Celebrities who have eliminated alcohol from their lives. Russian stars who have overcome alcohol addiction

These were Hard times. He stood on the streets of St. Petersburg and handed out invitations to his performances; there were rarely more than 10 people in the hall. In the evenings, he drank himself into unconsciousness, spent the night in the gateways, and in the morning he returned to his old room in the communal apartment and drank the bottle again. Binges could last for days or weeks. It's hard to believe, but now this man is heading Forbes list, as the richest singer in Russia. Stas Mikhailov was able not only to win alcohol addiction, but also to achieve incredible success in life - he is a popular performer, a millionaire, a wonderful father, and a new addition is expected to his family this summer.

She, a once slender beauty, a famous TV presenter, was again at the center of scandals and public condemnation - she came drunk, with disheveled hair, to a social gathering, got drunk at another party, and drunkenly kissed a friend. Personal life is collapsing, excess weight has appeared, rumors have spread about a possible dismissal from television. A dark streak began in life, and alcohol made the situation even worse.

But Dana Borisova did not give up, pulled herself together, took up sports and stopped drinking alcohol. Now she is happy, she has lost 14 kg. and met the man I loved.
Such stories are often written in newspapers; many celebrities have problems with alcohol, which can ruin everything achievements achieved in life. Some people drink to lift their spirits, relieve stress, and cope with fatigue after a hard day at work; others struggle with depression and problems in their personal lives. But there are those who were able to stop, gather their will and give up alcohol. It is their positive example that inspires confidence that you can quit a bad habit, and it will begin. new life no binge drinking.

“Relieve stress and fatigue with drinking” G. Leps

Sometimes alcohol counts the best remedy to relieve fatigue and stress, however, alcohol only dulls the feeling of fatigue and gives temporary peace of mind, but does not solve the problems that caused stress. The road to fame and success - hard work on oneself, continuous singing for 7-8 hours took a lot of energy from singer Grigory Leps. And alcoholic drinks, he believed, were a great way to relax after a working day. Later, due to excessive alcohol consumption, health problems began, a stomach ulcer opened, which put the singer in intensive care for 3 weeks. But this did not make him stop drinking. In 2008, due to alcohol abuse, Leps lost consciousness on stage, and this was the last straw in the history of alcohol addiction. With the support of friends and his beloved wife, Leps was able to cope with alcohol addiction. And after 2 years, national fame came to him, and he became a happy father.

“My hell is alcoholism” by T. Dogilev

The female body is more susceptible to harmful influence alcohol, and dependence on alcohol occurs faster. Alcoholism almost ruined Tatyana Dogileva’s life, but thanks to the support of her daughter and the help of doctors at a drug treatment hospital, the actress was able to get rid of her addiction. It all started unnoticed - drinking at parties, visiting friends, at premieres. Later, alcohol became an integral part of the actress’s life; she could no longer stop, and appeared drunk on set a couple of times. They stopped offering her new roles. “I know what hell is! My hell is alcoholism! And God forbid anyone goes through this! I simply couldn’t live without vodka…” Dogileva said in an interview. The actress did not notice that she had problems with alcohol, she thought that everything was under control, that she could stop drinking at any time. But she could no longer cope with the addiction on her own. After prolonged drinking bouts, she was admitted to a drug treatment clinic for treatment in the third stage of alcohol addiction. Narcologists helped the actress stop and start a new sober life. “I hope my example will show many women that there is a way out of this condition,” says the actress.

His heart could not handle excessive alcohol consumption. A. Rosenbaum

Long-term alcohol consumption has harmful influence on human health. Under the influence of ethanol, problems with the cardiovascular, nervous and other body systems appear. Thus, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages led to Alexander Rosenbaum’s cardiac arrest. This happened in Australia, during a stormy banquet - the artist’s heart stopped for 7 minutes from an overdose of alcohol. Ambulance doctors arrived quickly and performed emergency resuscitation using a defibrillator. After this incident, the singer stopped drinking. Now Rosenbaum considers himself successful person, him a happy family and favorite job. And the singer still keeps the electrodes from the defibrillator that saved his life at home.

