An interesting story about Great Britain. England - interesting information about the country

Greetings, my dear readers.

I don’t know what and in what quantities we lose every year wandering around the city, but the British say goodbye to 800 umbrellas in the subway every year! Can you already imagine this dump of small cane umbrellas? I see them clearly)).

In this regard, today our topic is Great Britain: interesting facts. You will learn only about the most interesting things, and at the end, for especially inquisitive minds, I will give you a mini-summary of everything said in English! If this is not enough, then you can additionally find out what this country is so famous for.

Of course, we know almost more about the country of origin of the English language than our own. But do you know the most interesting facts about her? Let’s check it now.

  1. If you manage to live to be 100 years old, expect a personal card from the Queen as a gift.
  2. In our country - and in neighboring countries too - there is a strict prohibition for children: drinking alcoholic beverages is only allowed from the age of 16, but in the UK it is officially allowed to do this at home from - attention! - 5 years!
  3. All horses, donkeys and ponies are required to have a passport. If you accidentally take your horse for a walk in the evening and you don't have proof, you will receive a fine of £5,000.
  4. You have to be very careful with the mail. Put a stamp with the image of an official upside down - that's it: you are a state traitor.
  5. Surprisingly, England has the highest rate of obesity in the world. True, there is a small note here - among European countries.
  6. Receiving a gold medal at the Olympics is an honor. But at the last Olympics, the gold medals consisted of 93% silver and only 1.3% gold.
  7. London is the capital. And that explains why 16% of the UK is there.
  8. The country's inhabitants are incredibly tolerant of the cold. If in November, while walking around the city, you see a man in a T-shirt, don’t be surprised, everything is fine.
  9. The cost of a taxi there is simply incredible. But you can stop the car like in any movie - anywhere and at any time simply by waving your hand.
  10. You can get from London to Paris by train in 2 hours. But at the same time, a significant part of the population has either been to Paris once or not at all.
  11. Everyone! With this slogan, I will reveal to you the fact that admission to all the main museums in the country is absolutely free. You just have to decide for yourself how much you want donate to the museum for its development.
  12. In the subway car, passengers leave the newspapers they read for the next readers. Thus, a newspaper passes through a hundred hands per day. What about us? We don't read newspapers!
  13. You will not see stray animals on city streets, and a black cat will never cross your path - they are all kept in specialized nurseries.
  14. very few sushi bars, but incredibly many Indian restaurants.
  15. Every weekend, homemade and farm food fairs open at many venues in the city. And after 13.00 - look for fistulas - you won’t find them anywhere.
  16. It is not customary to wash clothes at home. There are laundries in every area.
  17. From the life of an ordinary Englishman: after 9-10 pm you cannot go to the store - everything is already closed. I wonder how people who like to eat at night live?
  18. There are legends all over the world about the country's boarding houses. Surprisingly, children are required to study there for 13 years. After that, you either go to university or go to work.
  19. Christmas fact: the British try to spend this holiday with their family. But the New Year is not a particularly important event for them.
  20. Snow in England is an event. If even 1 centimeter of snow falls in the morning, the whole city stands still: transport does not run, planes do not fly - nothing can work properly!

ABOUT royal family of england there are more facts about them than any other family in the world. For example:

  1. The law establishes that the monarch is the owner of all whales and dolphins in the country's coastal waters. Well, isn't it a strange law?
  2. Princess Diana worked as a kindergarten teacher and laundress.
  3. History Fact: She took courses and worked as a driver in World War II.
  4. By the way, about the queen: the actual and state dates of birth of the monarch are different. Elizabeth celebrates her birthday on April 21, but the whole country celebrates it in early June.

I think I promised you some tips in English? Well, here you go:

Great Britain is the country we know almost everything about. But there are some facts we don’t know. For example: if you are 100 years old you will get a personal post-card from the Queen. You can travel from the center of London to the center of Paris for 2 hours. There are no homeless cats or dogs on the streets. People in England don’t usually do the laundry themselves. There are lots of washing houses in the district. What about the Queen, the celebration of the Queen’s birthday takes place in June. Interesting fact is that the Queen was born on the 21st of April. The Queen used to work as a driver during the Second World War. The English people can bear any temperature: there are people walking on the streets in T-shirts in November. And the last but not the least: there are about 800 umbrellas lost in the underground every year.

