Countries of the former CIS in this. Which states are part of the CIS

25 years ago, one of the most important geopolitical events took place in the world: the collapse Soviet Union with the simultaneous formation of the Commonwealth Independent States(CIS).

2016 became an anniversary year for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). For the 25th anniversary of the association, TASS collected basic facts about the organization, which is neither a state nor a supranational entity.

How did the CIS appear?

  • On December 8, 1991, President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich and President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk at their residence in Viskuli (Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus) stated the collapse of the USSR and signed an Agreement on the creation of the CIS. The preamble of the document emphasized that from that moment the USSR as a subject international law and geopolitical reality ceased to exist.
  • On December 13, the leaders of other republics of the former Union announced their desire to join the CIS.
  • On December 21, 1991 in Alma-Ata, at a meeting of the heads of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, the Alma-Ata Declaration and Protocol to the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS were adopted.
  • The Alma-Ata meeting completed the process of transforming the former USSR republics into sovereign states. The Declaration confirmed mutual recognition of sovereignty and the inviolability of borders, emphasizing that interaction between CIS participants will be carried out on the principle of equality through coordinating institutions.

Who does the CIS unite?

The CIS is a regional interstate organization uniting 11 countries of the post-Soviet space

  • Azerbaijan (1991)
  • Armenia (1991)
  • Belarus (1991)
  • Kazakhstan (1991)
  • Kyrgyzstan (1991)
  • Moldova (1991)
  • Russia (1991)
  • Tajikistan (1991)
  • Uzbekistan (1991)
  • Ukraine (as a participating state - 1991)
  • Turkmenistan (as an associate member - 2005)

What do "member state", "participating state" and "associate member" mean?

  • Member states of the Commonwealth, according to the Charter, are only participating states that acceded to the CIS Charter within one year after its adoption.
  • The Charter of the Commonwealth was adopted on January 22, 1993, at the same time it was signed by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In the same year, Azerbaijan and Georgia joined the Charter, and in 1994, Moldova.
  • Ukraine and Turkmenistan are not full members because they have not ratified the CIS Charter .
  • Since December 1991, Ukraine has had the status of a participating state.
  • Turkmenistan was a member state from December 1991 to August 2005, and an associate member since August 2005. Associate member status is granted to a state that wishes to participate only in certain types of activities of the organization.
  • Not a single CIS document distinguishes between the status of members and participants of the Commonwealth.

Which body is the highest in the CIS?

  • Council of Heads of State, in which all 11 countries are represented.

What problems does the association exist to solve?

  • cooperation in political, economic, social, cultural and other areas
  • creation of a common economic space
  • ensuring human rights and freedoms, peace and security
  • fight against organized crime
  • cooperation in the field of defense policy and protection of external borders, etc.

Where is the headquarters of the association's Executive Committee?

  • in Minsk (Belarus)

What is the working language in the CIS?

  • Russian.

By what principle is the chairmanship of the organization carried out?

  • The chairmanship of the CIS bodies is carried out alternately by each member state of the Commonwealth represented by its representative on the basis of the principle of rotation, for a period of no more than one year.
  • On January 1, 2016, the chairmanship of the CIS passed to Kyrgyzstan.
  • Russia will chair in 2017.

How to join and leave an association?

  • The Charter of the Commonwealth provides that any state that shares the goals and principles of the organization and accepts the obligations contained in the Charter by joining it with the consent of all member states can become a member of the CIS.
  • According to Article 9 of the Charter, a member state has the right to withdraw from the Commonwealth. To do this, it is necessary to notify the depositary of the CIS Charter (Belarus) in writing 12 months before the intended exit. Moreover, all obligations of this state obligations that arose during the period of his participation in the organization must be fully fulfilled by him.

Which countries and under what circumstances exercised the right to withdraw from the CIS?

  • Only one country took advantage of the right to leave the CIS - Georgia.
  • The decision to withdraw Georgia from the Commonwealth was made by the leadership of this country after the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict in August 2008.
  • On August 12, 2008, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili made a statement about the country's withdrawal from the CIS.
  • On August 14, the republic’s parliament adopted a resolution on Georgia’s withdrawal from three agreements: the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS of December 8, 1991, the CIS Charter of January 22, 1993, and the Treaty on the Creation Economic Union CIS dated September 24, 1993
  • On August 18, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a corresponding note to the CIS Executive Committee. The decision came into force a year later.
  • Since August 18, 2009, Georgia has not been a member state of the CIS.

Which countries and under what circumstances made statements about leaving the CIS?