“Alcoholics should be treated, not scolded” by L. Guzeev

The problem of alcohol consumption has not escaped the famous TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva. “There was a reason, there were friends who were always ready to offer a full glass, there were those who saw that I was dying and were glad that a place would be freed up for them,” says Guzeeva. The TV presenter's problems with alcohol lasted for about 7 years, until she decided to stop drinking and went to a specialized clinic for the treatment of alcoholism. “Alcoholics should be treated, not scolded,” says the TV presenter. Larisa Guzeeva successfully completed anti-relapse treatment for alcoholism using the coding method. 10 years ago there was depression, impotence, problems in the family, but after overcoming the addiction, she became stronger. Now she is a successful woman, star of the show “Let's Get Married,” a wife and mother of two children.

Yuri Nikolaev

The famous TV presenter was treated for alcoholism for several years. “For me, alcoholism was not just a problem, but a real disaster!” Nikolaev said. 1983 became the most important year in his life - he managed to overcome the disease and returned to television.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Alcohol consumption has always been one of the main problems for Russian people, this did not spare our stars either. But many of them found strength, coped with addiction, and now, happy and successful, are developing their careers, enjoying life and family. Recovering from alcohol addiction is difficult and will take time and dedicated effort. A bad habit that has been formed over the years will not go away quickly, especially since it will have to be dealt with. side effects addiction – undermined mental and physical health. To help those wishing to recover, drug treatment clinics operate, where treatment is carried out anonymously. Qualified narcologists will provide professional medical care, psychologists and psychotherapists will help you form an attitude towards sobriety and create motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's difficult to start, but the result will far exceed the effort expended to achieve the goal. An example of this is the stories of our stars; the same example can be your life or the life of a person close to you who is addicted to alcohol.

Many world celebrities have experienced alcohol addiction at one time, and each of them reached a certain ending. Some managed to overcome the disease, while for others it, unfortunately, caused a sad end. But for the most part, stars who managed to overcome the problem speak negatively about alcohol. Below we provide a list famous personalities domestic and foreign elite, who at one time were closely associated with alcohol.

Important: using the example of celebrities you can understand how valuable healthy life and normal social relationships.

Russian actors and musicians

Russian actors and actresses who were alcoholics were especially susceptible to addiction during the periods of perestroika, in the dashing 90s. It was then that the film industry underwent significant changes; most actors remained unemployed and felt unclaimed. The feeling of their own professional failure drove the following actors and actresses into alcoholic captivity:

  • Larisa Guzeeva. This famous artist at one time began to drink from the bottle, trying to reason with or teach her drug-addicted husband a lesson. However, the star realized in time that in this way she was only making things worse for herself. The actress was able to escape from the captivity of the “green serpent” only thanks to her own willpower and awareness of her misfortune. And professional narcologists came to the woman’s aid and offered coding for a year. During this period of sobriety, Larisa Guzeeva was again able to experience the beauty of a sober life and never returned to alcohol.

