Tatyana Vasilyeva's fiancee returned the money. The ex-daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave birth to actor Solomykin

Turns 70 years old. An unpleasant gift for the actress’s anniversary was the appearance of her ex-daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let them talk” on Channel One. The ex-wife of Philip Vasiliev said that she could no longer remain silent and accused Tatyana Grigorievna of doing everything to deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the square meters they were entitled to.

Anastasia Begunova also voiced incriminating evidence against her ex-husband, providing audio recordings in which Philip Vasiliev, while intoxicated, admits that he wanted to kill his wife and mother-in-law, and also that he needs help, since he suffers from alcoholism. In addition, Anastasia is sure that it was Tatyana Grigorievna who is to blame for the fact that her marriage with Philip broke up, calling Vasilyeva’s son absolutely spineless: “I divorced not my husband, but my mother-in-law.”

In Andrei Malakhov's program, Begunov complained that she and her two sons received an offer from the famous grandmother to give up Moscow real estate in exchange for monthly payments of 2,000 euros. Ex-daughter-in-law Tatiana Vasilyeva claims that money ( we're talking about about the amount of 350 thousand euros), which the actress once gave to her and Philip and which she allegedly stole, her ex-husband squandered right and left, and Anastasia withdrew the rest, since she needed to live on something. Now she and her children live in Germany and live in a modest apartment.

Begunova, like Philip Vasiliev, married a second time and gave birth to a child for her new husband. However, she will always be glad if Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son show a desire to meet Vanya and Grisha. But, according to Anastasia, since she refused monthly payments, the grandmother no longer called her grandchildren. At the end of the program, Andrei Malakhov explained that Tatyana Vasilyeva was invited to take part in the show, but the actress refused.

Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva Anastasia Begunova and grandchildren famous actress Vanya and Grisha

Let us remind you, Philip Vasiliev, ex-husband Anastasia Begunova, married for the second time in October 2016. With an actress Maria Bolkonkina, who was already in her ninth month of pregnancy, he signed at the Tagansky registry office. Before that, he said in an interview that his first wife broke his heart. “I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold. However, she accepted my advances. After some time, Nastya became pregnant. You can't imagine how happy I was! He immediately proposed to her. Vanya was born to us, and two years later Grisha was born. It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years I kept hearing rumors that my wife was cheating on me,” said Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son in an interview with EG.RU. “But I loved her so much that I didn’t trust anyone. Even dear mother. In vain! Now I’m figuring it out: not only did Nastya leave the family, but she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!”

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave frank interview Andrey Malakhov

All last year the country was experiencing the tragedy of its beloved artist: Tatyana Vasilyeva lost her grandchildren!

Her son Philip vividly described how his unfaithful wife ran away from him abroad. Taking not only the common children, but also hundreds of thousands of euros from my mother’s account...

But it wasn’t even this that shocked everyone, but the fact that the former daughter-in-law demanded payment from Vasilyeva for dates with boys - 200 thousand rubles a month.

“It’s hard for me to remain silent in response, I’m just forced to defend myself!” - the same “escaped” Anastasia Begunova made a statement before the New Year. She wants to tell the truth. My…


Now Nastya really lives in Germany. I recently gave birth to my third son - from another man. And her with Philip Vasiliev common sons It’s true that we haven’t seen grandma for a long time. But not because the actress cannot accumulate a “subscription fee” for meetings with them. Begunova assures that Tatyana Vasilyeva is not only not eager to see the little blood, but she didn’t even congratulate the boys on their birthday. And everything her son says is a pure lie.

“My marriage “with the Vasilyevs” began with deception. He destroyed our family,” sighs Anastasia.

She met Philip and his mother in 2006 - they played together in an enterprise play and toured different cities. The actress’s son immediately laid his eyes on Nastya. He looked after me beautifully - incredible bouquets, constant readiness help, solve all problems. He wasted money and showered him with gifts.

Begunova, who hails from Omsk, was captivated: well, of course, a guy from such a family is courting her! And he even proposes marriage. How can I refuse? Moreover, Philip assured: acting is not the main thing for him, the main thing is serious business.