  • On March 19, 2014, the director of the information policy department of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Yevgeny Perebeinos, announced that Ukraine was suspending its chairmanship in the CIS. In addition, "Ukraine reserves the right to consider the advisability of further participation in the activities of the CIS."
  • The decision by the Ukrainian side was made after the March 16 referendum on the status of Crimea and Sevastopol and their inclusion in Russia.
  • In 2014, reports repeatedly appeared about the possibility of Ukraine leaving the CIS, but the country did not submit an official application.

And Belarus. Currently, the CIS includes the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

The goals of this organization are: coordination of the activities of the former republics of the USSR in political, economic, cultural, military and other fields.

In January 1993, the CIS Charter was adopted, providing for the comprehensive and balanced development of the CIS member countries, the formation of a common economic space based on market relations, freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and work force and consistent reduction and abolition customs duties, taxes and fees.

With the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, more than 30 coordinating bodies were formed, including:

Statutory bodies of the CIS:

  • Council of Heads of State;
  • Council of Heads of Government;
  • Council of Foreign Ministers;
  • Council of Defense Ministers;
  • Council of Commanders of Border Troops;
  • Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS;
  • Economic court.

Executive bodies of the CIS:

  • Economic Council of the CIS;
  • Council of Permanents authorized representatives member states of the Commonwealth under the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth;
  • Executive Committee of the CIS (located in Belarus, Minsk).

CIS industry cooperation bodies. The Charter provides for the creation of industry cooperation bodies of the Commonwealth, which are designed to help improve multilateral business interaction between states, harmonize the principles and rules of cooperation between industries, and promote the practical implementation of agreements in specific areas of the economy, science, in the humanitarian sphere, and in military development.

They usually include heads of relevant bodies executive power member states of the Commonwealth.

One of the first, in December 1991, was the creation of the Commonwealth Statistical Committee, which, in accordance with the decision of the Council of Heads of Government of May 26, 1995, was transformed into the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth. The Committee develops and implements a unified statistical policy, generates consolidated statistical data within the CIS member countries.

Interstate and intergovernmental councils operate in the fields of economics, science, ecology, transport and coordinate the interaction of sectoral structures of the executive branch in the following areas:

  • industry and construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • transport and communications;
  • scientific and technical progress;
  • energy;
  • trade, finance and customs policy;
  • environmental Safety;
  • security and crime control.

In 1995, Russia entered Customs Union with Belarus and, which Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan then joined. And in 2000, this union was actually transformed into the Euro-Asian economic community, which aims to introduce a full free trade regime, form a single customs tariff, a common energy market, etc. For the member states of this community, Russia has retained the same visa-free regime, although in relations with some CIS countries (Georgia, Turkmenistan) it was canceled.

Belarus and Russia signed an agreement on the creation of the Union (in 1999), which will contribute to the closest integration of the countries, and subsequently to the creation of a single currency and free movement people, organizing joint productions. Already existing trade relations between Russia and Belarus account for 40% of their total trade turnover with the CIS countries.

Generally international trade Russia's trade with the CIS countries amounted to $51.5 billion in 2005, which is significantly inferior to the scale of Russia's trade relations with non-CIS countries, especially Europe.

Russia and the CIS countries are united by historical cultural connections, formed on the basis of the interpenetration of cultures, with the special significance of Russian culture and language.

The military security of the CIS countries determines the need for their military cooperation. At the same time, a special role belongs to the military potential of Russia - the only nuclear power CIS. Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, which had nuclear weapons, handed it over to Russia. Russia also signed a Treaty of Friendship with Ukraine and, on whose territory there are Russian military bases (including the Black Sea base navy Russia in), as well as an agreement with on military-technical cooperation.

In 2002, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was created - an international military-political organization on the territory of the CIS, which included the states: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and as observers - Moldova, Ukraine.

Many geopolitical problems have arisen in Russia’s relations with neighboring countries, i.e. with other CIS countries. On the western border, this applies to a lesser extent to Belarus, but to a much greater extent to Ukraine and (and Sevastopol, the Black Sea Fleet, the status of Transnistria, tariffs for pumping Russian oil And natural gas to Foreign Europe). On the southern border there was some cooling of relations with and, in particular, with (disagreements on the issue of transportation routes for Caspian oil, the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, about Russian military bases, etc.) The southeast cannot but be concerned about the growing “geopolitical vacuum” in Russia’s relations with Kazakhstan and the states of Central Asia.

The formation of the CIS was an event that was intended to “compensate” for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Commonwealth of Independent States is a voluntary agreement that reunited countries and nations that, culturally and economically, in many ways continued to develop as a single whole.

In all CIS countries, except Russia, Russian has the status of a second state or official language.