  • Grigory Leps. A well-known singer today, back in the 90s he was an unnoticed artist in a Sochi restaurant. There, working all night long, Grigory little by little drank from the bottle, trying to overcome his fatigue and artistic stagnation. The singer understood that restaurant singing took away his moral and physical strength without giving any chance for development. At the age of 30, Leps dared to give up everything and went to Moscow, where he met his career dawn, saying goodbye to alcohol forever.
  • Dana Borisova. This star, with the help of alcohol, tried to survive the difficult times of divorce and division of property with common-law husband. At the same time, Dana was very afraid of losing her daughter, who could be sued by Maxim Aksenov. Fortunately, the star coped with her craving for alcohol and today has a special passion for alcoholic beverages.
  • Tatiana Dogileva. This famous actress Russia at one time drank to such an extent that she could easily disrupt filming and ruin everyone’s working day. It was at this stage that the woman realized that she needed to fight addiction. Tatiana was greatly helped by the support of her family. After Dogileva returned to a sober life, she did not hesitate to talk about her conditions and experiences in public, trying to provide support to those who also suffer from alcohol addiction.
  • Natalia Andreichenko- Mary Poppins, beloved by many. The artist, at the age of 24, was very fond of alcohol, spurred on by receiving large fees. Natalya caroused as much as she could, which one day almost led to her death. After the Russian film star broke up with Maxim Shell, her friendship with alcohol also ended. The actress writes that then she began to feel free and happy.
  • Mikhail Efremov. This actor claims that in the 90s he was coded many times, but this did not help him cope with the disease. And even the actor’s wife herself admits that over time she simply learned to live with her husband’s addiction.
  • Mikhail Boyarsky. The actor did not suffer from alcoholism as such. But at the same time, he himself admitted that he greatly respected all kinds of drinking and binges for the sake of the atmosphere, mood and courage. After another such spree brought the actor to the clinic with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the artist reconsidered his attitude towards alcohol and no longer drinks.
  • Yuri Nikolaev. Famous TV presenter At one time I encountered alcoholism and for a long time could not overcome the addiction. The artist himself assures that addiction has become a real disaster for him. Long and grueling attempts to say goodbye to alcoholism were finally crowned with success. Already in 1983, Yuri was again able to work on television.
  • Ivan Okhlobystin. Today's priest, just a few years ago he was an avid alcoholic. However, willpower and rethinking own life helped Ivan find a new self. Today Okhlobystin is an exemplary father, husband and family man.

Foreign stars who overcame alcoholism

Alcohol has not spared foreign pop divas and film artists. So, the famous drinking stars and their cases are as follows:

  • The singer Adele is a shame on stage. Initially, plump Adele was very worried about her fatness and could not cope with her complexes. To somehow drown out her fears, the singer constantly drank before the performance. And everything would have been fine, but one day Adele simply forgot the words to her song due to her state of intoxication. This incident prompted the singer to think that it was time to quit. And Adele coped with her addiction and fears.
  • Britney Spears' alcoholic breakdown due to her failed marriage with Kevin Federline. Plus, a burden of fame that was too much for her fell on the shoulders of the then very young singer. Britney, under the influence of alcohol, shaved her head bald, became addicted to gluttony, and became addicted to medications. All her addictions and phobias did the singer a disservice. Britney was banned from seeing her son, and she was given the custody of her own father. Only time and support own father helped Spears cope with alcoholism. Now she is again a star, a supporter of yoga and sports, and the mother of two wonderful sons.
  • Early celebrity did Bad Service and Drew Barrymore. Fame came to the actress at the age of 6. At nine, young Drew was nominated for best role in the film and received a Golden Globe award. Such a quick career led the girl to start smoking at the age of 9. At 11, Drew started using weed, and at 13, she tried drugs for the first time. It was this step that became decisive for placing the girl in rehabilitation center. The rehabilitation program was not entirely successful, since after discharge the young actress attempted to commit suicide. And only writing an autobiography helped Barrymore throw off the psychological burden of all past problems and, at the age of 15, start long haul recovery. Today, Drew is in good physical and mental health.
  • Lily Allen's dislike of alcohol. Famous singer Just five years ago I was heavily dependent on alcohol. At the same time, Lily herself insisted that she liked alcohol, but she didn’t like alcohol. So, one day during another concert, Allen simply fell on stage. This incident made the singer think about her lifestyle and Lily gave up drinking. Probably the wild lifestyle provoked a miscarriage in her first marriage. However, although this fact provoked Allen to take up her old ways again, the singer nevertheless coped with it. Today, the singer is still fighting alcoholism and victory is still on her side.

