Institute of History St. Petersburg State University address. The Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University is being abolished

Almost from the day of its foundation. To this day, the faculty annually produces qualified specialists in the field of Russian and world history.

Faculty address

Address Mendeleevskaya line, building 5. Some of the training courses are also conducted in the main building of St. Petersburg State University, located on Universitetskaya embankment, building 7/9.

Departments of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University

The structure of the faculty includes the following departments:

  • ethnography and anthropology;
  • source studies of Russian history;
  • stories Ancient Greece and Rome;
  • Russian art, and others.

Most departments of the faculty are graduating.

Bachelor's programs

The Faculty of History offers applicants the following areas of training:

  • Regional studies of Russia.
  • History of art.
  • Story.
  • Museology.
  • Archeology and others.

The direction of bachelor's training "History" includes the following training profiles:

  • General history;
  • history of Russia and others.

The main courses taught to students of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University include US history, history of world culture, history of Russia, ethnology and others. It is worth noting that students get access to a complex of museums in St. Petersburg, as well as their archives. In addition, students get the chance to take advantage academic mobility and leave for 1 or 2 semesters to study abroad educational establishments, which are partners of the St. Petersburg state university. These include the University of Hamburg, the University of Latvia, the University of Tartu, University College London and others. The teaching staff includes honorary professors and doctors of historical sciences represented by S. G. Kashchenko, V. N. Baryshnikov and others.

For bachelor's degrees in Archeology from the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University, students receive knowledge in the following training courses:

  • Archeology of the Paleolithic.
  • Conservation archaeology.
  • Slavic-Russian archeology and others.

The advantage of studying in the Archeology program at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University is the combination of both theoretical and practical classes. In addition, the program was developed taking into account the opinions of students’ immediate future employers, which is important. Since students, upon graduating from university, have the opportunity to find a job and build a successful career in the future. Students of the “Archaeology” direction of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University undergo practical training in the State Hermitage, Kursk Archaeological Museum, etc.

Areas of master's training

The master's programs of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University include:

  • Ethnological examination.
  • Museum curation.
  • The formation of modern Western civilization and others.

The main training courses in the direction “The Formation of Modern Western Civilization” include ancient and medieval heritage in St. Petersburg, the formation of European identity and others. To be admitted to the master's program, applicants must successfully pass a competition of documents.

Passing scores

In order to successfully enroll in the faculty’s bachelor’s programs, it is necessary to overcome the passing score determined as part of the competition of submitted applications.

The passing score for the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University within the framework of bachelor's training "Museology" in 2017 was 258. In other words, those students who, in the sum of three state exams dialed large quantity. For admission to a paid place in 2017, 219 points were enough. Moreover, in 2018 budget places 12 allocated, 13 places with tuition fee. Tuition fee for in this direction training for bachelors is 200,000 rubles per year.

To enroll in the bachelor's program "History of Art" in 2017, the applicant had to overcome the threshold of 265 points. To enter a paid place, a little less points were required, namely 205. The competition for a budget place was more than 25 people. In 2018, 10 places were allocated at the expense of the federal budget, 15 places at the expense of the student’s own payment. The cost of training per year is 195,000 rubles.

To successfully enroll in the History major in 2017, an applicant needed to overcome a threshold of 266 points. To enter a contract position, 208 points were required. The competition for 1 budget place was more than 10 people. In 2018, 70 places were allocated at the expense of the federal budget, and only 30 places at the expense of the student’s own payment. The cost of training per year is 201,000 rubles.

In general, to be admitted to budget places at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University, you must pass the Unified State Exam with more than 85 points in each subject. To enter a paid place, it is enough to overcome the threshold of 70 points in each subject. Tuition fees are average among all faculties of St. Petersburg State University.

Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University

History department
St. Petersburg State University
English name Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University
Year of foundation
Dean and about. Daudov Abdulla Khamidovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of History of the Peoples of the CIS Countries)
Location Russia, 193060, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, no. 5
Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University
Email [email protected]

History department St. Petersburg State University is one of the largest educational centers for training specialists in the field of history and art history in Russia.

The faculty shares its building with the Faculty of Philosophy and the Medical College of St. Petersburg State University; until 2009, this building also housed the St. Petersburg State University polyclinic, now moved to the street. Shipbuilders.


