Fat celebrities before and after. The most famous fatties in show business

Despite their build, the actresses have achieved tremendous success and public recognition. They are very recognizable and loved by everyone.

Anna Mikhalkova

Anna - eldest daughter Nikita Mikhalkov. The actress has achieved tremendous success in her profession. She became the owner of such awards as the Nika Award and the Golden Eagle. She became a laureate at the Kinotavr film festival. Anna, from a young age, was deeply imbued with the atmosphere of cinema. In 1993, Nikita Mikhalkov showed the public his original film “Anna. From 6 to 18". For twelve years, the director documented the stages of his daughter’s growing up. The experimental film received many awards and positive reviews from film critics. Anna herself was not very pleased with her involuntary film debut. After 6 years, Mikhalkova played the role of a village girl in her father’s film “The Barber of Siberia.” The image of Dunyasha largely determined Anya’s acting future.

The artist’s real success and public recognition came after the release of the drama “Communication.” Together with Mikhail Porechenkov, they played the roles so believably, they played with such sincere feelings, that fans began to think about whether there was actually a relationship between them other than work. In 2012, Mikhalkova was again paired with Porechenkov on the set. They took part in the tragicomedy “Kokoko”, which made an incredible impression on the audience. In the film “Love with an Accent,” the actress played the role of a Lithuanian and received public recognition. For 16 years now, the artist has been hosting a program for children “ Good night, kids." Anna also realizes herself as a producer. The artist performed main role in the drama "Icebreaker".

Last year she starred in the popular film project Doctor Richter. She played a role in the thriller “Selfie”.

Yulia Kuvarzina

Yulia graduated teacher training college and worked in high school. Then she realized that this was not what she dreamed of in life and entered the theater institute. Since 1998 she has played in the theater. In 2002 she made her debut in the serial film “Line of Defense”. Played Silver Lily of the Valley-2 and Time is Money. The actress gained real popularity after her role in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” Kuvarzina appeared in good project and the audience and directors paid attention to her.

She starred in numerous films, one of which was “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova.” The artist gained widespread fame after the release of the popular sitcom “Voronins.” In the image of sweet Nastya, she became a favorite of the audience. Julia has a number of other notable projects, such as “The Forester”, “Everyone Has Their Own War”, “Inspector Cooper”.

In the comedy series “Let's Kiss” she played the main role of Vera Vilkina. Yulia Kuvarzina also hosts the TV show “Non-Random Encounters” and teaches at a theater university.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya

From an early age, Olesya was a nimble and purposeful girl. She loved to play with the boys in the yard, and of course there were some pranks. Since childhood, Zhurakovskaya had the talent to transform into different images. Before graduating from school, I was involved in gymnastics, but had to give up my hobby because of my studies. She entered a technical school to become a seamstress. Already there Olesya performed at all the holidays. She made her own outfits for the performance. Her talent and ingenuity were praised not only by teachers, but also by the public.

Zhurakovskaya really liked that her efforts were appreciated. After graduating from college, the Ukrainian girl decided to conquer Moscow. During the exam, the teachers were delighted with the applicant’s sincerity and accepted her into the course. Olesya was passionate about her studies, pushing everything else into the background. After graduating from the theater institute, she went to work at the Moscow theater. Soon I found my husband. Life did not work out for the couple and the actress left for her homeland. Got a place at the Kiev Drama Theater. Won the attention of the audience and produced good impression. She played minor roles in the films “A Husband for an Hour”, “The Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka”, “House with Lilies”, “While the Village is Sleeping”, the TV series “Gorchakov”. They really paid attention to Zhurakovskaya in the 4th season of “Matchmakers”.

The public fell in love with the image of Ksenia Pavlovna and, of course, paid attention to the talented artist. After the series was broadcast on television, photographs of Zhurakovskaya began to be published in popular magazines. In 2012, the actress became the host of the famous television project “Weighted and Happy.”

Transfer about overweight people, which, thanks to intensive training and proper nutrition lose excess weight. So Zhurakovskaya herself managed to lose 30 kg in season 2.