Reasons for the formation of the CIS

The Commonwealth of Independent States was proclaimed on December 8, 1991 in the notorious Belovezhskaya Pushcha. At that time, the founders of the new formation were Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich.

Later all other countries joined the organization former USSR, except Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; The last on the list to join was Georgia, which became part of the CIS only in 1993.

The agreement specified the reasons for the formation of the organization:

  • Historical community of countries and peoples - members of the Commonwealth;
  • The desire to build a democratic legal society;
  • The intention of the participating countries to develop in a single economic, cultural and political space.

At the same time, the historical community affected not only the period of existence of the USSR: previously these same territories were part of Russian Empire. It was within the empire that the countries of Central Asia and Transcaucasia gained statehood and adopted European culture in its Russian version.


During the entire existence of the organization, the CIS countries have implemented a number of common projects. Thus, a significant event was the formation of the Free Trade Zone, which immediately replaced two hundred documents regulating trade relations between the CIS countries. Members of the Commonwealth exercise joint command of their armed forces, regulate their nuclear programs, migration policy, etc.

However, the CIS is not any kind of state entity, not even a confederation: each country has its own legislation, its own currency, and economic priorities (at least formally). In addition to full participants, Mongolia and Afghanistan have observer status in the CIS. The first has particularly close ties with the countries of the former USSR - it was unofficially called the “sixteenth Soviet republic.”

The second is a country deeply lagging behind in all spheres with semi-feudal orders, but having unsuccessful attempt building socialism and joining eastern bloc. Countries also wished to join the CIS former Yugoslavia, however, these statements have not yet been put into practice.


The CIS countries, at first glance, are friendly states with very close contacts. However, various kinds of contradictions within the Commonwealth persist. Among protracted conflicts you can indicate Nagorno-Karabakh, Chechen (including education unrecognized state Ichkeria), Transnistrian. Among the newer ones are the destruction of Ukraine and Georgia’s secession from the CIS.

The CIS in its current state is often criticized as a corrupt entity whose goal is not development, but the suppression of its member countries, including Russia. Most CIS countries are developing as “raw materials appendages” of the developed world, led by authoritarian and totalitarian leaders - former participants large organized crime groups; and an attempt by one or another country to leave this system, even while maintaining membership in the CIS, results in retaliatory aggressive actions by the remaining members.

However, there are also relatively successful examples development of the CIS countries - these include Kazakhstan and Belarus. These are the richest, most developed and stable members of the CIS, but relations with Belarus have Russian leadership far from ideal.

Do you want to know more about the country, its location, climatic conditions, what natural resources has? Here you will find all the most useful and necessary information.

The territory of the Azerbaijan Republic is 86.6 thousand km2 (11.5% forest, 1.6% water pools, 50.0% cultivated land, including 27.0% pasture, 36.9% other land). The country is located at 440 and 520 east longitude, 380 and 420 north latitude, Baku is at the 40th parallel. It has common borders in the south with Iran 765 km and with Turkey 15 km, in the north with Russia 390 km, in the northwest with Georgia 480 km, in the west with Armenia 1007 km.

Armenia is a landlocked country in Transcaucasia. It is located in the north-west of the Armenian Highlands, called historical Armenia, between the Black and Caspian seas. From the north and east it is framed by the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus. It borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. Despite the fact that Armenia is geographically located in Asia, it has close political and cultural ties with Europe. Armenia has always been at the crossroads connecting Europe and Asia, therefore it is considered as a transcontinental state.

The Republic of Belarus is located in the eastern part of Europe. It is bordered in the west by Poland, in the northwest by Lithuania, in the north by Latvia, in the northeast and east by Russia, and in the south by Ukraine. Belarus consists of six regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk, which is the largest political, economic, scientific and cultural center republics. The population of Minsk is 1 million 729 thousand people.

Most of the territory of Kazakhstan is occupied by a plain, framed by mountains in the east and southeast. The mountains on the border with Kyrgyzstan reach 5,000 m above sea level. In the west of the country lies the Karagiye (Batyr) depression on Mangyshlak, located 132 m below sea level. The entire northern part of Kazakhstan is located on the West Siberian Plain.

More than 3/4 of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountains up to 7439 m high (Pobeda Peak - highest point countries). The territory of Kyrgyzstan is located within two mountain systems. Its northeastern part (large) lies within the Tien Shan, the southwestern part - the Pamir-Alai. The borders of Kyrgyzstan run for a long distance along the ridges of the highest ridges and only in the north and southwest - along the foothills of the mountains and foothill plains (Chui Valley, the outskirts of the Fergana Valley).

