Disabled children of celebrities. Special children of famous parents

Lolita Milyavskaya admires her daughter in every interview.

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya is very worried about her daughter Eva, who has been diagnosed with autism since childhood. Lolita Milyavskaya's daughter Eva was born prematurely - in the fifth month of pregnancy, weighing 1 kg 200 grams.

The fact is that premature babies have a tendency to various deviations Without even looking at my daughter, the freak doctor said: “Your child is abnormal, he is a downer!” “- added Lolita. If this were so, believe me, I would say so... But she does not have Down syndrome - this was discovered during a diaper test. We were given a different diagnosis - autism,” noted Milyavskaya.

Lolita enthusiastically notes each of her successes: she learned to read, recites poetry with expression, sings jazz improvisations. Milyavskaya had a daughter in mature age– after 35. The singer said that labor began in the sixth month of pregnancy. Lolita had to raise the child alone. Alexander Tsekalo, the singer’s then-husband, filed for divorce immediately after Eva’s birth. But later she suddenly declared: Tsekalo has nothing to do with her daughter.

At first, Lolita often reproached Alexander for cowardice.

True, Milyavskaya believes that their divorce was influenced not only by the child, but by fame and money. Who did not give up and consider their child defective (according to statistics, for every 700 births there is one child with diabetes, and in 90% of cases, parents abandon newborns). The doctors immediately realized that there was something wrong with the baby. At first they thought that she had Down syndrome (only much later did Eva receive the correct diagnosis: autism).

Lolita Milyavskaya has a special child...

They suggested leaving Eva until she got used to her. Lolita found other doctors who diagnosed a completely different diangosis - autism (closedness, psychological illness). Although Eva is developmentally delayed, this has become almost unnoticeable.

During that difficult period, the world-famous professor Andrei Petrukhin helped me, pediatric neurologist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain. But, alas, Eva lagged behind her peers in development, shunned them, and grew up withdrawn and shy.

He picked up Evka, who was about a year old at that time, threw her up several times, then put her back in the crib and said: “Mom, sleep well, everything is fine with your child.” Lolita's mother, Alla Dmitrievna, constantly studied with the girl, read aloud, and took her to music and drawing classes.

Among those who proved that SD is not the end of the world are: politician Irina Khakamada, singer Lolita Milyavskaya and others.

Irina Khakamada, 59 years old

Today Irina Khakamada is a successful woman, a promising politician and an aspiring designer, whose tenacity and courage can only be envied.

The woman, as she admitted, was on the verge of life and death; she wanted to leave politics in order to devote herself entirely to raising her daughter. Khakamada almost came to terms with her daughter’s illness, but fate gave her the next blow - when Masha was six years old, doctors again gave the girl a terrible diagnosis - this time “leukemia”.

The daughter of the famous performer Lolita Milyavskaya, Eva has been a mystery to society for many years. The girl is regularly discussed in the media, giving her the most unimaginable diagnoses. The singer herself rarely comments on her daughter’s health, because she does not pay attention to spiteful critics and envious people.

Eva was born in 1998. The public is very surprised - time flies unnoticed and the girl will very soon turn 20 years old! Despite numerous rumors, Eva never moved to Moscow to live with her mother - she has lived in Kyiv with her grandmother since childhood and comes to visit her mother only during school holidays.

Girl enjoys studying foreign languages— knows Russian and Ukrainian, as well as German, English and French. Lolita often brags about her daughter's successes in in social networks, although from time to time she has to fend off attacks from ill-wishers who are sure that the singer abandoned her sick child for the sake of her career.

Eva Tsekalo - why she is sick

Back in 200, after Lolita’s divorce from her husband Alexander Tsekalo, whose surname is the singer’s daughter, it became known that celebrities’ children were unusual. Initially they talked about the diagnosis “Down syndrome”, but later they named something else - the girl has autism, that is, isolation and deepening in inner world with complete detachment from the external.

The details of the illness of the daughter of stars were savored by the press for a long time - Lolita remained silent until the last moment, because she did not consider it necessary to justify herself or prove anything to anyone.

By the way, in 2017, the singer announced that her daughter did not have autism - the diagnosis was not confirmed, but she was in no hurry to tell the press about it. The performer voiced such data when she was not allowed to meet her daughter and mother in Kyiv - the singer was banned from entering Ukraine for performing in Crimea.

“Dear journalists, you should check information regarding family members! In particular, mine! My daughter never had autism! Some idiot posted Her name on a website for children with this disease. This was probably due to “scribblers” , giving an interview to whom, when Evochka was little, I told how some “doctors", wanting to scam us out of money, tried to diagnose us. One of the great Russian scientists, Professor Petrukhin Andrei Sergeevich, a specialist in autism, gave his conclusion many years ago , and this spring, when he met us on vacation, he once again confirmed that he was surprised to see Eva on these lists!”

What the girl’s actual illness is remains unclear, the portal website informs. Experts say that she may have a separate type of cerebral palsy, but the singer herself does not disclose diagnoses or medical data. Her daughter is an active girl, she studies in a regular school along with “healthy children” and outshines many of them. intellectual development factor of. She is talented and has specific goals in life - what else is needed for maternal pride?

