll tell you more).

If, however, you cannot prove that “guerrilla marketing in social networks free download” was typed into the search by a blind monkey chaotically hitting the keys, I will sell you the same package of materials. Not expensive - just the price of a book.

This is parsley... Stay tuned for updates.

P.S. I hope the excess of the key phrase did not interfere too much with the flow of my thoughts. In any case, if you have any questions, suggestions, comments, etc. – please contact us. I'm always happy open exchange energies.

What is this concept, what is the essence of such advertising and how to use this tool correctly, we will tell you further.

The concept of cheap advertising

The founder of “guerrilla advertising” was the American Jay Levinson. He wrote a book of the same name, where he gives clear instructions on how to competently introduce advertising to consumers without imposing it. This method is ideal for small business owners, since its essence is to place advertising in an accessible, quick and cheap way and begin to receive the first profit from it. But the idea is so relevant that giant companies have begun to use it.

When the creator of this trend was asked why “guerrilla marketing,” he replied: “A large company is a giant army, and a small organization is a partisan detachment.”

A large company is a giant army, and a small organization is a partisan detachment.

Veiled sales on social networks

Today advertising has become a part of our life. It is everywhere: on the Internet, stores, billboards, etc. There is so much of it that it becomes simply too lazy to consider the next proposal. And on social networks, no one takes the standard expressions “you can find out more in the source or read the continuation here.” This is why guerrilla marketing was developed.

Let's look at what the guerrilla method of advertising on social networks is:

  1. Low advertising costs. That is, you can create very cheap advertising, and sometimes even free, which lifts the spirit of novice businessmen.
  2. The main idea is secrecy in the presentation of information. Do not directly say “buy it and you will be happy,” but psychologically lead the consumer to purchase a product or service under the guise of a recommendation, advice, or a regular post.
  3. . Distribution of content throughout the Internet.
  4. And the last point is a creative approach that will make advertising effective.

How to create selling offers using this method?

The main disadvantage of guerrilla marketing can be called creativity. If a novice businessman does not have creativity, he does not see his advertisement, cannot tell in a roundabout way about the essence of his offer, then there will be little effect. We present the algorithm for creating guerrilla marketing:

  1. We create a unique Commercial offer. The main “but” is not an open presentation of the product, but a veiled one. For example, you need to sell not dietary supplements for weight loss, but the story of a woman or man who lost weight with the help of this supplement. You can run an advertisement in the form of a post, create your own group, community, or write on various forums, but this is the next point.
  2. Viral sales should be everywhere: in the comments to a post, topic, discussed on the forum. You should always talk about your product in a veiled form, that is, do not write that the dietary supplement is a panacea for all ills, but, for example, “this complex helped me, and I was able to cope with the eternal problem of obesity.”
  3. Psychological impact on the consumer (Network user). If you are confident in your service or product and know that they are actually effective and efficient, create a separate forum where users can share their impressions of the product. Real stories, reviews, comments captivate today's consumers, since the eternal slogans “we are the best, we are a dynamic company” no longer affect anyone. People need real story from life.

Examples may vary, but each case is individual. You just need to embrace the wave of guerrilla marketing, understand its essence and have the talent to create effective and free advertising that will look not like an open fight for a client, but a regular recommendation.

Detailed information:

This book is essentially not a book at all, but rather a job description that is designed to regulate professional life SMM manager even outside of the workday. In it, literally an hourly schedule of tasks for the week (the question “What?”) is replaced by a full-fledged “How?” and only in necessary cases“Why?” - At an enterprise, this allows the manager to simply hand a book to an employee and, from time to time, use it to control him. - And for those who are their own SMM specialists, to remove the question of systematic approach to its activities. In addition, the book goes far beyond the scope of a reference book on SMM, as it concerns issues contextual advertising, offers some schemes for working offline, a built-in system of public responsibility for the employee and even a package of documentation dedicated to planning, reporting and self-motivation... The book is intended for performers in the SMM sphere (managers, specialists, freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs), managers in the SMM sphere (directors, owners, heads of departments) - all those who in one way or another conduct or intend to conduct business on social networks and the Internet.