  • The famous Kelly Osbourne ended up in a rehabilitation center for alcoholism three times. She was treated not only for alcohol addiction, but also for drug addiction. Kelly became heavily addicted to the drug Vicodin at one time. Herself star daughter She admits that all her problems are due to weakness and lack of motivation. At the same time, in 2009, Kelly managed to overcome herself, lost excess weight and completely gave up alcohol.
  • Melanie Griffith first encountered alcohol and drug addiction at the age of 18. For about 12 years, the famous actress lived under the yoke of illness. The turning point in Melanie's life has finally arrived. The actress decided to quit drinking, and she was strongly supported in this ex-husband Antonio Banderas. It was he who provided significant support to his wife and helped her get out of the captivity of alcoholic depression and addiction.
  • Wife famous actor Will Smith - Jada Pinkett Smith got drunk at one time. The woman came to her senses the moment she looked in the mirror and saw herself with two bottles of wine. It was at that moment that Jada realized that it was time to do something. Smith’s wife overcame her addiction and today is not afraid to talk about it openly.

Star deaths from alcohol

In addition to positive outcomes with alcohol addiction, the disease has also claimed the lives of many celebrities. Thus, the victims of alcoholism, whose lives ended in tears, were:

  • Billie Holiday. At one time, the singer worked as an administrator in a brothel. This stage of her life, plus her mother’s prostitution, caused the girl serious psychological trauma. Over time, Billie became addicted. Alcohol caused significant harm to her body. The singer developed cirrhosis of the liver. All the doctors' warnings did not save the girl. Alcohol won and at 44, Billie died.
  • Ernest Hemingway. Famous writer and the US journalist suffered from addiction throughout his life. As a result of the illness, Ernest developed various mental and physical disorders. At one time, the writer was even treated for depression. But it did not help. After being discharged, Hemingway shot himself.
  • Robin Williams There were also problems with alcohol and drugs. Before his eyes, his friend Josh Belushi died from drugs. Robin understood the destructiveness of the disease and tried to get rid of it for 30 years. Breakdowns were followed by pauses of sobriety. A few weeks before his death, Robin signed up for another clinic to achieve sobriety and get rid of addiction. However, he never got there.

Yesterday the world celebrated Anti-Drug Addiction Day. Stas Piekha, who knows about the problem first-hand, did not fail to remind everyone about this holiday. At one time, he won the fight against addiction to illegal substances. The singer co-founded the Healthy Country Foundation. On International Day Against Drug Addiction, he officially launched the organization, and we decided to remember other stars who managed to put an end to the most terrible and, as a rule, leading to tragic consequences addictions - from illegal drugs and alcohol.

Vlad Topalov, 31 years old

Four years member of the group “Smash!!” Vlad Topalov used drugs. This fact was partly the reason for the collapse music group. The singer tried the banned drug for the first time in 2004, after which he could no longer stop. In one of his interviews, Topalov admits that he vaguely remembers that time. Only individual shots from parties emerge in the artist’s memory. By the way, Vlad used drugs in huge quantities. If the average drug addict ate two tablets per night, then for Topalov this number reached 10-15.

In 2008, Vlad Topalov’s body could not withstand such stress. The artist’s kidney began to fail. Fortunately, the doctors made it in time. The artist was hospitalized. Topalov spent two weeks in the clinic on painkillers, even thought about committing suicide, but found the strength to overcome the addiction.

This year, Vlad Topalov co-founded a clinic for people suffering from drug addiction. Moreover, the artist donates funds to foundations and also holds charity concerts.

Vlad Topalov

Vlad Topalov with his wife

Stas Piekha, 36 years old

Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva with her daughter

Larisa Guzeeva with her son

Tatyana Dogileva, 60 years old

Tatyana Dogileva was a regular at the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17. The actress was brought in for treatment for binge drinking two or three times a year. A separate room was allocated for Dogileva, where she could hide from prying eyes. The medical staff of this medical institution claimed that Dogileva did not delay treatment and after a few days of binge drinking she called and asked for help.

