Real disappearance in a dream. Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dreamed of a Dream Abyss

The disappearance of some of your things or small animals symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life, as well as your desire to put things in order. The disappearance of people indicates your fear of losing them and your concern for their health. If you yourself have disappeared, then you are haunted by thoughts of death.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you are busy looking for a person who has suddenly disappeared, in reality you will forget about something very important. A dream in which an object disappears from your hands, as if dissolving into thin air, is a sign that the position you occupy does not suit you, but you simply do not have the right to claim more, which is why you constantly experience internal dissatisfaction.

Reader comments on the topic “Seeing a disappearance in a dream”:

I dreamed of my disappearance from my usual life, from my children, my relatives, for 1 year in some other world in which there is no telephone connection, and only sometimes buses go to the ordinary world. This whole year I practically don’t remember anyone, constantly I work, I practically don’t eat or sleep. And it seemed to me that I had been in another world for 4 years, but in fact in ordinary life it was only 1 year. After returning to my normal life, I ended up in the hospital with complete exhaustion of my body, but I survived and I review everything in my life again. And this is where the dream ends.

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If you want to ask a question like " Why do you dream about disappearing?", then it’s better to send it from the Question and Answer page, and here we ask you to express your opinion and attitude to the interpretation you read. Maybe it gave you some kind of key to your dream, or maybe it turned out to be completely useless. Your comments will help other readers better understand dream book and meaning of sleep.

Dreaming of a missing person. A direct interpretation of dreams will tell you exactly whether the missing person is alive or will not return. Dreams can help you find out what happened to a missing person.

Interpretation of a dream with a missing person

There is still pain, the nightmare of the disappearance of a loved one or acquaintance has not yet been experienced, but it is already a dream. Standing in a dream is missing, alive, sad or smiling. We rush to him in a dream with questions...

“My grandmother is dreaming missing dad, where she asks “Son, where are you?”, and he is silent.”

"My missing friend with some man climbing up the wooden stairs from the first floor. I hug him. Joy. I ask where I’ve been for so long. Didn't answer."

"I see missing uncle on the porch of his half. He changed, became younger and more handsome, gained weight. I was happy, started hugging him and crying.”

And not a word about what happened, whether he will return... This is the most painful thing in these dreams, to see, feel and... lose again.

No matter how difficult it may be, let’s try to pull ourselves together and look at the dream from the other side. Like information that came to us from unknown sources directly into our unconscious. Where dreams come from is very clearly explained in home page. In short:

Your soul asked, you were answered. Only the answer came in images that require interpretation.

You are ready? Let's begin.

An out-of-body meeting with a missing person or an image?

First, we need to answer the question - what do we remember, was it an out-of-body meeting or a message?

    If the person himself appeared, his soul, energy shell, as you wish, there's nothing to interpret. A meeting of souls common in dreams. If the body is lost or real circumstances prevent us from seeing each other in person, then the soul meets the soul. Then we experience in a dream what we experience in life – emotions, a real feeling of meeting. Remember - “I hug him. Joy”, “rejoiced, began to hug him and cry”...

    Little can be learned from this meeting. Emotions get in the way. The dreamer's soul, like the soul of the missing person, is shocked and overwhelmed with feelings.
    But the main problem is that our Consciousness is not able to adequately translate the sounds of speech not only of a missing person, but of any person in general. Do you remember this effect - in a dream you are talking to someone, everything is so clear, but you wake up and don’t remember anything or remember some kind of nonsense or expressions that are absolutely incomprehensible?

    Consciousness is not capable of adequately translating the sounds of speech not only of a missing person, but of any person in general.

    There may be emotions, there may be a real feeling of a meeting, but in a dream there are incredible fantastic details, implausible behavior. This is the dream we need, since this is no longer an out-of-body meeting, but information about missing person. Moreover, even in an out-of-body meeting they can show the answer in images! As in the example above with the missing father - “and he stands opposite, and instead of his head there is a wolf’s.”

