20 minutes of exercise for weight loss. The best sets of exercises for losing weight at home

The set of exercises for weight loss contains 20 different exercises aimed at working the main muscle groups. The exercises presented in this complex are perfect for doing independently at home. You do not need any special physical training; you can easily repeat these exercises.

This complex is designed for active loads and you will have to sweat a lot while performing this gymnastics. But you won’t have to wait long for the results. These exercises are best performed every other day. This way your muscles will have time to recover and rest. And doing gymnastics will definitely improve your mood.

Here are a few rules for doing exercises to lose weight:

  • You should eat food at least an hour before the start of class
  • You should not eat high-calorie (fatty) foods; read more about proper diet in the article
  • During class, be sure to drink clean, still water (no more than 1-2 sips at a time)
  • during training, try to breathe correctly, deeply (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth)
  • After finishing the class, try not to drink for 30-40 minutes and not eat for 3 hours. (Everything you eat immediately after training will go towards building muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, rather than not participate in a body builder or sumo wrestler competition, it is better to abstain from food).
  • each exercise must be completed up to 50 times. This is very difficult for a beginner, so you shouldn’t overdo it right away. Increase the load gradually. Remember that muscle pain from oversaturation with lactic acid will not give you the most pleasant sensation, and the resulting microtraumas to muscle tissue will not allow you to fully perform a set of exercises next time. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
  • if you have a limited amount of time, you can break the complex into several stages
  • in order to always keep yourself in shape, start

20 best exercises for weight loss

1. Squats

This exercise works the muscles of the buttocks, back and abs, as well as the back of the thigh.

Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and return to the starting position.

2. Push-ups

The exercise tightens the back muscles, biceps and triceps well.

When doing this, your hands should be close to each other. The wrists should be in line with the shoulders. When doing push-ups, press your elbows as close to your body as possible.

3. Bridge

The exercise tightens the muscles of the back and buttocks.

When doing this, try to push your pelvis up as high as possible.

4. Forward Lunges

The exercise works the front of the thigh and gluteal muscle.

Make alternate lunges on your right and then on your left leg. In this case, the thigh of the leg that lunges should be parallel to the floor when lunging.

5. Board

The exercise targets all the muscles of your core

Place your forearms parallel to one another and lift your body so that your feet are on your toes. Stay in this position for 90 seconds (if it is very difficult to immediately stand for 90 seconds, you can gradually increase the time).

6. Back swing

This exercise tightens the muscles of the back thigh and buttocks, and also serves as an excellent stretch.

7. Deep triceps

From the name it is clear that the exercise is mainly aimed at the back of the shoulder (triceps).

This exercise can be performed with your hands resting on any stable object: a sofa, a step, a bench in the gym, etc.

If you find it difficult to perform the exercise, place your hands a little wider or do the exercise with less amplitude.

8. Ballance

This exercise is good for the back muscles.

From the “on all fours” pose, come out into a straight line by raising your opposite arm and leg. You need to stand in this position for 90 seconds.

9. Bicycle with crunches

This exercise works all the abdominal muscles.

Raise the opposite leg and elbow alternately.

10. Balancing over the floor

This exercise is good for the lower abdominal and back muscles.

Raise your legs as close to the floor as possible without touching it. If you find it very difficult, bend your knees. Stay in this position for 90 seconds.

11. Side lunges

Lateral lunges target the anterior thigh muscles and buttocks. The exercise also eliminates the so-called “ears”

12. Burpee exercise.

Exercise for all muscle groups

13. Lunges forward and backward

The exercise is beneficial for all muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

14. Pull-up

Pull-ups are designed for the latissimus and other types of back muscles.

If you don’t have a horizontal bar or wall bars, you can replace this exercise with another. Lie on the floor, face to the floor. Extend your arms and legs to their full length. Raise your legs and arms and hold them in this position for 90 seconds.

15.Star jump

This exercise allows you to relax and stretch the entire spinal column. The exercise is also aimed at actively burning calories.