Sergey Shcherbakov - Guerrilla marketing in social networks. Read online SMM manager operating instructions

Guerrilla marketing on social networks. Operating instructions for SMM manager. Author of the book Sergey Shcherbakov, title: Guerrilla marketing in social networks. Operating instructions for SMM manager. Genre: Internet, year of publication 2015, city of St. Petersburg, publisher Peter, isbn: 978-5-496-01394-9.

Sergey Shcherbakov

Sergei wrote a book that will be in demand on the market. There are two reasons for this, in my opinion. The first is a book that a manager can give to a new employee responsible for an SMM company. And he will be sure that the employee will master it (and mastery will be monitored). Because the book is written in such a way that you can read it and immediately implement it (otherwise reading the book will simply be useless). The second reason is that our people love step by step diagrams so that everything is explained and described without going into too much detail. And Sergey, in my opinion, managed to do this - in front of you is just a “step-by-step” instruction, where everything is presented concisely and “without water”; they will take you (or your employee) by the hand and lead you to the first results. An additional pleasant bonus to the book is the volume useful documents, which will be useful in order not to waste time developing your own documentation.

Vasily Smirnov, a dissident and dissident of direct response marketing in Russia for small businesses, freelancers and independent consultants.

Therefore, they will try to squeeze you out. Hundreds and even thousands of ways to NOT complete your tasks will be invented. Everyone will look for loopholes to stay comfortable. And most importantly... THE MAIN THING! You will be tested for strength every day. Only one thing can save us: unshakable, consistent demands for compliance with new rules and requirements. There are only two options: either your subordinates will break you and everything will return to normal, or you will manage to build what you want.

Maxim Batyrev. 45 manager tattoos


Imagine... Somewhere in early March, you come to the gym for the twentieth time to “get in shape for summer.” Moreover, when I say “the tenth,” I mean the “tenth” spring (not training) in a row. You are serious and, of course, without hesitation, take the most expensive membership to the most expensive gym. You buy on the weekend new suit for training, several pairs of white socks ( new life after all) and... On Monday, dressed to the nines, dancing on the spot with impatience, you meet an impressive hulk who introduces himself as your coach.

Now take in more air... Imagine that this, so to speak, coach, looking at you with an appraising glance, says:

- Well, get busy... At home you read Joe Weider and Mike Metzner. By July you should look like this... - And points a finger at a passing athlete with at least 5 years of continuous experience...

“But what about?.. Uh-uh...” you hum in response to him.

– Is the task clear? Well, go ahead! Forward!.. Time is money.

Introduced? What do you say to such a “coach”? Or, let's be more honest, where will you send him? And why? Yes, because that’s what a coach is needed to say “what”, say “how”, and then control it. At the same time, you, in principle, don’t care about understanding the mechanism, you want the result. Spartan torso and hungry looks on the beach. And he takes money from you to give you this result. Reasonable?

Now let's make an analogy. How do your employees work? Does each of them have a “training program” for each day? How does the trainer control them during the “training”?

Rhetorical questions... But then why do you expect stars from the sky and multiple payback from them? Why do you think that a beginner athlete, without the support of an experienced mentor, will reach the “120 kg chest” bar on his own? And it’s okay if we’re talking about the “bench press.” An incorrectly performed deadlift can result in a permanent injury. And a task performed incorrectly... In general, I think we understood each other.

This book is a detailed “training program” for your SMM manager. With clear instructions “what to do”, “how to do”, “at what time to do it”, leaving him no room for error. Yes - everyone’s initial data is different, and the program is a template that suits some more and less for others. But our task is not “Mr. Olympia”, but the banal profitability of the manager.

This is NOT a training book, NOT a collection of cases and NOT an information guide with an answer to the question “why”. This is a technology (“guerrilla” because I won’t let you waste a penny) that will allow you to approach your “athlete” at any time and see his progress with just a click. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a yellow-faced student or a gray-bearded workaholic with no experience working on the Internet... If he knows how to hold a mouse in his hands and is able to salivate when the light comes on, he won’t even need special training. Full "All inclusive". Contentment, six-pack abs and, most importantly, profit. Even before your first pair of white socks wears out...