XVIII-XIX centuries

After the reorganization of St. Petersburg University on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Historical and Literary Sciences was created on the basis of the corresponding department.

In 1835, on its basis, the first department of the Faculty of Philosophy was created, which in 1850 was transformed into the Faculty of History and Philology. The faculty was taught by outstanding scientists who determined the path of development of Russian historical science and influenced the formation of scientific ideas not only about Russian, but also about world history and the history of art. According to the university charter of 1884, the faculty had 11 departments.

After the revolution

In 1919, along with other humanities faculties, the former Faculty of History and Philology became part of the FON (Faculty of Social Sciences), which included in 1919-21. There was a Historical Department, and in 1922-25. - Archaeological. In 1925, the FON was reorganized into the Yamfak (faculty of linguistics and material culture), which included a department of the history of material culture. In the 1920s Famous Russian historians and philologists taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Yamfak.

In 1929, Yamphak was transformed into a historical and linguistic faculty, and in the city, on its basis (formally outside the university), the Leningrad Historical and Linguistic Institute (LILI) was created, which included a historical and literary department. In 1933, the Historical and Linguistic Institute was reorganized into (LIFLI), where in 1934 the Faculty of History was formed on the basis of the historical and literary department. One of the leading departments of the institute in the first half of the 1930s. There was a department of “History of the Peoples of the USSR”, where outstanding scientists of their time taught.

Restoration of the Faculty of History

On May 16, 1934, the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars “On the teaching of civil history in schools of the USSR” was published; it was decided that from September 1, history departments would open at Moscow State University and Leningrad State University. The history department of Leningrad State University was allocated the building that it occupies today (Mendeleevskaya line V.O., 5). Initially, the faculty of St. Petersburg State University had 5 departments: history of the USSR (its first head was Boris Dmitrievich Grekov), ancient history, history of the Middle Ages, modern history, history of colonial and dependent countries, and in 1936, after the disbandment of LIFLI and the transfer of its teachers and students to the history department, departments of the history of the Ancient East and archeology appeared, which began to train specialists in these areas. Along with the specialty “historian”, the specialty “historian-archaeologist” appeared. The names of Mikhail Priselkov, Boris Grekov, Mikhail Artamonov, Sigismund Valk, Solomon Lurie, Ivan Smirnov, Vladislav Ravdonikas and many other prominent historians, archaeologists, and art historians are associated with this period.

In 1939, philosophical and economic department on the basis of which the Philosophical and Economic faculties of Leningrad State University were formed in 1940. In 1944, on the basis of the Philological and Historical faculties, the Oriental Faculty of the university was recreated.

The name of Vladimir Vasilyevich Mavrodin, who worked at the Faculty of History since 1934, is associated with the further period associated with the flourishing of the faculty. For more than 20 years he was the dean of the faculty. Despite the difficult political situation associated with the persecution of scientists, Mavrodin managed to assemble a powerful teaching staff at the faculty. Among the teaching staff of the faculty in the 1930s-40s there were 4 full members and 3 corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The 1950s, 60s, 70s are associated with the development of the faculty, the creation of new departments and new research centers, as well as the formation of a new generation of the “St. Petersburg historical school”.

The last twenty years of the outgoing century are associated with the name of Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov, from 1982 to 2001, former dean and for a long time Head of the Department of History of the USSR, and then - History of Russia. He brought in huge contribution in the development of historical science, the formation new concept in the study of Kievan Rus. In 2002, the faculty was headed by A.Yu. Dvornichenko, also bright representative Petersburg historical school.

The faculty has 4 specialties (History, Art History, Museology, Tourism). Now the structure of the faculty includes 17 departments, forming five study profiles ( National history, General history, Archeology, Ethnography and History of Culture), postgraduate and doctoral studies, 10 scientific centers, a small faculty has been opened. Training is conducted in daytime, evening, correspondence departments on a state budgetary basis and contractual (paid). In addition, the Faculty of History provides a wide range of pre-university educational services: The faculty runs preparatory courses that prepare applicants for entrance exams, as well as the Unified State Examination program, as well as the Small Faculty of History for students in grades 8-10.

Since 2008, the Faculty of History has been conducting the “Historical Profile Class” project. The first participant in the project was Gymnasium No. 27. The goal of this project is to establish close contacts between secondary and higher education. The faculty is preparing to attract new participating schools from St. Petersburg to the project, Leningrad region and other regions.