Where there are celebrities, there are contrasts: on the one hand, there are a lot of “star” temptations, on the other, iron self-control to constantly keep oneself in shape, because without this there will be no successful contracts and fame! But stars are people too, and sometimes self-control fails. Or maybe you need to gain weight for a special role? Here are 15 portraits of celebrities who were caught by reporters in the wrong in better shape. Some of them easily regained their slim figure, some are still trying, and some are loved by their fans just the way they are!

1. Val Kilmer

Once upon a time, Val Kilmer was the Hollywood standard of sexuality, but at some point, in place of one strong-willed chin, three (but perhaps equally strong-willed) appeared. There are constantly reports in the media that the actor has throat cancer, and the fight against the disease is affecting his appearance. However, Kilmer himself stubbornly and categorically denies such rumors. Kilmer is currently filming Terrence Malick's Zero Gravity. Little is known about the project, but the film is expected to be released in 2016, so fans will soon see what form the actor will appear in this time - although, of course, they are ready to love Kilmer in any form, as long as he is healthy.

1986 and 2012

2. Britney Spears

At the beginning of her career, Britney Spears was like a spring - thin and muscular, so it was not for nothing that the pop star exposed her stomach at every opportunity, showing off her beautiful abs. Years later, Britney didn’t exactly give up this habit, but the effect was no longer the same.

2001 and 2009

3. Alec Baldwin

For everyone latest pictures paparazzi Alec Baldwin is eating for some reason. It feels like he's eating all the time! Or is it a reporter's plot to photograph the actor eating? The actor's face itself speaks in favor of the first assumption - it was once fit, but today it is simply round.

1994 and 2012

4. Janet Jackson

Michael Jackson's sister has always been a prominent figure, including in the literal sense of the word. Great shape, slimness, gorgeous shoulders - that’s how Janet fell in love, but alas, at some point the star’s musical career stopped gaining momentum, but Janet Jackson herself gained a ton extra pounds. Today you rarely see Janet anywhere - what a pity.

2001 and 2006

5. Steven Seagal

What happened to Steven Seagal? The fuse of the audience's love, of course, will last for a long time, and yet the actor from the action star of the 90s to today turned into a heavyweight who practically left the screen. In addition, Seagal loves lying: in interviews, he changes excuses like gloves when the conversation turns to physical fitness.

1990 and 2013

6. Jessica Simpson

One of the sexiest celebrities to make our list, "Blonde Ambition" Jessica Simpson has had a successful career as an actress, singer and TV presenter, but her inexplicable transformation has made her painful to watch! What happened to the curvy beauty? Fans blame it all on a difficult breakup with their lover, musician Nick Lachey. However, in 2014, Jessica married her new lover, hockey player Eric Johnson. There is a reason to return to your former form!

2005 and 2011

7. John Travolta

In fact, we are accustomed to a kind of large version of John Travolta: the actor was never skinny, but he was always considered sexy. And all thanks to an amazing smile and self-confidence. And yet it’s interesting to compare the current Travolta with what he once was and how almost no one remembers him anymore!

1983 and 2012

8. Ryan Gosling

Everyone knows that Ryan Gosling is in great shape - a toned body, a charming smile, blue eyes and a sexy demeanor. It is interesting that this particular actor was once not taken into the casting of “The Lovely Bones” by director Peter Jackson - leaving Gosling, who had gained excess weight at that very moment, “fat and unemployed” - and this is in the actor’s own words!

2006 and 2007

9. Christina Aguilera

The years are unkind to pop stars, but with habits stormy youth the girls part with great reluctance: Aguilera still wears tiny shorts with fishnet stockings on stage, only now it’s not nearly as cool and sexy as in the star’s “slender period.” The matter is aggravated by the eternal hairstyle in the “crow’s nest” style and an extreme abundance of makeup. However, in Lately the singer started going to the rocking chair and playing sport games with your children, so the excess weight will soon come to an end.