16. Plie

This exercise works the inner thigh.

It is necessary to squat without lifting your heels from the floor with your knees apart.


The exercise combines stress on the muscles of the arms, legs and back

When pulling up your knee, try to keep your torso in one line.

18. Jump with overlap

Helps unload the lower muscle groups and stretch the front of the thigh. When performing an exercise, calories are actively burned.

19. Tuck jump.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves coordination of movements. Like all jumps, the exercise increases blood circulation and helps burn calories.

20. Exercise “Frog”

This exercise stimulates and works the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Since the exercise is performed at a fairly high pace, it promotes active fat burning and the removal of toxins from the body through sweat.

It's no secret that for effective weight loss you should also eat right and drink enough fluids.

That's all!

I wish you to always stay in great shape. I’m always glad to see you on the pages of my website, subscribe to updates. See you!

24 . 09.2017

What will morning exercises for weight loss at home give you? What special complex for women and men exists? How to remove fat from the stomach, legs and arms in 10-20 minutes a day, and what 3 types of morning exercises exist? Now you will know everything...

“Sveta decided that from now on she will do exercises in the morning. She woke up, yawned, rubbed her eyes and stood up. The exercises are over, you can go eat a sandwich and drink delicious coffee.”

Hello friends! To be more precise, good morning! The topic of losing weight is very relevant for many people. Yes? Of course, otherwise you wouldn't have come to this page.

It would seem that what could be simpler than morning exercises for weight loss at home? Nothing. I woke up, did a few exercises and went on about my business. Only the mood is different, the body is fully awake and ready for the test.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: types of exercises

In reality everything is different. The most important thing in the house is usually the phone, since it is the only thing that does the charging in the morning and sometimes all night.

The main thing here is to overcome yourself and start studying. How exactly, decide for yourself. There are many different videos and exercises in pictures that you can download for free, repeat and lose weight. The same Elena Silka offers a very interesting and effective, in my opinion, complex.

Power complexes

They help for the stomach, legs, arms, abs and all other parts of your mortal body. and complex. But a large number of calories are lost. Basically these are squats, abdominal exercises and so on.

A newfangled word that can be replaced by the simple concept of stretching. The point is to stretch all the muscles. Many people enjoy this. Do the exercises slowly and smoothly, no sudden movements. Together with music and proper breathing, stretching is very good for burning fat.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: choosing a goal

The main purpose of morning exercises is to stretch the whole body and tone the muscles. The choice depends on your current condition, age and goals. I understand that for women 45 years old, losing even 1-2 kilograms is much more difficult than for a young body. But if there is a goal, you need to strive for it. No other way.

Even if you have a special delicate taste and need a special melody for the exercise, find it. Don’t look for excuses for yourself - the music is wrong, you’re not in the mood, the moon is in the wrong phase for charging, and so on. We've all been through this, we all know it.

I am sure that exercise is the best way to start a new day. A simple batch of exercises lifts your mood, normalizes blood circulation, and saturates the entire body with oxygen. It is because of this that a smile appears, because endorphins are actively produced. What is this? That's right, dear friend, this is happiness.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: rules without which you can’t go anywhere

Well, okay, you found the strength to do exercises in the morning. Although this is not such an easy task. In this regard, I want to congratulate you. You are already one step closer to your dream of achieving an ideal figure.

The best method for losing weight is a combination of effective methods in a complex.

I welcome morning exercises. But by themselves, they are ineffective as a tool for losing weight. You warm up your body, get your blood pumping, and normalize your metabolism.

But imagine that after 10-15 minutes of charging you went and ate several sandwiches with sausage and mayonnaise for breakfast, went in for lunch, ate fast food, and emptied half the refrigerator for dinner. Of course, don't forget about a snack before bed. And it turns out that you can’t expect any weight loss effect from morning exercises.

Admit it to yourself honestly, are you really setting a goal to lose weight and are you ready to make drastic changes in your life? If yes, then I'm proud of you. In addition to charging, I advise you to do the following.