Useful expressions:

to get a post-card from -get postcard from

to travel from place to place- travel from place to place

to do the laundry -wash things

to take place in June -take place V June

to bear the temperature -endure temperature

the last but not the least- last in order, but not least

Well, have you stocked up on new knowledge? Hope so. I am sure that for 3rd grade, whose students have to read about Great Britain more than once, these facts will be very useful, and for any adult, perhaps unexpected. Now, when you look at a photo of Great Britain, you will immediately remember these facts.

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And for today there is one more inevitable fact - I’m saying goodbye to you for a while;). Wait for the news!

- the name of the bell, not the clock.

  • French has been the official language for about 300 years.
  • The shortest war the British fought was in 1896 against Zanzibar. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
  • There is not a single place in Great Britain from which the sea is more than 119 km away.
  • The first telephone directory published in England contained 25 names.
  • The Great Fire of London was incredibly destructive, but only 8 people died.
  • The world's first hot chocolate shop opened in...
  • Approximately 300 languages ​​are spoken.
  • The British drink more tea than anyone else in the world.
  • In the Middle Ages, animals could be tried for crimes (and even sentenced to death).
  • The author of the US anthem is English.
  • Gargoyles were originally used as drainpipes.
  • It has its own police station.
  • There are more chickens in England than people.
    • - the largest royal estate in the world.
    • 30 godchildren.
    • The Queen owns all sturgeon, dolphins and whales in the sea within 3 miles of the coast.
    • Elizabeth II sent her first e-mail in 1976.
    • Prince William wanted to be a cop when he was little.
    • He also has his own postage stamp.
    • If you put a stamp with the Queen's image upside down, it's treason.
    • Kate Middleton is allergic to horses.
    • When Kate was little, boys rated her appearance as 2 out of 10.
    • Prince Harry once got into serious trouble for wearing a Nazi costume to a costume party.
    1. When Nelson Mandela met the Spice Girls, he called them “his heroes.”
    2. JK Rowling was the first person to earn a million for writing a book.
    3. The idea of ​​James Bond came to author Ian Fleming while traveling on a bus from in London.
    4. Not a single portrait of William Shakespeare was painted during his lifetime.
    5. The play Macbeth is one of the most frequently played plays. On average, it is played every 4 hours in the world.
    6. David Beckham afraid of birds.
    • – the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe.
    • 25% of people living in London were born in another country.
    • There are 409 escalators in the London Underground.
    • 16% of all restaurants are concentrated in London.
    • London Bridge is rumored to be haunted. People claim that sometimes at night they see a woman dressed in black wandering aimlessly.
    • London is the first city in the world to have a subway.
    • If London were a country, it would be the 8th largest in Europe.

    Other facts

    1. About 80,000 umbrellas are lost every year.
    2. There are more than 30,000 people named John Smith living in England.
    3. England has the highest obesity rate in Europe.
    4. England brought football, rugby and polo to the world.
    5. The highest temperature recorded was in Kent in 2003 – 38.5 degrees.
    6. The earliest railways were invented in England.
    7. English food is considered the worst in the world.

    On the Internet you can find many interesting facts about Great Britain and the British. We are not original: here you will also find an interesting selection. Although no, our article is unique: we will not present this as the ultimate truth (as the image of a Russian in the eyes of foreigners). Therefore, each reader will be able to decide for himself: whether these are stories from a series of bears on the streets of Russia, myths or truth.