“After the wedding, I was very discouraged when I realized that profitable business Philippa is nothing more than her mother’s pocket,” Nastya admits. “The husband probably thought: with a child in her arms and pregnant with her second (our sons have a two-year age difference), my wife will not go anywhere…”


The husband, according to Begunova, did not really work and drank seriously. His mother sponsored the newly-made family. Tatyana Vasilyeva admitted in an interview more than once that she fills the refrigerator to capacity for young people and gives them money. She gave diamonds to her daughter-in-law: for a wedding, a cross strewn with stones; for the birth of grandchildren - earrings and a ring. Nastya did not refuse gifts...

“My mother-in-law moved into a two-room apartment, which she bought for her son, leaving her four-room apartment on Taganka to us,” she says. - But it would be better for the children in a more favorable area; I found a wonderful option on the Patriarch's Ponds. Having decided housing problem, took up construction country house on the plot bought by Philip's mother."

While Begunova was building a nest, her husband, according to her stories, was parasitizing. He took out his aggression from lack of fulfillment on his family: he could slam a kitten on the floor or be rude to Nastya’s relatives. After their breakup, Vasiliev repeatedly stated that his wife cheated on him left and right. She swears that nothing happened - except his wild jealousy out of nowhere.

“I suspect that such thoughts were inspired by the biography of Tatyana Grigorievna, who had theatrical romances,” says

She was generally annoyed that her husband - Sissy. I won’t take a single step without her advice.

“She called seven times a day: “What did you eat? Where did you go? The control seemed intrusive to me, I handed the phone to my husband, and he happily reported back. I've been used to it since childhood. I also could not solve all everyday issues without my mother. The sink is clogged - he calls not the plumber, but his mother, and she calls the technician.”


And then they went abroad - Philip was going to study to become a film director. We moved to Germany. Tatyana Vasilyeva gave 300 thousand euros to buy housing in Berlin. But the money quietly disappeared. Philip claims that Nastya stole them. She has a different version: her husband simply did not notice how everything was spent on life: language courses, children, a rented apartment, health insurance...

“Philip was not used to saving money - he bought four pairs of expensive sneakers, five pairs fashionable shoes. I bought a Porsche for 80 thousand euros..."

Begunova hoped that her husband would stop drinking while abroad. But things only got worse. Once, as Nastya says, in a fit of aggression, he rushed at her with a fork.

“Vasilieva took her son’s side: they say, it was you who provoked him! Philip said that he was going to his mother. Apparently, she also made the decision about our divorce,” says Begunova.

She herself remained in Germany - she fell ill younger son, needed treatment. And she was offended that her husband and mother-in-law were resolving property issues at that moment:

“Vasilieva offered two thousand euros a month to support the children, so that I would give up that very apartment on Patriarch’s, bought during marriage. I did not agree to ephemeral compensation: children should have housing. Philip wrote a text message: “Damn you, witch, with all your degenerates!” I clarified: “Are these ‘geeks’ our sons?” Then he quickly made a deed of gift in favor of his mother. As a result, the apartment remained with them, and Vanya and Grisha also did not receive financial assistance.”

After that, Anastasia claims, all these fables started pouring in about how she robbed everyone:

“I waited a year for Philip and his mother to come to their senses and move on from groundless accusations to normal human communication,” she says. “It hasn’t happened yet, but I don’t lose hope...”

Photo by G. Usoev.

Between Tatyana Vasilyeva and her former daughter-in-law, actress of the Vakhtangov Theater Anastasia Begunova. Anastasia's marriage to the star's son Philip seemed prosperous. Two sons were born: Vanya is now 9 years old, Grisha is 7. The young people lived in excellent conditions - in a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds. But in 2015, the family broke up and scandals began. Vasilyeva stated that her daughter-in-law fled with her grandchildren to Germany and is demanding a lot of money for a meeting with the boys. Then Philip Vasiliev publicly accused his wife of theft large sum which belonged to his mother. During these two years ex-spouses They managed to start new families, but the squabbles between them do not stop.

Now Anastasia Begunova lives with her sons in Germany. Vasilyeva’s former daughter-in-law told Komsomolskaya Pravda what was happening between her and her star mother-in-law.