Dogileva’s addiction to alcohol began with cheerful gatherings with colleagues after filming. Tatyana kept the line, believing that an actress should definitely drink and smoke. Her ex-husband struggled with Dogileva’s addiction Mikhail Mishin. One day, on the eve of Kinotavr, which the actress was supposed to host, a conflict broke out between her and Mishin. Dogileva drank heavily and had a fight with her husband, as a result of which he hit her. With a black eye, Tatyana could not appear at Kinotavr, and she urgently had to look for a replacement.

In 2010, Tatyana Dogileva gave up alcohol, as it almost drove the artist to a hospital bed. In February of the same year, the actress noisily celebrated her birthday, after which she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, in psychiatric clinic the star asked herself. The fact is that Dogileva was unable to cope with her alcohol addiction on her own. Her body stopped producing serotonin, the hormone of joy, so the actress was constantly overwhelmed by depression. Now the star does not drink alcohol and hopes that by his example he can help other addicts get rid of their bad habit.

Tatiana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva with her daughter

Irina Allegrova, 65 years old

Bottles of alcohol also had to be hidden from the “crazy empress” Irina Allegrova. It was rumored that in the distant 2000s the singer got drunk and staged a show at a banquet in Rostov-on-Don. Allegrova crawled on all fours on the floor and encouraged everyone to play “trains.” By the way, the “empress” had many reasons for alcoholism. My husband ran away from the star Igor Kapusta, A music career began to decline.

In the program “Alone with Everyone,” Irina Allegrova admitted: “I was an ostrich at that moment, which seemed to have hidden its head in the sand, and that’s it, no problem. It wasn't very good. But then I was in pain, and I thought that if I drank it would feel better.”

It’s just that few people can break Irina Allegrova. This woman has so much strong character that she can be the envy of millions of men. Allegrova managed to say a firm and decisive no to alcohol, ending it forever.

Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova with her daughter

Irina Allegrova with her grandson

Actress and TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva openly talked about how she started drinking in her first marriage - to spite her drug-addicted husband. Coding for a year and, of course, willpower helped her return to normal life.

Grigory Leps

Grigory Leps was 30 years old when he moved to Moscow from Sochi: “...I just already understood that if I stayed singing in Sochi restaurants, I would fizzle out as an artist. He worked all night long. And he relieved fatigue with alcohol...” The singer practically stopped drinking, and once he even made a bet with his friends on a very a large sum that he will not touch alcohol for two years.

Dana Borisova

In 2008, Dana Borisova was going through difficult times: she broke up with her common-law husband Maxim Aksenov, went through the courts regarding the division of property and was afraid that her former lover would want to keep their daughter Polina. Due to stress, Dana gained a lot of weight and became too fond of alcohol, but was soon able to pull herself together.

Natalia Andreichenko

Beloved by Russian viewers, Mary Poppins tells how she almost died due to her passion for alcohol when she was 24 years old. While in Andrei Konchalovsky’s “Sibiriyada”, she earned a lot of money for a student - and skipped it on a grand scale: her career was in jeopardy, and the doctors persuaded Natalya to undergo a code. Later, after breaking up with Maximilian Schell, the actress again gave up alcohol in order to look better and feel happier.

Tatiana Dogileva

Actress and director Tatyana Dogileva was able to get rid of alcohol addiction at a critical moment - she lost control of herself and could have disrupted filming. The support of her loved ones helped her, and later Dogileva spoke openly about her problems in the press to help others cope with this illness.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Of course, the actor did not suffer from alcoholism, but he himself repeatedly admitted that he appreciated “binges” for the sake of courage and mood. But drinking alcohol once led Mikhail Boyarsky to severe pancreatitis, so the actor had to seriously think about his future: now he is trying to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Yuri Nikolaev

The famous TV presenter does not hide the fact that he was treated for alcoholism for several years, trying to get rid of addiction in different clinics. “For me, alcoholism was not just a problem, but a real disaster!” admitted Yuri Nikolaev. In 1983, he was able to cope with the disease and return to television.