    1. We bet you’ve also seen photographs of British people in summer clothes in winter more than once? Or maybe you yourself have observed such a frost-resistant girl who walks in the winter in sandals and a short skirt? Yes, that's what they are - hot British girls and boys. At the same time, no one canceled the blue hands and feet;

    2. If in London you want to wash your face with warm water, you will have to arrange a dance with tambourines: instead of a mixer, there are two separate taps, a sink and a stopper. We plug the sink, open the cold water tap and the hot tap, fill the sink and enjoy the water treatments;

    3. Do you want to work as a taxi driver in London? Do not even dream! They won’t hire a foreigner here for one simple reason: there are a thousand streets in the capital of Great Britain. You need to know each of them by heart. Taxi drivers even take an exam;

    4. If in London they say “smile, you’re being filmed by a hidden camera,” then you better take their word for it. During the day, you can easily be caught by about 50 security cameras. And you can easily end up in a dozen tourist photographs. Therefore, if you don’t want to one day see your gloomy face on the Internet, you’d better smile;

    5. The British obsession with talking about the weather is difficult for our people to understand. But it will have to be done anyway. It is no coincidence that such a term as English weather-talk even appeared. A question about the weather begins an acquaintance, addressing a stranger, filling pauses in a conversation, and even communication between very close people. They will treat you much more friendly if you start your speech not with “How do you do”, but with some remark about rain, clouds, sun - in general, experiment and prepare phrases about the weather;

    6. By the way, don’t think that in the UK you can easily find out the name of your interlocutor. This is not the usual picture on the playground, when any game begins with the classic “hi, what’s your name, let’s play.” And even if you politely introduce yourself, a true Englishman will say something polite in response, but carefully hide his name;

    7. Do you think that Big Ben is a kind of clock tower? The main thing is not to tell the British about this, otherwise you will offend their national feelings. Because Big Ben is a bell. It weighs almost 14 tons and is hidden behind the dial of that same watch. In general, we didn’t even notice the elephant;

    8. It would be quite boring for our Russian grannies near the entrance to be near the same entrance in London. Because there will be no one and nothing to discuss: well, it is not customary for the British to communicate anything about their personal life, to talk about children, wife, husband, place of residence. They will willingly talk about the same weather, politics and all sorts of general topics. However, the British are not at all devoid of curiosity. They are simply too well brought up (c). Therefore, in order to at least partially satisfy their curiosity, they play the Guessing-game: they ask leading questions, where from the answers they can guess how the interlocutor lives. At the same time, of course, the questions and answers are not straightforward, but with hints;

    9. In London, a black cat or a shaggy dog ​​is unlikely to cross your path. Therefore, you won’t have to spit :) The fact is that there are practically no stray animals here at all: the merciful British take them in. True, not everything is so easy: before sheltering an unfortunate animal, you need to contact the Animal Welfare Society. Next, the compassionate Briton will be tested: a representative will come from the Society, assess the living conditions, conduct a conversation and then render a verdict “for” or “against”;

    10. Your active gesticulation is unlikely to be understood by the British. You can wave your hands in Italy, but here you have to behave with extreme restraint. Although you can expressively point your index finger in the direction of a house or intersection. And even then only when you decide to explain the way to a person;

    11. Pubs are indeed wildly popular among the British. Well, of course: you can’t be frank, you can’t gesticulate, it’s even impossible to wash your face with warm, flowing water. All that remains is to sit in pubs. Or even stand in line on the street, waiting for a warm place in the room to become available;

    12. The Royal Races are often called the festival of hats. This is true. This is easy to see if you look at the photographs. No self-respecting British woman would come here with her head uncovered;

    13. The English dream is nothing like the American one. Most Britons sleep and see themselves as the owner of an estate. And he wants to spend most of his time working in the garden. Therefore, our summer residents are almost English;

    14. Yes, in England they are very proud of their gardens. If you are lucky enough to receive an invitation to a private house, then don’t even expect a tour of the rooms and staircases. No one here, as in Russia, will proudly demonstrate “here is our favorite fireplace, and this is a portrait of my grandfather, but my husband made this cabinet with his own hands.” But they will probably show you their garden, tell you about every tree and flower and expect a response (the main thing here is not to blurt out about the weather) - Here's an interesting fact about England;

    15. If you take a table for two in a restaurant, then they will seat a second person next to you without hesitation. Accordingly, if you sit comfortably at a table for four, then be prepared for a noisy company of three more hungry people. This is how it is accepted: the compactness of London is evident in everything;