Moldova is located in the extreme southwest of the East European Plain, in the second time zone, and occupies most of the interfluve of the Dniester and Prut, as well as a narrow strip of the left bank of the Dniester in its middle and lower reaches. Having no access to the sea, the country geographically gravitates towards the Black Sea region, while Moldova has access to the Danube (the length of the coastline is about 950 m).

Russia is located in eastern Europe and northern Asia, occupying about 1/3 of the territory of Eurasia. European part country (about 23% of the area) includes territories west of Ural mountains(the border is conventionally drawn along the Urals and the Kuma-Manych depression); The Asian part of Russia, occupying about 76% of the territory, lies east of the Urals and is also called Siberia (however precise definition borders of Siberia is a controversial issue).

93% of the territory of Tajikistan is occupied by mountains. Herbaceous and semi-shrub vegetation predominates. In the north of Tajikistan, in the Sughd region, there is one of the world's largest silver deposits - Bolshoi Konimansur.

Republic of Turkmenistan, state in Central Asia. It borders with Kazakhstan in the north, Uzbekistan in the north and east, Iran and Afghanistan in the south. In the west it is washed by the Caspian Sea. From 1924 to 1991, Turkmenistan was part of the USSR as a union republic (Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic). The independence of Turkmenistan was declared in October 1991.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is a state in Central Asia. It borders with Kazakhstan in the north and northeast, Turkmenistan in the southwest, Afghanistan in the south, Tajikistan in the southeast and Kyrgyzstan in the northeast. From 1924 until the declaration of independence on August 31, 1991, Uzbekistan was part of the USSR as one of the union republics (Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic).

The territory of Ukraine measures 1316 km from west to east and 893 km from north to south and lies approximately between 52°20’ and 44°20’ northern latitude and 22°5" and 41°15" East longitude. The geographical center of Ukraine is 2 km away west of the city Vatutino, Cherkasy region.

- Azerbaijan;
- Armenia;
- Belarus;
- Kazakhstan;
- Moldova;
- Russia;
- Tajikistan;
- Turkmenistan (but with a special status);
- Uzbekistan.

Other states that were formerly part of the USSR have the following relations with the Commonwealth:
- at the summit on August 26, 2005, Turkmenistan announced its participation in the CIS...

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What is the CIS? What are the goals of this international organization? And how close is cooperation in the “Russia - CIS countries” system? This will be discussed in this article.

History of the organization's creation

CIS is voluntary international organization in Eurasia, created with the aim of strengthening cooperation between states. The abbreviation stands for "Commonwealth of Independent States". Which states are members of the CIS? Countries that were once part of the former USSR formed the backbone of this international organization.

The leaders of three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - took part in the creation of the organization. The corresponding agreement was signed by them in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in December 1991. The same step recognized that the Soviet Union, as public education, ceased to exist. This is how the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was born.

Countries were part of this organization on the principle of common...

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Question: which countries are included in the CIS and their capitals?

CIS decoding - Commonwealth of Independent States. All states included in the CIS are independent entities. Goals: cooperation in a variety of fields - political, economic, etc.

List of CIS countries (countries included in the CIS and their capitals)

Belarus - capital city Minsk

Kazakhstan – capital Astana

Moldova - capital Chisinau

Russia – capital Moscow

Uzbekistan - capital Tashkent

Ukraine – capital Kyiv

What else is known:

The CIS includes: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. In August 2005, Turkmenistan withdrew from the full members of the CIS and received the status of an associated observer member....

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Which countries are included in the CIS?

The CIS includes most of the countries that were part of the USSR. For 2014 the CIS includes following countries:
Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Ukraine is a de facto member of the CIS, but has not signed the CIS Charter. On May 26, 2014, Ukraine announced that it was beginning the procedure for leaving the CIS.

Turkmenistan also did not sign the CIS Charter, but declared participation in the CIS structures as an “associate member”.

Georgia left the CIS in 2009 after the war with Russia. Thus, from the countries that were part of the USSR, the following were not included in the CIS: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia.

The Commonwealth of Independent States was founded in Minsk in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, and aimed to consolidate the principles of economic and political cooperation between the countries that were members of the Union. The Baltic countries did not take part in the creation of the CIS. The current state of the CIS is ambiguous, and the prospects for the development of the CIS...