Briefly about the main thing

Who is an SMM manager (in the future, for simplicity, I will simply call him “Sam”)? There are many definitions, I will give the simplest and most unassuming. SMM manager - uh then an employee working in social networks and the Internet.

If you dig a little under the epidermis, SMM stands for “Social Media Marketing”, or, speaking in Russian, “social media marketing”. At the same time, note that neither forums, nor online media, nor even more so data storage hosting sites like YouTube are formally social networks, but working with them will be the responsibility of Sam (simply because otherwise “his joy would be incomplete” ).

After all, our job is not to understand the terms. Therefore, perhaps, we begin to work right from this point.

1. If you and your team have already tried to work on social networks and you have some resources left (living or dead), add them to the list that is placed at the beginning of the section for the SMM manager (“SMM specialist. Self-exploitation instructions ").

2. If you or your team goes to social networks with clean slate”, read the section for the manager (“Briefly about the main thing”) to the end, close the book and give it to your SMM manager (I meant Sam), who has just broken into the position and is waiting for valuable instructions. What follows is purely his work.

Yours is over. The first report will be at the end of the month. To be specific - on his last Friday.

What needs to be checked:

Access to logins and passwords from sites where work is carried out (I recommend storing them in one file, and in a place that only the key employee and you know about - that is, not on the desktop central computer office); Of course, when a key employee changes, passwords should also change (and very quickly - preferably within a few hours);

Very often, Sams create social media profiles from their personal user accounts; in the future, this is fraught with a wide variety of troubles for you, from difficulties with resource administration to the inability to curtail the rights of an unwanted user (for example, on VKontakte, the user who created the community forever remains a “superadmin”, and no matter how you kick him out, he will always will be able to restore itself); therefore, do not be lazy once to insist that the registration of the community on VKontakte, and on Facebook too (if you don’t already have them) is carried out from your personal account; even better - buy a new SIM card, and let Sam register all new e-mails and accounts on it (passwords are always the same; you can restore it and the likelihood that the account will be “taken away” is reduced significantly); Of course, the map must be under your constant control.

What questions will Sam bother you about:

Reporting (once a month Sam will submit written reports in the established form to you for review); to check the report’s compliance with the original template, download the sample from my website: (oddly enough, it’s free); Sam will be guided by him in his work;

Approval of the budget and work plan for the next 90 days (although it may be more convenient for you to discuss the budget with an accountant);

Among other things, the materials in the book provide for him a motivating document (tailored to completing this very 90-day challenge), in which he will ask you to fill out the column for rewards and, possibly, punishments (it is there too, the question is whether he will ask);

For both procedures, it is better to designate a specific day, for example, the last Friday of every (or every 3rd) month, so as not to reinvent the wheel again and again.

On what issues does it make sense for you to pull Sam:

First of all – according to the above (reporting, planning and budget);

Secondly, regarding hanging issues weekly reports on the wall above his desk (see paragraph 26.1); this is very important - public responsibility for your results almost always improves the quality of these results, so if you like this practice (and you will like it), try implementing it for employees of other departments too;

Thirdly, do random checks from time to time (in the first chapter of this book a schedule of his work is given for every day, including weekends; therefore, you can at any time look at “what” he should be doing now, look in the corresponding chapter “ how” exactly, and then check what is “really” happening); yes, of course, I understand what's around us real life and you may want to make adjustments to the proposed schedule or turn a blind eye to something, but chaotic checks are still very worth doing.

It is highly desirable that not only Sam, but also you (or another regulatory body; more about hierarchy in an enterprise - in Chapter 1) read this book and be aware of what is happening in your business; even if you have never encountered SMM technologies before, I think they will not cause you any serious difficulties (after all, unclear terms or recommendations can be easily clarified in Google or Yandex - the work is not dusty, but adds peace of mind );

I repeat: right now download a package of materials for work from my website: smm - this is the minimum set that is needed to track dynamics and understand performance (or lack thereof).

Another very important point

I would like you to see in this book not only SMM technologies, but also a business system. An exaggerated, obviously unsuitable for “everyone” (because it was created for “everyone”) and nevertheless a system. If all your adult life you have thought that formalizing (fixing on paper) business processes is not for small and medium-sized businesses, I will try to dissuade you. Make your texter work as if this book is a job description (adjusted for significant internal features, of course), and, I assure you, very soon you will think about formalizing everything. Well... It's worth it.