    16. While the lion's share of Russian women dreams of a prince on a white horse, Prince William flies on a rescue helicopter, and Kate Middleton is waiting for him at home, like faithful Penelope. Well, a true Englishman will not give up his masculine occupation even for the sake of a honeymoon. And, what is especially unusual for us, women understand this perfectly and are not even offended. And why be offended: it’s better to spend time looking for an original hat for the Royal Races, while the beloved from above can see everything from a helicopter;

    17. If you start doing laundry in a London apartment/room/house, you are unlikely to be adequately understood. Because here it is customary to hand over everything to the laundry. Even the most grumpy mother-in-law will not be able to see her daughter-in-law's clothesline under the ceiling of the bathroom, panties on the radiator or a duvet cover fluttering in the wind on the balcony;

    18. The London Underground is an interesting thing. Real estate agents would be salivating, because in the description of each apartment you can safely write: 5 minutes walk to the metro. There are indeed a lot of stations in London: routes encircle the entire city. True, pompous vestibules do not await you here, as at Moscow and St. Petersburg stations. And you won’t be able to limit yourself to a standard token: the cost of the trip depends on how many stations you pass. But as compensation, you can listen to music right underground: there are special places for musicians where they can play and collect money from grateful music lovers;

    19. Trivia question: Which country had the most reigning queens? Can't be! The correct answer is: in England. These are Mary I, Elizabeth I, Mary II, Anna, Victoria, Elizabeth II;

    20. The British are fans of life by the rules. Everything is laid out on the shelves and regulated by laws. And almost all of them comply. An exception is for foreigners living in England;

    21. Which St. Petersburg resident has not been to Moscow or which Muscovite has not been to St. Petersburg? What can I say, the Vladivostok-Kaliningrad route is not a hindrance for us. The same cannot be said about the British. From London to Paris it’s only a 2-hour drive (some of us take longer to get to work). So the bulk of the English either have never been to Paris at all, or have only been once;

    22. If after all this you decided that life in England is difficult and impossible, then you will be even more surprised by the following fact: when the British learn about life in Russia, they are generally amazed at how we can be here. In a word, everything is even.

    It is likely that you will find a refutation or proof of any of these interesting facts about England. Or maybe some interesting facts about London? We knew, that’s why we called the article 99 facts. Only 77 left :)

    1. It was the British who came up with the idea of ​​using an umbrella to protect from the rain; until that moment, umbrellas were used only for protection from the sun.

    2. There are a huge number of laundries in the UK, because the British do not consider washing to be a household chore.

    3. It is impossible to have a pet without prior approval from special services in the UK.

    4. This is why you cannot see homeless animals on the streets of England.

    5. The word moment, which is familiar to us, denotes a specific unit of time equal to approximately 1.5 seconds.

    6. The longest names of settlements are in Great Britain.

    7. Museums in England are almost all free, but you can leave donations, which will be payment for visiting the museum.

    8. The most popular drink in Great Britain is tea.

    9. It was the British who designed and created the national flag of the United States of America.

    10. The Royal Palace of Windsor is the largest in the world.

    11. The Queen of Great Britain is the owner of whales, dolphins and all sturgeon that are located in the territorial waters of the country.

    12. The very first banking services in Great Britain were provided by jewelers and law firms.

    13. During World War II, the Queen of Great Britain worked as a mechanic.

    14. In ancient times, beer or ale was an integral part of any meal.

    15. It was in Great Britain that the history of zoos began.

    16. The British currency received its gold standards thanks to Isaac Newton, who received a knighthood for this merit.

    17. The Queen of Great Britain is very thrifty, and appreciates this quality in others.

    18. It is still unknown what William Shakespeare looked like, because lifetime portraits have not been found to this day.

    19. It was Shakespeare who expanded the English language by as many as 1,700 words.

    20. The most famous tower in Great Britain, Big Ben, got its name not because of the clock, but because of the bell that is located inside the tower.

    21. Laces necessary for shoes were invented in Great Britain in 1790.

    22. The most important guests of the Tower are the ravens.

    23. The Speaker of the English Parliament can sit at meetings only on wool bags.

    24. During a sitting of parliament, the speaker does not have the right to cast his vote.

    25. The Scots are the tallest nation in Europe.

    26. The favorite hero of children's fairy tales, Winnie the Pooh, got his name thanks to a real bear from the London Zoo.

