Toasts and parables for the New Year. Parable for the New Year

Both adults and children adore the New Year for gifts, fun, a sense of magic and faith in miracles. This is a holiday on which they also sum up the results of the past year and make plans for the coming year. On such an important day, everyone sincerely wishes each other happiness and awaits congratulations and parting words, which will be spoken first of all by the head of the family. Certainly, New Year's speech should be bright, memorable and capacious. In the pre-New Year bustle, it is not always possible to find time to thoughtfully compose a holiday speech, so so that you don’t get confused festive table, Rambler/Family has collected the best New Year's toasts for the head of the family.

Parting congratulations

  • A person learns throughout his life. He learns every year, and every year he becomes a little wiser. This means that the years also learn something - both from each other and from a person. I propose to raise a glass to everyone next year I learned exceptionally good things from the previous one!
  • Today I want to raise a glass to all of us! We must always remember that there are only two types of people in the world: the first are rolling this world and changing something in it, others are running alongside and shouting: “Where is this world going?!” Let's not just be observers in our lives and do everything to change it for the better!
  • Each of us, when we were children, looked forward to the New Year holiday. Why? Yes, because it is imbued with miracle and happiness. The smell of tangerines and spruce, the rustle of foil from gifts, salads and sweets. All this made us smile. I propose to raise a glass to the fact that every next year will be like Blank sheet which allows you to achieve something new.

Dad and daughter hugging

Parable toasts

  • In one ancient city there is a statue called “Opportunity”. It depicts a man standing on tiptoe - this is a symbol of the fact that the moment of opportunity is short. The wings located on the legs of a person mean that the person can fly up using the opportunity. Long hair on the head of the statue is a symbol of good, but on the back of the head the bald spot is a symbol of loss when opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go. Let's raise our glasses so that we don't miss our opportunities in the new year!
  • One day three travelers were walking. Night caught them on the road. They saw the house and knocked. The owner of the house opened the door for them and asked: “Who are you?” “We are Health, Love and Wealth. - The wanderers answered. Let us in for the night." “It’s a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in,” the owner answered. The sick mother said: “Let’s let Health in.” The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth. While the argument was going on, the travelers disappeared. Let's raise our glasses so that in the new year there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth in our home!
  • One girl had two apples, her mother asked to give her one of them. Suddenly the daughter took and took a bite of both apples. The mother was upset that her daughter did not love her at all. But she handed her mother one apple and said: “Take this, mom, it’s the most delicious.” I suggest we drink so that we always know that even if something unpleasant happens, it can be for our good. Don't rush to conclusions! Happy New Year!

New Year's table

Beautiful wishes

  • May the New Year bring you only bright streaks in life, give you revived dreams and delight you with well-deserved attention. Let magical transformations happen and the most unimaginable fairy tale predictions come true. Here's to New Year's miracles!
  • On New Year's Day, people give each other gifts as a sign mutual sympathy, respect and attention. I raise this glass to the fact that the main gift will always be joy and good mood. Here's to the upcoming New Year and all the good things it will bring us!
  • I wish that in the New Year each of us would acquire not the best, but our own. Because the best does not always become your own, but what is yours is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!
  • May winter in the new year, in spite of the frost, warm you with warmth and bring peace. Spring will bring inspiration, lightness and love. Summer is serenity and fun, and let autumn be filled with prosperity and prosperity. I wish that all the next 365 days will be bright, kind and happy. Happy New Year, my dears!

Toast jokes

  • A husband tells a friend that he had a fight with his wife the day before. A friend asks who is left behind the last word. "Behind me! - The husband said proudly. “I said: well, okay, buy it!” So let's drink to the last word of the owner of the house!
  • Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: after all, as long as I can remember, they do not grow old, do not get sick, and always have money for gifts. Let's drink to be the same!

Any feast requires pronunciation beautiful speech. And it’s not enough to just say “Here’s to your health,” you want to wish something really worthwhile. A parable toast is perfect for this. This short story instructive in nature, at the end of which you need to make a generalizing conclusion, which will become a wish. A parable toast will be appropriate for any event or holiday.

New Year's greetings

At the New Year's feast, speeches are made about how good it is to leave everything bad in the past year, about the fact that it is worth changing something so that everything becomes much better than it was. Toast-parable for the New Year is great way Give your friends and family a gift that makes you think about yourself and your place in life.