On September 26, 2011, the dean of the faculty A.Yu. Dvornichenko resigned after serving in office for 10 years. Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnography and Anthropology I. Vernyaev was appointed acting dean. On October 5, by order of the rector, Professor A.Kh. was appointed acting dean until official elections were held. Daudov.

Departments and research centers

Specialty: history

  • Department of History of Russia from ancient times to the 20th century A. Yu. Dvornichenko)
  • Department of Contemporary History of Russia (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. V. Khodyakov)
  • (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S. G. Kashchenko)
  • Department of Historical Regional Studies (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yu. V. Krivosheev)
  • Department of History of Ancient Greece and Rome (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor E. D. Frolov)
  • Department of History of the Middle Ages (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor G. E. Lebedeva)
  • Department of General History of Modern and Contemporary Times (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. N. Baryshnikov)
  • Department of History of Slavic and Balkan Countries (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A. I. Filyushkin)
  • Department of History of Western European and Russian Culture (Head - Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu. K. Rudenko)
  • Department of History of Management and Entrepreneurship (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. L. Pyankevich)
  • Department of Ethnography and Anthropology (Head - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor V. A. Kozmin)
  • Department of Archeology (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. N. Nosov)
  • Department of Archeography and Archival Science (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. R. Sokolov)
  • Department of History of the Peoples of the CIS Countries (Head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. Kh. Daudov)

Specialty: art history

  • Department of History of Russian Art (head - Doctor of History, Professor T. V. Ilyina)
  • Department of History of Western European Art (Head - Doctor of History, Professor Yu. A. Tarasov)

Specialty: museology

  • Department of Museology (head - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. V. Mayorov)

Also at the faculty there is a University-wide department of teaching history in the faculties of natural sciences and humanities (headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yu. V. Tot)

Scientific centers:

  • Center for History and Theory of Historical Science
  • Center for Classical Studies (headed by Professor E. D. Frolov)
  • Center for the Study of Early Religions and Ancient Christianity
  • Study Center military history(supervisor - associate professor E.V. Ilyin)
  • Study Center political parties And social movements Russia
  • Center for Ethnological Research of North-West Russia
  • Center for Research of St. Petersburg and the Region
  • Center for the Study of the History of Ukraine (head - Professor T. G. Tairova (Yakovleva))
  • Center for the Study of Historical Psychology (headed by Associate Professor V.V. Vasilik)

The Faculty of History accepts postgraduate students in the following specialties: 07.00.02 - Domestic history 07.00.03 - General history 07.00.06 - Archeology 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology, 07.00.09 - Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research 17.00.09 - Theory and history of art

Deans of the Faculty since 1934

  • 1934-1935 Zaidel, Grigory Solomonovich
  • 1935-1936 Dubrovsky, Sergei Mitrofanovich
  • 1936-1937 Drezen, Arvid Karlovich
  • 1937-1938 Uspensky, K. A.
  • 1938-1940 Frayman, Anton Lvovich
  • from 05.10.2011 acting Dean Daudov, Abdulla Khamidovich

Faculty teachers



  • Valk S.N. Historical science at Leningrad University for 125 years // Valk S.N. Selected works on historiography and source studies. St. Petersburg, 2000. P.7-106. (first edition - Proceedings of the anniversary session of Leningrad State University. Section of Historical Sciences. L., 1948. P. 3-79).
  • Vladimir Vasilievich Mavrodin: Pages of life and creativity. St. Petersburg : Philol. fak. St. Petersburg State University, 2001. 191 p. (History of science, personalities). .
  • Faculty of History of St. Petersburg University, 1934-2004: Essay on history. St. Petersburg, 2004. 387, p., l. ill. .



  • Faculties in alphabetical order
  • Faculties
  • Appeared in 1934
  • Faculties of St. Petersburg State University
  • Historical departments of universities
  • Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University

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    This term has other meanings, see Faculty of History. Faculty of History St. Petersburg State University ... Wikipedia

Location Russia, 193060, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, no. 5 Official
website Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University Email [email protected]

History department St. Petersburg State University is one of the largest educational centers for training specialists in the field of history and art history in Russia. Began work on September 1, 1934 after the publication on May 16 of the same year of the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the teaching of civil history in schools of the USSR.”