    27. All the heroes of this fairy tale had their prototypes among the favorite toys of Milne’s little son.

    28. The very first case of color blindness was described by the English scientist John Dalton, and this disease was named after him.

    29. The saying “whipping boy” came from England. This was the name given to boys who were brought up next to royalty and received punishment for them.

    30. In the 17th-19th centuries, English dentists used the teeth of soldiers killed in battles for dental prostheses.

    31. The Russian anthem “God Save the Tsar” was invented in Great Britain, and then simply translated into Russian.

    32. The round arena for the circus was invented by the Englishman Philip Astley, who, after long observations of horses, realized that it was most convenient for these animals to run in a circle.

    33. The great Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible repeatedly wooed Elizabeth 1, but was refused.

    34. All adopted acts and laws of Great Britain are printed on paper made from calfskin.

    35. At the beginning of the 19th century in Great Britain, oysters were considered the food of the poor.

    36. The English fairy tale about Johnny the Donut is an analogue of the Russian folk tale about Kolobok.

    37. The first speed limits on roads for any type of transport were introduced in England in 1865.

    38. In Great Britain, a black cat crossing the road symbolizes good luck and wealth.

    39. The very first prototype of a modern machine gun was invented by the Englishman James Puckle back in 1718.

    40. In Great Britain there are small colonies of wallabies - these are small red-gray kangaroos.

    41. Snakes are practically never found in the wild in Great Britain.

    42. Such an important legislative document as the Constitution simply does not exist in Great Britain.

    43. Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain for 63 years.

    44. Special venues have been created in the London Underground for musicians to perform.

    45. During the 1916 Irish uprising, the warring parties declared a short truce every day so that the city park ranger could feed the ducks.

    46. ​​In the capital of Great Britain, many skyscrapers have engineering errors, as a result of which huge glasses turn into reflectors on sunny days, which can cause great harm to others, including burns.

    47. George Washington never visited Great Britain.

    48. The Queen of Great Britain has never had a passport, which does not prevent her from visiting different countries.

    49. In the UK, clothing sizes are gradually increasing, leaving the same labels on labels, which promotes purchasing power among women who are gaining weight.

    50. The most expensive woolen fabric was invented in Great Britain.

    51. Near Balaklava, during the Crimean War, the British faced very severe cold, and deep hats with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth were created for the soldiers of the English army.

    52. All UK cinemas have their own separate repertoire, which does not overlap with each other.

    53. A tuxedo for a British person is absolutely normal everyday wear.

    54. Sheep farming is very developed in the suburbs of Great Britain.

    55. Janitors in the UK only clean social facilities, while the owners of numerous restaurants and pubs are required to clean city streets.

    56. There are no 24-hour grocery stores in the UK; all shops close at 9-10 pm.

    57. No foreigners work in British taxis, and local residents undergo a very strict selection process.

    58. UK supermarkets mainly sell semi-finished products that have a shelf life of no more than 3 days.

    59. Sushi bars are unpopular in the UK.

    60. The first railway was invented in Great Britain.

    62. The population of Great Britain speaks more than 300 languages.

    63. The capital of Great Britain is home to 16% of the restaurant business in all countries.

    64. More than half the world's population watched the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in Great Britain.

    65. Sports such as football, equestrian polo, and rugby got their start in Great Britain.

    66. The UK's biggest problem is obesity.

    67. It is recognized that English food is considered the poorest and most tasteless in the whole world.

    68. Restaurants in the UK generally require cash payments.

    69. The London Underground has a very extensive coverage scheme, and the cost is calculated based on which end of the city you need to go to.

    70. The raincoat was also invented in Great Britain by the famous chemist, artist and designer Charles Mackintosh. That is why the cloak in Great Britain to this day is called Mack.

    71. The coat of arms of Great Britain contains the motto in French.

    72. The only place in Great Britain where the Queen cannot enter is the House of Commons.

    73. The very first programmer on the planet was an Englishwoman, a woman named Ada Lovelace.

    74. Known throughout the world as the Scottish drink, whiskey was actually invented in the Middle Kingdom, i.e. in China.