Shakespeare once said: “All life is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Really, how often can we be ourselves? We constantly have to hide behind the mask that society has painted for us. Many are ashamed to express their opinion or express their own self. The New Year's toast-parable will tell you how not to be afraid of yourself and your characteristics.

Faulty pot

One man carried water from the river every day in two pots mounted on a long pole. One pot was intact and always “conveyed” the required portion, but the second had a crack, which caused the water to splash and only half of what was collected could be stored in it.

For many years a person did the same job. He always brought only two-thirds of the required amount of liquid to his teacher's house. The whole pot was very proud and often boasted about its achievements. His friend was depressed and sad because he had a defect.

One day, a cracked pot decided to speak to its owner. He said that he was very ashamed of himself and his appearance, and also that because of him the student could not bring enough water. Then the man replied: “When we go to the teacher’s house, pay attention to what beautiful flowers grow along the road." And indeed, from the side where the cracked pot hung, there were magnificent flowers all along the road. Then the man said: “I have long known about your peculiarity, pot, and therefore I specially planted flowers along the road to bring them to the teacher and make him happy."

Everyone has their own shortcomings, but if you look closely, you can find dignity in them. So let's throw all masks aside in the New Year and not be ashamed of our true Self.

About the transience of life

At the time of the creation of the world, God gathered a dog, a donkey, a monkey and a man. And he began to decide how old someone should live. He decided to give the monkey 15 years of life, the dog 10, and the donkey 20. Near the man, God began to think.

What age do you think a person should live? - asked the man.

“I think 25 is enough,” God answered.

What? “I am the king of nature, a rational being, I must live more,” the man was indignant. - Are you really going to give your highest creation only a measly 20 years?

Okay, I changed my mind, God answered, I’ll give you a century. But remember that for the first 15 years you will be as cranky as a monkey, the next 25 years will be your real, human years, for another 20 years you will, like a donkey, carry your hump and earn your living from this, and the remaining 10, like an old, mangy dog, you will throw yourself at everyone, trying to preserve your acquired property.

So let's drink so that in the New Year the years of the donkey and the dog will not come, and we will remain in our human life until the end of time.

Short joke-parable

At a big feast you often want to make people laugh. An hour later, everyone seemed to have eaten and drunk, and it was time for fun. That’s when toasts-parables with double subtext will come in handy. We offer this option.

A young horseman is riding through the desert, and next to him is a girl - his beloved. They jump for a week, then jump for another. We've completely lost our way. Both are tired, hungry, but nothing is visible in the desert. Suddenly, they meet a goat on their way. Dzhigit immediately decided to kill him. He took good aim and fired, but missed. He fired again. And when the cartridges ran out, he joined hand-to-hand combat with a goat. Yes, the restive one got caught, kicked back, and galloped away. The horseman and the girl were so tired and exhausted that they could not overcome the goat and died of hunger.

So let's drink to our life path I've never come across such stubborn goats.

Toast parable for birthday

Any parable toast for a birthday must be addressed to the birthday person. You can mention his strengths, desires and what he has achieved. But the best thing is to build your wish so that it covers everything together. One will help you create your own unique greeting.

About a full jug

One eastern sage gathered his students and placed an empty jug in front of them. First he poured stones into it, and everyone thought it was full. But after that, the sage filled in the peas, and the cereal took up the empty space between the stones. Then he poured sand. At each stage, it seemed to the students that nothing would fit into the jug, but water also fit there. And only now the sage said that the jug was full.

Our life is like a jug. Stones are the basis - education, health. Peas are those things that we cannot do without - home, family. Sand symbolizes those little things that make life even more enjoyable, but you can do without them. These are jewelry, dresses, household items. Well, water is our environment, friends and loved ones.

I wish the birthday boy that his life is as full as a jug. So that the main place is occupied by basic values, so that they are complemented by material goods, pleasant little things, and, of course, true friends.

When the festive night finally arrives, all matters and worries remain in the past. Now you can relax, enjoy communicating with guests, enjoying the feast and seeing off the old year. At the festive feast, everyone is waiting for toasts. During the New Year, wise toasts especially touch the soul.

Wise toasts on New Year 2019 is a kind of parable that psychologically sets us up for a new stage of life, for the new year. Therefore, we offer interesting, wise toasts for the New Year, which will surely please the guests at the festive table and fill their souls with peace and trembling tender feelings.