XVIII-XIX centuries

At the turn of the century, the faculty was taught by outstanding scientists who determined the path of development of Russian historical science and influenced the formation of scientific ideas not only about Russian, but also about world history and the history of art. Among the most influential names one can single out one of the founders of Russian source studies, K.N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, his students E.E. Zamyslovsky and S.F. Platonov, as well as N.I. Kareeva, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky, V.G. Vasilievsky, I.M. Grevs and others. Faculty Professor E.D. Grimm was the last in pre-revolutionary history Rector of the University (1911-1918).

After the revolution

In 1925, the FON was reorganized into the Yamfak (faculty of linguistics and material culture), which included a department of the history of material culture. In the 1920s Famous Russian historians and philologists taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Yamfak. In 1929, Yamphak was transformed into the Faculty of History and Linguistics, and in the same year, on its basis (formally outside the university), the Leningrad Historical and Linguistic Institute (LILI) was created, which included a historical and literary department. In 1933, the Historical and Linguistic Institute was reorganized into (LIFLI), where in 1934 the Faculty of History was formed on the basis of the historical and literary department. One of the leading departments of the institute in the first half of the 1930s. There was a department of “History of the Peoples of the USSR”, where outstanding scientists of their time taught.

Scientists who taught at the university before the revolution were subjected to persecution, the main act of which was the “Academic Case” fabricated in 1929, the main defendants of which were academicians S.F. Platonov, E.V. Tarle, N.P. Likhachev, Yu.V. Gauthier, M.D. Priselkov and other former teachers of the Faculty of History and Philology.

Restoration of the Faculty of History

In 1959, V.V. returned to the dean’s post. Mavrodin. The 1960s and 70s are associated with the development of the faculty, the creation of three new departments and new research centers, the opening of an evening department, as well as the formation of a new generation of the “St. Petersburg historical school.” In 1963, the Department of History of the CPSU was opened, which immediately began to occupy a leading position among the departments of the faculty; already in the 1980s, students of the department received increased scholarships, and then a separate specialty was opened for the Department of History of the CPSU. The department also opened a correspondence department; half of all students in the department studied at the department. V.A. In 1971-1982, Yezhov was both the head of this department and the dean of the faculty.

The last twenty years of the outgoing century are associated with the name of Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov, from 1982 to 2001, who was the dean and for a long time the head of the department of history of the USSR, and then the history of Russia. He made a great contribution to the development of historical science, the formation of a new concept in the study of Kievan Rus. In 2002, the faculty was headed by A. Yu. Dvornichenko, also a prominent representative of the St. Petersburg historical school.

The faculty has 4 specialties (History, Art History, Museology, Tourism). Now the structure of the faculty includes 17 departments, forming five profiles of study (National History, General History, Archeology, Ethnography and Cultural History), postgraduate and doctoral studies, 10 scientific centers, and a small faculty has been opened. Training is conducted in full-time, evening and correspondence departments on a state budgetary basis and on a contractual (paid) basis. In addition, the Faculty of History provides a wide range of pre-university educational services: the faculty runs preparatory courses that prepare applicants for entrance exams, as well as the Unified State Exam program, as well as the Small Faculty of History for students in grades 8-10.

Since 2008, the Faculty of History has been conducting the “Historical Profile Class” project. The first participant in the project was Gymnasium No. 27. The goal of this project is to establish close contacts between secondary and higher education. The faculty is preparing to attract new participating schools from St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region and other regions to the project. Since 2010, the Faculty of History, within the framework of the Bologna process, has moved to teaching students undergraduate and graduate programs in all specialties (previously this did not apply to the specialty “history”). Since September 2011, at the faculty, on the initiative of Professor A. Kh. Daudov, the Department of History of the Peoples of the CIS Countries was created.

On September 26, 2011, the dean of the faculty A. Yu. Dvornichenko resigned, having served in the position for 10 years. Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnography and Anthropology I. Vernyaev was appointed acting dean. On October 5, by order of the rector, Professor A. Kh. Daudov was appointed acting dean until official elections were held. By order of the rector, the elections of the dean were scheduled for May 28, 2012. At a meeting of the Academic Council A.Kh. Daudov was elected dean of the Faculty of History.