Mikhail Efremov

According to the actor, in the 90s he even coded for alcohol, but this did not help him quit drinking - on the contrary, his drinking bouts only became longer. His wife Sophia said in an interview that she got used to her husband’s passion for alcohol and learned to live with it.

Alexander Domogarov

Problems with alcohol appeared in the actor’s life quite a long time ago; he was even hospitalized several times. But work in theater and cinema turned out to be more important, because he was able to cope with addiction.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Today Ivan Okhlobystin is an exemplary family man and father of many children, but before he found faith, he was seen on alcoholic sprees.

Sometimes alcohol relieves stress or fatigue; a glass of good wine can only decorate friendly party or a romantic dinner. But in this matter you need to know when to stop and not turn into a person addicted to alcohol. Not everyone can stop in time and control what they drink. Therefore, many people, including very famous ones, need great willpower and a desire to completely eliminate alcohol from their lives. Some have been struggling with the addiction for years, and some choose a lifestyle where there is absolutely no place for alcohol.

These famous people They have given up alcohol forever and feel great. And everyone had their own reasons for this...

1. Bradley Cooper

Now a successful actor, he once drank a lot. This did not make his life better and could not help but affect his personal life and career. But after having too much alcohol, Bradley began to bang his head on the concrete floor in a drunken fit, it was as if he saw the light. The actor realized that he was simply ruining his life and must stop immediately.

Now Bradley doesn’t drink at all, he films a lot and has a little daughter.

2. Eminem

The rapper has always been a “bad guy”; alcohol and drugs were an integral part of his wild life. His health deteriorated sharply, his weight increased to 104 kg, and an overdose almost sent the guy to another world. But in 2008, Eminem made a strong-willed decision and went to a rehabilitation center. There he is being treated for alcoholism and drug addiction and undergoes a specially designed, step-by-step “12 steps” program.
The treatment was successful and now the singer does not touch alcohol at all.
“The Vicodin and Valium that I took for years ate a hole in my stomach, to somehow relieve the pain, I ate all the time, mostly all kinds of rubbish,” the rapper recalls.

3. Tom Cruise

A convinced and faithful adherent of the Scientology sect, Tom Cruise leads healthy image a life where there is no place for alcohol. The actor plays a lot of sports, eats right and therefore looks so young and beautiful.

4. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer noticed that alcohol does not have the most favorable effect on her appearance, and the singer and actress is very attentive and meticulous about her appearance. Therefore, she can allow herself to sip a little while toasting, but no more...

5. Ivan Okhlobystin

In his youth, Ivan allowed himself too much and he was never a good boy. But after he became deeply involved in religion and became a clergyman, he became a convinced teetotaler. In addition, Ivan is a father of many children who must be an example to his children in everything.

6. Alexander Rosenbaum

Once at a banquet in Australia, Alexander had too much alcohol and, as a result, suffered cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived on time and his life was saved, but the heart of the famous singer and composer did not beat for 7 minutes. This was enough for Rosenbaum to rethink his life and become a convinced teetotaler. By the way, he still keeps the electrodes from the defibrillator, with the help of which his life was saved.

7. Ozzy Osbourne

His wife's threat to divorce him because of his heavy drinking came as a real shock to old Ozzy. So much so that the long-time alcoholic and drug addict came to his senses and stopped drinking altogether.

8. Kim Kardashian

It turns out that not everyone likes the taste of alcohol. So Kim Kardashian doesn’t drink at all, because she simply doesn’t like alcohol.

9. David Beckham

David is very attentive to how he looks, and of course, he is very concerned about his health. And to insure himself against the appearance of a “beer belly,” he never drinks alcohol.

10. Ewan McGregor

When Evan drank, he became completely insane; uncontrolled aggression turned the actor into a real maniac. But nothing good would come of it... And so Evan gave up alcohol once and for all.