SMM specialist. self-use instructions

1. So, from now on, your name is Sam (we will now often communicate through this book, so, with your permission, I will switch to “you”). You can come up with a cool last name for yourself, Sam. AND your first task - fill out the list below (if you have not only been in the company for a long time, but also in the know) or get acquainted with the already completed list (if - suddenly! - you just got a job - in theory, the manager should have already filled it out himself, We had such an agreement with him). If both options are passable and the company has never been involved in social networks either with or without you, just read on (we’ll sort this out in Chapters 3 and 4).

The site of the company: _________________.

Landing page(s) of the company (just in case, I’ll make a reservation that a “landing page” is a one-page site, the only task of which is to “squeeze” the incoming flow potential clients to the condition of those who bought; here, unlike a classic site, there should be no distractions at all): __ _________________________________________

Guerrilla marketing is a term coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his book of the same name.

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You can select it as a separate area of ​​marketing that focuses on high efficiency at low costs, but can be considered as a kind of collection of moral and ethical rules for a marketer, a set of laws on which to rely in your work. Here the main ones of these principles:

  • The purchase of a product or service should please the customer. There is no need to scare him with alarming consequences if he does not make a purchase, you need to show him the amazing changes that will happen if he makes a choice in your favor;
  • One of the main tasks of any “partisan” is building friendly, long-term relationships with the client;
  • Only a combination of many marketing techniques will give reliable results. The principle familiar to all investors about diversifying eggs and selecting baskets holds true in our field;
  • Don’t be afraid to resort to neuromarketing, because the human brain makes most decisions in obedience to its “unconscious side”, which operates on autopilot. Want to check it out? Okay, let's at this moment, you, an adult, conscious and rational person, you will not think about the pink elephant, because there are no prerequisites for this, except for the two words written here;
  • The only criterion for evaluating effectiveness separate advertising campaign and all marketing strategy in general - profit.

Who needs it and why?

First of all, this is small business tool:

  • for companies in which the role of a marketer is performed by one of the full-time employees, combining it with his main responsibilities;
  • for a business that is primarily aimed at getting quick results, but is not yet ready to allocate large budgets for this.

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

Reinforce the interaction with a small pleasant bonus. In the book by D.K. Levinson cites as an example of guerrilla marketing a DJ who gave a candy to everyone who ordered a track. Such a little thing (certainly backed up by brilliant work) allowed him to short time become the most famous DJ in New York

Collection of information about clients. In addition to standard phone numbers and addresses Email, as part of guerrilla marketing on social networks, you can find out additional information about the client, which you can later use for personalized promotions. For example, imagine that when you order pizza, you are given a small signed gingerbread cookie for your child. Or the restaurant remembers that you prefer dishes without onions (in this case, the waiter should note this information in the customer card when ordering for the first time).

“If you're not willing to put in the effort to find out a person's name, how can you provide them with attentive service?”

Personalized greetings. Every month there are a couple of holidays on which you should congratulate your customers. You have several options on how to approach this issue: ignore it, write a general message on social networks, issue a newsletter dedicated to the holiday, or call each client with sincere congratulations and the promise of a small bonus on their next order. It is clear that the last option is the most effective, but what should those who have 1000 clients do? Sort them by importance to your company and call the top ten or twenty.

Partnership with companies working in related areas. Another example of guerrilla marketing in action: you provide repair services household appliances, and your goal is to notify residents of nearby houses about your existence. What can you do? Print Flyers and put them in mailboxes. What else can you do? Team up with a local pizza delivery, manicurist and cleaning company, combine budgets and hire a designer and copywriter to create a super chic 4 in 1 flyer! What you get as a result:

  • Better quality at lower costs;
  • There is a high probability that the leaflet will not immediately go into the trash bin, and the client will save it because he is potentially interested in one of the services.

However, all of these guerrilla marketing methods are effective for offline promotion, while most communications now take place in the virtual space.

Types and examples of guerrilla marketing on social networks

Maintaining groups and accounts. One of the most simple ways Internet promotion is the creation of a thematic group or profile on a social network. We reveal the secret of success: provide users with truly useful and necessary information within your area. All!