We identify direct indications of the fate of the missing person

Here you cannot do without the Dream Book of disturbing dreams; it contains all the images of “bad” dreams. The main ones are listed in the article What do you see in a bad dream. Additionally, classic images, and others.
And we immediately come to important information:

“My brother dreamed that he was looking into dark hole in the ground, and dad is sitting there and his eyes are black.”

A missing friend 'rises up wooden stairs from the first floor."

My missing husband" rejuvenated that’s for sure, and it was somehow bright, clean...”

The ex-husband in the dream “has changed, became younger and more beautiful, recovered."

Here everything is clear that the missing relative has gone to the Other World. Only there can things change dramatically better side, get younger.

Indirect indications of the fate of the missing person

Our Consciousness most of all strives for our mental safety, tries to prevent serious psychological experiences that can cause us psychological trauma. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but he tries. Therefore, more often than not, it does not translate the code directly, as above, but translates the code indirectly.


“I was getting ready to leave and said, “I’ll go buy some candy for the table,” but his mother wouldn’t let him go, and he said, “No, I’ll go.”

On what occasion do they buy sweets from us in case of drama with a person? That's right, for remembrance... “Mom won’t let go” - she doesn’t want to come to terms with the terrible reality, but the dream stubbornly “no, I’ll go,” that is, I’ll have to...

Or what does this strange transformation mean:

- “Mom in a dream says to the missing father, “Why did you do that, didn’t come home,” and he stands opposite, and instead of his head there is a wolf’s and says, “It’s your own fault.”

We look at the image of disturbing dreams in the Dream Book. This is human aggression. Either he got involved in a conflict with someone, or became a victim of aggression.

This is how we learn from indirect images in a dream about what happened to the missing person. You can read many examples on the forum, where there is even a special section.

If you dream of a missing person, but you find it difficult to interpret the dream, then the next section is for you.

How to find out the fate of a missing person from a dream

    You determine for yourself whether you really want answers to your questions and how the information will benefit you.

    Let's say, some people prefer to live with the hope, even if false, that the missing person will one day return. This is their choice. It's easier for them. For others, in their particular situation, false hope destroys their life, prevents them from starting a new one...

    If in dreams about missing persons there are marker images that he is alive and just ran away, then after relief there may be a feeling of resentment... All this must be weighed before you decide to get information...

    You can find an example of how environmentally friendly and safe consultations are carried out in the article on the page Help in interpretation.

    Take it psychological consultation, during which the marker images obtained as a result of the analysis are discussed. Without consultation, translation is impossible, since simply bare information, as in the messages of fortune tellers and psychics, can be traumatic, regardless of whether the news is good or bad.

    Then comes the verification stage - it includes the analysis of dreams that will arrive over the next 1-2 days. And then a control check - the first two or three dreams involving the missing person. Only then can the work be considered completed.

Real examples of interpretation of dreams with missing persons

Missing girls in the Nizhny Novgorod region

At first, journalists from RenTV tested the method of direct interpretation of dreams. They came to my house to film for the program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman.”

They were interested in a 10-year-old fact when Nizhny Novgorod region teacher Lyudmila Oleynik, thanks to a dream, found the place where the criminals hid the bodies of two murdered girls.
I said to the TV camera:

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers them. Nevertheless, dreams where there are missing relatives are remembered for a lifetime. When the girls disappeared and the search was on, their souls appeared to their closest relatives. Those who took part in the search were shown their location in a dream with a direct picture. It was not a dream that brought Lyudmila Oleynik to the burial place of the remains - it was a simple predictive dream, in the morning, and said that today she would find their remains.

The journalists recorded and suggested that the next day they travel around the Kstovsky district and talk with relatives dead girls and check everything I said.
The test is tough - after 5 minutes the dreamer forgets what he was dreaming about, and 10 years have already passed! Nevertheless, I agreed without question and the next day I was already in the Kstovsky district with the film crew.

We went to the village of Klyuchi, where this tragedy occurred, and found Yulia’s grandmother, the youngest of the missing girls. Grandmother refused - she didn’t see any dreams, I don’t know anything, I didn’t dream of anything. Then I had to ask:
- Didn’t Yulia come to you?
“One time,” the grandmother was embarrassed. - I don’t remember anything, like in the dark.
- What was she wearing, what did she tell you?