"His business is his mother's pocket"

Although Tatyana Grigorievna (Vasilieva, former mother-in-law - Ed.) accuses me of commercialism, I married her son Philip out of love, says Anastasia Begunova-Vasilieva. - Together with him and Tatyana Grigorievna, we played in one enterprise performance. When I became pregnant with Philip, he told my mother about it. She made a royal gesture: “Get married!” Then I didn’t yet know how great my mother’s influence was on Philip. At first, his habit of consulting his mother in everything seemed cute to me. But later his dependence on his parent turned into our family nightmare!

At the beginning of our relationship with Philip, he told me that theater was a hobby for him, and his main income came from business. He brought home money in envelopes, supposedly he had invested somewhere and was earning money. Gradually the truth was revealed: his business is his mother’s pocket. It turned out that all her life she gives him as much as he asks, any amount.

Time passed. I wanted to see in my husband the head of the family, who is capable of making decisions himself. But this did not happen. My mother-in-law asked him everything about our life, from start to finish, even how often we have intimacy.

- Family friends say that Tatyana Vasilyeva is a wonderful mother, she loves her son very much...

Due to constant guardianship, he has zero independence. This is the result of her love.

“They wrote me creepy text messages”

Our scandals began when I decided to leave maternity leave to work,” Begunova continues. - While I was at the theater at rehearsals, my mother-in-law poured into my husband’s ears that I supposedly went to work for a reason, they say, she knows the morals in the theater. I would come home, tired, and Philip would drive me crazy with jealousy. I explained that I was faithful to him. Philip calmed down. But the next day my mother called, and everything started all over again.

- Tatyana Vasilyeva claimed that she simply got an ungrateful daughter-in-law...

What was Philip like?! He suffered from alcoholism and had breakdowns. I endured everything, I loved him. Then my mother said that it was my fault for his alcoholism.

I tried to explain to Philip that he needed to do something in this life himself, and not wait for handouts from his mother. As a result, he was inspired to go to Germany to study directing courses. I didn't want to go there. But he said: “Give me a chance.” Arriving in Germany, he didn’t lift a finger. German didn't teach. I stayed at home with the children.

- Your ex-mother-in-law assured that you stole a large sum from her...

She gave money to rent housing in Germany for Philip’s education. There were 300 thousand euros - 12 million rubles at that rate. We lived on this money, we bought a car with it. I haven't worked in Germany. Philip didn't want to do anything. Our relationship deteriorated more and more. I said: if you don’t want to live with me, live with your mother! And Philip left for Moscow.

I withdrew the balance from the account - 50 thousand euros, because when the divorce began and Philip threatened to take my children away from me, I realized that I was not allowed to go to Moscow. Philip and my mother-in-law wrote me creepy text messages: “We decided that the children would be better off in an adopted German family than with you.” Like we'll deprive you parental rights. If I had not stayed in Berlin, my children would no longer be with me. In Moscow, the guardianship authorities came to me to check my living conditions - I have my own one-room apartment. But this apartment has 28 square meters, and according to the standards it is not suitable for two children. My ex-husband and mother-in-law would have won the trial and taken my sons away from me.

“I sued the apartment from my grandchildren”

- Do your sons like it in Germany?

They have fully adapted and speak German well. When the opportunity arises, we will come to Moscow. But for now this is not possible.

- They say that after breaking up with your husband, you demanded money from Tatyana Vasilyeva for meetings with your grandchildren?

She suggested it herself. When Philip and I broke up, she said: I will give 2,000 euros a month for the children, but you renounce your claims to real estate. But how can I deprive children of their property?! I said: if you don’t want to sign over half the apartment to the children, I’ll go to court. A three-room apartment on Patriarch's Ponds with an area of ​​90 square meters was bought during marriage. It was purchased with money from the sale of Philip’s previous apartment, which his mother-in-law bought for him. I didn’t even register for the Patriarch’s, I only registered for children. I was sure that they would not be deprived in any case. But they were left without everything! I will challenge this decision in court.

- But the apartment was bought with Tatyana Grigorievna’s money...