2003 and 2012

10. Vince Vaughn

Technically speaking, Vince Vaughn is a little overweight. And actually, they appeared after the actor became a star. But everything turned out somehow organically - such an image strangely suited him, so the fans accepted it without judgment, and completely forgot the skinny Vince Vaughn of the beginning of his career. The actor himself is clearly not worried about this either, and it seems to be even better for his career.

1996 and 2015

11. Mariah Carey

There should be a lot of good people, and even more talented pop singers in years. But, unfortunately, the aura of talent and success is not always attached to curvaceous figures: the current Mariah Carey more often looks tired and aged than happy and satisfied with life. And there haven’t been any incendiary albums for a long time.

1997 and 2012

12. Laurence Fishburne

The wise and fit Morpheus, Neo’s mentor from The Matrix, is unrecognizable today: of course, Laurence Fishburne’s bones are very wide, but he can’t hide his excess weight. To meet the bar of superhero franchises, where the actor is currently starring, you will have to work!

1999 and 2012

13. Russell Crowe

Another handsome star and action movie sex symbol who has neglected himself over the years - alas, Russell Crowe. Who would have thought! Having gained weight, Crowe did not stop acting at all - he calmly goes through castings and does not even intend to lose weight. Besides, Crow enjoys the peaceful married life with a charming wife and two children and doesn’t look dissatisfied with himself at all. In all likelihood, fans will have to forget the skinny Russell Crowe!

1999 and 2011

14. Matt Damon

Matt Damon is the favorite actor of young girls around the world, and today he is in great shape, as we saw in “The Martian” (even though Damon’s character spent most of the film in a spacesuit and eating potatoes). But memorable fans still remember Damon’s sudden transformation in 2009, the year he suddenly gained weight and grew unkempt hair and a mustache. True, it was all for the sake of the role: Matt was preparing for filming in the film “The Informant” and for this he specially gained weight and dyed his hair.

2008 and 2009

15. Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler is constantly thrown from one extreme to another: either he has a body that is the envy of everyone, or suddenly noticeable sides appear. Butler is one of those actors who find it easy to gain and lose weight. He uses this for creative purposes, and in life he does not deny himself anything.

2006 and 2010

The editors of the site have gathered stars who lead healthy image life, but at the same time do not strive for the imposed ideal of beauty.

Kim Kardashian

The path to glory socialite lay through reality TV and friendship with Paris Hilton. Her curvaceous figure does not bother her at all; moreover, she works as a fashion model, and without the “plus” mark. She exploits her curvaceous forms very skillfully, earning millions from them. However, when wearing tight outfits, the star does not hesitate to use shapewear. And Kim is proud of her Rubensian forms and believes that extra centimeters are not a hindrance to happiness and popularity: “It’s amazing that everyone thinks: since you’re the center of attention, that means you must be flawless,” she said. - I sometimes overeat, but at the same time I feel great. See this cellulite? It's all about the cookies and ice cream. But if I had been on a diet all my life, I would have been simply miserable. I like to eat. If you can't enjoy life, then what's the point of dieting? You can't torture yourself. I admit that I love cookies, ice cream and frozen yogurt."

Ashley Graham

Photo: Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Sports Illustrated


Fame for the singer Adele did not come immediately: she took lessons at the London School of Performing Arts and Technology, as homework recorded her songs. And friends, go ahead and post your home exercises online. It was then that representatives of the recording company found her. At first, Adele took the call from them as a prank, but everything turned out to be true. Her voice conquered the world, but her figure did not fit into the strict framework of show business. But the attacks of critics never particularly hurt her, and in interviews she admitted more than once that she would rather sit with friends in a cafe than go to the gym. But to be honest, another phrase slipped into her interview, which suggests that the singer does not care what she looks like: “If my husband calls me fat, I will kill him.” Karl Lagerfeld, who never minced words, added fuel to the fire: he called Adele “too fat.” Now the singer is fighting excess weight, successes are visible, but she is still far from reaching the standards offered by modeling agencies.

Katya Zharkova

Katya Zharkova knows that 82 kilograms is not a death sentence, but beauty and harmony. Successful model advocates a healthy lifestyle and the right attitude towards oneself.