Eva Tsekalo is not the daughter of Alexander Tsekalo

Lolita, in rare revelations to the press, once admitted that Eva is not Alexander’s daughter and he knows this very well. The singer “played up” the girl while she was married, but the relationship between the spouses then practically came to naught, and therefore she does not feel any guilt about herself. Alexander Tsekalo, while still Lolita’s husband, without any scandals, admitted the fact of the birth of a child from another man and even gave the girl his last name.

Moreover, after the divorce from Lolita and Eva, the man does not maintain contact.

Lolita, in turn, says that she does not accept reproaches for “abandoning her daughter.” This is how the circumstances developed - at one time she was faced with the problem of earning money for her family, and she decided to fight for herself and the future of her daughter to the bitter end. When moving to Moscow, she did not take Eva with her, because the girl’s mother, the girl’s grandmother, could not go with them. The choice is either Eva grows up in the arms of nannies, or the mother is left without a husband and goes to Moscow for Lolita, or the girl is raised by a loving, happy grandmother, and the mother earns money and maintains a close relationship with her daughter in a long-distance relationship.

“Eva has the opportunity to be with her grandparents for all 11 grades. And when they say that I abandoned my child, I answer that this is one of the wisest actions in my life. Otherwise, it would have ruined the life of not only the daughter, but also the mother, who would have gone to pick up her granddaughter, leaving her husband. Or the child would live here with a nanny - a stranger"

Lolita is now married for the fifth time. Tennis player Dmitry Ivanov is 12 years younger than the singer, but this does not prevent her family from being very happy. Sometimes Lolita, of course, says that she is afraid of losing her husband, who will eventually consider her old or too emotional, but all fears only occasionally oppress the singer - otherwise she is an absolutely happy, accomplished and self-confident woman.

Journalists have long been puzzling over why Milyavskaya keeps her heiress in Kyiv, away from Moscow red carpets and sensation-hungry paparazzi.


Representatives of various publications have repeatedly written that Eva has some. Some feather sharks suspected autism, but Lolita categorically denied this information.

And now the issue of the singer’s daughter’s health has again surfaced in the media. True, the material that angered the star has already disappeared from the Internet. Recently, the Ukrainian authorities banned the artist, where her mother and daughter live. Missing her family, Lolita dedicated a lengthy post on social networks to this situation and Eva’s health condition.

“Thank you again to everyone from the wonderful ancient city of Ivanovo for your comments and support. I won’t be angry)). They forget about boomerangs. My daughter has to live, and she hasn’t started it as an adult yet. I wonder what kind of society will surround her? .. I hope she’s sane and developed. She doesn’t glamorize because she’s not interested,” Lolita explained Eva’s reluctance to go out with her mother.

According to the artist, her daughter has vision problems. “She’s a real bespectacled person, books and a computer, the history of theater and circus. These are the main preferences. She doesn’t need to go out into society through social networks and I don’t really want to,” admitted a loving and caring mother, who was recently prevented from seeing her by Ukrainian border guards child.

Ignoring some problems in the past, Lolita gave Eva to standard educational institution. “I thank all the students, parents, director and head teacher of an ordinary (I emphasize) Kiev school for driving away journalists who blocked the entrance to the school with not the best intentions.. I am calm for my family, because thousands of Kiev residents wrote on social networks that they would be ready come to my family's aid if necessary!!! Thank you!" – Milyavskaya addressed the fans.

The singer hopes for the best. "Once again I am unshakable in the Faith that Normal People more, they understand everything about present life and do not stop sowing Good... therefore there will be Peace! In all senses!! We need to get through the Apocalypse, and we can do it together!” the performer is convinced.

And suddenly Lolita mentioned autism, which she had previously rejected. “There are many brilliant autists in the world. And maybe I should regret that my daughter is not a genius? An autist does not react to anger in society, he lives in his own wonderful world of numbers, addition, subtraction, knowledge.. I’m talking about pronounced forms. For me ordinary child, not Einstein.. She has one problem - she is not drawn to society, she is more mature inside, and forgiveness and empathy are already embedded in her. These are the qualities from Above, which cannot be conveyed through genetics.. It’s a pity, many would wish to change the gene code.. Many journalists removed material about the “diagnosis”. Thank you! And a special thank you to the management of Channel One for talking on the phone and apologizing!! I never doubted that on the main channel of the country Humanity was, is and will be!” the singer concluded her message on a positive note.

Posted by Lolita Milyavskaya (@lolitamilyavskaya) Jul 5, 2016 at 9:17 PDT

A few hours earlier, Milyavskaya let off steam on Instagram. "I thank you for your support mass media and Channel 1 "program" Vremya "including .. But, dear journalists, you should check information regarding family members! In particular, mine! Never - Lolita insists. - Some idiot posted Her name on the children's website with this illness. This probably happened because of the "scribblers", giving interviews to whom, when Evochka was little, I told how some "doctors", wanting to scam us out of money, tried to diagnose us. One of the great Russian scientists, Professor Andrey Petrukhin Sergeevich, an autism specialist, gave his opinion many years ago, and this spring, when he met us on vacation, he once again confirmed that he was surprised to see Eva on these lists! I expect an apology from Channel 1 and everyone else who is on last days reported this dregs in reports and articles."