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The reason for the emergence of this organization in the international legal field is the collapse of the USSR and the formation in its space of 15 new sovereign states, closely connected in the political, economic, and humanitarian spheres, due to their existence for centuries within the same country. The deep integration of the republics predetermined the objective interest of new subjects of international law in cooperation in various areas economy, politics, culture on the basis of equal cooperation and respect for each other’s sovereignty. The CIS was founded on December 8, 1991, when the heads of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the so-called “Belovezhskaya Agreement”, the text of which stated the abolition of the Soviet Union and the formation on its basis new form interstate cooperation of the former Soviet republics. This document was called the “Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States,” and by 1994 it was ratified and became part of the CIS...

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How many countries are in the CIS?

The CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) includes 12 countries. Among them:

1. Azerbaijan
2. Armenia
3. Belarus
4. Georgia
5. Kazakhstan
6. Kyrgyzstan
7. Moldova
8. Russia
9. Tajikistan
10. Turkmenstan
11. Uzbekistan
12. Ukraine

Ukraine is de jure not a member state of the CIS, since it has not ratified the organization's charter, although it belongs to the founding and participating states of the Commonwealth.

IN this moment Turkmenistan participates in the organization as an “associate member”

Mongolia participates as an observer in some CIS structures.

In the future, the composition of the CIS members may change:
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili announced his desire for the state to secede from the CIS
In 2008, he announced his desire to join the CIS...

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The international organization CIS, created in 1991 by three former Soviet republics, still regulates relations between neighboring states. This commonwealth of states was created on a voluntary basis and serves as a supranational entity. If, when created, the CIS included only 3 countries, namely the RSFSR, Ukraine and Belarus, now the number of states included in the commonwealth has increased significantly. This year marks 22 years since the agreement was signed by the heads of the union states. The countries that are part of the CIS have their own structural economic and political units, but they are still members of the commonwealth, which originates from Belovezhskaya Pushcha (it was there that the significant signing of the document by three countries took place).

CIS member countries

The former Soviet republics, of which there were 15 during the Soviet Union, still maintain ties within the CIS. These do not include the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia), which were once also part of...

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Unfortunately, today, when twenty years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, not everyone knows which countries are part of the CIS. This especially applies to modern youth, to those who were born and studied in post-Soviet Russia. For them, the USSR is a state from the pages of history textbooks of the twentieth century, an unreal state of the past, with which nothing connects them.

Meanwhile, the former Soviet republics now maintain political and economic relations within the framework of the CIS - the Commonwealth of Independent States. Today, the CIS consists of all countries that were previously part of the USSR, with the exception of three states Baltic states. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania now focus exclusively on the Western model of socio-economic and state-political development, and therefore they chose not to join the Commonwealth.

So, which countries are part of the CIS today? Firstly, these are the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, which founded this organization V...

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Created on December 8, 1991, the Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS, according to its own charter, is a regional international organization. Within the framework of this friendly association, relations are regulated and cooperation between states that were part of the USSR occurs.

Which states are part of the CIS

According to information from the current charter of the organization, its members are the founding countries that signed and ratified the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS of December 8, 1991 and the Protocol to it (December 21 of the same year) by the time the charter was signed. And the current members of the organization are those countries that subsequently assumed the obligations prescribed in this charter.

Each new membership in the CIS must receive the approval of all other states already part of the organization.

Currently, 10 states are members of the Commonwealth:
- Belarus-

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Article on the topic

Ukraine has changed its mind about leaving the CIS. On October 13, Kyiv announced that the issue of leaving the Commonwealth was no longer an issue. As Verkhovna Rada deputy Sergei Grinevetsky said, it is not advisable for the republic to leave the CIS from the point of view of economic interests.

Earlier, the Parliament of Ukraine registered the bill “On the suspension of the agreement on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.” It was initiated by Svoboda deputies Alexey Kaida and Alexander Mirny. tells what the CIS organization is now.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional international organization designed to regulate cooperative relations between states that were formerly part of the USSR.

The organization was founded on December 8, 1991, when the heads of the RSFSR (Boris Yeltsin), Belarus (Stanislav Shushkevich) and Ukraine (Leonid Kravchuk) signed...

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This year the list of countries where you can go to Europe and neighboring countries without a visa has changed a little, I suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed list and conditions of entry into the territory of visa-free European states and neighboring countries for citizens of Russia, duration of stay and required documents and fees, special conditions for visiting.

Visa-free European countries for Russians in 2016, updated and expanded list.

One of the popular European country For entry into which a visa is not required and there is a sea, citizens of Russia are rightfully considered Montenegro, a country with common cultural roots and traditions. To enter the country you need a foreign passport with a valid period of at least three months after crossing the borders of the republic. The period of stay in the territory is up to 30 days; when returning, please note that a fee is collected at the airport.

The next country on the list of European countries with visa-free entry on a foreign passport is Serbia, the most...

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