“In Russia, the attitude towards fat models has begun to change in the last few years... I absolutely do not limit myself in food. I love my body and don't feed it fast food. If we return to the question of loving your body, I don’t want a man to take me to fast food, I want him to invite me to a restaurant with tasty and healthy food. I don't go on diets. I exercise a lot and I need food, otherwise I won’t have the strength. I constantly want to move. When I give birth to a child, I will put him on my back, and we will move on,” Katya said in her interview with Woman’s Day.

Cornelia Mango

The seductive participant of the “Star Factory” was on a diet back in the days of reality and lost more than 15 kg.

Now the star is successfully pursuing her singing career, building love and participating in various projects. After the New Year, Cornelia decided to go on vacation to Thailand, from where she posts beach photos on her microblog.

But there are always those who blame Mango for being overweight. “Girls, don’t be jealous of my figure! She's perfect! And my boyfriend really likes it! So keep your envy to yourself,” the star wrote on her Instagram under a photo of her lying on the sea sand in a swimsuit. Cornelia recently admitted that she became engaged to her lover. The singer's chosen one was the famous beatboxer Bogdan Dyurdy. The engagement took place in a picturesque place in Crimea, where Bogdan is from.

Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova's curves have always been curvaceous, but incredibly seductive and sexy. The star takes care of herself: Anfisa leads a healthy lifestyle, plays sports and monitors her nutrition, but it should be noted that Anfisa does not pursue the goal of becoming thin.

“I really like my swimsuit and my figure! And I started playing sports not in order to lose weight, but in order to become more energetic, cheerful, cheerful, meaty and elastic. Avoid the autumn blues and get into shape in which I will like myself even more,” Chekhova said on her Instagram.

Queen Latifah

Eva Polna

Even at the dawn of her popularity, Eva was not the owner slim figure, her curves were seductive. However, over time, her volumes grew, and after the birth of her daughters, the singer is incredibly far from her previous parameters. Polna never went on exhausting diets, and training in gym- not the singer’s favorite pastime. Eva sincerely believes that in order for her weight to be ideal, she only needs to shrink a couple of sizes, and this can be achieved by dancing. The actress tried everything in hopes of returning to her original parameters - body wraps, changing her diet, massages, classes with a fitness trainer. As we see, nothing helps. But Eva did not give up and is now attending classes with ballerina Ilze Liepa, who has developed a special program for her. This is a mix of Pilates and ballet exercises at the barre. Well, all that remains is to envy Eva’s perseverance and wish her success.

Lolita Milyavskaya

In the cabaret duet “Academy” the couple Milyavskaya - Tsekalo performed in contrast. He is a short, fat man, she is a slender beauty. But after forty, she was overtaken by the problem of many women: excess weight. Being stubborn and purposeful, Lolita took the issue seriously: diets, training until she sweats, pills to reduce excess weight, there are rumors that the actress also tried liposuction. There was an effect, but it didn’t last long; the kilograms lost with great difficulty came back again. As a consequence - depression and the search for new methods of achieving perfect figure. And at one fine moment Lolita decided - come what may. She has a young and handsome husband who loves her, despite the imperfections of her figure. True, he does not give up trying to instill in her the rules of healthy eating, but so far to no avail. As Milyavskaya herself says: “The main thing is to be loved and happy, and everything else is not important!”

Christina Hendricks

Christina's role in the TV series "Mad Men" brought her popularity. Her appetizing forms literally captivated the male audience of the series. Hendrix’s figure can hardly be called a Hollywood standard; rather, her curvy figure is close to the Italian type of beauty. But nevertheless, it occupies a confident position in the list of the most beautiful actresses America. Moreover, in 2010, according to Esquire magazine, she became the most sexy woman in the world. And, according to plastic surgeons, women who want to make themselves “breasts like Hendrix’s” began to turn to them. But the actress is not at all happy with this fact: “I want people to know: I became famous with the body that nature gave me, and I gradually learned to love it, although sometimes I feel uncomfortable with it. For example, it’s difficult for me to choose clothes for myself.” Christina began her career in modeling business, which makes strict demands on girls, then she had to seriously monitor her weight. But now the actress is happy with her body and does not try to change it: “Every time I undress, I look at myself in the mirror and think: “I feel like a woman and I love myself like that.”