Let us remind you that Lolita gave birth to a daughter, Eva, in 1999. The baby was born prematurely - the performer (at that time she was 35 years old) was in her fifth month of pregnancy. The newborn weighed only 1200 grams, and doctors had to literally resuscitate the baby.

Fortunately, the girl was able to get out. However, later the press attributed various diagnoses to Eva, implying developmental delays, but Milyavskaya denied this unconfirmed information. “She doesn’t have autism. There are consequences of prematurity,” the artist assured. Now Eva attends a regular Kyiv school, takes additional classes, and the singer boasts of her successes at every opportunity.

Eva Milyavskaya (Tsekalo) was born in 1999 in the family of Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo, creators of the pop group " TOabare-duet "Academy", which enjoyed enormous popularity until the end of the 90s.

Eve, Scorpio zodiac sign, only daughter Lolitas. The singer gave birth to a girl prematurely, and later it became clear that her baby was diagnosed with autism (congenital psychological isolation). This did not frighten the star mother, whom doctors suggested abandoning the child. Against, Lolita She made a lot of efforts to ensure that her daughter grew up on par with her peers.

Eva became a student at a regular school in Kyiv, where she lived with her grandparents until Lolita in 2015, she did not move her loved ones to Moscow. Publicize your daughter's life widely famous singer, unlike other show business stars, does not strive. But from time to time, pictures and videos of her daughter appear on Lolita’s social network page. Milyavskaya trying to spend more time.

In 2014, as part of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Tonight”, dedicated to his 51st birthday Lolitas, her daughter gave an interview for the first time. The girl congratulated the singer and said that her mother is a guardian angel who protects her from evil. Eve showed the film crew her room, her favorite CDs that she listens to when she’s bored, as well as gifts from Lolitas.

“Mamusya gives me a lot of books in both English and Russian. I have my own hobbies: recordings by Mamushi and Kirkorov, Baskov, Pugacheva, Rotaru. “I want to be a musician, a guitarist,” she shared then Eve.

In 2015, Lolita Milyavskaya’s family made their debut as models. Along with the singer, her 15-year-old daughter Eva and the girl’s stepfather, her mother’s tennis player husband, appeared on the podium Dmitry Ivanov. All of them presented the brand’s “Business in Russian” collection at Moscow Fashion Week YanaStasia. This show was then attended by

Singer Lolita is trying to do everything in her power for the happiness of her daughter. The artist believes that Eva should not repeat her mistakes. As Milyavskaya admitted in Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone,” for most of her life she suffered from dislike. According to the star, her parents did not pay enough attention to her as a child. It took the artist many years to somehow forget these grievances.

Lolita turned to a spiritual center, where they convinced her that she needed to forgive her parents. However, only a year later, step by step, attending meditation, she was able to let go of all the negativity.

“I raped myself, I didn’t understand why. It was easier to break off the relationship and not communicate. But this is impossible,” admitted Milyavskaya.

According to Lolita, “loved children” are very happy, they will never have complexes or worry. In communicating with her heiress, she tries to maintain balance.

“Eva will grow up in what I was more than given short of. In a verbal sense. Yes, I don’t have Marilyn Monroe growing up, she’s not a model, but I tell her all the time that she is beautiful, good, smart. We agreed with my mother that she would receive what I did not receive. Now they also treat me more carefully,” admitted Lolita.

There were a lot of rumors on the Internet about the artist’s daughter. It was rumored that Eva was lagging behind her peers in her development. However, Lolita does not believe that her child is any different from the others. Moreover, soon Eva, who lives with her grandmother in Ukraine, will come to Moscow to enroll in a university.

“I tell her that I would give everything if I next life I got married successfully for the first time and for the rest of my life, so that I could not work hard either to support myself or to support my family. My child had severe delays, because she weighed 1200 grams after birth. What was not attributed to us. Just evil people On the Internet they torment me endlessly with autism. She does not have autism, it is a consequence of prematurity... If I had given up on everything, sat on my butt and been only with the child... It is very expensive to raise children when there is a problem. I’m glad I was able to do this,” noted the artist.

Lolita is grateful to her mother for helping her take care of Eva. According to the star, she has no feeling of guilt before the heiress. “I got rid of this complex, read smart books, listened to smart people. She respects me because she watched concerts behind the scenes and saw how I work,” said Milyavskaya.

The singer claims that her daughter knows how much she loves her. However, the celebrity is trying to raise Eva in strictness. A trusting relationship was established between them. However, so far the star has no idea how she will live with the heiress in Moscow. “I’ve lost the habit of having a child. She has been with her mother since she was two years old. “I was always such a “dad,” admitted Lolita.