By the way, also don’t forget to congratulate your friends and family. You can view the selection on our website.

Wise toasts for the Year of the Pig:

There is a tradition in Italy of throwing old things out of the window on New Year’s Eve. Of course, we are not in Italy, but still, let's throw away our old grievances, quarrels and bad deeds in these last hours of the passing year. unnecessary trash. Behind all this you can also throw out envy, infidelity and ingratitude. This is quite simple to do, and in our souls we will only have pleasant memories of the outgoing 2016. Let's remember it this way and believe that 2019 will be many times better!

Once upon a time there lived a skilled master who was once challenged by ten people to a duel. They shouted and boasted that they could defeat the master. But in the end, the master still won the fight. Then the next time twenty people challenged him to a duel. But the master was able to defeat them too. Next time the best master Already challenged 50 people to a duel. But the master of dreams won the duel and then everyone became quiet and no longer dared to take on new challenges. But one boy asked the master for the opportunity to fight with him. They entered into a duel, and the boy won it. Everyone was perplexed and asked the master what had happened. He replied: “I don’t care, but the child is pleased.” Let's drink to "whatever", above which there is nothing in the world. May the New Year 2019 bring only worthy victories!

There is very little time left before the new year begins. The streets are practically empty. And along one of these streets a couple with full bags is hurrying home. They meet a drunk who is on all fours. The wife reproaches her husband that everyone has already had a drink and is having a lot of fun, but for the husband everything is happening in last minute. So let's drink to the hope that in the New Year 2019 everything will always come to us on time!

The ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” says that the needs of the soul give rise to friendship. The needs of the mind generate respect, and the needs of the body generate desire. All three needs together give birth true love. Let's drink so that in the new year everyone present at this table will always have an abundance of all three needs!

I don’t even know what to wish for everyone gathered at this table... Probably, all the girls should get married, and the guys should find worthy wives. And here’s another thing, you’ve probably all heard the well-known wish of the Russian cosmonauts: “To eat and drink. So that you want and can. So that next year you will have someone to be with and where to be!” It seems to me that this is a very wise wish for the New Year 2019, to which you should definitely drink!

God molded man from clay, but he still had material left. Then God asked the man what to mold with this clay. The man asked to make him happy. God knew everything and saw everything, but he did not know what happiness was. Then he gave the man a piece of clay and said that he should mold his own happiness. Let's drink so that in the New Year we always know what our happiness lies in and how to create it!

A man approaches the river, pushes aside one bush, a second, a third, a fourth, and so on twenty bushes. Then he looks and sees a woman standing on the bank of the river. He takes off one dress from her, a second, a third, a fourth... Let's drink to our prospects in the New Year 2019!

IN at a young age it seems that happiness is already ahead. In old age, it seems that happiness is already behind you. But what should you do so as not to miss the moment of happiness? It is best to enjoy every day you live. This is exactly what I wish for you next year. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company on this wonderful New Year's holiday.

Short toasts for the New Year can be wise. Here's one of them. One day a physicist comes to Nielson Bohr and sees a horseshoe on his door. “Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings good luck,” asks the physicist. “I don’t believe it,” Nelson replies, “but the horseshoe seems to believe it.” Let's drink to the hope that luck will come to our house more often in 2019 and that it will believe in us!

In Georgia they say so. If you want to have a happy day, then you should get drunk. If you want to be happy week, then get sick. If you want happiness within a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a whole year, get a mistress. If you want to be happy all your life, then be healthy. Let's raise this glass so that in 2019 we will all be healthy, and therefore happy!

Two people are talking. One asks about how the other lives. He replies that it varies. When things get bad, an ambulance comes, and when things go well, the police come. Now we are all happy and happy, so should we wait for the police to arrive? Be that as it may, let's drink to the fact that in 2019 everything will be fine with us and without the police!

A toad was jumping on the rails, then a train passed and tore off its legs. The sting crawled to the side and, looking at her legs, she thought: “What beautiful legs, I need to come back.” As soon as she was back on the tracks, a train came by and cut off her head. Let's drink to not losing our heads over beautiful legs in 2019!