And grandma remembered. Yes, she didn’t forget, it’s just that the defense blocked this memory. And she told me.
- Yes, she rushed to me, just like she always rushed when she saw me coming to her with gifts. So joyful, shouting “Grandma”. From the darkness. I remember that she told me a lot, asked me something, but I didn’t remember what. And I woke up.
- Was this at a time when she had not yet been found?
- Yes.

I’ll note right away that I couldn’t tell from her dream whether her granddaughter was alive or not. There seems to be an indication of a burial - darkness. She came from the darkness. But if the girls were alive and in the dark, they would also show the darkness - a straight picture. If the dreamer's consciousness is confused, it is dark - at that time it is no wonder - darkness can also arise, but not as a detail of the dream, but as the background of its perception.

And in general, in order to draw such serious conclusions, you need several dreams, and even from different dreamers. That's why we met with Yulia, older sister the second missing girl Lyuba. She remembered a dream from which she woke up in tears 10 years ago. A typical out-of-body date. The deceased Lyuba reproached that her sister abandoned her.
Much later, reading articles on this topic, I understand why - Yulin’s boyfriend killed Lyuba. That is, Yulia herself brought the future killer of her younger sister to the house.

We also visited the burial site of the bodies, where Lyudmila Oleynik later found them. Deep ravine, trees. There they interviewed me again.

I said that predictive dreams appear only when all the conditions have already been formed for a future event in the present. And I claim that Oleinik did not find the remains in a dream - they say, in a dream they showed her that there were corpses there, so she went to that place and found them. No, the dream was simple predictive - she was shown what she would see that day. No mysticism. And he concluded:

This means that the dream was in the morning - she woke up with it. The day before, she had not thought at all about the tragedy with the girls. She did not excavate the remains; they were visible. She had planned in advance, the day before, to walk along the edge of this ravine.

We met with Lyudmila Oleynik much later than this interview - at seven o’clock in the evening. She said, yes, with this dream she got up at 4 in the morning, early 5, and immediately began to get ready for her hike; Yes, I didn’t think so - this tragedy happened a year ago (at this time), and it was still far from their village; yes, she planned to walk along the edge of that ravine to find the roots of the rosehip; Yes, she saw a skull in the grass.
All this is typical for the method of obtaining information about missing persons. And it came in handy when I had to deal with another high-profile story.

Children disappeared in Komi

“Good afternoon, Sergei! Andrei Meleshchuk’s grandmother is writing to you. In Udora, Chim, Komi Republic, two boys were lost on June 5. One of them is my grandson Andrei. The whole of Russia was looking, information and photographs were broadcast on TV, all the newspapers wrote. "The riot police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations searched for three months, various psychics were involved, but there was no result. Please, solve my dreams."
I was then editing the magazine Dreams and Visions.

Galina Vasilyevna sent me several letters and, at my request, collected the dreams of loved ones of missing children. The picture they got was disappointing - the children died, and from their dreams it was even possible to tell exactly how - they drowned in the river. One thing could console loved ones - their remains will be found.
Only 4 years later I learned from the Internet that the remains of my grandson had been found.

I wasn’t upset that Galina Vasilievna didn’t call me then. I knew from her dreams that she would feel bad at her grandson’s funeral. And she won’t have time to call for a long time.

Dreaming of a missing classmate

Seeing a missing friend in a dream

Friend's husband disappeared

From the direct translation forum:
"my husband best friend Inny went missing. On September 30, 2014, he and a friend had a drink and decided to fish on the lake, the boat capsized 1.5 km from the shore, Vlad, that’s the name of the missing friend, swam out from under the boat, Denis (this is the second guy) climbed onto the overturned boat, and Vlad said that he would swim. No one else saw him.”