Publications and appearances as an expert. To get people to know about you, contact the administrators of groups and communities related to the topic and offer them great content in exchange for mentioning your page. The cooler the proposed publication, the higher the likelihood that they will agree to do it for free.

Shocking marketing. Your task is to organize a promotion or event that will attract the attention of users without your participation. For example, one shorts store placed printed advertisements on benches. It was imprinted on the skin of people who sat down to rest, turning them into unusual advertising boards.

Barter and mutual PR. If you already have your own audience, you can contact representatives of related fields with a proposal for mutual advertising.

Providing free service or products in exchange for a review. The best way to please – let the client try your products for free. Offer dessert in exchange for sharing your coffee shop on Instagram, send test samples to influencers in your industry, or give out coupons for free manicures to the cutest girls at the gym.

“Manual” mailing to selected clients. New products arrived? Think about which of your clients might like it and make a personal proposal: “Anna, thank you for using our car wash service for so many years. Yesterday we received a batch of wax, treatment with which will help keep your swallow clean even longer, would you like to try it?”

Automatic registration for regular services. A very effective example of guerrilla marketing that few people use yet: “Maxim, good evening! A year ago you ordered a bouquet of flowers for your wife’s birthday. Will you arrange delivery this year too?”, “You bought dog food from us, according to our calculations, this amount will last you for another two or three days. When would it be convenient for you for us to deliver the new bag?”

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of guerrilla marketing are obvious. The whole point this direction is to quickly, without cost (or practically without cost) conduct the most effective campaign, while competitors compete by pouring ever larger budgets into standard advertising channels, for example, advertising in Yandex Direct.

What does a true “guerrilla” need to succeed?

Creativity. When everyone is deciding how to put a wolf, a goat and a cabbage in the same boat, you have to imagine a model of an environmentally fueled rocket that can carry all three at once before anyone even opens their mouth to say “meh.” . And yes, the production of a rocket should cost no more than 20 rubles.

Experience and knowledge. You can write one three-word headline that will give you an Open Rate of 146%, but it will take you years to know at the right time that those three words will work right now.

The ability to deviate from proven paths. Sometimes you have to try something that no one has done before, take a risk, bet on something new and, having lost, be able to get up, dust yourself off and try again.

After all, it is precisely beyond that thin line of ideas that no one has yet implemented, ideas that will soon become fashion trends, ideas that shock with their elegance and simplicity, and lies the art of marketing in its best understanding!

Sergey Shcherbakov

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2017

© Business Bestseller Series, 2017

* * *

Sergei wrote a book that will be in demand on the market. There are two reasons for this, in my opinion. The first is a book that a manager can give to a new employee responsible for an SMM company. And he will be sure that the employee will master it (and mastery will be monitored). Because the book is written in such a way that you can read it and immediately implement it (otherwise reading the book will simply be useless). The second reason is that our people love step-by-step diagrams, so that everything is explained and described without going into too much detail. And Sergei, in my opinion, managed to do this - in front of you is a “step-by-step” instruction, where everything is presented concisely and “without water”; they will take you (or your employee) by the hand and lead you to the first results. An additional pleasant bonus to the book is the volume of useful documents that will be useful in order not to waste time developing your own documentation.

Vasily Smirnov, a dissident and dissident of direct response marketing in Russia for small businesses, freelancers and independent consultants.

Preface to the second edition

In the two years that have passed since the release of “Partisan SMM,” many people on social networks have transformed from chrysalises into butterflies and learned to fly. Yesterday's know-how (for example, retargeting or parsing services) have become the norm with which to start the working day. Therefore, in order to maintain the book’s complex status, I changed a lot in it:

♦ deleted the chapter on friending and inviting (because the screws in the algorithms were tightened even more);

♦ significantly expanded the chapter on targeted advertising;

♦ wrote a separate block about algorithms for ranking feeds in the VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram networks;

♦ significantly expanded the chapters on creating communities and attracting free subscribers;

♦ rewrote the chapter on key KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and reporting from scratch.

In general, this is almost completely A new book. And most importantly, it is more relevant than ever.