These are just some wise toasts for the New Year 2019, which will be relevant at the festive table. As for which toast to choose, you should take into account the company, the age of the people and their outlook on life. Remember that you can help yourself come up with beautiful toasts wise sayings about the New Year. And we wish you a lot of happiness and health in the new year!

A parable is a story that presents a moral lesson. This genre appeared in the East, where they often spoke in riddles and allegories. A parable is somewhat reminiscent of a fable, although it differs in the significance of the idea contained in its basis. The main themes of the parable are usually human relationships, life and death. But the meaning of a parable is the reason for which it is told. The parables contain certain idea, the wise law of the world, therefore, getting not only into the mind, but also into the heart, it will serve as a guide for thoughtful people. In this material we triedcollect the most beautiful parables for such a magical holiday as the New Year.

A priceless gift

Jim and Della Dillingham Young rented a furnished apartment, the furnishings of which were not so much abject poverty, but rather eloquent poverty. This family had two treasures: Della's luxurious hair and Jim's gold watch, left to him from his father and grandfather. True, the watch hung on a tattered leather strap...

The New Year was approaching, and the young wife wanted to choose a gift for her husband, but no treasure seemed worthy to Della.

She had at her disposal only one dollar and eighty-seven cents, collected by a long, cruel economy. With these pennies she must buy a New Year's gift for her husband Jim.

A sign caught Della's eye: “All kinds of hair products.” For twenty dollars she sold her treasure - luxurious hair and with the proceeds she bought Jim a platinum chain for his watch.

While preparing dinner for her husband, she prayed that he would not dislike his short hair.

Arriving home, frozen without gloves, Jim looked at his wife either with surprise, or with horror, or with anger. No haircut, cut, or other reason could make Jim stop loving his wife, but he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Della no longer had her long hair.

Finally, Jim pulled out a package containing a set of tortoiseshell combs with precious stones - the object of Della's secret desires. In response, she presented her husband with a chain. But her gift, like Jim’s, had to be hidden for now: Jim pawned the watch to buy combs for his wife. They sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other in exchange for the priceless gift of love and loyalty.

Melted Heart

There lived a man with a cold heart, but he was so proud that he tried not to notice his shortcomings.

As a child, he even boasted that he didn’t feel resentment, pity, sadness, affection... He didn’t feel anything at all.

And now he was already many years old. One evening a man with a cold heart saw little boy, dressed in rags.

The New Year was approaching, snow was falling outside, the wind was blowing, it seemed that even the trees were cold.

But the boy walked with confident steps towards the large New Year tree, which was decorated in the very center of the city. They both stopped at the tree.

A man with a cold heart - in order to examine the decorations, and a boy - in order to ask the Heavenly Angels for something secret.

Please move away, I have a very important matter here,” said the boy.

The man with a cold heart grinned indifferently and went about his business, and the boy knelt by the tree, looked at the sky, and began to whisper:

Dear Angels, when I walked here, I wanted to ask you to take new clothes from God for me, mine are completely worn out, and I am very cold. But on the way I saw a man who was much more unhappy than me, he had been freezing for a long time, and it seemed that very soon he would turn into snow...

Give him a warm heart, otherwise he will never be happy. I don't know how else I can help him.

A few minutes later the man returned to the tree with a cold heart. He had in his hands new clothes for boy.

Most likely, Sky Angels fulfilled the request. Of course, they did not replace the heart. They simply left in him the two most precious gifts - love and compassion.

