Long letter. I wrote a longer letter than

Hello, I hope by the time my letter arrives, the site will not be closed -_- I used to send myself a letter, but it seems to me that it’s a long time in the future, since nothing has arrived yet. I hope many who wrote their letter in the past will read it in the future and something will click with them. Because the past is always connected with comfort and warmth. Because time both heals us and takes away the most important things from us. What I was convinced of myself. Give me the opportunity, I would go back in time and correct all my mistakes. I'm sure everyone wants this. But what has already happened cannot be returned. You can’t live in the past the way I live in it now. everyone has their own life, everyone is building later life, and I... think about the past. Someday I'll write something fun to my future self, but that's another story. I ALWAYS write something vital and instructive -_- as if I was learning a lesson myself.
It doesn't matter when this letter arrives, I just hope I read it. I think I’ll send mine for my birthday, as a kind of gift from myself. God, no one likes long letters. I just like to write long letters.
How are you now? You want to receive a rector's scholarship in the new academic year, so you got it? Hope so. you deserve this, and more. Don’t think otherwise, and even if you don’t, keep trying to get that damn scholarship, even if it’s just for one semester, Make your daddy happy. he works so hard, earning money for your studies. you know that he lives only for you, for you alone. Don't forget to visit your mother. And I doubt that you will forget. There wasn't a day when I didn't remember her. Just no matter how much time has passed, don’t forget her voice, her laughter, her gait, her words...
Well, what about the sad thing.. Why did you find yourself a boyfriend?? oh god I hope so, you are 22 years old now, in this moment at 24, I HOPE you are dating seriously with a guy with whom you are ready to build your future life. YOU know what it should be, so I won’t write about what it should be.
Now I’m at work in the hospital, I got a job for the holidays, I work for pennies, but nothing. 25,000 is also not lying on the ground for you. The doctor left for 5 minutes. Time 8:28, June 22. Yesterday, like a fool, you wished your father a happy birthday. when he's following. month -_- called a loving daughter. I'm going to Astana SOON with Aidana to Inkara. I hope you have fun, and yes, you will take your 25,000, I hope it’s enough for something? or everything will go on the road -__-
Aidana will take 30,000 with her. Well, okay, that's not the point. I hope you read this with a smile. Let everything be fine in your life, despite all the mistakes you made in the past, don’t make them now, LOVE LIVE HAPPY. every little thing brings happiness. remember this, even the fact that now a light breeze is blowing from the window on a hot day is happiness. Is he telling you? you will understand everything yourself. Find a good guy, and he will be worthy, good, loving, kind. Just don’t let him abuse it like your ex did. I keep my fingers crossed for your life and for your future boyfriend! GOOD LUCK TO IKON (as dad says: Ikonam menin, IKOSKAM)))
P.S. I love you. your 22 year old self.

I wrote a longer letter than you. Last time the football match was more interesting. Dickens is one of the most popular writers. This is the most difficult job. I know this man worse than you. I have more friends than him. This is the easiest exercise. He speaks English better than me. My father is older than my mother. February is the shortest month of the year

I wrote a longer letter than you. Last time the football match was more interesting. Dickens is one of the most popular writers. This is the most difficult job. I know this man worse than you. I have more friends than him. This is the easiest exercise. He speaks English better than me. My father is older than my mother. February is the shortest month of the year

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Results (English) 1:

I wrote a longer letter than you. Last time football game was more interesting. Dickens is one of the most popular writers. This is the most difficult work. I know this person is worse than you. I have more friends than he. This is the easiest exercise. He speaks English better than I do. "my father is older than my mother. February is the shortest month of the year

is being translated, please wait..

Results (English) 2:

I wrote a longer letter than vy.V last time a football match was more interesting. Dickens is one of the most popular writers. This is the most difficult job. I know that man is worse than you. I have more friends than he. This is an easy exercise. He says in English better than I do. My father is older than my mother. February-the shortest month of the year

If you receive a letter several pages long, will you read it? Long letters, like overly long articles, are very difficult to read and comprehend. Moreover, the author can get so carried away by the process that in the end it becomes almost impossible to understand what exactly he wanted from you.

Why shouldn't you write long letters? The very first and most obvious answer is because no one will read them!

Proper use of email can be an effective tool in growing your business. Writing long emails does not mean that you are being productive. Yes, you have done a lot of work, but this work means absolutely nothing. Now everyone is trying to reduce the processing of incoming correspondence and do this work as efficiently as possible in a short period of time. Therefore, your long letters are not only a waste of your time, but also a senseless waste of someone else's.

The shorter your letter, the more effectively it will do its job. It should contain only specific questions or answers. Write only to the point and nothing superfluous. If you are still bursting with the desire to write a long letter, might it be better to make an appointment with this person and discuss all the aspects that concern you over a business lunch?

How do you know if your letter has crossed the acceptable limits? Here are 10 signs that can tell you that you are too carried away.

1. You don't know what you're trying to say. It's like calling someone first and asking, "What happened?!" The natural answer is: “Well... I don’t know. You called me?!” Hold this letter until a clear question or answer is formulated in your head.

2. You are new to the subject. This can be compared to the endless stream of consciousness in meetings, when people have poor knowledge of the subject of conversation and thus try to cover up their ignorance. Or when a student begins to answer the teacher’s question at great length, trying to earn at least a C grade. It's the same with a long letter. If you cannot briefly formulate what you want from the person on the other end, then you lack knowledge. This can often be observed in large companies, in which people create the appearance of being busy by writing very important and long letters.

3. Shorten your standard signature. If your letter contains a response in a few words, your half-page signature with all the details (position, company, entire contact list, favorite quote, company logo or slogan, etc.) will look awkward. Try to keep the entire letter in a minimal style.

4. You are writing a book. Emails are not books. If there Additional Information, attach it to the letter as separate files. If the letter turns out to be very long, it is worth thinking about what information is best highlighted and sent as an attachment.

5. You are spamming. Such situations often occur in large corporations in which employees feel some need to send each other long letters that contain detailed progress reports with constant updates. As a result, the day turns into continuous checking of mail with a stream of messages in the style of “Sent a letter to the client.”, “Arranged a meeting.”, “Report 30% complete.” and so on.

6. Your letters are incoherent. You shouldn't write a two-page letter to ask just one question.

7. You abuse email forwarding. Instead of dealing with the email, you simply click “Forward.” In a toga, the letter turns into an endless tape, in which it is practically impossible to get to the main point.

8. This should not be a letter. Don't email anything that would be better discussed in a meeting or over the phone. Sometimes Email is not the right tool for communication. If it takes up more than a few lines, it is best to discuss the matter in person or make a phone call.

9. This must be a message with more than one recipient. For example, a manager writes a letter and names all his employees as recipients. It would seem that in this way he is trying to reduce the time of writing and sending this letter to everyone individually and thus doing his job more efficiently. But, most likely, he does not even imagine that he will soon be inundated with an avalanche of replies in one letter, as soon as his employees start clicking “Reply all”. Sometimes this method really doesn't work.

10. You don't edit your letters. Before you send the letter, you should re-read it again and edit it. In addition to grammatical and spelling errors, you should also edit its meaning. Perhaps something that took up a whole paragraph can be put into a few lines. One more thing good rule: You should re-read your letter as many times as you want to send it to.

And before you send a letter, re-read it and make sure that it is short and contains only specific questions. The clearer your message, the more likely it is that the recipient will understand what exactly is required of him and will respond to you briefly and to the point.