Dreams were sent about the missing person. And, in a rare case, the dreamer was instantly shown what happened to him and where his body was.
“on the first day when they told me that Vlad was missing, I saw him in a dream. It was as if divers were called to the lake and they swam on the lake in a motor boat and dived, they also gave me a suit so that I could dive. I remember that I was swimming under water, it was yellow- green in color, cloudy, and floating out of the corner of my eye I saw Vlad’s head lying at the bottom without a body, only one thought flashed through and why did he need to cut off his head, I don’t remember anything else from this dream.”

Sergey Dolzhenko,
psychologist, dream interpreter


dream about missing person

why do you dream about a missing person?

if you dream about a missing person

see in a dream

Dreams associated with intimate parts of the body, as a rule, have their source in the deepest experiences of the individual. Being sexually charged, the dream makes us understand that everyday hardships, even those that have no connection with the intimate aspects of human existence, leave a deep mark on all components of the psyche. This also applies to dreams in which a person seems to be losing what is most precious to many. This suggests the conclusion that the loss of genital organs symbolizes the deprivation of something close and dear.

In life, we always have to lose something, sacrifice something, which we later bitterly regret. Without realizing some losses with our minds, we still feel it with the unconscious part of our soul, which is why regret is expressed in such dreams. The stronger negative emotions associated with the disappearance of the genital organs in a dream, the more significant the reason that caused the appearance of this phenomenon on the horizon of the unconscious state in which the person remains during sleep.

The release of psychic energy into sleep requires that a person find the source of its occurrence and take certain measures to bring his mental state into balance. This is the only way to ensure the normal functioning of thoughts and sensations without harm to yourself and others.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Freud's Dream Book

The abyss symbolizes failures in your personal and sexual life.

Falling into the abyss speaks of your extremely low self-esteem. You tend to get depressed easily.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

An abyss, falling into it means many obstacles await you; If you are unable to get out of it, you will end up in a bad society.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Family dream book

Abyss - Soon you will have to make an important decision on which much in your life depends. Your future depends on how correct this decision is. Falling into the abyss means you will suffer a grave loss that will unsettle you for a long time. If in a dream you managed to avoid falling into the abyss, it means outside help you will be able to avoid danger. To see one of your relatives or friends fall into the abyss - it is possible that this human will happen accident. Even if this really happens and you don’t have time to warn him, don’t worry - you wouldn’t be able to change anything, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Seeing an Abyss in a dream - Falling into an abyss - someone’s interference in your affairs will cause you irreparable damage. Falling into the abyss means feeling that you are unable to control the situation. Finding yourself at the bottom of an abyss, but not remembering how you got there - an unexpected deception will lead to financial problems, this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

The abyss means heart disease.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Spring dream book

Falling into the abyss means trouble.

To get out of the abyss is to get away from trouble.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Summer dream book

Standing over a deep abyss in a dream and being afraid to fall into it means that your physical and moral condition is extremely depleted; you are on the edge of an abyss.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Autumn dream book

Standing on the edge of an abyss in a dream means fate is preparing a difficult life for you.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Falling into a bottomless abyss in a dream and waking up from an unaccountable fear that has gripped your entire being means that you will soon receive the sad news of death loved one.

Crossing an abyss on a thin rope that suddenly breaks - in reality, a debilitating illness will bring you physical and moral suffering.

If you try unsuccessfully to get out of the abyss, climbing its steep walls and scratching your fingers until they bleed, you will find yourself in dubious company. If you still manage to get out of the abyss, such a dream foretells that you will reach the heights of professional excellence.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Abyss - Fall into it - many obstacles await you - not being able to get out of it - you will end up in a bad society

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Modern dream book

Falling into a bottomless abyss in a dream and waking up from an unaccountable fear that has gripped your entire being means that you will soon receive sad news.

Climbing across an abyss on a thin rope that suddenly breaks - physical and moral suffering due to a debilitating illness.

If you dream that you are trying to get out of an abyss, climbing its steep walls, scratching your fingers until they bleed, in reality you are in danger of falling into dubious company.

If you finally manage to get out of the abyss, in reality such a dream indicates that you will reach unprecedented heights of professional excellence.

Abyss - soon you will have to make an important decision on which much in your life depends. Your future depends on how correct this decision is.

Falling into the abyss means you will suffer a grave loss that will unsettle you for a long time.