    75. In Great Britain in the 17th-18th centuries there was a special position of uncorking bottles that were caught in the ocean, and if a person uncorked such a bottle on his own, he would certainly be executed.

    76. In Scotland, a man had to pay a fine for refusing to marry a woman who proposed to him.

    77. In the London Underground, all trains on different lines are painted different colors.

    78. All postage stamps in the world must bear an inscription in Latin, and only Great Britain is exempt from this obligation.

    79. The UK has the fastest air route in the world, taking just one minute.

    80. The first fire service in Great Britain appeared in the city of Edinburgh.

    81. In the UK, a bank robbery is recognized if it took place during a working day and in the presence of people.

    82. The national currency of Scotland is not recognized in the UK, but, nevertheless, it can be exchanged for British currency at any bank branch.

    83. Previously, the heat from burning unusable banknotes was used as an alternative source of heating at the state level.

    84. Great Britain is the richest country not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

    85. The British are very resistant to cold weather, so they wear light clothing until November.

    86. Education in UK schools takes 13 years.

    87. Of the scientific degrees in the UK, you can only get a doctorate.

    88. In Great Britain they have sympathy for Russia.

    89. In the Middle Ages in Great Britain, domestic dogs were used to turn the spit on which meat was fried.

    90. English sailors, when doing difficult work together, very often shout the exclamation yo-ho-ho.

    91. In the 18th-19th centuries in Great Britain, it was forbidden for men and women to sunbathe and use beaches at the same time.

    92. The very first hacker appeared long before the advent of the computer, and it was the Englishman Neville Maskelyne, who was fond of various techniques and was an amazing magician.

    93. In Ireland, the last month of summer, August, is considered the beginning of autumn.

    94. The Great British Empire in 1921 occupied ¼ of the entire land area of ​​the globe.

    95. Many islands in Great Britain have no speed limits for driving.

    96. In Great Britain they published a Bible with the most serious error, where there was no pretext, and one of the commandments was, commit adultery.

    97. Smoking is prohibited in the UK in any premises.

    98. The life expectancy of the British is considered one of the highest in the world.

    99. It was the British who came up with the idea of ​​using an umbrella to protect from the rain; until that moment, umbrellas were used only for protection from the sun.

    100. There are a huge number of laundries in the UK, because the British do not consider washing to be a household chore.

    Bonus 10 facts:

    1.It is impossible to have a pet without prior approval from special services in the UK.

    2. This is why you cannot see homeless animals on the streets of England.

    It is difficult to meet a person who has not heard anything about England. Especially now, when there is so much news around the English political situation. But let's put politics aside! Below we present to you 10 facts about England that you might not know.

    1 Foggy Albion

    How many times have you heard the phrase “Foggy Albion”? We're sure there are a lot. But in reality it is not so foggy. Yes, you can find fog on the islands, but it’s as if it never happened in your city. The climate of England is much milder than in other countries. It is precisely because it is surrounded by water that the temperature does not change as much as on the continent. In summer, the average temperature will not exceed 30 degrees, and it will be difficult to reach this mark (average temperature 26-27 C). And thanks to the rains in the first half of summer, you will not die from the heat.

    As for winter, those who like snowy and frosty weather are better off moving closer to the poles. And all because the temperature is unlikely to drop below zero. If here -18 is a normal temperature in winter, then in England this means terrible frost. The average temperature in winter is usually 2-3 degrees Celsius, and snow can only fall around Christmas, and then only a little.

    In general, if you decide to move to England, then you don’t have to take thick fur coats with you, but it’s better to stock up on jackets and jeans, because it doesn’t get too hot here either.

    Although you can take T-shirts and tank tops with you if you don’t want to stand out from the crowd. The British wear summer clothes until frost sets in. Severe people, you can’t say anything.

    2 5 o'clock

    Are you familiar with the stereotype that the British always drink tea every day at five o’clock in the evening? Now, this is not entirely true. Yes, the British are madly fond of tea, but they often drink tea after every meal. And yes, they will definitely invite you to have a cup of tea with them, and it will not be very polite on your part to refuse.