Departments and research centers

Specialty: history

Specialty: art history

Specialty: museology

Also at the faculty there is a university-wide department of teaching history in the faculties of natural sciences and humanities (headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yu. V. Tot)

Scientific centers:

  • Center for History and Theory of Historical Science
  • Center for Classical Studies (headed by Professor E. D. Frolov)
  • Center for the Study of Early Religions and Ancient Christianity
  • Center for the Study of Military History (headed by Associate Professor E.V. Ilyin)
  • Center for the Study of Political Parties and Social Movements of Russia
  • Center for Ethnological Research of North-West Russia
  • Center for Research of St. Petersburg and the Region
  • Center for the Study of the History of Ukraine (head - Professor T. G. Tairova (Yakovleva))
  • Center for the Study of Historical Psychology (headed by Associate Professor V.V. Vasilik)

The Faculty of History accepts postgraduate students in the following specialties: 07.00.02 - Domestic history 07.00.03 - General history 07.00.06 - Archeology 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology, 07.00.09 - Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research 17.00.09 - Theory and history of art

Deans of the Faculty since 1934

  • 1937-1938 K.A. Uspensky
  • 1938-1939 A.L. Fryman
  • September 1949 N.A. Kornatovsky
  • 2002-2011 A.Yu. Dvornichenko (acting in 2001-2002)
  • 2012-present OH. Daudov (acting in 2011-2012)

Faculty teachers

Notable students and alumni

For information about faculty graduates who taught (teach) at the faculty, see the section on teachers.

  • Malsky, Igor Stepanovich (1957-2004) - journalist, translator, poet, student of the department of archeology in 1974-1978. Expelled from the 4th year for participating in the “Yellow Submarine Commune.”
  • Rekshan, Vladimir Olgerdovich (born 1950) - Soviet and Russian musician, founder of the rock group "St. Petersburg".
  • Rogozhkin, Alexander Vladimirovich (born 1949) - famous Russian director, graduated from the faculty with a diploma in art historian.
  • Reznik, Maxim Lvovich (born 1974) - Russian political figure, head of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the Yabloko party, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
  • Vivatenko, Sergei Valentinovich (born 1966) - candidate of historical sciences, teacher, politician, well-known player in the intellectual club “What? Where? When? "
  • Vilinbakhov, Georgy Vadimovich (born 1949) - State Herald Master of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
  • Bass, Anetta Yakovlevna (1930-2006) - an outstanding museum worker, in 1957-2006 - director of the Kuibyshev (Samara) Art Museum, graduated from the department of art history.
  • Azadovsky, Konstantin Markovich (born 1941) - famous literary critic, studied at the evening department of the Faculty of History (1964-1969)
  • Amusin, Joseph Davidovich (1910-1984) - historian of the Ancient East, Qumranist, papyrologist, Hebraist, studied at the faculty in 1934-1938.
  • Gumilyov, Lev Nikolaevich (1912-1992) - historian, ethnographer, geographer, doctor of historical and geographical sciences, founder of the Passionary Theory of Ethnogenesis, studied at the faculty in 1934-1935, 1937-1937 and 1945-1946.
  • Novozhilov, Alexey Gennadievich (born 1968) - graduate of the Faculty of History (1991), candidate of sciences, student of L.N. Gumileva, ethnographer, specialist in ethnography of the European part of Russia
  • Paneyakh, Viktor Moiseevich (born 1930) - historian and archaeographer, graduate of the faculty (1953), Doctor of Historical Sciences, employee of the St. Petersburg Institute of History
  • Ayn Rand (aka Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, 1905-1982) - American writer, philosopher, political thinker, founder of Objectivism, graduate of the Faculty Social Sciences, where she took a history course (1921-1925).



  • Valk S. N. Historical science at Leningrad University for 125 years // Valk S. N. Selected works on historiography and source study. St. Petersburg, 2000. P.7-106. (first edition - Proceedings of the anniversary session of Leningrad State University. Section of Historical Sciences. L., 1948. P. 3-79).
  • Brachev V.S. , Dvornichenko A. Yu. Department of Russian History of St. Petersburg University (1834-2004). St. Petersburg, 2004.
  • Dvornichenko A. Yu. Vladimir Vasilievich Mavrodin: Pages of life and creativity. St. Petersburg : Philol. fak. St. Petersburg State University, 2001. 191 p. (History of science, personalities). ISBN 5-8465-0039-0.
  • Faculty of History of St. Petersburg University, 1934-2004: Essay on history. St. Petersburg, 2004. 387, p., l. ill. ISBN 5-288-03515-6.