Yes. But I'm not trying for myself. I can’t bring three children into my one-room apartment (after the divorce, Begunova gave birth to a third child from another man. - Ed.). But that is not all. Through the court, they assigned me alimony - 7,000 rubles for two children. This is even below the subsistence level! They presented a certificate to the court that as an actor, Philip Vasiliev officially receives 20 thousand rubles...

Under the settlement, they can see their grandchildren every week on weekends. They can come to see them in Berlin and take them away for the holidays. Two hour flight to Germany - and please communicate. But for two years, Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son did not even make any attempts to meet with the children. Therefore, the words “I really want to see my grandchildren” are just PR.

- Anastasia, who is your chosen one, from whom you gave birth to your third child?

This is the person who supported me in difficult times. Our friendship grew into love. We haven’t gotten married yet, he lives and works in Moscow, and I and my children are in Germany.

-Are you not working now?

I'm on maternity leave, it's ending. Perhaps I'll find a job in Berlin. And I will continue to fight for an apartment for my children. Even Vasilyeva’s ex-husband Georgy Martirosyan received his 20 thousand dollars when he checked out of the apartment on Taganka during their divorce (the actors were married from 1983 to 1995). With this money he bought himself a one-room apartment in Krylatskoye. But my boys got nothing.


Continues to help Philip

Tatyana Vasilyeva has two children: the artist gave birth to a son, Philip, from actor Anatoly Vasilyev (“Crew,” “Matchmakers”), with whom she lived in marriage from 1973 to 1983.

In his second marriage to actor Georgy Martirosyan, a daughter, Elizaveta, was born in 1986. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, but does not work in her specialty. Tatyana Grigorievna admitted in an interview: she does not see anything reprehensible in supporting her adult children: “I help them not because they are some kind of dependents, no. Philip is studying - he already has three higher education, there will be a fourth.”

Now Tatyana Vasilyeva is helping her son’s second family: last year, 39-year-old Philip married actress Maria Bolonkina, and the couple had a daughter, Mirra.

People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva celebrated her anniversary this year; this year she turned 70 years old. Perhaps, the best gift On Vasilyeva's birthday, there was a shift in her relationship with her former daughter-in-law, actress Anastasia Begunova.

In the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov, the star said that she was glad that she had the opportunity to communicate by phone with her grandchildren Grisha and Vanya, who live with their mother in Germany. “There has been a certain shift in the relationship, which gives me strength and confidence that we can communicate,” Vasilyeva said. - I talk to Nastya on the phone, I can talk to the children. This is a huge purchase. Mine comes back to me. I always call, Nastya speaks unfriendly. It doesn’t matter to me, it’s important that we are in contact.”

Tatyana Grigorievna admitted that establishing even such communication was not an easy task.

“Nastya cannot talk to Philip. Philip is with Nastya, only I can talk to everyone, but apparently this is how I have to live. It’s not difficult for me at all,” the actress continued. “I don’t have any grudge against her.” I could, of course, say that I am offended for my son, but I understand that a man is also not a gift. I can't say she had an easy one family life. But she didn’t make any effort to do this. She was never home."

The program showed a video recording made in Germany. Tatiana Vasilyeva’s grandchildren Vanya and Grisha conveyed their regards to her. The boys admitted that they miss their grandmother, whom they call by name Tanya, and really want to come and visit her in Moscow.

Vasilyeva recalled that when the children were small, she spent a lot of time with them, especially with Vanya. “He is the first-born, Nastya and Philip were busy, and Vanya was brought to me,” said the actress. “I tried to pamper, I made pancakes, solyanka, and borscht myself. We were walking. All was good. And then at one moment everything disappeared, and only photographs remained.”

Vasilyeva admitted that she now dreams that their telephone communication will continue. She is sure that there will be meetings ahead. “Everything will work out, you just need to go through this difficult path.”

Let us remember that Tatyana Vasilyeva’s son Philip divorced Anastasia Begunova in 2016. According to the actress, ex-wife All this time, her son was prevented from communicating with her grandmother and grandchildren. However, Anastasia Begunova herself stated last winter in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program that this year her ex-husband and grandmother did not seek to see the children. As the woman assured, she was offered to give up the heirs’ share of the housing in exchange for two thousand euros, which she would receive monthly.