I am sure it will be useful both to those who read/implemented “Guerrilla SMM” in its first incarnation, and to those who are ready to get involved in it now.

Productive work to you, friends, and a speedy arrival of financial noon.

Thank you for your trust!

I forced my client, who owns relatively big company, perform the following exercise: he wrote directly from his head (and not from " job description") list of tasks for each of his employees (tasks that he believed they were doing), and then ranked the items in order of decreasing importance. He then forced the workers to do the same. No coincidences. Zero. They weren't even close.

Dan Kennedy. No B.S. Ruthless Management

Therefore, they will try to squeeze you out. Hundreds and even thousands of ways to NOT complete your tasks will be invented. Everyone will look for loopholes to stay comfortable. And most importantly... THE MAIN THING! You will be tested for strength every day. Only one thing can save us: unshakable, consistent demands for compliance with new rules and requirements. There are only two options: either your subordinates will break you and everything will return to normal, or you will manage to build what you want.

Maxim Batyrev. 45 manager tattoos


Imagine... Somewhere in early March, you come to the gym for the twentieth time to “get in shape for summer.” Moreover, when I say “the tenth,” I mean the “tenth” spring (not training) in a row. You are serious and, of course, without hesitation, take the most expensive membership at the most expensive gym. On the weekend, you buy a new suit for training, several pairs of white socks (a new life, after all) and... On Monday, dressed to the nines, dancing on the spot with impatience, you appear before an impressive hulk who introduces himself as your trainer.

Now take in more air... Imagine that this, so to speak, coach, looking at you with an appraising glance, says:

- Well, get busy... At home you read Joe Weider and Mike Metzner. By July you should look like this... - and points a finger at a passing athlete with at least five years of continuous experience...

“But what about?.. Uh-uh...” you hum in response to him.

– Is the task clear? Well, go ahead! Forward!.. Time is money.

Introduced? What do you say to such a “coach”? Or, let's be more honest, where will you send him? And why? Yes, because a coach is needed to say “what”, say “how”, and then control it. At the same time, in principle, you don’t care about understanding the mechanism, you want results. Spartan torso and hungry looks on the beach. And he takes money from you to give you this result. Reasonable?

Now let's make an analogy. How do your employees work? Does each of them have a “workout program” for every day? How does the trainer control them during the “training”?

Rhetorical questions... But then why do you expect stars from the sky and multiple payback from them? Why do you think that a beginner athlete, without the support of an experienced mentor, will reach the “120 kg chest” bar on his own? And it’s okay if we’re talking about the “bench press.” An incorrectly performed deadlift can result in a permanent injury. And a task performed incorrectly... In general, I think we understood each other.

This book is a detailed “training program” for your SMM manager. With clear instructions “what to do”, “how to do”, “at what time to do it”, leaving him no room for error. Yes - everyone’s initial data is different, and the program is a template that suits some more, and less for others. But our task is not “Mr. Olympia”, but the banal profitability of the manager.

This is NOT a training book, NOT a collection of cases, and NOT an information guide with an answer to the question “why?” This is a technology that will allow you to approach your “athlete” at any time and see his progress with just a click. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a yellow-faced student or a gray-bearded workaholic with no experience on the Internet... If he knows how to hold a mouse in his hands and is able to salivate when the light comes on, he won’t even need special training. Full all inclusive. Contentment, six-pack abs and, most importantly, profit. Even before your first pair of white socks wears out...

Briefly about the main thing (four pages that the manager needs to read)

Who is an SMM manager?(from now on, for simplicity, I will call him Sam)? There are many definitions, I will give the simplest one. An SMM manager is an employee who works professionally in social media..

If you dig a little under the epidermis, SMM stands for social media marketing, or, in Russian, “social media marketing.” At the same time, note that neither forums, nor online media, nor even data storage hosting sites like YouTube are formally social networks, but working with them will be the responsibility of Sam (simply because otherwise “his joy would be incomplete”) .

After all, our job is not to understand the terms. Therefore, perhaps, we begin to work right from this point.

♦ If you and your team have already tried to be active on social networks and you have some resources left (living or dead), add them to the list that begins the section for the SMM manager (“SMM specialist. Self-exploitation instructions”).