Today is my wife’s birthday, but somehow she’s not in the mood, she’s overcome with sadness.
You are unlikely to find this news on the official websites of St. Petersburg State University. And the news is sad, at least for me.
For 8 years my life was connected with the history department - student, graduate school, candidate... 8 bright years. Naturally, after graduation, the fate of the faculty was not indifferent. IN Lately The history department was shaken by waves of educational reforms, and now it is covered by a tsunami.
Today, November 14, 2013, by decision of the Academic Council, the forge of the St. Petersburg historical school, the history department, was liquidated.
It is planned to create the Institute of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University on the basis of the history and philosophy departments. But no one still knows or has ever seen any document about the structure of the new institution, what it will be like, what will be the division of responsibilities between historians and philosophers, what will be the funding for both - in general, about the new the institution based on two faculties is known very, very vaguely. However, some of the teachers succumbed to the promises of “mountains of gold” in the new institution, some were frankly afraid of losing their jobs in case of open opposition, and a small part simply went on business trips so as not to take part in this event. Naturally, in order to create a new hybrid institution under the wing of the university, it is necessary to liquidate the previous structure - the history department. In theory, you first need to fire everyone completely and then hire them again. It’s just not a fact that they will recruit the same ones.
I emphasize - and this is fundamentally important - Today they voted not for the creation of the Institute of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University, but for the liquidation of the Faculty of History.
During the voting only a fifth of scientists spoke out in principle against the liquidation of the history department .
I was frankly surprised by the position of some of the “elders” - the “bisons” of historical science, who openly opposed liquidation for several days of voting, and today made fiery speeches about how everything will be fine in the new institution, while completely not understanding that in the new institution they may be the first to take off.
With the new vertical management (instead of the dean - director + deputies), serious concerns are raised about the fate of those scientists who voted against- undoubtedly, they deserve respect for their principled position, despite the possible and predicted repressive consequences of their decisions (I still hope that the leadership of the new institution will be smart enough not to touch them).
The Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University did not live until its anniversary a little less than a year.....
Sit illi terra levis

P.S. And here comes a message from the Press Service of the Faculty of History Student Council:
At the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of History on November 14, 2013, perhaps the most important question these days.

The dean of the faculty, A.Kh. Daudov, said that the reform had already affected schools, and now it also affected universities. There is a search for an effective management model to create better conditions training. The Provost's system cannot cope with all problems. That is why the course has been taken to create the Institute of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. There are already examples of such institutions: the Earth Institute, the Human Institute. This idea has both pros and cons. On the one hand, this provides operational management, preservation of academic programs, renovation of premises, on the other hand, we are losing the History Faculty brand, which is very valuable to us, but the trend is that now there is a transition from faculties to institutes. The dean also emphasized that over the past 10-15 years we have been resistant to innovation, and are now suffering because of this. For example, when a bachelor’s degree was created at will and a master’s program was opened accordingly, we stuck to the specialty. Now we still have a bachelor’s degree, but increasing the number of budget places in the master’s program by at least 10-15 is extremely problematic. In the same way, in this situation, we can lose by missing this opportunity now.
Time will be given to develop the structure of the Institute - a transition period (this academic year), so everything will change not tomorrow, but gradually.

After the dean's speech, many heads of departments and teachers spoke. The teachers talked about this sad event as a difficult decision for each of us. Some were categorically against it, while others spoke of the necessity of such a decision. The student council also expressed its opinion. Svetlana Petrova announced the results of the vote, which was held in the Press Service, and emphasized that the merger of faculties gives rise to great concerns among students regarding the preservation of budget places, the preservation of teaching staff, and departments.

The dissolution of the faculty is a tragedy for all teachers and students of the Faculty of History. But there is a real danger that the creation of the Institute will be carried out “from above”, without our participation, and we will simply be presented with a fait accompli...

Press service Student Council The Faculty of History regrets to announce that the Academic Council has decided to create the Institute of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. 16 people voted for its creation, 4 were against, and 2 abstained."

The Earth Institute and the Human Institute are five! The Institute of Heaven, the Institute of Fire, the Institute of Water, the Institute of Yin and Yang Energy are missing