Mia Tyler

Mia is the half-sister of actress Liv Tyler, their father, Steve Tyler, is the frontman of Aerosmith. Now Mia is a popular plus-size model, but this did not happen right away. The girl waged a long, serious struggle with excess weight, which she described in her autobiographical book Creating Myself. In especially difficult periods, when enormous efforts led to nothing, Mia was supported by her mother: “With such a face, you are guaranteed success in Italy. Learn Italian language and go to Rome, there they will call you lunar beauty" It would be right here to say that the words turned out to be prophetic, but Mia did not immediately heed her mother’s advice. According to her, she didn’t really like “all this glamor,” but when she learned that you could earn five thousand dollars for one show, she changed her mind. She participated in shows for H&M, MXM, Lan Bryan and many other famous brands. Now Mia is absolutely not upset about her excess weight: “My figure is natural, so it’s beautiful.”


It's hard not to notice how proud Beyoncé is of her curvy figure. All her concert costumes are tight-fitting, emphasizing all the curves and in places provocative. But to ensure that her volume remains seductive, the star works hard: cardio training, swimming and dance lessons are mandatory in her very busy schedule. The singer has repeatedly said that she is predisposed to excess weight, but at the same time emphasized that she has to work hard to keep her body in shape. True, Beyoncé has repeatedly said in interviews that women are lenient towards men, but are very strict with themselves, so you need to learn to accept yourself as you are: “We shouldn’t all look the same. Stay healthy and take care of yourself, but also celebrate the wonderful things that make you, you.” As for curvy figures, the singer is clearly proud of her bottom, and her repertoire includes the song Bootylicious from the time of the Destiny’s child group, in which the performers urge ladies not to be ashamed of their bodies. But it should be noted that at that time Beyoncé was much slimmer than she is now.

Dilyara Larina is categorical in her opinion: in any figure, the main thing is not weight, but silhouette, fit and flexibility! To all the girls who believe that their troubles are due to excess weight, she says: “You can continue to be shy and live your years in this depressed state, and then you turn 70 - and you will understand how priceless time is and that you never enjoyed it.” with your life!!! It is you who choose who to be - a stylish, spectacular chubby, an angry, ugly chubby, an insecure and whining chubby, or not a chubby at all, if you don’t want to. So maybe it’s time to turn from a rag with an aura of misfortune and failure into a well-groomed, luscious young lady who attracts luck and happiness?”

Christina Aguilera

Slender and athletic Christina Aguilera ceased to be so after breaking up with her first husband. It seems that the singer has gained more than 15 kilograms in just a month. At the same time, Aguilera was not shy about her excess weight: the star still appeared in public in short dresses and tight jeans. When asked by journalists if she was happy with her appearance, the girl stated that she was satisfied with everything. Everyone almost believed her, but then Aguilera admitted that she intended to lose weight. It should be noted that she almost succeeded: some time ago Christina Aguilera showed a photo in which she looked slim. True, many suspected that the star owed her figure not to diets, but to Photoshop.

But now the star has regained her pleasant roundness, which she seems to be in no hurry to get rid of.

Rebel Wilson

Australian comedian Rebel Wilson mastered her profession in New York, but became famous after returning to her homeland (she studied in the USA, receiving a scholarship established by Nicole Kidman). In Australia, Wilson was in demand as an actress in musicals, television series and sketch shows. She then moved back to the United States and landed roles in the comedies Bridesmaids and Bachelorettes, which brought her to the attention of the whole world. By the time Wilson broke out in the college comedy Pitch Perfect, her contract included special item, prohibiting her from losing weight during filming. Now, however, she is still trying to achieve her “healthy” weight - not only for career reasons, but also for medical reasons.