  • Normalize your lifestyle and nutrition. It's not that difficult and you definitely won't have to go hungry. I talked about this in my course. Having received everything it needs, the body does not put it off, but at the same time its proper uninterrupted operation is ensured.
  • Take time to rest and sleep. 7-8 hours a day. Not less. But it’s not worth snoring for 12 hours. It is harmful. And life passes you by while you crush your pillow.
  • Drink. And if you want, sing. But in fact it plays a vital role in losing weight.
  • Keep your spirits up. The problem is that attempts to lose weight through grueling workouts, strict diets and fasting only result in a bad mood.

Believe me, this will definitely not improve your mood. My course, combined with morning exercises, will allow you to be in a good mood and wake up with a smile, and not a sour expression on your face. Try!

As you can see, exercise in the morning is good. But overall the result will be much better.

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And let's move on!

Many people cannot bring themselves to exercise in sports clubs.

In such a situation, you can start training at home.

Basic rules for training for weight loss at home

As with any physical activity, to achieve the desired result you must adhere to the basic rules of doing the exercises:

There remains one more, but extremely controversial issue. Is it allowed to drink during the training process?

According to research from Georgetown University, you shouldn't drink liquids during workouts. This can cause hyponathermia.

This is a disease in which the kidneys are unable to secrete enough fluid to cover the water the athlete drinks. The consequences are quite serious: dizziness, disorientation, severe cramps or headaches, in some cases it can provoke coma and even death.

In most cases, this condition occurs after 3 to 4 hours of intense training. In rare cases, this time can be reduced to an hour.

Which once again confirms the need to adhere to the recommended time frame for sports activity for an untrained person.

Other studies suggest that you should drink water during exercise. Because during active exercise, a person loses a lot of fluid, which causes dehydration, and, accordingly, a deterioration in the functioning of the heart, which cannot properly circulate blood, as it thickens during exercise.

Supporters of both positions provide a lot of substantiated evidence for their own statements, but so far there is no clear answer to the question. So what to do?

It is important to listen carefully to your body's needs and follow basic advice.

Before training, you need to drink a glass of cool water, approximately half an hour before the start of the training process. This will replenish the proper amount of fluid.

If you are very thirsty during a workout, it is important to remember that you should not drink cold liquid. You can only drink water at room temperature.

When drinking water, you need to drink it in slow sips. In addition, you should not drink sweetened or acidified liquids, as this will trigger the gastrointestinal tract, which is dormant during sports activities.

Important! Drinking no more than one glass of water is allowed, or your kidneys will start working in emergency mode.

Which can also cause hypothermia.

Proper warm-up

Before starting a workout, the body needs to be properly warmed up. This will protect yourself from injury.

How to warm up before performing a set of exercises for weight loss? It should start from the head, smoothly moving down (from the neck to the feet).

Circular rotations of the joints, 10 approaches in each direction, are ideal as a warm-up. In this way you need to warm up the whole body.

Find out a set of exercises for losing weight with cardio in the video.

Morning exercises for back flexibility

Many people with weight problems have a concomitant disease - osteochondrosis. It is also called the disease of office workers, because clerks are forced to sit for a long time.

Due to osteochondrosis, the brain does not receive the required amount of blood, which causes frequent headaches, blurred vision and decreased immunity. In order to overcome this problem, strengthen your back muscles, correct your posture and make your gait beautiful, a five-step method of morning exercises will come in handy.

She develops the spine well:

A set of exercises for quick weight loss in the abdomen and sides

The largest amount of fat deposits accumulates in the waist and abdomen. Next, we will present a complex that will help you lose weight in these problem areas.

Reading time: 13 min

Sweaty Betty is a chain of English branded fitness clothing stores that has been one of the top brands in the UK for 15 years. To promote their products, they opened a YouTube channel where you can find effective workouts for girls.