If in a dream you managed to avoid falling into an abyss, it means that with outside help you can avoid danger.

To see one of your relatives or friends falling into the abyss - it is possible that an accident will happen to this person. Even if this really happens and you don’t have time to warn him, don’t worry, you wouldn’t be able to change anything.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

danger; falling into the abyss is a serious loss. Bypassing or avoiding it means getting rid of danger and living a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Standing in front of an abyss, an abyss - threatens misfortune / harm from frivolity / melancholy, fear of life.

Falling into it is an accident.

Slowly float above it - to be surrounded by illusions that give happiness in any circumstances.

To hang on the edge and try to hold on - to feel the abnormality of your situation, to hear the voice of conscience.

To get out of it is to get rid of misfortune.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Abyss - risk, danger.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of an Abyss - Loss of property or loss of a loved one. Imagine that you are building a reliable fence at the edge of a precipice. Now you are not in danger of falling into it.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Star dream book

You dreamed of an Abyss - standing on the edge - being in great danger. Falling into the abyss means a great catastrophe.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Big dream book

Abyss (ravine) - Misfortune or danger; fall - an unexpected loss of strength; bypass - getting rid of existing danger.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of the Abyss - Standing on the edge of a deep abyss. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will suddenly have the opportunity to realize cherished wish; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to serious danger; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - this dream signifies drastic changes in your life. For a man - A dream on Monday night means that you need to hurry up and make your choice; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to unexpected changes in your life; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night warns that you should beware of an accident. Look for a way to cross the abyss. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will look for a way to correct the consequences of your mistake; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it says that you will have difficulties due to your stubbornness; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will invent cunning plans to get something that, as it turns out, you do not need at all. For a man - a dream seen on Monday night advises you to stop making unrealistic plans; and a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you do not notice the simple possibility of solving your problems; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Abyss (abyss) – Falling into an abyss represents the fact that things are so bad that they can’t get any worse. It remains to stand the test of time, which will turn your affairs for the better. (See also Fall.) Standing in front of an abyss, hanging on its edge is a threat of an unpleasant event. Falling into the abyss is an opportunity to change your life. Climb out of the abyss - start new life, overcome adversity.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does an abyss mean in a dream - standing at the edge of an abyss is a premonition of danger. Looking into the abyss is a risky act. For women - unpleasant worries. Seeing a bottomless abyss is a disappointment in your life. To fall into the abyss is to admit your powerlessness. To get out of the abyss is to leave a bad society in time.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Abyss - problems.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book of catchphrases

Cliff (abyss) – “on the edge of the abyss” (danger); "right off the bat" - abrupt change events; “break in the line”, “breakdown of relationships”, “life tragically ended”.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Men's dream book

Fall into the abyss - someone’s interference in your affairs will cause you irreparable damage. Falling into the abyss means feeling that you are unable to control the situation. Finding yourself at the bottom of the abyss, but not remembering how you got there - unexpected deception will lead to financial problems.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book for women

Soon you will have to make an important decision on which a lot in your life depends. Your future depends on how correct this decision is.

Falling into the abyss means you will suffer a grave loss that will unsettle you for a long time. If in a dream you managed to avoid falling into an abyss, it means that with outside help you can avoid danger.

To see one of your relatives or friends fall into the abyss - it is possible that an accident will happen to this person. Even if this really happens and you don’t have time to warn him, don’t worry - you wouldn’t be able to change anything.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Idiomatic dream book

Abyss (gorge) - compare with the verb “abyss” (to disappear); “there is an abyss between us” - an insurmountable distance, difference, complete impossibility of understanding; “precipice” - “his life was tragically cut short.”

To disappear literally means risk, danger, or moral, spiritual, physical degradation.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book for the whole family

Fall into the abyss - someone’s interference in your affairs will cause you irreparable damage.

Falling into the abyss means feeling that you are unable to control the situation.

Finding yourself at the bottom of the abyss, but not remembering how you got there - unexpected deception will lead to financial problems.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Abyss - routine affairs, calm flow Everyday life.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, an abyss is a reflection of the fact that you will be forced to make an important decision.