New Year's parable about happiness

Two young fir trees grew at the edge of the forest. One became a beauty. She stands tall, slender, in a magnificent outfit like a bell from the proud top to the very ground. The other, her friend, modestly stepped aside. She is ugly: the branches, like tufts, stick out on her in all directions, a gnarled trunk without a hint of harmony.
The beauty became proud and began to think that there was no one better and smarter than her in the whole wide world.
Winter came. The men came to the forest to get firewood and cut down a gnarled tree. Then the beautiful Christmas tree said maliciously:
- You see, I knew that they wanted to cut you down. They wouldn't dare me! I am the decoration of the entire forest!
“We’ll wait and see,” said the ugly tree. - Time will show.
And time has shown. After the New Year they met in a garbage dump. The proud beauty began to cry and complain to her friend about the people for cutting her down for the holiday and then throwing her away. The gnarled tree answered her:
- You shouldn’t be angry. You should have seen this coming. There is nothing more pleasant, more noble in the world than to serve for the benefit of others. Your lot is sad because you had to be disappointed. You thought so highly of yourself, were so seduced by your beauty, that when your hopes did not come true, you were disappointed and saddened. I try to think about everything and understand what should happen and what cannot happen. And that’s why I don’t have to be so bitterly disappointed, that’s why I’m happy.
- You? Happy? You, ugly, lying in the trash heap, are you happy? - the beauty screamed.
“Yes,” the gnarled tree continued calmly. “Ever since I was cut down, I haven’t stopped being useful.” They set me up as a milestone along the road. I, along with others, showed people the way, felt happy, and now even more so.
- Why is this? - asked the beautiful Christmas tree in disbelief.
- Many people walked past us, but one boy stopped to rest near me every time. Every day I watched him as he walked out of the city, waiting for him to reach me so I could rest from the road. We got used to each other and became friends. I saw his smile and was glad to meet him. I was happy.
- How I would like to be in your place! What do I need my beauty for now? Yes, and before it was not useful to anyone...
- Look! - the gnarled Christmas tree interrupted her. - Here comes the father of that boy!
The man, seeing both trees, said: “That’s good. As many as two. Perhaps it’s enough to heat the stove.”
The house where they were brought had no heat for several days. The boy, sick, lay in bed.
“Now it will be warm,” said the father, cutting off branches and branches from beautiful Christmas tree. And the gnarled friend heard the beauty rustle:
- Finally, finally, I’m happy!

New Year's parable about love

She didn't like New Year's. I just didn't like it. However, like other holidays. But still, the New Year was a special holiday: on this night you could make wishes that would definitely come true.
Of course, She made wishes on falling stars, and on tram and even bus tickets, but all these were ordinary, not basic wishes, the failure of which, in principle, did not change anything.
But once a year, during the chiming clock, along with everyday wishes for her family, She could wish for her very best cherished wish. And this year she had it...
“Please, let Him be happy, please, let Him be happy, please...” She repeated like a spell, fearing that the chimes would fall silent and her wish would never reach Santa Claus.
The first sounds of the hymn were heard, and She sighed joyfully - she had time, everything, now for the whole year everything should definitely be wonderful for Him. “How I would like to make him happy... But even if not with me... The main thing is that He is happy...” She thought.
The usual New Year's work was in full swing at the residence of Father Frost. A whole staff of employees was engaged in fulfilling wishes that flew here from all sides Globe. Some were responsible for children's desires, others for material ones, for spiritual ones, and a special department dealt with desires about Love. Before a wish got to the right department, it went through sorting, where it was carefully checked for sincerity, the need for fulfillment, and its consequences. For example, desires like “I want to have the coolest phone in the class” were forwarded to the department responsible for human relations. Because, most likely, the coolest phone is needed in order to enjoy authority among your classmates. But you don’t need a phone for this... And the wish still came true, only in a slightly different form.
“Please, let Him be happy, please, let Him be happy, please...”, having read the next wish, Santa Claus’s Assistant, who was responsible for sorting, opened the thick log book and found the desired entry: “Let She be happy. Even if this happiness is not with me, then let She just be happy...”
Smiling contentedly, Santa Claus's Assistant dialed the required number: “Is this the Love department?” Write down..."

New Year's parable about a white flower

One people had a sign. The one who rips White flower on the mountain on New Year's Eve, will be happy. The mountain on which the flower of happiness bloomed was enchanted. She was constantly shaking and no one could stay on her.

But every New Year there were brave souls who tried to climb the mountain.

One day, three friends also decided to try their luck. Before going to the mountain, friends came to the sage to ask for advice:
“If you fall seven times, get up eight times,” the sage advised them.
Three friends went up the mountain, all from different directions. An hour later the first young man returned, covered in bruises.
“The sage was wrong,” he said. I fell seven times, and when I got up the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a quarter of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The second young man came two hours later, all beaten up, and said:
- The sage deceived us. I fell seven times, and when I got up on the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a third of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The third young man came a day later with a white flower in his hands.
-Didn't you fall? - his friends asked.
- I fell, maybe I fell a hundred times, or maybe more. “I didn’t count,” the young man answered.
- Why didn’t you give up everything? - friends were surprised.
“Before going to the mountain, I learned to fall,” the young man laughed.
- No. He learned not to fall, but to rise! - said the sage, having heard this conversation.