The Sweaty Betty channel offers all kinds of workouts from a variety of trainers around the world. Basically all training is aimed for losing weight, burning calories, strengthening muscles, getting rid of problem areas. We offer you 13 workouts from Sweaty Betty that you should definitely try if you decide to lose weight at home.

Intense workouts for weight loss

1. Workout for thighs and buttocks (30 minutes)

Trainer Janine George offers an excellent workout for problem areas without equipment. The 30-minute program mainly helps to work the hips and thighs, but in some exercises the abdominal muscles are also included. The workout consists of three rounds of exercises, approximately equal in time. In the first round you are expected squats, lunges and leg raises, while modifications of exercises are interesting and non-trivial. In the second round, the exercises take place on the floor: Variations of the bridge and leg raises on all fours. The third round involves a cardio load: mainly plyometric exercises for fat burning await you.

2. Interval training for weight loss (35 minutes)

Popular trainer Simone de la Rue offers an effective workout for burning fat and getting rid of problem areas. The program is built on the interval principle; you will alternate between cardio intervals and toning exercises to strengthen your muscles. The training has the following sequence: warm-up + cardio exercises (7 minutes), exercises with light dumbbells for arms (6 minutes), cardio exercises (6 minutes), floor exercises for the buttocks (10 minutes), core planks (5 minutes), cool-down (3 minutes).

3. Cardio training for problem areas (30 minutes)

This is a workout from the Ultimate series under the guidance of English coach Kim Hartwell. This class is perfect for you if you want to lose weight, burn fat and get rid of problem areas. There are plenty of cardio exercises waiting for you that will raise your heart rate and explode your metabolism: high knee running, burpees, speed skater, jump squats, plank kicks, plyometric jumps, plank walking. The exercises are repeated in several circles, you will have a short rest between exercises, but be prepared to work at high speeds.

4. Interval training for the stomach (30 minutes)

This workout is specifically designed to burn excess belly fat and tone up. The class takes place entirely on the floor, but you will find very dynamic exercises, so get ready to really work on stubborn belly fat. You will alternate between all sorts of plank variations and various back exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. A very energetic workout that will work your abdominal muscles every second for the entire 25 minutes!

5. Interval training for thighs and buttocks (30 minutes)

Another workout from this series from Kim Hartwell, only now for the buttocks and legs. You will find several rounds of exercise to burn calories and tone the muscles of the lower body. The sequence of exercises is as follows: bridge, burpees, diagonal lunges + leg kick, jump squats, plank pull-ups, plyometric lunge on one leg. You can alternate between all three half-hour videos: Ultimate Beach Body, Ultimate Abs, Ultimate Bum to form a beautiful slim body.

6. Interval training for weight loss (30 minutes)

Trainer Susan Dyson recommends doing this fat-burning toning program 3 times a week to lose weight and improve your fitness. A workout based on the principle involves alternating exercise and rest. (30 seconds/30 seconds). The activity is very interesting and unusual! You will perform each exercise three times, but each time you will add a bunch to it.

For example, you will first just walk into a plank, then walk into a plank + pull up your knees, then walk into a plank + pull up your knees + step forward to your palms. In total, the program offers 9 exercise cycles: jumping, plank walking, superman, speed skater, sprint. The training progresses in increasing intensity, but due to the rest between exercises, it is tolerated quite easily. The program is performed without warm-up, do not forget to do it yourself.

7. Interval training for weight loss (20 minutes)

This 20-minute HIIT workout is perfect for those who want quick, effective programs to tone their body, strengthen muscles, and burn fat. The complex consists of two rounds of exercises, each round is repeated in 2 circles. First round: squat + triceps press, burpees with push-ups, horizontal running. Second round: lateral lunge + dumbbell flyes, burpees + jump squats, push-ups + downward-facing dog. You will need . This workout has no warm-up or cool-down, so do it yourself.