Falling into it is a hint that you will lose something very important to you.

Rescue from falling - promises you the help of someone who will save you in a difficult moment.

Waking up falling into it is an omen of very unpleasant news for you.

If you walked on a thin thread above it, this indicates that you have to experience many unpleasant emotions.

Why do you dream that you got out of it? This suggests that you will be able to avoid the company of dangerous people.

If you do end up going there, because of an absurd mistake or a random combination of circumstances, your life may go downhill, if you do not show excessive caution, you will have to find out what material deprivation and moral humiliation are.

A dream in which you are desperately trying not to fall into the abyss speaks of some kind of instability in your life; you need to make every effort to put everything in its place, otherwise you will lose everything you have.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

American dream book

The abyss is a manifestation of fear that has long been hidden in the depths of consciousness.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

An old English dream book

In a dream, being on the edge of an abyss is a warning dream, meaning that you should leave your current affairs, because they will lead you to big losses. After such a dream, avoid traveling by sea or land, so as not to regret it later. The dream warns that your lover should not be trusted. Be careful and after such a dream, think carefully about your relationship with him (her). In trading matters, also, do not be too trusting. If after similar dream If you trust someone with your affairs or lend money, then we can say with confidence that you will be deceived or experience great grief.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Descending into the abyss means a very honorable position.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The image of an abyss in a dream is a materialized fear of the infinity of life’s manifestations and a reluctance to move forward; it is these emotions that have been destroying the spleen for a long time.

A frightening abyss in a dream is a symbol of lack of initiative, inactivity, and spiritual laziness, which make it impossible to receive help and support.

An abyss appears in a dream - as a reflection of complete submission to the situation that has arisen and is in a dangerous way the threshold of a protracted illness. The dream is unfavorable and warns of a possible future state of complete physical decline to the point of immobility and paralysis, if you do not urgently take measures to restore your psyche.

Why do you dream about an abyss?

Dream book of the 21st century

Standing in front of an abyss or abyss in a dream means that in reality there is some kind of threat to your life or material well-being.

Falling into the abyss - something unusual or surprising awaits you, Lucky case. To avoid falling into the abyss is to get rid of the existing danger.

Hovering slowly over the abyss is a warning that your illusions about the state of affairs do not correspond to reality.

Hanging on the edge of an abyss and trying to hold on means that your position is unstable. If you manage to get out, then everything will return to normal and you will get rid of pressing problems.

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means upcoming life trials.

Fall down - bad dream, it can be a harbinger of worries, problems and even misfortune.

To be on the edge of a precipice or gorge in a dream means that your enemies are discussing you, scolding you, and trying to set you up.

Modern dream book

Getting lost in the city is not only unpleasant, but also scary. And if in real life If this happens, we are overcome by a feeling of panic, then in a dream the person probably experiences it too. And not without reason, because such a vision foreshadows the solution of important problems. And if the dreamer still cannot find the right path, then in reality he will have to face risk.

When you don't even try to find a way out, it's a sad vision. Usually it is a subconscious reflection of those remorse that have long haunted the dreamer.

And if a girl dreamed of something like that, then it can only mean one thing. Namely, the fear of new acquaintances and society. Even if she doesn’t suffer from a personality disorder, she probably doesn’t like going out in public. It’s worth finally coping with this and adapting to city life. Otherwise, loneliness may overtake her.

According to Miller

Quite a lot interesting information This dream book can also tell. Getting lost in a foreign city and not feeling uneasy is a favorable coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps the person will be successful in his endeavors. But if in a dream he tried to find the right road in a panic, this means fear of changes that may occur in life. It also indicates that the dreamer trusts few people. Of course, sometimes this quality saves, but if its manifestation is excessive, then something needs to be done.

If a person sees a lost child, it means that he needs to take control of the upbringing of his children. Otherwise, he may lose sight of them, and the consequences will be sad.

But if a child dreams that he is lost, then nothing bad will happen. Most likely, he just feels a little fear of some event. There is no need to worry - everything will go like clockwork.