Gabourey Sidibe

Despite her unusual American name, Gabourey Sidibe was born in New York City and comes from a predominantly American family. Only her father, a taxi driver, is from Senegal. Sidibe came to Hollywood thanks to an open casting for the lead role in the social drama Precious, and this work brought the actress nominations for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, along with many other film awards. After Precious, Sidibe continued to act in films, but achieved greater success in television. Now she plays in the TV series “Empire” and “Difficult People”. We recently saw her on the big screen in the comedy The Brothers Grimsby.

Anna Mikhalkova

The acting career of Nikita Mikhalkov's daughter began even before she went to school. When Anna Mikhalkova was six years old, her father began filming her for documentary film Anna: From 6 to 18, which traces the spiritual evolution of a girl as she grows up. According to the actress, she does not like this project, which dissects her soul, but dislike for her first role did not prevent Anna from graduating from VGIK and becoming an actress. She starred in three films by the time Nikita Mikhalkov entrusted his daughter with the role in The Barber of Siberia. Since then, Anna has played in such wonderful films as “Ours”, “Communication”, “Kokoko”, as well as in the not so successful film “Inhabited Island”. She received the Nika Award for her supporting role in the film Live and Remember. Since 2002, Anna Mikhalkova has been hosting the program “Good Night, Kids.”

Octavia Spencer

Octavia Spencer received professional acting training, but began her film career as a casting assistant. She landed her first small role when she persuaded director Joel Schumacher to audition for her while casting for the 1996 thriller A Time to Kill. Spencer was content with tiny, often untitled roles for years until she played in the drama Seven Lives. Thanks to this work, she was invited to the drama “The Help,” which brought Spencer an armful of awards, including an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best role background. She starred in the science fiction series “Divergent,” but mostly Spencer now plays in arthouse films.


Monique Hicks, better known as Mo'Nique, spent many years on the stage until she, a stand-up comedian, began to be invited to television and films. Having made her mark in a series of “black” comedies in the early 2000s, Mo’Nique unexpectedly demonstrated the dramatic side of her talent in the social drama “Treasure.” The film brought her many professional awards, including an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. From 2009 to 2011, she hosted her own television talk show. Her recent role in the television musical biopic Bessie earned her an Emmy nomination, also in the supporting actress category.

Natalya Krachkovskaya

When Leonid Gaidai was filming the comedy “12 Chairs” in the early 1970s, he said that he was looking for someone like Natalya Krachkovskaya, the wife of sound engineer Vladimir Krachkovsky, for the role of Madame Gritsatsueva. The director did not know that the woman graduated from VGIK and that by that time she had already played episodic roles in films. As soon as Gaidai found out that he might not look for someone else, but simply invite Krachkovskaya, the actress began to stellar career, which continued until the early 2010s. However, the most famous roles were those that Krachkovskaya played in Soviet cinema - both in Gaidai’s films and in many other productions.

Quinn Latifah

IN school years Dayna Owens, who later took the name Quinn Latifah ("gentle queen" in English and Arabic), was an excellent basketball player, but she chose musical career. At the age of 18, she began performing as a rapper, and then significantly expanded her creative range. Soon after recording her first albums, Queen Latifah began landing roles in films. Then for five seasons she played the main role in the sitcom “Single Men and unmarried women"(the popular "black" analogue of the series "Friends"). After the show ended in the late 1990s, Queen Latifah began appearing regularly in mainstream films. She was nominated for an Oscar for her supporting role in the musical Chicago. She also voices the mammoth Ellie in the animated series Ice Age.

Kathy Bates

In the early 1970s, Kathy Bates moved from the southern United States to New York to pursue a theater career and for a long time she was primarily known as a star of the stage rather than of the silver screen. However, in the second half of the 1980s, Bates began regularly acting in films, and in 1990, the actress became famous throughout the world, having brilliantly played in the film adaptation of Stephen King's book Misery. For this role the actress received an Oscar. Since then, she has been working on a variety of films, from the disaster film Titanic to the children's fantasy film The Golden Compass. After Misery, Bates was nominated for an Oscar twice more. She also has two Emmy awards and more than a dozen nominations for this television award. IN last years She mainly plays in the series " American history horrors."