8. Interval training for weight loss (40 minutes)

Chiara is known as a trainer who favors high-intensity interval training. Her Total Body HIIT program is designed for maximum results, rapid fat burning and working all the muscles in your body. You will alternate between cardio exercises (30 seconds) and muscle tone exercises (60 seconds). You will be in constant motion and work all your muscles with exercises such as squats, jumps, lunges, planks, presses, push-ups. In this case, all exercises are performed with your own body weight. 2 large circles of exercises await you. Get ready to sweat with this great 40-minute activity!

9. Interval training for problem areas (40 minutes)

This is another similar interval workout from Simon de la Rue, which also includes several different segments for problem areas. The program consists of the following rounds: warm-up + cardio exercises based on kickboxing and (9 minutes), exercises with light dumbbells for arms (5 minutes), cardio exercises (5 minutes), floor exercises for the buttocks (7 minutes), cardio exercises (3 minutes) , core planks (5 minutes), cool down (3 minutes).

Low Impact Workouts

1. Low impact barr workout (45 minutes)

This low-impact workout is performed in the best traditions of a combination of Pilates and barre exercises. Trainer Paola Di Lanzo offers exercises for the abdomen, arms, thighs and buttocks to help you get rid of problem areas. The activity is quite dynamic, you will change your position all the time (standing, lying on your back, plank), which means increasing your heart rate and burning more calories.

2. Low impact ballet workout (40 minutes)

This program is presented by two former ballerinas and creators of the ballet training brand Sleek Technique. Low-impact exercise will help you work out problem areas in the abdomen and legs, as well as lengthen your muscles, making them lean and lean. The workout includes elements of cardio, so you'll also work on burning fat and improving your cardiac endurance. The last 10 minutes of exercise take place on the floor.

3. Low impact workout for muscle tone (30 minutes)

This low-impact toning workout with dumbbells from Annie Foulds will help you tone and lengthen muscles throughout your body. There are no cardio exercises here, so the program will be suitable for almost everyone. The first half of the workout takes place standing, and you will find combined exercises that simultaneously engage the muscles of the upper and lower body. The second half takes place on the floor and includes Pilates-style exercises. The workout does not include a warm-up, so do it yourself.

4. Yoga for body tone (45 minutes)

If shock loading is contraindicated for you, but you need to tighten your legs and buttocks, then pay attention to this program. You will find a yoga workout with an emphasis on the lower body, which includes popular asanas to strengthen muscles, open joints, improve balance and develop flexibility. The muscles of your legs and buttocks will burn!

A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, designed for daily 20-minute sessions. Effective weight loss and working out problem areas through effective physical activity.

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of a chiseled figure, which nature has generously awarded her with. Most women and girls have to work hard on their bodies to achieve curvy figures. And not all of them, unfortunately, can afford to regularly go to a fitness club for training due to various circumstances. But in order to effectively lose weight, tighten muscles and consolidate the results for a long time, you can train at home. We offer you a simple set of exercises for losing weight at home, which will definitely help you get rid of fat deposits in problem areas and improve your overall well-being.

Exercises for weight loss and strengthening muscles

To achieve good results in a short time, you need a comprehensive approach to losing weight. You need not only to exercise physically, but also to reconsider your diet. Eliminate fast food, products made from premium wheat flour, sugar-containing foods, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. Try to eat more protein and drink at least 2 liters of pure water or green tea per day.

Try to change your lifestyle: instead of watching your favorite TV series, go to the pool or jog in the park, ride a bike or exercise bike, jump rope. And, of course, try to allocate 20-30 minutes daily for these physical exercises for weight loss.

Exercises for a flat stomach and thin waist

Many women face the problem of fat deposits on the stomach and sides. These weight loss exercises - effective and simple - will help you get rid of them.

Complex for losing weight in the thighs and buttocks

We will talk further about what exercises you need to do to lose weight in your thighs and buttocks. Perform this complex regularly, and after 3-4 weeks you will be able to evaluate the first results.

Follow the suggested complex daily, follow a light diet, move more, and within a month the scales will show 5-9 kilograms less.