That's not all it can tell this dream book. Anyone can get lost in their vision. But if this is a man, then the dream will not turn out well for him. Most likely, he will soon have to choose between two people, each of whom is very close and dear to him.

What will Tsvetkov’s book of interpretations tell you?

If the dreamer in his night dreams watched a lost stranger who asked for help, then in real life he will be very welcome. profitable proposition. And they will definitely need to use it.

Seeing a lost woman with a child is also good. Usually, after such a vision, a person receives favorable news from relatives or loved ones.

But if he himself is lost, no good should be expected. Such a vision can only promise memory loss or major failure. If the dreamer went in the wrong direction, but still found the right path, then in real life he will experience prosperity and the achievement of long-set goals.

According to Freud

This popular book of interpretations also gives a detailed explanation of the vision in which the person managed to get lost. Freud's dream book states: if it is not possible to find out the place in which the dreamer finds himself, it means that in real life he will lose some important goal. And through my own fault.

Observe a stranger trying unsuccessfully to find the right way- to loneliness. And this is not just a dream, but an alarm bell. After it, the dreamer should take a closer look at his personal life if the next long time he doesn't want to spend one.

But seeing yourself, lost, sitting with a doomed and confused look, leads to a difficult situation in reality. The dream book advises not to get involved in dubious matters in the near future and not to accept “tempting” offers. The consequences may be unpredictable.

Other dream circumstances

You can get lost not only in the city, but, for example, in the forest. If a person has dreamed something like this in his night dreams and he doesn’t know what explanation to give for this, a dream book will come to the rescue. Getting lost in the forest is even more unpleasant than in the city. At least there are people in big cities. But in the forest - very rarely.

If such a vision is given to those born from September to December, then in real life they are doomed to hopelessness. In the near future, a dark streak awaits them, so they should gain strength, patience, and go through obstacles.

According to Medea’s dream book, such a vision is translated as uncertainty in the future. Most likely, the sleeper simply does not know what to do with his life next.

But a person lost in the forest is a symbol of gossip and rumors in reality. However, if the dreamer wandered around the surrounding area with interest, then in reality a useful and pleasant journey awaits him. But to feel panic, to understand that the right path no, it's to completion big mistakes. It is worth taking this into account and showing maximum care and vigilance in the near future.

If you're lost in the house

There are buildings in which you can easily get lost. If something similar happened according to the plot of the vision, then the dream book will tell you what to expect from it. Getting lost in a building while you're alone is scary. But the book of interpretations assures: such a vision only speaks of the dreamer’s well-developed intuition. True, if he had no doubts while wandering around the building. Was there any confusion? Then he should reconsider the plans he has made for the near future. Perhaps they will not come true if everything is not carefully thought through.

There are other interpretations regarding those visions in which a person could get lost. The wanderer's dream book assures: if he wandered around the city and could not find the building where he needed to get, it means that in reality he lacks thrills. Perhaps it's time to go on an extreme vacation.

How does the book of Freud’s interpretations explain the vision in which a man could get lost in a building? The dream book says that if the room was large and unfamiliar, then in real life you will meet a person who will cause incomprehensible, contradictory feelings.


If a person is in a dream for a long time wandered through the confusing corridors and could not find a way out, then in real life he will have to solve a very difficult problem. And this will take him too much effort and time. But the dreamer will cope. And when the result is achieved, he will gain complete freedom and feel like a true winner.

The main thing is that a person walks through the labyrinth in high spirits - with the belief that he will find a way out. If he didn't feel well, then most likely he would fall into depression in the near future. And the reason for this will be accumulated problems.

Other interpretations

Finally, it is worth noting what he says esoteric dream book about visions in which a person gets lost. If he gets lost in the forest, then this promises depression, a long process of soul-searching and Bad mood. To avoid this, it is advisable to find the reason why this feeling primarily occurs.

If the dreamer does not even try to look for a way out of the forest, he is confused in himself and is afraid of the future. You need to be more careful with this, since such periods often drag on and then it is more difficult to find a way out. The main thing is not to lose heart and try to support yourself in every possible way, even if it seems that everything is bad.