Shelley Winters

This is perhaps the most unknown name in Russia on our list, but Shelley Winters is not to blame for the fact that her best movies came out in full swing cold war. When she began her career in the late 1940s, Winters was part of the department of "blonde beauties" and shared an apartment with Marilyn Monroe. However, as a woman with serious acting education, Winters quickly tired of the same type of “pretty” roles. Therefore, she began to change externally and create more complex and interesting images. Hollywood appreciated her bold transformation, and Winters received two acting Oscars and two nominations for a statuette. She played in such films as Stanley Kubrick's Lolita, George Stevens's The Diary of Anne Frank, The Poseidon Adventure, Pete's Dragon (1977 version) and many others. Her career ended only in the 1990s. Winders played one of her last roles in the 1996 melodrama Portrait of a Lady.

Melissa McCarthy

Unlike her younger cousin Jenny McCarthy, who rose to fame as a Playboy model, Melissa McCarthy began her career as a stand-up comedian. In the late 1990s, she made her film and TV debut, and in 2000, McCarthy landed a key role in the sitcom Gilmore Girls. After the completion of this successful show, the actress played for two years in the not so successful sitcom “Who is Samantha?” In 2010, she received a leading role in the sitcom Mike and Molly and a supporting role in the comedy Bridesmaids. "Bridesmaids" earned McCarthy an Oscar nomination, and she transitioned from television comedienne to in-demand movie star. Her latest hit to date is last year's comedy Spy. Unfortunately, Sony Studios released this year's "Ghostbusters" with McCarthy's participation and failed at the box office.

Jorge Garcia and Emily Garcia
Actor, 43 years old

The star of the series “Lost” married his beloved Emily, whom he met in Hawaii while filming the series.

Alexander Semchev and Lyudmila Voronova
Actor, 47 years old

Three years ago, Semchev divorced his third wife Lyudmila, a costume designer who gave birth to a son, Fyodor, from the actor. Alexander also has an eldest son, Kirill, from teacher Yulia Panova from Vyshny Volochok, hometown Semcheva.

Kevin Smith and Jennifer Schwalbach Smith
Actor, 46 years old

The legendary Silent Bob has been married to the actress and journalist for 18 years. The couple has an 18-year-old daughter named... Harley Quinn!

Sergey Krylov and Lyubov Dubovik
Singer, 55 years old

The showman's first marriage did not last even a couple of years - the future artist got married at the age of 18 due to his girlfriend's pregnancy. But the musician and his second wife have been together since their studies at the Yaroslavl Theater Institute.

John Goodman and Anna Beth Goodman
Actor, 64 years old

John and Anna Beth Hartzog (nee) were married in 1989. Their daughter Molly works in Hollywood as a production assistant.

Anthony Anderson and Alvina Stewart
Actor, 46 years old

Since 1995, the actor has been married to Alvina Stewart, with whom he has a son and daughter.

George Wendt and Bernadette Birkett
Actor, 68 years old

The actors have been married for 40 years!

Robbie Coltrane and Rhona Gemmell
Actor, 66 years old

Did you recognize Hagrid without makeup? The Harry Potter star has been married to Ron for 18 years, but six years before the wedding, the couple had their first child, and a year after the birth of their second child, the parents decided to formalize the relationship.

Stanislav Duzhnikov and Katerina Volga
Actor, 43 years old

In the series “Voronins”, the wife of the hero Duzhnikov is played by Yulia Kuvarzina, and in real life this role went to florist Katerina.

Maxim Fadeev and Natalya Fadeeva

Producer, 48 years old

Natalya is a former make-up artist for singer Linda, Fadeev’s ward. The couple has a 19-year-old son, Savva, but this is not the first child in the family. Unfortunately, the Fadeevs’ firstborn died due to a medical error. Maxim throughout his entire life family life follows a romantic tradition: on his wife’s birthday he gives her 1000 roses.