    As for the tea itself, contrary to popular belief, there is little tasty tea in England. To drink a really good cup of tea, you need to look for a specialized store, because the tea in supermarkets is mostly quite mediocre. And also, contrary to the stereotype, the British do not like tea with milk, and do not drink liters of it. And in general, the question “Should you add milk to your tea?” you will be asked last.

    3 Winter in England

    By the way, due to the climate (see point 1), lakes and rivers in England do not freeze in winter, so there are many photographs of winter landscapes that look a little unusual, but no less beautiful. And due to the fact that there is little snow, a unique, but no less fabulous atmosphere is created, which all photographers will surely fall in love with.

    Well, since we’re talking about snow, 10-15 cm of snow already means that you can safely stay at home. There will be no traffic, you will be told to stay at home, and the city will patiently wait for the snow to melt, because there are no snowplows here and there won’t be any. Just like that.

    4 England is a paradise for animals

    Queen Elizabeth with her dogs

    The British are big animal lovers. You won’t see stray cats or dogs on the streets, and if you do, they will be well-fed, healthy and clean, they are probably regularly looked after by the employees of some cafe where the animal lives, so technically they are not homeless. By the way, back in 1824 the “Society for the Protection of Animals from Cruelty” was created, and it has royal status. So cats and dogs have lived in safety for almost 200 years. By the way, the Society for the Protection of Children in England was created in 1884. Therefore, children in England live in safety. The British have set their priorities.

    5 Foxes on the streets of London

    Royal fox hunt in England

    These animals can be found even in cities. Although they usually live in parks, they go out at night and scare passing cyclists by throwing themselves under their wheels. This is probably how the foxes take revenge on the British for still organizing fox hunts. In the previous paragraph, we said that the people of England are very fond of animals. Well, they love traditions more.

    6 Censorship in England

    Whatever the case, censorship on English television is all right. She simply doesn't exist. Yes, in the English language obscene expressions have already become the norm and do not cause such violent indignation as among Russian speakers, but if we hear obscene expressions on television - something out of the ordinary, in England they will treat it normally. “The F Word,” as they put it, can be said quite calmly by announcers, especially if a person is being quoted.

    7 Polite Englishmen

    The stereotypical Englishman is polite, correct and meek. Actually, this has some similarities with reality. The English are really very polite and will apologize, ask for forgiveness or say "please" to everyone at all times. For example, if you pushed a person on the street, or stepped on someone’s foot in transport, they will immediately tell you “Oh, sorry” and in no case will they cause a scandal or look askance. However, don’t be fooled, because it’s not about you. In modern England, “thank you, forgive me, please” are just interjections. They will even apologize to the bedside table if they get caught.

    8 A little about languages ​​in England

    Unlike Americans, the British are very ashamed of the fact that everyone knows their native language, and they usually only speak English. So, when communicating with a native Englishman, you will probably hear that you speak English very well. But you shouldn't be so proud of yourself. Even if you only say “London is the capital of Great Britain” with a very strong Russian accent, you will still be praised and told that you speak perfect English.

    9 Red telephone booth

    The same symbol of London as the double-decker bus. However, not everyone knows that before becoming what we know, the booth went through many deformations. Here, for example, is its first version (left) and latest (right):

    And here is the same booth from the inside.
    Now you have definitely seen everything.

    10 “Boxes” in which the British live

    This is probably what one could call apartments, pubs (which the British love very much), shops, restaurants, etc. In England everything is so cramped, narrow and tiny that you're about to step on someone's foot, so it's understandable why they apologize so much. If you don’t like being in a crowd or constantly touching some people, then we do not advise you to go to England, because this cannot be avoided there. However, this somehow brings the British together. Strangers can sit next to you if there is an empty seat at your table, and this will not be considered rude. They won't even be interested in you, they just want to sit around.

    Speaking of pubs! The British really love them madly, which is why it is in pubs that every evening you can find a huge number of Englishmen relaxing after a hard day with friends.

    This is what England is like! We hope you enjoyed this little “trip”.
